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Stay here to browse our website archive (2004-2019).

WECF Deutschland

WECF France

WECF Nederland




WECF and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Breast Cancer: Policy and Prevention

WECF training programmes and capacity building on gender and sustainability

International “Nesting” programme – A Healthy Environment for Healthy Children

Women's Major Group -Sustainable Development Goals and the Post 2015 Development Agenda

WECF representation in international and UN policy processes

Safe and Sustainable Sanitation for Women and Girls

EDC Free Coalition Public Consultation

Asbestos: a silent killer on a global scale – substitute it now!

WHO European Environment and Health Process (EEHP)

EVENT: WHO 6th Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health, Ostrava

EVENT: Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions Conference of the Parties, 2017

EVENT: Gender Just Climate Solutions Awards, COP22, Marrakesh

EVENT: WECF on the road to the COP22

Women and Gender Constituency at UNFCCC

Women's Global Call for Climate Justice

EVENT: WECF at the COP21

Don't Nuke the Climate - Paris 2015

Gender E3 Working Group in the European Parliament

Women and Gender Constituency at COP20 Lima, Peru

UNECEs 5th MOP to the Aarhus Convention, Maastricht 2014

Nuclear Power is not a solution to climate change – plug into renewables

WECF at the COP19 in Warsaw: Climate Finance and Gender Equality

International ‘Safe Toys’ Coalition – toxic free children products

Online discussion group INTERA

UN Conference on Sustainable Development 2012 - Rio +20

Toxic free beauty - safe cosmetics

The Golden Nuclear Fuelrod Award

ToNi-Finder - WECF's Map for Sustainable School Toilets and Nitrate Levels

Children's Environmental Health Award 2010

Children's Environmental Action Plan for Europe

REACH - Eliminating Toxic Chemicals in the EU

Nuclear Power is not a Solution to Climate Change

WECF strictly opposes nuclear power. Nuclear industry is a threat to our health, our environment and human rights - at every step of production. WECF's member organizations underscribe our common conclusion; nuclear energy is not a solution for climate change.

| WECF Campaign

Countries: International
Donors: Private Donors
Partners: International nuclear free network, cooperation with hundreds of organizations and networks as WISE, The Nuclear-Free Future Award, die klima-allianz, Greenpeace, urgewald, Sortir du nucleaire, projekt21 plus, Ecodefense
Issues: Energy & Climate
Duration: 01/2007 - 12/2013

WECF strictly opposes nuclear power. Nuclear industry is a threat to our health, our environment and human rights - at every step of production. WECF's 100 member organizations in over 40 countries in the EU, neighbor states and Central Asia have come to one common conclusion; nuclear energy is not a solution for climate change. Nuclear industry has lower CO2 emissions than coal, but has higher CO2 emissions then renewables, especially when grey energy is counted.

Our main argument against nuclear energy is the great threat it poses to health, environment, human rights and security. In our work – WECF works on practical projects to improve the health and environment of women and children – we encounter severe health problems and, often, human rights abuse of populations living near uranium mines (Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine). The same is reported from uranium mining areas in other regions of the world. The EU has to import uranium, and has so far not been able to assure that the uranium which it uses has not badly harm local communities around the mines.

Another big problem in the countries where we work is the illegal trade of radioactive material. By continuing to spread nuclear technologies, the access to nuclear weapons capable material becomes easier and the danger of illegal nuclear proliferation dramatically increases. The EU should not promote export of nuclear technology abroad, as it can not guarantee radioactive material will not end up in the hands of the wrong people.

If we go further the production chain to fuel production, to power generation to the unsolved crisis of the storage of waste – every step of the fuel chain contains potential disasters to human and planetary health. In our region, the population living around the Mayak nuclear complex in Chelyabinsk, Russia, continues to suffer from accidents caused in the complex which receives nuclear waste from the European Region (Bulgaria, Hungary). One of our member organizations defends victims of nuclear radiation in the Russian court, but often after years, the victims, badly ill, receive only a few dollars compensation in compensation for lifelong disability.

Knowing the above we wonder about the priorities of the EU in terms of investments for nuclear industry, for example from the 7th Framework Programme for research and technological development (FP7): The highest amount of money is spent on nuclear (EURATOM): 2751 million Euro. More than for climate change, energy efficiency and renewable energy. 2350 million Euro are spent on energy (> 50% for renewable energy and energy efficiency) and 1890 million Euro for environment (including climate change).

If these data are correct: How does that fit to the political priority of climate change? And sustainable energy, which for us needs a clear focus on energy saving and efficiency as also decentralized sustainable renewable energy? Does that correspond to the political will of the European citizens? In our opinion the highest amount of money has to go into energy saving and efficiency. That is the sector, which makes Europes energy supply competitive, secure and sustainable.We do not understand why governments still demand that we take the risk of nuclear contamination of our planet.

Nuclear energy causes health problems. Radioactivity even in low doses is a risk for many illnesses like cancer and leukaemia. Even the most “advanced” countries in Europe are not able to guarantee total safe operations of their nuclear powerplants (see recent accidents in Sweden and Germany). A recent epidemiological study in Germany revealed a statistically significant increase of childhood cancer (all malignancies) in youngest children (0 – 4 years) living in the vicinity of commercial nuclear power plants.

Related News

"Vorsicht! Schadstoffe im Alltag"
Zweite Auflage der Informationsbroschüre für Schwangere

Mehr Schutz vor giftigen Chemikalien
WECF engagiert sich mit anderen NGOs für die Umsetzung besonders bedenklicher Themen



Endstation Kinder und Jugendliche: Weichmacher aus Plastik in Kinderkörpern
WECF fordert mehr Schutz vor gefährlichen Chemikalien

Webinar „SAICM für Einsteiger“ am 16.09.2019, 15 bis 17 Uhr
Organisiert von PAN Germany in Kooperation mit HEJ Support und WECF

Mehr Schutz vor Blei und schädlichen Chemikalien im Alltag
WECF unterzeichnet NGO Brief an den REACH Kommission

Französische Studie zeigt: EDCs sind überall im Alltag
Wann greift die Bundesregierung endlich ein?

Was ist SAICM - und wozu braucht man das?
Eine kurze Einführung in den Strategischen Ansatz zum Internationalen Chemikalienmanagement und die UN Chemikalienpolitik

Landeshauptstadt München fördert den Schutz vor gefährlichen Chemikalien in Alltagsprodukten – Schwangere im Fokus

Hormongifte (EDCs): Für eine strengere Politik und mehr Schutz, in Deutschland du weltweit
Mehr Informationen zu EDCs und bessere gesetzliche Regulierungen

„JE SUIS ENCEINTE - Comment protéger ma famille, mon bébé et moi-même des substances nocives?
Broschüre von WECF informiert zu mehr Schutz vor Umweltchemikalien - jetzt auch auf Französisch

15. September 2019, von 10:30 - 21:00 Uhr

IPCC-Sonderbericht: Der Weltklimarat fordert eine dringende Kehrtwende bei der Landnutzung
Gender Action Plan muss für geschlechtergerechte nationale Klimapolitiken umgesetzt werden.

IPCC-Sonderbericht: Der Weltklimarat fordert eine dringende Kehrtwende bei der Landnutzung
Gender Action Plan muss für geschlechtergerechte nationale Klimapolitiken umgesetzt werden.

SAICM Beyond 2020
Für mehr Chemikaliensicherheit

Hamileyim - Kendinizi, bebeğinizi ve ailenizi zararlı kimyasallardan nasıl korursunuz?
Broschüre von WECF informiert zu mehr Schutz vor Umweltchemikalien - jetzt auch in Türkischer Sprache

„I am pregnant - How to protect yourself, your baby and your family against harmful chemicals”
Broschüre von WECF informiert zu mehr Schutz vor Umweltchemikalien - jetzt auch in Englischer Sprache

WECF gibt Input zur EU-Roadmap für den EDC Fitness Check
EU Kommission tut zu wenig, um Gesundheit und Umwelt vor Hormongiften zu schützen

Bürgerenergie: Tropfen werden zum Strom
Event am 24.07.19 - Gestalte deine Energiewende mit!

29++ Klimawoche Landkreis München
Vom 22. Juli bis zum 26. Juli 2019 findet im Landkreis München die 29++ Klimawoche statt

‘Falling through the cracks’
Neuer Bericht zu Ungleichheiten in Europa und Deutschland

4. Energie-Genossenschafts-Konferenz in der Türkei, Bodrum
WECF zeigt verschiedene Modelle von Energiegenossenschaften und Kooperationsmöglichkeiten mit Kommunen auf

Nieuw SDG10 rapport over groeiende ongelijkheid
“Hoewel Nederland bovengemiddeld scoort zijn er zorgen over groeiende en bestaande ongelijkheden, bijvoorbeeld in het onderwijs en op het gebied van vrouwenemancipatie”.

NGO Eingabe an das SAICM Sekretariat
Für mehr Schutz vor gefährlichen Chemikalien

Austausch zu Bürgerenergie mit der Delegation aus Uganda und Äthiopien
Unsere Bürgerenergieprojekte in Uganda und Deutschland im Fokus

Schluss mit Amalgam im Mund
WECF unterstützt Forderung nach Verbot von quecksilberhaltigen Zahnfüllungen

Schluss mit Amalgam im Mund
WECF unterstützt Forderung nach Verbot von quecksilberhaltigen Zahnfüllungen

Winnaars subsidieregeling "MAAK EUROPA DUURZAAM VOOR IEDEREEN"
De winnaars zijn bekend. WECF Nederland mocht 3 projectsubsidies verlenen aan lokale groepen die werken aan de uitvoering van en bewustwording over de SDG's, de duurzame ontwikkelingsdoelen

WECF auf dem Street Life Festival 2019 in München
Zwei Tage Nachhaltigkeit leben und neue Inspirationen sammeln

Unser gemeinsames Statement zu den EU-Wahlen mit SDG Watch Europe
"Die Gleichstellung der Geschlechter ist einer der Grundwerte der EU - und wir können uns kein weiteres Jahrzehnt ohne Fortschritte leisten - oder noch schlimmer, eines mit Rückschritten"

Besser leben ohne Plastik – Veranstaltung am 22.05.2019
Ein Vortrag von Anneliese Bunk – Autorin mehrerer Bücher zum Thema

EU-Umweltministerkonferenz am 26. Juli 2019
Maßnahmen zum Schutz vor Endokrinen Disruptoren (EDCs)

Overheidscampagne Waarzitwatin schiet tekort in bescherming consument
WECF verwelkomt transparantie en consumenteninformatie over chemicaliën, maar ziet deze nieuwe website vooral als een poging om consumenten gerust te stellen, terwijl er wel degelijk reden tot zorg is

Overheidscampagne Waarzitwatin schiet tekort in bescherming consument
Deze week werd de nieuwe overheidswebsite Waarzitwatin gepresenteerd. WECF verwelkomt transparantie over chemicaliën, maar ziet de nieuwe overheidswebsite vooral als een poging om consumenten gerust te stellen, terwijl er wel degelijk reden tot zorg is.

WECF lanceert Ecofeministische kieswijzer voor Europese verkiezingen
Op 23 mei gaat Nederland naar de stembus voor de Europese verkiezingen. Maar hoe scoren de politieke partijen als het op ecofeministische thema’s aankomt?

"De kracht van de coöperatie - Utrechtse successen en het belang van verbinding voor lokale energie
WECF benadrukt in haar nieuwe publicatie het belang van lokale initiatieven in de omslag naar duurzame energie: Uit de Utrechtse ervaringen kunnen lessen getrokken worden die relevant kunnen zijn voor andere steden en dorpen, maar ook voor lokale coöperaties in andere landen, zoals Georgië.

WECF brengt Ecofeministische Kieswijzer #ecofeministscorecard
Deze week, aanstaande donderdag 23 mei, vinden de Europese Verkiezingen plaats. Om je te helpen bij het bepalen van je keuze hebben we een ecofeministische kieswijzer voor je gemaakt, waarbij we naar een aantal specifieke onderwerpen hebben gekeken die wij als feministisch milieunetwerk belangrijk vinden.

PUBLICATIE: De kracht van de coöperatie
Utrechtse successen en het belang van verbinding voor lokale energie

WECF reageert op commentaren onderzoeksrapport weidevogels en bestrijdingsmiddelen in Gelderland
De publicatie van ons onderzoeksrapport "Een onderzoek naar mogelijke relaties tussen de afname van weidevogels en de aanwezigheid van bestrijdingsmiddelen op veehouderijbedrijven“ heeft geleid tot een golf van publiciteit en een reactie van Minister Schouten

Overzicht stand van zaken onderzoek weidevogels Gelderland
Na presentatie onderzoeksresultaten ontstak mediastorm, gevolgd door kamervragen

Was haben Chemikalien mit Gender mit zu tun?
BRS- Konventionen: Gender-Strategien, um Chemikalien und Müll besser und sicherer zu managen

Was haben Chemikalien mit Gender mit zu tun?
BRS- Konventionen: Gender-Strategien, um Chemikalien und Müll besser und sicherer zu managen
09.05.2019 |

Die "Educational Poster" der Women and Gender Constituency
Hier direkt downloaden!

Erinnerung: Vortrag - Besser leben ohne Plastik
Save the Date! Veranstaltung am 22.05.2019

Presentatie Onderzoek naar bestrijdingsmiddelen en afname weidevogels in Gelderland
12 april 2019 presenteerden WECF en Buijs Agro-Services in het provinciehuis in Arnhem hun onderzoeksresultaten over de mogelijke relatie tussen de afname van weidevogels en de aanwezigheid van bestrijdingsmiddelen op veehouderijbedrijven

WECF Workshop at Afrika Dag: #HerstoryofChange: The importance of the international women’s movement

Minisymposium ism Ministerie IenW, VNO-NCW en VNCI

Interview mit Katharina Habersbrunner bei RadioLora
im Rahmen der Bund Naturschutz Sendung „Aktiv auf allen Ebenen – Frauen im Umweltschutz“

63. Sitzung der Frauenrechtskommission in New York vom 11. bis 22. März

63. Sitzung der Frauenrechtskommission im März 2019

Hintergrundgespräch Agenda2030 und UN-Gipfel - 02.04.19
Als Politikansatz für nachhaltige Entwicklung und eine gerechtere Welt stärkt die Agenda 2030 den Multilateralismus

Hintergrundgespräch zur Agenda2030 am 02.04.19
Als Politikansatz für nachhaltige Entwicklung und eine gerechtere Welt stärkt die Agenda 2030 den Multilateralismus

Weidevogels en bestrijdingsmiddelen
Een onderzoek naar mogelijke relaties tussen de afname van weidevogles en de aanwezigheid van bestrijdingsmiddelen op veehouderijbedrijven

Rapport mogelijke effecten van bestrijdingsmiddelen op weidevogels is online
Hoge concentraties van bestrijdingsmiddelen in mest en bodem op veeteeltbedrijven zijn mogelijk een belangrijke oorzaak van de dramatische achteruitgang van veel weidevogelsoorten.

Veranstaltung „Jugendwerkstatt Wandelbar – Wir gestalten Zukunft“
Bewerbung noch bis zum 15.05.2019 möglich

Fachgespräch zu Umweltschadstoffen und Frauengesundheit am 28.03. in Berlin
WECF stellt neue Broschüre vor

App „Giftfrei Einkaufen“ jetzt im neuen Design
WECF App gibt noch mehr Tipps zum schadstofffreien Einkaufen und Leben - Kostenloser Download für Smartphones im PlayStore und als iOS-App

App „Giftfrei Einkaufen“ jetzt im neuen Design
WECF App gibt noch mehr Tipps zum schadstofffreien Einkaufen und Leben - Kostenloser Download für Smartphones im PlayStore und als iOS-App

Weltweit mehr als 1,6 Millionen Tote jährlich durch gefährliche Chemikalien
Verhandlungen zu künftigem internationalem Chemikalienmanagement (SAICM 2.0)

Weltweit mehr als 1,6 Millionen Tote jährlich durch gefährliche Chemikalien
Verhandlungen zu künftigem internationalem Chemikalienmanagement (SAICM 2.0)

EmpowerMed - Horizon2020
WECF startet mit europäischen Partnern das H2020 Projekt EmpowerMed „Empowering women to take action against energy poverty in the Mediterranean“

Auftakt unseres Energieeffizienz-Projekts in Moldawien, Rumänien und Georgien
Weiterqualifizierungen im Bereich Solarthermie und Gebäudeisolierung

Bijeenkomst "Relatie Bestrijdingsmiddelen en Weidevogels“
Op 12 april 2019 worden in de Zuid-Zaal van het provinciehuis van Gelderland door Buijs Agro-service en WECF Nederland de resultaten gepresenteerd van een onderzoek naar de relatie tussen bestrijdingsmiddelen en weidevogels in de provincie Gelderland

Pressemitteilung der AG Wasser des Forum Umwelt und Entwicklung
Weltwassertag am 22. März 2019

#HerstoryofChange: Het belang van de internationale vrouwenbeweging
WECF organiseerde ook dit jaar weer een workshop tijdens de Afrikadag in het KIT, Amsterdam

Kongressdokumentation: SUSTAIN - 1. Münchner Nachhaltigkeitskongress
Der Videomitschnitt des Abends ist jetzt auf Youtube zu finden!

Entwicklung anders denken - Frau.Macht.Entwicklung.
Am Dienstag, den 26. März um 19 Uhr im EineWeltHaus, Raum 211/12 Schwanthalerstr. 80 RG, 80336 München

Management und Entwicklung des Energieeffizienz Netzwerks CLEEN (EECCA Region)
Micro-Grants an Netzwerkmitglieder

WECF fordert Aussetzung der Zulassung von Glyphosat
Neue Studie zeigt hormonelle Wirksamkeit von Herbiziden auf Glyphosatbasis

EINLADUNG - Hintergrundgespräch für Multiplikatoren, Medien und Nachhaltigkeitsakteure - 02.04.19
AGENDA 2030 als Politikkonzept für Multilateralismus

Information für die Medien
NGOs fordern von Bundesregierung mehr Schutz vor Hormongiften, EDCs

Nationaal Actieplan Ostrava
WECF´s aanbevelingen voor de Nederlandse prioriteiten voor het Nationaal Actieplan 2018 voor de implementatie van de Ostrava Declaratie in Nederland

„Ich bin schwanger - Wie Sie sich, Ihr Baby und Ihre Familie vor schädlichen Chemikalien schützen können“
Neue Broschüre von WECF informiert zu mehr Schutz vor Umweltchemikalien

NGOs fordern von Bundesregierung mehr Schutz vor Hormongiften
Bundesumweltausschuss debattiert unzureichende Vorschläge der EU Kommission zu EDCs

NGOs fordern von Bundesregierung mehr Schutz vor Hormongiften
Bundesumweltausschuss debattiert unzureichende Vorschläge der EU Kommission zu EDCs

Grundrente zur Verbesserung der Situation von Frauen
Einschätzung des Vorschlags

Risikomanagement und technische Lösungen verbinden
Protocol on Water and Health – Workshop zum Thema Sanitärversorgung im gesamteuropäischen Raum, Bonn, 12.-13.02.2019

"Unleashing the power of community renewable energy"
Neue EU-Gesetzgebung bietet Unterstützung für mehr erneuerbare Bürgerenergie

Die Klima Allianz Deutschland
Vernetzung von Organisationen, um dem Klimawandel kraftvoll zu begegnen

Erhöhung der Energieeffizienz durch Solarenergie und Gebäudeisolierung
Kooperationsprojekt von URBIS FOUNDATION und WECF e.V.

Time is Honey - Nachhaltige Zeitkultur und die Grenzen der Natur - 03.02.2019
Vorträge von Prof. Harald Lesch, Prof. Karlheinz Geißler und Jonas Geißler

Die bessere Stadt
17 ExpertInnen erklären, was sich in ihrem Bereich noch ändern muss

SUSTAIN - Pioniere für eine Normalität der Nachhaltigkeit stärker unterstützen – Nachhaltigkeit zur Chefsache machen
Mehr als 400 Teilnehmende entwickeln bei SUSTAIN, dem 1. Münchner Nachhaltigkeitskongress, Vorschläge für eine nachhaltige Stadtgesellschaft

Geschlechtergerechte Umsetzung der Agenda 2030
Unterstützung des WOMEN2030 Programms, EU DEVCO

Geschlechtergerechte Lösungen für den Klimaschutz
„Gender Just Climate Solutions Award” – Publikation zeigt Nominierte und Gewinner

SUSTAIN - Der 1. Münchner Nachhaltigkeitskongress
Der 1. Münchner Nachhaltigkeitskongress findet nächsten Montag statt

"Gemeinsam Vorschläge machen"
Nachhaltigkeitskongress lädt zum Mitmachen ein

SUSTAIN - Nachhaltige Zeitkultur und die Grenzen der Natur am 3.2.2019
mit Prof. Harald Lesch, Prof. Karlheinz u. Jonas Geißler, Karin Lohr und Rieke Grund

"Unser Fußabdruck ist immer noch viel zu hoch"
1. Münchner Nachhaltigkeitskongress will die lohnendsten Handlungsansätze für unsere Stadt finden

Jahresbericht 2017
Der Jahresbericht 2017 von WECF e.V. ist da!

PERSBERICHT: Wake-up call van burgercomité naar overheid: “Moet er eerst een ramp gebeuren?”
Comité Bezorgde Burgers Zaltbommel organiseert bijeenkomst op zaterdag 2 februari

Dinsdag 22 januari bood een delegatie namens 31 organisaties Petitie Brede Welvaart 2019-2030 aan aan Tweede Kamercommissie Economische Zaken & Klimaat.
"Wij vragen in het bijzonder aandacht voor de rol van vrouwen. Hun potentieel om de strijd tegen klimaatverandering, milieuvervuiling en aantasting van de biodiversiteit tegen te gaan wordt nog onvoldoende benut"

WECF coalitiepartner van Plastic Health Coalition
The Plastic Soup Foundation heeft het initiatief genomen om met vooraanstaande wetenschappers, frontrunners en changemakers een nieuwe alliantie op te richten te weten: The Plastic Health Coalition.

Tool zur Bewertung und Überwachung des Geschlechtereinflusses

Projekt Nachhaltigkeit geht in die nächste Runde
Bewerbung bis zum 28. Februar 2019 möglich!

"Wir haben es satt!"-Demo am 19.01.19
Demonstration für eine nachhaltige Agrarpolitik

SUSTAIN – 1. Münchner Nachhaltigkeitskongress
Worum geht es da überhaupt?

Agraratlas 2019
Agrar- und Ernährungswende als Voraussetzung für Konsumwende

Vortrag - Besser leben ohne Plastik
SAVE THE DATE - 22.05.2019

Volksbegehren Artenvielfalt
Worum geht’s hier eigentlich? Ganz einfach: Wir wollen, dass mehr und besserer Natur- und Artenschutz in Bayern gesetzlich verankert wird.

SUSTAIN – Nachhaltigkeits-Offensive für München
1. Münchner Nachhaltigkeitskongress für eine lebenswerte Zukunft

Nederland telt meer fietsen dan inwoners, toch kan het altijd nog beter!
WECF ondersteunde in 2018 twee projecten op het gebied van actieve mobiliteit; een loopfietsenproject voor peuters in Amersfoort en een fietsproject voor nieuwkomers in de gemeente Haarlem

Dien met je organisatie een projectvoorstel in en 'Maak Europa Duurzaam voor Iedereen'!
Subsidieregeling "MAAK EUROPA DUURZAAM VOOR IEDEREEN" open tot en met 15 februari 2019

Chemische industrie bij woonwijk Zaltbommel. Is er een duurzame oplossing?
Comité Bezorgde Burgers Zaltbommel organiseert bijeenkomst over risico's chemische industrie dichtbij de bebouwde kom

Klimaattop Katowice: hoog tijd om wakker te worden
Terwijl wij in het Noorden van de wereld klagen over te warme zomers, is klimaatverandering in andere delen van de wereld al een zaak van leven en dood.

Le nouveau site de wecf France est en ligne

Duurzaamheid is niet alleen voor rijke mensen
Maak Europa Duurzaam voor Iedereen maakte inspiratiesessies voor energiegesprekken met je buren mogelijk in Leiden

Jetzt Bewerben: Zuschuss über 2000€
Wir vergeben im Rahmen unseres Projekts „Make Europe Sustainable for All“ dreimal 2.000 Euro als Unterstützung für lokale Aktionen, Kampagnen und öffentlichkeitswirksame Maßnahmen im Bereich "Nachhaltige Entwicklungsziele (SDGs)"

Meet the Winners of the Gender Just Climate Solutions Award at COP24
On the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, we awarded Gender Just Climate Solutions Winners at the climate negotiations in Katowice, Poland

Gender Just Climate Solutions Awards: showcasing gender-responsive and climate resilient initiatives

Feminists say NO to the global rise of macho-fascism!
Time is up! To fight against this oppressive system, we at the Women and Gender Constituency (WGC) and our feminist allies are organising actions at the COP24 and inviting any feminists and people that stand in solidarity to say NO to the global rise of macho-fascism.

Invitation: Gender Just Climate Solutions Award 2018
10 December, COP24 Katowice

WECF at the Climate Change Negotiations in Katowice, Poland

COP24 - Klimaverhandlungen in Katowice, Polen
03.12.2018 - 14.12.2018

Women & Gender Constituency Strategy Meeting (ahead of COP24)

Wann, wenn nicht jetzt!?
Das Maßnahmenprogramm Klimaschutz 2030 der deutschen Zivilgesellschaft

Für mehr Schutz vor Pestiziden
Wir sind Mitglied der Europäischen Koalition 'Citizens for Science in Pesticide Regulation'

Nachhaltigkeit braucht Gerechtigkeit!
Blitzlicht-Beitrag zur bayrischen Nachhaltigkeitstagung

Pour ses 10 ans, WECF France mobilise autour de la santé de nombreuses actrices et acteurs engagé.e.s dans l’action
La journée a réuni 24 intervenant.e.s et 167 participant.e.s venu.e.s du monde de la santé.

Wir sind Gründungsmitglied der neuen CEDAW-Allianz Deutschland
Frauenrechtskonvention zur Beseitigung jeder Form von Diskriminierung der Frau

Neufassung: Kommunen als zentrale Akteure
Geschlechtergerechte Umsetzung der Agenda 2030

Münchner Tage der Menschenrechte
30. November 2018 Auftaktveranstaltung

'Samen naar een Schoon Klimaat' in Den Haag
Afgelopen maandag organiseerde WECF een bijeenkomst in samenwerking met Building Change, in het kader van hun 'Adopteer een SDG' campagne, waarbij we tot goede aanbevelingen kwamen richting Tweede Kamerleden voor meer Nederlandse inzet voor een schoon klimaat.

‘Hoopvol of hopeloos landschap, het 100-dagen debat’
Er heerst grote zorg onder inwoners van Westerveld over de staat van hun landschap en hun gezondheid. Stichting Bollenboos organiseerde, met steun van WECF, een debat

Mieterstromförderung soll drastisch sinken
Referentenentwurf torpediert PV-Projekte und Klimaschutz

Getting to the Future We Want
4-7 November, Brussels: European Environmental Bureau’s (EEB) Annual Conference

EU Plan zum Schutz vor Hormongiften nicht konkret genug
München, Hamburg

WECF and partners all over Europe start GoodFood4All Campaign

WECF and partners all over Europe start GoodFood4All Campaign

Für eine nachhaltige Landwirtschaft

60 Milliarden EU-Steuergelder für eine Landwirtschaft, die Gesundheit und Umwelt schädigt?
Es geht auch anders #LastChanceCAP

WECF Nederland reageert op de landbouwnota van Minister Schouten: “Kringlooplandbouw is mooi, maar gaat niet samen met pesticiden”
In september presenteerde Minister van Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit Carola Schouten haar visie op de toekomst van de Nederlandse landbouw: “Landbouw, Natuur en Voedsel: Waardevol en Verbonden, Nederland als koploper in kringlooplandbouw.” Deze week werd over haar plannen voor de financiering van deze visie in de Tweede Kamer gedebatteerd.

Substances chimiques toxiques dans les moquettes : un danger pour la santé et un frein pour une économie circulaire non toxique
Communiqué de presse / Bruxelles/Berlin/Paris/Amsterdam
30.10.2018 | Elisabeth Ruffinengo

Schadelijke stoffen in weidevogelbeschermingsgebieden in Gelderland
Onderzoek naar de aanwezigheid en risico´s van pesticiden en diergeneesmiddelen in dierlijke mest en bodem in weidevogelgebieden in Gelderland. Is er een samenhang tussen contaminatie van de mest en bodem op veebedrijven en de vogelstand?

Pesticiden en Drenthe
Een rapportage met feiten en hiaten voor beleidsmakers, maatschappelijke organisaties en burgers

Economical and social empowerment of remote communities in Uganda
Publication on the impact of integrating conservation agriculture, gender, business and accessibility to financial resources on remote communities in rural Uganda

Deutsche Postcode Lotterie

Mehr Schutz vor hormonwirksamen Chemikalien (EDCs) in Deutschland
Mehr Informationen zu EDCs und bessere gesetzliche Regulierungen

Deux des pires produits chimiques retrouvés dans des jouets et ustensiles de cuisine
communiqué de presse
17.10.2018 | Elisabeth Ruffinengo

Chemieskandal - Profit First
Ungeprüfte Chemikalien in Spielsachen, Kosmetik, Möbeln und vielem mehr

Anstieg von Brustkrebserkrankungen
Arbeitskreise Frauengesundheit fordert mehr Schutz vor hormonell wirksamen Chemikalien

1,5°C : c'est possible!
Les solutions genre et climat montrent la voie. Venez les découvrir pendant la COP24 à Katowice
15.10.2018 | Anne Barre

Ein sofortiges Umlenken in der Klimapolitik ist nötig
Vorstellung des IPCC Sonderberichts zu 1.5 Grad

1.5°C IS POSSIBLE: gender just climate solutions are showing the way!
Press release: for immediate release

Klimaherbst Event – Energielösungen für Klima und Gerechtigkeit
Wie wir durch Erneuerbare Energien nicht nur unsere Umwelt schützen, sondern auch soziale Ungleichheiten bekämpfen können.

#Ruralwomen: join our Women2030 campaign!

Chemieskandal – Profit First
Ungeprüfte Chemikalien in Spielsachen, Kosmetik, Möbeln und vielem mehr 

Sie wollen Klimaschutz und Gleichberechtigung weiter vorantreiben?
Unterstützen Sie unsere Arbeit und helfen Sie mit, den WECF Stiftungsfond zu gründen

Lack of trustworth information is a barrier to chemicals & product related decision-making
8-9 October, Geneva: short report of the meeting of the Aarhus Convention’s task force on public participation in decision-making

Gemeinsam für eine nachhaltige Sanitärversorgung und Wassersicherheit weltweit!
Stockholm, 26-31 Aug 2018: Um die weltweite Umsetzung des SDG 6 weiter zu unterstützen, nahm WECF an der World Water Week 2018 teil

Sascha, gefeliciteerd!
WECF International Directeur nieuw op nummer 33 in Duurzame Top 100 Dagblad Trouw

Communiqué de presse - Mardi 9 octobre 2018
Bébés nés sans bras ou sans mains : les investigations doivent se poursuivre pour identifier les causes

Congratulations Sascha!
Named thirty-third most influential sustainability fighter in the Netherlands

Regional Policy Forum on Development (Africa)

WECF France...10 ans cela se fête! "Construire avec les femmes un monde sain, durable et équitable"
communique de presse 3
05.10.2018 | Elisabeth Ruffinengo

Duurzaamheid is niet alleen voor rijke mensen
Woon je in Leiden, praat dan mee tijdens het Ideecafé op 15 oktober - inspiratiesessie voor energiegesprekken met je buren

Nederland in de volgende versnelling - Adopteer een SDG LIVE!
WECF en Building Change organiseerden conferentie in Den Haag om mede aandacht te vragen voor meer inzet beschermen vrouwenrechten wereldwijd én in Nederland

The Netherlands in the next gear - Adopt an SDG Live!
WECF and Building Change organised the event “The Netherlands in the next gear – Adopt an SDG live” on 27 September in the Koorenhuis in The Hague

WECF presenteert Petititie Nationaal Plan Hormoonverstorende Stoffen in Tweede Kamer
Afgelopen dinsdag 25 september was Sanne Van de Voort (links op de foto) namens WECF in de Tweede Kamer om samen met Wemos, Tegengif en de Plastic Soup Foundation haar Nationaal Actieplan Hormoonverstorende Stoffen aan te bieden aan Tweede Kamerleden.

Human Biomonitoring for Europe
Vienna, 26 September: stakeholder forum

Communiqué de presse - 26 septembre 2018
Nous voulons des champions pour transformer notre monde !

Three years of the global goals: is Europe doing enough?

Booklet SDG Pioniere
Zum Anlass des 3-jährigen Jahrestags der Agenda 2030 veröffentlicht WECF gemeinsam mit RENN.süd am 25. September 2018 ein Booklet mit Akteuren und Konzepten zur Umsetzung der 17 Nachhaltigkeitsziele

Notre campagne de communication autour de la réduction des inégalités démarre !
Réduire les inégalités, par où commencer ?

Happy Birthday Agenda 2030
Werkzeug für eine gerechte Welt oder zahnloser Weltverbesserungskatalog?

Was ist der Kick, den eine – letztlich unverbindliche – UN-Agenda geben kann?

Bayerische Nachhaltigkeitstagung am 20. November 2018

6. Stuttgarter Forum für Entwicklung am 19. Oktober 2018

Naturschutz in München und wo es noch besonders hakt

Was ist von den Klimagesprächen zu erwarten, die letzte Woche in Bangkok stattfanden?
COP24: Zweites Verhandlungstreffen für die COP24, Bangkok, Thailand, 2018

Frauen trifft der Klimawandel am härtesten
Der Klimawandel betrifft Männer und Frauen nach dem Urteil von Experten nicht in gleichem Maße. Frauen sind von der Erderwärmung besonders betroffen. In der Klimapolitik spielten sie aber bisher kaum eine Rolle.

A life without plastic, wouldn't it be fantastic?!
Interview with Charlotte Schueler of @PlastikfreiLeben, who lives a zerowaste life in Munich, Germany and shares her experiences to her 25.2 thousand followers on instagram & 37.2 thousand followers on facebook

Communiqué de presse : WECF France lance ses fiches pratiques Santé-environnement.
Campagne d'adhésion : automne 2018

WECF France fête ses 10 ans… Jeudi 22 novembre 2018
Colloque International au Ministère de la Transition écologique et solidaire à Paris…La santé, patrimoine fragile et enjeu essentiel du développement durable.

Négociations climat à Bangkok - Quel bilan en tirer?
Une session additionnelle de négociations s’est tenue à Bangkok du 4 au 9 Septembre pour préparer la COP24 : nous sommes très loin de ce dont notre planète a besoin !
10.09.2018 | Anne Barre

Le programme complet du colloque des 10 ans de WECF France - le 22 novembre prochain
Journée de mobilisation pour la santé, patrimoine fragile et enjeu essentiel du développement durable
10.09.2018 | Elisabeth Ruffinengo

Meeresschutz gibt es in Deutschland leider nur auf dem Papier!
Sea Shepherd Deutschland e.v. zur Umsetzung des SDG 14 - Ozeane, Meere und Meeresressourcen erhalten und nachhaltig nutzen

What to expect from the climate talks that resumed in Bangkok this week?
COP24: second intersession of the climate change negotiations 2018, Bangkok, Thailand

Wie können wir die Plastikfluten besiegen?

Wie steht es um den Klimaschutz in München?

Calling for periods free from plastic & hazardous chemicals
Letter to Frédérique Ries, MEP, European Parliament on behalf of the #BreakFreeFromPlastics movement

10 years ago today: our push for safe toys in the European Parliament

Wohlfühlnest oder Schadstoffquelle informiert darüber, wie Eltern Schadstoffe im Wohnumfeld reduzieren können

Together for sustainable sanitation and water security worldwide!
Stockholm, 26-31 Aug 2018: WECF participated in the World Water Week 2018 to further support the worldwide implementation of SDG 6

World Water Week side event: Om (O&M) - the mantra for sustainable water/sanitation services

Klimagerechtigkeit braucht Geschlechtergerechtigkeit
Was hat Geschlechtergerechtigkeit mit Klimawandel und Klimapolitik in Deutschland und darüber hinaus zu tun?

Uitnodiging: 'Nederland in de volgende versnelling - Adopteer een SDG Live' 27 september
WECF organiseert samen met Building Change ´Nederland in de volgende versnelling´ op 27 september in In het Koorenhuis, Den Haag, om de balans op te maken van de Nederlandse SDG inzet. Wees erbij en laat horen wat jij vindt dat er beter kan om de realisatie van de SDG's in en vanuit Nederland een stap dichterbij te brengen!

Thema Lebensmittelverschwendung - wo können wir anpacken?

Praktikumsstelle im Bereich Kommunikation/Öffentlichkeitsarbeit bei WECF e.V. München
Für unser deutsches Büro in München suchen wir zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine(n) Praktikant(in) im Bereich Öffentlichkeitsarbeit/Kommunikation

Wie ergeht es bunten und vielfältigen Familien in Deutschland?

Promotion of Healthy and Economical Agriculture and Livestock Farming
How to improve with simple means agricultural cultivation methods and local livestock farming and make them more profitable

WECF at HLPF 2018
"While HLPF is a great space for feminist solidarity, networking, awareness raising and knowledge sharing of best practices, you cannot really shake the feeling of: are we really doing enough to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals?"

Bessere Lebensbedingungen – weniger Landflucht
Vorschlag über zusätzliche Aktivitäten in Masindi, Uganda

WECF op de Stockholm World Water Week
World Water Week side evenement: aanleg en onderhoud (O&M) – de mantra voor duurzame water- en sanitaire voorzieningen

Welche Steine werden Frauen auf dem Weg in die Selbstständigkeit gelegt?

Schadstoffe in Spielzeug & Co
Synthetische Chemikalien können Allergien auslösen und das Hormonsystem stören.

Application open for Gender Just Climate Solutions Award 2018!
WECF and partners invite you to participate in the 4th annual Gender Just Climate Solutions Awards

Erdüberlastungstag – „Earth Overshoot Day“ 2018
Mit dem 1. August 2018 überschreiten wir die natürlichen Ressourcen unseres Planeten

WECF organiseert in huis Consultatiesessie Waterkwaliteit
Woensdag 27 juli jongstleden vond de consultatiesessie waterkwaliteit plaats op het kantoor van WECF aan de Korte Elisabethstraat in Utrecht. Er waren verschillende deelnemers met verschillende achtergronden, maar allen met één doel: zorgen uiten en de overheid adviseren over het verbeteren van de waterkwaliteit in Nederland.

FILM - Fighting Inequalities
WECF en projectpartners maken Europa Duurzaam voor Iedereen

Wie wärs wenn wir einfach mal Menschen ins Zentrum der Wirtschaft stellen!?

Dinsdagochtend 10 juli namen we luisteraars mee in de wereld van plastic en gingen in op de consequenties die veel stoffen in plastics hebben op jouw gezondheid.

Fifth meeting of the Expert Group on Equitable Access to Water and Sanitation, 26 - 27 June 2018
WECF shares experiences on developing and implementing Equitable Access Action Plans

5. Sitzung der Expertengruppe für gerechten Zugang zu Wasser und sanitären Einrichtungen, 26.-27. Juni 2018
WECF teilt Erfahrungen zur Entwicklung und Implementierung von Aktionsplänen für einen gerechten Zugang zu Wasser und sanitären Einrichtungen

Runder Tisch und Schulung zu Trinkwasserproblemen und -prioritäten in Mazedonien
Arbeitspaket 2 - Bildungsmaßnahmen für verantwortungsvolle Institutionen und den Entwurf von Verordnungen, im Rahmen des laufenden Projekt "Wasser- und Sanitärsicherheitsplanung im ländlichen Rumänien, Albanien und Mazedonien"

National Round Table and Training on Drinking Water Issues and Priorities in Macedonia
Working Package 2 – Educational measures for responsible institutions and drafting of regulations, among the on-going project „Water and Sanitation Safety Planning in Romania, Albania, and FYR Macedonia”

Training für Multiplikator*innen zu Wasser- und Sanitärsicherheitsplanung in Albanien
Women in Development und WECF organisieren einen 2-tägigen Workshop

Training for Teachers on Water and Sanitation Safety Planning
Women in Development and WECF organise a 2-day workshop in Shkodra region, Albania

Solidarität statt Spaltung
Unter dem Motto ‚Ausgehetzt’ demonstrieren Zehntausende in der Münchner Innenstadt gegen die ‚Politik der Angst’ der CSU

Le 22 novembre prochain, WECF France fête ses 10 ans - Inscriptions ouvertes !
Journée de mobilisation pour la santé, patrimoine fragile et enjeu essentiel du développement durable

Les formations santé-environnement de WECF France
Déjà 42 personnes formées depuis début 2018 !

Recrutement : Offre de stage
Appui événementiel santé-environnement début septembre à mi-décembre 2018

Welche Rolle spielt die Bürgerenergie in unserer 'Energiewende'?

Gender Road Map 2018 der deutschen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit
Entwicklungspolitischer Aktionsplan zur Gleichberechtigung der Geschlechter 2016-2020

Warum sauberes Trinkwasser in Deutschland keine Selbstverständlichkeit ist

Die Women & Gender Constituency lädt zum 4. Gender Just Climate Solutions Award ein
Bewerben Sie sich bis zum 10. September 2018

Campagne sur la réduction des inégalités (ODD10)
WECF France lancera en septembre à l’occasion de l’anniversaire des ODD une campagne de communication autour de la réduction des inégalités.

(HLPF side event) Mapping the gap: barriers and opportunities for CS in VNRs
WECF is participating in UN's central platform for the follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda for the Sustainable Developments Goals (SDGs)

Hohe Zahl von Brustkrebserkrankungen
Gynäkologinnen fordern mehr Schutz vor hormonwirksamen Stoffen

(HLPF side event) Defend the defenders - from high destruction to fast transformation
WECF is participating in UN's central platform for the follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda for the Sustainable Developments Goals (SDGs)

Participez à la 4ème édition du prix « Solutions Genre et Climat »
Soumettez votre projet avant le 10 Septembre 2018 !

HLPF 2018: Transformation towards sustainable and resilient societies

HLPF 2018: Transformation towards sustainable and resilient societies
Wir beteiligen uns an der zentralen Plattform der Vereinten Nationen für das Follow-up und die Überprüfung der Agenda 2030 für die nachhaltigen Entwicklungsziele (SDGs)

HLPF 2018: Transformation towards sustainable and resilient societies
08.07.2018 - 18.07.2018 | Hauptsitz der Vereinten Nationen, New York

Winnaars subsidieregeling "MAAK EUROPA DUURZAAM VOOR IEDEREEN"
De winnaars zijn bekend. WECF Nederland mocht 3 projectsubsidies verlenen aan lokale groepen die werken aan de uitvoering van en bewustwording over de SDG's, de duurzame ontwikkelingsdoelen

Webinar zu Gender und SDGs
In Vorbereitung auf die Sitzungen des HLPF 2018

WECF's Teilnahme am 21. WASH Netzwerktreffen in Berlin
Beitrag zu Sanitäreinrichtungen in Schulen in Mazedonien

WECF's participation at the 21st WASH network meeting in Berlin
Presenting a case from Macedonia and results from session at IFAT in Munich

Plastic, Gender en het Milieu
Levenscyclus van plastic en de impact op vrouwen en mannen, van productie tot (zee)afval

Armenia Policy Dialogue on Agenda2030 - Women2030 Program, Yerevan, 18 June 2018
WECF and Armenian partners invited 30 Civil Society Organisations and Government representatives to prepare input for Agenda2030 UN top in July

HLPF 2018: Transformation towards sustainable and resilient societies
WECF is participating in UN's central platform for the follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda for the Sustainable Developments Goals (SDGs)

Heb jij een goed idee waarmee Nederland nog meer aan de weg kan timmeren als wandel- en fietsvriendelijk land?
Laat het ons weten en win 500 euro!

Bleiben Frauen beim Zugang zu Bildung auf der Strecke?

Listen to the recording of our Webinar on Gender and the SDGs - In preparation of the HLPF 2018
Countries are implementing policies and programs to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Gender and equality are cross-cutting issues throughout the 17 goals and 169 targets. In advance of the HLPF on Sustainable Development taking place from 9 to 18 July, the webinar is an opportunity to explore how to ensure gender and equality are at the forefront of SDG implementation

WECF organiseert Webinar over Gender, de SDG’s en het HLPF 2018
Tijdens het zogenoemde ‘High Level Political Forum’ dat plaatsvindt in New York van 9 tot 18 juli zullen wereldleiders en diplomaten van over de hele wereld stilstaan bij de vraag: Hoe staan we ervoor als het gaat om het bereiken van de Sustainable Development Goals en de Agenda 2030?

Comparative study on energy cooperatives in Eastern Europe and the Western Balkans
Study made in collaboration with ZEZ (Zelena Energetska Zadruga)

Strukturelle Ungleichheiten zwischen Mann und Frau fördern die Gewalt gegen Frauen

Projektbericht – Uganda: Förderung einer gesunden und wirtschaftlichen Nutztierhaltung
Projektbesuch in Masindi, Uganda

Uganda: Promotion of Healthy and Economical Agriculture and Livestock Farming
With simple methods and means, agricultural cultivation methods and local livestock farming are improved and made more profitable. This project is co-financed with an existing project in Uganda: 'Better living conditions, less rural migration',.

Uganda: Förderung einer gesunden und wirtschaftlichen Nutztierhaltung
Mit einfachen Methoden und Mitteln werden landwirtschaftliche Anbaumethoden und die lokale Nutztierhaltung verbessert und ertragreicher gestaltet. Das Projekt ist eine Ko-Finanzierung für ein schon bestehendes Projekt in Uganda: bessere Lebensbedingungen, weniger Landflucht finanziert durch die bayerische Staatskanzlei.

Erfolgreicher Abschluss des NAKOPA-Projekts
Beratungs- und Qualifizierungsangebote zur Energieeffizienz in Kiew

Wie steht es um unsere Gesundheit in Deutschland?

WECF bei der Auftaktveranstaltung der [fam]-Berufsreihe an der Universität Augsburg
Dr. Anke Stock als Referentin zum Berufsfeld „Internationales"

Durchbruch in Brüssel für Bürgerenergie - Europa stärkt den Ökostrom-Eigenverbrauch
Mit einfacherem und günstigerem Eigenverbrauch zu 32% Erneuerbare Energien in Europa bis 2030

Women and Gender Constituency Joint Statement On SB48
Real commitment to rights-based, gender-just solutions to climate change is imperative for the effective implementation of the Paris Agreement.

Exposition ODD & Femmes Rurales
Posters en version numérique : parcours de femmes entrepreneuses et engagées dans des pratiques durables

WECF im Interview mit der Welthungerhilfe zu SDG 2 – Kein Hunger
„Frauen und Mädchen stärken, heißt den Hunger besiegen“

Müssen auch in Deutschland Menschen hungern?

Félicitations aux 4 lauréats français de l’appel à projets sur la réduction des inégalités

Women2030 in Tajikistan
WECF and Women2030 partners participate in policy dialogue on Gender and Women’s rights in Tajikistan, organised by the EU delegation in Dushanbe on 24-25 of April 2018.

Jardiner dans la rue c'est permis !
WECF est partenaire de la Ville d’Annemasse dans la mise en œuvre des premiers « permis de jardiner »

Assemblée générale de WECF France
Jeudi 21 juin 2018 à Annemasse de 18h00 à 20h00

Von der Nahrungsmittelproduktion zu den Auswirkungen unseres Nahrungsmittelkonsums
Aktuelle Situation zu SDG 2 für Frauen und Männer in Deutschland

Auf dem Weg zu einem Klima der Gerechtigkeit
Ein Beitrag von Johanna Hausmann, WECF, in Umwelt aktuell, 06.2018

Armut in Deutschland - wen betrifft es am stärksten?

#StopUngleichheit zwischen Frauen und Männern
WECF startet Kampagne gegen Ungleichheit in Deutschland

Gemeinsam für eine sozial gerechte Umsetzung der SDGs

Women2030 at European Development Days

Press release: #Women2030 partners at the European Development Days
The coalition and local partners of the programme #Women2030 will be present at the European Development Days in Brussels, on 5 and 6 June 2018, on their stand number 79, to facilitate dialogues with local partners from Africa, Latin America, Asia and Caucasus, and to showcase results after 2 years of implementation.

Rural Georgians look to the sun to ease energy poverty
Video (6 min): by Deutsche Welle & Maria Lesser on our project in Georgia

Nederland in actie voor schoon water! Wat vind jij?
WECF organiseert woensdag 27 juni Consultatiesessie Waterkwaliteit

Small is Beautiful
WECF reageert op nieuwe Beleidsnota Minister Kaag "Investeren in perspectief. Goed voor Nederland, goed voor de wereld."

Bonn Climate Talks: Slow Progress but the Gender Action Plan is rolling!
WECF was in Bonn from April 30th to May 10th. Read below our comments.

Menstrual Hygiene Day 2018
Intersecting Menstrual Hygiene Management and the Sustainable Development Goals - an overview by WECF

Crowdfunder for ‘Environmenstrual’ Campaign from the Women's Environmental Network
WECF partner, the UK-based Women’s Environmental Network (WEN), have recently launched a ‘Crowdfunder’ for their new ‘Environmenstrual Campaign’. The goal of which is to spark a menstrual revolution and increase demand for healthy, eco-friendly menstrual products.

Report on National Workshop on SDGs in Georgia
On the Interlinkages of Environment & Health in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

WECF bij de Klimaatconferentie in Bonn, 30 april – 10 mei
WECF was sterk vertegenwoordigd in Bonn en liet actief haar gezicht zien om de rol van vrouwen in het bereiken van de Sustainable Development Goals te benadrukken.

Sustainable Water and Sanitation Services for All – Which New Partnerships, Innovative Solutions and Capacities Do We Need to Achieve the SDGs?
WASH Forum: 18th May 2018, 9:30 - 12:00h, at IFAT in Munich

Nachhaltige Wasser- und Sanitärversorgung für Alle - Welche neuen Partnerschaften, innovative Lösungen und Kapazitäten brauchen wir, um die SDGs zu erreichen?
WASH Forum: 18. May, 9:30-12:00 Uhr, IFAT in München

'De reis van plastic en hoe het ons leven beïnvloedt'
Op 17 april gaven Manon Zwart, coördinerend adviseur duurzaamheid bij het RIVM en Chantal Van den Bossche, coördinator communicatie WECF, een gezamenlijke workshop over plastic tijdens de jaarlijkse Atlas Dag van de Leefomgeving.

Acht Forderungen für eine EU EDC-Strategie
Die EU steht in der Verantwortung, ihre Bürgerinnen und Bürger und die Umwelt vor allen endokrin schädlichen Chemikalien zu schützen

Our eight demands for an EU EDC strategy
EU has the obligation to protect its people and the environment from all harm caused by endocrine disrupting chemicals

Neues Factsheet zu den SDGs
Was sind die nachhaltigen Entwicklungsziele und wie steht es um ihre Umsetzung in Deutschland und weltweit?

Opinion: Poland infringing on yet another human right while the European community watches silently
UN human rights experts join feminist organisations in condemning Polish Legislation

Reinforcing capacity building on waste water treatment in An Oston
During a five days' workshop, the engineers Stefan Deegener and Tobias Ulbrich, have brought the expertise and experience to the villagers and decision makers of An Oston

SB48 Side Event “Access to climate finance for non-state actors”
WECF to launch energy community study and to introduce gender-just energy cooperative model in Georgia

SB48 Side Event - "Zugang zu Klimafinanzierung für nicht-staatliche Akteure"
WECF präsentiert neue Studie zu Energiegenossenschaften und ein geschlechtergerechtes Energiegenossenschaftsmodell in Georgien

Pourparlers sur le climat à Bonn : des progrès encore fragiles mais le Plan d’Action Genre avance !

Referent*in für Wasser- und Sanitärversorgung gesucht
Praktikum bei WECF mit möglicher Anstellung im Anschluss

Priority Action to Increase Access to Climate Finance for Non-State Actors

Press Release: The Great Eight Action
Bonn, 4 May 2018, SB48, UNFCCC

Climate Action: Where Do We Want To Go?
Read our Anne Barre's story as shared during the Talanoa Dialogue, 6 May 2018

The Great Eight: If You Leave One Out, The Rulebook Crumbles!
Bonn, 4 May 2018: Action at SB48, UNFCCC

COP24: women demand a gender-just transition
Follow WECF's activities around UN's climate change conference in Katowice, Poland, in December 2018

How can observes contribute and support countries to complete the Paris Agreement Work Programme?
UNFCCC's interview with Sascha Gabizon during the in-session workshop of the Conference of Parties (COP)

Priority Actions to Increase Access to Climate Finance for Non-State Actors
SB48 side event: 7 May 2018 at 16:45 CEST in room 181, UNFCCC, Bonn

Klimagerechtigkeit braucht Geschlechtergerechtigkeit!
Ein Beitrag von Johanna Hausmann, WECF, in WirFrauen, Ausgabe 2018_1

Mind the GAP – The Gender Action Plan as a milestone for Climate Justice
WECF Youth Alumna Miriam Mueller writes about the Gender Action Plan (UNFCCC)

Afrika-dag in Amsterdam: eco-activisme en WECF
Op zaterdag 14 april 2018 hield Women Engage for a Common Future haar eerste workshop tijdens de jaarlijkse Afrika-Dag in Amsterdam.

