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The Netherlands in the next gear - Adopt an SDG Live!

WECF and Building Change organised the event “The Netherlands in the next gear – Adopt an SDG live” on 27 September in the Koorenhuis in The Hague

02.10.2018 |

The purpose of the conference was to answer the question “How can we bring the Netherlands into the next gear to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals?”.

The full report in Dutch can be found here


This was discussed by representatives of the youth organisations affiliated with the major Dutch political parties, and with MPs Michel Rog (CDA), Isabelle Diks (GroenLinks), Corrie van Brenk (50Plus), Anne Kuik (CDA), Chris Stoffer ( SGP), and Kirsten van den Hul (PvdA). The speakers also talked about what they had done with their SDGs in the past year and how are they going to commit to their SDGs in the near future.

In addition, Ida Bakhturidze, a champion of women’s rights in Georgia and gender coordinator of WECF’s Caucasus office, spoke about her work. CSOs ActionAid and Both Ends organised in depth sub-sessions on fair taxes, equality, and shrinking social space for CSOs. Recommendations of these sessions were give to the MPs present.  

The conference was opened by Kirsten Meijer, WECF The Netherlands director



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