"Investment in sanitation including wastewater management is urgently needed to improve public health and protect natural resources"
WECF lead convenor of side event "Gender sensitive indicators in sanitation and wastewater planning and implementation" at Stockholm World Water Week
07.08.2015 |
Investment in sanitation including wastewater management is urgently needed to improve public health and protect natural resources. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) still being under negotiations address this need.
To ensure that the future investment in sanitation is sustainable and meets also the needs of women and girls, gender sensitive indicators should be included in the planning and implementation of projects. This is of great importance since women and girls are differently affected by inadequate sanitation and wastewater management than men and boys due to their biological differences and gender roles. As too often safe sanitation facilities are not in place, women and girls are at risk of sexual harassment.
Women and girls are predominantly responsible for care work and hygiene in the household and thus dependent on functioning household water and sanitation infrastructure but at the same time women are often underrepresented in the water and sanitation decision-making chain from planning to operation and maintenance as well as re-use.
In the proposed SDG Water Goal, the needs of women and girls are explicitly mentioned only under 6.2, but it is key to also include gender aspects under other targets. However, it is not yet clear (1) how to monitor and (2) achieve these targets.
This event will contribute to the monitoring discussion especially for targets 6.2 and 6.3 focusing on sanitation, wastewater management and water quality. National decision-makers, inter alia from the AMCOW and implementers from the field, SuSanA, BORDA, WECF, GWA, UNESCO-WWAP and UNEP will share their experiences how to monitor and to achieve gender equality under these targets in the global South and North.
The side event will take place on Thursday 27 August 11:00-12:30
Co-Conveners: UNEP, AMCOW, UNESCO-WWAP, GIZ/SuSanA, BORDA, GWA. The side event will be broadcast live here.
More information and the programme can be found on the WWW website: http://programme.worldwaterweek.org/event/4824
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