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"Well of knowledge" Educational and Informational Water Center

Ukrainian-German-Polish project started in January 2010


Countries: Ukraine, Germany, Poland
Donors: Bosch-Batory-Pauci Foundation
Partners: Ecological Club “Kray”, Dolina Stobrawy
Issues: Water & Sanitation
Duration: 01/2010 - 11/2010

During educational activities in schools and cultural activity centers, our Ukrainian partners have determined that children and young people (also parents) are very interested in water protection, but the necessary knowledge, even for everyday use, are far below given standards. At the same time, there are not enough sources where information can be found on the subject of using water on a daily basis.

Approximately ten million people (including neighbors) drink from the basin of the river Dniester, not realizing how polluted the water really is. That’s why the Ukrainian Ecological Club “Kray” from Berezhany together with WECF Germany and a polish partner “Dolina Stobrawy” (Stobrawa Valley) started a project aiming a grounding of a center where the information about conserving drinking water, using rain water, sewage disposal, and a variety of other subjects, would be an important step to change peoples attitudes and habits toward water protection. This center will also be a place used for school seminars, workshops, organized activities, knowledge contests. The local society should be integrated from the very beginning to participate in activities on different levels.

On the other hand, there are 48 environmental NGO's that concentrate their work on the river Dniester, but have no central place for together activities and professional exchange.

Through the short distance to Dniester, the 15 historical water pumps (spread in the whole town), the historical castle complex with its own well, the Center should awake the interest for learning the history that is tightly connected to the polish past. The Water Centre should pass on knowledge changing people’s perception of water and water protection. They should learn water conservation and to pay attention on its quality. That’s why the Multitudes should share the knowledge they earned with friends, neighbors etc.

What we want to achieve

The project aims are:

  • Transfer of ecological knowledge in the Ukraine and especially in the Ternopyl region
  • Dissemination of ecological knowledge, expansion of knowledge about the history (educational path, ecological theater "Spolokh," student visits in Poland and Germany)
  • Activating of students to expand their knowledge and to work practically for the development of their region
  • Motivating teachers to broaden their professional activities in the environmental aspect and disseminate it to students
  • Activating the local community to deepen the knowledge about the ecology and water preservation to use it in a private sector
  • Creation of an environment that promotes closer cooperation among NGO's, enables the development and implementation of projects, seminars or workshops
  • Regular theater performances about water conservation in particular and also about ecology in general
  • Information Center with exhibitions, brochures, new media, etc.
  • Successful activities with persons from the public life, for example involvement of the mayor, the city council, etc.
  • Development of the center and expansion of existing activities

The grand opening, including prize-giving for the best project on an educational trail (starting in Spring) and the ecological theater play, will take place on July the 10th during the big festival: 360 years of Berezhany castle.

Related News

Water Information Center opened in Berezhany, Ukraine
Day of the Dniester and opening of Water Information Center "Studnya Future"
18.07.2010 | Magdalena Black