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WECF and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Breast Cancer: Policy and Prevention

WECF training programmes and capacity building on gender and sustainability

International “Nesting” programme – A Healthy Environment for Healthy Children

Women's Major Group -Sustainable Development Goals and the Post 2015 Development Agenda

WECF representation in international and UN policy processes

Safe and Sustainable Sanitation for Women and Girls

EDC Free Coalition Public Consultation

Asbestos: a silent killer on a global scale – substitute it now!

WHO European Environment and Health Process (EEHP)

EVENT: WHO 6th Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health, Ostrava

EVENT: Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions Conference of the Parties, 2017

EVENT: Gender Just Climate Solutions Awards, COP22, Marrakesh

EVENT: WECF on the road to the COP22

Women and Gender Constituency at UNFCCC

Women's Global Call for Climate Justice

EVENT: WECF at the COP21

Don't Nuke the Climate - Paris 2015

Gender E3 Working Group in the European Parliament

Women and Gender Constituency at COP20 Lima, Peru

UNECEs 5th MOP to the Aarhus Convention, Maastricht 2014

Nuclear Power is not a solution to climate change – plug into renewables

WECF at the COP19 in Warsaw: Climate Finance and Gender Equality

International ‘Safe Toys’ Coalition – toxic free children products

Online discussion group INTERA

UN Conference on Sustainable Development 2012 - Rio +20

Toxic free beauty - safe cosmetics

The Golden Nuclear Fuelrod Award

ToNi-Finder - WECF's Map for Sustainable School Toilets and Nitrate Levels

Children's Environmental Health Award 2010

Children's Environmental Action Plan for Europe

REACH - Eliminating Toxic Chemicals in the EU


HLPF 2018: Transformation towards sustainable and resilient societies
WECF is participating in UN's central platform for the follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda for the Sustainable Developments Goals (SDGs)

COP24: women demand a gender-just transition
Follow WECF's activities around UN's climate change conference in Katowice, Poland, in December 2018

WECF at CSW62: challenges and opportunities in achieving gender equality and the empowerment of rural women and girls
Follow the latest updates on our work at CSW62, download related publications and learn about our activities.

#MindTheGap - follow our advocacy journey for gender and climate justice at COP23
WECF presence at UN's climate change conference in Bonn, Germany, November 2017.

WECF at High Level Political Forum on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
WECF is participating in UN's central platform for the follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda for Sustianable Developments (SDGs)

"Better Health, Better Environment, Sustainable Choices"
WHO European Region 6th Ministerial Conference on Environment & Health

WECF at the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions Conference of the Parties
WECF-ers are participating in the Meetings of the Conferences of the Parties (COP) to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions taking place from 24 April - 5 May, 2017 in Geneva, Switzerland

WECF at CSW61: Women's Economic Empowerment in the Changing World at Work
Follow the latest updates on our work at CSW61, download related publications and learn about our activities

SDG Watch: Next Steps for Sustainable European Future
SDG Watch Europe is a European, cross-sectoral, civil society alliance committed to supporting the implementation, monitoring and follow up of the 2030 Agenda by the EU and its member states.

WECF and WGC present at COP 22 in Marrakesh: Gender Just Climate Solutions Award - Women and Gender Constituency at Morocco Climate Summit
“Highlighting the importance of gender equality, women’s rights and their contribution to climate solutions”.

On the road to the COP22
WECF at the UN climate change conference in Marrakech, Morocco, November 2016

Escape of Russian environmental activist and WECF Partner Nadezhda Kutepova to France
After Russian authorities labelled Kutepova as a 'foreign agent', she fled in July 2015 with her three children to France. After nine months she obtained in April officially asylum.
WECF Campaign

WECF and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
With the acceptation of the SDG´s, governments committed to address a range of social, economic and environmental issues that impact women and girls, including economic inequality, agriculture, energy, biodiversity and climate change, and peace and security.
WECF Campaign

TTIP: Public Health vs. Private Profit
The United States and the European Union are negotiating a new trade agreement called the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). This agreement is a threat to the EU’s ability to protect people from toxic chemical exposure. We are calling for a removal of chemicals from the EU-USA trade talks.
WECF Campaign

Women’s Global Call for Climate Justice
WECF on the road to COP21
WICF Campaign

WECF on the road to COP21
UN climate change conference in Paris in December

Don’t Nuke the Climate
WECF co-launches international campaign to keep nuclear power out of climate negotiations in Paris in December 2015

CSW59: 59th session of the Commission on the Status of Women will focus on Beijing plus 20
The CSW will undertake a review of progress made in the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, 20 years after its adoption
WICF Campaign

