Call for Action on Gender and a Pollution Free Planet
UNEA-3 meeting of Women Ministers and Leaders presents Call for Action
09.01.2018 |
A "Call for Gender-Responsive Action for a Pollution Free Planet“ resulted from the annual meeting of the Network of Women Ministers and Leaders for the Environment, hosted by UNEP on 5th of December, with input from members of the Women’s Major Group. Download the PDF here.
WECF welcomes the fact that the Call for Gender Responsive Action was presented to the closing plenary of the 3rd UN Environmental Assembly (UNEA-3) on the 6th of December 2017. Member States at UNEA-3 agreed to 13 resolutions, some of which make direct reference to gender dimensions of specific environmental policies, others not. By having this call for gender-responsive action, all States are called upon to taken the gender dimensions into account. All resolutions and decisions are UNEA2 are available on the papersmart system of UNEP.
At the Network Meeting a number of new publications on gender, women and pollution were presented.
UNEP presented Factsheets from the Global Gender Environmental Outlook (GGEO), to which many Women MG organisations contributed 2 years ago. They can be dowloaded here.
WECF presented 2 new publications on gender dimensions of pollution as well as 1 documentary film, made with our partners WEP Nigeria and Balifokus Indonesia, and in collaboration with the secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions.
1) Publication: Plastics, Gender and the Environment
2) Publication: Gender Dimensions of Hazardous Chemicals and Waste policies under BRS Conventions
3) Film: What Has Gender Got To Do with Chemicals?
And you can also find the updated version of the publication „Women and Chemicals“ here
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