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WECF Deutschland

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WECF Nederland





13.04.2019 | Royal Tropical Institute (KIT), Amsterdam, The Netherlands
WECF Workshop at Afrika Dag: #HerstoryofChange: The importance of the international women’s movement

10.04.2019 | VNO-NCW, Den Haag
Minisymposium ism Ministerie IenW, VNO-NCW en VNCI

10.12.2018 | PCCB Capacity-Building Hub / RYSY Meeting Room 24 - Area E
Gender Just Climate Solutions Awards: showcasing gender-responsive and climate resilient initiatives

03.12.2018 - 14.12.2018 |
WECF at the Climate Change Negotiations in Katowice, Poland

02.12.2018 |
Women & Gender Constituency Strategy Meeting (ahead of COP24)

08.10.2018 |
Regional Policy Forum on Development (Africa)

30.08.2018 | Stockholm, Sweden
World Water Week side event: Om (O&M) - the mantra for sustainable water/sanitation services

11.07.2018 |
(HLPF side event) Mapping the gap: barriers and opportunities for CS in VNRs

10.07.2018 |
(HLPF side event) Defend the defenders - from high destruction to fast transformation

08.07.2018 - 18.07.2018 | United Nations Headquarters, New York
HLPF 2018: Transformation towards sustainable and resilient societies

05.06.2018 - 06.06.2018 | Tours & Taxi, Brussels, Belgium
Women2030 at European Development Days

18.05.2018 | Munich, Germany
Sustainable Water and Sanitation Services for All – Which New Partnerships, Innovative Solutions and Capacities Do We Need to Achieve the SDGs?

07.05.2018 |
Priority Action to Increase Access to Climate Finance for Non-State Actors

22.03.2018 | Utrecht, Netherlands
Webinar: The CLEEN Project with Illia Yeremenko

20.03.2018 | New York
CSW62: Women's Major Group side event on chemicals, gender equality and rural women

12.03.2018 | New York
CSW62: side event on SDGs monitoring, with best practices from Women2030

12.03.2018 | US, New York
CSW62: 62nd Commission on the Status of Women

07.03.2018 | Albania, Shkoder
Women2030 Meeting

06.03.2018 | Albania, Tirana
EHP Ostrava Follow Up Meeting

01.03.2018 | Geneva, Switzerland
Regional preparatory meeting HLPF

26.02.2018 - 28.02.2018 | Moldova
Policy Dialogue on SDGs and Environmental Health, Moldova

19.02.2018 - 21.02.2018 | Georgia
Policy Dialogue on SDGs and Environmental Health, Georgia

15.02.2018 | Berlin
Lets turn promises into action - gender equality in the Agenda2030

10.01.2018 - 12.01.2018 |
Gender, Chemicals and Waste high level event in Abuja, Nigeria

09.01.2018 - 15.01.2018 | Nigeria
Presentation of documentary film "what has Gender got to do with Chemicals" on Nigerian tv

05.12.2017 | Nairobi, UNEA 3, "Green Tent" - 12:00-14:00
Film premiere: what does chemicals have to do with gender? (UNEA3 resistance event)

15.11.2017 | LVR-LandesMuseum, COP23, Bonn, Germany
CTCN workshop on scalability with GJCS winners (COP23)

14.11.2017 | Bonn, Bula Zone 3
Press Conference Gender Just Climate Solutions Award Winners

13.11.2017 | Meeting Room 7, Bonn Zone, COP23, Bonn, Germany
Award Ceremony: Gender Just Climate Solutions (COP23)

07.11.2017 | Frauenmuseum Bonn
Vernissage: Frauenmuseum Exhibition (COP23)

04.11.2017 - 16.11.2017 | Frauenmuseum Bonn
Frauenmuseum Exhibition: Gender Just Climate Solutions (COP23)

02.11.2017 | Room C113, COY13
Womens' Call for Climate Justice (COY13)

09.10.2017 |
Environmental toxins' influence on male fertility

25.09.2017 |
NGO Workshop: Towards the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals

10.07.2017 - 19.07.2017 |
HLPF: High Level Political Forum 2017, New York

09.07.2017 |
HLPF: The Women’s Major Group invites you to join our Strategy Meeting (3:30 pm CET)