WECF at the Global Festival of Action for Sustainable Development

WECF beim Global Festival of Action for Sustainable Development

AfricaDay in Amsterdam: Raising Awareness on Eco-Activism
Saturday April 14th 2018, Women Engage for a Common Future held its first workshop at the annual AfrikaDag in Amsterdam. With this year’s theme being “New Activism”, members of the organization took it upon themselves to raise awareness on eco-activism

Ausschreibung: Videoproduktion für europäisches Nachhaltigkeitsprojekt
Aktivitäten Make Europe Sustainable for all

From Marrakesh to Marrakesh: The rise of gender equality in the global climate governance and climate action
WECF’s experts publish chapter in Routledge Handbook of Human Rights and Climate Governance

Eco-Activism: What it is and Why it is Relevant
In light of this year’s theme “New Activism”, Women and Environment Network WECF, Women Engage for a Common Future, will organize a workshop on eco-activism during Africaday in Amsterdam. What is eco-activism and what are its challenges?
13.04.2018 | Audrey Van Schoote

WECF France s'associe à la Marche des Cobayes
Vérité et Justice pour la Santé Environnementale

Die Energiewende gelingt nur europäisch und mit den Bürgerinnen und Bürgern
Veröffentlichung des Energieatlas „Erneuerbare Energien in Europa“

Global WASH Cluster Meeting 2018
Globales Koordinierungs-Netzwerk für Humanitäre Hilfe im Bereich Wasser, Sanitärversorgung und Hygiene tagt vom 10.-11. April in Berlin

Dien je projectvoorstel in en 'Maak Europa Duurzaam voor Iedereen'!
WECF Nederland mag 3 projectsubsidies verlenen aan lokale groepen en maatschappelijke organisaties die op lokaal niveau actief zijn en werken aan de uitvoering van en bewustwording over de duurzame ontwikkelingsdoelen (SDG’s) en de Agenda 2030

Ausschreibung "Make Europe Sustainable for All"
Als Projektteam mit AWO international und Forum Umwelt und Entwicklung vergeben wir dreimal 1.000 € als Unterstützung für Aktionen, Kampagnen und öffentlichkeitswirksame Maßnahmen.

Through WECF you can apply for local project grants in The Netherlands, Germany and France.

WECF at the second SAICM International meeting in Stockholm, IP2
NGOs active for a future international chemicals and waste framework, aiming high level of protection for human health and environment

Répondez à l'appel à projets (ODD) : Construire une Europe durable pour toutes et tous
Dans le cadre de ce projet, un appel à contributions est lancé, à destination des associations locales. Le montant alloué est de 1000 euros. Vous avez jusqu'au 6 mai 2018 minuit

Hazardous chemicals: replacing it is not the solution.
Corporations and industrials are permitted to switch out one EDC for another that possesses the same hazardous properties.

Vergleichsstudie zu Energiegenossenschaften in Osteuropa und Westbalkan
WECF publiziert in Kooperation mit ZEZ (Zelena Energetska Zadruga) Kroation eine Vergleichsstudie zu Energiegenossenschaften in Osteuropa und Westbalkan.

How was your #PlasticFreeLent?
The last 40 days WECF ran a different Lent, a Plastic-free Lent!

The Rural is Political: a brief summary of WECF's activities at CSW62

WECF organiseert workshop tijdens Afrikadag 2018
Op zaterdag 14 april is het zover, de Afrikadag 2018: hét event over Afrika en internationale samenwerking in het KIT in Amsterdam, georganiseerd door FEPS en FMS. Doe mee met onze workshop over eco-activisme in Nigeria!

The 62nd Commission on the Status of Women
Worldwide representatives and officials gathered at the United Nations headquarters in New York City to discuss the matters of women and sustainability

De 62e Sessie van de 'Commission on the Status of Women'
Gedurende 11 dagen kwamen vrouwen, mannen, staats- en regeringsfunctionarissen, lidstaten en NGO-vertegenwoordigers van over de hele wereld - waaronder WECF - bijeen om manieren te bespreken "om het leven van vrouwen en meisjes overal te verbeteren".

Wasser- und Sanitärsicherheitsplanung im ländlichen Rumänien, Albanien und Mazedonien
Das Ziel dieses Projektes ist es, durch Weiterbildung das Bewusstsein der Gesellschaft und somit die eigenverantwortliche Handlungsfähigkeit im Bereich Umweltschutz und besonders im Bereich der Wasserqualität sowie Pflege und Wartung der Anlagen im ländlichen Raum Rumäniens, Albaniens und Mazedoniens zu fördern, so dass allen eine sichere Wasser- und Sanitärversorgung ermöglicht wird.

Communiqué - 27 mars 2018
Remplacer des substances dangereuses par d’autres, similaires et potentiellement toxiques, met en danger la santé publique

World Water Day 2018!

Webinar: The CLEEN Project with Illia Yeremenko

CSW62: Women's Major Group side event on chemicals, gender equality and rural women

Greenpeace EU Director pushes for "Friends of the Bees" behaviour at the European Commission
Discussions to ban Neonicotinoids (insecticides) have been going on for a year at the European Commission, considering the threat they pose to bees and other major pollinators. Yet, the vote on the proposal keeps on getting delayed.

Over 100 Civil Society Organisations and Activists Oppose Crackdown By Poland to Protest at COP24
Press release: 20 March 2018, Global

Celebrating Women-Lead Projects Improving Access to Water and Sanitation in Rural Areas of Balkan Countries

2030-Agenda für Nachhaltige Entwicklung: Kommunen als zentrale Akteure
Wunschzettel für nachhaltige und gerechte Welt: Die Nachhaltigen Entwicklungsziele (Sustainable Development Goals SDGs)

Climate Change and Freedom of Assembly: Some Human Rights Questions for COP24
Hannah Birkenkötter, 5 March 2018

Aanbieding petitie voor verbod van neonicotinoïden aan Carola Schouten

Petition: calling for international solidarity to support environmental defenders Victoria Tauli-Corpuz & Joan Carling
Feminists Condemn Philippines President Duterte’s Accusation of Activists and Indigenous People Leaders as Terrorists

The CLEEN Project and Its Successes
The CLEEN Project, driven by WECF and 3 other local co-applicant organizations, strives to implement energy-efficient policies into local communities in 4 eastern European countries which are Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia and Armenia

Women2030 flyer (updated version)

WECF at CSW62: challenges and opportunities in achieving gender equality and the empowerment of rural women and girls
Follow the latest updates on our work at CSW62, download related publications and learn about our activities.

CSW62: side event on SDGs monitoring, with best practices from Women2030

Using community-based data monitoring to track gender equality realities on the ground
New York: Official Side Event to CSW62

CSW62: 62nd Commission on the Status of Women

Policy Dialogue On Sustainable Development, Health and Social justice in Tirana, Albania
Linking the Ostrava Declaration of the European Environment and Health Process to SDGs Agenda 2030

Policy dialogue Meeting in Tirana, Sustainable Development, Health and Social justice in Albania
Linking the Ostrava Declaration of the European environment and health process to SDGs Agenda 2030

Les femmes contribuent à transformer notre monde !
Retour sur le vernissage de l'expo "Genre et Climat" à Ville-la-Grand et la projection-débat au ciné actuel à Annemasse

Website Launch on International Women's Day 2018
Press for Progress: #HerStoryofChange

WECF Nederland verwelkomt Kirsten Meijer als nieuwe directeur
Maak kennis en lees hier het mini-interview

Women2030 Coalitie lanceert website op Internationale Vrouwendag
De wereldwijde Women2030 coalitie lanceerde vandaag haar eigen website, op Internationale Vrouwendag.

Women2030 Meeting

Social and gender aspects of local development priorities linked to SDGs
Women 2030: Local NGOs exchanged experience on their work on health, environment, employment, education and gender in respect to the SDGs

EHP Ostrava Follow Up Meeting

Op weg naar het HLPF 2018: Regionaal Forum over de Duurzame Ontwikkelingsdoelen in Genève
15 partners van de Women’s Major Group (WMG) namen deel aan het Regionaal Forum bij de VN in Genève, waar zij actief hun stem lieten horen voor het belang van vrouwenrechten in het bereiken van de SDG’s.

On the road to HLPF 2018: regional forum in Geneva on the Sustainable Development Goals
15 partners from the Women's Major Group joined the regional Forum at the UN in Geneva

Regional preparatory meeting HLPF

Infoblad over de normen van bestrijdingsmiddelen
De huidige toelatingsprocedures voor bestrijdingsmiddelen zijn onverantwoord.

Mardi 6 mars 2018, soirée d'échanges sur le thème : Les femmes actrices du changement
Vernissage de l'expo "Genre et Climat" à Ville-la-Grand, projection débat au ciné actuel à Annemasse

Policy Dialogue on SDGs and Environmental Health, Moldova

Implementing Agenda 2030 in Georgia: Where Are We Now?
WECF organised with Georgian government and the UN a workshop on the Sustainable Development Goals in Tbilisi, 19-21 February 2018
22.02.2018 | Tbilisi, Georgia

Menstrual hygiene and the environment
Check out our videos for the #plasticfreelent campaign!

"Worries about consequences for children of pesticides present in water" - Report from Drenthe
Far too many residues of pesticides are present in the waters of Drenthe (Dutch province). This needs to be reduced. But how?

Policy Dialogue on SDGs and Environmental Health, Georgia

"Zorgen over gevolgen voor kinderen van bestrijdingsmiddelen in Drents grondwater" - WECF doet verslag
In Drentse wateren zitten veel te veel resten bestrijdingsmiddelen. Dat moet minder. Maar hoe?

Lets turn promises into action - gender equality in the Agenda2030

Women, Chemicals & UNEA
Our Executive Director Sascha Gabizon being interviewed by UNEP, emphasising that we need greater collective action, than the voluntary efforts made by the chemical's sector, to eliminate hazardous chemicals in our environment.

Plastics Campagne: #plasticvasten
Op Valentijnsdag begint de #plasticvasten campagne: 40 dagen geen plastic!

A Plastic Free Lent
Join us on our challenge for this Lent: reduce your plastics consumption for 40 days!

NGOs fordern mehr Schutz vor gefährlichen Chemikalien
WECF und weitere NGOs äußern sich zur Position der Bundesregierung zu den Verhandlungen über SAICM

Aktivitäten im Rahmen der UNFCCC COP 23

Geschlechtergerechte Umsetzung der Agenda 2030 (Unterstützung des WOMEN2030 Programms, EU DEVCO)

Co-funding project for WOMEN2030: Geschlechtergerechte Umsetzung der Agenda 2030
This project aims at supporting the activities under the WOMEN2030 programme.

Symposium Bestrijdingsmiddelen in het milieu - Samenwerken aan schoon water
De Natuur en Milieufederatie Drenthe en WECF (Women Engage for a Common Future) organiseren 16 februari symposium in Drents Provinciehuis

WECF en WEP Nigeria presenteren documentaire over schadelijke stoffen in afval en het effect hiervan op de gezondheid
De invloed van persistente organische verontreinigende stoffen, schadelijke stoffen en afval op de gezondheid van vrouwen en mannen.

Proudly presenting the CLEEN results!
The CLEEN project has come to an end, and it has reached many great results.

"Make Europe Sustainable for All"

Energieeffizienz-Training in Kiew
Möglichkeiten und Maßnahmen für kommunale und private Gebäude werden im Rahmen des NAKOPA-Projektes vorgestellt. Das Training ist der erste Baustein verschiedener Qualifizierungsmodule.

WECF participe à la Transition en action, le OFF des assises européennes de la transition énergétique.
Retrouvez-nous le samedi 20 janvier 2018 à Thonon-les-Bains !

First edition of WECF’s “DESIGN-MOI UN JOUET” (Design me a toy) contest
Two teams of students were awarded for their creative designs of healthy toys

"What has gender got to do with chemicals" documentary gets broadcasted on Nigerian International TV
On Monday 15th of January 2018, Nigerian International TV is showing the 30 minute documentary produced by the BRS (Basel-Stockhom-Rotterdam) Conventions , WECF and WEP and made by filmmaker Laure Poinsot entitled “What has Gender got to do with Chemicals”.

Stemming Europees Parlement: BPA blijft in voedselverpakkingen
Het Europese Parlement stemde voor de nieuwe regulering over Bisfenol A in voedselverpakkingen.

Water and Sanitation Safety Planning in rural Romania, Albania and Macedonia
The aim of this project is to raise awareness about environmental protection and risk based management of water supply and sanitation systems, and to take action particularly in the area of water quality and sanitation in rural communities

Gender, Chemicals and Waste high level event in Abuja, Nigeria
Women Environment Programme (WEP) Nigeria, and WECF organise high-level meeting in Abuja, Nigeria on Gender, Chemicals and Waste, on 10-12 of January 2018

Gender, Chemicals and Waste high level event in Abuja, Nigeria
Women Environment Programme (WEP) Nigeria, and WECF organise high-level meeting in Abuja, Nigeria on Gender, Chemicals and Waste, on 10-12 of January 2018

Presentation of documentary film "what has Gender got to do with Chemicals" on Nigerian tv

Call for Action on Gender and a Pollution Free Planet
UNEA-3 meeting of Women Ministers and Leaders presents Call for Action

Women's exposure to toxic chemicals
Women’s bodies are ready to produce a new life and milk, hence it’s easier to accumulate toxic chemicals in their higher levels of fatty tissue.

Better energy efficiency in Moldova thanks to insulation of public buildings
Local authorities and WECF partner OA Colaborare cooperate to provide public buildings with proper insulation

Successful first action against algae overgrowth in the Blue Lake in Ukraine
Using fish to fight the overgrowth of algae

Schädliche Wirkung auf Bienen - Werden bestimmte Insektizide verboten?
Berichterstattung auf Spiegel Online und Wirtschaftswoche über Neonicotinoide

WECF Nederland Nieuwsbrief december
WECF wenst je voor 2018 een gezonde, genderrechtvaardige en duurzame wereld !

Press Release “What has Gender got to do with Chemicals”.
The secretariat of the global chemicals conventions, the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions (BRS) jointly with WECF International, WEP Nigeria and Balifokus Indonesia, announce the release of a film “What has Gender got to do with Chemicals”.

Round table discussion Violence Against Women and Economic Development
The round table treated the topic of Violence against women and Economic Development

Medieninformation zur Entscheidung des EU Parlaments zu Hormongiften
Gemeinsames Statement deutscher NGOs zur heutigen Abstimmung zu Umwelthormonen im Pestizidausschuss der EU

Gemeinsame Stellungnahme: Kein Schutz vor Umwelthormonen: Nach der Entscheidung ist vor der Entscheidung
EU Mitgliedstaaten stimmen umstrittenen Entwurf der EU-Kommission zur Identifizierung hormonschädlicher Chemikalien in Pestiziden zu

#BeatPollution: WECF at UNEA3 in Nairobi
Reflections on the UN Environmental Assembly in Nairobi “Towards a Pollution free Planet

Women Ministers and Leaders Breakfast Meeting Report
On the 5th of December more than 100 female ministers and leaders met, and discussed the topic of Gender and a Pollution Free Planet

Europese NGO's richten Save The Bees Coalition op om compleet verbod op neonicotinoïden te eisen
In December 2013 beperkte de Europese Commissie het gebruik van 3 insecticiden die zeer giftig zijn voor bijen. Nu, vier jaar later stellen wetenschappers dat deze beperkingen lang niet ver genoeg gaan. 80 Europese NGOs, waaronder WECF, hebben zich daarom verenigd in de Save the Bees Coalition, met als doel zogeheten neonics geheel te verbieden

Europese NGO's richten Save The Bees Coalition op om compleet verbod op neonicotinoïden te eisen
In December 2013 beperkte de Europese Commissie het gebruik van 3 insecticiden die zeer giftig zijn voor bijen. Nu, vier jaar later stellen wetenschappers dat deze beperkingen lang niet ver genoeg gaan. 80 Europese NGOs, waaronder WECF, hebben zich daarom verenigd in de Save the Bees Coalition, met als doel zogeheten neonics geheel te verbieden

What Has Gender Got To Do with Chemicals?
WECF, WEP and Balifokus present new publication and documentary film at United Nations

Save the Bees Coalition Launched
80 European NGOs gathered to form the Save the Bees Coalition, in order to pressure EU decision makers to enforce a full ban of neonicotinoids

Save the Bees Coalition Launched #savethebees
80 European NGOs gathered to form the Save the Bees Coalition, in order to pressure EU decision makers to enforce a full ban of neonicotinoids

Bienen und Artenvielfalt schützen
Europäische Save the Bees Coalition fordert ein umfassendes Verbot von Neonikotinoiden

Film premiere: what does chemicals have to do with gender? (UNEA3 resistance event)

Berliner Erklärung: NGOs fordern bis 2022 Verbot von hochgiftigem Quecksilber in der Zahnmedizin in der EU
Pressemeldung von WECF und Partnern

End mercury use in dentistry by 2022, civil society challenge European Union
A call to phase out mercury use in dentistry by 2022 in the European Union has been made by health and environmental NGOs.
04.12.2017 | erlin, Brussels, Munich, Washington

Attacks on Environmental Women Human Rights Defenders Unacceptable
This year has been the deadliest year for environmental women human rights and environmental defenders, protecting their indigenous land and resources as they face increased crackdowns, violence, threats, intimidation and murder by state and non-state actors.
04.12.2017 | UN Office of Nairobi, Kenya

Schmidts Alleingang zu Glyphosat - ein Schlag gegen die Nachhaltigkeitspolitik und Demokratie
München: Die Zustimmung Deutschlands durch Agrarminister Schmidt für eine Verlängerung des Unkrautvernichtungsmittels Glyphosat ist nach Meinung von WECF ein Schlag gegen die Nachhaltigkeitspolitik und gegen die Umsetzung der nachhaltigen Entwicklungsziele (SDGs).

COP23: Educational Posters
By the Women & Gender Constituency

Gender Just Climate Solutions
WGC publication to highlight the fight of women against climate change and present the winners and nominees of the Gender Just Climate Solutions Awards

Gender Dimensions of Hazardous Chemicals and Waste policies under the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions
WECF, WEP and BaliFokus with support of the BRS Conventions secretariat have launched the advanced copy of the study "Gender Dimensions of Hazardous Chemicals and Waste Policies under the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions'

SDG6: Leave no-one behind
Stakeholder consultation on water and sanitation in Bokonbaev, Kyrgyzstan

Themamiddag: Groen in de Stad
Samen met Partners voor een Gezond Leefmilieu (PGL) organiseerde WECF op 24 november een themamiddag over groen in de stad.

Updated Training Manual: Gender in Sustainable Development
Collection of Exercises for Training of Trainers

WECF stellt beim „Dialogue on Sustainability“ die Agenda 2030 und den SDG-Prozess vor.
Agenda 2030 und SDG-Prozess.

Gender und Klimawandel – Wie gehen Klimagerechtigkeit und Gendergerechtigkeit zusammen?
WECF stellt geschlechtergerechte Klimalösungen im Frauenmuseum vor.

Possible cover up of leak at nuclear facility Mayak in Russia
Since October this year, very high levels of radioactive Ruthenium- 106 have been measured all over Russia and Europe.

English summary of WECF publication on pesticides in surface waters in Dutch province Drenthe
WECF News & Reports News from other sources English summary of WECF publication on pesticides in surface waters in Dutch province Drenthe For our non Dutch readers we now publish an English summary of the publication about pesticide pollution in the surface waters of Drenthe

Towards the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Uganda
A report from the NGO Workshop on Green Technologies and Networking

Gender Assessment of Sustainable Development Goal #5 in Georgia
A gender assessment research was undertaken by the organization We Research within the auspices of the project ‘’Women 2030’’ funded by the European Union and implemented by WECF International.

Sicheres Wasser für alle
Risikomanagement für kleine Trinkwasserver- und Abwasserentsorgungsanlagen in Osteuropa

Gender in Sustainable Development – Collection of Exercises for Training of Trainers
Practical training manual for trainers on gender-responsive exercises

First Gender Action Plan ever adopted under UNFCCC
Press Release: Adoption of the first Gender Action Plan under the UNFCCC, 15 November 2017

Eerste Gender Action Plan (GAP) ooit aangenomen op COP23
Na alle toewijding en harde werk van de Women & Gender Constituency (WGC) om het Gender Action Plan (GAP) op de agenda van beleidsmakers op de COP23 te brengen, kunnen we nu eindelijk het goede nieuws brengen dat het eerste GAP ooit is aangenomen op de COP23.

The Only Way to Honour the Dead is to Fight Like Hell for the Living!
Gender Day Action at the Climate Negotiations (COP23): Women's Human Rights and Environmental Defenders (WHRDs) Resist

CTCN workshop on scalability with GJCS winners (COP23)

Dossier de presse COP23 - Bonn 2017
Prix Solutions Genre et Climat de la Women and Gender Constituency

Gleichzeitig zum Auftakt der COP23 in Bonn: München stimmt für JA zu „Raus aus der Steinkohle“
Bürgerentscheid zum Steinkohleausstieg

Gender Just Climate Solutions Awards Ceremony: winnaars en hun projecten
Deze inspirerende projecten zijn de winnaars van de Gender Just Climate Solutions Awards Ceremony op de COP23 in Bonn

Meet the winners of the "Gender Just Climate Solutions" Award Ceremony
These inspiring projects won the Gender Just Climate Solutions Award Ceremony at the COP23 in Bonn

PRESS CONFERENCE: Gender Just Climate Solutions
Watch the press conference hosted today during UNFCCC's Gender Day at the climate negotiations in Bonn (COP23)

Eerbetuiging aan alle vrouwen die hun leven op het spel zetten voor vrouwen en natuurrechten
Women Human Rights and Environmental Defenders (WHRDs) Resist

Press Conference Gender Just Climate Solutions Award Winners
During this press conference you will be able to meet the award winners and hear about their project

Historischer Schritt bei den Klimaverhandlungen in Bonn: Gender-Aktionsplan verabschiedet
Gender-Aktionsplan soll Geschlechterungleichheiten bekämpfen und Frauenrechte zu stärken und so die Effizienz der Klimapolitik verbessern

#MindTheGap - WECF tijdens de COP23 in Bonn
Verslag van de WECF activiteiten van 6-17 november tijdens de COP23 in Bonn

Feministen eisen een gender rechtvaardige transitie COP23
Deze eisen bevorderen een gender rechtvaardige transitie weg van fossiele brandstoffen

Feminists Demand A Gender Just Transition at Climate Negotiations (COP23)
Bonn, Women & Gender Constituency's Key Demands

Award Ceremony: Gender Just Climate Solutions (COP23)

Award Ceremony: Gender Just Climate Solutions (COP23)
The Women and Gender Constituency of the UNFCCC invites you, Monday November 13, to an Award Ceremony celebrating creative transformative solutions for climate change.

Gender Just Climate Solutions Award ceremonie op Klimaattop in Bonn
WECF en de Women and Gender Constituency reikt maandag 13 november prijs uit aan 3 vrouwenorganisaties

WECF at EEB’s Annual General Meeting and Annual Conference
Edinburgh, 5 to 7 November 2017

Icons of sustainability: climate change resistance as an art form
Bonn, Gender Just Climate Solutions opening ceremony, coordinated by WECF on behalf of the Women & Gender Constituency's

English summary of WECF publication on pesticides in surface waters in Dutch province Drenthe
For our non Dutch readers we now publish an English summary of the publication about pesticide pollution in the surface waters of Drenthe

#MindTheGAP: Feminists calling for a robust Gender Action Plan (GAP) as an outcome of the climate negotiations (COP23)
Press Release: Women & Gender Constituency hosts an action during the climate negotiations in Bonn, 7 November, 2017.

Vernissage: Frauenmuseum Exhibition (COP23)

Findings of a literature study: Plastics, Gender and the Environment
Lifecycle of plastics and its impacts on women and men from production to (marine) litter

Umsetzung der SDGs: Es muss eine Vernetzung auf allen Ebenen stattfinden
Ergebnisse des Workshops zur Veranstaltung „Zivilgesellschaftlicher Austausch zur Umsetzung der Agenda 2030 und der SDGs Akteure“, am 02.11.2017 in Berlin.

Frauenmuseum Exhibition: Gender Just Climate Solutions (COP23)

Womens' Call for Climate Justice (COY13)

Over 20 NGOs urge European Parliament to fully implement Monsanto lobby ban
One month after the European Parliament voted to ban pesticide manufacturer Monsanto from entering Parliament premises, 24 transparency and environment groups remind them to implement their decision as comprehensively and effectively as possible.

Meer dan 20 NGOs sporen EU parlement aan om Monsanto lobby te verbieden
In een brief aan het Europese Parlement wijzen 24 Europese NGOs op de noodzaak om de lobby van pesticiden producent Monsanto compleet te verbieden.

Warum Frauen für eine gelungene Klimapolitik unerlässlich sind
Ein Gender Action Plan für mehr Geschlechtergerechtigkeit ist längst überfällig

Klimakonferenz in Bonn: Beim Klima zählt auch das Geschlecht
Informationen der Women und Gender Constituency und WECF zur COP23

#MindTheGap - Folgen Sie unserer Reise zu mehr Gender- und Klimagerechtigkeit auf der COP23
WECF-Präsenz auf der UN-Klimakonferenz in Bonn, 6. bis 17. November 2017.

München: Bürgerentscheid gegen Steinkohle
Nutzen Sie Ihre Stimme!

Männliche Unfruchtbarkeit und Bisphenol A
Johanna Hausmann im Interview mit dem Gesundheitsmagazin des Bayerischen Rundfunks, B5 Radio

#MindTheGap - follow our advocacy journey towards gender and climate justice at COP23
WECF's presence at UN's climate change conference in Bonn, Germany, November 2017.

Uganda: Better Lives- Less Rural Migration
The aim of this project is to improve the living conditions of the rural, young population through a more sustainable agriculture, based on organic and conservation agriculture methods.

Uganda: bessere Lebensbedingungen – weniger Landflucht
Die Lebensbedingungen der ländlichen, jungen Bevölkerung werden durch eine nachhaltige Landwirtschaft, die auf biologischen und konservatorischen Methoden basiert, verbessert und somit Fluchtursachen bekämpft.

Mogelijk relatie tussen medicijnvervuiling en autisme
In onlangs gepubliceerd Amerikaans onderzoek in Neuroscience Letters wordt een verband gelegd tussen verontreiniging van oppervlaktewater door uitgescheiden medicijnen en autisme bij de mens. De hoofdauteur van dit onderzoek, Gaurav Kaushik, licht tijdens de Green Pharmacy conferentie in Utrecht, op 27 oktober, zijn onderzoeksbevindingen toe

CLEEN project ends: joint activities continue!
Three years of activities have led to the creation of a network of experienced public organizations involved in local energy policies, with a focus on energy efficiency.

EDC freie Stadt München für mehr Gesundheitsschutz
Stadtratsfraktion DIE GRÜNEN / ROSA LISTE stellt einen Antrag, hormonwirksame und hormonartig wirkende Stoffe in München zu reduzieren

Green Pharmacy: nu maatregelen nodig om vervuiling door medicijnen aan banden te leggen
Vrijdag 27 Oktober vindt de Green Pharmacy Conference 2017 plaats, georganiseerd door de VVM en Huize Aarde, in samenwerking met o.a. WECF en HCWH.

WECF board member took part in seminar on CEDAW General Recommendation
Utrecht University organised the seminar in the light of the new CEDAW General Recommendation on gender-related dimensions of disasters in a changing climate

Erfolgreiche Folgeveranstaltung zur geschlechtergerechten Umsetzung der SDGs durch Kommunen
Am 12. Oktober ging unsere gemeinsame Veranstaltung mit der Servicestelle Kommunen in der Einen Welt von Engagement Global in die 2. Runde – Dieses Mal im Rahmen des Münchner Klimaherbst.

Hanna Gunnarsson
Gender expert, policy & communications

Audrey Ledanois
Project Officer Women 2030

UNEP’s election results are in: Sascha is now regional representative
We are incredibly glad to inform you that our Executive Director Sascha Gabizon has been elected to be UNEP's regional representative for civil society in Europe. Thank you, we couldn't have made it without your incredible support and votes!

Schoon en circulair: kan het samen?
Woensdag 11 oktober vond het halfjaarlijkse minisymposium over het stoffenbeleid beleid, georganiseerd door het Ministerie van IenM, VNO-NCW, de VNCI en WECF

Environmental toxins' influence on male fertility

WECF verwelkomt het veto van het European Parlement voor gebrekkige en onwettige EDC criteria.
Het Europese Parlement heeft de gebrekkige criteria die waren voorgesteld door de Europese Commissie voor de definiëring van hormoonverstorende stoffen (EDCs) afgewezen. De stemming vond plaats op 4 oktober.

Presenting the Water and Sanitation Safety Planning Compendium and Results at the 24th SuSanA meeting in Stockholm
On the 26th of August the SuSanA meeting took place in Stockholm, where Claudia Wendland presented on water and sanitation safety planning

Gemeinsam für die Gleichberechtigung der Geschlechter - Ansätze und Beispiele der Arbeit mit Jungen und Männern in der deutschen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit
WECFs Projekt „Geschlechtergerechte Energiekooperativen in Georgien“ als Beispiel einer „Best Practice“ im Rahmen der GIZ Publikation zu Ansätzen und Beispielen der Arbeit mit Jungen und Männern in der deutschen EZ dargestellt

Halbgarer Kommissionsentwurf zur Identifizierung hormonschädlicher Chemikalien scheitert im EU-Parlament
WECF und andere Umweltverbände fordern von neuer Bundesregierung Maßnahmen, um die Belastung durch EDCs schnellstmöglich zu reduzieren

WECF welcomes European Parliament veto to flawed and unlawful EDC criteria
European Parliament rejected the flawed criteria proposed by the European Commission on the definition of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs)

Hin zu einer Implementierung von nachhaltigen Entwicklungszielen (SDGs) in Uganda. Ein Bericht vom NGO-Workshop über grüne Technologien und Netzwerkarbeit.
ARUWE und WECF organisierten einen Workshop über grüne Technologien für 11 ugandische NGOs, vom 25.-29. September 2017 in Kiboga, Uganda. Das Ziel des fünf tägigen Workshops war es, die Kapazitäten der NGOs zu steigern und sich für die Unterstützung grüner Technologien hin zur Implementierung der nachhaltigen Entwicklungszeile einzusetzen sowie eigene Erfahrungen auszutauschen und das Netzwerken mit anderen NGOs zu ermöglichen.

Gemeinsam für ein nachhaltiges und gendergerechtes Europa! WECF startet im September 2017 neues Projekt zu Agenda2030 und SDGs
Im Jahr 2015 hat die Weltgemeinschaft die Agenda 2030 verabschiedet.

Mehr Schutz von Gesundheit und Umwelt vor hormonschädlichen Pestiziden
WECF Appell: Stimmen Sie am 4. Oktober gegen den Vorschlag der EU Kommission zur Identifizierung hormonschädlicher Pestizide - Aufruf an die deutschen Abgeordneten des Europäischen Parlaments

Wenn Umweltgifte krankmachen – Politik schützt Mensch und Umwelt nicht vor hormonell wirksamen Chemikalien
EU Parlament entscheidet über unzureichende Vorlage zur Identifizierung von Hormongiften (EDCs)

European Parliament Environment Committee blocks proposed EDC criteria in vote
The proposed criteria for new EDC regulation were blocked by the EU Parliament Committee

Umweltausschuss im EU Parlament sagt NEIN zu vorgelegten EDC Kriterien
EU Parlament entscheidet am 4. Oktober 2017

EU en Europese overheden subsidiëren fossiele brandstof industrie met 112 miljard per jaar
Hoe gaat de EU voldoen aan de belofte om in 2020 geen subsidies aan de fossiele brandstof industrie meer te geven?

EU and European governments spend 112 billion a year on fossil fuel subsidies
A new report by the Overseas Development Institute and Climate Action Network shows that the EU and European government continue to support the fossil fuel industry

Sustainable Development Goal # 5 Gender Assessment in Georgia
This research was conducted by the organization We Research within the auspices of the project ‘’Women 2030’’ funded by the European Union and implemented by WECF International

Kijk verder dan fipronil en het ei
Het spel met de maximale residu limiet

Hormoonverstoorders hopen zich op in menselijk brein
Recent wetenschappelijk onderzoek, geleid door het UMCG, heeft nu aangetoond dat hormoonverstorende stoffen zich ophopen in het menselijk brein.

EU Parliament to vote on criteria for endocrine disruptors
This vote will determine the future EU regulation on endocrine disruptors (EDCs)

EU stemming over criteria hormoonverstorende stoffen: gezondheid en milieu in gevaar
WECF, Wemos, HEAL en Gezinsbond roepen Europarlementariërs op om criteria te verwerpen

Drents water nog steeds vervuild met bestrijdingsmiddelen
Na eerder onderzoek door WECF tonen metingen van de provincie vervuiling boven de norm aan

NGO Workshop: Towards the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals

Manual on Biogas Technology, Bamboo Weaving, Solar Driers and Solar Collectors
This manual results from all the work done on the ground by WAFD, INSEDA and WECF

Onsite wastewater treatment: hands-on-workshop in An Oston, Kyrgyzstan
A hands-on-workshop on wastewater treatment was organised in An Oston to give villagers the capacities to manage their waste water.

Petition unterschreiben - Sagen Sie NEIN zu endokrinen Disruptoren!

Arbeitskreis Frau und Gesundheit setzt sich ein für ein EDC-freies München
WECF informiert über die Zusammenhänge von Umweltchemikalien, insbesondere von EDCs, und Fertilitäts- und Gesundheitsstörungen

WECF co-organising partner Green Pharmacy Conference 2017
The environmental cycle of medicines - an incentive for innovation in the human and veterinary medicine chain

EU lanceert AskREACH Project
Nieuw project van EU Life om meer aandacht en bewustzijn over Zeer Zorgwekkende Stoffen (ZZS) te genereren in de Europese Unie.

EU LIFE launches AskREACH Project
New project from EU Life to generate more attention and consciousness about Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC).

WECF publishes Uganda Organic Agriculture Training Guide
A guide for trainers and NGO's giving trainings on organic agriculture to subsistence farmers

WECF directeur genomineerd als Regionaal Vertegenwoordiger Europese Regio UNEP
Sascha Gabizon is genomineerd als vertegenwoordiger van het VN-Milieuprogramma UNEP

WECF at 6th Meeting of the Parties to the Aarhus Convention in Budva, Montenegro (11 to 14 September 2017)
WECF, as part of the NGO coalition under the European ECOForum, participated in the 6th MOP of the Aarhus Convention that was hosted by Montenegro in Budva.

Biomonitoring of lead and cadmium: Preliminary study on the added value for human exposure and effect assessment
The RIVM (Dutch national institute for public health and the environment) published a report on the biomonitoring of substances possibly hazardous to health

Biomonitoring van lood en cadmium: Verkenning naar de toegevoegde waarde voor de beoordeling van humane blootstelling en effect
Rapport gepubliceerd door de RIVM over het belang van biomonitoring van stoffen die mogelijk schadelijk zijn voor de gezondheid.

WECF’s Sascha Gabizon nominated as UNEP’s Regional Representative for Europe
Our executive director Sascha Gabizon has been nominated for the Regional Representative elections of the United Nations Environmental Programme.

WECF participated in a meeting on Equitable Access to Water and Sanitation organised by UNECE

UNECE meeting on Equitable Access to Water and Sanitation
Bistra Mihaylova (WECF) took part in the 4th UNECE meeting (13 -14 Sep) of the Expert Group on Equitable Access to Water and Sanitation in Budapest, Hungary. 

Mehr Schutz vor schädlichen Umwelthormonen
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Endokrinologie fordert von Politik schärfere Bestimmungen

Wie können Kommunen die SDGs geschlechtergerecht umsetzen?
Am 12. Oktober geht unsere Veranstaltung in die 2. Runde – Dieses Mal im Rahmen des Münchner Klimaherbst

Mehr Schutz vor hormonwirksamen Chemikalien (EDCs) in Deutschland
WECF arbeitet mit Medien, Wissenschaftler(inne)n, lokalen und nationale Behörden, um Maßnahmen für mehr Schutz vor endokrin wirksamen Chemikalien zu erreichen

Milestone achievement: Asbestos banned in Ukraine
Ukraine's Ministry of Health banned asbestos in Ukraine. WECF's and other civil society organisations' work paid off!

Belangrijke mijlpaal bereikt: asbest verboden in Oekraïne
Het Oekraïense ministerie van gezondheid heeft het gebruik van asbest verboden. Het werk van WECF en andere civil society organisaties heeft haar vruchten afgeworpen!

Moving Beyond Tokenism of Youth
Our Eco-Forum* youth delegates Mareike Peschau and Nikolina Stålhand report back on their experiences in Ostrava earlier this summer where they participated in WHO’s regional (UNECE) conference on Environment and Health.

UN Summit on Eradicating Poverty and Promoting Prosperity in a Changing World
8 days of advocacy and activism for a gender just future within the SDG process. WECF recently attended the UN summit on the Sustainable Development Goals (High Level Political Forum, HLPF) in New York and reports back on their experiences.

Engaging with Women for a Gender-Just and Sustainable Future!
WECF is op zoek naar een directeur voor haar kantoor in Utrecht die samen met ons wil werken aan een rechtvaardige, gezonde en duurzame toekomst

Petition and letter to Secretary General UN: NO to pro-nuclear energy lobbying at the UN
Global governments agreed on banning Nuclear Weapons, but at the United Nationsduring its Sustainable Development summit were panels falsely promoting nuclear energy as a sustainable energy source

EDCs in Germany: WECF is networking for more protection
WECF encourages media, scientists, local communities and national authorities and local communities to take action for more protection from endocrine disrupting chemicals

Innovativ. Integrativ. Intelligent.
Ein Beitrag von Katharina Habersbrunner im Buch von Dr. Nicole Elert

Make Europe Sustainable for All
"Europe in the World - Engaging in the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda"

Een duurzaam Europa voor Iedereen
"Europa in de wereld - Bewust bezig met de 2030 Duurzame Ontwikkelingsdoelen"

SIGN: Statement on the Ministerial Declaration
Of the 2017 High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development Goals

Tribute To Honour Women’s Human Rights Defenders (#WHRDsResist) at #HLPF2017
Exhibition launched at High Level Political Forum (HLPF) on Sustainable Development Goals

Hormongifte in unseren Alltagsprodukten
Johanna Hausmann im Interview mit dem ARTE Magazin Vox Pop

#Save the bees! Help ban the neonics
WECF and European Save the Bee Coalition call for a comprehensive ban on neonicotinoids

HLPF: High Level Political Forum 2017, New York

HLPF: The Women’s Major Group invites you to join our Strategy Meeting (3:30 pm CET)

HLPF: The Women’s Major Group invites you to join our Strategy Meeting (3:30 pm CET)
You are warmly invited to join our HLPF strategy meeting, 9 July 2017, 3:30-7:30pm CET at Marriott Residence Inn on East 48th st, New York

WECF at High Level Political Forum on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
WECF is participating in UN's central platform for the follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda for Sustianable Developments (SDGs)

NGO’s en endocrinologen luiden alarmbel over Europese EDC-criteria
Onvoldoende bescherming tegen hormoonverstorende stoffen: EU Pesticide Comité stemt voor gebrekkige chemische criteria en brengt zodoende milieu en gezondheid in gevaar

NGOs acknowledge vote on first ever EDC criteria - call on European Parliament to reject flawed criteria for the sake of human health and environment protection
Today, representatives of European member states from the EU pesticides committee adopted the criteria that are supposed to be used to identify endocrine disrupting chemicals (or EDCs) in the future

Gemeinsame Stellungnahme zur Entscheidung zu EDC Kriterien
Kein ausreichender Schutz vor Hormongiften: Mitglieder des EU Pestizidausschusses stimmen für Kriterien-Vorschlag der EU-Kommission zur Identifizierung von hormonschädigenden Chemikalien

WECF and Women Major Group partners submit their proposals for UNEA-3
Read our full proposal here.

Pestizidindustrie versucht im EU Umweltausschuss Verbot von Neonicotinoiden zu verhindern
Umweltverbände fordern den Schutz von Bienen

Help girls in Kunduz become self-sufficient
WECF started crowdfunding for Afghan NGO Katachel to become economically self- sufficient with successful sewing project

Bienen schützen, schädliche Pestizide verbieten
WECF und europäische Bee-Coaltion fordern ein umfassendes Verbot von Neonikotinoiden

Application open for Gender Just Climate Solutions Award - COP 23
WECF and partners invite you to participate in the 3rd annual 'Gender-Just Solutions' Awards

BMZ-Initiative „Grüne Bürgerenergie für und in Afrika“
Gründung von Bürgerenergiepartnerschaften – WECF stellt georgische Energiegenossenschaften vor

Initiative of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ): “Green people’s energy for Africa” – Establishing citizen’s energy partnerships – WECF presents Georgian energy cooperatives
Creating a decentralised and citizen-oriented energy supply for African rural areas

Die Jugend im Mittelpunkt der WECF/ECO-Forum Aktivitäten in Ostrava
WECF/Eco Forum treten mit einer Delegation von 17 Jugendlichen auf der Sechsten Ministerkonferenz für Umwelt und Gesundheit (EHP) für eine gesunde Zukunft ein – ein Report

Youth at the heart of ECO Forum's participation in Ostrava
Reporting back on WHO’s regional conference on environment and health, where WECF (and its ECO Forum delegation of 23 youths and seniors) was to advocate for a healthy future

WECF Event in Brussels: “CLEEN Energy has changed our lives”
WECF organised Wednesday June 21 event to highlight Project CLEEN during EU Sustainable Energy Week “CLEEN energy has changed our lives”.

WECF Event in Brussel: “CLEEN Energy has changed our lives”
WECF organiseerde woensdag 21 juni tijdens EU Sustainable Energy Week bijeenkomst om best practices CLEEN project voor het voetlicht te brengen

WECF Event Invitation: “CLEEN Energy has changed our lives”
To highlight our own CLEEN energy project, we would like to invite you to our own event during the EU Sustainable Energy Week “CLEEN energy has changed our lives”.

C20 summit "The World We Want", 18 and 19 June 2017, Hamburg, Germany
In preparation for the G20 summit in Hamburg from 7 to 8 July, representatives of civil society attended the "Civil 20" or C20 summit at HafenCity University, Hamburg.

C20 Gipfel „The World We Want“ am 18. und 19. Juni 2017 in Hamburg
In Vorbereitung zum G20 Gipfel, der vom 7. bis 8. Juli ebenfalls in Hamburg stattfindet, haben Vertreter der internationalen Zivilgesellschaft auf dem „Civil 20“ oder C20 Gipfel vom 18. bis 19. Juni in der HafenCity Universität in Hamburg ihre Empfehlungen an die G20 diskutiert.

Prozess zu Umwelt und Gesundheit in Europa - EHP
WECF Highlights - von der Sechsten Ministerkonferenz für Umwelt und Gesundheit in Europa (EHP) in Ostrava

"Let's Ensure a Healthy Future" - WECF side event at WHO 6th Ministerial Conference
Protecting children from exposure to harmful chemicals to avoid irreversible damage.

"Lasst uns eine gesunde Zukunft sichern" – WECF Side-Event bei der Sechsten EHP Ministerkonferenz
Kinder vor schädlichen Chemikalien schützen, die irreversible Schäden verursachen

Sixth Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health

"Better Health, Better Environment, Sustainable Choices"
WHO European Region 6th Ministerial Conference on Environment & Health

Not Wasting Our Future

Side Event "Let's Ensure a Healthy Future" - WHO 6th Ministerial Conference

WECF’s statement on Trump’s declaration to withdraw from the Paris Agreement
“Women and men can act together to sustainably transform reality”

How POPs, hazardous chemicals and waste have different exposures and impacts on women's and men's health
WECF presents a film on the gender dimensions of POPs and hazardous chemicals in Nigeria

Sustainable Technologies vital and needed for Rural Areas the Balkan Region
Closing the loop central theme of final conference of the project “Dry toilets Reducing chemicals and contamination of drinking water sources in rural communities in Bosnia-Herzegovina, FYR Macedonia and Albania“

Wil jij ook graag meewerken aan het mee helpen realiseren van de Global Goals, de Duurzame Ontwikkelingsdoelen (de SDGs) ?
Wij zoeken een enthousiaste, leergierige en zelfstandig werkende stagiair(e) (m/v) ter versterking van ons internationale communicatie- en advocacyteam

WECF in Bonn for the UNFCCC negotiations
Going forward in shaping the rules for the implementation of the Paris Agreement, while taking the gender perspective into account

Hormongifte gefährden Umwelt und Gesundheit
Bundesregierung muss sich stärker gegen ihre Verwendung einsetzen. Gemeinsames NGO Statement zur fünften Verhandlungsrunde über die Vorschläge der EU Kommission zur Identifizierung hormonschädlicher Substanzen (EDCs). NGO fordern von deutscher Regierung eine rasche Nachbesserung der Kriterien und eine zügige Entscheidung für mehr Gesundheit- und Umweltschutz.

Beyond 2020: Sustainable Chemistry
From NGO side WECF, Health Care Without Harm and Chemsec were invited to give their ideas on sustainable chemistry and the new ISC3

Beyond 2020: Sustainable Chemistry - NGO recommendations
Position Paper by WECF & IPEN

Further delay on flawed EDC criteria maintains unnecessary risks on human health and the environment
The criteria to identify hormone disrupting chemicals (or EDCs), for which a decision was expected today, continue to cause disagreements among EU member states.

Conference on Mainstreaming Sustainable Chemistry & Launch of ISC3 and ISCnet

Open Letter To the G20 Health Ministers Signed
As a HEAL (Health and Environment Alliance) member, WECF has signed the open letter to the G20 Health Ministers, ahead of their first ever meeting coming Friday, 19th May in Berlin.

Petitie Duurzaam Regeerakkoord Ondertekend door WECF  
Om de Agenda 2030 te realiseren is het van belang dat de SDG's voorop worden gesteld in het politieke beleid. Daarom hebben de organisaties Partos en de Groene Zaak het initiatief genomen voor een publieke oproep aan de om de SDG's op te nemen in het regeerakkoord. Meer dan 400 bedrijven en maatschappelijke organisaties hebben hieraan gehoor gegeven, waaronder WECF. 

Hormonell wirksame Chemikalien in Alltagsprodukten
Ein Beitrag von Silvia Pleschka und Johanna Hausmann, WECF, in clio 84 05_2017

Feasibility study of gender-sensitive energy cooperatives in Georgia, Ukraine, Armenia and Moldova
New report by WECF offers report offers an overview of the feasibility of gender-sensitive energy cooperatives in Georgia, Ukraine, Armenia and Moldova.

Feasibility study of gender-sensitive energy cooperatives in Georgia, Ukraine, Armenia and Moldova
An overview of the feasibility of gender-sensitive energy cooperatives in Georgia, Ukraine, Armenia and Moldova. In each country, existing national climate and energy policies are examined and, if existing, feed-in tariffs for renewable energy are explained.

Bonn Climate Negotiations - United Nations Climate Change Conference (@UNFCCC)
WECF joined together physically and on Twitter for the Bonn Climate Negotiations in Bonn, Germany.

Women and Gender Updates for Upcoming Bonn Meeting

WECF Director Sascha Gabizon will take part as Panellist during High-Level Segment of 2017 Conferences of the Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions

Lessons and best practices integrating gender into the implementation of the BRS Conventions

Agenda 2030 as a new driving force for gender equality
Anke Stock and Sascha Gabizon writing about the Sustainable Development Goals in "European Expression: Gender Equality and Mainstreaming"

WECF at the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions Conference of the Parties
WECF-ers are participating in the Meetings of the Conferences of the Parties (COP) to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions taking place from 24 April - 5 May, 2017 in Geneva, Switzerland

Weltwärts in Georgien - WECF freut sich über Zuwachs
Über das Freiwilligen-Programm wird die Mitarbeit an einem WECF-Projekt in Georgien ermöglicht

Recycling contaminates plastic children’s toys with toxic chemicals from electronic waste
A new global survey finds that recycling plastics containing toxic flame retardant chemicals found in electronic waste results in contamination of the world’s best-selling toy: The Rubik’s Cube.

Plastic speelgoed, door recycling, vervuild met giftige stoffen uit electronisch afval
“Giftige stoffen uit elektronisch afval mogen gewoon niet teruggevonden worden in kinderspeelgoed. Dit probleem moet op nationaal en mondiaal niveau worden aangepakt,” stelt Chantal Van den Bossche, woordvoerder van het Gender- en Duurzaamheidsnetwerk WECF, dat als Nederlands IPEN-lid meewerkte aan het onderzoek

Plastic speelgoed, door recycling, vervuild met giftige stoffen uit electronisch afval
Uit deze week gepubliceerd, wereldwijd, onderzoek is gebleken dat giftige stoffen, uit gerecycled kunststof van elektronisch afval, terechtkomen in speelgoed, waaronder de populaire Rubik’s Cube

Komt er ooit een verbod op hormoonverstorende stoffen?
Of er in de toekomst een verbod komt op EDC’s blijft vooralsnog een vraag. In juni 2017 zal de Europese Commissie nieuwe regelgeving rondom chemische middelen presenteren, waarin duidelijk moet worden of er strengere maatregelen komen rondom hormoonverstorende stoffen in producten.

NGO statement concerning the situation in Belarus
21st meeting of the Working Group of the Parties to the Aarhus Convention Geneva, 4-6 April 2017

Ekoforum Zenica and WECF organised training and presentation on 'EcoSan: Reducing chemicals and pollution of drinking water sources in rural communities'
Eco Forum Zenica, in partnership with WECF International, Journalists for Human Rights (Macedonia), Women and Development (Albania) and UNEP, work together on the construction and installation of EcoSan toilets, filters for waste water and composting help, in order to reduce the use of chemical fertilizers and protect drinking water sources

Towards improved - sustainable - sanitation for rural women, men and children
National technical standards on ecosan toilets and constructed wetlands initiated by WECF for the Republic of Moldova

Towards improved - sustainable - sanitation for rural women, men and children
National technical standards on ecosan toilets and constructed wetlands initiated by WECF for the Republic of Moldova

Veel bestrijdingsmiddelen in Drents oppervlaktewater; de helft geclassificeerd als zeer gevaarlijk
WECF publiceert rapport over bestrijdingsmiddelen in het oppervlaktewater in Drenthe

Keeping the 2030 Agenda Alive
The world already looks very different to the place it was when UN member states adopted the SDGs in September 2015. How can we ensure that the international community remains committed to the pledges it made?

Women2030 Media Training Toolkit
If you need to know more about how to communicate your campaign to others, this Media Training Toolkit will help you. It introduces basic ‘need to know’ information about telling your stories to new audiences using photography and social media, and gives advice on engaging with mainstream media.

"Bestrijdingsmiddelen in beken en kanalen - Feiten over bestrijdingsmiddelen in het oppervlaktewater in Drenthe"
WECF Nederland publiceert rapport over bestrijdingsmiddelen in het oppervlaktewater in Drenthe

"Bestrijdingsmiddelen in beken en kanalen - Feiten over bestrijdingsmiddelen in het oppervlaktewater in Drenthe"
WECF Nederland publiceert rapport over bestrijdingsmiddelen in het oppervlaktewater in Drenthe
24.03.2017 | Margriet Samwel-Mantingh

Weltwassertag am 22.03.2017: Abwasser - In Kreisläufen denken und handeln
Das Thema des Weltwassertages 2017 lautet „Wastewater - Abwasser“.

Why waste water is part of the Sustainable Development Goals?
SDG6 is about ensuring adequate and sustainable water supply. One of the targets is to halve the proportion of untreated wastewater

City 40, film over moedige mensenrechtenactiviste Nadezjda Koetepova
Nadezjda Koetepova, WECF grondlegster, advocate en milieu-activiste, is vanaf vrijdag 24 maart te zien in documentaire City 40 tijdens Movies that Matter Film Festival in Den Haag
20.03.2017 | WECF Campaign

WECF partner Nadezjda Koetepova geportretteerd in documentaire City 40
Nadezjda Koetepova, WECF grondlegster, advocate en milieu-activiste, is vanaf vrijdag 24 maart te zien in documentaire City 40 tijdens Movies that Matter Film Festival in Den Haag
20.03.2017 | WECF nieuws

WECF partner Nadezjda Koetepova geportretteerd in documentaire City 40
Nadezjda Koetepova, WECF grondlegster, advocate en milieu-activiste, is vanaf vrijdag 24 maart te zien in documentaire City 40 tijdens Movies that Matter Film Festival in Den Haag
20.03.2017 | WECF Campaign

CSW61 Side Event: Empowering Energy (2:30 pm)

Stop für Neonikodinoide
WECF fordert deutsche Regierung auf, sich für ein Verbot von bienenschädigenden Pestiziden einzusetzen

#women2030 Brochure
Making the 2030 Goals A Reality!

