WECF and partners developed training module on Construction, Use, Monitoring and maintenance of Solar Water Heaters
Training modules on Construction, Use, Monitoring and Maintenance of Solar Water Heaters are made available by WECF
24.03.2016 |
WECF and partners have developed a training module on the Construction, Use, Monitoring and maintenance of Solar Water Heaters that function as a guideline for the training in English, Russian and Georgian.
The module contains all didactic materials, descriptions of participatory methods and steps needed for conducting the training. The goal of this training is to build capacity of interested local people and CSOs on the issue of solar water heaters within a timeframe of approximately 4 days in a participatory, gender-sensitive and inclusive manner. The training also aims at showing the benefits of the use of solar collectors to raise general awareness of this new technology. The training briefly addresses business possibilities for the participants after mastering construction and monitoring skills. After the training, participants with the right background knowledge should be able to construct a solar water heater, and/or to maintain and monitor it.
The module should only be used by one of the 20 certified experienced trainers from Georgia and Ukraine, who have been trained by WECF to work with this module and are experienced in construction and/or monitoring. They usually work in pairs of a male and a female trainer. The male trainer covers the construction part, while the female trainer works on maintenance and monitoring. In case any other organization is interested to use the materials for a training, it is highly recommended to contact first WECF or a certified trainer. Experience in the past has shown that both the construction and the maintenance parts requires more technical skills and knowledge than can be described on paper.
In the annex is a guideline for participatory community mobilization co-developed by CDE that can be used when working in a new community, to gather information on the energy situation and raise awareness among the local population on the possibilities of improving their energy situation.
The modules will be available via a special link upon request.
Olga Plekhanova (WECF The Netherlands)
Anna Samwel (WECF branch office Georgia)
The module was developed in the framework of the project ‘Switch to the sun – Live in comfort’, financed by the European Union, and co-financed by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the EWA project.
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