21.06.2017 | Confederatie Bouw, Brussels
WECF Event Invitation: “CLEEN Energy has changed our lives”

13.06.2017 - 15.06.2017 | Ostrava, Czech Republic
Sixth Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health

13.06.2017 | WECH and HEAL's youth delegation is presenting during side event on waste during WHO's (UNECE) Sixth Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health in Ostrava.
Not Wasting Our Future

13.06.2017 | Cinema Auditorium, Science & Technology Centre, Ostrava, Czech Republic
Side Event "Let's Ensure a Healthy Future" - WHO 6th Ministerial Conference

17.05.2017 - 18.05.2017 | Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety, Stresemannstraße 128-130, 10117 Berlin
Conference on Mainstreaming Sustainable Chemistry & Launch of ISC3 and ISCnet

08.05.2017 - 16.05.2017 |
Women and Gender Updates for Upcoming Bonn Meeting

04.05.2017 - 05.05.2017 | CICG Conference Centre, 17 rue de Varembe, Geneva
WECF Director Sascha Gabizon will take part as Panellist during High-Level Segment of 2017 Conferences of the Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions

03.05.2017 | ICC Geneva, Switzerland
Lessons and best practices integrating gender into the implementation of the BRS Conventions

17.03.2017 |
CSW61 Side Event: Empowering Energy (2:30 pm)

14.12.2016 - 15.12.2016 |
Regional Women2030 Workshop in Romania

13.12.2016 |
Water Safety and Sanitation Planning Training in Romania

07.12.2016 |
LIVE: Let's Talk about Policy Innovations for Transformative Change (2-3pm CET)

18.11.2016 | Green Zone, Rome Souss, COP22, Marrakech
WECF side event at COP 22: ”NAMA on rural energy in Georgia : a tool to develop genderresponsive climate policies”

15.11.2016 | Green Zone – Women and Gender Pavilion
WECF and the Women and Gender Constituency invite you to Celebrate Gender Just Solutions Award Winners

14.11.2016 | Room Souss, COP22, Marrakesh
WECF International invites you to a side event during COP22 on gender-responsive climate policies

14.11.2016 | Room Arabian, COP22, Marrakech, Morrocco
Gender Just Climate Solutions Award Event

08.11.2016 - 09.11.2016 | On behalf of the Women and Gender Constituency, we will be hosting a piano concert with Frédérique Nalpas
Musical Performance today at 4.30 pm & tomorrow 11 am (COP22, Pavillion, green zone)

07.11.2016 | Marrakesh, Morocco
Gender Events at COP 22

04.11.2016 - 05.11.2016 | Hotel Opera Mogador Spa, Marrakesh, Morocco
Regional African Training before Climate Summit COP 22

13.10.2016 | North Rhine-Westphalia Representation, Brussels
SDG Watch Europe launch

27.09.2016 | Östersund, Sweden
WECF speaks at closing conference Life+ Program PVC Free Blood Bag

09.06.2016 | Paris - Palais du Luxembourg, Salle Clemenceau
International symposium on toxic exposure and primary prevention by WECF France

08.06.2016 | Batumi, Georgia
8th Environment for Europe (EfE) Ministerial Conference - Greener, Cleaner, Smarter!

05.06.2016 | Batumi, Georgia
Regional EECCAA meeting in Batumi of the Women2030 project

18.05.2016 | Bonn Climate Change Conference
Presentation of WECF's gender-sensitive NAMA-project in Bonn

20.04.2016 | Amsterdam - International COFACE Conference
WECF Executive Director Sascha Gabizon discusses at SDG Conference in Amsterdam on April, 20th

27.01.2016 | Deutsche Parlamentarische Gesellschaft, Berlin
Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs): The invisible danger

18.11.2015 - 19.11.2015 | Kiev, Ukraine
Towards fossil-free, safe & affordable energy

17.11.2015 - 19.11.2015 | Online - UNEP.ORG
Ask Today's Expert

12.11.2015 - 13.11.2015 | Paris
Strengthening environmental and sustainable development dialogue in Europe in the context of the 2030 SD Agenda

20.10.2015 | Bonn
Sascha Gabizon speaker at the post SDG's evening about gender equality

09.10.2015 | MEC, Brussels
Stakeholder Meeting of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA)