WECF at CSW61: Women's Economic Empowerment in the Changing World at Work
Follow the latest updates on our work at CSW61, download related publications and learn about our activities

WECF at CSW61: invitation to our side event "Empowering Energy"
SPEAKER ANNOUNCEMENT: come along and join our fruitful discussion on gender just energy cooperatives as source for economic empowerment.

ADHD en lager IQ mogelijk gevolg schadelijke stoffen in huis
Schadelijke stoffen kunnen schadelijk zijn voor de hersenontwikkeling van kinderen, zo blijkt uit het rapport No Brainer van de Britse organisatie ChemTrust

WECF: “Waarom is milieu & gezondheid in Nederland geen verkiezingsthema?”
Nieuw rapport WHO toont aan dat milieuvervuiling verantwoordelijk is voor de dood van 1,7 miljoen kinderen per jaar

WECF vraagt zich af waarom milieu & gezondheid in Nederland geen thema's zijn in de verkiezingscampagnes
Nieuw rapport WHO toont aan dat milieuvervuiling verantwoordelijk is voor de dood van 1,7 miljoen kinderen per jaar

Huize Aarde
Huize Aarde is a non-profit consultancy in the Netherlands, founded in 1992

Integrating gender dimensions into the implementation of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions
Gender and Chemicals

A Toxics-Free Future for All

INVITATION: for youth to participate in a regional high-level UN conference on our health and environment

Prozess zu Umwelt und Gesundheit in Europa: 6. Ministerkonferenz 2017 muss Zunahme umweltbedingter Krankheiten stoppen
NGOs engagieren sich für mehr Schutz von Umwelt und Gesundheit in der Europäischen Region im Rahmen des Prozesses Umwelt und Gesundheit in Europa

Who will stop the destruction of trees in Kamiansk (Dniprodzerzhynsk)?
Ukrainian partner Voice of Nature protects the environment in the Ukrainian city of Kamiansk

The Gender Dimensions of Hazardous Substances and Waste
WECF and Indonesian partner Balifokus organised stakeholder forum on how to address POPs and how to protect women and men from banned hazardous chemicals

Compendium to develop a Water and Sanitation Safety Plan in a Rural Community
2nd completely revised edition of the compendium is out and available in English, Romanian, Macedonian, Albanian and Bulgarian

Women2030: Women’s leadership in the Agenda 2030
Central Asian Workshop, February 26 – 27, 2017, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

Partners voor een Gezond Leefmilieu

Hazardous substances and wastes in Indonesia: Gender Dimensions
BaliFokus, Indonesia, and Women Engage for a Common Future (WECF), Netherlands, organised a stakeholder meeting this week at the Ministry of Environment and Forestry office in Jakarta to address the gender dimensions of hazardous substances and waste management.

In 2016, WECF began a campaign to raise €4,000 in 30 days to install biogas toilet systems for deprived families in Uganda
Not only did WECF reach their goal of 15 toilets, but were able to raise more than €4,600 to install 17 toilets

EU Vorschlag schützt weder Mensch noch Natur vor Hormongiften
NGOs fordern deutsche Regierung auf, den EU Kommissionsvorschlag zur Identifizierung von hormonwirksamen Chemikalien nicht zu zustimmen

"Beyond 2020 Green Chemistry and Sustainable Chemistry"
WECF at SAICM Intercessional Meeting, 7-9 February 2017, Brasilia, Brazil

Women2030 partners re-elected as operational partners for Women's Major Group
Our Executive Director Sascha Gabizon has been re-elected as Organizing Partner for the Women's Major Group Europe/Central Asia region (UNECE)

Ein voller Erfolg – Veranstaltung zur kommunalen Geschlechtergerechtigkeit im Rahmen der Agenda 2030
Angeregte Diskussionen und lebhafter Austausch zu SDGs und Geschlechtergerechtigkeit am 13. Februar in der „orangebar“

Resultaat crowdfundingsactie 2016: De biogas toiletten werken!
17 toiletten zijn gebouwd, die als biogasinstallaties, menselijk afval tot energie verwerken – schoon, duurzaam en hernieuwbaar!

Call to implement Better Regulation principles in EU action on Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals
NGOs call for horizontal criteria to identify endocrine disruptors in all types of applications, not just pesticides and biocides and urge EU Commission to redesign its currently proposed EDC criteria

Highlights from the scoping study on POPs, hazardous chemicals & waste in Nigeria
How POPs, hazardous chemcals and waste have different exposures and impacts on women's and men's health

Stem namens jouw organisatie mee in de verkiezingen van de Women's Major Group!
WECF directeur Sascha Gabizon genomineerd als coördinator voor UNECE Europese Regio & Centraal-Azië

Vote in the Women’s Major Group elections!
Our Executive Director Sascha Gabizon is running for regional Organising Partner of European, Caucasus and Central Asian region (UNECE).

Communauté D'Agglomération de St Omer

Ministère des Affaires Etrangères et du Développement International

Agence Francaise de Développement

Having the Agenda 2030 in sight - Water and Sanitation Conference in Romania
Water and Sanitation Safety Planning in rural areas of Romania and Macedonia

Women 2030 Regional Workshop in Eastern Europe
Participants from Macedonia, Albania, Bosnia Herzegovian, Moldova and Serbia introduced to gender-responsive implementation of the SDGs

"The Nigerian women and Stockholm Convention" - POPs related eco-hazards and their disproportionate effect on women can never be overemphasised
Article Punch magazine reflects importance of WEP and WECF Stakeholder consultation on gender meainstreaming in hazardous chemicals policy and waste management

Safe drinking Water & Energy in Uganda
Video with impressions of sustainable technologies implemented by ARUWE and WECF

Empower Kirgizische vrouwen in het gebruik van groene technologie – Ondersteun hun ecologische transitie!
Een groep actieve Kirgizische vrouwen bouwt een duurzaam en eco-vriendelijk resource centrum om met kleine acties grote veranderingen te bewerkstelligen

Potenziale Erneuerbarer Energien in Deutschland und Europa – Vortrag für Studenten der UWM
Präsentation von Katharina Habersbrunner für Student(innen) der Fakultät „Environmental Engineering“ der University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee am 10. Januar 2017 in München.

Wie können Kommunen die SDGs geschlechtergerecht umsetzen?
Veranstaltungseinladung für den 13. Februar: Diskutieren und erarbeiten Sie mit uns in München Möglichkeiten zur geschlechtergerechten Umsetzung der nachhaltigen Entwicklungsziele durch Kommunen.

Water solidarity between Kyrgyzstan and France continues successfully
Safe water and sustainable sanitation for the village An-Oston, Issyk Kul, Kyrgyzstan

Menstrual hygiene management amongs marginalized physically challenged women and adolescent girls in 10 states of Nigeria
Publication by WECF partner Women Environment Programma (WEP Nigeria)

Kommissionsentwürfe zu EDCs bieten keinen Schutz für Mensch und Umwelt – Abstimmung vertagt
Gemeinsame Stellungnahme von WECF und der deutschen NGO Koalition zu EDCs zur dritten Verhandlungsrunde über die Vorschläge der EU Kommission zur Identifizierung hormonschädlicher Substanzen (EDCs)

Regional African Training for Women #Agenda2030 advocates, trainers and media experts from civil society
Women Environmental Programme (WEP) convened 2-day training for expert women Civil Society Organizations (CSOs)

Empower Kyrgyz women in using green technologies – Support the ecological transition!
Active Kyrgyz women are building a sustainable and eco-friendly resource centre as little actions can make great things happening. Take part in these changes!

Regional Women2030 Workshop in Romania

Deutscher Schattenbericht zu CEDAW heute vorgestellt
WECF unterstützt die politischen Forderungen

Water Safety and Sanitation Planning Training in Romania

LIVE: Let's Talk about Policy Innovations for Transformative Change (2-3pm CET)

Gender Just Climate Solutions Award uitgereikt tijdens ceremonie op Klimaattop in Marokko
"Als vrouwen oplossingen ontwerpen, slaan ze niemand over", stelde Amina Mohammed, Minister van Milieu van Nigeria tijdens de uitreikingsceremonie

Veronique Moreira
Présidente WECF France / Chair WECF France

Small-scale water supplies in rural areas in Macedonia
Civil society conference to introduce our Water and Sanitation Safety Planning (WSSP) project and Comendium in Romania and Macedonia“

Stop EDCs - Citizens demand EDC regulation that protects human health and environment
WECF Germany, together with other NGOs, hand over 100.000 signatures to environment minister Hendricks

Stoppt hormonschädliche Chemikalien
Nichtregierungsorganisationen übergeben Umweltministerin Hendricks 100.000 Unterschriften besorgter Menschen

Civil society calls on EU decision makers to phase out dental amalgam
Europe will imminently decide the fate of dentistry’s most controversial procedure: the use of mercury-based dental fillings, known as amalgam.

Gender just climate solutions award winners announced and publication launch
“When women design solutions, they don’t leave anyone behind” said Amina Mohammed, Minister of Environment, Nigeria, at the Gender Just Climate Solutions Award ceremony, last week

CSOs meet in Serbia to discuss outcome of SAICM project
A final conference related to the project “Capacity Building and Strategic Partnership for Chemicals safety in the Republic of Serbia“ was performed on the 31st of October in Belgrade.

UN's climate conference is officially over - but there is a lot left to do!
WECF reflects on the outcomes of UN’s international climate conference, the COP22 in Marrakesh

De klimaatconferentie van de Verenigde Naties is officieel voorbij - maar er valt nog veel te doen!
Tijdens de COP22 werd er een historisch besluit genomen om verder te gaan met de “gender commitments” in het Lima Work Programme door een Gender Action Plan te ontwikkelen voor de komende drie jaren. Toch beweren velen dat dit niet het “COP of action” was waar zij op hadden gehoopt ; vele andere belangrijke beslissingen worden verschoven naar COP23. WECF reflecteert op de resultaten van de klimaatconferentie van de VN (COP22)

COP22: Women & Gender Constituency's Educative Posters
Learn about what gender has to do with climate change and the Paris Agreement.

Civil society criticises “Business As Usual” as Commission publishes its plans for implementing the Sustainable Development Goals

Gender Just Climate Solutions Publication 2016
This is the second edition of the Women and Gender Constituency's publication ‘Gender Just Climate Solutions Award’. It honours the fundamental contribution of women in the fight against climate change and demonstrates the pertinence of integrating gender equality in all climate policies.

De biomeiler: van poep, plas en houtsnippers naar warmte en compost
Fedde Jorritsma heeft in samenwerking met De Econiers een jaar lang geëxperimenteerd en gemeten met een zogeheten biomeiler
22.11.2016 | Margriet Samwel

2016 IPEN Global Meeting and Toxic-Free Future Forum
A get together of people working for a Toxic-free Future

Marrakesch (Marokko) - Das war die COP22 – Es gibt viel zu tun!
Der gemeinsame Wille zum Klimaschutz wurde auch von wirtschaftlich schwächeren Staaten bekräftigt.

Umweltschadstoffe - Mehr Schutz für Schwangere, Babys und Kinder
Landeshauptstadt München fördert mehr Schutz vor Umweltschadstoffe mit Workshop für Hebammen und Aktualisierung des Infoportals Nestbau

November 19, World Toilet Day
New ecosan toilet relief to girls attending Busi Parents School in Uganda

WECF side event at COP 22: ”NAMA on rural energy in Georgia : a tool to develop genderresponsive climate policies”

New publications on Water, Sanitation and Health in schools
Two new publications on WASH in schools (WinS) were launched at the fourth session of the Meeting of the Parties to the Protocol (Geneva, 14-16 November 2016)

Status of small-scale water supplies in the WHO European Region
document on the status of small-scale water supplies in the WHO European Region

tools and good practices from the pan-European Region to take policy action to improve small-scale water supply and sanitation systems
Amongst many authors, WECF's sanitation and water expert contributed to this publication

Albania published its 3rd National Communication under the UNFCCC with a chapter on gender equality
Under the auspices and with the support of UNDP WECF’s gender expert Anke Stock developed guidelines assisting Albania to abide by UNFCCC’s reporting requirements regarding gender equality issues

The success story of the Khmelnytskyi Youth Development Club
For the very first time in the history of Khmelnytsk, energy conservation not only became the main discussion point of local authorities and politicians, but also of its youth

EDC-Kriterien – Auch neue Kommissionsentwürfe bieten keinen Schutz für Mensch und Umwelt - Verbände äußern Bedenken
Offener Brief an die Bundesministerin Frau Dr. Barbara Hendricks und Bundeslandwirtschaftsminister Christian Schmidt

WECF and the Women and Gender Constituency invite you to Celebrate Gender Just Solutions Award Winners

WECF International invites you to a side event during COP22 on gender-responsive climate policies

Gender Just Climate Solutions Award Event

WECF at COP 22: “Why do we need moustaches to be heard?”
On Thursday, November 10 2016 the Women and Gender Constituency hosted an interactive ACTION at COP22 to highlight institutionalised barriers to women’s participation in climate decision-making at all levels

WECF and WGC present the Gender Just Climate Solutions Award at COP22 in Marrakesh
“Highlighting the importance of gender equality, women’s rights and their contribution to climate solutions”.

WECF at COP22: Day One
Follow WECF's participation in the COP22 negotiations in Marrakech. Everyday there will be some report back on the highlights of the day

“Invest in Climate Justice - Not War!” Press Announcement Women & Gender Constituency
On Tuesday, November 8 2016 the Women and Gender Constituency of the UNFCCC will host an interactive ACTION at COP22 to highlight the impact of militarism on climate change and the importance of redirecting military spending to sustainable and equitable development.

Musical Performance today at 4.30 pm & tomorrow 11 am (COP22, Pavillion, green zone)

WECF at COP 22: A Gender Sensitive NAMA
The Austrian Environment Agency and WECF International, in cooperation with Greens Movement Georgia and CREDO Bank, supported by the Georgian government, submitted proposal for NAMA Support Program to the NAMA Facility

"Alone you go faster, together you go further!"
Report from the CLEEN evaluation and coordination meeting, October 20-21

Gender Events at COP 22

Regional African Training before Climate Summit COP 22

Women raise their voices at Marrakesh climate conference
Preparing for their participation in the COP 22, Women2030 will be holding an African Regional Training for 30 Women and gender Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Marrakesh, Morocco, November 4-5, 2016

#MindTheGap - follow our advocacy journey for gender and climate justice at COP23
WECF presence at UN's climate change conference in Bonn, Germany, November 2017.

On the road to the COP22
WECF at the UN climate change conference in Marrakech, Morocco, November 2016

Taking responsibility for safe water and adequate sanitation in rural Romania
In the frame of the annual professional water and wastewater conference EcoImpuls in Timisoara, Romania, Aquademica organized a workshop for mayors in the region. The aim was to raise awareness about the responsibilities of the mayors to safely manage water and sanitation in their rural areas.

Water and Sanitation Safety Planning in rural Romania and Macedonia
The aim of this project is to raise awareness about environmental protection and to take action particularly in the area of water quality and sanitation in rural communities.

WECF's Water and Sanitation Expert Claudia Wendland at IWA Conference
The 13th IWA Specialized Conference on Small Water and Wastewater Systems & 5th IWA Specialized Conference on Resources-Oriented Sanitation took place in ATHENS, GREECE on 14-16 September 2016

WECF presents Water and Sanitation Safety Plans to African, South American and Asian officials and stakeholders
WECF held a one day training on Water and Sanitation Safety Plans (WSSP) at Technical University of Dresden

Wasser- und Sanitärversorgungsplanung im ländlichen Raum Rumäniens und Mazedoniens
Das Ziel dieses Projektes ist es, durch Weiterbildung das Bewusstsein der Gesellschaft und somit die eigenverantwortliche Handlungsfähigkeit im Bereich Umweltschutz und besonders im Bereich der Wasserqualität sowie Pflege und Wartung der Anlagen im ländlichen Raum Rumäniens und Mazedoniens zu fördern, so dass allen eine sichere Wasser- und Sanitärversorgung ermöglicht wird.

SDG Watch Europe launch

UN elects their 9th male Secretary General - do women need to grow a moustache to have leadership position at the UN?
Statement by members of the Women’s Major Group on the appointment of the new Secretary General of the United Nations. The Women’s Major Group of the UN Agenda-2030 process (WMG), has received the announcement of the nomination of Mr Antonio Guterres as new Secretary General, with mixed feelings.

SDG Watch Europe launch - civil society groups, including WECF, join forces to push for a sustainable future
Seventy-five diverse civil society organisations have today joined forces to formally launch SDG Watch Europe. This broad coalition will work to ensure that the European Union and its Member States live up to their commitments, made when signing the Agenda 2030 agreement in New York last September, to enable a sustainable future at home and abroad.

CLEEN Network: Platform for cooperation between local grass roots organizations on energy efficiency
Regional Network Meeting of Green Initiatives seeking to green the world with green energy for a sustainable and clean environment

One step towards a safer blood bag
WECF speaker at final Seminar of the LIFE+ project PVC Free Blood Bag, 27-28 September, in Östersund, Sweden

Introducing a new phenomenon in Armenia: Energy Cooperatives
WECF along with Belgian and European Energy Cooperatives explore possibilities of implementing sustainable energy in Armenia

Georgian Energy Cooperatives joined forces and created umbrella cooperative for a more effective Gender Sensitive Energy Transition
WECF and partners organised workshop on Energy Cooperatives and Solar Technology in rural Georgia
11.10.2016 | Regina Drexel

From Sustainability Talk to Policy Walk Conference
Brief Report from EEB Board Meeting, Annual General Meeting and Annual Conference from 25 to 27 September 2016 in Bratislava, Vienna and Hainburg a.d. Donau

Gender Just Climate Solutions Award - Women and Gender Constituency at Morocco Climate Summit
“Highlighting the importance of gender equality, women’s rights and their contribution to climate solutions”.

Gender Just Climate Solutions Award -WECF en WGC organiseren Gender Just Climate Award ceremonie tijdens Klimaattop Marokko
"De Gender Just Climate Solutions Award toont niet alleen het belang van gendergelijkheid, van vrouwenrechten maar vooral ook de bijdrage van vrouwen aan oplossingen tegen klimaatverandering".

WECF and WGC present at COP 22 in Marrakesh: Gender Just Climate Solutions Award - Women and Gender Constituency at Morocco Climate Summit
“Highlighting the importance of gender equality, women’s rights and their contribution to climate solutions”.

Erlaubt die EU weiterhin hormonelle Schadstoffe in Pestiziden und Bioziden?
Abstimmung in Brüssel verschoben – Umwelt-und Gesundheitsorganisationen fordern klare Position der deutschen Regierung zum Schutz von Mensch und Umwelt

WECF speaks at closing conference Life+ Program PVC Free Blood Bag

WECF speaks at Conference on Children's Health and the Environment (INCHES)
WECF called for fruitful cooperation between scientists and NGOs at 8th International Conference on Children's Health and the Environment, for better protection of children and pregnant women

#NoMoreManels: Aufruf zur Teilnahme von Frauen an Zeit Konferenz
ZEIT Konferenz „Nach Paris: Vom Klimavertrag zum Klimaschutz“ am 29. September – Nur Männer sprechen! Leserinnenbrief anbei

Hormonell wirksame Stoffe (EDCs) auf der Agenda des BMUBs Festivals der Zukunft
Bei der Jubiläumsveranstaltung zum 30-jährigen Bestehen des BMUB präsentiert WECF das Thema EDCs und fordert Maßnahmen zum Schutz für Mensch und Umwelt

CLEEN: Making local grass roots organisations stronger by working on energy efficiency
WECF and partners organise regional network meeting and workshop in Georgia and Armenia

8. Internationale Konferenz zu Kindergesundheit, Umwelt und Sicherheit INCHES
WECF wirbt für eine fruchtbare Zusammenarbeit zwischen Ärzten, Wissenschaftlern und NGOs zum besseren Schutz von Schwangeren und Kindern

Putting Gender on the Agenda of BMUB’s Festival of the Future
A weekend in Berlin celebrating 30 years of BMUB and a sustainable future with creative environmental strategies.

CLEEN: Making local grass roots organisations stronger by working on energy efficiency
WECF and partners organise regional network meeting and workshop in Georgia and Armenia

SDG Watch: Next Steps for Sustainable European Future
SDG Watch Europe is a European, cross-sectoral, civil society alliance committed to supporting the implementation, monitoring and follow up of the 2030 Agenda by the EU and its member states.

Taking Responsibility for their own Wastewater Treatment
A new step for the villagers of An Oston, Kyrgyzstan

Women & Gender Constituency submits recommendations for new Gender Climate Action Plan
WGC Recommendations set out to guide gender-responsive implementation of the Paris Agreement

Weltwärts - Georgien
Freiwillige/er für das Projekt "Stärkung von NROs in Georgien zu Energieeffizienz und Umwelt" ab Oktober 2016 gesucht

Unsere Gesundheit geht vor: Hormonelle Schadstoffe stoppen
Umweltorganisationen starten Unterschriften Petition und fordern von deutscher Regierung ein klares NEIN zu den Vorschlägen der EU Kommission zu EDC Kriterien

NO more EDCs: WECF Germany calls for signing petition to German Ministers!
Ein klares NEIN zu Hormongiften in unserem Leben

Ein klares NEIN zu Hormongiften in unserem Leben
Machen Sie mit und unterzeichnen Sie einen dringenden Appell an die Bundeumweltministerin Frau Barbara Hendricks und den Landwirtschaftsminister Herrn Christian Schmidt für ein NEIN zu den Vorschlägen der EU-Kommission zur Identifizierung von hormoneller Schadstoffe!

WECF contributes to Asian Development Bank Country Gender Assessment of Tajikistan
Country Gender Assessment of Tajikistan re-examines the gender equality situation in this Central Asian country and identifies critical issues

WECF takes position on European Commission’s EDC criteria
WECF released its position of the European Commission proposal to identify Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) criteria

"Water is life. But proper sanitation is dignity"
Ecological sanitation as an opportunity for rural areas of Albania

High Level Political Forum VN machteloos als het niet obstakels overwint die in de weg staan van implementatie van de Global Goals, de Duurzame Ontwikkelingsdoelen
Women2030, een alliantie van vijf regionale vrouwennetwerken wereldwijd, waaronder WECF International, is ongerust omdat VN er niet in slaagt obstakels uit de weg te ruimen voor implementatie van Duurzame Ontwikkelingsdoelen, de Sustainable Development Goals

Women warn UN High Level Political Forum could become futile if it does not address systemic obstacles to SDGs
Women2030, a women’s alliance working as part of the Women’s Major Group, gathered at the UN HLPF, warns about it failing to address key obstacles concerning the Sustainable Development Goals

Implementing SDG 5, 6 and 7 in Rural Uganda
Examples for gender-sensitive and sustainable WASH and energy systems and its implementation

Launching the 2nd Call for Gender-Just Climate Solutions!
The Women and Gender Constituency, of which WECF is a founding member, is very pleased to invite you to participate in the ‘Gender Just Climate Solutions Awards’ initiative for the upcoming UN climate negotiations (COP22) in Marrakech!

Toiletten hier und anderswo – ein Thema, über das man nicht gern spricht, ein Tabuthema fast überall
Ein Vortrag von WECF bei den Münchner Wissenschaftstagen am 13.11.2016

Crossing the European Parliament Red Lines
European Commission TTIP proposal endangers public health, environment and democracy

Geldelijk gewin boven onze volksgezondheid
WECF ondertekent samen met 65 maatschappelijk organisaties brief aan voorzitter Europees Parlement over TTIP

Sascha Gabizon referenced in The Guardian about CSW
Sascha Gabizon, Executive Director of WECF International, held an interview with the English newspaper The Guardian about the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) in New York

Het TTIP verdrag
Algemene gezondheid of persoonlijk gewin?

How dry toilets can both reduce use of chemicals and contamination of drink water sources
Impression of an ecosan toilet workshop in Macedonia

Last day to vote for our gender sensitive NAMA in Georgia!
WECF´s Energy and NAMA project in Georgia is competing in an award contest organised by the French Ministry of the Environment '100 projects for the Climate'

Crowdfunding Projekt: Biogas Toiletten für sozial benachteiligte Familien in Uganda
Mit Hilfe einer Crowdfunding-Kampagne sammelte WECF mehr als 4.600 Euro, um die sanitären Missstände im ländlichen Uganda zu bekämpfen. Dank über 50 Spenden kann WECF in Zusammenarbeit mit unserer lokalen Partnerorganisation ARUWE 17 Biogas-Toiletten im Mulagi Sub-County bauen.

Crowdfunding Project: Biogas Toilets for deprived families in Uganda
Via a crowdfunding campaign WECF collected more than 4.600 Euro to fight the sanitary grievances in rural Uganda. Thanks to over 50 donations WECF builds in cooperation with our local partner organization ARUWE 17 Biogas Toilets in Mulagi Sub-County.

EWA: "Empower Women - Benefit (for) All"
The EWA Project in Georgia - an overview

Changing German policy on EDCs
Achieving good EDCs criteria and strategy at the EU level, which guarantees a high level of protection for human health and the environment.

Eine bessere Politik zu hormonell wirksamen Stoffen (EDCs) in Deutschland
Ein Projekt, um die politische Diskussion zu EDCs in Deutschland anzuregen und wirksame EDC-Kriterien auf EU Ebene zu erzielen - für einen wirklichen Schutz von Mensch und Umwelt.

WECF International zoekt stagiair(e) Communicatie & Advocacy “Women & Chemicals”
Wij zoeken een enthousiaste, leergierige stagiair(e) (m/v) ter versterking van ons internationale Women & Chemicals communicatie- en advocacyteam.

What does the Brexit mean for us women?
An intervention by Gabriele Köhler, member of the Board of WECF Germany on the World Development & Economy in Brief website

Hormonell wirkende Schadstoffe: Die geheime Geschichte eines Skandals
Die Europäische Kommission hält einen einflussreichen Bericht geheim, der die sozioökonomischen Auswirkungen chemischer Schadstoffe beurteilt. Während dies im Interesse der Industrie erfolgt, warnen NGOs wie WECF vor den Gefahren für unsere Gesundheit.

WECF participated at WASH symposium in Uganda
From June 20th-23rd, a WASH symposium was held in Kampala, Uganda. WECF participated in cooperation with our local partner organization ARUWE and we presented our water, sanitation and energy projects in Uganda.

Workshop Integration von Gender in Forschung und Entwicklung von energierelevanten Themen am 7. Juli in Bremen
Thementisch zur Genderperspektive von WECF

Twentieth Working Group Meeting of the Parties to the Aarhus Convention
Geneva, 15 to 17 June 2016

We've made it - overwhelming success of our crowdfunding campaign!
In the last 4 weeks we run a crowdfunding campaign to collect 4.000€ to finance 15 Biogas Toilets for deprived families in Uganda. Thanks to your great support we can now build even more!

WECF sends letter to Dutch Secretary of State concerning EU policy on EDCs
In a joint statement WECF and the EDC Free Coalition ask Dutch State Secretary Dijksma to insist on major changes at the Environmental Council meeting to protect our health and environment.

Measures against endocrine disrupting chemicals. The example of Denmark, Sweden and France
In June 2016, Wemos, PAN Europe en WECF published the report ‘Measures against endocrine disrupting chemicals. The example of Denmark, Sweden and France’.

Maatregelen tegen hormoonverstorende stoffen. Het voorbeeld van Denemarken, Zweden en Frankrijk
In juni 2016 publiceerden Wemos, Pan Europe en WECF het rapport ‘Maatregelen tegen hormoonverstorende stoffen. Het voorbeeld van Denemarken, Zweden en Frankrijk’.

Europese Commissie neemt beslissing over EDC criteria
Geheel in tegenspraak met voorzorgsprincipe: Schandalig voorstel, aldus artsen-, vrouwen- en milieuorganisaties

Europese Commissie neemt beslissing over EDC criteria
Schandalig voorstel, aldus artsen-, vrouwen- en milieuorganisaties, geheel in tegenspraak met voorzorgsprincipe

Offener Brief an Bundesministerin Hendricks zu hormonell wirksamen Substanzen
Gemeinsam mit PAN Germany fordern wir Umweltministerin Barbara Hendricks dazu auf, Kriterien von hormonell wirksamen Substanzen zu unterstützen, um die menschliche Gesundheit und Umwelt zu schützen.

Kein Schutz für Mensch und Umwelt: EU-Kommission legt Vorschläge zur Identifizierung hormonell wirksamer Chemikalien vor
Gegen Recht, Gesetz und den Schutz von Mensch und Umwelt und für die Interessen der Industrie. Gemeinsame Presseerklärung von WECF Deutschland und PAN Germany zum Entwurf der EU-Kommission für die Kriterien zur Identifizierung hormonell wirksamer Schadstoffe.

Kein Schutz für Mensch und Umwelt: EU-Kommission legt Vorschläge zur Identifizierung hormonell wirksamer Chemikalien vor
Gegen Recht, Gesetz und den Schutz von Mensch und Umwelt und für die Interessen der Industrie. Gemeinsame Presseerklärung von WECF Deutschland und PAN Germany zum Entwurf der EU-Kommission für die Kriterien zur Identifizierung hormonell wirksamer Schadstoffe.

Commission's EDC criteria proposal: More humans will have to be harmed before action is taken
The European Commission presented today its proposal for criteria to identify endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs). WECF and the EDCfree Coalition condemn strongly the decision.

EU-Kommission präsentiert Vorschläge zu den Kriterien für hormonell wirksame Schadstoffe: Noch mehr Menschen müssen leiden, bevor die EU Kommission handelt
WECF und die EDCfree Coalition verurteilen die Vorschläge der EU-Kommission zu den Kriterien für die Identifizierung hormonell wirksamer Schadstoffe scharf.

WECF film "How to protect children from EDCs" now available in Spanish
Pregnant women know it is important to avoid alcohol, nicotine and certain foods. However, what is less well known is that many everyday products contain pollutants that can also be harmful to your baby. WECF's film gives practical advice on how to avoid exposure to EDCs. It now also available in Spanish.

Emerging Environmental Health Challenges in the UNECE region
WECF Side Event EfE Batumi

International symposium on toxic exposure and primary prevention by WECF France

CLEEN coordinating meeting in Batumi
Civil Society organisation from Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine and Armenia shared successes, restults, lessons learnt and ongoing issues

Brief der EDC-Free Coalition an EU-Kommissionspräsident Junker
WECF unterzeichnet einen Brief der EDC-Free Coalition. Darin drängen NGOs EU-Kommissionspräsident Juncker dazu, Kriterien zur Identifizierung von EDC festzulegen - auf Grundlage der besten wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse sowie unter Ausschluss von Potenzen.

8th Environment for Europe (EfE) Ministerial Conference - Greener, Cleaner, Smarter!

8th Environment for Europe (EfE) Ministerial Conference
Greener, Cleaner, Smarter!

EDC-Free Coalition Letter to Head of European Commission
WECF co-signed a letter of the EDC-free Europe NGO coalition. The letter urges President Juncker to present EDC criteria based on best available scientific evidence, excluding potency.

Regional EECCA meeting in Batumi on our Women2030 project
WECF organised the regional meeting of the Women2030 project in Batumi, back to back with the 8th Ministerial Environment for Europe Conference Georgia

Time for EU to walk the talk on 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda
As part of SDG Watch Europe WECF calls for a consequent implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals by the European Union.

Regional EECCAA meeting in Batumi of the Women2030 project

Bonn Climate Change Conference
WECF advocates for strong gender dimension in climate policies and actions
03.06.2016 | WICF

EWA: Recommendations to the Georgian Government
The Greens Movement of Georgia and a Coalition of Partner Organizations published Recommendations to the Georgian Government

Project Start-up of Women2030 in Nairobi
Partners from around the world gathered last weekend in Nairobi, Kenya, for the exciting initiation phase of the project Women2030.

International Chemical Management - The Position of German and International NGOs towards SAICM Post-2020 and Sustainable Chemistry
A project of WECF Germany to inform national and international NGOs about SAICM Post-2020 and Sustainable Chemistry and to bring an united NGO position into debate
01.06.2016 | WECF Project

Marine Litter, Plastics and Gender
The Women‘s Major Group, UNEP and WECF International invited participants to a dialogue on “Marine Litter, Plastics and Gender” on the last official day of UNEA-2 in Nairobi, Friday May 27, 2016.

Internationales Chemikalienmanagement - Die Position deutscher und internationaler NGOs zu Nachhaltiger Chemie und deren mögliche Bedeutung für den SAICM Post-2020
Ein Projekt, zur Entwicklung einer Position nationaler und internationaler NGOs zum Thema Nachhaltige Chemie und deren mögliche Bedeutung für den SAICM Post-2020

Biogas Toilets for Uganda – WECF needs your support!
WECF is running a crowdfunding campaign in order to finance 15 biogas toilets for deprived families in Uganda - please get involved!
26.05.2016 | WECF

Milestone gender and environment report from UNEP shows gender should be at heart of sustainable development
UNEP, together with report partners including WECF and Global Forest Coalition (GFC) launched a new and pivotal report, “GGEO – Global Gender Environment Outlook”

Milestone gender and environment report from UNEP shows gender should be at heart of sustainable development
UNEP, together with report partners including WECF and Global Forest Coalition (GFC) launched a new and pivotal report, “GGEO – Global Gender Environment Outlook”

UNEA2: Towards a Circular Economy through Sustainable Management of Wastewater and Re-use
Day 1 of the UNEA-2 conference, started off with WECF's successful side event called “Towards a Circular Economy through Sustainable Management of Wastewater and Re-use”, which had over 90 delegates participating. Jan Olsson (Swedish Environment Ambassador) opened up the session in front of a packed room.

Konferenz "Erneuerbare Energie-Genossenschaften"
WECF stellt erfolgreiche Projekte auf Konferenz in der Türkei vor

Women2030 project start-up meeting in Nairobi following UNEA-2
The Women2030 global project, funded by the the European Commission’s International Cooperation arm (DEVCO), is holding a project start-up meeting from 27th – 30th May 2016 in Nairobi, immediately following the Second Meeting of United Nations Environment Assembly

Presentation of WECF's gender-sensitive NAMA-project in Bonn

Bonn Climate Change Conference – Wie kann eine gendergerechte Klimapolitik umgesetzt werden?
Am Mittwoch, den 18. Mai wird WECF, Mitglied der UN-Beobachtergruppe “Women and Gender Constituency”, die erste gendersensible NAMA für den Energiesektor im Rahmen eines UNFCCC Workshops zu „gender-responsive climate policy“ vorstellen.

De Bonn klimaat onderhandelingen: Persuitnodiging voor woensdag 18 mei
WECF toont tijdens UNFCCC workshop voorbeelden implementeren gender responsive oplossingen voor het klimaatprobleem

Press Invitation Gender Workshop Bonn Climate Change Conference
Wednesday May 18 WECF will present the first ever gender-sensitive NAMA for the energy sector developed in Georgia, during a UNFCCC workshop on gender-responsive climate policy.

Presentation of WECF's gender-sensitive NAMA at UNFCCC
After the Paris Agreement the Bonn Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC) intends to set a course of action for mitigating climate change. WECF will take the opportunity to present its Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) in Georgia in a seminar about gender-responsive climate policy

International Women's Alliance 2030
De International Women’s Alliance 2030 is een coalitie van vijf mondiale en regionale vrouwennetwerken (WECF International, Women Environmental Programme , Global Forest Coalition, Gender and Water Alliance, and Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development).

Overbruggen van de kenniskloof – demo boerderij in Oeganda
In samenwerking met onze lokale partnerorganisatie ARUWE, bouwt WECF in Oeganda een demonstratie boerderij om zodoende het onderwijs van lokale boeren, de huidige duurzame technologieën en de levenskwaliteit van de mensen te verbeteren.
11.05.2016 | WECF Project

International Symposium WECF France on the impact of early life exposure to toxic chemicals
Mobilising public authorities, perinatal professionals and civil society on primary prevention and the importance of environmental health issues in health practices

TTIP: Public Health vs. Private Profit
The United States and the European Union are negotiating a new trade agreement called the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). This agreement is a threat to the EU’s ability to protect people from toxic chemical exposure. We are calling for a removal of chemicals from the EU-USA trade talks.
09.05.2016 | WECF Campaign

UNEP highlights WECF project in Black Sea on new homepage
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) lists the WECF project in Georgia on their new homepage as a "Success Story".
04.05.2016 | WECF

TTIP für VerbraucherInnen - Ein übler Deal
Für einen Bericht über die Auswirkungen von TTIP auf den Verbraucherschutz interviewte die taz unser Chemieexpertin Alexandra Caterbow.

Bridging the knowledge gap - Demo farm in Uganda
In cooperation with our local partner organization ARUWE, WECF builds in Uganda a demonstration farm in order to improve the education of local farmers, present sustainable technologies and increase the people's lifequality
03.05.2016 | WECF Project

Brückenschlag des Wissens - Demonstrationsbauernhof in Uganda
Gemeinsam mit unserer Partnerorganisation ARUWE errichtet WECF in Uganda einen Demonstrationsbauernhof, um die Bildung der lokalen Landwirte zu verbessern, nachhaltige Technologien vorzustellen und somit die Lebensqualität der Bevölkerung zu erhöhen.

Promotion of green technologies in Uganda
In cooperation with our local partner organization ARUWE, WECF implements a project in Mulagi Sub-county (Uganda) to promote sustainable technologies for renewable energy
03.05.2016 | WECF Project

Förderung grüner Technologien in Uganda
In Zusammenarbeit mit unserer lokalen Partnerorganisation ARUWE setzt WECF ein Projekt im Mulagi Sub-county (Uganda) um, das nachhaltige Technologien für erneuerbare Energien fördert

UN honours WECF's work in Georgia in latest publication
The United Nations acknowleges the gender sensitive impacts of our NAMA project in Georgia in their latest publication.
29.04.2016 | WECF

Sascha Gabizon, WECF: ‘Gender equality and women’s rights as a crucial pillar to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals’
On April 19-20th, COFACE organised the conference ‘Sustainable Development Goals and Gender Equality' in Amsterdam, with Sascha Gabizon as one of the speakers
29.04.2016 | WECF

“Baseer REACH-communicatie op afwezigheid van zeer zorgwekkende stoffen”
“Vooral duurzame bedrijven uit het MKB kunnen hun kansen vergroten door in te zetten op een goede informatievoorziening naar de consument over het vermijden van zorgwekkende stoffen in hun producten”. Dit toont deze week verschenen onderzoek van Instituut IVAM en het vrouwen- en milieunetwerk WECF in opdracht van het ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu

The importance of women’s initiatives to address water and sanitation problems
WECF participation in Regional workshop on achieving equitable access to water and sanitation
26.04.2016 | WECF

WECF unterstützt "Klimaschutzplan 2050"
Zivilgesellschaft fordert Nachschärfung der nationalen Klimaziele

“Baseer REACH-communicatie op afwezigheid van zeer zorgwekkende stoffen”
“Vooral duurzame bedrijven uit het MKB kunnen hun kansen vergroten door in te zetten op een goede informatievoorziening naar de consument over het vermijden van zorgwekkende stoffen in hun producten”, aldus onderzoek van Instituut IVAM en WECF in opdracht van het ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu

Slimme Oplossingen voor Informatieverplichtingen over Zeer Zorgwekkende Stoffen (art 33 REACH)
Handvatten voor ondernemers in de baby- en kinderproductenbranche

Highlights of CLEEN in 2015 – A review in pictures
After the launch of our CLEEN-Project in Georgia, Ukraine, Armenia and Moldavia in January 2015, our partner organizations have done a lot of activities to achieve their goals. Let us have a review about the present results

Priscilla Achakpa (WEP) selected as "Eco Hero" in Nigeria
The work of WECF's co-organizing partner in the Women's Major Group (WMG) was honoured by Nigerian Television and German Welle Radio/TV. Priscilla Achakpa, Executive Director of Women Environmental Programme, was appointed as an ambassador for the TV magazin "Eco@Africa"

WECF Executive Director Sascha Gabizon discusses at SDG Conference in Amsterdam on April, 20th

4 Energiegenossenschaften in Georgien gegründet
Eintägiger Aufbau-Workshop in Miskatseli

Civil society Local Energy Efficiency Network (CLEEN)
The CLEEN project aims to build a partnership of civil society organizations in Armenia, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine
19.04.2016 | WECF Project

WECF trained Energy Cooperatives founded in rural Georgia
Four community based groups have started the formation of energy cooperatives as a way to finance Solar Water Heaters in rural areas of Georgia

WECF publishes analysis of CEDAW Reports on Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and South Africa
The WECF report analyses the existing legislative barriers to gender equality which obstruct women’s empowerment and gender parity. The research is based on the reports each country submitted to the Committee of the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW).

WECF publishes analysis of CEDAW Reports on Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and South Africa
The WECF report analyses the existing legislative barriers to gender equality which obstruct women’s empowerment and gender parity. The research is based on the reports each country submitted to the Committee of the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW).

WECF Executive director Gabizon takes part in panel discussion at International COFACE Conference
On April, 20th, Sascha Gabizon will discuss the topic "Achieving gender equality and the SDGs through European policies" with Greet Vermeylen (EUROFUND) and Paola Panzeri (COFACE) in Amsterdam.

Gender und Klimawandel
Workshop für Kommunale Klimapartnerschaften (Engagement Global)

Endocrine disrupting chemicals may lead to billions of euros in health care costs in Europe
A new research of the Utrecht University presents the socio-economic costs of EDC-associated diseases.

WECF and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
With the acceptation of the SDG´s, governments committed to address a range of social, economic and environmental issues that impact women and girls, including economic inequality, agriculture, energy, biodiversity and climate change, and peace and security.
15.04.2016 | WECF Campaign

Reducing chemicals and contamination of drinking water sources in rural communities in Bosnia-Herzegovina, FYR Macedonia and Albania
How Ecosan toilets, greywater filters and composting can help reducing the use of chemical fertilisers and protecting water sources in rural areas of South Eastern Europe
15.04.2016 | WECF Project

Experts discuss integration of chemicals management with SDGs
Last week, stakeholders involved in international chemicals activities met in Geneva and compiled a course of action for linking sound chemicals and waste management with the Sustainable Development Goals.

WECF zoekt vrijwilliger Fondsenwerving
Wij zoeken een enthousiaste en zelfstandig werkende vrijwilliger (m/v) die mee wil helpen om onze fondsenwerving richting (nieuwe) donateurs op te zetten en te ondersteunen. Fondsenwerving op ‘no pay, no cure” basis behoort tot de mogelijkheden

Capacity Building and Strategic Partnerships for Chemicals Safety in the Republic of Serbia
Building capacity and strengthening cooperation between government agencies, NGOs, and other civil society sectors, to strengthen legislation, enforcement and partnerships for chemical safety, in particular harmful chemicals in products
10.04.2016 | WECF Project

The importance of solar energy for women
Four renewable energy cooperations will be build in Georgia, in which women will be the essential actors

Escape of Russian environmental activist and WECF Partner Nadezhda Kutepova to France
After Russian authorities labelled Kutepova as a 'foreign agent', she fled in July 2015 with her three children to France. After nine months she obtained in April officially asylum.
08.04.2016 | WECF Campaign

Improving education, sanitation and food security in Busi parents' primary school
By providing hygienic toilets with privacy and hand wash facilities, WECF improves in cooperation with local partner ARUWE education and sanitation conditions in Busi parent's primary school (Uganda)
08.04.2016 | WECF Project

France grants asylum to Russian environmental activist and WECF partner Nadezhda Kutepova
Kutepova fled her native country in July 2015 with three children, after being labelled 'foreign agent' by Russian authorities

WECF en haar partners stemmen vandaag voor! Doet u mee?
Al jaren werken WECF en haar partners in Oekraïne gezamenlijk aan het verdedigen van mensenrechten, aan duurzame ontwikkeling en aan de bescherming van gezondheid en milieu

Water Solidarity Kyrgyzstan-France
WECF and KAWS at World Water Day in Saint Omer, France - 22 March 2016

The objective of the new five-year project is the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) until 2030 with a focus on Gender Equality (SDG 5) and Mitigating Climate Change (SDG 13)
04.04.2016 | WECF Project

Managing Wastewater through Global Partnership
Reducing the pollution of the Black Sea by introducing sustainable wastewater and nutrient management in rural Georgian communities
04.04.2016 | WECF Project

WECF board member speaks at UN Library Geneva Book Launch
WECF Governing Board member Gabriele Köhler speaks at UN Library Geneva Book Launch of the open access Oxfam journal “Gender and Development” devoted to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Gabriele Köhler (Vorstandsmitglied WECF e.V. Deutschland) spricht in der UN Bibliothek Genf bei der Veröffentlichung der Oxfam-Zeitschrift „Gender and Development“, die sich mit den Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) beschäftigt

Field visit to CLEEN partners in Kutaisi and Khoni
In order to ensure a good cooperation field visits are undertaken on a regular basis. During this visits partners are coming together, information are exchanged and project sites inspected.

3rd Workshop on Energy Cooperatives in Georgia
In Misaktieli, Mtskheta was a third workshop on energy cooperatives conducted. Until now four energy cooperatives are established in Georgia with support from WECF|Georgia, Katharina Habersbrunner from WECF Germany and local partner organizations.

Tegengaan van hormoonverstorende chemische stoffen in onze leefomgeving
Tegengaan van hormoonverstorende chemische stoffen in onze leefomgeving

Expertmeeting over hormoonverstorende stoffen
Op uitnodiging van Wemos, Pesticide Action Network en WECF presenteerden ambtenaren van het Deense en Franse ministerie van Milieu hun ervaringen en hun actuele beleid

CLEEN winners for 2016 announced!
15 sub-grantees have been selected to implement small projects in Armenia, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. The organizations have been picked out of 28 CSOs trained in 2015 within the CLEEN Mentoring Programme.

WECF and partners developed training module on Construction, Use, Monitoring and maintenance of Solar Water Heaters
Training modules on Construction, Use, Monitoring and Maintenance of Solar Water Heaters are made available by WECF

European Commission signs strategic agreement with international women’s groups
DEVCO launched 5-year partnership with coalition of 5 global & regional women’s networks to implement Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

European Commission signs strategic agreement with international women’s groups
DEVCO launched 5-year partnership with coalition of 5 global & regional women’s networks to implement Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Europese Commissie tekent strategische partnerschapsovereenkomst met WECF in een alliantie van vijf internationale vrouwennetwerken
DEVCO start 5 jaar durende partnerschap met een coalitie van 5 wereldwijde & regionale vrouwennetwerken voor het implementeren van de Global Goals

Newsletter WECF Deutschland März 2016

WHO European Environment and Health Process (EEHP)
In April 2015 Israel brought together health and environment ministers from 53 countries to assess how far we have progressed with the targets set in 2010
20.03.2016 | WECF Campaign

NGOs urge REACH Committee to vote for better protection of European citizens
Nine NGOs urge the REACH Committee members in their letter to support the identification of four phthalates (DEHP, DBP, BBP and DIBP) as endocrine disrupting chemicals and to reject the authorisation for the use of DEHP in recycled consumer articles.

International Women's Day: Q&A Transcript
Yesterday we held a live Q&A on Reddit to celebrate the publication of our latest report ‘Women and Chemicals’

"Bartang – The Valley of Hopes" - documentary devoted to the life of remote mountain villages in Tajikistan
WECF Partner Little Earth is an ecological organisation with a creative approach to solving traditional problems of environmental protection

Succesful media outreach on sustainable energy issues in Ukraine
Subgrantees in the CLEEN project: From energy audits in kindergartens to round tables in youth development clubs

Vrouwen eisen: “Betere bescherming tegen gevaarlijke stoffen wereldwijd”
WECF publiceert ter gelegenheid van Internationale vrouwendag een nieuwe studie "Women and Chemicals " en roept op tot politieke actie voor betere bescherming van vrouwen en kinderen tegen schadelijke stoffen.

International Women's Day 2016: WECF releases “Women and Chemicals” publication
With its new publication, WECF presents a deeper look at the nexus between gender roles and women’s exposure to hazardous chemicals worldwide and calls for more political action for better health protection

International Women's Day 2016: Women call for better protection from hazardous chemicals worldwide
WECF releases “Women and Chemicals” publication and calls for more political action for better health protection from harmful chemicals

International Women's Day 2016: Women call for better protection from hazardous chemicals worldwide
WECF releases “Women and Chemicals” publication and calls for more political action for better health protection from harmful chemicals

WECF to host a live Q&A on Reddit for International Women’s Day 2016
For this year’s International Women’s Day, we at WECF will be focusing on the theme 'gender and chemicals'.

Erkenning RIVM en VWS: BPA gevaarlijk voor zwangere vrouwen en kinderen
WECF verheugd met hernieuwd inzicht RIVM en Ministerie VWS maar voornemens gaan het internationale vrouwennetwerk niet ver genoeg

German partner organisation posts article on project WECF
The German organisation for sustainable travelling Atmosfair recently posted an article on WECF´s project for clean energy in Georgia

German partner organization atmosfair posts article on WECF's project in Georgia
The German organization for sustainable travelling Atmosfair recently posted an article on WECF´s project for clean energy in Georgia

WECF Co-signs Letter Calling for EU's Environment Ministers to Implement ECJ Ruling on EDCs
WECF co-signed a letter to the Environment Ministers of the EU urging them to make a strong statement calling on the European Commission to immediately comply with the ruling of the European Court of Justice on scientific criteria to identify Endocrine Disruptors (Case T-521/14 Sweden vs. Commission).

Gift in Shampoos und Cremes – Chemie, die unter die Haut geht
Ein SWR Film von Bärbel Merseburger-Sill mit einem Beitrag von WECF

FEIN rausgeputzt - Alles soll schön sein, wenn das Baby kommt. Zwei Expertinnen geben Tipps, wie die Hausarbeit leicht und schonend von der Hand geht
Artikel in Leben & Erziehen, Schwangerscshaft & Geburt, Ausgabe 2/2016

WECF criticises EU's ratification package on the Minamata Convention on Mercury
WECF has signed an open letter, addressed to the EU Commission, highlighting the weaknesses and shortcomings of its drafted ratification proposal of the Minamata Convention on Mercury.

Case studies from the EWA project in Uganda
In Uganda, WECF works with local partner organisations to introduce gender sensitivity trainings and conservation agriculture. Two participants in the trainings share their views

Don´t Nuke the Climate Conference at COP21
During Gender Day at the COP21 in Paris last december WECF organised a side event on nucleair energy, together with partners WISE International and as part of the Women and Gender constituency

Workshops zur Gründung von Energiegenossenschaften in Georgien

Heating failures in schools of Dneprodzerzhinsk cause extensive closures and diseases among pupils
Annual school closures are a in the Ukrainian city a vicious tradition by having adverse educational impacts.The organization "Voice of Nature" disagrees with the official version and blames poor heating conditions for the mass diseases.

WECF Signs Appeal to Call on Governments and Corporations to Ban Hazardous Pesticides
Over 500+ organizations in 106 countries signed the appeal to replace HHPs with alternative methods of pest control

Fondation RAJA-Daniele Marcovici

WECF’s ‘CLEEN’-Project in the race for an EUSEW Award
CLEEN, an implementation and networking concept, with which CSOs and further important multipliers are trained and supported to expand their network in 4 project countries (Georgia, Armenia, Moldova, and Ukraine) in order to raise awareness and ensure citizen participation in energy efficiency and renewable energy

International Advocacy for Women's Interests
WECF represents women and civil society in a number of international policy processes and United Nations organisations
24.02.2016 | WECF Campaign

Sustainable and Safe Water for An-Oston – A community takes responsibility for its water supply
A historical day for An-Oston: the community based drinking water users union (CDWUU) general assembly agreed unanimously on its new water tariff of 35 KGS/m3 on February, the 1st, 2016.

Hormonell wirksame Stoffe - die Diskussion zu EDCs in Deutschland
Ein Projekt, um die Diskussion zu EDCs auf politischer Ebene in Deutschland anzuregen und Deutschland als Advokat für eine strenge Regulierung von EDCs auf EU zu gewinnen

Detox Me: A New App to Help You Reduce Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals
The Silent Spring Institute, a WECF partner, recently released a free smartphone app to inform consumers
22.02.2016 | Carmen Chan

WECF onderzoek toont aan dat veel verzorgingsproducten schadelijk kunnen zijn voor jonge kinderen
WECF onderzocht 341 producten verkrijgbaar op de Franse markt, en vond in liefst 299 daarvan ingrediënten met een bedenkelijke reputatie.

