Our Organization
WECF was offically registered as a foundation in 1994 and today has four coordinating offices: in Utrecht, the Netherlands; in Munich, Germany; in Annemasse, France and an office coordinating region work in the Caucasus in Tblisi, Georiga. Furthermore, the French office coordinates a country office in Geneva, Switzerland. The WECF offices are organised into one international organisation, with headquarters in the Netherlands, which manages the networking, projects and finances.
WECF historically focussed its project implementation on the European region as well as Caucasus and Central Asia, bringing lessons learned to international policy processes. Since 2010, WECF has opened up memberschip to organisations worldwide, implementing projects with partners globally. Currently, WECF International has over 150 member organisations from 50 countries globally, and projects being implemented with partners in Africa, Asia, Caucasus, Central Asia, Latin America, Southern and Eastern Europe and the EU.
WECF has 40 part time staff and collaborates with strategic partners from the Women’s Major Group on Post-2015 which is coordinates. WECF works with scientist, researchers, and volunteers. The overall responsibility for the strategic and financial mangement is borne by the International Board of Trustees, whose members are elected on the basis of their experience and expertise and execute their function on a voluntary basis, while the International Advisory Board represents the member organisations and sets priorities from the point of view of the WECF network member organisations.
WECF's International Director Sascha Gabizon
Sascha Gabizon, a Dutch national, is the executive director of WECF International, a global network promoting gender-equitable sustainable development with over 150 non-governmental organisations in 50 countries. Representing WECF International, Sascha led the women’s delegation in the Rio+20 process of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development and is an elected focal point for the European Region, the Caucasus and Central Asia for the Women's Major Group.
Sascha Gabizon is overall responsible for all WECF's sustainable development programmes which reach more than 50.000 local beneficiaries in the area of safe water supply and sanitation, safe renewable energy and chemical safety. Sascha Gabizon lived and worked in Spain, Netherlands, France, Germany, and the US and has long-term project experience in Armenia, Bulgaria, Georgia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Romania, Russia, Poland, Ukraine and Uzbekistan. She has published a large number of studies and articles.