We've made it - overwhelming success of our crowdfunding campaign!
In the last 4 weeks we run a crowdfunding campaign to collect 4.000€ to finance 15 Biogas Toilets for deprived families in Uganda. Thanks to your great support we can now build even more!
22.06.2016 |
It has been 4 weeks ago that WECF launched a crowdfunding campaign on Chuffed. We intended to collect 4,000 Euro within 30 days in order to finance 15 biogas toilets for deprived families in Mulagi Sub-County (Uganda). On Saturday, the campaign ended and weeks of campaigning have been more than succesfull: we exceeded our target set and collected 4,615 Euro!
We are overwhelmed by the support of our crowd and thank everybody for her and his generosity. Thanks to you we can now even build 17 instead of 15 biogas toilets - for beneficiaries like Catherine Nabuuso.
Catherine is a 66 year old widow who takes care of 9 grandchildren with a majority of whom are orphans. Symptomatic for rural Uganda, her current latrine is in a very poor state and lacks any kind of hygienic standards that we take for granted in Western industrialized countries. It's used by more than one household, it does not flush the faeces into a sewage pipe/tank and the ground can be easily contaminated with pathogenic bacteria.
Thanks to your support Catherine and her family will no be provided with a sustainable biogas toilet!
Our project targets on the one hand the inhumane sanitary situation which presents for Ugandan people a serious health risk. On the other hand the Biogas Toilets convert faeces into gas and provide thereby the households with a sustainable energy source for cooking. Moreover, the processed faeces can be used as organic fertilizer in agriculture.
Until the end of the year, WECF intends to install 17 biogas toilets in cooperation with our local partner organization ARUWE. Together we already have been working on a project with the beneficiaries to build biogas plants.
For further information about the project please take a look at our campaign. We will keep you informed about the progress of implementation!
Once again, thank you very much for your support!
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Biogas Toilets for Uganda – WECF needs your support!
WECF is running a crowdfunding campaign in order to finance 15 biogas toilets for deprived families in Uganda - please get involved!
26.05.2016 | WECF