Safety of Cosmetic Products for Babies Called Into Question by WECF France
WECF France research shows that baby cosmetics still contain too many ingredients of concern

Gender training with students from Ohio
WECF had a gender and environment training with students from Miami University, Ohio

Baby cosmetics still contain too many ingredients of concern
WECF releases survey on 341 baby cosmetics products of which 299 contain high risk ingredients

Bescherm je baby, beperk hormoonverstoorders
Informatiebrochure bij zwangerschap

Bundesregierung Handlanger der Industrie
Versäumnisse beim Schutz vor hormonell wirksamen Stoffen

Hormonell wirksame Substanzen: Bundesregierung nimmt Gefährdung von Umwelt und Gesundheit in Kauf

Deutsche Abgeordnete zeigen großes Interesse am Thema hormonell wirksame Stoffe
WECF initiiert Parlamentarischen Abend um EDC Regulierung einen Schub zu geben

EDCs in Germany: Running the discussion on EDCs
Promote the political discussion on EDCs on German policy level for achieving decent EDC criteria and strategy on EU level, which guarantee a high level of protection for human health and the environment

German Members of the Parliament show great interest in the topic of endocrine disrupters
WECF has initiated a parliamentary event to provide an impetus to regulate endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs)

Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs): The invisible danger

“In Russia, Kutepova was Considered an Enemy of the State”
Portrait of WECF’s board member Nadezhda Kutepova, who was forced to flee Russia last year

Europese Commissie lijkt veroordeling Europees Hof in de wind te slaan: Volksgezondheid lijkt geen prioriteit!
In december 2015 oordeelde het Europees Hof van Justitie dat de Europese Commissie de wetgeving heeft overtreden. De Commissie heeft echter nagelaten wetenschappelijke criteria voor hormoonverstorende eigenschappen van biociden vast te leggen, of tenminste de deadline hiervoor niet gerespecteerd.

WECF’s NAMA Project Mentioned in French Report Naming Innovative Projects
The report stresses the importance of women for sustainable development
22.01.2016 | Carmen Chan

“There is more than 99% probability that EDCs contribute to at least one disease”
Professor Transande discusses growing scientific evidence on adverse effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals
21.01.2016 | Chemical Watch

Ruim 140.000 Europeanen vragen inmiddels om verbod op glyfosaat en de teller loopt door!
Op 9 december hebben 16 publieke belangenorganisaties, waaronder WECF, een petitie voor een verbod op glysofaat overhandigd aan de Europese Commissie. De petitie werd ondertekend door meer dan 100,000 Europeanen

"Germ free hands and happy smiling faces at Kyrgyzstan kindergardens"
Handwashing Day in the village of Bokonbayev

Duurzame ontwikkelingsdoelen en de post-2015 agenda
Waarom milieuduurzaamheid en gendergelijkheid zo belangrijk zijn voor het terugdringen van armoede en ongelijkheid

Reducing the use of hazardous pesticides in Georgia
Forum book of the 12th International HCH and Pesticide Forum, Kiev 2013 now available

Waarom gendergelijkheid de Sustainable Development Goals kan maken of breken
WECF directeur Sascha Gabizon schreef een artikel voor een serie van het World Economic Forum over de nieuwe mondiale doelen voor duurzame ontwikkeling. Haar artikel richt zich op doel 5: het bereik van gendergelijkheid en het versterken van de positie van vrouwen en meisjes
15.01.2016 | World Economic Forum

WECF en de Duurzame Ontwikkelingsdoelen (SDGs)
Sascha Gabizon, Directeur WECF stelt: “Een groot succes van de SDGs is dat bij veel ‘ecologische’ doelen de genderdimensie erkend wordt,"

Serbian journalists and consumer associations highly interested in chemical safety
Around 30 journalists met with representatives from the NGO ALHem, UNDP Serbia, Serbian public authorities and Ministries, science, and consumer organisations to discuss various topics of chemical safety in Serbia

Civiele Lokale Energie Efficiëntie Netwerk (CLEEN)
Het doel van WECF’s CLEEN-project is een partnerschap opbouwen van maatschappelijke middenveld-organisaties in Armenië, Georgië, Moldavië en Oekraïne

Towards an EDC Free Europe!
A coalition of public interest groups representing more than 31 organisations across Europe have come together through a concern about endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and efforts to raise public awareness and urge quicker governmental action.
09.01.2016 | WECF Campaign

UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights, Toxins and Waste criticizes double standards of German chemical production
Tuncak calls for stronger global standards and encourages both the German government and German companies to reduce the export of hazardous substances.

Empower Women - benefit All Uganda: Conservation Agriculture increases yield of the farmers
Master thesis of Afke Jager from Wageningen University shows that use of Conservation Agriculture (CA) leads to higher yield of 30% on average

Empower Women - benefit All (EWA) Uganda: Master thesis toont aan dat Conservation Agriculture oogst van boeren verhoogt
De Master thesis van Afke Jager van de Universiteit van Wageningen toont aan dat het gebruik van DL, Conservation Agriculture, de oogst met gemiddeld 30% verhoogt

Hoe een biogasinstallatie het leven van Jane verbeterde
WECF’s partner ARUWE helpt de gemarginaliseerde bevolking op het platteland vanOeganda

WECF’s algemeen directeur Sascha Gabizon schrijft in UNEP’s Our Planet over gender, chemicaliën en de SDGs
In een recent artikel in het blad van het United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) schreef Gabizon over de verbanden tussen gender, gezondheid en het milieu en de overgang die de wereld te wachten staat naar een meer duurzame samenleving

Effektive Regulierung verschleppt - EU-Komission wegen Säumigkeit bei hormonell wirksamen Chemikalien vor Gericht
Artikel in - Fachmagazin für Koplementärmedizin, Ausgabe Dez. 2015
30.12.2015 | Johanna Hausmann

WECF and Women’s Major Group view for UNEP on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
In the recent issue of Perspectives, a publication of the UNEP, WECF's Sascha Gabizon and the Women’s Major Group shared their perspectives on the SDGs and the 2030 Agenda

WECF and Women’s Major Group view for UNEP on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
In the recent issue of Perspectives, a publication of the UNEP, WECF's Sascha Gabizon and the Women’s Major Group shared their perspectives on the SDGs and the 2030 Agenda

Het hergebruik van urine en fecaliën als meststof
Sinds 2002 heeft WECF ervaring met de bouw van droge urine scheidende (Ecosan-)toiletten voor scholen en gezinnen, en ervaring met veilig hergebruik van urine en fecaliën in dertien verschillende landen in Oost-Europa, Kaukasus en Centraal-Azië

Water, Sanitation and Gender Equal Development
International conference organised by WECF and FOE Georgia in Tiblisi, Georgia, gave concrete examples gender equal local sustainable development projects

WECF brengt ode aan vertrekkend president Christine von Weizsäcker en verwelkomt nieuwe president Corinne Lepage
Met een informele bijeenkomst in Parijs, voorafgaand aan de COP21, de Klimaattop, heeft WECF een ode gebracht aan de vertrekkende president en haar opvolger verwelkomd

EUGH-Urteil: EU-Kommission verstößt gegen ihre Verpflichtung zur Regulierung hormonell wirksamer Substanzen
WECF und PAN Germany begrüßen Urteil des Europäischen Gerichtshofs

Uitbannen hormoonverstorende stoffen komt dichterbij
Europese Commissie veroordeeld door Europese Hof: EU moet criteria opstellen

EU Court condemns EDC criteria delay European Commission
Commission will not change its plans in relation to endocrine disrupting chemicals

Historic climate agreement reflects real world change, but for women this will be far too slow
Reality Check on the Paris Agreement from the Women and Gender Constituency (WGC) 12 December 2015

Historisch klimaatakkoord laat echte verandering zien, maar voor vrouwen zal dit veel te langzaam gaan
Reality Check doorde Women and Gender Constituency (WGC) van het Parijse Klimaatakkoord

In the media: WECF at the COP21
WECF had her voice heard in meeting rooms and to the public via interviews in Le Monde, Libération, Elle, Klimaretter and Bavarian TV news

In de media: WECF op de Klimaattop
WECF liet haar stem horen in vergaderzalen en door het publiek door middel van interviews in Opzij, Le Monde, Vogue, Libération, Elle, Klimaretter en Bavarian TV news

Georgian Prime Minister praises WECF’s NAMA project
In his speech at the COP21, Georgian prime minister Irakli Gharibashvili mentioned the important work that WECF has done to mitigate climate change in his country

Vrouwen vragen om rechtvaardige actie van wereldleiders in Parijs
De belangrijkste eisen van vrouwen voor de klimaattop in Parijs

How a biogas plant improved Jane’s life
WECF’s partner ARUWE helps marginalized people of rural Uganda

WECF Joins NGOs to Call Against Incineration of Oceans Plastic Waste
WECF signs open letter to the Ocean Conservancy regarding the report "Stemming the Tide"

WECF Partner SWAGEN Wins 2015 ONE Africa Award
Each year, the ONE Africa Award celebrates and highlights innovation and progress made by African led civil society organisations
01.12.2015 | Carmen Chan

WECF pays tribute to leaving president Christine von Weizsäcker and welcomes new president Corinne Lepage
With an informal meeting in Paris, preceeding the COP21, WECF paid tribute to leaving president and welcomed her predecessor

"We're Women for Climate Justice"
WECF and Women and Gender Constituency at the COP21 joined ten thousand others in a human chain through the centre of Paris

"Wij zijn vrouwen voor klimaatgerechtigheid"
WECF en de Women and Gender Constituency vergezelden tien duizenden anderen bij de COP21 in een menselijke ketting door het centrum van Parijs

Schwanger? Nun nicht renovieren
Ein Artikel in HausArzt, Ausgabe 11/2015
30.11.2015 | Johanna Hausmann

Women demand just action from world leaders in Paris
Women’s Key Demands for COP21

Newsletter WECF Deutschland November 2015

"Towards fossil-free, safe & affordable energy"
Secure, affordable and fossil-free energy supply is one of the big challenges for everybody. This was the outcome of the international energy conference organised by WECF and Ukrainian CSO NECU

Case Study: gender-sensitive climate mitigation action - NAMA
Recommendations, best practices and lessons learned from developing the first „Gender Sensitive“ NAMA - National Appropriate Mitigation Action, in Georgia

Armenia: 'Through Toxic-Free Products to Healthy Generation'
In the course of two years (2013-2015) WECFs partner AWHHE have successfully brought awareness of the issue regarding heavy metals to the top of the national chemicals agenda in Armenia

Europese Commissie voor Europees Hof van Justitie gedaagd vanwege uitblijven criteria voor hormoonverstoorders
De Europese Commissie (EC) is door Zweden voor de rechter gedaagd vanwege het uitblijven van criteria voor hormoonverstorende stoffen (EDCs) die noodzakelijk zijn om gepaste maatregelen te nemen om de blootstelling aan EDC's aan te pakken.

Gezamenlijke brief tegen hormoonverstoorders in medische hulpmiddelen
WECF ondertekend een brief ter ondersteuning voor het uitbannen van EDC's in medische hulpmiddelen
24.11.2015 | Chantal van den Bossche

WECF Co-Signs Letter to MEP on EDCs in Medical Devices
18 international environmental and health organisations co-signed a letter to MEP Glenis Willmott, seeking her support for an amendment to the European Commission (EC) Regulation Proposal on Medical Devices

Take action for climate justice with the Women´s Global Call for Climate Justice Toolkit! has developed a new toolkit which allows you to take action in a comprehensive manner as part of the Women´s Global Call for Climate Justice

Phase Out Amalgam Use in the European Union
WECF together with a network of NGOs sent a letter to the Members of the European Parliament to vote for phasing out Amalgam.

Budapest: Sustainable Development Goals and Human Rights - The 8th Budapest Human Rights Forum
WECFs board member Gabriele Köhler spoke at the Human Rights Forum regarding the actual humanitarian situation in Hungary.

EU-Kommission wegen Säumigkeit bei hormonell wirksamen Chemikalien vor Gericht
Gestern befasste sich der Europäische Gerichtshof in einer Anhörung mit der von Schweden eingebrachten und von Ministerrat und EU-Parlament mitgetragenen Klage gegen die EU-Kommission.

Nieuwsbrief Nederlandse ambassade Georgie wijdt aandacht aan WECFconferentie
Mensgerichte water en sanitatiebeheer en duurzaam milieu was thema conferentie Khobi
18.11.2015 | Chantal van den Bossche

Towards fossil-free, safe & affordable energy
WECF and NECU organize International Energy Conference and UNEP Stakeholder meeting, in cooperation with UNEP

Ask Today's Expert

A people-centred approach to sustainable sanitation and wastewater management, water supply and environmental protection
Regional Round Tabel in Khobi, Georgia

Chemikalien gefährden die Fortpflanzungsgesundheit

Bambus-Biogasanlagen und Regenwassertanks in Uganda nach indischem Vorbild

Strengthening environmental and sustainable development dialogue in Europe in the context of the 2030 SD Agenda

Winners of the Women’s Global Call for Climate Justice Poster Contests announced
Today the six winning designs of the poster contest organized by WEDO in cooperation with the Women’s Global Call will be revealed live in New York. The online launch of the designs is scheduled for tomorrow

Winnaars van de Women’s Global Call for Climate Justice poster wedstrijd aangekondigd
Vandaag zullen de winnende ontwerpen uit de poster wedstrijd georganiseerd door WEDO in samenwerking met de Women’s Global Call live onthuld worden in New York.

Under Pressure, Feminine Product Makers Disclose Ingredients
Women protest the chemical exposure in feminine care products outside Procter & Gamble’s headquarters in Cincennati.

Glyphosate – Need for a robust and credible scientific assessment of carcinogenicity
WECF signs a letter concerning glyphosate exposion to EU health commisioner Vytenis Andriukaitis

Klimaatovereenkomst is onrechtvaardig, ongelijk en ineffectief, zegt de Women and Gender Constituency
WGC in Bonn heeft een boze verklaring gepubliceerd over het ‘non-paper’ voor de ‘ineffectieve, onrechtvaardige en ongelijke’ klimaatovereenkomst COP21 in Parijs.
11.11.2015 | Chantal van den Bossche

“Neither the SAICM Secretariat nor the governments wanted to have EDCs prominently highlighted at the conference”
WECF addresses endocrine disrupting chemicals at SAICM’s 4th Session of the International Conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM4)
10.11.2015 | Carmen Chan

"We verdrinken onze wereld in ongeteste en onveilige stoffen"
Europese NGOs verwelkomen waarschuwing van internationale federatie verloskundigen en gynaecologen (FIGO) over mogelijke gezondheidsschade van pasgeborenen door schadelijke chemicalien in consumentenproducten

Training on developing WSP and using a portable laboratory
A training about developing Water Safety Plans (WSP) for small-scale water supplies in Georgia

Revised Manual on Principles, Operation, Construction of Urine Diverting Dry Toilets
After almost 10 years the WECF manual on Urine Diverting Dry Toilets for households, principles, operation and construction was revised.

Gender Just Climate Awards Winners at COP 21 in Paris, a publication by WECF and WGC
Gender equality and women's human rights are fundamental to combating climate change

Dieselgate: WECF co-signs letter to EU to address air pollution and fraudulent behaviour of carmakers
NGOs including WECF urge the EU to respond to the diesel emissions scandal immediately
09.11.2015 | Carmen Chan

Women’s Major Group for UNEP on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
In the recent issue of Perspectives, a publication of the UNEP, the Women’s Major Group wrote about their perspective on SDGs and the 2030 Agenda.

Ecological Sanitation – a Success Story in the Republic of Moldova
WECF organized a study visit from 29 September – 1 October 2015 for NGOs and local stakeholders from Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Republic of Macedonia, in cooperation with WiSDOM, Moldova

Gerechtigheid nu! Doe mee met de Women’s Global Call for Climate Justice
Sluit je aan bij bezorgde vrouwen over de hele wereld en neem deel aan de actie's in Parijs tijdens de VN Klimaattop en/of bedenk je eigen actie

Women´s Global Call for Climate Justice Campagne
Terwijl de internationale klimaatonderhandelingen in Parijs steeds dichterbij komen vestigt WECF met de Women Climate Gender Coalition de aandacht op de rol van vrouwen als voorbereiding op deze belangrijke mijlpaal

"Global Warming Affects Women More than Men"
Anne Barre, president of WECF France, was interviewed by Radio France Internationale about gender, climate change and the upcoming climate summit in Paris

"De opwarming van de aarde heeft meer gevolgen voor vrouwen dan voor mannen"
Anne Barre, voorzitter WECF Frankrijk, vertelt in interview met Radio France Internationale over gender, klimaatverandering en de aankomende klimaattop in Paris

Leserbrief an die SZ zu dem Artikel „Hoffnung Ade“ vom 17./18. Oktober 2015

Was hat das Entscheidungsjahr 2015 für Frauen gebracht?
Rückschritt – Fortschritt – Status quo?

Atomkraft ist kein Klimaretter
Petition zum Weltklimagipfel

WECF over waarom gender gelijkheid nodig is in klimaatovereenkomst
WECF neemt deel aan de Women and Gender Constituency vergadering tijdens de Bonn Climate Change Conference
04.11.2015 | Chantal van den Bossche

Manual on Principles, Operation, Construction of Urine Diverting Dry Toilets completely revised
WECF manual on Urine Diverting Dry Toilets for households, principles, operation and construction has been updated with new information and technologies

EU Council Adopts Gender Action Plan 2016-2020
EU plans to focus on four key areas for gender equality through their external relations

1000 Drawings unterstützt das EWA Projekt

WECF on why gender equality is needed in climate agreement
WECF takes part in Women and Gender Constituency meeting during Bonn Climate Change Conference

European Environmental Bureau (EEB) Annual General Meeting – WECF now on the board
20/21 October 2015 in Brussels

Towards fossil-free, safe & affordable energy
WECF and NECU organize International Energy Conference and UNEP Stakeholder meeting, in cooperation with UNEP

Booking agency for female speakers

Check out our project activities in Tajikistan!
This video documents WECF’s activities in Tajikistan on gender equality

Workshops on asbestos in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, FYR Macedonia and Russia
Asbestos is a very serious but unfortunately neglected threat, especially in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Therefore WHO European Region decided to finance workshops on this issue in four Eastern European and Central Asian countries

Watch the interview with WECF’s Anne Barre on climate action
WECF’s Anne Barre was interviewed during the 2015 World Summit Climate & Territories
23.10.2015 | Carmen Chan

Flame retardants in consumer products remain a hot topic for environmental health
Lying on your couch did you ever wonder if you were being exposed to potentially toxic flame retardants? A new report by ANSES, French national risk assessment agency for health and environment, about flame retardants used in upholstered furniture might help you to figure out

Stop state-sponsored forced labour in Uzbekistan!
Sign the petition by Walk Free and Cotton Campaign

Climate Agreement is non-just, non-equal and non-effective, says Women and Gender Constituency
WGC in Bonn issues angry statement on ‘Non-Paper’ for a ‘Non-Effective’ ‘Non-Just’ ‘Non-Equal’ Climate Agreement COP21 Paris

Sascha Gabizon speaker at the post SDG's evening about gender equality

Zweites Wissenschaftliches Statement der Endocrine Society zu EDCs
WECF begrüßt klare Forderungen zum Schutz vor EDCs

MEP Michèle Rivasi expresses support for environmental activist Nadezhda Kutepova
WECF partner Kutepova risks prosecution by Russian authorities after whistleblowing on nuclear disaster in Ozerk

European NGOs welcome doctors’ warning of harm to newborns from toxic chemicals in consumer products
WECF and HEAL, two European health and environment groups strongly welcome the statement released today by the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) addressing the risks to babies and mothers associated with everyday exposure to toxic chemicals

WECF’s partner AT Uganda teaches farmers to conserve their harvest
WECF’s EWA programme featured in newspaper Daily Monitor

Gelijk=Anders lanceert Agenda voor de Toekomst
Maatschappelijke organisaties en netwerken, waaronder WECF, onderstrepen belang van gendergelijkheid voor duurzame ontwikkeling

Stakeholder Meeting of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA)

WECF Director speaks at ESDN conference Luxemburg

WECF partners ASDPNau and CAAW's school stories are highlighted in the new SuSanA publication
Ecosan toilets in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan demonstrate that ecosan technology works well in Muslim regions while at the same time ecosan products ensure food security

Letter to EU vice-president Timmermans, regarding the sustainable development goals
EU vice-president Timmermans, who is responsible for Sustainable Development was asked to ensure greatest priority for an ambitious implementation, monitoring and accountability plan and strategy, and integration through all policy areas of the European Commission.

WECF on endocrine disruptors: “We need both individual and collective action”
Radio station RFI interviews WECF’s Elisabeth Ruffinengo on endocrine disrupting chemicals

Highlighting the close interrelations between Gender and Environment
WECF holds Workshop on “Women, Gender and the Environment” for US Students at the University of Utrecht, The Netherlands

"Get lobbying on chemicals, doctors told by health body"
Chemical Watch quotes WECF France’s president in article on pregnancy and toxic chemicals

News on the Women’s Call for Global Climate Justice

Nieuws over de Women´s Global Call for Climate Justice
In oktober hebben Afrikaanse CSOs zich verzameld in Kaapstad, Zuid Afrika om de Afrikaanse prioriteiten voor COP21 op een rij te krijgen en opnieuw na te denken over effectieve lobby voor klimaatgerechtigheid in de aanloop naar Parijs en daarna

“Er zitten 300 verschillende chemische stoffen in een baby”
Childproof, een consortium van middenveldorganisaties en wetenschappers, waar WECF deel van uitmaakt, is verheugd met de aandacht die de Panorama uitzending op 4 oktober besteedde aan het probleem van hormoonverstoorders

Presentation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals at the UN Summit in New York
3 day summit was held in New York at the UN headquarters to officially present the 2016-2030 Sustainable Development Goals to leaders of 150 countries, among which president Obama and the Pope

Presentatie van de 17 Sustainable Development Goals op de VN top in New York
WECF en WMG zagen werk van jaren beloond bij presentatie Duurzame Ontwikkelings Doelen 2016-2030 aan leiders van ruim 150 landen bij de VN

European NGOs welcome doctors’ warning of harm to newborns from toxic chemicals in consumer products
WECF and HEAL, two European health and environment groups strongly welcome the statement released today by the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) addressing the risks to babies and mothers associated with everyday exposure to toxic chemicals

Chemikalien gefährden die Fortpflanzungsgesundheit
WECF begrüßt die Erklärung internationaler Gynäkologen, Fortpflanzungsmediziner und Wissenschaftler zu Gesundheitsschäden durch giftige Chemikalien in Verbraucherprodukten

De Vagablondes halen metThe Big Chill 3150 euro op voor waterproject in Sverdlov, Armenië
Debby Gruiters en Jenda Terpstra "De Vagablondes" zijn terug van de bijzondere reis naar Tiblisi : 600 mensen meer hebben nu toegang tot (schoon) water
30.09.2015 | Ásta Verheul

Terra Preta Sanitation handbook 1
Download the first edition of the Terra Preta handbook for free!

Wunschzettel für eine nachhaltige und gerechte Welt!
Umsetzung nachhaltiger Entwicklungsziele auf kommunalter Ebene

Women’s Global Call for Climate Justice
WECF on the road to COP21
23.09.2015 | WICF Campaign

WECF on the road to COP21
UN climate change conference in Paris in December

Why gender equality will make or break the Sustainable Development Goals
Blog by WECF Director Sascha Gabizon for the World Economic Forum website

WECF Partner, Environmental and Human Rights Activist on the run with three of her children
"Charity boss flees with young kids after Russia’s NGO crackdown" - Nadezhda Kutepova fears jail if she returns home

Ratificeren aanvragen voor gebruik zwaar toxische stoffen tast geloofwaardigheid Europese chemicaliënwetgeving aan
Aanvragen hebben ook negatief effect op maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemende voorlopers, stellen WECF, Wemos en PAN in brief aan Stas Mansveld

WECF partner Gertrude Kabusimbi Kenyangi wint de Wangari Maathai prijs
Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF) vereren Gertrude Kabusimbi Kenyangi
15.09.2015 | Chantal van den Bossche

WECF tijdens Stockholm Wereld Water Week: WASH en Menstruele Hygiene horen in SDG indicatoren!
Hoe kunnen gender sensitieve indicatoren toegepast worden op Duurzame Ontwikkelingsdoel 6?
15.09.2015 | Chantal van den Bossche

WECF partner Gertrude Kabusimbi Kenyangi Wins Wangari Maathai Prize!
Collaborative Partnership on Forests honours Gertrude Kabusimbi Kenyangi

Don’t Nuke the Climate
WECF co-launches international campaign to keep nuclear power out of climate negotiations in Paris in December 2015

Victory for citizens, victory for the Human Right to Water!
Another milestone for the Human Right to Water.

EU wil verboden chemicaliën legaliseren voor huishoudproducten
Milieuorganisaties pleiten voor verbod op hergebruik van schadelijke vlamvertragers

WECF Co-signs Letter Against Hazardous Chemicals in Products
EU Wants to Allow Banned Chemicals in Household Products

EU Wants to Allow Banned Chemicals in Household Products
Loophole will give banned flame retardants a second life in consumers’ homes

“The Price of Electricity, Gas and Other Energy Sources is Rising Day by Day”
Sub-grant organization Yeghvard holds press conference on WECF’s energy project CLEEN
04.09.2015 | Carmen Chan

Why WASH in Schools and Menstrual Hygiene Management needs to be in the SDG sanitation indicators
Calling on all member states and stakeholders engaged in indicator process for Sustainable Development Goals of 2030 Agenda to add Menstrual Hygiene Management

Water and sanitation are a human right!
Just one last step to go! - Strasbourg 8 September 2015
04.09.2015 | Right2Water News Splash: special edition

Reverse the flows
EU G20 countries should stop funding fossil fuels and increase financial support for real climate solutions
03.09.2015 | CAN Europe

“The SDGs are coming: What we measure is what we treasure!”
WECF at Stockholm Water Week: Why and how to include gender sensitive indicators into the Sustainable Development Goal 6?

Over 2700 worried (grand) parents signed petition: "We do not want hormone disrupting chemicals in products for our children!"
The Netherlands is taking health risks of EDCs seriously, emerged from open and constructive talk between WECF, BabyBeGood with the Director-General for Public Health

2700 bezorgde ouders stellen: “Wij willen geen hormoonverstorende stoffen voor onze baby’s!”
Nederland neemt de gezondheidsrisico’s van hormoonverstorende stoffen serieus. Zo bleek uit open en constructief gesprek tussen WECF, BabyBeGood en Directeur-Generaal Volksgezondheid Angelique Berg

2700 bezorgde ouders stellen: “Wij willen geen hormoonverstorende stoffen in producten voor onze kinderen"!”
Nederland neemt de gezondheidsrisico’s van hormoonverstorende stoffen serieus. Zo bleek uit open en constructief gesprek tussen WECF, BabyBeGood en Directeur-Generaal Volksgezondheid Angelique Berg

Side event World Water Week 2015: Gender sensitive indicators in sanitation and wastewater planning and implementation

Action for Rural Women Empowerment (ARUWE)

Support Women in Agriculture and Environment (SWAGEN)

AT Uganda Ltd

Association de l'Education Environnementale pour les Futures Générations (AEEFG)

Reseaux de Femmes pour le Developpement Durable en Afrique (REFDAF)

Green Household Initiatives (GHI)

Association des Femmes Peules Autochtones du Tjad (AFPAT)

Reacción Climática


News Network

Decentralised Environmental Solutions (DES)

Soil for Life


National Federation of female communities of Kyrgyzstan (NFFCK)

National Association of Large Families

“Toepassing van nanotechnologie is een tijdbom”
WECF-adviseur Marie Kranendonk waarschuwt in Milieumagazine voor mogelijke gezondheidsrisico’s nanotechnologie

Sustainable Development Agenda 2030 Presents a Bold Vision for Women and Girls Advocates Gear Up for Work to Come
The Women’s Major Group, made up of more than 600 women’s organizations and networks from around the world, recognizes the historic agenda for global sustainable development that 193 governments agreed to on Sunday

Duurzame Ontwikkelingsagenda 2030 presenteert gedurfde visie voor vrouwen en meisjes
WECF en de Women's Major Group maken zich klaar voor werk dat eraan komt

"Investment in sanitation including wastewater management is urgently needed to improve public health and protect natural resources"
WECF lead convenor of side event "Gender sensitive indicators in sanitation and wastewater planning and implementation" at Stockholm World Water Week

Is the EU still leading?
WECF’s Alexandra Caterbow analyzes EU’s shifting priorities, from environmental to economic interests

Terra Preta Sanitation 1: Background, Principles and Innovations
This handbook provides an account of main theories of Terra Preta formation and principles of Terra Preta Sanitation concerning material recycling and soil fertility improvement

Teach a woman how to harvest, and her family and community will benefit for a lifetime
WECF's EWA programme “Empower Women, Benefit for All” in rural Kyrgyzstan leads to women empowerment, income generation for women and improved living standards
07.08.2015 | Carmen Chan

A Warm Home for Households in Ukraine: Knowledge for a Sustainable Future in Eastern Europe
WECF and Ecoclub jointly create awareness on sustainable energy in Ukraine

Meet Kalys: the woman who helped providing water access for her village
WECF's EWA programme “Empower Women, Benefit for All” in rural Kyrgyzstan leads to women empowerment, income generation for women and improved living standards
07.08.2015 | Carmen Chan

Beijing, Gender and Environment – Challenges for Ecological Sustainability, Development and Justice?
WECF's Anke Stock publishes an article in IDS Bulletin

30 subgrantee organizations from Armenia, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine joined first CLEEN trainings in Georgia and Ukraine
Two NGO trainings took place in the frame of the CLEEN project, which aims as overall objective to build regional partnerships of civil society organizations (CSOs) in the 4 countries with a focus on energy efficiency

Parabene in Baby-Beißringen
Artikel in Linda Apothekenmagazin, Ausgabe 16/2015, TV Gesund & Leben, Ausgabe 16/2016 und Apotheke, Ausgabe 16/2016

WECF: “Technology Is Not Gender-Neutral”
WECF organizes workshop on designing gender-sensitive development projects
30.07.2015 | Carmen Chan

WECF war dabei - Night of 1000 drawings in München
Samstag, 18.Juli 2015, es ist endlich soweit: Nicht 1000 sondern 2800 Kunstwerke hängen pünktlich um 18 Uhr in einer fantastischen und coolen Atmosphäre im Münchner Kreativquartier, jeder Platz ist genutzt.

Women’s Global Call for Climate Justice
Women’s groups launch an international campaign to take action on the road to the global climate negotiations in Paris in December 2015

Female deputies of Kyrgyz National Parliament commit to women empowerment and improved access to water and sanitation
A high-level stakeholder meeting took place on 28 May 2015, at the National Parliament (Jogorku Kenesh) of Kyrgyzstan in the framework of the Forum of Women of the Jogorku Kenesh

Greywater Treatment in Sand and Gravel Filters: Low Tech Solution for Sustainable Wastewater Management
Manual for Design, Construction, Operation and Maintenance

Videos on WECF's EWA programme in Kyrgyzstan
WECF's EWA programme “Empower Women, Benefit for All” in rural Kyrgyzstan leads to women empowerment, income generation for women and improved living standards

After Life Communication Plan
Communication Strategies and Plans for ChildProtectLIFE for the next coming years

WECF-Fachdialog zu SDGs am 6. Juli in München
Wunschzettel für eine nachhaltige und gerechte Welt! - Umsetzung nachhaltiger Entwicklungsziele auf kommunaler Ebene

Benefietavond Scheveningen: Rally voor Water
Big Chill-team ‘De Vagablondes’ organiseert benefietavond op donderdag 16 juli voor waterproject van WECF in Armenië
09.07.2015 | Persbericht De Vagablondes

Improving Environment And Health In Europe: How Far Have We Gotten?
WHO report

Newsletter WECF Deutschland Juni 2015

We want You!
We are looking for a dedicated intern for our programme “Empower Women – Benefit for All (EWA)”

WECF Strategic Plan 2015-2020
A Just and Healthy Planet for All

Symposium on the SDGs and their financial sustainability

Transformative Post-2015-Agenda?
Ein Beitrag von Gabriele Köhler im Informationsbrief Weltwirtschaft & Entwicklung

19th Working Group Meeting of the Parties to the Aarhus Convention in Geneva from 17 to 19 June 2015

Women’s Major Group Launches 10 Red Flags During UN’s Post-2015 Negotiations on June 23-25
WMG identifies red flags for the Zero draft of the outcome document for the UN Summit to adopt the Post-2015 Development Agenda

WECF neemt deel aan Gelijk=Anders Festival
Op zaterdag 27 juni 2015 staat Pakhuis de Zwijger in het teken van vrouwenrechten en gendergelijkheid tussen vrouw, man en alles daartussen in
26.06.2015 | Chantal van den Bossche

Kyrgyz deputies are concerned about water, sanitation and hygiene conditions in villages
Deputies of Kyrgyz Supreme Council visit villages to assess WASH issues in schools and kindergartens

Der SDG-Prozess und seine Umsetzungsmöglichkeiten auf kommunaler Ebene

Zomer Rally voor Goede Doel naar Georgië: Miljoenen Europeanen nog zonder schoon drinkwater
Deze zomer vindt een bijzondere trip plaats: Een rally voor het goede doel van Amsterdam naar Tbilisi, Georgië. In twee weken rijdt damesteam ‘De Vagablondes’ 6.000 kilometer door 13 landen om geld op te halen voor het goede doel: een waterproject in een arm dorp in Armenië.

WECF proud to be amongst the few nominees for prestigious EUSEW Sustainable Energy Award
WECF’s Energy Project Shortlisted for top 10 energy projects, leaving behind hundreds of contestants


WECF is trots: ons energieproject is genomineerd voor prestigieuze EUSEW Award
WECF’s project wordt gerekend tot top 10 beste energieprojecten en laat honderden deelnemers achter zich
15.06.2015 | Chantal van den Bossche

Frans onderzoeksteam: “Hormoonverstorende stoffen vergroten kans op aangeboren afwijking bij mannelijk geslachtsorgaan”
Onderzoeksteam van ziekenhuis te Montpellier ontdekt dat hormoonverstorende stoffen een risicofactor vormen voor hypospadie
15.06.2015 | Chantal van den Bossche

SB42 side event: Effective stakeholder engagement in NAMA development and implementation

Pesticides, BPA cost Dutch society €6 billion in annual health bills
This is according to calculations by leading scientists, including WECF Expert Committee Member Professor Legler, for the research program Zembla

TV programma Zembla toont aan: Hormoonverstorende stoffen kosten samenleving jaarlijks € 5,8 miljard
WECF blij met grote aandacht voor boodschap van wetenschappers die de politiek oproepen eindelijk maatregelen te nemen om volksgezondheid te beschermen

WECF’s NAMA project presented during Climate Negotiations workshop on gender-responsive climate policy
The UNFCC workshop in Bonn on June 8 and 9 stressed the importance of mainstreaming gender in mitigation action and technology development and transfer

Safe drinking water and sustainable energy for rural Uganda
Improving living conditions in rural Uganda through sustainable technologies for renewable energy, agriculture and water

WECF Project Switch to Sun honoured with National Energy Globe Award for Armenia on World Environment Day
WECF Project Switch to the sun – live in comfort!“ has been chosen as best project of Armenia for the Energy Globe Award, today’s largest platform for sustainability. Over 170 countries handed in a total of over 1500 entries.

Meld je nu aan voor WECF-workshop over genderaspecten in ontwikkelingsprojecten
WECF en EWB organiseren gezamenlijk een workshop op 11 juni in Utrecht

Workshop WECF and EWB: Gender Aspects in Development Projects
Should women repair engines and could male engineers design successful cookstoves? Why distinguish ‘male’ and ‘female’ agricultural crops? And is gender equality a prerequisite for development? Join the workshop on 11th of June to find out more ..

D66 stelt Kamervragen naar aanleiding van WECF-brief
WECF stuurde een brief aan ministers Schippers over hormoonverstorende stoffen die lekken uit medische hulpmiddelen

EU Conference "Endocrine disruptors: criteria for identification and related impacts"

WECF initiated letter to Chancellor Merkel as input for G7 meeting this week in Munich, Germany
Letter focusses on the need for Financing of Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in the Post-2015 Sustainable Development Agenda

Europese Commissie bezwijkt onder druk van multinationals tegen uitvoering van geplande EDC-beleid
Opgevraagde verslagen van geheim handelsoverleg met de Verenigde Staten over TTIP tonen dit aan
01.06.2015 | Marie Kranendonk, WECF

WECF urges for a precautionary approach of biocides at Chemical Watch Biocides Event
"Adopting a precautionary approach to reduce impacts of biocidal products on human health and the environment"

Sign up now for the adventurous Big Chill and help to create the very first SolarWaterVillage!
Money raised goes to WECF members' Sustainable Solar Water Energy projects
29.05.2015 | Carmen Chan

Baby-Beißringe: nach Bisphenol A und Phthalate ... jetzt Parabene
Baby- und Kinderartikel – gängige Quellen für hormonell wirksame Schadstoffe?

Hormoonverstoorders aan banden leggen: het kan!
André Cicolella legt uit hoe ze het in Frankrijk deden. Ecolo-Groen onderzoekt de mogelijkheden voor België

Over 100 NGOs Urge EU Commission to Make Lobby Register Legally Binding
WECF co-signed ALTER-EU letter to commissioner Timmermans demanding full lobby transparency

"Rural drinking water supplies in Macedonia not safe due to improper management"
Water and Sanitation Safety Planning in rural Macedonia - Closing Conference on WECF Project

Women’s Major Group Position Paper - compilation of policy recommendations
Compilation of the WMG policy recommendations on monitoring and Means of Implementation for the Post-2015 Sustainable Development Agenda

EU dropped pesticide laws due to US pressure over TTIP, documents reveal
US trade officials pushed EU to shelve action on endocrine-disrupting chemicals linked to cancer and male infertility to facilitate TTIP free trade deal
22.05.2015 | Arthur Neslen / The Guardian

Example of Water Solidarity between France and Kyrgyzstan
Safe Drinking Water for An-Oston Village driven by a local women´s initiative

Hormoonverstorende stoffen aangetroffen in bijtringen voor baby’s
Bij twee op de tien plastic bijtringen komen hormoonverstorende chemicaliën vrij

More efforts needed to protect people from exposure to toxic substances – UN expert urges WHO
Pollution is the leading cause of death in low- and middle-income countries
20.05.2015 | OHCHR

WECF’s Alexandra Caterbow Participates in Upcoming EU Conference on EDCs
EU Commission informs stakeholders on impact assessment of EDC identification criteria

Besorgte NGOs: Rotterdamer Konvention macht Rückschritte
Vier Länder verhindern mit ihrem Veto, dass das internationale Abkommen im Falle von Chrysotil Asbest Umwelt und Gesundheit schützen kann

WECF presents film on how to protect children from Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals
Pregnant women know it is important to avoid alcohol, nicotine and certain foods. However, what is less well known is that many everyday products contain pollutants that can also be harmful to your baby. WECF's film gives practical advice on how to avoid exposure to EDCs.

Rotterdam Convention moving backwards, say civil society groups
Press release on COP7

Midterm review of environment and health progress in the European Region
From 28 to 30 April WECF was part of the Ecoforum delegation, representing environmental organisations from the European Region, participating at the mid-term review meeting of the WHO European Environment and Health Process in Haifa, Israel

WECF features in RBRS Conventions COPs Highlights
ENB -Volume 15 Number 228 | Thursday, 14 May 2015, Geneva, Switzerland
14.05.2015 | ENB -Volume 15 Number 228 | Thursday, 14 May 2015

Rotterdam Convention COP 7 (May 13th 2015). ROCA /WECF Side Event on “Chrysotile Asbestos and the question: Who pays the Bill?”
More than 70 people attended a successful, informative and emotional Side Event at COP 7 in Geneva Testimonials and Dialogue

Rotterdam Konvention COP 7 (13. Mai 2015): ROCA / WECF Side-Event zu "Chrysotil Asbest und der Frage: Wer zahlt die Rechnung"
Mehr als 70 Teilnehmer(innen) besuchten ein erfolgreiches, informatives und emotionales Side Event beim COP 7 in Genf

Bescherm kwetsbare couveusebaby’s tegen onveilige medische hulpmiddelen, teken nu de petitie!
Litte Hero start petitie ter vervanging van hormoonverstorende stoffen in medische hulpmiddelen
07.05.2015 | Chantal van den Bossche

ROCA publishes a Position Paper and a paper on FAQs on Chrysotile and the Rotterdam Convention in frame of COP7 Rotterdam Convention

WECF/ROCA Side Event at COP7 Rotterdam Convention: Chrysotile Asbestos – who pays the Bill?
WECF will organize a Side Event at the Seventh Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Rotterdam Convention in Geneva on 13th of May 2015

Think Before You Buy: Choose Products With Less Hazardous Substances
A Teacher's Handbook

“We cannot have safe water without proper waste and wastewater management”
Water and Sanitation Safety Planning in rural Romania - Closing Conference on WECF Project

Gemeinsam für eine gerechte Welt
Am 25.04.2015 fand im Alten Rathaus die dritte Münchner entwicklungspolitischen Börse statt

At least one in three Europeans can be exposed to asbestos at work and in the environment
WHO press release
30.04.2015 | WHO Regional Office for Europe

Baby’s in couveuse blootgesteld aan extra gezondheidsrisico’s door lekken hormoonverstorende stoffen uit medische hulpmiddelen
Deze week verschijnt, gelijktijdig met de WHO-conferentie over Gezondheid & Milieu in Israël, een nieuw rapport dat laat zien dat ziekenhuizen in een aantal landen al volop bezig zijn met deze vervanging. Nederland blijft achter

Kinder Schützen - Schadstoffe vermeiden
Ein Artikel in BVKJ - Kinder- und Jugendarzt, Ausgabe 4/2015
30.04.2015 | Johanna Hausmann

WECF/EcoForum and HEAL represent European Region Environmental Health Organisations at WHO meeting in Haifa, Israel
WECF/EcoForum and aiming to critically assess implementation of 2010 Parma Declaration to protect (children’s) health at high-level meeting of the European Environment and Health Process (EEHP)

WHO high-level meeting of the Task Force – the Mid-term Review (MTR) Meeting of the European Environment and Health Process (EEHP)

SIAAP (Service public de l’assainissement francilien)

PEJA (Commission européenne)


Ministère de la Jeunesse et des Sports

Fondation Lemarchand

Fondation LÉA NATURE

CU Strasbourg

Région Ile-de-France

CG Val de Marne

Agence de L'eau Artois - Picardie

ARS Rhône-Alpes

ARS d'Aquitaine


Towards non-toxic healthcare: HCWH Europe reports on alternatives to phthalates and BPA in medical devices
HCWH press release
28.04.2015 | Health Care Without Harm Europe (HCWH)

”Equitable, Climate Proof and providing Sustainable Development – NAMA for the energy sector in Georgia”
WECF energy project in Carbon Market Watch newsletter
28.04.2015 | Anna Samwel, WATCH THIS! NGO Newsletter #11

From Parma to Haifa: how far have we gotten?
Environment and health progress review in the WHO European Region
28.04.2015 | WHO Regional Office for Europe

Air pollution costs European economies US$ 1.6 trillion a year in diseases and deaths, new WHO study says
WHO press release
28.04.2015 | WHO Regional Office for Europe

Wasser Berlin International 2015
Eine gelungene Zusammenarbeit - WECF Projekt zur Umweltbildung an Schulen im ländlichen Raum Rumäniens

Rotterdam Convention and Asbestos
Overcoming the blocking attitude of opposing countries with the objective of a functioning international chemical policy and a better protection of the environment and health in countries which use or produce asbestos

Rotterdam Konvention und Asbest
Überwindung der Blockadehaltung einzelner Staaten mit dem Ziel einer funktionierenden internationalen Chemikalienpolitik und eines besseren Schutzes von Umwelt und Gesundheit in Staaten, die Asbest produzieren und/oder benutzen

Zwischenstopp Addis
Auf dem Weg zu neuen Nachhaltigkeitszielen

The Meeting was taking place on 17 April 2015 with civil society and multilateral partners on the preparation of the new EU Action Plan for Gender Equality and Women Empowerment in International Cooperation and Development

WECF’s Position Paper on EEHP, WHO MTR in Haifa 2015
Eco Forum, HEAL, WECF International and undersigned signatories present position paper on EEHP

Poor indoor environments at school
WECF represents environmental NGOs in WHO mid-term review of European Environment and Health Process (EEHP)

WECF Director Sascha Gabizon spoke at Side Event on Technology Facilitation for SDGs
WMG, UNCTAD, UN-NGLS and others co-organize side event at UN headquarters on technology in post-2015 development agenda

Stronger action required on environmental pollutants
WECF represents environmental NGOs in WHO mid-term review of European Environment and Health Process (EEHP)

Water Solidarity France- Kyrgystan
Women as drivers of change
20.04.2015 | WECF Project

If you expose us, we’ll expose you
20.04.2015 | ITUC (International Trade Union Confederation)

WECF co-organiseert succesvol minisymposium over EDC-beleid
Ministerie van IenM, VNO-NCW, VNCI en WECF organiseren samen halfjaarlijks minisymposium over stoffenbeleid

WECF Co-organizes Successful Symposium on EDC Policy in the Netherlands
Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment, VNO-NCW, VNCI and WECF jointly organize bi-annual mini-symposium on chemicals policy

WECF publiceert “Kinderkledingwijzer - Bescherm kinderen. Vermijd schadelijke en hormoonverstorende stoffen”
Duurzame en gezonde kleding voor het hele gezin

Bescherm kinderen: Vermijd giftige stoffen
Handige textielwijzer om schadelijke chemicaliën te vermijden

Werkervaring opdoen bij Een Veilig Nest als webredacteur?
Een Veilig Nest is op zoek naar een aanstaande of jonge ouder met een neus voor groen nieuws
17.04.2015 | Chantal van den Bossche

EWA success story: sustainable agriculture in Jar-Kishlok
Gaining agricultural knowledge and financial support facilitated by the EWA project allows for a rural mother’s new business to grow

Time running out to reduce climate change threats to health
WECF represents environmental NGOs in WHO mid-term review of European Environment and Health Process (EEHP)

WECF presenteert voorlichtingsfilmpje over bescherming van kinderen tegen hormoonverstorende stoffen
Zwangere vrouwen weten dat het belangrijk is om alcohol, nicotine en bepaald eten te vermijden. Maar wat minder algemeen bekend is, is dat veel alledaagse artikelen stoffen kunnen bevatten die ook schadelijk kunnen zijn voor de baby. WECF’s film geeft praktisch advies om blootstelling aan hormoonverstorende stoffen (EDCs) te vermijden.
16.04.2015 | Chantal van den Bossche

WECF presenteert animatiefilm voor zwangere vrouwen over hormoonverstorende stoffen
Niet roken en niet drinken is logisch tijdens een zwangerschap. Maar minder bekend is dat veel alledaagse artikelen stoffen bevatten die ook schadelijk kunnen zijn voor de baby. WECF’s film geeft praktisch advies om blootstelling aan hormoonverstorende stoffen (EDCs) te vermijden.
16.04.2015 | Chantal van den Bossche

Call for Participation of subgrantees in Mentoring Programme local energy project CLEEN
WECF Partners are looking for Sub-grantees in Moldova, Armenia, Georgia and Ukraine. Application open until May 15

Fachtagung zu den SDGs und ihrer Finanzierbarkeit in Berlin am 30. Juni und 1. Juli
Die Deutsche Gesellschaft für die Vereinten Nationen (DGVN), das Deutsche Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (die) und das Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) Germany organisieren eine Fachtagung mit dem Titel „Zwischenstopp Addis – Auf dem Weg zu neuen Nachhaltigkeitszielen“

Schwanger: Wie schütze ich mein Kind vor hormonell wirksamen Schadstoffen?
Ein Bericht über unser Video auf

Water and sanitation: still a luxury for millions of Europeans
WECF represents environmental NGOs in WHO mid-term review of European Environment and Health Process (EEHP)

Minisymposium Hormoonverstorende chemicaliën: “Waar moeten bedrijven rekening mee houden voor de toekomst?”
Recent onderzoek schat dat blootstelling aan hormoonverstorende stoffen (EDC’s) de Europese Unie 157 miljard euro per jaar kost, door hogere zorgkosten en door verlies van werkkrachten.
13.04.2015 | WECF Pers

WECF goes Weltwärts - WECF hat drei Plätze im Rahmen des Weltwärts-Programmes zu vergeben
Über das Freiwilligen-Programm wird die Mitarbeit an WECF-Projekten in Georgien und Kirgisistan ermöglicht

WECF ondertekent brief aan EU-commissaris voor verbod op twee kankerverwekkende pesticiden
Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie waarschuwt voor gezondheidsrisico’s van glyfosaat en malathion
07.04.2015 | Chantal van den Bossche

WECF Signs Letter to EU Commissioner for Ban of Two Cancer-Inducing Pesticides
World Health Organization warns Glyphosate and Malathion can potentially cause cancer

Geslaagde workshop voor duurzame MKB’ers uit de kinderbranche over REACH en Zorgwekkende Stoffen
WECF organiseerde 27 maart 2015 samen met BabyBeGood en IVAM een workshop Slimme Oplossingen voor ondernemers uit de kinderbranche
07.04.2015 | Chantal van den Bossche

WECF co-organized Successful Workshop on Hazardous Chemicals and REACH for Sustainable Entrepreneurs
Brainstorming about smart solutions with sustainable entrepreneurs from the baby- and children's sector

Onkruidverdelger Roundup gelinkt aan non-hodgkin lyfoom
WECF waarschuwt voor risico's kinderen bij gebruik onkruidverdelger en vraagt om onmiddellijke stop verkoop

Netherlands identifies hazardous substances in textiles
Netherlands, Textiles
01.04.2015 | Chemical Watch

IARC classifies glyphosate as "probably carcinogen to humans "
The news came out just in time for the 10th year of the Pesticide Action Week : IARC - adopted a new classification for 5 insecticides and herbicides, among which glyphosate, malathion, diazinon, tetrachlorvinphos and parthion
25.03.2015 | Elisabeth Ruffinengo

"Giftfrei einkaufen" jetzt mit erweiterter App
Ein Bericht über die App "Giftfrei Einkaufen" auf

WECF Brought Eco-oriented Hairdresser to Baltic States
Birgit Pesin held seminars in Latvia and Estonia

WECF’s adviseur Gavin Ten Tusscher waarschuwt op tv voor lekkende lijm uit injectienaalden
De lekkende lijm bevat hormoonverstoorders BADGE en BPA
24.03.2015 | Chantal van den Bossche

Women’s Major Group Position on UN Post-2015 Development Agenda Indicators
WMG presents recommendations for discussions on development of indicators for SDGs and targets

World Water Day 2015: Millions of people in the WHO European Region rely on water of unknown quality
WECF: Regulations on small-scale water supplies need to be improved and implemented. Joint efforts are needed towards increased safe water supply

Combining ecological sanitation and the production of Terra Preta soil in Kyrgyzstan
Ecosan toilets or Urine Diverting Dry Toilets (UDDT) are an adequate and sustainable sanitation solution in areas where there is no piped water and sewerage.

WECF in magazine gezondNU
De oprichter van WECF vertelt over hormoonverstorende stoffen

WECF Publishes Article in UNEP’s Magazine
WECF stresses gender and chemicals as important cross-cutting issues for the post-2015 development agenda

"Measuring the Progress in Gender and Environmental Justice"
Event organized at the CSW 59 by WECF, WEDO and the WMG

WECF Director Sascha Gabizon in the Guardian
Gabizon expresses concern that UK’s wish to reduce the scope of the sustainable development agenda will threaten the commitments for women empowerment

Successful CLEEN start-up meeting in Munich with partners from Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine
From March, 10 – 12th the CLEEN start-up meeting was held in Munich. CLEEN (Civil society Local Energy Efficiency Network) is a 3-year-EU-project with the geographical focus of Republic of Armenia, Georgia, Republic of Moldova and Ukraines in Armenia, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine

ASTRA Stresses Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights during CSW 59
Network organization ASTRA expresses discontent with procedure of CSW 59 and with UN’s Political Declaration

Georgië: Zet de zon aan - leef met comfort!
WECF leert lokale bevolking in Georgie hoe zonnepanelen te maken

WMG's side-event during CSW 59

Corinne Lepage
WECF President of the Board of Trustees

1000 Parents and Grandparents Signed Negenmaandenbeurs Petition to the Dutch Health Minister Edith Schippers
A healthy start for all children free from hormone-disrupting chemicals and other harmful substances, it's every parents wish! And it is now possible. Please sign the petition online (in Dutch).