08.10.2015 | ESDN Conference, Luxemburg
WECF Director speaks at ESDN conference Luxemburg

27.08.2015 | Room NL 357
Side event World Water Week 2015: Gender sensitive indicators in sanitation and wastewater planning and implementation

30.06.2015 - 01.07.2015 | Berlin
Symposium on the SDGs and their financial sustainability

10.06.2015 | Bonn, Germany
SB42 side event: Effective stakeholder engagement in NAMA development and implementation

01.06.2015 | Brussels
EU Conference "Endocrine disruptors: criteria for identification and related impacts"

28.04.2015 | Dan Carmel Hotel, Haifa, Israel
WHO high-level meeting of the Task Force – the Mid-term Review (MTR) Meeting of the European Environment and Health Process (EEHP)

17.03.2015 | Church Center for the United Nations, New York
WMG's side-event during CSW 59

13.03.2015 | Church Center for the United Nations, New York
WECF's parallel event during CSW 59

10.03.2015 | Church Center for the United Nations, New York
WECF's side event during CSW 59

09.03.2015 - 20.03.2015 | UN Headquarters, New York
CSW 59/Beijing plus 20 held in New York’s UN Headquarters from 9 to 20 March 2015

05.03.2015 | Munich
Event and workshop for health and patient groups on EDCs and health in Munich

10.02.2015 |
Webinar: The Business Case for Knowing Chemicals in Products and Supply Chains

17.12.2014 | Geneva
Side event "Women and Chemicals" by WECF

11.12.2014 | Lima
Sabine Bock of WECF will present at People's Summit

10.12.2014 | Lima
Side event WECF and WEDO: Towards a Gender-Responsive Mitigation Framework for Transformative Change in the Energy Sector

09.12.2014 |
Programme Gender Day at COP 20/CMP10

05.12.2014 - 13.12.2014 | Georgia
WECF and RCDA organize Autumn School on Renewable Energy and Climate Change

29.11.2014 - 12.12.2014 | Lima
Women and Gender Constituency -COP20 agenda

26.11.2014 - 27.11.2014 | Geneva
7th meeting of Working Group on Water and Health

19.11.2014 | Batumi, Georgia
UNEP Regional Office for Europe and WECF organise Sub-regional Major Groups and Stakeholders Consultation

05.11.2014 | Brussels
EESC conference on 5 November: towards a new climate agreement in 2015

03.11.2014 - 05.11.2014 | Geneva, Palais des Nations
Geneva NGO Forum for Beijing +20 UN ECE Regional Review

14.10.2014 | Salons de l’Hôtel de Ville, Lyon
Knowledge of Preventive Measures: Breast Cancer, Women's Reproductive Health and Endocrine Disruptors.

14.10.2014 |
Ruban de l'Espoir: Conference on women and EDC's and breast cancer

15.09.2014 | Geneva
Executive director Sascha Gabizon speaks at Regional Ministerial Consultation

10.09.2014 | Berlin
Panel discussion: empowering women and girls

02.07.2014 | Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
WECF and partners organise Central Asian Conference 2-4 July in the framework of the SDGs/Post 2015 process

19.06.2014 - 21.06.2014 |
Partners of the Climate Needs Farmers project visit WECF France

19.06.2014 | UN Headquarters, New York
Civil Society Perspectives on the Post-2015 Agenda

12.06.2014 |
General Assembly WECF France

06.06.2014 | Bonn
UNFCC EWA side event

06.06.2014 |
Conference on Proffesional Exposure and Cancer

05.06.2014 | International Conference in Berne, Switzerland
Gender, land and sustainable development

02.06.2014 - 06.06.2014 | Armenian Women for Health and Environment visit WECF France
AWHHE visit

24.05.2014 - 26.05.2014 | An initiative by WECF France and Slow Food France
J'ADAPT: Seminar on local and sustainable foods and agriculture

24.04.2014 | Focus on small scale agriculture
Conference on Gender and Development

10.03.2014 | Ballroom 1 of the Armenian Convention Center, 630 Second Ave, NYC.
Side Event: Global Health and Environment in the Post-2015 Agenda: Lessons from the Fukushima nuclear accident

19.02.2014 | Radisson Blu Hotel, Brussels
WECF Conference Time to act: Towards an EU policy to protect children from EDCs

08.01.2014 | Conference room A, United Nations, New York
OWG-7 Side Event - Sustainable Development Goals "From WSSD 2002 to SDG's/Post 2015 SDG: sound chemicals management and environmental health"

26.11.2013 | Großer Saal des CVJM, Landwehrstr. 13, München
Informations- und Diskussionsveranstaltung "Energiewende und Bürgerbeteiligung – Möglichkeiten in München und Kiew/Ukraine?"

