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Bonn Climate Negotiations - United Nations Climate Change Conference (@UNFCCC)

WECF joined together physically and on Twitter for the Bonn Climate Negotiations in Bonn, Germany.

11.05.2017 |

flashmob by Demand Climate Justice to raise climate ambitions

WECF joins together, physically and on Twitter, for the Bonn Climate Negotiations in Bonn, Germany.

Gender Action Plan

It was good news for the Gender Action Plan when executive director of UNFCC, Patricia Espinosa said that the GAP will be turned from rhetoric to action.
The final action is that the plan will be an informal and not formal document. Two workshops took place with input given by countries and civil society to the new Gender Action Plan.

Gender Champion

Espinosa was also elected International Gender Champion. There were clusters that worked together on Thursday to further the GAP and how it will react and prevent climate change.

Nazhat Shameem Khan, ambassador of Fiji calls for gender workshops and is passionate and dedicated to human rights, oceans, indigenous rights and the environment.

Enabling participation of women in climate policy & valuing local & traditional knowledge was discussed. WEDO (Women’s Environment and Development Organization) presented an analysis of submissions on the gender action plan. WECF’s Sascha Gabizon says “Traditional knowledge is key! Indigenous people must be part of climate negotiations on the national, local and international level.”

Budgets were further discussed to implement women and it was pointed out that women account for only 30% of the Parties' official delegation to UNFCCC meeting.

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