WECF's parallel event during CSW 59

21 hazardous chemicals were found in women’s hair
French NGO Générations Futures examined exposure of women to endocrine disrupting chemicals

WECF organiseert workshop voor ondernemers over schadelijke stoffen
WECF biedt workshop over de Europese chemicaliënwetgeving REACH, speciaal voor producenten/retailers die zich richten op producten voor (zwangere) vrouwen en kinderen

21 schadelijke chemicaliën aangetroffen in haar van vrouwen
Franse NGO Générations Futures onderzocht blootstelling van vrouwen aan hormoonverstorende chemicaliën
12.03.2015 | Chantal van den Bossche

WECF's side event during CSW 59

WECF signs statement on UN Declaration and co-formulates recommendations
The CSW59’s Political Declaration is potentially a major step backward in the struggle for women’s rights

CSW 59/Beijing plus 20 held in New York’s UN Headquarters from 9 to 20 March 2015

Gender Equality and Earth's Future
09.03.2015 | By Mary Robinson, Christiana Figueres and Amina J. Mohammed

EWA Afghanistan Sewing Course
Status, motivation and making decision

EWA Afghanistan: Survey among Participants of the EWA Sewing course
Status, motivation and making decision

Proposal for Gender-Equitable, Climate Proof and Sustainable Development in Georgia
A National Appropriate Mitigation Activity (NAMA) for the energy sector in Georgia

"De gentech lobby"
Zembla-uitzending wijst op gezondheidsrisico’s van gemanipuleerde gewassen
08.03.2015 | WECF

Elke dag is het de Internationale Dag van de Vrouw # IWD15
8 maart is het Internationale Vrouwendag - voor WECF is het elke dag Internationale Vrouwendag

Hormoonverstoorders kosten de EU jaarlijks meer dan 150 miljard euro
Hormoonverstorende chemicaliën dragen bij aan lagere IQ, onvruchtbaarheid, diabetes en obesitas
06.03.2015 | Chantal van den Bossche

Every day is International Women’s Day #IWD15
On March 8, it’s International Women’s Day – for WECF, every day is International Women’s Day

Event and workshop for health and patient groups on EDCs and health in Munich

1000 bezorgde (groot)ouders op de Negenmaandenbeurs steunden al de petitie aan minister Schippers
Een gezonde start voor alle kinderen! Zonder hormoonverstorende en andere schadelijke stoffen. Dat wil natuurlijk ieder ouder. En daarom is het nu ook mogelijk om online de petitie te tekenen

Newsletter WECF Deutschland März 2015

Neu: App „Giftfrei Einkaufen“ jetzt auch für Bekleidung und Textilien Kostenloser Download für Smartphones
WECF App unterstützt Verbraucher beim Kauf möglichst schadstofffreier Produkte, jetzt auch für Textilen und Bekleidung

Jeder Tag ist Weltfrauentag
Am 8. März ist Weltfrauentag - für WECF, Women in Europe for a Common Future, ist jeder Tag Weltfrauentag

Neu: App „Giftfrei Einkaufen“ jetzt auch für Bekleidung und Textilien Kostenloser Download für Smartphones
Neu: App „Giftfrei Einkaufen“ jetzt auch für Bekleidung und Textilien Kostenloser Download für Smartphones

App "Giftfrei einkaufen" jetzt auch mit Tipps zu Textilien

WECF co-organizes event and workshop for health and patient groups on EDCs and health in Munich
HEAL is organising with WECF and the Women’s health centre an event to discuss chronical diseases, health problems and chemicals

Schwanger: Wie schütze ich mein Kind vor hormonell wirksamen Schadstoffen
Ein neuer Film von WECF und Nestbau zum Schutz Ungeborener vor EDCs

OHCHR publishes alarming report on increased violence against women in Ukraine
Women in Ukraine are confronted with heightened sexual and domestic violence

Mit einer Stimme für Frauenrechte - Lobbyarbeit bei den UN am Beispiel des Prozesses für nachhaltige Entwicklung
Ein Artikel von Sascha Gabizon und Anke Stock in der Ausgabe 1/2015 des Deutschen Frauenrats

WECF's LIFE ChildProtect Program & Dutch Green Platform BabyBeGood present the Sustainable Nursery
"A nursery that is not only beautiful, but where you can put your child to bed with peace of mind." WECF via its ChildProtect Program joined forces to create a unique concept: a sustainable nursery, completely free from harmful substances

BabyBeGood en Een Veilig Nest presenteren uniek concept op de Negenmaandenbeurs: de duurzame babykamer
“Een babykamer die niet alleen mooi is, maar waar je ook je kind met een gerust hart kunt laten slapen”. BabyBeGood en Een Veilig Nest, project van het internationale Vrouwen en Milieunetwerk WECF, besloten dit jaar de krachten te bundelen voor een uniek concept: een duurzame babykamer, vrij van schadelijke stoffen.
25.02.2015 | Chantal van den Bossche

BabyBeGood en WECF's Een Veilig Nest presenteren: De duurzame babykamer op de Negenmaandenbeurs
“Een babykamer die niet alleen mooi is, maar waar je ook je kind met een gerust hart kunt laten slapen”. BabyBeGood en Een Veilig Nest, project van het internationale Vrouwen en Milieunetwerk WECF, besloten dit jaar de krachten te bundelen voor een uniek concept: een duurzame babykamer, vrij van schadelijke stoffen.

The Dangers of Cashier Receipts
Women working at cashiers are exposed to high levels of BPA used on thermal receipts, resulting in harmful health effects and adverse effects during pregnancy

WECF's Alexandra Caterbow in German TV report on EDCs
Alexandra Caterbow, Senior Policy Advisor Chemicals and Health at WECF gave a recent TV interview in German on EDCs together with a representative of the German Federal Environment Agency
17.02.2015 | WECF Press Coverage

WECF is op zoek naar een Russisch sprekende vrijwilliger
WECF zoekt een student, stagiair(e) of vrijwilliger die data en facturen kan verwerken en vertalen die geproduceerd zijn door NGO-partners uit Georgië, Armenië, Kirgizië en Tadzjikistan
16.02.2015 | Chantal van den Bossche

WECF is looking for a Russian speaking volunteer
WECF is looking for a student, intern or volunteer to process and translate data and invoices produced by NGO partners from Georgia, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan and Tadjikistan
10.02.2015 | WECF

Webinar: The Business Case for Knowing Chemicals in Products and Supply Chains

EWA: Baseline Report for Tajikistan available
The gender livelihood and socio-economic study for Tajikistan prepared by the Youth Ecological Centre, Tajikistan, and WECF is now published.

Call for Applications for the 2015 SEED Awards
Applications Now Open for Start-up Eco-enterprises to Win Top Award

WECF signs statement opposing regulatory cooperation in EU-US trade talks
“Regulatory cooperation” in the TTIP negotiations gives unprecedented influence to business lobby groups to stop any new regulation that would impact trade and investment

February 4: World Cancer Day
WECF: 'Address primary prevention as it should'
04.02.2015 | WECF

Making Wash in Schools more Sustainable
Een inspirerende publicatie over duurzame WASH-projecten

Making Wash in Schools more Sustainable
An inspirational publication on sustainable WASH projects

Schutz vor Schadstoffen - Infoportal für Eltern
Artikel in Himbeer - Stadtmagazin für Leute mit Kindern, Ausgabe 1/2015
30.01.2015 | Johanna Hausmann

Unsichtbare Begleiter - Hormonell wirksame Chemikalien
Ein Fernsehbeitrag mit Alexandra Caterbow im Bayerischen Fernsehen

CSW59: 59th session of the Commission on the Status of Women will focus on Beijing plus 20
The CSW will undertake a review of progress made in the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, 20 years after its adoption

CSW59: 59th session of the Commission on the Status of Women will focus on Beijing plus 20
The CSW will undertake a review of progress made in the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, 20 years after its adoption
29.01.2015 | WICF Campaign

EWA: Gender and Food Security
A guidance document for practitioners

European civil society organisations ask Commission to reject authorisation of the substance of very high concern DEHP in PVC plastic

“From Pink to Prevention”: Stopping breast cancer before it starts
A new campaign is launched to getting environmental and occupational risk factors taken seriously in the breast cancer debate.

Communicating on Substances of Very High Concern (SVHCs)
Developing ideas for companies in improving information and communication within the chain and towards consumers of baby and children’s products, on the topic of SVHCs with a focus on risks for vulnerable groups (i.e. children and pregnant women).
21.01.2015 | WECF Project

WECF shared official submission to European Commission consultation on hormone disrupting chemicals (EDCs)
WECF and its EDC-Free campaign partners have publicly shared their official submissions to the EU Commission’s consultation on the criteria to identify hormone disrupting chemicals (known as EDCs).
19.01.2015 | WECF

WECF draagt bij aan Europese Commissie-raadpleging over hormoonverstoorders
WECF en haar EDC-Free campagnepartners hebben hun officiële bijdragen voorgelegd aan de Europese Commissie over criteria om hormoonverstorende chemicaliën (EDCs) te identificeren.
19.01.2015 | WECF

Communiceren over Zeer zorgwekkende stoffen (Art. 33 REACH)
Ideeënontwikkeling voor bedrijven ter verbetering van informatie en communicatie binnen de keten en naar de consument (van baby-­ en kinderproducten) over zeer zorgwekkende stoffen (Substances of Very High Concern – SVHC)
15.01.2015 | WECF

Neue Internetseite unseres Projektes „Switch to the Sun, Live in Comfort!“
Unterstützen sie unser Energieprojekt!

Laatste kans om NEE te zeggen tegen hormoonverstorende stoffen!
Laat de Europese Commissie weten dat hormoonverstorende stoffen bedreiging vormen voor volksgezondheid
13.01.2015 | Persbericht Wemos, WECF en PAN Europe

Laatste kans om NEE te zeggen tegen hormoonverstorende stoffen!
WECF, Wemos en PAN Europe slaan de handen ineen om publiek te attenderen op publieke consultatie tegen hormoonverstorende stoffen
13.01.2015 | WECF, Wemos en PAN Europe

ChemSec report released on how companies "cry wolf" in the face of new environmental laws
Companies and trade organisations frequently tell politicians that stricter environmental legislation would harm the economy significantly – but such claims have repeatedly been proven wrong. This is shown in the ChemSec report Cry wolf.
13.01.2015 | ChemSec (International Chemical Secretariat)

Europe-wide cancer group calls for action on hormone disruptors
Written by Christel Schaldemose on 9 January 2015 in Opinion, Parliament Magazine. Christel Schaldemose is calling on the EU to take urgent action in the fight against cancer by identifying and eliminating endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs)
09.01.2015 | Christel Schaldemose, Parliament Magazine

Newsletter WECF Deutschland Dezember 2014

Last Chance to tell European Commission: Say No to Hormone Disrupting Chemicals!
Access to EU Online Consultation in 7 languages made available by coalition of NGOs called EDC Free
06.01.2015 | EDC Free Coalition

EDC's en de EU
Artikel van 'Aleph Informeert' over Publieke Consultatie hormoonverstoorders
06.01.2015 | Aleph Informeert

EDC vrij coalitie biedt grote publiek via publieke consultatie je stem te laten horen in Brussel
Grijp je kans: "Zeg Nee tegen Hormoonverstorende Stoffen"
05.01.2015 | WECF namens EDC Vrij Coalitie

Wim van Schie
Controller, WECF International (Utrecht)

Video: Energy Efficiency, Solar Collectors and our Energy Projects in Ukraine
Our Ukrainian partners Yury Urbansky (NECU) and Oksana Maiboroda (Ecoclub) talking about energy efficiency, solar collectors and our energy project.

Plastik als Gesundheitsgefahr
Ein Radiobeitrag mit Johanna Hausmann auf M94,5

"Women are exposed to hazardous chemicals not only differently than men, but they also have a higher susceptibility to them"
Report on the Women and Chemicals Side Event at OEWG2 of SAICM in Geneva, December 17
19.12.2014 | Alexandra Caterbow, WICF

WECF's Alexandra Caterbow gives intervention during SAICM chemicals discussion
International Chemicals talks highlight health sector involvement, EDCs and milestones to achieving 2020 goal
18.12.2014 | WECF

WECF Press Release: 9 Member States urge Council to target chemicals policy and non-toxic environment
Environment Council: Ministers of the environment of the 28 gathered yesterday in Brussels for a last meeting during the Italian presidency.
18.12.2014 | WECF Press Release

WECF Georgia supports campaign to raise visibility of violence against women in Georgia
WECF’s Ida Bakhturidze is actively involved in the campaign
18.12.2014 | WECF

"Battling Energy Dictatorship, Achieving Energy Democracy"
WECF nimmt an Konferenz in Kiew teil

Willst Du hormonell wirksame Chemikalien?
Ein Beitrag auf über die Kampagne „Stoppt hormonell wirksame Chemikalien“

"Plastic machinegeweren en kunstmatige geurstoffen" - Werken op VN Chemicalienconferenties
WECF's Chemicalien Expert Alexandra Caterbow uit wat er op VN niveau allemaal gebeurt op het gebied van het bestrijden van schadelijke stoffen en waarom er toch nog altijd mensen zijn die met onze gezondheid een loopje nemen.
18.12.2014 | WECF & Utopia

Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) - A Barrier to Climate Protection
A WECF Position Paper

Side event "Women and Chemicals" by WECF

Endocrine Society and IPEN issue guide to EDCs
A guide to endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) has been published by two international NGOs, ahead of a key meeting next week of the UN’s voluntary chemicals management programme, the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (Saicm).
16.12.2014 | Endocrine Society & IPEN

Ecosan toiletten op de Kayenje School in Oeganda
Help de Kayenje School aan hygiënische en duurzame sanitaire voorzieningen!

A call for help from the Kayenje School
Building ecosan toilets at Kayenje Primary School in Uganda
16.12.2014 | WICF Project

“COP 19 helped me to build a stronger bond with women who care about the planet”
Interview with Isis Alvarez of the Global Forest Coalition

Women at COP 20 Blast Failure for Real Action in Lima
“Time to Stop Calling and Start Doing. Leaders, You Have 12 Months to get it Right”

"Implementation of gender sensitive NAMAs in Georgia"
WECF's Sabine Bock interviewed for Climate Change TV at COP20 in Lima, Peru
15.12.2014 | WICF

Sabine Bock of WECF will present at People's Summit

WECF visible at Geneva NGO Forum and UNECE review of Beijing+20, Geneva, November 2014
The Beijing+20 NGO Forum and Review Meeting highlights key achievements and setbacks over the last two decades and discusses how to strengthen gender equality in the post-2015 development agenda

Women pushing it so hard in Lima!
An article about the Women and Gender Constituency in Lima

Side event WECF and WEDO: Towards a Gender-Responsive Mitigation Framework for Transformative Change in the Energy Sector

Organic farming can feed the world if done right, scientists claim
Tom Bawden, Independent, Wednesday 10 December 2014

WECF supports letter of Human Rights and Climate Change Working Group to the Parties to the UNFCC
Letter calls for human rights to be integrated in new climate change regime
10.12.2014 | WECF

Press briefing of the Women and Gender Constituency at COP20
Press conference moderated by Sabine Bock of WECF can be watched online

Willst Du hormonell wirksame Chemikalien?
Ein Bericht auf über die Kampagne „Stoppt hormonell wirksame Chemikalien“

Sagen Sie Nein zu hormonverändernden Chemikalien!
NGOs bieten einfachen Weg für Bürger, um an der EU Anhörung zu EDCs teilzunehmen

Programme Gender Day at COP 20/CMP10

Women and Gender Constituency invites media to two press events at COP20
Sabine Bock of WECF will be speaking at the press event
09.12.2014 | WICF

Seventh Meeting of the Working Group on Water and Health

Vertel de EU via online platform dat blootstelling aan hormoonverstorende stoffen moet stoppen
EDC Vrij Europa coalitie lanceert online platform ‘Zeg NEE tegen hormoonverstorende stoffen’
08.12.2014 | EDC Free Coalition Press Release

Centre d’Anàlisi i Programes Sanitari

Europaweite NGO-Kampagne ruft EU-Kommission zum Handeln gegen hormonell wirksame Chemikalien auf
Deutschland muss sich stärker für den Schutz von Mensch und Umwelt einsetzen
08.12.2014 | WECF Press Release

WECF and RCDA organize Autumn School on Renewable Energy and Climate Change

Women and Gender Constituency at the COP20 Lima, Peru
WECF present from 1-12 December as part of of the WGC
04.12.2014 | WICF Campaign

UN-Konferenzen - "Es passiert wahnsinnig viel im Hintergrund"
Ein Interview mit Alexandra Caterbow auf

WASH Zukunftsforum
Das vom German WASH Network veranstaltete WASH Zukunftsforum 2014 „Weichenstellungen für die Post-2015-Ära“ fand am 10.-11. November in Bonn statt

“I am hopeful now I see a potential for women’s movements back home”
Interview with Olga Djanaeva of ALGA

Nino Gamisonia: “Georgians are feeling the impact of climate change”
Interview with Nino Gamisonia of Rural Communities Development Agency
04.12.2014 | WICF

Engaging youth as multiplication agents in climate change and energy awarenes raising in rural communities
04.12.2014 | WECF Project

Global women civil society leaders speak out at COP20
They demand urgent commitments on gender equality & women’s Rights for new climate agreement
04.12.2014 | WICF

NGOs offer easy way for citizens to tell EU to stop exposures to hormone disrupting chemicals
The EDC-Free Europe coalition has launched an easy to use online platform to ‘Say NO to hormone disrupting chemicals’.
03.12.2014 | EDC free coalition

The status of solid waste and excreta management in Khorga and Chaladidi, Georgia
Survey report by RCDA and WECF

The status of solid waste and excreta management in Khorga and Chaladidi, Georgia
Survey report by RCDA and WECF

Interventions at COP20 by members of the Women and Gender Constituency
WGC wants a climate agreement that respects human rights and gender equality
03.12.2014 | WICF

Struvite and Terra Preta made of urine from ecosan toilets – students´ research with WECF and CAAW in Kyrgyzstan
Research on the feasibility of organic fertilizer production from human excreta

Indian organization AIWC publishes report about their workshops on climate change
WECF has sponsored the workshops as follow up to IWE Leadership Programme

“We want to work on the environment so that we can leave a legacy for our children”
Interview with Kalyani Raj of All India Women’s Conference

Handbook for Hairdressers: Hazardous Ingredients in Professional Cosmetics
Now available in English

“De moestuin stelt me in staat om iets terug te geven aan mijn familie en gemeenschap”
Het persoonlijke verhaal van Nokuphumla Sipayise die profiteert van de moestuin

“The food garden enables me to give something back to my family and my community”
Personal story of Nokuphumla Sipayise who benefits from the food garden

IWE: New Publication on Women’s Access to Energy in Georgia – Challenges and Recommendations (September 2014)

IWE: New Publication on Gender Aspects in Water and Sanitation Issues in Kyrgyzstan (September 2014)

Women and Gender Constituency -COP20 agenda

7th meeting of Working Group on Water and Health

Het Post2015 Proces
Op 4 december wordt een draft-versie van het Synthesis Report door Ban Ki-Moon openbaar gemaakt, tijdens een (gesloten) informele vergadering in de General Assembly in New York.

WECF and other organisations ask European Commission to reject authorization of hazardous DEHP in PVC plastic
WECF and 54 other European and International civil society organisations have sent a letter to the EC

UNEP’s sub-regional Major Group and Stakeholder Meeting for the EECCA region brought together environmental organisations from 12 countries
The meeting took place in Batumi, Georgia

Mid-term review of WHO Environment and Health process, April 2015
In April 2015, representatives of health and environment ministries from 53 countries will come together to assess progress in reaching ambitious targets to protect children from environmental threats.
22.11.2014 | WECF

Open letter to EC President Juncker: Protecting public health from hormone disrupting chemicals
19 organisations working in the EDC Free Europe campaign wrote to the president of the European Commission to urge him to take action against EDCs
20.11.2014 | WECF

Welt-Toiletten-Tag am 19.11.2014
Der Welt-Toiletten-Tag wurde durch einen Thementag zu Hygiene an rumänischen Schulen gefeiert

Kosten van chemische stoffen op de reproductieve gezondheid van mannen in the EU worden geschat op gemiddeld 500 miljoen per jaar
Rapport Noord Europese Landen: hoge gezondheidskosten van 59 miljoen tot 1 miljard euro door chemische blootstelling

UNEP Regional Office for Europe and WECF organise Sub-regional Major Groups and Stakeholders Consultation

WECF co-signed letter to European Commission
Letter addresses the principles for transparency, excellence and independence in scientific advice

Bigger cucumbers in Kyrgyzstan thanks to ecosan toilets
World Toilet Day remembers us that proper sanitation is not common all over the world

“If we commit ourselves we can reverse climate change”
Interview with Gertrude Kabusimbi Kenyangi of Support for Women in Agriculture and Environment

Grotere komkommers in Kirgizië met dank aan ecosan toiletten
Wereld Toilet Dag herinnert ons eraan dat goede sanitatie niet overal gewoon is in de wereld

Women's Major Group wants to achieve gender equitable in Post2015 agreement
WECF contributes by increasing outreach activities on the need for strong gender instruments to implement the Post 2015 agenda
14.11.2014 | WICF Project

WECF presents gender perspectives at EESC on new climate agreement
Anke Stock spoke in the name of WECF and presented a gender perspective focussing on the integration of gender and human rights in the negotiating texts

Sudden shift in position Dutch Ministry of Environment regarding EDCs
Last week suddenly showed a shift in the position of the Dutch Ministry of Environment and in particular that of the Secretary of State for the Environment, regarding EDC policy
13.11.2014 | WECF

Verschuiving Nederlandse positie ten aanzien van hormoonverstoorders zichtbaar
AO leefmilieu 6 november: Over over het belang van gezondheid & milieu, hormoonverstoorders & goede voorlichting aan zwangere vrouwen
11.11.2014 | Chantal van den Bossche

Autumn School on Renewable Energy and Climate Change
Call for participants

“It is important to work at the community level as I am sceptical the high level people will change something”
Interview with Elina Doszhanova of the Social Ecological Fund

Publication of WHO on EDCs at the country level
Report: "Identification of risks from exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals at the country level"

"Challenges in Energy Sector of Georgia and Sustainable Development
Final Conference on EU Energy Project held in Georgia
09.11.2014 | WICF

Final Conference on EU Energy Project held in Georgia
Challenges in the Energy Sector of Georgia and Sustainable Development highlighted in the final conference of the project ‘Switch to Sun – Live in Comfort’

Open letter to the State Parties to the UNFCCC

Geen hormoonverstoorders (EDCs) in consumentenproducten
Steeds meer onderzoek toont mogelijk verband tussen toegenomen blootstelling aan hormoonverstorende chemicaliën (EDCs) en de toename van bepaalde chronische ziekten en aandoeningen. WECF informeert daarom het publiek over internationale discussies inzake blootstelling van met name kinderen en vrouwen aan hormoonverstorende stoffen
08.11.2014 | WECF Nederland

Pesticideresiduen en hormoonverstorende stoffen in voeding - wie garandeert de veiligheid?
In vele groenten en fruit aangeboden in de supermarkt worden te veel pesticidenresiduen en vooral te veel pesticiden met hormoonverstorende werking gevonden. WECF pleit bij land- en tuinbouw en politiek om (zwangere) vrouwen en kinderen hier niet langer aan bloot te stellen
06.11.2014 | Chantal van den Bossche

EESC conference on 5 November: towards a new climate agreement in 2015

Tajik women are forced to be dependent on men due to lack of land access
A study on women and farming in Tajikistan

"Tajik women are forced to be dependent on men due to lack of land access"
A study on women and farming in Tajikistan
04.11.2014 | WICF

“We need to explain people the effects of climate change if we want change”
Interview with Carmen Capriles of Reacción Climática

Geneva NGO Forum for Beijing +20 UN ECE Regional Review

Women’s Issues Information Centre (WIIC)
WIIC mission is to educate Lithuanian society on gender equality, to influence gender equality policies and to

Organisation of female volunteers who live and work in the countryside, to support and meet each other

Women's Environmental Network
A unique, vital and innovative campaigning organisation in the United Kingdom

International Hand Washing Day in Kyrgyz Bokonbaevo village
Hand wash training under guidance of WECF's partner KAWS

Social Ecological Institute

Social Union Agerkech

RUWON, Rural Women's Network
Unity of Women for Justice, Equality and Rights!

SABR Socio-Economic Development Center

"Psychosocial factors on household level influence user acceptance of Ecosan Toilets"
Master thesis evaluates WECF Ecosan programme
24.10.2014 | WECF

Statement by Women in Europe for a Common Future (WECF) for CSW 59 (March 2015); 24 October 2014
Topic: Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (challenges affecting its implementation and the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of women)

Parastor NGO
Facilitating women and children development

Rural Renaissance
Strengthening and development of sustainable local communities

Human Rights Council urge UNFCCC to include human rights in new climate agreement
Open letter sent to the State Parties of the UNFCCC

Rural Communities Development Agency

Gender Training Manual developed by WECF and ALGA in both English and Russian: How to integrate gender into sustainable development?
“Gender issues are crucially important as gender is not just about the equality of sexes, it is about our life, especially in villages. It is about sanitation, it is about hygiene, it is about health, it is about livelihood, it is about development.”
21.10.2014 | WICF

Vrouwen van Nu
Exchange of information for women on different subjects

Gezinsbond Belgie
Defending families and children at each policy level

Meghvik Children and Youth NGO

Leefmilieu - Human Environment
Strive for a green and healthy environmen in which people can safely live and work

Eden Center
Environmental center for development, education and networking

Press kit of WECF's symposium on breast cancer and EDCs
100 participants participated in the symposium
20.10.2014 | WECF

Press kit of WECF's symposium on breast cancer and EDCs
100 participants participated in the symposium

Knowledge of Preventive Measures: Breast Cancer, Women's Reproductive Health and Endocrine Disruptors.

EWA Oeganda: Lessen over landbouw als een bedrijf
“Ik wist niet dat geld lenen de winst beïnvloedt”

EWA Uganda: lessons on farming as a business
“I did not know borrowing money affects the profits”
14.10.2014 | WICF

Ruban de l'Espoir: Conference on women and EDC's and breast cancer

EWA Tajikistan: National Round Table “Women and Farming and Gender and Climate Change” held by Youth Ecological Centre in Dushanbe, Tajikistan, on 1 October 2014
Tajik EWA partner Youth Ecological Centre organised in cooperation with other local civil society organisations a National Round Table on the issues of “Women and Farming” and “Gender and Climate Change”
13.10.2014 | WICF

WECF Is Elected Member of Beyond 2015’s Executive Committee
Beyond 2015 pushes for a strong and legitimate post-2015 development agenda

WECF made 15 key recommendations for French public consultation on health and environment
Aim of consultation is to implement a national EDCS strategy

WECF directeur Sascha Gabizon opent Stoffensymposium over Biociden
“We hebben etiketteringsplicht nodig, want de consument begrijpt niets van biociden”
09.10.2014 | WECF Nederland

SIN List update by ChemSec includes new tool for sustainable substitution
The SIN list, highlighting chemicals of high concern since 2008, includes additional 28 chemicals for priority action and launches online tool for sustainable substitution for businesses

Armenian association AWHHE strives for a healthy environment
An article about the work of AWHH in the Armenian Weekly

"From Science to Prevention": WECF organized international conference on breast cancer
"What is primary prevention of breast cancer all about in 2014?" Lyon, France, 14th October 2014, Ruban de l'Espoir 2014
03.10.2014 | WECF

EWA Oeganda: "Koken is geen werk"
Nieuws van WECF’s partner AT Uganda

EWA Uganda: "Cooking is not work?"
Gender mainstreaming for 22 community based organisations. A closer look at WECF’s partner AT Uganda
02.10.2014 | WICF

Organisations worried about future environmental health protection under new Commission
Requests for changes in structure new Commission

EWA Kirgizië: De interesse opwekken van parlementariërs voor water en sanitatie kwesties
Een verhaal over WECF’s partner STA

EPHA sent briefing to European Commission on the access to water
The briefing is directed at Commissions consultation on the Drinking Water Directive

EWA Kirgizië: leiderschapstrainingen en de toegang tot drinkwater
Een verhaal over WECF’s partner CAAW

WECF at Lviv International Symposium
“Human Rights and Environment in a New Ukraine: In Honor of Prof. Svitlana Kravchenko” (19-20 September 2014) – Anke Stock

WECF’s programme mentor participated in Indian climate march
Mentor Kalyani Raj tells about this experience

WECF worried about change in responsibility of developing EDC criteria
Portfolio likely to move from EU DG Environment to DG for health

EWA Kyrgyzstan: Kindle the interests of MPs on water and sanitation issues
A story of WECF’s partner STA

Macedonia (FYROM):Tested small-scale water supplies are not safe
Schools and WECF tested small-scale water supplies in the Arachinova and Vratnica community on nitrate and bacterial contamination.

EWA Kyrgyzstan: leadership trainings and the access to drinking water
A story of WECF’s partner CAAW

Women at the People’s Climate March
WECF’s Director tells why she was marching
23.09.2014 | WECF

Women and Gender Constituency made statement at Social PreCOP
‘Women want system change, not climate change’

Women and Gender Constituency wants women’s voices included at UNFCCC
Women’s rights and gender justice should be core elements of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
22.09.2014 | WICF Campaign

Women and Gender Constituency wil dat stem van vrouwen gehoord wordt bij de UNFCCC
Vrouwenrechten en gender rechtvaardigheid zouden kernelementen moeten zijn van de UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
22.09.2014 | WICF Campaign

Naaicentrum biedt werkgelegenheid voor Tadzjiekse vrouwen
EWA Tadzjikistan: een verhaal van WECF's partner ASDP NAU

EWA Tajikistan: Sewing centre provides work opportunities for Tajik women
A story of WECF's partner ASDP NAU
22.09.2014 | WECF

Georgian small-scale water supplies polluted with coliform bacteria
Testing bacterial contamination of water with a portable laboratory is now possible in Georgian rural areas
22.09.2014 | WECF

Georgia: Exposure visit of Khorga and Chaladidi Community Representatives to Khamiskuri Water and Sanitation Center
Introducing sustainable wastewater and nutrient management in rural Georgian communities

Study questions EU pesticide approval process
PAN Europe investigated the revised risk assessment reports for seven pesticides

Article ChemWatch: “DG Sanco to assume responsibility for EDC criteria”
No comment from industry as NGOs worry about implications

Werken aan de link tussen Gender en Duurzaamheid in Zuid-Afrika
Een update van het EWA programma in Zuid-Afrika voor 2014

How Gender and Sustainable Gardening are linked in South-Africa
An update for 2014 on the EWA programme in South-Africa
18.09.2014 | WECF

WECF director speaks at IRC WASH event: “Focus on the bottom poor”
WECF director Sascha Gabizon shares her perspective on aid and trade, and its contribution to universal water, sanitation and hygiene services

How to integrate gender aspects into sustainable development trainings?
ALGA and WECF developed a gender manual, dealing with gender issues & sustainable development in both English and Russian

How to integrate gender aspects into trainings?
ALGA and WECF develop a gender manual
17.09.2014 | WECF

WECF at UNITAR/Yale Conference
“Human Rights, Environmental Sustainability, Post-2015 Development Agenda, and the Future Climate Regime”, 5 to 7 September 2014

Executive director Sascha Gabizon speaks at Regional Ministerial Consultation

Weltweiter Klima-Aktionstag am 21.09.2014
Der WECF-Partner Klima-Allianz beteiligt sich als Bündnispartner an der Mobilisierung für den diesjährigen weltweiten Klima-Aktionstag am 21. September.

Panel discussion: empowering women and girls

Making WASH in Schools more Sustainable: Case stories from SuSanA partners
Mama86 and Ormax featured for their good examples for ecological sanitation and water safety plans
08.09.2014 | Claudia Wendland

Film 'Endoctrination' on EDC delay in Brussels
EU institutions and corporate influence

Balkan Training Kit
Chemical Safety of Toys

WECF at the World Water Week 2014
World Water Week, hosted and organised by the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI), takes place every year in Stockholm, with over 3000 professionals participating.
02.09.2014 | Claudia Wendland

The Gender & Sustainable Development Alliance
The “Gender & Sustainable Development Alliance” (G&SD) brings together the organisations WECF International, Gender Water Alliance and Global Forest Coalition and their combined membership networks of 940 member organisations and 2500 individual experts in 150 countries
01.09.2014 | WICF

Gender Livelihood and Socio Economic Study - Baseline Study Georgia
Gender sensitive needs assessment rural Georgia published

Newsletter WECF Deutschland August 2014
27.08.2014 | WECF

Policy Workshop Examines Subsistence Agriculture in Peri-urban Communities
UKZNDABAonline about EWA-Workshops
25.08.2014 | WECF Press Coverage UKZN

NGOs call for debate on how to put science at the heart of EU politics
WECF signs, along with 25 other NGOs joint letter initiated by Greenpeace: Scientific advice to the European Commission’s President should be transparent and objective"
19.08.2014 | Joint NGO letter

Thesis or Internship in the Caucasus on the subject of Sustainable Sanitation
Developing and piloting a simple on-site filter system for greywater treatment for households and farms up to 50 PE
11.08.2014 | WECF

What happened in 2013 in our Food Gardens?
Stories from South Africa

WECF en partners doen WOB aanvraag over bericht 27% speelgoed met verboden ftalaten
Het Nederlandse Inspectie rapport over REACH in 2013 liet zien dat er in 2012 een duidelijke toename was geweest van het aantal Nederlandse bedrijven dat zich niet aan de wet hield als het ging om het aantal toegestane gevaarlijke stoffen in speelgoed.
08.08.2014 | Chantal van den Bossche

EWA Uganda: Local community and women's group leaders adopting Green Technologies
ARUWE and WECF joined hands by introducing biogas plants, solar dryers, rain water harvesting tanks and composting baskets
08.08.2014 | WECF

Ida Bakhturidze
Coordinator WECF Georgia

Katharina Habersbrunner
Senior Coordinator Sustainable Energy (Munich)

Visie Women's Major Group op Rapport Sustainable Development Goals
Op zaterdag 19 juli kwam er een einde aan de onderhandelingen over de Sustainable Development Goals. Women’s Major Group evalueert de uitkomsten.

EWA Kyrgyzstan: The Kyrgyz apricot festival
Promoting sustainable development through local folklore and eco-tourism
02.08.2014 | WECF

Het Kirgizische abrikozen festival
Festival georganiseerd binnen het kader van het EWA programma

The Gender Dimension within the Aarhus Convention
WECF submitts position paper

Empower Women, Benefit for All – Central Asia Conference on 2 and 3 July in Bishkek

Civil society organizations cooperate with government and other stakeholders on a gender-sensitive NAMA for sustainable energy in rural areas
Preparations for a National Appropriate Mitigation Action (Nama) in Georgia
28.07.2014 | WECF Project

WMG's "8 Red Flags" Concerning SDGs Outcome Document
Assessment of outcome document on proposed Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Final proposal for "Sustainable Development Goals": WECF and Women's Major Group publish assessment of the outcome
21.07.2014 | Sascha Gabizon

WECF welcome the proposed Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which were agreed this weekend at the United Nations in New York
The adoption of the SDG document by the Open Working Document is a significant step forward but women's organisations say SDGs still lacking Real Ambition for Urgent Transformational Change
21.07.2014 | Sascha Gabizon

WECF beim 44. Jahrestag des Bundesverbandes der Kinder- und Jugendärzte BVKJ in Berlin
500 Teilnehmer(innen) informieren sich bei Vorträgen von WECF und am Infostand darüber, wie man Kinder vor hormonell wirksamen Chemikalien schützen kann
21.07.2014 | Johanna Hausmann

Weniger hormonwirksame Chemikalien (EDCs): für eine bessere rechtliche Regulierung
Ein Projekt um Kinder und Schwangere besser vor EDCs zu schützen, den Gesundheitssektor zu aktivieren, Politiker(innen) zu informieren und die Zivilgesellschaft für eine bessere EDC Politik zu gewinnen

Organic Solutions and Gender Mainstreaming: Report on Training of Trainers and Findings in two Districts in Eastern Uganda
In this report method and content of the training are presented, and the findings on gender inequalities between men and women in Kween and Kapchorwa District

Report on Baseline Training Needs Assessment - Agriculture, Uganda
In this report the training and the finding of a needs assessment in the field of agriculture, carried out in Eastern Uganda, are presented

A guide for trainers on Organic Agriculture - Principles and Practices
The guide is developed for the EWA project and will support the trained trainers on Conservation and Organic Agriculture

Ecosan toiletten op de Kayenje School in Oeganda
Help de Kayenje School aan hygiënische en duurzame sanitaire voorzieningen!

Wenn endokrin wirksame Substanzen in Alltagsprodukten Kindergesundheit gefährden
Ein Artikel von Johanna Hausmann in dem Fachmagazin "Gesunde Umwelt" des BVKJ
16.07.2014 | WECF

WECF at 44. BVKJ annual meeting of paediatricians and youth doctors in Berlin
500 participants were informed about how to protect children against EDCs
16.07.2014 | WECF

Kyrgyz conference highlights need for a stronger joint voice from Central Asian civil society
Conference on gender equality and sustainable development in Bishkek
11.07.2014 | WECF

Kyrgyz conference highlights need for a stronger joint voice from Central Asian civil society
Conference on gender equality and sustainable development in Bishkek
11.07.2014 | WECF

Schwangere und Kinder schützen, Schadstoffe vermeiden
Ein Artikel von Johanna Hausmann in der Ausgabe des Hebammenforums von Januar 2014
09.07.2014 | Johanna Hausmann

WECF aanwezig bij UNECE evenement in Maastricht voor partijen betrokken bij het Verdrag van Aarhus
Informatieverstrekking, mensenrechten en inspraak in relatie tot het milieu staan op de agenda

Baby und Familie
Nachgefragt: Gift im Spielzeug
02.07.2014 | Johanna Hausmann

Global Synergy Foundation

Youth Ecological Society

Friends of the Earth Ukraine


Pesticide Action Network Europe

Community Initiative for Social Enhancement

Women of the Third Millennium

Women for a Clean Environment

Rural Women National Association

Aquademica Foundation


Ormax Cultural Youth Association

Gutta Club

Vitality Ecological and Social Union

WECF and partners organise Central Asian Conference 2-4 July in the framework of the SDGs/Post 2015 process
National and regional issues related to sustainable development and gender in the framework of the “Empower Women–Benefits to All” (EWA) project and its implementation and policy work within Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.
02.07.2014 | WICF

Mutual Aid Association

Social Technologies Agencies Public Association

Mehrshavkat Public Fund

Habitat for Humanity

Public Fund Development and Cooperation

Solidarity among Women

UNECE Meeting of the Parties to the Aarhus Convention addresses Public Participation, Human Rights and the Environment
WECF advocates for focus on women and girls as marginalised groups

Upcoming UNECE Meeting of the Parties to the Aarhus Convention addresses Public Participation, Human Rights and the Environment
WECF advocates for focus on women and girls as marginalised groups



Fund of Women Entrepreneurs


Armenian Young Women's Association

Milieukontakt Albania

Azerbaijan Women and Development Center

WECF Ratgeber Bekleidung jetzt auch auf Deutsch
Der WECF Ratgeber "Bekleidung" informiert darüber, wie Sie giftige und schädliche Chemikalien in Bekleidung und Textilien vermeiden

WECF attends 5th session of the Meeting of the Parties to the Aarhus Convention
WECF President Christine von Weizsaecker and WECF Gender Expert Anke Stock attended the four day session
30.06.2014 | WECF

WECF and WMG at 1st UN Environment Assembly
Gender Forum and Network of Women Ministers and Leaders Meeting

WECF presented results of Gender Forum to ministers
Women Major Group members took part in Gender Forum at UNEA
27.06.2014 | WECF

WECF trifft Bundesminister Gerd Müller
Im Rahmen einer Veranstaltung des Eine Welt Netzwerk Bayern e.V traf WECF den Bundesminister für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung am Montag dieser Woche, am 23. Juni 2014, im Eine Welt Haus München.
27.06.2014 | WECF

UN Women Deputy Executive Director Puri plants tree for environment and women
Tree-planting ceremony in Commemoration of World Environment Day and the Beijing Platform for Action+20

Gertrude Kenyangi, mentor of WECF's IWE program, speaks at UNEA
"We should concentrate on the grassroots, especially women"
24.06.2014 | WICF

WECF director speaks on Civil Society Priorities at UN Environment Assembly
WECF present with Delegation of Women and EWA project partners at 1st UN Environment Assembly in Nairobi
24.06.2014 | WECF

„West meets East“ an der IFAT 2014
Vorstellung des Projektes „Trinkwassersicherheitskonzepte zur Umweltbildung an Schulen im ländlichen Raum Rumäniens und Mazedoniens“

Partners of the Climate Needs Farmers project visit WECF France

Civil Society Perspectives on the Post-2015 Agenda

Gender Livelihood and Socio Economic Situation in Rural Kyrgyzstan
Baseline study in the framework of the Project Empower Women, Benefit for All

Busy day for EDCs: EU could save up to € 31 billion a year on health costs by reducing exposure to EDC’s
Both European Health and Environment network HEAL and Pesticides Action Network publish reports on EDC’s today
18.06.2014 | WECF

Recommendations by the Women's Major Group for the zero-draft SDGs
The Women’s Major Group welcomes the zero-draft for Sustainable Development Goals as presented by the co-chairs of the Open Working Group on June3rd, which sets a good basis for ambitious global goals.
18.06.2014 | WICF

€ 31 miljard aan besparingen in de Europese gezondheidsuitgaven per jaar mogelijk door vermindering blootstelling hormoonverstorende stoffen
Nieuw rapport Europees Gezondheidsnetwerk HEAL & persbericht Europese Roadmap EDC criteria van PAN Europe verschijnen tegelijkertijd
18.06.2014 | Chantal van den Bossche

WECF and partners organise Central Asian Conference 2-4 July in the framework of the SDGs/Post 2015 process
National and regional issues related to sustainable development and gender in the framework of the “Empower Women–Benefits to All” (EWA) project and its implementation and policy work within Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.
16.06.2014 | WICF

Waarom je geen doemdenker bent als je gevaren in tandpasta en make-up ziet
Er is steeds meer wetenschappelijk bewijs dat hormoonverstorende stoffen in alledaagse producten als tandpasta, cosmetica en voedselverpakkingen tot ernstige gezondheidsschade kunnen leiden. Maar terwijl de zorg bij wetenschappers groeit, draait de lobby van de chemische industrie op volle toeren en blijft de Europese Commissie maar broeden op een aanpak.
16.06.2014 | De Correspondent, Thomas Vanheste

Ronde Tafel Hormoonverstorende Stoffen in Nieuwspoort
Wemos en WECF sloegen handen ineen op nationale milieudag om druk te zetten op Nederlandse beleid rondom EDCs
15.06.2014 | Chantal van den Bossche

Endocrine disrupters (EDCs) : 5 member states support France's request for a European-wide action
EDCs finally on the agenda of the Council of Environment Ministers of June 12th
13.06.2014 | WECF

General Assembly WECF France

Kick-off meeting in Khamiskuri, Georgia: project “Managing Wastewater through Global Partnership”
Project and planning were discussed and the target villages were visited.
11.06.2014 | WECF

France urges the EU to act now on Endocrine disruptors
Will the EU put an end to the long-lasting standstill on EDCs?
11.06.2014 | WECF

EDCs and related public health concerns: Dutch Parliamentarians, policy makers and NGOs present at Policy Science Round Table in The Hague
WECF and Wemos organised discussion in press centre Dutch Parliament
11.06.2014 | WECF

As many as 212 Solar collectors are producing hot water in rural villages of Georgia
Switch to sun provides rural Georgians with a much more comfortable life
09.06.2014 | WECF

"Planning for sustainable, gender-equitable and climate-proof development"
EWA side event at the UNFCCC Climate Negotiations in Bonn, June 2014
06.06.2014 | WECF

UNFCC EWA side event

Conference on Proffesional Exposure and Cancer

Gender, land and sustainable development

New Project approved: "Managing Wastewater through Global Partnership"
The project will contribute to the reduction of the pollution of the Black Sea caused by human settlements at the river Khobi flowing into the Black Sea.
04.06.2014 | WECF

Ronde Tafel Hormoonverstorende Stoffen in Nieuwspoort
Wemos en WECF organiseren persbijeenkomst Hormoonverstorende Stoffen in Nieuwspoort
02.06.2014 | WECF Pers

AWHHE visit

Introduction to Post2015 by WECF (Organising Partner Women's Major Group on Sustainable Development)
In 2015, the United Nations will move from the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) to a new set of global goals for (sustainable) development, setting the framework agenda for the period till 2030
02.06.2014 | WICF

#MenstruationMatters: How ecosan can help improve health and school attendance of girls
WECF teams up with WASH united for Menstrual Hygiene Day

Developing a Water and Sanitation Safety Plan in a Rural Community
This Compendium aims to enable communities to develop a WSSP for small-scale water supplies, e.g. dug wells, boreholes, springs and piped centralised water supply systems, and as well as to assess the quality of sanitation facilities such as school toilets.

New Publication: Developing a Water and Sanitation Safety Plan in a Rural Community
This Compendium aims to enable communities to develop a WSSP for small-scale water supplies, e.g. dug wells, boreholes, springs and piped centralised water supply systems, and as well as to assess the quality of sanitation facilities such as school toilets.
28.05.2014 | WECF

WECF presents 10 steps for developing Water and Sanitation Safety Plans
A two day training for teachers and local authorities enabling communities in Timisoara county, Romania, to develop their own WSSPs
28.05.2014 | WECF

Why do we need a Menstrual Hygiene Day?
Talk about menstruation, not only on May 28, Menstruation Hygiene Day
28.05.2014 | WICF

J'ADAPT: Seminar on local and sustainable foods and agriculture

Publication of WECF's partner Global Forest Coalition
"Redirecting Government Support for Unsustainable Livestock Production key to Biodiversity Conservation"

France announces EDC strategy
WECF welcomes measures but calls for further action

Research finds link between chemicals and breast cancer
Chemicals in our daily environment pose threat to women's health

Reduce exposure to EDCs and advocating for better legislation
Protect children and pregnant women against exposure to EDCs by engaging the health sector and informing policy makers and activate German civil society to enhance EDC policy
17.05.2014 | WECF Project

Buch „Giftfreies Europa“ erschienen
Die grüne EP Abgeordnete Hiltrud Breyer veröffentlicht das Buch Giftfreies Europa. WECF liefert Beiträge zu non-communicable diseases (NCDs) und Best Practice zu mehr Schutz vor gesundheits- und umweltschädlichen Chemikalien

Kernfrage - Insider berichten über ihre Erfahrungen mit der Kernenergie - jetzt auch in tschechisch
Eine Publikation, die die realen und erschreckenden Konsequenzen der Atomenergienutzung aufzeigt Jetzt als aktualisierte Ausgabe in tschechischer Sprache erhältlich

WECF and partners propose chemicals targets for Sustainable Development Goals
UNEP 2012 global chemicals report estimates close to 1 million deaths from harmful chemicals and pesticides each year

Improving Water and Sanitation through Decentralized Cooperation in the Republic of Kyrgyzstan
A feasibility study carried out in the frame of the UNDP Global Water Solidarity Platform

"Women for a Sunny Energy Supply"
Published from "Solar Thermal Energy Council" in May 2014
06.05.2014 | WECF Press Coverage

Armenian women: Actors of change in sustainable agriculture
WECF supports Armenian women to stand up for chemical-free rural development
01.05.2014 | WECF France

Deelnemers gezocht! Ben jij geïnteresseerd in duurzaam, gezond en fair voedsel?
Maak kans op een gratis seminar in Frankrijk!

Between 15-30, interested in sustainable food and agriculture? Join our seminar in France
WECF France and Slow Food France organise seminar I Adapte, on healthy, good and fair food
28.04.2014 | WECF

Conference on Gender and Development

Work experience in renewable energy
French students receive work experience in Georgia and Kyrgyzstan
23.04.2014 | WECF France

Halfjaarlijks minisymposium REACH
WECF Directeur spreekt over REACH en handhaving vanuit de visie van de consument
23.04.2014 | Chantal van den Bossche

European Commission publishes response to Right2Water campaign
Promises revived commitment to water as a public good

Home Comforts in Kyrgyzstan – An Introduction by video
This film, created by WECF partner KAWS, welcomes its viewer into the homes of Kyrgyz people whose communities have been positively impacted in recent years by the introduction of several environmental technologies.

Europese Commissie reageert op Right2Water campagne
Water als mensenrecht wordt ondersteund door EU

WECF's Anke Stock: Gender mainstreaming is beneficial for the environment
Involving women in local projects triggers innovative solutions

Environmental Working Group posts guides to making healthier choices
Practical tips help inform people about the products they use

Monsanto-maïs rattenstudie opnieuw gepubliceerd na nieuwe wetenschappelijke analyses
Franse onderzoeker Séralini waarschuwt voor giftige effecten van GGO's

De Betere Wereld vraagt om bescherming tegen hormoonverstoorders
Artikel over ChildProtect en Geef je Mobiel
18.04.2014 | WECF Pers

Wenn Chemikalien aus Alltagsprodukten den Hormonhaushalt stören
Ein Artikel von Johanna Hausmann in der Ausgabe des Hebammenforums von Dezember 2013
17.04.2014 | Johanna Hausmann

Nestbau: Kinder schützen, Schadstoffe vermeiden Programm für Münchener Kindertageseinrichtungen
Mit dem zweiten vom RGU geförderten Projekt für schadstofffreie KITAS startet WECF eine große Kampagne in allen städtischen Kindertageseinrichtungen für mehr Schutz vor gesundheitsschädlichen Chemikalien.

WHO Europe underlines importance of global EDC resolution
Environmental origins of increase in endocrine diseases demand more attention

Training for teachers and local authorities on Water and Sanitation Safety Plans in Macedonia - Arachinovo and Vratnica municipalities
Training for teachers and local authorities on Water and Sanitation Safety Plans in Macedonia - Arachinovo and Vratnica municipalities
13.04.2014 | WECF

World Water Day in Macedonia: Raising Awareness on Water and Sanitation Safety Planning
While celebrating World Water day WECF and Macedonian partner JHR publicly announced their project on Water and Sanitation Safety Planning (WSSP) for Macedonia and Romania
13.04.2014 | WECF

Kick-off meeting in Macedonia (FYROM) - Water and Sanitation Safety Planning
Aim and activities of the project on Water and Sanitation Safety Planning for environmental education in schools were discussed with staff of the target schools; municipalities were visited.
13.04.2014 | WECF

WECF partner WEDO reflects on CSW58
Key thoughts on gender and the post-2015 development goals

Arzneimittel in der Umwelt
Rückstände und Abbauprodukte belasten Böden und Gewässer weltweit
09.04.2014 | WECF

EWA Kyrgyzstan: Empowering women to mobilise their communities for safe water and sanitation planning
With the support of local partner CAAW and Mehr-Shavkat, WECF conducted a 2-day training session for representatives of communities, schools, drinking water committees (CDWUUs) and NGOs on developing Water and Sanitation Safety Plans (WSSP) for small communities, in the Kyrgyz city of Osh
08.04.2014 | Margriet Samwel & Claudia Wendland

Antibiotikarückstände im Grundwasser
Auch kleine Mengen Grund zur Besorgnis

"More transparency needed on use and effects of biocides in products": Interview with WECF's Elisabeth Ruffinengo
Elisabeth Ruffinengo (WECF) illustrates the importance of the EU Biocidal Regulation in interview with Chemical Watch
07.04.2014 | WECF

WECF Project Sheet: Switch to the Sun - Live in Comfort!
Read about the improvement of many women every day life in the ECC countries due to the solar collectors

Updated Publication: Construction of solar collectors for warm water. Practical guide
Updated version of the solar collector manual is now available in English and Russian

Pestizide gefährden Artenvielfalt auf dem Acker
Umweltbundesamt will den Einsatz von chemischen Pflanzenschutzmitteln verringern

Duurzame moestuinen in Kaapstad
Lwandle School Garden Project Zuid-Afrika

EWA Afghanistan: Afghanistan is one of the poorest countries in the world
WECF supports the EWA partner in Afghanistan in reducing poverty
01.04.2014 | WICF Project

EWATajikistan: the constant empowerment of women is important
"Empower Women - Benefit (for) All (EWA)"
01.04.2014 | WICF Project

EWA Uganda: Focus on low income small-holder farms
"Empower Women - Benefit (for) All (EWA)": Focus on low income small-holder farms
01.04.2014 | WICF Project

EWA Georgia: "Ecological agriculture as an alternative option for women from rural areas
"Empower Women - Benefit (for) All (EWA)"
01.04.2014 | WICF Project

Armenia: Women for a healthy rural development
Armenian Women actors of change for chemical free rural development

CSW58 Side Event: 'Lessons from the Fukushima nuclear Accident'
Side Event during Commission on the Status of Women, co-hosted by WECF, sought to explore how best to protect the environment and health of women and girls from radiation exposure
28.03.2014 | United Nations Non-Governmental Liaison Service (UN-NGLS)

HEAL relaunches Chemicals Health Monitor
Promotes preventive regulation for public health

WECF at CSW 58 March 2014: Implementing the MDGs for Women and Girls
Agreed conclusions drafted in strong language thanks to intense lobby of NGOs and rights campaigners
26.03.2014 | Anke Stock, WECF

Going Dutch visits a WECF project in Armenia
Going Dutch travels around the world, visiting projects of Dutch NGO’s for each of the 8 Millennium Goals. This time, Going Dutch visited a WECF project in the village Sverdlov for Millennium goal number 3: equality of men and women.