09.11.2013 | Salon Marjolaine, Paris
"Les femmes et la planète"

09.11.2013 - 11.11.2013 | Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
The Women's Major Group, Femnet, IWHC, DAWN and WECF are organising a 3-day training and strategy meeting for women

05.11.2013 | Istanbul, Hotel Grand Oztanik
Capacity building and strategy event on Sustainable Development Goals and the Post2015 development agenda

16.10.2013 - 17.10.2013 | Palais des Nations (Salle VIII) in Geneva, Switzerland
Round table on access to information, public participation and access to justice regarding LMOs/GMOs

19.09.2013 | Opening of the 68th GA, UN, New York
INVITE: Thursday, September 19th - Strengthening Gender Justice and Human Rights to Achieve Sustainable Development ”

01.09.2013 | Stockholm, Sweden
WECF at the World Water Week 2013

25.06.2013 | 9:00-18:00; location: TBA
Energy-efficiency, costs, health and precarity – (dis)entangling the threads

06.06.2013 | Maritim Conference Centre, Bonn, Germany
Second Gender Picnic organised during Climate Negotiations

03.06.2013 | Various Locations
UN Climate Change Conference Gender-Agenda in Bonn

28.05.2013 - 31.05.2013 | Copenhagen, Denmark
COW 2013 7th Copenhagen Workshop on Endocrine Disrupters May 28-31, 2013

23.04.2013 - 26.04.2013 | Berlin, Germany
WECF present on the Water Fair in Berlin 2013

11.04.2013 | from 9:00 till 18:00: Hotel Zira, 35 Ruzveltova Street, Belgrade, Serbia
Beacon conference on Integrating Chemicals Safety in Belgrade, Serbia

10.04.2013 | 15:00-18:30, 10. April 2013, European Parliament, Brussels, ASP 1G2
Public Hearing: Time for Plan B: Positive Effects of Gender Sensitive & Environmental Policies

07.03.2013 | Church Centre for the UN, New York, USA
CSW Side-Event: Violence - Ecologies - Livelihood

26.02.2013 | Paris, France
HEALs Environmental Health Film Festival

19.02.2013 | Nairobi, Kenia
Side Event on Sustainable Development Goals

16.02.2013 | Nairobi, Kenia
14th Global Major Groups and Stakeholders Forum (GMGSF-14) 2013

26.11.2012 - 27.11.2012 | Nicosia, Cyprus & via live stream
Follow the EU Water Blueprint Conference

13.11.2012 - 14.11.2012 | Bonn, Germany
Global Policy Forum Europe & United Nations Association Germany

29.10.2012 - 30.10.2012 | Geneva, Switzerland
Aarhus Convention - Task Force on Public Participation in Decision-Making

18.10.2012 | Sofia, Bulgaria
Closing conference of the project 'Local plans for safe water'

15.10.2012 - 17.10.2012 | Bilbao and Madrid
WECF Director speaks at 2 Post-Rio Conferences in Bilbao and Madrid

22.06.2012 | 13:15 – 14:45 am, Friday 22 June 2012 Barra Arena, UN2, Rio de Janeiro
Women’s Major Group Rio+20 Side Event Roots of Equity - Women creating food sovereignty

20.06.2012 - 22.06.2012 | Brazil
Rio+20 Conference, 20 - 22 June

11.06.2012 | International Trade Unions, Brussels, Belgium
WECF present at EPSU WGEC Standing Committee on gender perspective to human right to water

05.06.2012 | GEN roundtable, Geneva
Environmental perspectives in setting Global sustainable development goals

28.05.2012 | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
3rd Preparatory Committee Meeting UN Conference on Sustainable Development

30.04.2012 | New York, USA
Negotiations (informal informals) on the zero draft