Towards an EDC Free Europe!
A coalition of public interest groups representing more than 31 organisations across Europe have come together through a concern about endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and efforts to raise public awareness and urge quicker governmental action.
WECF Campaign

Women and Gender Constituency at the COP20 Lima, Peru
WECF present from 1-12 December as part of of the WGC
WICF Campaign

Women and Gender Constituency wants women’s voices included at UNFCCC
Women’s rights and gender justice should be core elements of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
WICF Campaign

WECF joins Gender+E3, an informal working group in the European Parliament to discuss gender and environmental issues
Group will connect MEP’s to NGO’s in order to advance in matters concerning gender, ecology and sustainable development

WHO European Environment and Health Process (EEHP)
In April 2015 Israel brought together health and environment ministers from 53 countries to assess how far we have progressed with the targets set in 2010
WECF Campaign

WECF at the COP19 in Warsaw: Women take action on Climate Change and Gender Equality
COP19 marks exciting opportunity for gender equality in the UNFCCC! Parties have several chances to identify priorities and needs and strengthen gender equality in climate policy and implementation.
WECF Event

Women's Major Group: Sustainable Development Goals and the Post 2015 Development Agenda
The Women's Major Group is one of the civil society groups which has its own representation in the United Nations processes Sustainable Development and Environment
WICF Campaign

International Advocacy for Women's Interests
WECF represents women and civil society in a number of international policy processes and United Nations organisations
WECF Campaign

Safe and Sustainable Sanitation for Women & Menstrual Hygiene
In some areas of the world, menstruation is considered as an impure and shameful act. Therefore girls are trying to hide that they are menstruating. Unfortunately, due to lack of safe facilities or supply of feminine hygiene products many young girls are forced to drop schools during their period. Each month they are deprived of their basic right, namely right to education.
WECF Campaign

Join Women on the Road to Rio+20
UN Conference on Sustainable Development 2012 - Rio + 20
WICF Campaign

Safe Toys Coalition
The "Safe Toys Coalition" aims to protect children's health by striving for a world free of toxic and unsafe toys
WECF Campaign

WECF training programmes and capacity building
Want to become a strategic partner of WECF? Good to know that we offer in house hands-on trainings, knowledge-transfer, and capacity building projects within our projects, to achieve long-run sustainability
WICF Campaign

Online discussion group INTERA
Set up of the online discussion group INTERA in russian and english about Integrated Development
WECF Campaign

The Golden Nuclear Fuelrod Award for worst comments
WECF Germany awards each month a person of public interest who has made an ignorant remark on nuclear energy. Nuclear power is again in Germany, since the elections, an issue of the public debate.
WECF Campaign

WECF's Map for Sustainable School Toilets and establishing Nitrate Levels in Ground, Surface and Drinking Water
WECF Campaign

Children's Environmental Health Award 2010: "Protecting children's health in a changing environment"
Working towards the Fifth Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health in Parma, Italy, 10-12 March 2010
WECF Event

WECFs Project Nesting - A Healthy Environment for Healthy Children
Helping parents to create a safe and healthy environment for their newborns
WECF Campaign

Asbestos a silent killer on a global scale - WECFs work on asbestos and the Rotterdam Convention
Asbestos is banned in most industrialized countries: yet it is the biggest occupational killer worldwide: the International Labor Organization estimates asbestos causes 100,000 deaths globally every year through occupational exposure alone. Still asbestos is being produced by many countries, including Canada and Kazakhstan.
WECF Campaign

Breast Cancer: Policy and Prevention
Linking Breast cancer and our environment; is chemical exposure the missing link factor in the rise of the breast cancer epidemic?
WECF Campaign

Nuclear Power is not a Solution to Climate Change
WECF strictly opposes nuclear power. Nuclear industry is a threat to our health, our environment and human rights - at every step of production. WECF's member organizations underscribe our common conclusion; nuclear energy is not a solution for climate change.
WECF Campaign

Children's Environmental Action Plan for Europe
Aiming to implement the European strategy for healthy citizens through a healthy environment
WECF Campaign

Toxic free beauty - Safe Cosmetics
We are exposed to hazardous chemicals everywhere and on a daily basis. Our bathrooms contain numerous products from eye make-up, creams and shower gels to baby powder and toothpaste. Hazardous chemicals have been found consistently in beauty and personal care products.
WECF Campaign

REACH - Eliminating Toxic Chemicals in the EU
Working to ensure that by 2020 all consumer products are free of hazardous chemicals
WECF Campaign