Dangers of prenatal exposure to harmful chemicals outlined in Dutch Health Council report
WECF applauds findings but is left with important questions
25.03.2014 | WECF

Dagelijkse blootstelling aan schadelijke stoffen tijdens zwangerschap groot risico voor kind, stelt Gezondheidsraad
24.03.2014 | WECF Pers

WECFs and WEDOs side event in the framework of the EWA project team’s participation at the CSW 58, March 2014 in New York
23.03.2014 | WICF

Landmark textbook published on children's environmental health
First comprehensive overview of environmental determinants shaping our children's lives

PAN Europe publishes report revealing industry lobbying attempts to undermine EDC policy-making
Delays in EU policies attributed to the strategic placement of industry-linked experts in advisory organisations

Fundación Vivo Sano releases documentary about EDC exposure
'In Small Print' highlights public health dangers associated with endocrine disruptors
21.03.2014 | WECF

WHO regional office for Europe published a field guide on Water Safety Plans
Recently the WHO regional office for Europe published the guidance document "Safe drinking-water for small communities: Water Safety Plans for better health".
19.03.2014 | Chantal van den Bossche

CSW58: Wednesday, March 19th, Gender Equality & Climate Action
WECF and partners are pleased to invite friends to join us for a climate event as part of the EWA program
19.03.2014 | WICF

Newsletter WECF Deutschland März 2014
18.03.2014 | WECF

WECF publishes article in Chemical Watch
NGO platform: EU toys rules too weak
17.03.2014 | Alexandra Caterbow WECF in Chemical Watch

Vacancy: Thesis or internship in Central Asia
For students interested in sustainable sanitation

EDC’s: de onomkeerbare gezondheidseffecten van hormoonverstorende stoffen
WECF Beleidsadvies met 9 aanbevelingen voor een preventief gezondheidsbeleid ten aanzien van EDC's

Lawandle School Garden Project
Durchführung des Garden Project in Zusammenarbeit mit Urban Harvest und Soil for Life
12.03.2014 | Annemarie Mohr

"Nieuwe EU migratielimieten BPA onvoldoende"
WECF kritisch over vastgestelde migratielimieten in artikel van ChemicalWatch

Actie ondernemen tegen hormoonverstoorders
Druk op de Europese Commissie neemt toe om actie te ondernemen tegen hormoonverstoorders
11.03.2014 | De Gezinsbond/ChildProof platform

Side Event: Global Health and Environment in the Post-2015 Agenda: Lessons from the Fukushima nuclear accident

EWA: WECF partner Mehr Shavkat celebrates International Women's Day in Kyrgyzstan
WECF partner Mehr Shakat rewards women in their communities with performances, treats and contests
07.03.2014 | WECF

EWA: Internationale Vrouwendag in Kirgizie
WECF partner Mehr Shakat zet actieve vrouwen in lokale gemeenschappen in het zonnetje
07.03.2014 | WECF

“We spelen met vuur”
Nederlandse organisaties en wetenschappers eisen politieke actie omtrent hormoonverstorende stoffen
07.03.2014 | WECF Pers

CSW58: A Feminist Declaration for Post 2015
Gender, Economic, Social and Ecological Justice for Sustainable Development

Zum Weltfrauentag am 8. März
Ziele für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung /Sustainable Development Goals
06.03.2014 | WECF

WECF organiseert succesvol debat over hormoonverstorende stoffen (EDC’s) in Brussel
Lancering van het Life+ Project ChildProtect: Gezondheid van Kinderen hoort eerste prioriteit te zijn
02.03.2014 | Chantal van den Bossche

Launch of the Life+ Project ChildProtect: Children's Health should be our Primary Concern
Debate with policy makers in Brussels looks at need to speed up EU action to protect children’s exposure to harmful ‘endocrine disrupting’ chemicals
27.02.2014 | WECF Report

Time to act: protecting children from hormone disrupting chemicals
Debate with policy makers in Brussels looks at need to speed up EU action to protect children’s exposure to harmful ‘endocrine disrupting’ chemicals
21.02.2014 | WECF

Publieke hoorzitting in Brussel "veilig water en sanitatie zijn een mensenrecht" groot succes!
Maandag 17 februari vond in het Europees Parlement de publieke hoorzitting voor het Europese Burgerinitiatief (European Citizens Initiative - ECI) "Veilig water en sanitaire voorzieningen zijn een mensenrecht!" plaats.
21.02.2014 | Margriet Samwel

NGO launches EU-funded project on EDCs
Parents, entrepreneurs and policy makers targeted
20.02.2014 | Carmen Paun, Chemical Watch

ChildProof standpunt over hormoonverstoorders
Interdisciplinair forum ChildProof roept nationale en Europese politiek op tot actie met position paper
20.02.2014 | De Gezinsbond/ChildProof platform

WECF Conference Time to act: Towards an EU policy to protect children from EDCs
Invitation to the Launch of the Life+ Project
19.02.2014 | WECF

WECF conferentie in Brussel: ChildProtect - Time to act!
Naar een EU beleid om kinderen te beschermen tegen hormoonverstorende stoffen, met die boodschap organiseert WECF 19 februari, morgen, een bijeenkomst in Brussel als officiele start van het Life+ Project ChildProtect.
18.02.2014 | Chantal van den Bossche

ChildProtect-Life – Protecting Children's Health from Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals
The ‘ChildProtect-Life’ project coordinated by WECF aims to speed-up implementation of EU environmental regulations with regard to the substitution of EDCs, in line with the EU 2020 goal of minimising adverse effects of chemicals on public health.
18.02.2014 | WECF Project

CHILDPROTECT: WECF start LIFE+ project over hormoonverstorende stoffen met Gezinsbond en PAN Europe
WECF start samen met de Vlaamse Gezinsbond, PAN-Europe (Pesticides Action Network Europa) een LIFE+ project, genaamd CHILDPROTECT. LIFE+ projecten worden gefinancierd door het Directoraat Generaal Milieu van de Europese Commissie. De komende drie jaar zal WECF samen met haar partners beleidsmakers, bedrijven, en consumenten bewust maken van de problematiek van hormoonverstorende stoffen voor kinderen in onze leefomgeving.
18.02.2014 | WECF Project

Praktikumsstelle als Assistenz der Rechtsanwältin
Wir suchen in unserem Bereich Gleichberechtigung eine/n Praktikant/in
17.02.2014 | Anke Stock

Energietraining erfolgreich in München durchgeführt
Wissenstransfer und Erfahrungsaustausch für Partner aus Georgien, Ukraine und Kirgisien über Energieeffizienz und Photovoltaik in München.
12.02.2014 | Katharina Habersbrunner

Hilfetelefon für Frauen
WECF Deutschland möchte auf das im März 2013 eingerichtete bundesweite Hilfetelefon "Gewalt gegen Frauen" des Bundesministeriums für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend (BMFSFJ) aufmerksam machen.
12.02.2014 | Anke Stock

WECF Conference 'Time to act': Towards an EU policy to protect children from EDCs
Invitation to the Launch of the Life+ Project
06.02.2014 | WECF

Workshop on Green Technologies: Empowering Women in Bharatpur-Rajasthan, India
Georgians, Kyrgyz and Ugandan NGOs learn from Indian NGOs
05.02.2014 | Claudia Wendland

Romania and Macedonia (FYROM): Water and Sanitation Safety Plans
Water and Sanitation Safety Plans for environmental education in schools in rural areas
01.02.2014 | WECF Project

Trinkwassersicherungskonzepte zur Umweltbildung an Schulen im ländlichen Raum Rumäniens und Mazedoniens
Das Ziel dieses Projektes ist es, durch Weiterbildung das Bewusstsein der Gesellschaft und somit die eigenverantwortliche Handlungsfähigkeit im Bereich Umweltschutz und besonders im Bereich der Wasserqualität im ländlichen Raum
01.02.2014 | WECF Project

Gezinsbond waarschuwt voor hormoonverstoorders
Artikel in De Morgen aan vooravond van het beleidscongres van de Gezinsbond over hormoonverstoorders
25.01.2014 | De Morgen

SOS! EU Climate Action lost at sea!
NGOs sound the alarm on climate inaction outside EU Commission, Wednesday 22 January
23.01.2014 | CAN international & members

SOS! EU Climate Action lost at sea! - Join people sounding the alarm on climate inaction in front of the Berlaymont in Brussels
21.01.2014 | WECF

OWG-7 Side Event - Sustainable Development Goals "From WSSD 2002 to SDG's/Post 2015 SDG: sound chemicals management and environmental health"

Bescherm kinderen; vermijd hormoonverstorende stoffen!
Hormoonverstorende stoffen(EDC’s) in alledaagse producten - een overzicht voor de consument
20.12.2013 | WECF

WECF & Project Nesting glad with attention Dutch TV Program Zembla on EDCs (Endocrine Disruptors)
On December 19, the investigative TV report 'Zembla' paid attention to EDCs 'Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals' and their great risk for children
20.12.2013 | WECF

Appel aan Nederlandse overheid: nu stappen nodig tegen zorgwekkende stoffen!
Zembla toont: Buurlanden nemen wel wettelijke stappen om kinderen te beschermen tegen hormoonverstorende stoffen – waarom Nederland niet?
19.12.2013 | WECF Pers

WECF & Een Veilig Nest blij met aandacht voor hormoonverstorende stoffen in Zembla.
WECF vraagt al jarenlang aandacht voor een thema dat in heel Europa serieus genomen lijkt te worden, behalve in Nederland: de schadelijke invloed van hormoonverstorende stoffen op de gezondheid van zwangere vrouwen en kleine kinderen.
19.12.2013 | WECF

Third Meeting of the Parties to the UNECE Protocol on Water and Health
WECF committed itself again as co-lead with Germany and Serbia on Program area 3 of the workprogram of the Protocol at the Meeting in Oslo, Norway from 25 to 27 November 2013
18.12.2013 | WECF

European Citizen's Initiative “Water is a human right!” will submit certificates for 1.6 million signatories
10 December is human rights day. We celebrate and remember the struggle of many for human rights and dignity
10.12.2013 | ECI "Water is a Human Right"

WECF presents its activities on EDCs at 7th International Conference on Children's Health, Environment and Safety Jerusalem
The International Network for Children's Health, Environment and Safety (INCHES) organised its 7th international conference, 20-22 November, 2013, in Jerusalem, Israel
09.12.2013 | WECF

"Jerusalem Statement fordert mehr Schutz vor umweltbedingten Krankheiten bei Kindern"
WECF präsentiert seine Aktivitäten zu EDCs bei der 7. Internationalen Konferenz zu Kindergesundheit und Umwelt und Sicherheit in Jerusalem
09.12.2013 | WECF

PERSAANKONDIGING: Vier ministeries en meer dan vijftig organisaties in actie voor vrouwen in conflictgebieden
Vrijdag 13 december interactief event onder leiding van Kirsten van den Hul (Joke Smit prijs 2013)
09.12.2013 | NAP 1325

Erfahrungsaustausch und Wissenstransfer für WECF-Partner über Solarthermie, Photovoltaik und Energieeffizienz
WECF hat im Rahmen des Energy-Projektes interessierte Fachleute aus Georgien und der Ukraine zum Thema Solarenergie und Wärmeisolierung geschult
05.12.2013 | Katharina Habersbrunner

Neues aus Afghanistan
WECF Projektpartner Sybille Schnehage erzählt in dem Buch „Drachenkinder“ von ihren Erlebnissen in Afghanistan Das Buch, geschrieben von Hera Lind, erscheint am 9. Dezember 2013
03.12.2013 | WECF

Working Together for a Healthy Environment for All
WECF Activity Report 2012 - Join us, as member, partner or sponsor, to work with us on achieving our goal of a Healthy Environment for All!

Achieving Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in the Africa Common Position on Post 2015
Recommendations by African Women’s Rights Organizations

Informations- und Diskussionsveranstaltung "Energiewende und Bürgerbeteiligung – Möglichkeiten in München und Kiew/Ukraine?"

"Energiewende und Bürgerbeteiligung – Möglichkeiten in München und Kiew/Ukraine?"
Einladung zur Informations- und Diskussionsveranstaltung "Energiewende und Bürgerbeteiligung – Möglichkeiten in München und Kiew/Ukraine?" mit Podiumsteilnehmern aus der Ukraine und aus Deutschland.
26.11.2013 | WECF Deutschland

WECF Pressemitteilung Nestbau: Weihnachtszeit ist Schadstoffzeit
Gift unter Weihnachtsbaum Die App „Giftfrei einkaufen“ hilft bei der Suche nach schadstofffreien Geschenken
26.11.2013 | WECF Nestbau

“Doing NOTHING costs much more and is very expensive", Message from 12th HCH & Pesticide Forum, Kiev, Ukraine
National action plans on Obsolete Pesticide stockpiles and other polluted locations are needed
25.11.2013 | WECF

PraktikantIn für ein gemeinsames Projekt mit UNEP
In unserem Bereich Umwelt und Gesundheit suchen wir schnellst möglich einen/eine PraktikantIn für ein gemeinsames Projekt mit UNEP.
25.11.2013 | WECF Deutschland

NGO trainings by WECF on how to work at EU and international level
As part of the Baltinfohaz LIFE project targeted support was given to Baltic NGOs to enable them to take part in international negotiations

5 Simple Hair Beauty Tips From Eco Hairdresser Birgit Pesin
Birgit Pesin has been eco hair dressing for twenty years

WECF zegt: “Genoeg is genoeg!”
Maatschappelijke organisaties zijn massaal weggelopen van de Klimaattop in Warschau en roepen overheden op om "politieke ambitie te verbinden met de realiteit van het klimaat en nu eens echt tot actie over te gaan.”
22.11.2013 | WECF

Women in Europe for a Common Future says “enough is enough”
Civil society groups walk out of Warsaw climate meeting and call on governments to “get serious and match political ambition to climate reality”
21.11.2013 | WICF

Huge COP19 Walk Out from Warsaw Climate Summit. WECF says “enough is enough”
There was a huge COP19 walk-out on Friday November 21st in Warsaw. As growing frustration over lack of ambition and hindered participation came to a head, Civil Society groups, including WECF, said “Enough!”
21.11.2013 | WICF

FLOW +: International Women's Empowerment
The coming 2 years are crucial for future development cooperation. In the intergovernmental process on “Sustainable Development Goals”, the UN “Open Working Group” is preparing a framework for universal goals to follow the Millennium Development Goals
20.11.2013 | WICF Project

WASH Forum in Bremen am 15. und 16. November 2013
Das WASH Forum war das erste reine Fachtreffen des WASH-Netzwerkes und der VENRO AG WASH in Deutschland.
20.11.2013 | Claudia Wendland

Driving Home the Link Between Gender and Climate Change
"Despite the name, WECF's reach goes way beyond Europe, connecting more than 150 organisations and communities all over the world with the aim of influencing gender-sensitive environmental policies at the international level"
20.11.2013 | Inter Press Service

Linking Strong Climate Solutions with Gender Equality
Women Civil Society Leaders Report on Women’s Concrete Actions on Climate Change
19.11.2013 | WICF

Linking Strong Climate Solutions with Gender Equality
Women Civil Society Leaders Report on Women’s Concrete Actions on Climate Change
19.11.2013 | WICF

Wereld Toilet Dag 2013
Poep en pies terug in de kringloop: een zegen voor onze gezondheid en onze economie
18.11.2013 | WECF

World Toilet Day 2013
As of this year World Toilet Day (19th November) has been acknowledged official world day by the United Nations
18.11.2013 | WECF

Women take action on Climate Change and Gender Equality
Press Conference Advisory COP 19, Warsaw
18.11.2013 | WICF

„Stop EDCs“: Hormonell wirksame Substanzen –Gefahr für Gesundheit und Umwelt
WECF zeigt auf dem Bundesparteitag der SPD in Leipzig neue Ausstellung zu EDCs und fordert Politiker auf, sich für mehr Gesundheitsschutz einzusetzen
16.11.2013 | WECF

WECF organised conference in Paris on importance of eco-design of games and toys
The need to reduce the environmental footprint of products is increasingly felt in a world of limited resources. Therefore eco- design seems to be the key element for a successful transition towards a circular economy
16.11.2013 | WECF France

Delays are wasting opportunities for prevention of chronic disease and healthcare savings
Fifteen EDC-Free Europe campaigners presented José Manuel Barroso, European Commission President, with a huge EDC-Free poster today in an urgent call for action on endocrine disrupting chemicals.
13.11.2013 | EDC Free Coalition

Uitstel EDC-wetgeving verspilt mogelijkheden voor preventie en aanpak stijgende zorgkosten
Vijftien leden van de de EDC-Free Europe coalitie, waar WECF deel van uitmaakt, stuurden Jose Manuel Barroso, voorzitter van de Europese Commissie, vandaag een enorme EDC Vrij poster met een dringende oproep tot actie tegen hormoonverstorende stoffen in producten om ons heen
13.11.2013 | EDC Free Coalition

Include gender mainstreaming in EU - article by the Working Group Gender +E3
Generally the EU is good at including gender mainstreaming or demanding an equal number of seats for women in decision making groups when it comes to climate change. However, the ambition doesn´t seem to stretch further than developing policies and third countries, and is not reflected inside EU itself.
12.11.2013 | GenderCC in cooperaion with GenderE3

Report of the Leadership/Mentoring Training Day on 10 November 2013
The training day was a start to a continued row of activities: the attendance of the women at the UNFCCC COP19, the establishment of a women’s leaders network, the organisation of different national gender policy dialogues and of regional conferences on the SDG/post-2015 process

Women’s priorities for the Post 2015/SDG agenda
Women Major Group regional capacity building and participation in UN post2015 SDG meeting
11.11.2013 | WICF Project

WECF at the COP19 in Warsaw: Women take action on Climate Change and Gender Equality
COP19 marks exciting opportunity for gender equality in the UNFCCC! Parties have several chances to identify priorities and needs and strengthen gender equality in climate policy and implementation.
11.11.2013 | WECF Event

"Les femmes et la planète"

The Women's Major Group, Femnet, IWHC, DAWN and WECF are organising a 3-day training and strategy meeting for women

Capacity building and strategy event on Sustainable Development Goals and the Post2015 development agenda

WECF in Sochi: Sports for a healthy environment and equal rights
WECF International Director spoke at International Olympic Committee conference in Sochi, Russia, on sports, environment and equal rights
03.11.2013 | WICF

WECF in Sotsji : Sporten voor een gezond milieu en gelijke rechten
WECF directeur Sascha Gabizon sprak tot Internationaal Olympisch Comité in Sotsji, Rusland, over milieubeheer, volksgezondheid en gelijke rechten voor iedereen
03.11.2013 | WICF

WECFs Project Nesting - A Healthy Environment for Healthy Children
Helping parents to create a safe and healthy environment for their newborns
01.11.2013 | WECF Campaign

WECF report Textiles: Stop the chemical overdose!
Chemical contents of children's wear, textiles regulation, labels and more

Textiles : Stop the chemical overdose!
Towards more coherent and transparent rules for textiles in EU and beyond for better protection of workers, consumers and the environment
31.10.2013 | WECF

Submission to CSW 58 session Statement by the Women’s Major Group
Moving from Rhetoric towards Real Inclusion of Gender Equality and Women’s Human Rights in the final push for the Millennium Development Goals, and the Sustainable Development & Post-2015 Development Agenda
28.10.2013 | WICF

Submission to CSW 58 session Statement by the Women’s Major Group
Moving from Rhetoric towards Real Inclusion of Gender Equality and Women’s Human Rights in the final push for the Millennium Development Goals, and the Sustainable Development & Post-2015 Development Agenda
28.10.2013 | WICF

Commission on the Status of Women 58- De inbreng van WECF en de Women's Major Group
In februari 2014 vindt de 58e Commission on the Status of Women in New York plaats. WECF zal hier als co-organisator van de Women's Major Group aanwezig zijn vanwege haar betrokkenheid bij de Sustainable Development Goals en de Post2015 agenda.
28.10.2013 | WICF

Post 2015 proces - WECF als mede-voorzitter van de Women’s Major Group
Reactie Women’s Major Group (WMG) op Rapport van de Secretaris Generaal van de VN
28.10.2013 | WICF

Schoon water voor Georgie
Met steun van WECF zorgt Friends of the Earth Georgia voor schoon water en fatsoenlijke duurzame sanitaire voorzieningen op het Georgische platteland
25.10.2013 | Friends of the Earth Europe

Lesson from MDGs: Post 2015 goals have to be set as universal & within a Human Rights Based framework states WECF Director at Eurongos2013
Eurongos Conference 2013: Next Steps - Sexual and Reproductive Rights and Health on the Post 2015 Agenda
25.10.2013 | WICF

Providing clean water in Georgia
Friends of the Earth Europe, visited the village of Sepieti, on the Black Sea coast of Georgia and reported on their work with WECF and local partners to improve the village's water and sanitation
25.10.2013 | David Heller, Friends of the Earth Europe

Klimaschutz und Energiewende in Koalitionsverhandlungen priorisieren
Umwelt- und Entwicklungsverbände fordern Klimaschutzgesetz, höhere EU-Klimaziele und zukunftsweisende Investitionen
21.10.2013 | Katharina Habersbrunner

WECF calls for women’s leadership in WASH
Budapest Water Summit: 8 to 11 October 2013
17.10.2013 | Anke Stock

MEPs and NGOs issue call for UN to recognise gender, economy and ecology perspectives
A group of MEPs and NGOs have issued a call for gender, economy and ecology perspectives to be included in the UN’s new sustainable development goals (SDGs).
16.10.2013 | Parliament Magazine

Round table on access to information, public participation and access to justice regarding LMOs/GMOs

"Power from the sun" - article in OSCE Magazine
published in OSCE Magazine'Security Community', issue 3, 2013
14.10.2013 | Anke Stock

Giftfrei Einkaufen - Kostenloser Download für Smartphones
WECF App giftfrei einkaufen hilft Verbrauchern beim Kauf möglichst schadstofffreier Produkte

Toxic Free shopping now possible in Germany - Download the German Project Nesting app!
WECF App giftfrei einkaufen hilft Verbrauchern beim Kauf möglichst schadstofffreier Produkte
11.10.2013 | WECF

"Stop Mercury Pollution, Protect Women and Children": 5 Women Ministers from Africa and WHO call for immediate action
Five women Ministers of Environment from South Africa, Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania and Kena called for action at a high level event in Kumamoto, Japan on "Women and Mercury in Artisinal and small-scale Gold Mining (ASGM) - Health impacts on women and future generations".
11.10.2013 | WICF

Going Dutch op bezoek bij een project van WECF ( in Armenië.
Door sanitair te verbeteren versterkt WECF de positie van vrouwen en draagt hiermee bij aan Millenniumdoel 3; mannen en vrouwen gelijkwaardig

What is needed to improve living conditions through sustainable innovations?
Resolution of the National Conference “Innovations towards a Safe and Comfortable Home”
05.10.2013 | WECF

“Women and Mercury in ASGM” Impacts on Women’s Health and that of Future Generations
WECF co-organises side event on "Women and Mercury" at the Minamata Convention Dipcom in Japan, Thursday October 10
02.10.2013 | WICF

Alarmerende concentraties kwik in lichamen vrouwen en kinderen door ambachtelijke goudwinning
WECF co-organiseert side event over "Vrouwen en kwikvervuiling in de ambachtelijke goudwinningsgebieden" " op de Minamata Conventie Dipcom in Japan, donderdag 10 oktober
02.10.2013 | WICF

11th Form pupils in Tadjikistan happy with their toilets "We never dared to visit the toilets on our own before"
WECF and partner ASDP Nau constructed ecotoilets with wash facilities for a school in Bobojon Gafurov, Tadjikistan, thanks to financial support form Natracare
02.10.2013 | WECF

Fortgeschrittenenseminar: „Nachhaltige Sanitärversorgung in Entwicklungs- und Schwellenländern“ 28.-29. September, Hamburg
WECF trägt Erfahrungen aus 10 Jahren Arbeit mit nachhaltigen Sanitärlösungen bei
26.09.2013 | WECF

Empowering women and men with organic agriculture & gender trainings in Cape Town
WECFs 'Empower Women – Benefit for All' (EWA) programme is to contribute to economic and political empowerment of women from low-income rural and peri-urban regions in six countries, including South Africa
26.09.2013 | Annemarie Mohr

Onze Zuid-Afrikaanse partners organiseerden Gender & biologische landbouwtraining in Kaapstad
WECFs 'Empower Women – Benefit for All' (EWA) programma organiseerde in in samenwerking met Soil For Life and Urban Harvest een week van trainingen over gender en biologische landbouw in Kaapstad voor alle Zuid-Afrikaanse partners en de Oegandese partner ATU
26.09.2013 | Annemarie Mohr

European NGOs, including WECF, express titanium dioxide concerns
A group of NGOs led by the European Environmental Bureau (EEB) has written to the Titanium Dioxide Manufacturers Association (TDMA) to express their continuing concerns about the safety of the substance
26.09.2013 | Chemical Watch

Women Major Group Event at UN - great success
WMG event Thursday, September 19th - "Strengthening Gender Justice and Human Rights to Achieve Sustainable Development"
20.09.2013 | WECF

Het evenement van de Womens Major Group bij de VN – Groot succes!
donderdag 19 september – “Versterking van gender gerechtigheid en mensenrechten om duurzame ontwikkeling te bereiken."
20.09.2013 | WECF

INVITE: Thursday, September 19th - Strengthening Gender Justice and Human Rights to Achieve Sustainable Development ”

Veranstaltung: Frauen und Kinder zuerst!? Warum eigentlich?
zum Thema "Gesundheit in einer globalen Agenda für die Zeit nach 2015"
18.09.2013 | WECF

Publication Women's Major Group: "Gender Equality, Women's Rights and Women's Priorities: Recommendations for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Post- 2015 Development Agenda"
Report on gender equality, women's rights and women's priorities

WECF Netherlands letter to government on unacceptable risks and costs of shale gas fracking
Winning van schaliegas in Nederland; een slecht idee voor mens en milieu!

First European Citizens’ Initiative collects almost 2 Million signatures across Europe!
As of yesterday the national branches of the campaign, including WECF who took on this task in the Netherlands, have been handing in the signatures collected
10.09.2013 | EPSU

Terra Preta Sanitation:the most human-made fertile soil from bio-waste, excreta and charcoal
New perspectives on sanitation at 1st International Terra Preta Sanitation Conference Organized by TUHH and WECF
06.09.2013 | Fedde Jorritsma

Terra Preta Sanitatie: door mensen gemaakte vruchtbare grond van bio-afval, uitwerpselen en houtskool
Nieuwe perspectieven op het gebied van sanitatie werden gepresenteerd op de eerste internationale Terra Preta sanitatie conferentie georganiseerd door TUHH and WECF
06.09.2013 | Fedde Jorritsma

WECF congratulates Dr Peter Morgan with the 2013 Stockholm Water Prize
Dr. Peter Morgan has been named the 2013 Stockholm Water Prize Laureate for his work to protect the health and lives of millions of people through improved sanitation and water technologies
05.09.2013 | WECF

WECF at the World Water Week 2013

New Publication on NCDs: Environmental factors one of the main causes of preventable deaths
Civil Society Groups release, in cooperation with UNEP, first publication about non-communicable diseases and environmental determinants
27.08.2013 | Joint Press Release

New Publication on NCDs: Environmental factors one of the main causes of preventable deaths
Civil Society Groups release, in cooperation with UNEP, first publication about non-communicable diseases and environmental determinants
27.08.2013 | Joint Press Release

New Publication on NCDs: Environmental factors one of the main causes of preventable deaths
Civil Society Groups release, in cooperation with UNEP, first publication about non-communicable diseases and environmental determinants
27.08.2013 | Joint Press Release

Nieuwe publicatie over NCD’s door NGOs samen met UNEP: Milieufactoren een van de belangrijkste oorzaken van te voorkomen sterfgevallen
Niet-overdraagbare ziekten (NCD) zijn nu de belangrijkste oorzaak van te voorkomen ziektes en arbeidsongeschiktheid, en daardoor van significante invloed op het welzijn en dagelijks leven van vele individuen en werknemers.

Terra Preta Sanitation - The Future of Sanitation?
Linking sanitation, agriculture, soil protection and climate change Terra Preta Sanitation – An interdisciplinary approach
26.08.2013 | WECF

Sanitärversorgung der Zukunft?
Was haben Sanitärversorgung, Landwirtschaft, Bodenschutz und Klimawandel miteinander zu tun? Terra Preta Sanitation - Ein interdisziplinärer Ansatz
26.08.2013 | Pressemitteilung WECF

Terra Preta - The Future of Sanitation? Linking sanitation, agriculture, soil protection and climate change
WECF hosts 1st International Terra Preta Sanitation Conference in Hamburg, August 29-30
20.08.2013 | WECF

WECF Pressemitteilung Nestbau: Neue App giftfrei einkaufen
Wenn Schadstoffe in Produkten krank machen Neue App giftfrei einkaufen hilft Verbrauchern beim Kauf möglichst schadstofffreier Produkte
06.08.2013 | WECF Press Release

Zonnedrogers van blik en karton
Leerzame en praktische workshops door Fedde
23.07.2013 | Ante Sellis

Speelgoed blijft Spelbreker
EU beschermt kinderen onvoldoende tegen schadelijke stoffen
19.07.2013 | WECF Nederland

No country in the world completely protects its citizens against dangerous chemicals in products, says WECF’s executive director in Indian Consumer
Sascha Gabizon draws attention to hazardous chemicals that can be found all over the world and in the Indian market specifically.
11.07.2013 | WECF

WECF joins Gender+E3, an informal working group in the European Parliament to discuss gender and environmental issues
Group will connect MEP’s to NGO’s in order to advance in matters concerning gender, ecology and sustainable development
11.07.2013 | WECF

WECF joins Gender+E3, an informal working group in the European Parliament to discuss gender and environmental issues
Group will connect MEP’s to NGO’s in order to advance in matters concerning gender, ecology and sustainable development
11.07.2013 | WECF

Pan Europe calls for more engagement in reducing the use of pesticides in the EU
Pan Europe sent letter to Tonio Borg, who heads the European Commission's directorate-general for Health and Consumers, asking to make more efforts to ensure that EU member states are implementing the Sustainable Use Directive (SUD)

One year later, participants of “Switch to Sun – Live in Comfort” evaluate impact solar heating and insulation measures
In a workshop conducted in Georgia, partner organizations from Georgia and Ukraine evaluated the results of the project “Switch to Sun – Live in Comfort” so far
10.07.2013 | WECF

WECF confirmed as co-leading partner for UNECE’s work program on water supplies and sanitation
At the sixth meeting of UNECE/WHO-EURO Working Group of the Parties to the Protocol on Water and Health, WECF was appointed as a co-leading partner of the work program of the Protocol on Water and Health, in the area “Small Scale Water Supplies”, alongside Germany and the Czech Republic.
10.07.2013 | WECF

Collegium Ramazzini ask for new ways to test EDC's chemicals and to revise current approaches to risk management
The Collegium Ramazzini, an international academy of 180 scientists from 25 countries, experts in environmental and occupational health, has released a statement calling for new ways to test chemicals and to revise current approaches to risk management
04.07.2013 | Anouk Dominguez

Exposure to Bisphenol-A in developing prostate increases risk of later cancer
Early exposure to Bisphenol-A or BPA, an additive commonly found in plastic bottles and containers, food can lining and thermal paper receipts; is linked to an increased risk of prostate cancer
04.07.2013 | Science Daily

Are we on track to the Future we want?
WECF Director Sascha Gabizon participates in virtual conference to mark the one year anniversary of Rio+20
27.06.2013 | UN DESA video

Energy-efficiency, costs, health and precarity – (dis)entangling the threads

Why aren't we up in arms?
Blogpost by Clare Dimmer, Chair, Breast Cancer UK
25.06.2013 | Breast Cancer UK

Global efforts to promote health face serious challenges from ‘big business’ – UN official
Tactics include front groups, lobbies, promises of self-regulation, lawsuits, and industry-funded research that “confuses the evidence and keeps the public in doubt” - Margaret Chan, Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO)
25.06.2013 | UN news centre

Een giftige plas
‘s Werelds bestverkochte onkruidverdelger gevonden in menselijke urine door heel Europa

At international meeting on sustainable future, women are referred to in unacceptable terms
The Women's Major Group, composed of 420 organizations from 80 countries, participated in the 4th Open Working Group Session on Sustainable Development from 17 to 19 June 2013
21.06.2013 | Women's Major Group

Weed killer found in human urine across Europe
People in 18 countries across Europe have been found to have traces of the weed killer glyphosate in their urine, show the results of tests commissioned by Friends of the Earth Europe and released today
13.06.2013 | Friends of the Earth

"Opportunities to Stimulate Local Economies through Sustainable Innovations for Home Comfort"
Gender-sensitive feasibility study for rural areas in Issyk Kul and Naryn

How to Stimulate Local Economies through Sustainable Innovations for Home Comfort?
The EuropeAid funded WECF project “Home Comforts” has demonstrated solutions how to find affordable and sustainable ways towards improved living conditions in rural areas of Kyrgyzstan
12.06.2013 | WECF

Human rights, gender equality and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) in the context of international sustainable development
RESPONSE TO THE REPORT OF THE HIGH LEVEL PANEL (HLP) OF EMINENT PERSONS ON POST 2015 – 11 JUNE 2013 by Dutch civil society organizations working in the field of gender equality, human rights, sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) and sustainable development.
12.06.2013 | WECF/WICF

Mijn hemel! Wat gebeurt er op Aarde?
Help Jan Juffermans en zorg ervoor dat ook politici gaan nadenken over hun voetafdruk
11.06.2013 | Chantal van den Bossche

Fat under the skin points to chemical exposure
Study of POPs in obese patients
11.06.2013 | Chemical Watch

Reactie van Women's Major Group en WECF op nieuwe VN Post 2015 rapport
Het Verenigde Naties (VN) High Level Panel post 2015 rapport is niet ambitieus genoeg en zet niet de benodigde verandering in werking om een einde te maken aan armoede en om duurzame ontwikkeling te bewerkstelligen

Nieuwe maatregelen in Zweden voor regulering hormoonverstorende stoffen en Bisfenol A moeten voorbeeld zijn voor andere Europese lidstaten
Blootstelling tot giftige hormoonverstorende stoffen (EDCs) zoals Bisfenol A kan voortkomen uit verschillende bronnen. Dit is een van de redenen waarom het nodig is om een omvangrijke strategie voor de regulatie van deze stoffen te ontwikkelen.
10.06.2013 | WECF

Veranderen van eigen voedselpatronen is de oplossing voor de mensheid
Deze week, op 5 juni, was het World Environment Day (WED). Deze dag is door de VN ingesteld om jaarlijks stil te staan bij ons milieu.
10.06.2013 | WECF

Schulgartenpartnerschaft Bayern-Westkap
Wie Schüler in Bayern für globales, gemeinnütziges Engagement begeistern werden konnten um die Lebensqualität in verarmten Gemeinden in Südafrika zu erhöhen - Und Wie Sie selbst mitmachen können!
08.06.2013 | WECF

Meinungen zu den Gemeinschaftsgärten in Südafrika
Was Besucher und Beteiligte von unseren Garten-Projekten mit lokalen Partnern in Südafrika sagen
08.06.2013 | WECF

Gemeinschaftsgärten in Blikkiersdrop und Lavender Hill
Gemeinschaftsgärten als gesellschaftliche Ressource gegen Armut und Unterernährung
08.06.2013 | WECF

WECF at the Chemical Convention COPs in Geneva
Through out May WECF participated in the COPs of Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions and the Extraordinary COP, which took place in Geneva
06.06.2013 | Alexandra Caterbow

Second Gender Picnic organised during Climate Negotiations

Changing our Food patterns is the solution for humanity
Food facts on World Environment Day, 5 June 2013
05.06.2013 | WECF News Release

Deutschland erstreitet sich ersten Erfolg für sicheres Spielzeug vor dem Europäischen Gerichtshof
Deutschland darf weiterhin strengere Grenzwerte für Schwermetalle in Spielzeug auferlegen
04.06.2013 | CVRIA

Germany fighting for safer toys in front of the European Court
Germany granted extended enforcement of stringent limit values on heavy metals in toys
04.06.2013 | CVRIA

More than 10 000 people contributing to realize a new project in Moldova
The project ‘Safe Water and Sanitation for the Kindergarten Dominteni’ has reached its funding target during the 13th edition of the ‘Festival de L’Oh’, organized by Fondation France and SIAAP in Val de Marne, France.
04.06.2013 | WECF

EDCs (hormoonverstorende stoffen) in cosmetica
Opvallend onderzoek van de Deense Consumentenraad
04.06.2013 | Chantal van den Bossche

UN Climate Change Conference Gender-Agenda in Bonn

France finalizing plans for a national EDC strategy
A draft strategy is expected to be presented, although many NGOs fear it to bee not ambitious enough and under-financed
03.06.2013 | Chemical Watch

Sweden’s new actions on regulating EDCs and BPA should be a model for the Rest of Europe
Exposure to toxic EDCs such as BPA can happen from many sources, which is why a comprehensive strategy has to be developed. Sweden has taken first steps towards this goal.
03.06.2013 | WECF

Combination of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals in cosmetics increases health risk
For the first time, in a study presented by the Danish Consumer Council, the combined amount of EDC-exposure from different products has been determined
03.06.2013 | Danish Consumer Council

Women Major Group response to the High Level Panel Post 2015 report: "by far not good enough!"
Global Sustainable Development Goals as proposed by Eminent Persons report to UN Secretary General, have some good aspects but are not ambitious enough and fail to bring the necessary change
31.05.2013 | Reflection on the High Level Panel post 2015 report by members of the Women’s Major Group

Het belang van gelijke rechten in Centraal-Azie
Als onderdeel van het EWA programma heeft WECF eind april in samenwerking met YEC een training gefaciliteerd in Dushanbe
31.05.2013 | WECF Nederland

Food Garden Project in Blikkiesdorp and Lavender Hill
Food Garden to battle poverty, malnutrition, and providing opportunities participating in the community
28.05.2013 | WECF

COW 2013 7th Copenhagen Workshop on Endocrine Disrupters May 28-31, 2013

IEA lobt Deutschland für die Energiewende
Die Internationale Energieagentur hat sich vom kritischen Kurs gegenüber der deutschen Energiewende verabschiedet
28.05.2013 | WECF

Co-chair meeting - Open Working Group on Sustainable development goals, third session (24 May 2013)
"Women gathering water are subject to violence every day" - WECF Director speeches at the UN
25.05.2013 | WICF

How to implement the “Human right to Water and Sanitation” in the European Region?
Second meeting of the Expert Group on Monitoring Progress in Achieving Equitable Access to Water and Sanitation in the pan-European Region under the Protocol on Water and Health
22.05.2013 | WECF

ROCA kontra Asbest – WECF kritisiert den Umgang der UN mit den Gefahren von Asbest
Die ROCA (Rotterdam Convention Alliance) kritisiert klar und deutlich die Unterwerfung von internationalen Abkommen zur Sicherung der öffentlichen Gesundheit der Profitgier von Unternehmen
22.05.2013 | WECF

Batterien sind zu oft giftige und ineffiziente Energieversorger
Das Umweltbundesamt hat eine Studie vorgelegt die aufzeigt wie unzureichend giftige Schwermetalle in Batterien gekennzeichnet sind
22.05.2013 | UBA

10 years WECF and Ecosan - A film for those who don't know Ecosan
From Romania to Kyrgyzstan: 10 years WECF experience with ecosan toilets in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia.
21.05.2013 | WECF

A glossary on sustainable development
The Interdisciplinary Centre for Gender Studies (ICFG) published a glossary on sustainable development from a gender perspective
17.05.2013 | WECF

Glufosinat endlich vom Markt nehmen!
In einer gemeinsamen Presseinformation fordern mehrere Verbände den Stopp der Produktion des hochgiftigen Glufosinat durch BAYER
17.05.2013 | WECF

Wie erneuerbare Energien auch in der Ukraine funktionieren!
Ein runder Tisch zur Energiezukunft der Ukraine in Kiew, organisiert von WECF
17.05.2013 | WECF

Project Nesting available in three languages on Facebook!
Come have a look at!
15.05.2013 | WECF

200 tons of mercury in abandoned Kyiv factory
Huge amounts of highly toxic mercury are evaporating into the air in an abandoned factory in Kyiv, Ukraine
15.05.2013 | Kyivpost

WECF organizes gender training in Tajikistan
As part of the EWA programme, WECF in cooperation with YEC conducted a gender training in Dushanbe at the end of April 2013
13.05.2013 | Anke Stock

WECF and other NGOs pressing EU to take action against EDCs
More than 20 NGOs demand action following up on COP6 in a letter to Manuel Barroso
13.05.2013 | WECF

Publication of WECF's partner Global Forest Coalition
Report on the impacts of bioeconomy and markets in environmental services on women

Success in Geneva: Toxic flame retardant to be phased out globally despite EU protest
Alexandra Caterbow: “EU had the chance to act on its full global responsibility, but failed”
10.05.2013 | WECF

WECF informiert auf dem Deutschen Hebammenkongress über EDCs
Am 6. Und 7. Mai 2013 fand in Nürnberg der Kongress statt auf dem WECF erneut wichtige Aufklärungsarbeit zu Umwelthormonen geleistet hat
10.05.2013 | WECF

Rotterdam Convention in crisis, say civil society groups
Handful of countries highjack international agreement, intended to protect human health and environment
10.05.2013 | WECF & ROCA

Rotterdam Convention Asbestos Side Event
Sascha Gabizon chaired a panel on the dangers of chrysotile asbestos
08.05.2013 | Laurie Kazan-Allen

Round Table discussion on the future of Ukraine’s energy supply in Kyiv
WECF, Ecoclub, and the National Ecological Centre of Ukraine discussed about the climate and energy strategies possible in Ukraine
08.05.2013 | WECF

Nieuwe resultaten Doetinchem Cohort Studie
Jongere generaties hebben een hogere risicofactor
08.05.2013 | Chantal van den Bossche

Demonstration of asbestos victims groups
08.05.2013 | WECF

Werbung für ungesundes Essen an Schulen
Foodwatch kürt den Windbeutel 2013 und zeichnet damit die dreisteste Werbemasche für ungesunde Kinderprodukte aus
07.05.2013 | WECF

Side event Rotterdam Convention Conference of the Parties
The Great Asbestos Trail – an example for other countries?
07.05.2013 | WECF

WMG proposes recommendations to NWMLE
The Women Major Group (WMG) has sent a letter the Network of Women Ministers and Leaders for the Environment (NWMLE) with some of the WMG’s key recommendations for the SDGs and the post 2015 process for the NWMLE to incorporate.
06.05.2013 | WECF

Pure Water: Constructed Wetlands in Bulgaria
WECF has produced an informative video on the constructed wetland in Bulgaria

Das EWA-Projekt und Gemeinschaftsgärten in Südafrika
"Wir kultivieren nicht nur Gemüse, sondern auch Menschen. Wir geben den Leuten nicht nur einen Teller voll Essen, viel wichtiger: wir leisten Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe.“

Worldwide more people have a mobile phone than access to a toilet
Out of 7 Billion people, 6 Billion have a mobile phone, but only 4.5 Billion have access to a toilet
01.05.2013 | UN

Launching 2014 reporting cycle for the Aarhus Convention - WECF highlights importance of input from civil society
The process of preparing the reports, which involves a dialogue with the public at the national level, is an extremely important aspect of the reporting mechanism.
01.05.2013 | WECF

WECF explains the winning project of the 2013 UN “Water for Life Best Practice Award”
WECF and its partner Ormax were interviewed by WaterCouchTV after the ceremony
01.05.2013 | WECF

Beleidsnota Ploumen: Wat de wereld verdient
WO=MEN over brede integratie vrouwenrechten
29.04.2013 | Chantal van den Bossche

Wikiwater – a wiki on how to gain access to clean drinking water for the poor
Wikiwater is a new website that explains simple techniques and practices in access to water and sanitation for the world’s poorest people
26.04.2013 | WECF

Hormonell wirksame Chemikalien: Schwangere schützen, EDCs besser regulieren
Kinder und Schwangere vor gesundheitsschädigenden Chemikalien
24.04.2013 | Johanna Hausmann

Bet on countries missing the 2 degrees goal fuels Carbon bubble
Disproportionate investment into still buried fossil fuels creates risky, enormous market bubble
23.04.2013 | The Guardian

21st OSCE Economic and Environmental Forum, Kiev, 16-17 April 2013
WECF was invited to present their views on the role of civil society in promoting sustainable energy at the 2nd preparatory meeting to the 21st OSCE Economic and Environmental Forum titled “Increasing stability and security: Improving the environmental footprint of energy-related activities in the OSCE region”.
23.04.2013 | WECF

Interventions during the Open Working Group meeting on Sustainable Development Goals
The WMG and other members of the OWG presented haunting interventions and passionate position papers at the second session of the OWG, 17.-19. April 2013, New York
23.04.2013 | WECF

30.000 handtekeningen aangeboden aan Franse ministers
Petitie om hormoonverstoorders in speelgoed te weren aangeboden aan Franse ministers voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu
23.04.2013 | Chantal van den Bossche

WECF present on the Water Fair in Berlin 2013
Internationale Konferenz zum Wissensaustausch und zur Zusammenarbeit zu Wasser am 23.-26. April 2013

UN cancer agency asked to sever its ties to asbestos propagandists
In an open letter, the IARC was asked to stop the Uralasbest research project on chrysotile asbestos due to the partner’s unethical and improper conduct
19.04.2013 | Righton Canada and WECF

New Californian regulation will halt the reason for possibly the largest flow of toxic flame retardant chemicals worldwide
WECF supported the important work of civil society organisations to stop a Californian furniture flammability rule, which was one of the major reasons for the presence of brominated flame retardants in furniture foam worldwide
18.04.2013 | IPEN & WECF

Pregnant Women and Unborn Babies Susceptibility to Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals
WECF Positionpaper for a stronger regulation on EDC

Hormonell wirksame Chemikalien: Schwangere schützen, EDCs besser regulieren
WECF Positionsspapier für eine striktere Regulierung von EDCs – national, europäisch und international

WECF auf der Wasser Berlin 2013
Am 25. April, während dem Internationalen Forum der Wasser Berlin wird WECF zwei bulgarische Projekte vorstellen
15.04.2013 | WECF

EDC Free campaign led by coalition of public interest groups
An informal coalition of European public interest groups, of which WECF is one, concerned about how endocrine disruptors (EDCs) may be harming health, has recently launched an EDC Free website outlining a campaign call to action for an EDC Free Europe

Nieuw rapport WHO: Het onbekende gevaar van EDCs
Hormoonverstoorders (EDCs) blijven een groot gevaar in een klein hoekje. Recentelijk heeft de Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie (WHO) een rapport gepubliceerd over deze stoffen
15.04.2013 | Chantal van den Bossche

Team2015 Utrecht: Verzamelpunt voor initiatieven betreffende de VN Millenniumdoelen
In Utrecht zijn er inmiddels een flink aantal organisaties actief die zich bezighouden met de VN Millenniumdoelen. Een van die organisaties is WECF
15.04.2013 | Chantal van den Bossche

Strengthening Chemical and product safety in the Western Balkans
Civil Society organisations from Western Balkans and EU, the UN team Serbia and representatives of government agencies of Albania, Serbia and FYR of Macedonia develop recommendations for regional cooperation and strengthening of chemicals safety
12.04.2013 | WECF

WECF: More than 30,000 signatures to ‘Stop EDCs in toys’
On 9 April Women in Europe for a Common Future in France (WECF) delivered their petition "Stop endocrine disruptors in toys" signed by more than 30,000 people, to French Health and Environment Ministers

Beacon conference on Integrating Chemicals Safety in Belgrade, Serbia

Public Hearing: Time for Plan B: Positive Effects of Gender Sensitive & Environmental Policies

Policy Recommendations by the Women’s Major Group on global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Post-­‐2015 Development Agenda
10 Recommendations for the Sustainable Development Agenda and the Post-­‐2015 Development Agenda

Rondetafelbijeenkomst op 18 februari bij Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken over Post-2015 agenda
Op initiatief van Rutgers/WPF, Share-Net en WECF en WO=MEN organiseerde het Ministerie van Buitenlandse zaken een ronde tafel bijeenkomst met experts op het gebied van mensenrechten, gender gelijkheid, seksuele en reproductieve gezondheid en rechten (SRGR) en gender & water
06.04.2013 | WECF

Gefahr für Beschäftigte in Gärtnereien und deren Kinder durch hormonell wirksame Pestizide
Hormonell wirksame Pestizide schädigen Mitarbeiter von Gärtnereien und deren ungeborene Kinder im Mutterleib
05.04.2013 | WECF

CHILDPROOF zur europäischen Luftqualitäts-Richtlinie: Beunruhigte Eltern fordern gesunde Luft für ihre Kinder
2013 wurde von der europäischen Kommission zum Jahr der Luft erklärt.
05.04.2013 | WECF

Toys Safety in the Balkans
Safe consumer products are a demand for countries to be able to join the European Union. WECF is helping out Albania and Macedonia in their struggle to improve the situation

WECF and UNDP Serbia organising a beacon conference on Integrating Chemicals Safety in Belgrade, 11.April 2013
A high level conference "Chemical and product safety in the Western Balkans – a priority area for the post 2015 agenda”
04.04.2013 | WECF

French fries high in acrylamide
A study points out that efforts should be continued to reduce intake of acrylamide in adolescents.
03.04.2013 | Food and Chemical Toxicology, 43(3)

CHILDPROOFs position on EU air quality policy: Worried parents demand clean air for their children
2013: European Year of Air Quality
03.04.2013 | WECF

WECF signs position paper pushing for third party participation in the REACH Authorisation process
To ensure to replace SVHC with their saver alternatives, third parties should be allowed access to the Authorisation process of REACH
03.04.2013 | WECF

Meeting Public Participation in Decision-Making in the Nuclear Domain 12 and 13 March 2013
WECF facilitated WECF facilitated the group on taking due account of the outcomes of public participation in decision making on nuclear issues
03.04.2013 | WECF

2013: Uitgeroepen tot het Jaar van Luchtkwaliteit door de EU
WECF onderschrijft het standpunt van de Vlaamse Gezinsbond over Luchtkwaliteit en gezondheid van kinderen
03.04.2013 | Marie Kranendonk

EWA South Africa - Community Gardens
"We are not just growing food but growing people. We are not only giving people a plate of food, but more valuable than this; we are empowering people to help themselves."
01.04.2013 | WICF Project

Overview of Urine-Diverting Dry Toilets (UDDTs)
Technology review incorporates WECF's experiences with dry toilets
27.03.2013 | WECF

Fat from under the skin points to chemical exposure
Study of POPs in obese patients
27.03.2013 | Chemical Watch

Women Major Group members present in Bonn and Bali
WECF and 300 other major group and civil society organisation representatives met for 3 days in Bonn at the CSO post 2015 conference and from there many went on to Bali, for the high level panel post 2015 members meeting
26.03.2013 | WICF

Internationaler Tag des Wassers, 22. März 2013 – Arbeit von WECF im Zeichen des Wassers
Auch dieses Jahr ist am 22. März wieder der Tag des Wassers. WECF zählt hierzu die jüngsten Erfolge und Entwicklungen zum Themenbereich ‚Wasser & Sanitation‘ auf.
22.03.2013 | WECF

WECF-partner Ormax wins UN “Water for Life Best Practice Award”
Ormax won for its project coordinated by WECF the prize in the second category of “Water for Life Best Practice”
22.03.2013 | UN water Decade Programme on Advocacy and Communication

WECF-partner from Moldova wins UN “Water for Life Best Practice Award”
The UN has just presented the award to Oleg Rotari and Ormax for their project “Safe Water and sanitation for Everyone in Moldova” in The Hague
22.03.2013 | Chantal van den Bossche

Partner WECF uit Moldavië winnaar VN “Water for Life –Best Practice Award”
Verenigde Naties heeft zojuist in Den Haag Award toegekend aan Oleg Rotari van Ormax voor het project ‘Veilig water en sanitatie voor iedereen in Moldavië’.
22.03.2013 | Chantal van den Bossche

‘Kinderen houden van duurzame sanitatie’ - WECF maakt op Wereld Water Dag winnaars Ecosan toilet fotocompetitie bekend
Oleg Rotari (Moldavie), Knarik Grigoryan (Armenie) en Surayo Saidova (Tadjikistan) zijn de winnaars van de WECF Ecosan Toilet Photo Award
21.03.2013 | WECF Pers

16th meeting of the Working Group of the Parties to the Aarhus Convention in Geneva, 19-21 June 2013
Progress in implementing the current work programme will be reviewed. The Working Group will also be discussing items in preparation for the fifth ordinary session of the Meeting of the Parties
21.03.2013 | WICF

WECF Director Sascha Gabizon participates in panel on Positive Effects of Gender Sensitive and Environmental Policies
GUE/NGL is organising a public hearing on the relation of gender and environmental policies at the European Parliament in Brussels, on April 10th 2013.
21.03.2013 | WECF

Winners announced of WECF Ecosan Toilet Photo Competition
Oleg Rotari, Knarik Grigoryan and Surayo Saidova of Ormax are winners of the WECF Ecosan Toilet Photo Award
21.03.2013 | WECF

WECF's Kyrgyz partner CAAW organised first Water Forum in Osh, Kyrgyzstan
The Forum allowed for a dialogue between local authorities, Water Users’ Committees, activists and the broader public from 14.-15. March 2013.
21.03.2013 | WECF

The Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialist & Democrats call for ultimate eradication of asbestos contamination in European Parliament
The European Parliament adopted a resolution which sets a deadline for the final eradication of asbestos contamination until 2028.
21.03.2013 | S&D

Isabelle Velarde receives the Award Terre de Femmes Yves Rocher for the project InitiaTerre launched by WECF France
On the occasion of the international Women’s day Isabelle Velarde received the 2nd Award Terre de Femmes from M. Jacques Rocher, Honorary President of the Yves Rocher foundation
20.03.2013 | WECF

De status van vrouwen - WECF ondertekent statement naar aanleiding van de 57e Commission on the Status of Women, CSW57
Vrouwen maken een statement naar aanleiding van de 57e sessie van de Commission on the Status of Women
19.03.2013 | WECF

European Parliament passes Westlund's report on health risks from EDCs
Report mirrors recent concerns about EDCs' health risks and calls for better legal protection in the EU until 2015
14.03.2013 | HEAL

World Water Day
Events related to World Water Day 22 March 2013
13.03.2013 | WECF

European Citizens’ Initiative – Water is a Human Right
1.2 million signatures, but we’re not there yet!

