EWA Kyrgyzstan: Strengthening Gender Potential of EWA Project Partners
"Empower Women - Benefit (for) All (EWA)"
01.04.2004 | WICF Project
Countries: | Kyrgyzstan |
Donors: | Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands |
Duration: | 01/2012 - 12/2015 |
“Men are the real losers of the new Kyrgyzstan”, was a comment made by one participant of a Gender Training. This highlights the difficulties faced by men in a society that has a high unemployment rate and requires a lot of flexibility in people looking to secure their livelihood.
But as others focused on the strong traditional and religious influence prevailing in the south of Kyrgyzstan as being an obstacle on gender equity, it seems that gender equality is perceived differently even within the country itself.
The added value of WECF as a network lies in its international experiences regarding the integration of gender issues into sustainable development work, respectively in policy and advocacy work. This experience has highlighted the importance of gender training with local partners, training which emphasizes the need for gender sensitivity.
Alga, one partner NGO from Kyrgyzstan, has been conducting exercises on this subject and the NGO “Social Technologies Agengy (STA)” has been working on the development of a gender policy in Kyrgyzstan, including a detailed gender action plan for 2012-2014. The policy aim chosen by all Kyrgyz partners of EWA is to lobby for the ratification of the Protocol on Water and Health by the Republic of Kyrgyzstan.
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