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Integrating Health into Lisbon has reached Commission ears!

Results of the Consultative Forum on the Midterm Review of the Environment and Health Action plan

24.04.2007 |Jasmine Osorio

Herewith you can find the official minutes of the Consultative Forum on the Midterm Review of the EU Environment and Health Action plan that took place March 2, 2007 in Brussels. WECF’s points are highlighted in yellow.

You can also find WECF’s written comments to the action plan; the first part is a brief elaboration of remarks made in the meeting, with special attention to the necessary political message. The second part are more general comments on the Review with points very important for our constituency highlighted in yellow.

We are very hopeful for a positive and more political review of the action plan, as it is still a ‘goldmine of research, that just doesn't shine’ (to paraphrase a remark made by a representative of the Dutch Ministry of Environment-VROM).