Europees Burgerinitiatief - Water is een Mensenrecht
1,2 miljoen handtekeningen, maar we zijn er nog niet!
12.03.2013 | Chantal van den Bossche

WECF as part of WMG included in a list of twitter handles for perspectives on women and sustainability
Honouring the WMG as an important twitter news outlet on women for sustainability also includes WECF as one of the current Operating Partners
11.03.2013 | WECF

8 March International Women’s Day - Women at CSW57 Confronting Unsustainable Development
Feminists Confronting Unsustainable Development' during the 57th session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women, CSW57, talk about the experiences of women and the struggle and resistance strategies of their communities against unsustainable economic activities
08.03.2013 | WICF

Europees burgerinitiatief “Water is een Mensenrecht” heeft steun van Nederland waterland hard nodig
Het Europees burgerinitiatief heeft al meer dan 1,2 miljoen handtekeningen, maar in Nederland zijn nog ruim tienduizend handtekeningen nodig.
07.03.2013 | WECF Pers

8 Maart: Internationale Vrouwendag
Met het oog op de internationale vrouwendag vrijdag 8 maart wil WECF vooral aandacht vragen voor de negatieve impact van milieuvervuiling op de gezondheid van vrouwen en hoe dit zelfs kan leiden tot geweld richting vrouwen en meisjes
07.03.2013 | Chantal van den Bossche

Prevention of breast cancer key to reducing burden of the disease
A federal advisory committee of leading breast cancer experts finds that preventing breast cancer is done through identifying and eliminating environmental causes
07.03.2013 | Breast Cancer Fund

CSW Side-Event: Violence - Ecologies - Livelihood

5th IWA Eastern European Water Professionals Conference
For young and senior water professionals
06.03.2013 | WECF

March 8: International Women's Day
On the 8th March WECF wants to highlight the fact that environmental degradation has specific impacts on women’s health and can even amount to violence against women and girls.
06.03.2013 | WICF

Post 2015 Development Goals: Consultation on Water
Rapporteur Sascha Gabizon, Executive Director WECF, identified five core issues during the consultation in Geneva
06.03.2013 | WECF

Energiewende ist mehr als eine Preisdebatte
Die Klima-Allianz legt ein Positionspapier zur sozialen Dimension der Energiewende vor
06.03.2013 | WECF

Women Major Group for integration of women’s rights and equality into SDGs & post2015
As part of the Women Major Group, Sascha Gabizon advocated for better improvements in equality at the UNEP GC 2013 in Nairobi
05.03.2013 | Sascha Gabizon

Documentaire over de chemische vervuiling van onze lichamen "Unacceptable Levels" bekroond met Gezondheids- en Milieuprijs Internationale Milieufestival Parijs
WECF Directeur Sascha Gabizon jurylid van Internationale Milieufilm Festival Parijs
04.03.2013 | WECF

WECF guide on EDCs (Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals)
The WECF information brochure "Stop EDCs in everyday products" informs you how to avoid exposure to hormone disrupting chemicals in your daily life

WECF guide on Renovation and D.I.Y
The information brochure "Renovation & do it yourself" informs on avoiding hazardous chemicals in your home while renovating

WECF Ratgeber zu Renovieren und Heimwerken - jetzt auf Deutsch und Englisch
Der WECF Ratgeber "Heimwerken & Renovieren" informiert wie Sie giftige und schädliche Chemikalien beim Renovieren vermeiden

Petition to ban hormone disruptors (EDCs) in consumer goods
WECF supports the Danish online-petition to ban all EDCs EU-wide which will be delivered to the European Commission
04.03.2013 | WECF

WECF Ratgeber zu EDCs - jetzt auf Deutsch und Englisch
Der WECF Ratgeber Stop EDC – hormonell wirksame Chemikalien in Alltagsprodukten informiert wie sie sich im Alltag vor hormonell wirksamen Chemikalien schützen können.

Winner of “Health and Environment Film Prize” announced: Unacceptable Levels
Paris, 26 February 2013 - “Unacceptable levels” by Ed Brown, (USA) became the winner of the first-ever film prize on health and environment at the 30th International Environmental Film Festival (FIFE) tonight
27.02.2013 | HEAL (Health & Environment Network)

626 hazardous substances of which 488 are still legal
ChemSec updates its SIN list to contain 626 hazardous chemicals of which 138 are on the REACH candidate list
26.02.2013 | ChemSec

HEALs Environmental Health Film Festival

“Climate needs Farmers"
In January 2013, WECF France started the European exchange programme Leonardo Da Vinci.
26.02.2013 | WECF

CSW Side-Event: Feminists Confronting Unsustainable Development
WECF will moderate the side-event at the 57th CSW in New York
26.02.2013 | WECF

WECF and Women Major Group at UNEP governing council meeting, February 2013
WECF leads the Women's Major Group at UNEP and coordinated the interventions by the WMG members at the UNEP Governing Council.
26.02.2013 | WECF

Rejected food turns into gourmet meal at the UNEP GC/GMEF
In support of the initiative Think.Eat.Save Reduce Your Foodprint, Ministers were served meals made from food rejected by retailers due to cosmetic reasons
25.02.2013 | UNEP

Inventory report published - WECF project on Chemical Safety in Georgia finalised
An analysis of the chemical legislation and the situation regarding hazardous chemicals and their alternatives in the agricultural and construction sectors in Georgia
25.02.2013 | WECF

Landmark UN report on EDCs published
The State of the Science of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals report acknowledges that synthetic chemicals can have significant health impacts
25.02.2013 | UNEP/ WHO

Onderzoek NCDO: Veertig procent van de Nederlandse consumenten laat WEL leuke dingen staan om milieu te sparen
Uit een onderzoek van NCDO is gebleken dat de meerderheid van de Nederlanders weinig doet om duurzamer te leven. Milieucentraal denkt dat dit komt doordat consumenten vaak informatie missen, waardoor duurzaam kiezen moeilijker of duurder lijkt dan het is.
21.02.2013 | Chantal van den Bossche

Side Event on Sustainable Development Goals

WECF contributions to EU consultations on chemicals and health 2012
Now available on line
19.02.2013 | WECF

„Satt sein ist nicht genug“ – Mangelernährung gibt es auch in Europa
Der sogenannte „Verborgene Hunger“ wird oft übersehen, wenn um Nahrungssicherung gesprochen wird. Dabei existiert diese besonders für Kinder gefährliche Mangelernährung auch in der hoch entwickelten Welt.
18.02.2013 | WECF

"Energiewende auf ukrainisch" - WECF veranstaltet gemeinsam mit Partnern eine Podiumsdiskussion zu Energiefragen in der Ukraine
In München werden am 20. Februar die Probleme der Ukraine erörtert zu den Themen der Energieabhängigkeit, Energieeffizien und dem öffentlichen Transport
18.02.2013 | WECF

Bulgarians back plans for a nuclear plant by referendum
In a historic referendum, the plan for the Belene nuclear plant has been backed by the voting majority. Due to the low turn-out, the decision is now referred to Parliament.
18.02.2013 |

14th Global Major Groups and Stakeholders Forum (GMGSF-14) 2013

Nieuwsuur: Uitzending 16 februari over schrikbeeld Waterprivatisering in de EU
Morgen, 16 februari 2013, komt Jerry van den Berge praten over de prijsverhogingen en slechtere waterkwaliteit voor de burgers als gevolg van waterprivatisering. Van Den Berge is ook een van de oprichters van het Europees Burgerinitiatief “Water is een Mensenrecht”.
15.02.2013 | Chantal van den Bossche

Doel Campagne voor Europees Burgerinitiatief “Water is een Mensenrecht” bereikt!
Wij willen iedereen ontzettend bedanken die getekend heeft voor dit Burgerinitiatief. Het doel “minstens een miljoen handtekeningen te verzamelen” is bereikt. Toch willen we iedereen die nog niet getekend heeft, vragen om alsnog een handtekening te zetten, want hoe meer handtekeningen, hoe sterker we onze stem kunnen laten gelden.
14.02.2013 | WECF Pers

Research from CIEL links tighter chemical regulation to market innovation
CIEL has published a report on the positive and unexpected effects of chemical regulations which are usually seen as a burden by the chemical industry
14.02.2013 | WECF

One Million Signatures for Water as a Human Right !
This week the first up and running European Citizens Initiative (ECI) ‘Water is a Human Right' made history as also being the first ECI in the history of the European Union to have collected over 1 million signatures.
12.02.2013 | Press release EPSU

Der Film „Water Makes Money“ könnte verboten werden
Veolia, ein französischer Wasserversorger verklagt die Macher des Dokumentarfilms „Water makes Money“.
11.02.2013 | WECF

JWHI is supporting young individuals working for environmental CSOs with grants
WECF calls out to its partners for nominating their young potentials and leaders
11.02.2013 | WICF

The UNECE Water Convention goes global
The UNECE informs in a press release about the Water Convention having received enough ratifications to be entered into force gobally
11.02.2013 | UNECE

"Water Makes Money" sued for Libel by Veolia due to supposed accusations of corruption
Veolia, a French water service supplier is infringing on freedom of press by sueing the makers of the documentary "Water Makes Money"
11.02.2013 | WECF

We zijn er bijna, maar nog niet helemaal : Right2Water Campagne heeft nog 100.000 handtekeningen nodig
Teken Europees Burgerinitiatief “Veilig Drinkwater en Sanitatie zijn een Mensenrecht” en help ons om meer handtekeningen te verzamelen

Pilotworkshops zu Schadstoffvermeidung in zwei Münchner Kindertagesstätten - ein dringendes Thema und ein voller Erfolg
„Für Erzieher(innen) ein sehr zu empfehlender Workshop, da die Anregungen konkret im Kindergarten umsetzbar sind...“ (Anmerkung einer Teilnehmerin des Teamworkshops Januar 2013)

The Nordic council condems Russia's anti-homosexual law
The Nordic Council strongly condemns the new Russian law banning so-called "homosexual propaganda
05.02.2013 | Nordic Council

Training und Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe durch WECF
Falls Sie ein strategischer Partner von WECF werden möchten, sollten Sie wissen, dass wir auch praktisches Training und die Weitergabe von Fachwissen durch Ausbildung für die Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe anbieten. Denn bei WECF ist man davon überzeugt, dass dies die einzige Möglichkeit ist dauerhafte Nachhaltigkeit zu erreichen.

Nicht nur Mädchen und Frauen, auch Jungen und Männer sind von EDCs stark betroffen
Mehrfach wurde in Studien bewiesen, dass EDCs schwerwiegende Gesundheitsrisiken in Mädchen und Frauen auslösen. Nun wurden auch Gesundheitsrisiken für Jungen und Männer nachgewiesen
05.02.2013 | WECF

Ersatzstoff womöglich ebenso gesundheitsschädigend wie BPA
Bisphenol A (BPA) ist eine hoch giftige Chemikalie welche mehrfach in Verbindung mit schweren Krankheiten gebracht wurde. Der angeblich sichere Ersatzstoff Bisphenol S (BPS) könnte jedoch genauso gesundheitsschädigend sein wie BPA.
05.02.2013 | WECF

Der Besorgnis erregende Trend von Baby-Parfüms
Baby-Parfüms sind ein neuer Trend in der aggressiven Vermarktung von oft überflüssigen Baby-Produkten.
05.02.2013 | WECF

World Cancer Day 2013
What if prevention was the cure?
04.02.2013 | WECF

Das UBA informiert – EU-Richtlinien zu Pestiziden nicht für Amphibien geeignet
Laut dem Umweltbundesamt (UBA) deutet vieles darauf hin, dass noch sehr viel Handlungsbedarf bei der Reglementierung von umweltfreundlichem Einsatz von Pestiziden besteht.

Europees Milieu Agentschap: Gezondheidsrisico’s BPA ontkend door industrie
Door middel van bevooroordeelde wetenschappelijke onderzoeken probeert de BPA industrie de gezondheidsrisico’s van deze hormoonverstorende stof te bagetalliseren
01.02.2013 | Chantal van den Bossche

„Die Kosten ignorierter Warnsignale“ – EEA Bericht über Gesundheitsgefahren von Zigarettenrauch bis zu BPA
Die europäische Umweltbehörde (EEA) hat ein ausführliches Dokument veröffentlicht mit Vorschlägen für die Politik und Wirtschaft zu Forschung, Innovation, und Gefahrenvermeidung
31.01.2013 | WECF

Gesundheitsfolgen von BPA wurden gezielt heruntergespielt
Das europäische Parlament hat sich für eine besseren Schutz von BPA und anderen EDCs ausgesprochen. Bei ihrer Forderung werden sie auch vom Bericht „Die Kosten ignorierter Warnsignale“ der EEA unterstützt.
31.01.2013 | WECF

WECF training programmes and capacity building
Want to become a strategic partner of WECF? Good to know that we offer in house hands-on trainings, knowledge-transfer, and capacity building projects within our projects, to achieve long-run sustainability
30.01.2013 | WICF Campaign

BPA industry plays down health effects with biased studies
Part of the recent "late lessons from early warnings" report of the European Environment Agency also revealed the heavy bias in studied on the harm of BPA.

"Late Lessen uit Vroege Waarschuwingen" - EEA rapport over gezondheidsrisico’s, van tabak tot aan Bisphenol A
Europees Milieu Agentschap publiceert nuttig document voor beleidsmakers en de industrie over de wetenschap, voorzorgsmaatregelen en innovatie.

"Late Lessons from Early Warnings" - EEA report on health hazards, from tobacco to Bisphenol A
European Environment Agency publishes useful document for policy makers and industry on science, precaution and innovation
27.01.2013 | WECF

Studien zeigen die Gesundheitsgefahren durch Drahtlosgeräte auf
In wissenschaftlichen Experimenten wurde mehrfach fest gestellt, dass Mikrowellenstrahlung von Drahtlosgeräten das sich entwickelnde Gehirn von Kindern beeinflusst - Kinder sollten mit Spielzeug, nicht mit Coputern spielen

Quecksilber-Konvention in Genf unterzeichnet
In Genf wurde eine Konvention zur Reduktion von Quecksilber-Emissionen verabschiedet. NGOs kritisieren, dass die Richtlinie nicht den globalen Quecksilber-Ausstoß vermindern wird und die Opfer der Minimata-Tragödie entwürdigt
22.01.2013 | WECF

New Mercury Treaty agreed in Geneva; WECF regrets many exemptions
The Mercury "Minamata" Convention, a new international legally binding instrument, agreed to at 5th meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee in Geneva last Friday, has been in the making for many years, and was badly needed. However, WECF regrets the many exemptions, which weakens the treaty
22.01.2013 | WECF

Neueste Erkenntnisse deuten auf Eine Verbindung von Haarprodukten und dem Beginn der Pubertät hin
Eine Studie hat eine Verbindung zwischen verschiedenen Sorten von Haarprodukten, der Häufigkeit von deren Gebrauch, und dem Alter vom Beginn der Pubertät bei Mädchen gefunden.

Stellungnahme von WECF zur Rio+20-Fortschreibung der Europäischen Kommission und zu den SDGs
WECF hat eine Konsultation vorgelegt die von 20 Mitgliedsorganisationen unterstützt wird. Sie entstand in Beihilfe der Autoren des Positionspapiers der Women‘s Major Group über die Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
21.01.2013 | WECF

VACATURE: Flexibele part-time Financial Controller (m/v)
Voor het kantoor in Utrecht zijn wij op zoek naar een Controller die mede verantwoordelijk is voor de organisatie en uitvoering van de boekhouding, rapportage en financiële controle werkzaamheden (20- 24u)
21.01.2013 | WECF Nederland

Submission by WECF to European Commission on Rio+20 Follow-up and Sustainable Development Goals
WECF with input from the authors of the Women's Major Group position paper on Sustainable Development Goals, has prepared and submitted a consultation, endorsed by 20 member organisations
18.01.2013 | WECF

Europees Burgerinitiatief: Water en sanitaire voorzieningen zijn een mensenrecht!
Ieder mens het recht heeft op schoon drinkwater en sanitatie. Water is een publiek goed.
17.01.2013 | WECF Campaign

Paneuropäischer Workshop – Parasiten und WASH in der europäischen Region
Darmparasiten, wie zum Beispiel durch kontaminierten Boden übertragene Hakenwürmer (STH), stellen weiterhin ein ernsthaftes Gesundheitsproblem dar, sowohl weltweit, als auch in Europa. Um das Problem effektiv anzugehen wurde im Dezember 2012 ein paneuropäischer Workshop in Bonn abgehalten.
15.01.2013 | WECF

Emilie Delbays-Atgé
Responsable pédagogique formation et sensibilisation en santé environnementale WECF France/Health and Environm

Wasser ist ein Menschenrecht – Europäische Bürgerinitative sagt: Nein zur Privatisierung von Wasser und Sanitärer Grundversorgung!
in Europa ist die Versorgung der Bürger mit Wasser durch aufgezwungene Privatisierung gefährdet.

WECF partner Katachel prepares women and families in Kunduz for the winter - Sewing project in Afghanistan
German charity Katachel e.V., with the aid of WECF, initiated a sewing project for young women and girls in Kunduz, Afghanistan. This provides long-term prospects and sustainable development.
10.01.2013 | WECF

Spielverderber - Schluss mit Gift in Spielsachen!
In vielen Spielsachen finden sich unnötigerweise gesundheitsschädliche Chemikalien

“Strengthening Gender Potential of EWA Project Partners in Kyrgyzstan”
A report on the EWA Gender Trainings on 11 and 12 December in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
09.01.2013 | Anke Stock & Claudia Wendland

1. Internationale Terra Preta Sanitärentsorgung-Konferenz
Die Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg und WECF laden zur 1. Internationalen Terra Preta Sanitärentsorgungs-Konferenz
08.01.2013 | WECF

Pan European workshop – Parasites and WASH in the European region
Parasites, such as intestinal worms (STH) continue to pose a serious health burden across the world and in Europe, to effectively tackle the issue, a pan-European workshop was held in Bonn, in December 2012

WECF schafft Perspektiven in Afghanistan - Nähprojekt für junge Mädchen in Kooperation mit Katachel e.V.
WECF hat gemeinsam mit dem Verein Katachel e.V. ein Nähprojekt für junge Mädchen in Kunduz, Afghanistan eröffnet
07.01.2013 | WECF

Warme kleren in Kunduz: dankzij intensieve naaicursus zijn Afghaanse vrouwen en hun families voorbereid op barre winters
Werk WECF partner Katachel biedt nieuwe perspectieven voor Afghaanse vrouwen om kleding te naaien voor hun families en om te verkopen
07.01.2013 | Chantal van den Bossche

Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety

Water is a human right – ECI says: No to privatization of water and sanitation!
In Europe, the access to water and sanitation is endangered.

Aanbevelingen voor nieuwe agenda internationale samenwerking na de Millennium Development Goals (Post-2015)
Dinsdag 11 december nam WO=MEN samen met Rutgers/WPF, Share-Net en WECF de lead in een maatschappelijk middenveld consultatie over Post2015
03.01.2013 | WO=MEN

Een Veilig Nest
Het bouwen van een veilige en gezonde leefomgeving voor zwangere vrouwen en pasgeborenen
01.01.2013 | WECF Nederland

The Balkan’s regional meeting on Water 19. December 2012
WECF together with journalists for Human rights and UNECE organised the "Water Convention and Transboundary water dialogue as an instrument for Adaptation to Climate Change” in Skopje, (FYR) of Macedonia
22.12.2012 | WECF

WECF wishes you and all future generations a happy, healthy and sustainable new year
21.12.2012 | WECF

WECF organised a round table on barriers to energy efficiency in Lutsk, Ukraine
WECF organised a local roundtable in Lutsk, on the 13th of December 2012. Participants were representatives from the Manevyshi Administration, energy department of Volyn oblast administration, regional media, local project participants and other participants.
20.12.2012 | WECF

Improve the water network of the Armenian village of Sverdlov by donating one metre of piping for 3 euro 50
Help the villagers of Sverdlov to sustainable and durable access to drinking water
20.12.2012 | WECF

WECF Ecosan Toilet Photo Award - DEADLINE JANUARY 20!
Hand in your best picture of the Ecosan toilet in your School or Kindergarten
19.12.2012 | WECF

Christmas Dinner Preparations - Many fruits and vegetables not safe for pregnant women and young children!
18.12.2012 | Chantal van den Bossche

Hormoonverstorende fruithap? Ga lekker bio!
Veel groenten en fruit niet veilig voor zwangere vrouw en jonge kind!
18.12.2012 | Chantal van den Bossche

Pas op bij het Kerstdiner - Veel groenten en fruit niet veilig voor zwangere vrouw en jonge kind!
Groente en fruit uit de Nederlandse supermarkten is voor de meest kwetsbare groepen zoals zwangere vrouwen baby’s en peuters vaak niet veilig volgens een steekproef van WECF en PAN-Europe
18.12.2012 | WECF Pers

France: the new champion for EDC regulation in Europe?
France bans BPA in food packaging
14.12.2012 | WECF

Help de bewoners van Sverdlov aan schoon drinkwater!
Voor maar 3,50 euro helpt u de mensen in Sverdlov aan schoon drinkwater!
14.12.2012 | Chantal van den Bossche

Nederland zet in op krachtige participatie vrouwen in conflictgebieden
12.12.2012 | Persbericht NAP

Post 2015 Civil Society Consultation: What is the future we want?
De netwerken WO=MEN Dutch Gender Platform, Share-Net en Rio+20 Women’s Major Group vertegenwoordigd door WECF slaan de handen ineen met als doel de dialoog aan te gaan met het ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken
11.12.2012 | Chantal van den Bossche

Middernacht in de Oase
WECF in Doha: “We zijn zeer teleurgesteld in de uitkomst van de VN Klimaat bijeenkomst door het gebrek aan Visie en Ambitie; Echter, de erkenning van Gendergelijkheid tijdens COP 18 vormt lichtpuntje in een donkere nacht”
10.12.2012 | WECF

Midnight at the Oasis - UNFCCC decision on Inclusion of Gender Equality
Women in Europe for a Common Future’s Long Vigil in Doha: “We’re Deeply Disappointed in UN Climate Meeting Outcome for a Lack of Vision and Ambition; However COP 18’s Recognition of Gender Equality is a Bright Spot on a Dark Night”
10.12.2012 | WECF

Women NGOs at COP18 lead public action demanding "fierce urgency and ambition" from governments
Women say "lack of commitment" is "not in my name
05.12.2012 | Women & Gender NGOs

Women in Warzones: Peace Lords for Change
Interactief event over powervrouwen in (post)conflictgebieden o.l.v. Petra Stienen en Frénk van der Linden
05.12.2012 | Persbericht NAP1325

Women's Major Group: Sustainable Development Goals and the Post 2015 Development Agenda
The Women's Major Group is one of the civil society groups which has its own representation in the United Nations processes Sustainable Development and Environment
04.12.2012 | WICF Campaign

WECF Statement to the 57th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW)
The main theme of this session will be “The elimination and prevention of all forms of violence against women and girls”.

Umwelthormone (EDCs) vermeiden – Kinder schützen, Schwangere und Eltern aufklären
Schutz vor Umwelthormonen und deren Auswirkung auf und in der pränatalen und frühkindlichen Entwicklung

Treaty on the Dniester River Basin signed in Rome - thanks to WECF partners
A historic moment for water law: after 13 years of efforts from Eco-Tiras and partners such as Black Sea Women's Club, the TREATY between Moldova and Ukraine on the Dniester River Basin was signed
02.12.2012 | WECF

Gender funding programmes MDG-3 and FLOW conferences in The Hague
The Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs invited to a 3 day conference the lead gurantee-organisations which benefit(ted) from its gender-equality funding programmes MDG-3 and FLOW.
30.11.2012 | WECF

Humanitäres Dachdeckunsprojekt in Prislop, Rumänien
Dank der Hilfe von privaten Spendern aus vielen Ländern, konnten 42 Famileien mit Dachplatten versorgt werden, um ihre Behausungen wasserdicht zu machen

Do we need New Alternative Sanitation Systems (NASS) in Germany?
NASS Days, a two days´ conference took place at GIZ in Eschborn, Frankfurt, Germany on the 6th and 7th November 2012
27.11.2012 | WECF

New hope for the climate? – New UN climate change negotiation round starts today
Climate Change is happening and accelerating. Strong political will and joint efforts are needed to address this threat.
26.11.2012 | Sabine Bock, WECF

Follow the EU Water Blueprint Conference

Safe Water for Small Communities
Closing Conference on raising awareness for environmental protection - by encouraging the population with the aid of 'drinking water safety plans' for local water supply systems.
25.11.2012 | WECF

Water Safety Plan Compendium published by WECF - Local Action for Safe Water
Separate chapters and modules of this WSP Compendium are down loadable, providing knowledge and guidance for developing Water Safety Plans for small water supplies
23.11.2012 | WECF

Toxic Free Gifts for Dutch Parliamentarians
Concerned parents reached out successfully to politicians! Questions will follow in Dutch House of Commons
22.11.2012 | WECF

Gifvrije cadeau's voor Tweede Kamerleden
Bezorgde ouders deden succesvolle oproep aan politici! Kamervragen volgen
22.11.2012 | WECF

Get active on World Toilet Day and beyond: Sign the European Citizens Initiative !!
Since April 2012 European citizens can put an issue on the European political agenda by means of a European Citizens Initiative (ECI), which involves collecting one million signatures. The first ECI "Water and sanitation are a human right! Water is a public good, not a commoditiy" is initiated by by the European public services unions (EPSU) and supported by WECF
18.11.2012 | WECF

Kom in actie op Wereld Toilet Dag en ook daarna: Teken het Europees Burgerinitiatief!!
Wereldwijd sterven dagelijks 3000 kinderen omdat ze geen toegang tot veilig water, sanitaire voorzieningen en hygiene hebben. Zelfs in de Europese regio hebben we het dan over 11.500 kinderen die jaarlijks stereven omdat ze geen toegang hebben tot veilig water, sanitaire voorzieningen en fatsoenlijke hygiene.
18.11.2012 | WECF

MamaGreen: Bezorgde ouders doen oproep aan politici!
“Politici, zorg dat ik goed voor mijn kind kan zorgen. Geef me als ouder een veilige en gezonde keus.”
16.11.2012 | WECF Pers

Product and Chemical Safety in the Balkans
Midterm report: WECF’s Balkan partners, Women´s Movement for Integral Development (LGZHI Albania), Journalists for Human Rights (Macedonia), Resource Center Leskovac (Serbia), accomplished goals planned in the “Product and Chemical Safety in the Balkans” project.
14.11.2012 | WECF

Save the date: Maatschappelijk middenveld consultatie: Post-2015, what is the future we want?
Nederlandse inzet op Mensenrechten/Gender/SRGR en Duurzame Ontwikkeling
14.11.2012 | Chantal van den Bossche

Verstorend voedsel - WECF publiceert consumentengids PAN Europe in het Nederlands
Wat zit er in Europees groente en fruit? Wat krijgen Europese consumenten elke dag binnen? Wat zit er in onze sla, tomaten en druiven?...
14.11.2012 | Chantal van den Bossche

Verstorend voedsel - WECF publiceert consumentengids PAN Europe in het Nederlands
Wat zit er in Europees groente en fruit? Wat krijgen Europese consumenten elke dag binnen? Wat zit er in onze sla, tomaten en druiven?...
14.11.2012 | Chantal van den Bossche

Vlaams Actieplan Pesticiden: betere informatie naar zwangere vrouwen noodzakelijk!
In 2009 heeft Europa de pesticidenrichtlijn aangenomen om tot duurzaam gebruik te komen. Deze wetgeving bepaalt dat iedere lidstaat een actieplan moet opstellen zodat schadelijke effecten voor menselijke gezondheid en milieu verminderen
14.11.2012 | Gezinsbond (partner WECF)

Water Safety Plan Compendium: Local Action for Safe Water
Educational Materials for Teachers for Developing Water Safety Plans with Youth in Rural Bulgarian Schools

Global Policy Forum Europe & United Nations Association Germany

MamaGreen: Bezorgde ouders doen oproep aan politici! Kom naar Den Haag op 21 november!
“Politiek, zorg dat ik goed voor mijn kind kan zorgen. Geef me als ouder een veilige en gezonde keus.” Met deze vraag aan politici gaat op 21 november een groep bezorgde (groot)ouders op weg naar Den Haag om groen en gifvrij speelgoed aan te bieden aan Tweede Kamerleden van verschillende partijen en aan de creche van de Tweede Kamer.
13.11.2012 | Chantal van den Bossche

Sustainable Cosmetics Summit
21st-23rd November 2012, Paris

‘Goed gebruik van REACH': om “gezonde” keuzes te kunnen maken
WECF organiseert 6 december bijeenkomst voor retailer en producent over omgaan met 'bewustere consument' De consument heeft recht op goede informatie
06.11.2012 | Ingrid Elbertse

WECF Annual Report 2011
Working Together for a Healthy Environment for All

WECF attended the Joint Meeting on Public Participation in Environmental Decision-Making: Focus on Strategic Environmental Assessment
On 29 and 30 October the Task Force on Public Participation in Decision-Making of the Aarhus Convention held its third meeting in cooperation with the Bureau under the Protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) to the Espoo Convention

Een Veilig Nest komt met Groene Kluswijzer!
De winter komt eraan. Nu de ramen nog even flink opengezet kunnen worden, is het tijd voor papa’s in spé de hoofdrol te spelen tijdens een zwangerschap . Om tegemoet te komen aan de vragen van ouders op het gebied van duurzaam en groen klussen en renoveren presenteert WECF’s Een Veilig Nestde opvolger van de Zwangerschapswijzer: de Kluswijzer.
01.11.2012 | WECF Pers

ICCM3 in Nairobi - 3rd SAICM International Conference on Chemicals Management
WECF participated, as SAICM focal point, at the ICCM3, working on EDCs, chemicals in products and nanomaterials
01.11.2012 | WICF

Bisphenol A vanaf 1 januari in Belgie verboden in verpakkingen kindervoedsel
Al sinds juni 2011 geldt een verbod op de verkoop van zuigflessen met Bisphenol A. Dit verbod wordt nu uitgebreid naar voedingsverpakkingen voor kinderen tot 3 jaar en zal ingaan op 1 januari 2013.
01.11.2012 | Chantal van den Bossche

Die meisten Kernkraftwerke der EU gelten als unsicher
Stress-Tests nach der Fukushima-Katastrophe ergaben, dass die meisten Kraftwerke in der EU nicht genügend gegen externe Ereignisse geschützt werden.
30.10.2012 | WECF

Most of EU’s nuclear power plants unsafe
Stress-tests conducted after the Fukushima meltdown reveal that most EU facilities are not secured enough from external events
30.10.2012 | WECF

Aarhus Convention - Task Force on Public Participation in Decision-Making

WECF at the consultation on post Rio+20 in New York
WECF director Sascha Gabizon participated in the consultation on post Rio+20 organised by UNEP and UNDESA, together with GEC and SF, 20. - 21. October in New York.
28.10.2012 | Sascha Gabizon

Call for SUB GRANTS - Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Moldova, Russian Federation
Successful project implementation of the EU Energy project "Building local capacity..."will be upscaled to further countries
25.10.2012 | WECF

WECF News Flash October 2012
An overview of our latest activities
25.10.2012 | WECF

Humanitaire Dakbedekkingsproject in Prislop, Roemenië
Met dank aan giften van privédonoren uit verschillende landen hebben inmiddels 32 gezinnen in Prislop, Roemenië, platen gekregen om hun daken waterdicht te maken.
24.10.2012 | Chantal van den Bossche

The Stockholm Convention on PoP fails to stop pollution with SCCPs
A group of NGOs, WECF included, have released a call for listing SCCPs, a harmful group of chemicals, in the Stockholm Convention as soon as possible.

Achieving Equitable Access to Water and Sanitation in the pan-European region
First meeting of the Expert Group on Monitoring Progress in Achieving Equitable Access to Water and Sanitation in the pan-European Region under the Protocol on Water and Health
19.10.2012 | WECF

59th Congress of the German Society for Gyneacology and Obstetrics great opportunity for WECF to build EDC awareness
The Congress was great opportunity for WECF to build EDC awareness as the mission of the DGGG is to provide up to date information to its 7000 members on issues concerning the area of gyneacology and obstetrics
18.10.2012 | WECF

Global Campaign for Climate Action
Global Campaign for Climate Action runs the TckTckTck campaign which strengthens global civil society action

Pesticides and harmful chemicals cause more than 900,000 deaths annually
In Africa consequences of the use of pesticides constitute third largest health cost after HIV/AIDS and malaria

Closing conference of the project 'Local plans for safe water'

59. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe – großartige Möglichkeit für WECF um Bewusstsein für EDC zu fördern
Der Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe (DGGG) war eine großartige Möglichkeit Bewusstsein für Endokrine Desruptoren-Chemikalien (EDC) zu fördern. Damit wurden etwa 7000 Mitglieder der DGGG erreicht und aufgeklärt.
17.10.2012 | WECF

Resignation of John Dalli, EU Commissionner for Health and Consumer Protection
Celebration is over: the European Union only had a few days to celebrate its recent Nobel Peace Prize. Today, the resignation of John Dalli from its position of Commissioner in charge of Health and Consumer Protection provides a highly contrasting picture with the recent award.
17.10.2012 | WECF

Cooperation for protecting Central Asian climate and water source
Civil society networks from Central Asian countries agree on cooperation in the frameworks of the UNECE Transboundary Water Convention
16.10.2012 | WECF, BIOM, Social Ecofund Kazakhstan

Gerechte EEG-Umlage
Private Haushalte und Mittelstand entlasten
15.10.2012 | klima-allianz Deutschland

WECF France: Endocrine disruptors: Threat to women’s health
WECF has launched a report in French called 'Menace sur la santé des femmes'

WECF Director speaks at 2 Post-Rio Conferences in Bilbao and Madrid

Zahlentricks mit dem EEG
Die wahren Preistreiber der Energiewende
14.10.2012 | Kampagne von projekt21plus

Europees Parlement vraagt aandacht voor de ‘kwetsbare consument'
Het Europees Parlement heeft deze zomer een resolutie aangenomen over een strategie ter versterking van de rechten van de kwetsbare consumenten.
14.10.2012 | Gezinsbond (partner WECF)

Sustainable House Insulation training of windows and roofs in Ukraine
"Up to 50 % of heating expenditures can be saved by repairing windows" - training by WECF and GERES
09.10.2012 | WECF

French Senate follows the road towards BPA-and EDCs-free products
On October 9th, French Senate approved a law banning Bisphenol A (BPA) from all food contact materials in 2015, and as from January 1st 2013 for those intended for 0 to 3 years old.
09.10.2012 | Elisabeth Ruffinengo

Pregnancy and early life are critical stages for environmental chemical exposure
Evidence to indicate that early exposure to environmental contaminants may result in a greater risk of serious disease later on in life has been presented by researchers in a new White Paper published by the European Commission
05.10.2012 | Science for Environment Policy

Kann die deutsche Energiewende als Beispiel nachhaltiger Entwicklung im Einklang mit den Rio+20 Zielen dienen?
WECF berichtet über den Atomausstieg und die Energiewende Deutschlands auf Konferenzen in Georgien und Kasachstan.
05.10.2012 | WECF

Kamer en kabinetsformateurs gewezen op ontbrekende schakel in aanpak stijgende zorgkosten
Steeds duidelijker verband tussen hormoonverstorende stoffen en gezondheidseffecten
05.10.2012 | WECF Pers

Can the German Energy turn around serve as Example for 'The Future We Want'?
WECF reports about the nuclear phase out and German energy turn around in conferences in Georgia and Kazakhstan

European Health, Environment NGOs and labour organisations demand clarification from European Commission on EFSA mandate to develop criteria for EDCs
On Monday 1st October, the European Commission requested the European Food Safety Agency to provide by March 2013 a scientific opinion on the human health and environmental risks associated with the possible presence of endocrine disruptors in the food chain.

Low dose conference held in Berlin on Sept 11 – 13th 2012
WECF along with a number of other NGOs participated in the low dose conference “From theory to practice” in Berlin, organised by NIEHS.
25.09.2012 | WECF

WECF besuchte die Low Dose Konferenz in Berlin
Vom 11. Bis 13. September 2012 war WECF auf der Low Dose Konferenz präsent und diskutierte mit über die Gefahren von EDCs in geringen Dosen
25.09.2012 | WECF

WECF greatly worried by publication on cancer effect of GMOs
“Governments have to guarantee our right to live in a healthy environment”
24.09.2012 | WECF

Mathe-Nachhilfe für Wirtschaftsminister Rösler
Rechenkünste der Regierung gefährden Energiewende
21.09.2012 | klima-allianz deutschland

The African Region is playing a key leadership role at an international meeting to develop a global strategy and support for the safe management of chemicals.
19.09.2012 | IPEN press release

How Can Sanitation Improve Nutrition and Food Security?
This year’s Stockholm World Water Week focused on food security. Although there is some progress towards greater policy coherence in this area, a lot more needs to be done on policy and implementation levels to make sure WASH is part of the solution to undernutrition)
19.09.2012 | Claudia Wendland

Verslag Flitscongres Parlementsverkiezingen: "Bij ons gaat het om de inhoud"
“Bij de verkiezingsdebatten op televisie lijkt het vooral om de competitie, de winst en de ‘oneliners’ te gaan.” Zo stelde gespreksleider Ilona Hofstra bij de start van het Flitscongres dat de Nederlandse Vrouwen Raad op 7 september 2012 in de Statenpassage van de Tweede Kamer organiseerde. “Bij ons gaat het om de inhoud.”
14.09.2012 | Nederlandse Vrouwen Raad

Safe and Sustainable Sanitation for Women & Menstrual Hygiene
In some areas of the world, menstruation is considered as an impure and shameful act. Therefore girls are trying to hide that they are menstruating. Unfortunately, due to lack of safe facilities or supply of feminine hygiene products many young girls are forced to drop schools during their period. Each month they are deprived of their basic right, namely right to education.
14.09.2012 | WECF Campaign

Productive Sanitation in Kyrgyzstan – Workshop on the Use of Human Urine from Ecosan Toilets as Fertiliser in Agriculture
In the Issyk Kul region in Kyrgyzstan,more than 100 ecosan or urine diverting dry (UDD) toilets have been installed in the last couple of years. The technology is well accepted and new sanitation technologies are being appreciated, as toilets can be installed inside or adjacent to the house and do not smell
11.09.2012 | WECF

Tracing Nano
Currently many products at the market incorporate nanomaterials for which a proper risk assessment could not be made. Contrary to the REACH principle no data no market the presence of nanomaterials in its content is generally not reported either
10.09.2012 | WECF Project

Japan after Fukushima; Looking for Justice.
More than thousand inhabitants of Fukushima decided to sue Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) in order to disclose matters that were not included in the investigation launched by the government.
10.09.2012 | Women and Environment Asia

Deens Verbod op Ftalaten
"We kunnen niet op de EU wachten" - Dit waren de woorden van de Deense minister van Milieu Ida Auken gebruikte om de recente Deense beslissing tot een verbod op 4 ftalaten in consumentenproducten toe te lichten.
10.09.2012 | Elizabeth Ruffinengo

‘Goed gebruik van REACH': om “gezonde” keuzes te kunnen maken
Om burgers de kans te geven zich te informeren is WECF onlangs van start gegaan met het project ‘Goed gebruik van REACH – van ECHA tot Winkelier tot Burger’
06.09.2012 | Project WECF Nederland

The 4th Finland Dry Toilet Conference 2012 “Drivers for Ecological Dry Toilets in Urban and Rural Areas”
The WECF network was present with 8 oral presentations on the 4th Finland Dry Toilet Conference 2012 in Tampere, Finland. In total, 160 participants from 38 countries shared their experiences related to dry toilets during two full days. The conference was the 4th Dry Toilet Conference organized by the Global Dry Toilet Association of Finland.
06.09.2012 | Claudia Wendland

Tracing Nano for Downstream Users and Consumers
De Nederlandse vakbonden en milieuorganisaties werken samen aan het formuleren van hun wensen ten aanzien van de traceerbaarheid van nanomaterialen in producten.
05.09.2012 | WECF

Human Right to Water to be First EU Citizens Initiative?
An online petition is launched to make the Human Right to water a European Citizen's Initiative call
05.09.2012 | Alia Papageorgiou

Water and Sanitation are a Human Right! Online Signing is Open! Spread the News.
We need your help to reach out to all citizens in Europe. Our demands will only be taken into consideration if we achieve over one million valid signatures.
03.09.2012 | WECF

Water en Sanitatie zijn een Mensenrecht! Online Ondertekening is Geopend! Verspreid het Nieuws.
Wij hebben uw hulp nodig om alle burgers in Europa te bereiken. Onze eisen worden alleen maar in overweging genomen als wij meer dan een miljoen geldige handtekeningen verzamelen.
03.09.2012 | WECF

Duurzame, Gezonde Cosmetica voor Zwangere Vrouwen
Een Veilig Nest adviseert zwangere vrouwen over het gebruik van cosmetica – “Duurzame en gezonde cosmetica voor a.s moeders”.

The Extractive Industries are Violating Basic Human Rights
The UN ‘Report of the Special Rapporteur on the human rights obligations related to environmentally sound management and disposal of hazardous substances and waste’ indicates that numerous human rights including right to adequate health and life are abused due to presence of extractive industries companies.
03.09.2012 | United Nations

GIZ Report
Activities, commitments and results achieved at Rio+20 by members of the Women’s Major Group and WECF in the run up to Rio and during Rio+20 from 13 – 22 of June 2012

“Empower Women – Benefit (for) All (EWA)” - WECF EWA programma
Het WECF EWA programma heeft als doel een bijdrage te leveren aan de economische en politieke empowerment van vrouwen in rurale en randstedelijke regio’s met lage inkomens in zes ontwikkelingslanden (Afghanistan, Georgië, Kirgizië, Zuid-Afrika, Tadzjikistan en Oeganda).
29.08.2012 | WECF

Bijzonder Boekje Helpt Moeders om Borst en Baan te Combineren
Weer aan het werk gaan is voor veel moeders een belangrijke reden om te stoppen met borstvoeding of er zelfs helemaal niet aan te beginnen. Borst en Baan is een bijzonder boekje van Kenniscentrum Borstvoeding, met daarin alles over de combinatie van borstvoeding en werk.
29.08.2012 | Kenniscentrum Borstvoeding

Veilig cosmeticagebruik tijdens de zwangerschap
Welke cosmetica zijn nu wel en niet veilig tijdens de zwangerschap?
29.08.2012 | Ouders Online, Henk Boeke

Werving Vrouwenvertegenwoordiger 2013 Gestart
‘Word jij in 2013 onze vrouw in New York?’ Met die oproep is de werving gestart van de Vrouwenvertegenwoordiger die volgend jaar meegaat in de regeringsdelegatie naar de Algemene Vergadering van de Verenigde Naties in New York.
29.08.2012 | Nederlandse Vrouwen Raad

Welke partij staat dichtbij jouw wereld? Check
Maak hier je eigen verkiezingsprogramma en kom er achter welke politieke partij dicht bij jouw wereld staat!
28.08.2012 | WECF nieuws

The nuclear option: a worrying choice and opposed to future energy
More than a year after the Fukushima disaster, nuclear industry remains a matter of debate. Despite the evidence, some countries, including France, always seem to see the nuclear "an industry of the future".
27.08.2012 | WECF and S.E.R.A. Press release

Denmark bans 4 phthalates from consumer products
After banning Bisphenol A in children's food containers and two parabens in children cosmetics, Denmark proves once again a frontrunner among EU Member States in the phase out and substitution of endocrine disrupters
24.08.2012 | Elizabeth Ruffinengo

Water & Sanitation

Gender & Rights

Energy & Climate

Chemicals & Health

Tracing Nano
Tracing Nano stelt zich ten doel manieren te zoeken om nanodeeltjes te volgen vanaf het moment van productie tot en met de afval fase, zodat ook in de toekomst terug te leiden is waar de verschillende deeltjes vandaan komen, met een focus op consumentenartikelen.
22.08.2012 | Chantal van den Bossche

World Water Week focuses on Water and Food Security
Claudia Wendland, sanitation coordinator at WECF, contributes to the workshop "Towards a Green Economy - The Water-Food-Energy Nexus" with case studies from Georgia and Kyrgyzstan
21.08.2012 | Claudia Wendland

Werkervaring opdoen bij een internationale NGO op het gebied van gezondheid en milieu?
Women in Europe for a Common Future (WECF) zoekt een gemotiveerde stagiair(e) voor het project ‘Goed gebruik van REACH – van ECHA tot Winkelier tot Burger’
21.08.2012 | WECF

Biodiversity & Food
WECF's overall goal for Safe Food Production and Sustainable Rural Development in the EU and EECCA region is that by 2020 all children, women and men have access to safe, regional, diverse and affordable food.

Nederlandse feministen solidair met Pussy riot
WO=MEN, het Nederlandse netwerk voor gelijkheid van mannen en vrouwen wereldwijd heeft zich van begin af aan solidair verklaart met de vervolgde Russische punkband Pussy Riot.
17.08.2012 | Persbericht WO=MEN, Dutch Gender Platform

Bavarian Delegation visits food garden in the township Khayelitsha
On July 19, 2012 Ben Getz from Urban Harvest took the Bavarian Delegation to a fantastic and healthy looking food garden in Khayelitsha.
08.08.2012 | Annemarie Mohr

Updated Publication: Construction of solar collectors for warm water
Updated Russian version of the solar collector manual is now available

European Union Supports Georgians in Theirs Hour of Need.
In Georgia many lifes were lost and property damaged after unexpected and violent storms. The European Union gives a helping hand to Georgians by providing over € 118,000 for basic needs products.
07.08.2012 | European Commission

Twenty new trainers on solar collectors are now ready to train their own communities
Trainings given by WECF, the National Centre of Ukraine and Greens Movement Georgia made sure that 20 new certified specialists on construction, use and maintenance of solar collectors are now able to pass on their newly acquired information on independently to others
06.08.2012 | Anna Samwel, Regina Drexel

Disrupting Food: Up to 30 Different Endocrine Disrupting
Pesticides found in fruits and vegetables in the European Union
29.07.2012 | PAN Europe (WECF member)

New UN Independent Expert on Human Rights and Environment
WECF welcomes the appointment of John Knox as the new UN Independent Expert on Human Rights and Environment
24.07.2012 | WECF

VENRO-AG WASH veröffentlicht Positionspapier
Wasser, Sanitärversorgung und Hygiene für alle – ein Fundament für nachhaltige Entwicklung
23.07.2012 | Claudia Wendland

The Role of the Sisters. The Challenges of Sustainable Development for Women
'How can we reverse the fact that women are the most vulnerable?'
20.07.2012 | Sustainlabour

Kinderopvang? Natuurlijk duurzaam! - Met De Groene Giraf, stimuleringsprijs voor duurzame kinderopvang
WECF en Een Veilig Nest blij met initiatief om kinderopvang te verduurzamen
17.07.2012 | Persbericht De Groene Giraf

Reduce exposure to EDCs
Advocate at EU level for better EU legislation to protect women and the developing child from hormone disrupting (endocrine disrupting) chemicals (EDCs) such as phtalates, bisphenol A and pesticides.

Avoid Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) – German Advocacy Campaign
Protect children, inform pregnant women and expecting parents

Inspiring activities and results of the Women's Major Group and WECF at the Rio+20 summit
An overview of some of the positions and activities of the many, which were organised by members of the Women’s Major Group during the 2 weeks of the Rio+20 negotiations and events from 13 – 22 of June 2012, Brazil
16.07.2012 | WECF International Newsletter

WECF hielt eine Präsentation an der Andante Sommerschule in Augsburg
Jedes Jahr hält Andante eine Sommerschule an einem anderen Ort ab. Das Thema des Jahres 2012 war „Wir sind die Erben der Welt – was können wir tun um verantwortungsvoll damit umzugehen?“. WECF wurde gebeten einen Beitrag zum Thema Energie zu geben.
14.07.2012 | WECF

WECF Invited to Give a Presentation at Andante's Summer School in Augsburg
Each year, Andante held a summer school in a different place. The theme of this year’s summer school was ‘We are the inheritors of the Earth – what can we do to live responsibly?’ WECF was asked to give an input on energy.
14.07.2012 | WECF

Rio+20 Commitments by the Network of Women Ministers and WECF
The Network of Women Ministers and Leaders for the Environment, of which WECF is one of the civil society members, met at the Rio+20 summit in Brazil on the 20th of June, and presented its commitments to strengthen women's leadership in Sustainable Development, alongside UN Women, UNDP, IUCN and UNEP, during an event organised in the UNEP pavilion.
13.07.2012 | WECF News

Women creating food sovereignty
Women organisations from Pakistan, Colombia, Zimbabwe and Papua New Guinnea showed case studies of how their food sovereignty and livelihoods are being destroyed by commercial logging, mining and industrial agriculture activities, and how women are resisting.
12.07.2012 | WECF News

Key gains and losses in the Rio+20 negotiations from the perspective of gender equality and women’s priorities
Coming to Rio, it was already clear that the outcome document would be weak. The draft document contained some very worrying language against human rights, women’s rights, indigenous people’s rights, and against the precautionary principle
06.07.2012 | WECF International

The role of the Sisters. The challenges of sustainable development for Women
"How can we reverse the fact that women are the most vulnerable? How can the environmental dimensions be included in the social protection floor?"
04.07.2012 | News from WECF partner Sustainlabour

Rio+20 Agreement Fails Women, and the World
Brazil, a country that in the past has championed women’s human rights, including reproductive rights, at the global level, has failed women in both Brazil and the world over.
29.06.2012 | Women and Climate Change Foundation

Rio+20: “Now is time to work together to implement the human right to water and sanitation”
United Nations Special Rapporteur Catarina de Albuquerque welcomed explicit commitment to "progressively" implement human right to safe drinking water and sanitation made at Rio+20
29.06.2012 | UN Human Rights

Human right to water and sanitation – attacked from a transboundary perspective during the Rio+20 negotiations
Article by Sascha Gabizon, Executive Director, WECF Women in Europe for a Common Future. WECF was organising partner for the Major Group “Women” for the Rio+20 negotiations
28.06.2012 | Sascha Gabizon

Rio+20 Outcome Document Undermined by Human Rights Opponents
The global summit's final document falls short on corporate accountability and reproductive rights
28.06.2012 | Amnesty, Human Rights Watch and CIEL

Press Coverage on Women's Major Group Events in Rio
Web articles, TV shows and printed press coverage on the activities of WECF and the Women's Major Group in Rio
28.06.2012 | WECF

RIO+20: From the Future We Want to the Future We Need
Women’s Major Group Final Statement on the Outcomes of Rio+20
25.06.2012 | Statement Women's Major Group

RIO+20: Van de toekomst die we willen naar de toekomst die we nodig hebben.
Slotverklaring van de Women’s Major Group over de uitkomsten van Rio+20
24.06.2012 | Statement Women's Major Group

Rio+20: Women “Disappointed and Outraged”
Women’s Major Group Releases Final Statement on the Outcomes of Rio+20: "We believe that the governments of the world have failed women, future generations and our beautiful but fragile planet earth"
24.06.2012 | Women's Major Group Press Release

RIO+20: Von der Zukunft, die wir wollen zu der Zukunft, die wir brauchen
Abschließende Stellungnahme der Women’s Major Group zu den Ergebnissen der Rio+20 Konferenz
24.06.2012 | WECF Deutschland

Rio +20 Women: "Teleurgesteld en Verbolgen"
Women’s Major Group geeft slotverklaring ten aanzien van de uitkomst van Rio +20
24.06.2012 | WECF Pers

Presence of the Women's Major Group at Rio+20
Official interventions, press conferences and demonstrations organised by the Women's Major Group at the UN conference on sustainable development Rio+20

Sascha Gabizon, Executive Director of Women in Europe for a Common Future (WECF) speaks at the UN Women Leaders Forum
Sascha Gabizon, Executive Director of Women in Europe for a Common Future (WECF) speaks at the UN Women Leaders Forum ahead of the Rio+20 UN Conference on Sustainable Development in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
24.06.2012 | WECF news

Intervention by Hala Yousry from Egypt during the Opening Plenary at Rio+20
We women around the world continue our struggle for our rights, basic needs, health, decent jobs, social and environmental protection – which are the very basis of our lives and our future.

Women's Rio+20 Good Practice Award
Grassroots women from around the world received prestigious "Women's Rio+20 Good Practice Awards" from eight women Ministers in 21 June Ceremony and Reception at Rio Centro
22.06.2012 | WECF news

Grassroots women from around the world receive prestigious "Women's Rio+20 Good Practice Awards"
Grassroots women from around the world receive prestigious "Women's Rio+20 Good Practice Awards" from eight women Ministers in 21 June Ceremony and Reception at Rio Centro
22.06.2012 | WECF Press Release

Gro Harlem Brundtland censures Rio+20's gender equality outcomes
Absence of reproductive rights reference in UN Women's call to action 'a step backwards', says former Norway prime minister
22.06.2012 | The Guardian

Women’s Major Group Rio+20 Side Event Roots of Equity - Women creating food sovereignty

RIO+20: Promised Green Economy Was a Fake, Say Activists
When the Rio+20 summit on sustainable development ended Friday, there were winners and losers – mostly losers.
22.06.2012 | Thalif Deen, IPS

Rio+20 Agreement a major disappointment
Reproductive rights for women were excluded from draft agreement after campaign led by Holly See (the Vatican).
21.06.2012 | American Progress

Rio+20 uitkomst betekent achteruitgang voor vrouwen en jongeren
De grootste VN-top lijkt te zijn mislukt. Vrouwen en jongeren blijken wederom de dupe te worden van conservatieve lobby
21.06.2012 | Persbericht WO=MEN, Dance4Life, Rutgerswpf, WECF

One million signatures for water as a Human Right has started!
On April 1st the first European Citizens Initiative (ECI) on water was registered at the European Commission (EC). This ECI is sponsored by the European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU) and it enjoys broad support from WECF and many other representatives from civil society at European level
21.06.2012 | EPSU Press Release supported by WECF

WECF Booklet: Women's Rio+20 Good Practice Award
Women's Contributions to Sustainable and Equitable Economies

Rio+20 Conference, 20 - 22 June

Nieuws van de Nederlandse Vrouwenraad: "Vrouwenvertegenwoordiger in regeringsdelegatie naar VN duurzaamheidstop Rio+20"
WECF is verheugd dat Jolein Baidenmann uiteindelijk toch present is in Rio als Vrouwenvertegenwoordiger in de regeringsdelegatie voor de conferentie van de Verenigde Naties over duurzaamheid die van 20 tot 22 juni plaatsvindt in Rio de Janeiro

Women’s Major Group Members at Rio+20 Call for End to Nuclear Power and Support for Safe Energy
“Development Dialogue on Energy”
18.06.2012 | WECF news

Powerful stories by Powerful Women who decry lack of real progress since 1992
For 90 minutes on the morning of Friday June 15th, a strong and diverse group of nine women passionately engaged a crowd at the Rio Centro Conference Center with their first hand reports of each on women’s determined resistance to unsustainable projects and policies and their resilience in staying the course in their fight for Mother Earth.
17.06.2012 | Claire Greensfelder and Bridget Burns on behalf of the WMG

Report of the Joint Workshop on Public Participation (June 2012)
- Organised by the Task Force on Public Participation in Decision-making of the Aarhus Convention and the Meeting of the Parties to the Protocol on Water and Health in cooperation with the Ministry of Environment and Forests of Romania and Women in Europe for a Common Future -
16.06.2012 | Anke Stock and Ingrid Elbertse

Rio+20: Final Statement of the People's Summit
People's Summit Final Statement in Rio+20 for Social and Environmental Justice in Defense of Common Goods, agains the Commodification of Life

Rio+20 - WECF sponsors June 15th Forum on Phase-Out of Nuclear Energy by 2020
On the Opening Day of the Rio+20 Peoples’ Summit Women in Europe for a Common Future Presents Forum Calling for Global Phase Out of Nuclear Energy by 2020
15.06.2012 | WECF Press Release

Press Release UN Women at start Rio+20: A world in balance requires gender equality, says UN Women
Michelle Bachelet outlines policy actions needed at Rio+20 Conference to bring transformational change.
14.06.2012 | Press Release UN Women

Rio+20 Side Event: "Protecting Our First Environment"
Protecting women’s health and future generations from harmful environmental impacts was the topic of the event organised by WECF, IPEN and members of the Women’s Major Group today at Barra Arena at the Rio+20 conference.
14.06.2012 | WECF news from Rio+20

Staking claim to our future
Press Release WEDO, partner of WECF in Women's Major Group: “There is literally no more time to waste,”
13.06.2012 | WEDO Press Release

WECF und Frauengruppen weltweit fordern konkretes politisches Handeln
Weltgipfel Rio +20: Ökosystem am Rande der Belastbarkeit – Hauptleidtragende sind Frauen, Kinder und Arme
13.06.2012 | WECF Press Release

WECF says “no time to lose” as Rio+20 summit negotiations begin in Brazil
Climate change exacerbates droughts, floods, and existing vulnerabilities. The gap between the rich and the poor is growing, social unrest is on the increase, and governments are less and less able to address both economic and environmental crises.
13.06.2012 | WECF news

Women Mobilize at Rio+20: Demanding a Just and Sustainable Future
Sascha Gabizon (WECF) says, “Rio+20 could be our last chance to mobilize world leaders and civil society to assure a real paradigm shift away from greed and unsustainable growth towards societies based on human rights and gender equality”
13.06.2012 | Women's Major Group Rio+20

HEAL Welcomes Environment Ministers’ Inclusion of “Health Protection” in 7th EAP
The Health and Environment Alliance strongly supports the EU Environment ministers’ call for environmental policy measures, which will help prevent rising rates of chronic disease, such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity, in the 7th Environmental Action Programme.
12.06.2012 | HEAL

WECF present at EPSU WGEC Standing Committee on gender perspective to human right to water

Environmental perspectives in setting Global sustainable development goals

WECF lobbyt bij Tweede Kamer voor belang Gender in aanloop naar Rio
Donderdag 31 mei vond Algemeen Overleg plaats over Rio+20 in de Tweede Kamer
02.06.2012 | Chantal van den Bossche

Interventions and activities of WMG during informal formal sessions May June in NY
Interventions given on behalf of the WMG by, amongst others, WECF Director Sascha Gabizon, at the United Nations Rio+20 negotiations
02.06.2012 | Women's Major Group

Women and Rio+20 Online Dialogue: A Final Opportunity for Input
Last input calls Wednesday - Thursday, June 6/ 7, 2012 & Logistics Manual for Rio Visitors for practical tips
01.06.2012 | WEDO & WECF

Lack of Chemical Safety in Georgia addressed at high level conference organized by WECF and Greens Movement
May 24th, an international Conference on ‘Reducing the use of hazardous chemicals in Georgia" addressed lack of chemical safety, insufficient legislation, low awareness but especially the urgency to act

3rd Preparatory Committee Meeting UN Conference on Sustainable Development

Eurovision 2012: A "Wake-Up" Call on Human Rights in Azerbaijan
As the eyes of the world focus on Eurovision in Baku, WECF calls for international attention on poor living conditions and the human rights abuses in Azerbaijan
25.05.2012 | WECF Press Release

WECF continues work towards climate change negotiations at Bonn inter-session (May 14-18)
What are the main issues discussed in the inter-session preparing for the next COP in Doha (26th Nov.-7th Dec. 2012)?
25.05.2012 | Sarah Rodriguez

Do-it-yourself Solar House Heating system constructed in Misaktsieli, Georgia
Families in rural areas spend a great deal of their income on energy, primarily in the form of wood to heat their homes, which significantly contributes to deforestation and climate change.
24.05.2012 | Anna Samwel & Regina Drexel

WECF Guide to Baby Care and Personal Care
The WECF information brochure "Baby Care" and "Personal Care" informs you how to avoid exposure to hazardous substances in your and your baby's care products

Risk of nuclear disaster larger than expected
When could be the next nuclear disaster? This question has been investigated by Mainz atmospheric chemists, who have also calculated which region is most vulnerable: Southwest Germany.
22.05.2012 | DPA

Interventions During the ‘Informal-Informal’ Negotiations in March – April, 2012
Read the statements by the women’s major group representatives put forward at the meeting of the Rio+ 20 Bureau with Major Groups
20.05.2012 | WECF

Rio+20 en Vrouwen - WECF als voorzitter van de Women’s Major Group
Sinds de grote conferentie in Rio in 1992 zijn vrouwen een belangrijke groep voor duurzame ontwikkeling met eigen prioriteiten. Vrouwenvertegenwoordigers van maatschappelijke organisaties nemen deel aan de onderhandelingen als de "Women's Major Group".
16.05.2012 | WECF Campagnes

WECF Contributed to UNECE Publication “No One Left Behind”
How to redress significant inequalities in access to water and sanitation apparent at the European level? Check out for concrete guidance, successful practical and policy measures.
11.05.2012 | WECF

Een Veilig Nest publiceert cosmeticawijzer voor zwangere vrouwen
“Duurzame en gezonde cosmetica voor a.s moeders”

Alter Eco (Alternativas Ecologias)
Facilitate the sustainable human development to overcome poverty and hunger through the improvement of life co

For Healthy Life Azerbaijan
Research ecological conditions and educate the people about the results

Action for Africa NGO
Healthy environment for young and old

Albanian Women's Movement for Integral Development, LGZHI
Promoting and supporting women’s participation in decision-making

Young generation of Tajikistan (Nasli javoni Tojikiston)
Creating a healthy environment for children and youth

National Centre for Sustainable Development
Assisting social networks with environmental issues and women empowerment

Why the Fight Against Climate Change and Gender Equality should be Tackled Together?
The French Green MEP Nicole Kiil-Nielsen presented a report on the link between the fight against climate change and discrimination against women. The motion for a European Parliament resolution was introduced in a plenary session on April, 20 by the Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality.
10.05.2012 | WECF

Brustkrebs heilen ist gut – vermeiden ist besser!
„Brustkrebs und Umwelteinflüsse“, die aktualisierte Broschüre zu vermeidbaren Umweltrisiken, ist gerade bei den beiden Organisationen Women in Europe for a Common Future e.V. (WECF) und dem Arbeitskreis Frauengesundheit in Medizin, Psychotherapie und Gesellschaft e.V. (AKF) neu erschienen.
09.05.2012 | WECF Germany Press Release

Statements by The Women’s Major Group during the April negotiations for Rio+20
Statement by the women’s major group on the occasion of the meeting of the Rio+20 Bureau with Major Groups
05.05.2012 | WECF news

Apply NOW! Women Rio+20 Good Practice Award: Women’s contributions to Sustainable and Equitable Economies
Women-led organizations and groups working on sustainable development in developing countries are invited to nominate their initiatives to be recognized as one of five winning projects at the UN Rio+20 summit in Brazil this June 2012
02.05.2012 | WECF News

Steun vrouwen wereldwijd op weg naar Rio+20!
Mensenrechten staan op het spel! WECF, vertegenwoordigt meer dan zeventig vrouwengroepen wereldwijd die zijn verenigd in de UN Women's Major Group. Tijdens de voorbereidingen voor Rio+20 maakten verschillende landen bekend vrouwenrechten en gelijkheid in het conceptverdrag te willen schrappen.
01.05.2012 | Chantal van den Bossche

Wageningen University benoemt Grietje Zeeman, lid raad van toezicht WECF, tot hoogleraar Nieuwe publieke sanitatie
Wageningen University, onderdeel van Wageningen UR, heeft Grietje Zeeman benoemd tot persoonlijk hoogleraar Nieuwe publieke sanitatie bij de Sectie Milieutechnologie.
01.05.2012 | Persbericht Universiteit Wageningen

Negotiations (informal informals) on the zero draft

Expecting a Baby? A Practical Guide for Women Who Are Planning To Be or Are Pregnant
The advice in this brochure published by the Danish Ministry of the Environment is based on a study of potential endocrine disruptors found in a number of products which women use every day.
27.04.2012 | The Danish Ministry of the Environment

Workshop on Water Safety Plans: Challenges and Opportunities in the Field of Water and Sanitation
On the 12th of April a workshop/training on “Water Safety Plans” took place in Kyiv at the premises of the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing of Ukraine.
27.04.2012 | WECF

Nestbau: Für gesunde Kinder in einer gesunden Umwelt - Schluss mit Gift in Kindergärten
WECF startet Pilotprojekt in München. Die Innenräume, in denen Kinder viel Zeit verbringen sind häufig stark durch Schadstoffe belastet. Diese Belastung kann allerdings durch bewusstes (Konsum)Verhalten gesenkt oder verhindert werden.

See how WECF and partner Greens improve the lives of the people living in Manavi, Georgia
Watch this video and see how simple energy solutions can change the daily life of villagers in Eastern Europe
26.04.2012 | WECF

Dutch Discussion on Sustainable Development, Gender, and SRHR and the International Development Agenda
An Overview of a Recent Panel Discussion at the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs on 12 April 2012
24.04.2012 | Amanda Peterson

WECF and WEDO join hands in Call of Action letter to U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton
On behalf of the Rio+20 Women’s Major Group, WECF and WEDO appeal the U.S. Secretary of State to address U.S. negotiating positions currently jeopardizing a strong RIO+20 Summit outcome document
24.04.2012 | WECF news

Childhood Cancer 2012 - Early exposures and childhood cancer
Exposure to radiation (both ionising and non-ionising), chemical toxins in air, food and water highlighted during conference
24.04.2012 | Chantal van den Bossche

Experts roundtable on Endocrine disrupters (EDCs): impacts and mechanisms of action from conception to maturity, Paris, April 10th
Consequences of exposures, in particular perinatal, to EDCs on women’s health and the health of children later in life: criteria for EDCs, a critical step towards an effective public health policy in Europe
24.04.2012 | Elisabeth Ruffinengo

Concern Arises After Georgian Government Amends Law of Environmental Protection
Recent amendments to the 1996 Georgian Law of Environmental Protection spark outrage concerning their approval of government authorized contracts permitting unregulated activities in environment and natural resource usage.
23.04.2012 | Anna Samwel & Amanda Peterson

Public Participation in Environmental Decision-Making – Focus: Water and Health
From 6 to 8 June 2012 WECF co-organises a meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, on the issue of public participation.
18.04.2012 | Anke Stock

Brustkrebs und Umwelteinflüsse
Die WECF-Publikation „Brustkrebs und Umwelteinflüsse“ in zweiter, aktualisierter Ausgabe

Reaffirmation of Women's Rights Key to Rio+20 Success
IPS U.N. Bureau Chief Thalif Deen interviews SASCHA GABIZON, executive director of Women International for a Common Future
16.04.2012 | Inter-Press Service

AFLUT Tadjikistan
“Association of Forest and Land Users of the Republic of Tajikistan”.

Reaffirmation of Women's Rights Key to Rio+20 Success
IPS U.N. Bureau Chief Thalif Deen interviews SASCHA GABIZON, executive director of Women International for a Common Future
16.04.2012 | Inter-Press Service

On the Road to Rio+20: Preparations for Rio+20 in French and Arab speaking Africa
Six Women's organisations in French and Arab speaking Africa organised awareness raising workshops and consultations on their specific needs and views for the Rio+20 Sustainable Development Summit and translated Women's major group position papers into Arabic and French.nised pre-meetings on how to prepare for the Rio+20 Conference in June
14.04.2012 | WICF Project

Linking breast cancer and our environment
The politics of prevention, a WECF publication available in English, Dutch, German and French

Rio+20 Women Major Group befürchtet Weltabverkauf
Sascha Gabizon, internationale Direktorin und Geschäftsführerin von WECF, im Gespräch mit zum Weltabverkauf in Rio.
12.04.2012 | WECF

iPetition: Human Rights at Risk at the United Nations
WECF, jointly with civil society organizations and social movements, have initiated a petition campaign to the UNCSD Secretary General and Member States last month in New York.
12.04.2012 | Rasa Jaruseviciute

Open Letter from the High Commissioner for Human Rights to Member States Regarding Rio+20
After the informal negotiations on the Rio+20 zero draft, the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navanethem Pillay, has written an Open Letter, appealing to all Member States
11.04.2012 | Rasa Jaruseviciute

Rio+20 Preparatory Regional Conferences in Arab and French Speaking Countries
Preparatory Regional Conferences in Arab and French speaking countries before the UN Conference on Sustainable Development Rio+20
10.04.2012 | WECF

Informatie over Stoffen: Voldoende Basis voor Vertrouwen en Verantwoorde Keuzes?
Twee maal per jaar organiseert de klankbordgroep stoffen, in samenwerking met VNO-NCW, VNCI en WECF, een minisymposium over het stoffenbeleid van de overheid en zaken die spelen bij maatschappelijke organisaties en bedrijfsleven.
10.04.2012 | WECF

WECF co-organised International Expert Conference on Asbestos in Kiev, and demands phase-out of asbestos production and use in Ukraine
For the first time in Ukraine a public open debate was held to discuss the issue of chrysotile asbestos in Ukraine
06.04.2012 | Alexandra Caterbow

Interview with WECF Partner Anjela Vasili: Product and Chemical Safety in the Balkans
Interview with WECF's partner Anjela Vasili, Albanian Women's Movement of Integral Development (L.G.ZH.I) on "Business Day".
05.04.2012 | WECF

Project "Product and Chemical Safety in the Balkans": Interviews with WECF's Partner
Watch the interviews with WECF Albanian partner working on the project "Product and Chemical Safety in the Balkans".
04.04.2012 | WECF

European Citizens’ Initiative Calls for the Right to Water
The beginning of April 2012 was marked by a promising move towards a better coverage of water and sanitation services in Europe
04.04.2012 | Rasa Jaruseviciute

Report from Rio+20 ‘Informal-Informal’ Negotiations 19- 23 March 2012
Report on the Rio+20 negotiations written by Tess Vistro, representative from Asia from the Women’s Major Group.
03.04.2012 | Women's Major Group

WECF, Together With European NGOs, Demands Good Criteria of EDCs in European Legisation
Download the call on European Member States and a position paper of EU NGOs and Trade Unions.

Gender Imbalance in Afghanistan Increases the Importance of WECF's Work in the Country and Contribution to Rio+20
Article on German Bundesregierung in German
02.04.2012 | Die Bundesregierung

Bulgarian Government Drops Belene
Bulgaria will not go ahead with the completion of a new nuclear power plant at Belene and instead wants the Russian-supplied reactor that was to have been installed there to become the seventh unit at the existing Kozloduy site.
02.04.2012 | World Nuclear News

Rio+20 Zero Draft - Recommendations Women's Major Group
The key recommendations by the Women's Major Group as presented during the Annual Breakfast meeting of the network of women Ministers and Leaders for the Enviroment at the UNEP GC/GMF in Nairobi, Kenya

100 Days until Rio+20: Women’s Priorities for Sustainable Development
Women Major Group presents key priorities for sustainable development with regards to poverty eradication and social equity.
30.03.2012 | Rasa Jaruseviciute

Nano - the great unknown
WECF position paper on nano particles and nanotechnology

WECF VIDEO - Wochenendseminar "Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe"
WECF und die GTO (German Toilet Organization) führten am 11./ 12. Februar 2012 das Wochenendseminar 'Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe unter NROs im Bereich Sanitärversorgung und Hygiene' an der Limnologischen Station der TU München in Iffeldorf durch.

Toxic free beauty - Safe Cosmetics
We are exposed to hazardous chemicals everywhere and on a daily basis. Our bathrooms contain numerous products from eye make-up, creams and shower gels to baby powder and toothpaste. Hazardous chemicals have been found consistently in beauty and personal care products.
28.03.2012 | WECF Campaign

Sascha Gabizon speaks on behalf of the Women's Major Group at UN press conference
Civil Society Coalitions React to Governments Progress at Rio+20 Negotiations - Press Conference

Nadezhda Kutepova – Questioning the “Normalization” Of Nuclear Power Energy in Russia
Ms. Kutepova’s speech on the impact of nuclear energy for local people, presented at the First International Convention of Environmental Laureates, March, 2012 in Freiburg
27.03.2012 | WECF

Women Perspective on the Green Economy: Side Event Rio+20, 27 March
Intervention by women during Rio+20 intersessional, presented by Doris Mpoumou.
27.03.2012 | WECF

Human rights council of the United Nations recognizes importance of environment and human rights by installing independent expert
Independent Expert will be appointed on Human Rights Related to Enjoyment of a Safe, Clean, Healthy and Sustainable Environment – March 2012
27.03.2012 | Anke Stock

EU Commission Partially Backs Germany's Stricter Toy Chemical Limits
Interview with Alexandra Caterbow, WECF coordinator for chemicals and health
27.03.2012 | Chemical Watch

The Road to Rio - Interview with WECF director Sascha Gabizon
Interview with WECF director Sascha Gabizon, co-chair of the Women's Major Group for the UN conference on Sustainable Development (UNSCD) 2012 process
26.03.2012 | The Road To Rio - NGLS newsletter for Civil Society

Gender Dimension in the Post 2015 Sustainable Development Agenda
Summary of Side Event on Gender and the post 2015 development agenda which was co-organised by WECF on the 21st of March
26.03.2012 | WECF

Trade Unions at the World Water Forum, Marseille
Women right to water was highligted by Sascha Gabizon, WECF executive director, at the Word Water Forum 6, says "Right to Water"
26.03.2012 | Right to Water

Special Raport on the Side Event: The Role of Technology in the "Green Economy"
Presented by the WECF, ETC Group, Consumers International, La Via Campesina, and Centro Ecológico
26.03.2012 | WECF

Christine von Weizsäcker Has Contributed With an Article Regarding the State of the Negotiations in the Run-Up to Rio+20
Christine von Weizsäcker, the president of WECF’s Board of Trustees, presents a synthesis of UNCSD Rio+20 Plenary Sessions held on the 23rd of March in New York.
26.03.2012 | WECF

Aufbauseminar "Nachhaltige Sanitärlösungen in Entwicklungs- und Schwellenländern" am 3. und 4. März in Berlin
Gemeinsamer Workshop von WECF, GTO und GIZ für NGOs, Studierende und am Thema Interessierte
23.03.2012 | Dr. Claudia Wendland

Case study presentation at World Water Day 2012 - Involving schools in developing community based Water Safety Plans (WSP) for small-scale water supply systems in 4 villages of Chokhatauri Municipality
No safe drinking water in rural Georgia, the Caucasus - Lacking structures and responsibilities

Grotere kans op obesitas en diabetes door dagelijkse blootstelling aan chemische stoffen
Nieuwe kansen voor terugdringen diabetes en obesitas?
22.03.2012 | WECF Pers

WECF Network at the 4th Finland Dry Toilet Conference 2012
On 22-25 August, 2012, WECF, together with its partners, will share the knowledge and experience in the field of water and sanitation at the Dry Toilet Conference in Finland
22.03.2012 | WECF

Wereld Water Dag 2012: Recht op toegang tot veilig drinkwater & sanitatie voor allen!
Meer aandacht en inspanningen nodig voor landelijke gebieden in ontwikkelingslanden
21.03.2012 | WECF Pers

Daily chemical exposure adds to obesity and diabetes risk
A scientific review of more than 240 papers published today by CHEM Trust provides new urgency for banning certain chemicals to protect health
20.03.2012 | WECF & HEAL

EWA: Women Empowerment
The overall goal of the WECF EWA programme is to contribute to economic and political empowerment of women from low-income rural and peri-urban regions in six developing countries (Afghanistan, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, South Africa, Tajikistan, Uganda)
19.03.2012 | WICF Project

The Millennium Development Goal for Water and Sanitation Has Been Met!
In a recent report, UNICEF and The World Health Organisation (WHO) have announced that Millennium Development Goal 7c has already been achieved
19.03.2012 | Unicef

EU Toy Industry Would Support Lower Lead Limit Values
Chemical Watch's interview with Alexandra Caterbow, WECF coordinator for chemicals and health
19.03.2012 | Chemical Watch

Health and Environment Alliance: WECF Campaign on Toys Safety
HEAL shares the news on WECF's press conference on Toys Safety
19.03.2012 | HEAL

Uranium from Africa
A joint report by WISE and SOMO on mitigation of uranium mining impacts on society and environment by industry and governments.

The World Water Forum 6, Marseille 2012 – an Overview
WECF’s activities at the 6th World Water Forum in Marseille, France, 12 – 17 March 2012.
14.03.2012 | WECF

Women Travel Grants Rio+20 Sustainable Development Conference Brazil, June 2012
WECF is co-organiser of the Women's Major Group at the Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development which takes place from 13 - 23 of June in Rio de Janeiro
12.03.2012 | Sascha Gabizon

The World Water Forum 6: Time for Solutions
WECF mobilizes for the right to water and contributes in tackling global water challenges at the 6th World Water Forum in Marseille, March 2012.
12.03.2012 | WECF Press Release

Campbell's to End Use of BPA in Can Linings
Campbell's Soup has agreed to stop using the chemical BPA in the lining of its cans, joining a host of other brands moving away from using the substance.
09.03.2012 | JS Online

The World Water Forum 6: Time for Solutions
WECF, together with France Libertés and the Water Coalition, is mobilizing for the right to water and sanitation
09.03.2012 | Rasa Jaruseviciute

Waarom is Rio +20 belangrijk voor vrouwen?
Internationale vrouwendag 2012: WECF, voorzitter Women’s Major Group voor Rio +20 stelt: "groene economie" kan niet bestaan zonder gendergelijkheid
07.03.2012 | WECF Pers

International Women's Day 2012: Why is Rio+20 important for women?
WECF, organising Partner Women’s Major Group for Rio+20 states: the “Green Economy” needs Gender Equality
07.03.2012 | WECF Press Release

Rio+20 Zero Draft - Recommendations Women's Major Group
The key recommendations by the Women's Major Group as presented during the Annual Breakfast meeting of the network of women Ministers and Leaders for the Enviroment at the UNEP GC/GMF in Nairobi, Kenya
05.03.2012 | Sascha Gabizon

Sascha Gabizon Contributed to UNEP Year Book 2012
Sascha Gabizon, WECF executive director, has contributed to the UNEP Year Book 2012 by reviewing the chapter Closing and Decommissioning Nuclear Power Reactors
02.03.2012 | WECF

Women’s Vision for Sustainable Development at UNEP Governing Council/Global Ministerial Environment Forum, February 2012, Nairobi, Kenya
Sascha Gabizon, WECF executive director and co-chair Women’s Major Group, presented the Women Priorities for the Rio+20 Zero Draft at the meeting of the Network of Women and Leaders for the Environment
01.03.2012 | WECF

Gronings Water Bedrijf (Water Company) and WECF continue cooperation to distribute tulip water filters in rural Azerbaijan
WECF and its partners in Azerbaijan Independent Consumer Union and EKOT, received a donation of 8700 Euro, enabling citizens of rural areas having access to safe water.
23.02.2012 | Margriet Samwel

Case Study 'No Safe Drinking Water for the Region Sabirabad, Azerbaijan'
Findings of the issues drinking water and sanitation of the 2-years WECF project implemented in the rural areas of Azerbaijan

Erfolgreiches Toiletten-Seminar in Iffeldorf
20 TeilnehmerInnen von NROs und Universitäten bauten ihre Expertise in nachhaltiger Sanitärversorgung aus
20.02.2012 | Friedemann Klimek

"Een groene doos voor groene ouders"
Een Veilig Nest en Babybegood introduceren nieuw duurzaam concept Mama Green op Negenmaandenbeurs

Case Study 'No Safe Drinking Water for the Region Sabirabad, Azerbaijan'
Findings of the issues drinking water and sanitation of the 2-years WECF project implemented in the rural areas of Azerbaijan
20.02.2012 | WECF

Minder is meer! Gezonde schoonmaakproducten voor een gezond en schoon huis
WECF tips in goody bag huishoudbeurs: Een fris schoon, milieuvriendelijk huis voor bijna geen geld
17.02.2012 | WECF Nederland

ANEC Newsletter: WECF's Press Conference ‘Protect Children – Phase Out Chemicals of Concern in Toys’ in Brussels, January 2012
WECF's event on toys safety in the European Parliament this January mentioned in ANEC newsletter
15.02.2012 | ANEC

Guilty! Eternit Verdict Seeks to Bring Justice
The world watched with bated breath as the final verdict in the internationally known Eternit trial was read
15.02.2012 | ADAO

More Solar Food Dryers in The Kyrgyz Villages Thanks to the Kind Support and Donations by Mr. Sjef Jorritsma and His Collegues at the Hanzehogeschool Groningen, The Netherlands
WECF and its local partner the Kyrgyz Alliance for Water and Sanitation (KAWS) are delighted to announce the receipt of a donation at the amount of 1200 EUR by Mr. Sjef Jorritsma and his colleagues.
13.02.2012 | WECF

JRC Scientists Finalised Study on Release of Chemical Substances from 450 Plastic Baby Bottles
Press release of the European Commission Joint Research Centre says that hazardous substances could be detected in polyamide bottles in relevant amounts.
13.02.2012 | European Commission Joint Research Centre

New Study: Microplastics from Washing Machine Wastewater Are Polluting Beaches
Tiny plastic particles from laundry wastewater are being washed into the marine environment, according to recent research.
13.02.2012 | Environmental Science & Technology

Gender Equality and Environmental Rights for All
WECF Publication: Gender as cross-cutting issue within WECF’s work

ECHA Prepares For Biocides, PIC Handover
The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) plans to hire 19 staff to deal with EU biocide approvals and will need more than 100 to process the 300 authorisation requests expected annually by 2020, it said last week.
08.02.2012 | ENDS Europe

Hoeveel gif staat er in uw tuin- of keukenkast?
Een Veilig Nest aanwezig op speciale thema avond rond film SILENT SNOW
07.02.2012 | Chantal van den Bossche

Netherlands: Borssele-2 Postponed
Dutch utility Delta announces about postponing plans to build a second nuclear power plant in the Netherlands
06.02.2012 | Nuclear Monitor

Astonishing Findings of a New Research on Chemical Pesticides in Armenia by WECF Partner AWHHE
A research conducted in 2011 by WECF Armenian partner AWHHE revealed a threatening extent of toxic pesticides in more than 60 samples such as water, soil, air, cow’s milk and egg
02.02.2012 | WECF

Human Rights: WECF Contributing to the Public Consultation of the Special Rapporteur on the Human Right to Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation
The Special Rapporteur, Catarina de Albuquerque, introduced the new issue “stigmatisation” which is not yet part of the human rights framework, 1 February 2012 in Geneva
02.02.2012 | Anke Stock

Could Playing and Swimming in the Pool Be More Than Just Fun and a Good Exercise for Pregnant Women and Young Children?
Series of studies conducted by Belgian scientists suggest that chlorinated indoor pools are a significant factor in the increase of early childhood asthma and testicular damage in boys.
01.02.2012 | WECF

Intervention by the Women’s Major Group on the Zero Draft Meeting for Rio+20
Azra Sayeed from Pakistan presented the women's vision on the "zero draft" Rio+20 ministerial declaration at UN Headquarters in New York on the 26th of January 2012.
30.01.2012 | WECF

Home Comforts in Issyk-Kul Villages: Affordable Rural Infrastructure and New Business Opportunities
Article in the Times of Central Asia on WECF’s project “Home Comforts”
30.01.2012 | Claudia Wendland

WECF pushes for stronger Toys Safety Directive
Slightly optimitic outcome of WECF press conference on toys safety at European Parliament this January
25.01.2012 | WECF

Breast Cancer Screening Cannot Be Justified, Says Researcher
Book argues harm outweighs small number of lives saved, and accuses mammography supporters of misconduct
23.01.2012 | The Guardian

Seminar zu nachhaltiger Sanitärversorgung für NROs
Toiletten für Schulen und öffentliche Einrichtungen in Entwicklungsländern: Wie mache ich alles richtig?
23.01.2012 | Friedemann Klimek

Press Conference on Toys Safety and Toys Testing at European Parliament, 25th January
Protect Children – Phase out Chemicals of Concern in Toys
20.01.2012 | WECF Press Release

EU Biocides Law Considered a “Standstill” by NGOs
A joint press release by WECF, HEAL and PAN Germany, UK and Europe
19.01.2012 | WECF Press Release

French Study Confirms Correlation Between Increased Incidence Child Leukaemia and Vicinity to Nuclear Power Plants
‘Women and children at greater risk’ alarms Women’s Environment and Health Network WECF
13.01.2012 | WECF Press Release

Women’s Major Group: Rio+20 Position Statement - Summary
Summary of the Women’s Major Group Statements for UN Conference on Sustainable Development

Storm Over Silicones
Slowly and quietly over the past decade, a cyclic methylsiloxane that was once an industry workhorse disappeared from the personal care market
11.01.2012 | Chemical & Enegineering News

The Project “Switch to Sun – Live in Comfort” Latest Accomplishments – Solar Collectors Have Now Been Installed in Ukraine
Solar collectors are now a reality and play an important role of the daily energy consumption of the residents of the Manevychi region, the district of Volyn in Ukraine.
11.01.2012 | WECF

Toys in a Black List of Products, Containing Carcinogenic Chemicals
Toys, cosmetics and even shoes for children were included in a black list of gifts for the New Year, TV Klan in Albania has announced.
11.01.2012 | WECF

The Governor of Issyk Kul Oblast Welcomed the “Home Comforts” Project
Towards affordable rural infrastructure and new business opportunities in the Issyk-Kul villages, Kyrgyzstan.
11.01.2012 | Claudia Wendland

WECF Position on the Commission Proposal to Recast PIC Regulation
Download WECF's position paper on the EU Commission proposal to recast PIC regulation

WECF and Eco-Accord Report of the 7th ‘Environment for Europe’ Ministerial Conference, 2011, Astana
WECF and Eco-Accord presented the report of the Seventh ‘Environment for Europe’ Ministerial Conference, held on 22-23 September 2011 in Astana, Kazakhstan
10.01.2012 | WECF news

WECF congratulates the winner of the 2011 SEED Gender Equality Award, "Solid Waste Management and Community Mobilization Program" from NEPAL
The SEED Gender Equality Award was created this year for the first time on the initiative of SEED, UN Women and the Women Rio+20 Steering Committee.
09.01.2012 | WECF Press Release

Thousands in Support of Toxic-free Children’s Toys in Armenia and Kyrgyzstan
Project started to eliminate children’s toys with toxic substances from the market in Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Belarus and Ukraine by 2020
09.01.2012 | AWHHE

“Speaking Cotton”: the exploitation of children in Uzbekistan's cotton fields
A film by Stefanie Trambow and Erik Malchow portrays the ongoing exploitation of children in Uzbekistan's cotton fields, 2011.
05.01.2012 | Uzbek - German Forum for Human Rights

Home detergents almost phosphate-free by 2017
An almost complete EU ban for domestic detergents will apply from January 2017.
05.01.2012 | ENDS Europe

Women in Conflict Zones: Dutch Action Plan 1325
Nearly 40 Dutch organizations including WECF launched a National Action Plan 1325 on Women, Peace, and Security on 19 December 2011.
05.01.2012 | WECF

Cancer from Fetal Exposure to Carcinogens Depends On Dose, Timing
The cancer-causing potential of fetal exposure to carcinogens can vary substantially causing different types of problems much later in life depending on the stage of pregnancy when the fetus is exposed.
04.01.2012 | Science Daily

WECF Newsletter 11-12/2011: Strong Position on Sustainable Development
Relevant information on the main WECF news and activities worldwide in November and December 2011.
03.01.2012 | WECF

Women’s Intervention towards Rio+20: 5 Priority Actions
Anita Nayar, on behalf of the Women’s Major Group, presented 5 priority actions towards Rio+20 on 15-16 of December 2011.
02.01.2012 | WECF

Final evaluation of WECF’s MFS1 Programme “Empowerment and Local Action” (ELA)
This report presents the findings of the final evaluation of WECF’s ELA programme, implemented from January 2008 to December 2010.

"Een eetlepel bloem of een scheutje olijfolie"
interview met Ingrid Elbertse nav babycreme checker voor Goede Waar Magazine
20.12.2011 | Goede Waar Magazine december

Media aandacht voor speelgoedcampagne Een Veilig Nest
Spelbrekers - schadelijke stoffen in speelgoed. Waarom?
20.12.2011 | Chantal van den Bossche

International Trade of hazardous chemicals and pesticides
WECF position on the Commission proposal to recast of PIC Regulation
20.12.2011 | WECF

Lancering Nederlands Actieplan 1325 ‘Vrouwen, Vrede, Veiligheid'
Bijna 40 organisaties waaronder WECF ondertekenden maandag 19 december het Nationaal Actieplan Resolutie 1325 in aanwezigheid van minister Uri Rosenthal van Buitenlandse Zaken, verschillende kamerleden en activisten uit vele landen
14.12.2011 | Chantal van den Bossche

Humanitarian Roofing project in Prislop, Romania
Thanks to gifts from private donors in many countries 42 families received sheets for making their roofs water-proof
14.12.2011 | Margriet Samwel

Side Event at United Nations on 15th December: UNWomen, WECF and Women's Major Group
WECF is co-organising a side event entitled 'From 'Brown' Economy to 'Equitable' Economy - Women's priorities for Rio+20".
12.12.2011 | WECF

Durban Outcome: No Guarantees for the Climate as Governments Again Delay
The international trade union movement expressed its disappointment as climate negotiators in Durban had agreed a platform to continue negotiations, but without any guarantees that will make the cuts to emissions demanded by science to stop a climate disaster

Durban conference delivers breakthrough in international community’s response to climate change
Gateway to the United Nations system's work on Climate Change
11.12.2011 | UN statement on Durban

Durban climate talks ending: Polluters won, people lost (Greenpeace Africa)
On the closing of the latest round of UN climate talks in Durban Greenpeace today declared that it was clear that our Governments this past two weeks listened to the carbon-intensive polluting corporations instead of listening to the people who want an end to our dependence on fossil fuels and real and immediate action on climate change
11.12.2011 | Press Release Greenpeace Africa

Sanitation and Gender Are Core Issues of the Nexus Approach
WECF contributed to the conference “The Water Energy and Food Security Nexus – Solutions for the Green Economy” held 16 to 18 November 2011 in Bonn
06.12.2011 | Sascha Gabizon

WECF climate change project receives international award
WECF’s project received the 2011 ACT Climate Award in the ACT Global Disaster Risk Reduction Workshop in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
05.12.2011 | WECF

Nuclear Energy - not Co2 free, an article by energy expert Herman Damveld
In the negotiations about reduction of climate change in Durban one of the issues is if nuclear energy can be considered to be one of the solutions to reduce CO 2 emissions, this is not the case according to Herman Damveld.
05.12.2011 | Herman Damveld

BPA Lurks in Canned Soups and Drinks
Canned soup consumption immediately increases urinary BPA concentrations in the human body.
05.12.2011 | New York Times

”New” POPs in marine mammals in Nordic Arctic and NE Atlantic areas during three decades
Marine mammals are highly valued in the countries surrounded by the North Atlantic Ocean.
05.12.2011 | NORDEN: Official co-operation in the Nordic region

Decentralised Environmental Solutions

Gender prioriteit voor Rio+20
Het nationaal platform Rio+20 organiseerde in samenwerking met WECF, Wo=MEN en Women Inc een bijeenkomst over het belang van gender in duurzame ontwikkeling op vrijdag 11 november in Amsterdam
04.12.2011 | Chantal van den Bossche

The Turning Wheel - An Educational Cycle Expedition About Simple Technologies for Sustainable Living
A former WECF project officer Central Asia, Fedde Jorritsma, is cycling around the world for one year to use his expertise on water, sanitation and energy.
04.12.2011 | WECF

5 More families can now live in a water proof home in Prislop
Just before the start of the winter WECF and local partner were able to donate again materials to poor families in Prislop for repairing leaking roofs of five small houses
03.12.2011 | WECF

Aanbevelingen en suggesties ten aanzien van de speelgoedrichtlijn

Veilig speelgoed kopen, kan dat wel?
Nieuw boekje ‘Spelbrekers’ geeft aanbevelingen en suggesties
02.12.2011 | WECF Nederland Persbericht

Toxic Baby Shampoo: Johnson & Johnson Agrees to Global Reformulation Under Pressure from Health Groups
New report shows company making formaldehyde-free 'No More Tears' shampoo in some countries, but not U.S.
01.12.2011 | WECF

Case study - Constructed Wetland in Vidrare, Bulgaria
Sustainable Wastewater Treatment for Rural and Peri-Urban Communities in Bulgaria

Videos: Safe Toys for Safe Childhood
Watch videos on Toys Safety "Zdrave Igračke za Zdravo Detinjstvo"
01.12.2011 | WECF

Deutsche Botschaft Bischkek fördert den Bau einer umweltschonenden Sanitäranlage
Übergabe der Toiletten durch Botschafter Green an die Schule Nr.2 in Iwankowa
01.12.2011 | Deutsche Botschaft Bischkek, Kirgisistan

315NGO’s Call for an Impartial Risk Assessment on EMF Health Risks
WECF, together with a number of NGOs, MEPs, scientists, medical doctors, lawyers and other stakeholders are calling for an impartial risk assessment on EMF health risks.
30.11.2011 | WECF

WECF and EDC's
A position paper and policy paper on EDC's - Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals

World Water Forum Marseille 2012
The 6th World Water Forum: Regional Process Europe will be held on 12-17 of March, 2012 in Marseille, France
29.11.2011 | WECF

NGO Decentralised Environmental Solutions (DES) - A New WECF Partner in South Africa
On 15 July 2011 NGO Decentralised Environment Solutions (DES) was founded in South Africa.
29.11.2011 | WECF

The action to control the sale of hazardous substances in Albania
The Tirana Municipality takes actions in the controls of fireworks and chemical products in Albanian markets
28.11.2011 | WECF

Sharing Lessons Learned
Closing conference “Sharing Lessons Learned”, 25 – 26 November 2011, Baku, Azerbaijan
23.11.2011 | WECF

Tribute to Danielle Mitterrand
France Libertés is sad to announce the death of Danielle Mitterrand today at 2 pm to the European Hospital Georges Pompidou.
22.11.2011 | Natalia Dejean

Fotostrecke zum Welttoilettentag 2011
Eine der Organisationen des WASH-Netzwerks, die sich für den Ausbau der Sanitärversorgung einsetzen, ist WECF. Im Kaukasus und in Osteuropa baut WECF zusammen mit Partnern vor Ort so genannte "Trockentrenntoiletten" (Urine Diverting Dry Toilets, UDDT).
22.11.2011 | Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer die Vereinte Nationen e.V.

Paris – November 16 : WECF toys tests : too many toxic subtances in toys!
During the test action in Paris WECF found traces of formaldéhyde et xylène
21.11.2011 | WECF France Press Release

Die Toilette ist der Held des Tages
Was macht Thilo Panzerbieter, der Chef der German Toilet Organization, mit einer goldenen Toilette auf einer hochrangigen internationalen Konferenz?
21.11.2011 | GTO & WECF

Fondation Danielle Mitterrand - France Libertés

Annual Report WECF 2010
WECF provides a network, platform and tools for global citizens, women and men, who want to work together for a fair, healthy and safer world for all. Will you join us?

Training on construction, maintenance and use of solar collectors in Chardakhi, Georgia
30 participants from eight villages in Georgia were trained from 17-20 october, 2011
18.11.2011 | Miriam Reindl, Annemarie Mohr, Anna Samwel

From 'Brown' Economy to 'Care' Economy
Women's priorities for Rio+20, Side Event at the UNECE Rio+20 conference, Geneva, 2 December
17.11.2011 | WECF

One eco-tech toilet: cause for celebration in this Moldovan village school
Ceremony heralds World Toilet Day
16.11.2011 | Press Release CWS icw WECF

Testing confirms that toys sold on the EU market still contain chemicals of concern
On November 10th and 16th, WECF organized 2 events in France and the Netherlands to raise awareness on chemicals of concern in toys
16.11.2011 | WECF Press Release

Albanian Voice Conference “International Cooperation in Hazardous Substances and Product Safety in the Balkans“ results in concrete action of Albanian authorities
Conference resulted in a joint statement of 23 civil society organizations demanding better control mechanisms for consumer products, especially toys
16.11.2011 | Bistra Mihaylova

Einladung zur Pressekonferenz
Anlässlich der Konferenz Bonn2011 – The Water, Energy and Food Security Nexus – Water resources in the Green Economy

Wasser und die Millenniumsziele
Neue Großstaudämme lösen das Energieproblem nicht - Fortschritte in der Sanitärversorgung dringend notwendig
16.11.2011 | Pressemitteilung

Multi-stakeholder Training on Product Safety in Skopje, Macedonia
On 11th and 12th November, 2011, the multi-stakeholder training on the challenges in the field of Product Safety was held in Macedonia, as a part of the WECF project "Product and Chemical Safety in the Balkans".
15.11.2011 | Bistra Mihaylova

BEF Lithuania
Baltic Environmental Forum Lithuania: provides environmental protection and management in Lithuania

Women's Major Group for Rio+20 Position Presented at Meeting Organized by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs
A meeting on gender and women priorities for Rio+20 at the Foreign Ministry in Paris, 7 November in Paris
14.11.2011 | WECF

Youth case studies on Environment and Health - deadline extended to December 15
UNEP Tunza youth network calls for "good practice" case studies by Youth
14.11.2011 | WECF

Paraben esters: review of recent studies of endocrine toxicity
Review of recent studies of endocrine toxicity, absorption, esterase and human exposure, and discussion of potential human health risks.
14.11.2011 | Journal of Applied Toxicology

Gender Prioriteit voor Rio+20
Op 11-11-11, de dag van de Duurzaamheid organiseert het Nationaal Platform Rio+20 samen met WECF, WOMEN Inc, WO=MEN en anderen een bijeenkomst met als titel: "Gender Prioriteit voor Rio+20".
11.11.2011 | WECF Press Release

Gender and Climate Justice Tribunals: Featuring Mexico and Peru
Women's tribunals on gender and climate justice were organized on 10 November, 2011, in collaboration with partners around the world in the lead up to COP 17 and Rio+20.
11.11.2011 | WECF

Pre-Bonn Gender Conference 2011: Power to Empower, Leverage 2011 And Beyond
Gender Concerns International organizes the “Women at the Flashpoint II: Pre-Bonn Gender Conference” on 17 November 2011 in The Hague, The Netherlands.
09.11.2011 | Gender Concerns International

Vorniceni village’s in Moldova project won the 3rd place at the International Awards for Liveable Communities 2011
The activity of the “Terra-1530” NGO, a part of the project “Democratization of Dniester River Basin Governance”, won the 3rd place at the International Awards for Liveable Communities 2011 in Seoul, South Korea.
09.11.2011 | WECF

UN Delegates Struggle with the True Cost of Mercury
Delegates from more than 120 countries in the recently-held third meeting of an intergovernmental negotiating committee (INC3) struggled to move forward on a global mercury treaty.
09.11.2011 | IPEN press release

Spelbrekers - Lieve Sint, koopt u dit jaar geen spelbrekers. Koop gifvrij!
WECF voert campagne in sinterklaastijd tegen schadelijke stoffen in speelgoed
08.11.2011 | Chantal van den Bossche

U.S. to study cancer risks near nuclear sites
The National Academy of Sciences has begun a study of cancer risks faced by people living near nuclear facilities — a study it admits is worrisome.
03.11.2011 | USA Today

Nexus Conference: Initiating integrated solutions for the Green Economy, Bonn 2011
Nexus Conference: Initiating integrated solutions for the Green Economy will take place in Bonn on 16 - 18 November 2011.
03.11.2011 | WECF

Rio+20 - Women Worldwide Present Recommendations and Statements
More than 70 women's organizations from over 40 countries from around the world present their recommendations for Rio+20 - next year's United Nations conference on Sustainable Development
03.11.2011 | Sascha Gabizon

Baby's Tub Is Still Toxic
The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics strives to remove a cancer-causing chemical from Johnson's Baby Shampoo, but Johnson & Johnson is still using formaldehyde-releasing preservatives in baby shampoo in some countries.
03.11.2011 | WECF

WECF stuurt brief aan Tweede Kamer over risico's volksgezondheid en nanotechnologie
WECF uit punten van zorg en aanbevelingen wat betreft voortgang nanotechnologiebeleid voor begrotingsdiscussie van ELI.
02.11.2011 | Chantal van den Bossche

Malika Berkaine
Chargée de mission Administration & Communication WECF France/Administrative Assistant and Communication

Steekproef van WECF vindt zware metalen en verboden weekmaker in speelgoed
Schadelijke stoffen in ons speelgoed: waarom?
01.11.2011 | WECF Press Release

Leserbrief zum Artikel "Teddybären unter Folter"
Die Autoren verschweigen leider die Tatsache, dass der Großteil der Spielzeugindustrie hartnäckig z. B. eine unabhängige Drittprüfung von Spielzeug, die Auflistung von Inhaltsstoffen sowie vernünftige Grenzwerte für Schwermetalle wie z.B. Blei oder Cadmium ablehnt.
28.10.2011 | Alexandra Caterbow

Alle Jahre wieder – Spielzeug im Test
WECF fordert schnellere Nachbesserung der EU Spielzeugrichtline und bessere Selbstverpflichtung der Hersteller
27.10.2011 | WECF Press Release

EU Ambassadors impressed by project “Switch to sun-live with comfort”
Report from EU news on Ukrainian project which aims at improving health, reducing poverty and increasing energy security
25.10.2011 | WECF

Maak je kinderen blij met gezond, veilig en duurzaam speelgoed op pakjesavond!
Eerste Nederlandse speelgoedconventie van Een Veilig Nest: Spelbrekers! Schadelijke stoffen in ons speelgoed, waarom?
24.10.2011 | WECF Press Release

Solar collector construction training in Issyk Kul region, Kyrgyzstan
From 25-29 September, 27 participants from nine communities from Issyk Kul region learned how to construct a solar collector.
23.10.2011 | Regina Drexel

Fukushima: Die Katastrophe in Japan nimmt ihren Lauf
Zumutbare Dosis für Kleinkinder in Japan dramatisch zu hoch
21.10.2011 | Umweltinstitut München

Bulgarien: Auftaktveranstaltungen im Rahmen des DBU-Projektes zur Trinkwassersicherheit
Ziel des Projektvorhabens in Bulgarien ist es, das Bewusstsein für den Umweltschutz – insbesondere im Bereich der (Trink-) Wasserqualität – zu fördern. Kinder und Jugendliche werden gemeinsam mit ihren Lehrern die kleinen, lokalen Wasserversorgungssysteme mit Hilfe des Trinkwassersicherheitskonzepts (TSK)
20.10.2011 | Friedemann Klimek

Bulgaria: Teachers trained on developing Water Safety Plans
WECF trained teachers of 5 bulgarian schools on developing Water Safety Plans for small-scale supplies with the involvement of youth. The trainings took place on October 4,5 and 7,8
20.10.2011 | Friedemann Klimek

In Great Sadness
WECF colleagues and members are mourning the loss of a great friend, an exceptionally gifted woman, Liza Danielyan, head of the WHO office in Armenia.
19.10.2011 | WECF colleagues and members

Spoilsports! Chemicals of concern in toys
WECF France and WECF the Netherlands organise Toys Events in November
19.10.2011 | Chantal van den Bossche

A new ecosan toilet for a school in Moldova
The Moldavian partner ORMAX is building a new ecosan school toilet in Hasnasenii Mari, Moldova with the technical support of WECF and the financial support of CWS (Church World Service).
19.10.2011 | WECF news

SuSanA working group 10: Operation and maintenance of sustainable sanitation systems
WECF, together with the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA), strives for appropriate attention to sanitation issues worldwide.
19.10.2011 | WECF news

EECCA NGO Appeal on toys safety
After the discussion between the NGOs and EU presidency on key issues of the Environment for Europe process on 23 September 2011 in Astana, EECCA NGO made an appeal on toys safety.
19.10.2011 | WECF news

UNEP Tunza Youth meeting on Green Economy and Rio+20
60 youth representatives from 27 countries of the EU, Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Southern Europe participated in the “UNEP Tunza European Youth Conference” which took place on the 6th and 7th of September 2011 in Bonn.
19.10.2011 | Sascha Gabizon

Recent training on construction, use and maintenance of solar collectors in Odessa, Ukraine
Three regions were chosen for training, organized from October 4 to 7 at the State Ecological University in Odessa, together with our local partner Vidrodzhennia (Tatarbunary) and by technical support of the German expert Markus Brandhofer from the Solar Partner Sued GmbH
19.10.2011 | Olga Plekhanova

VAM, WECF and WEDO workshop Bonn on Gender and Green Economy, 4 September 2011
Voices of African Mothers, WECF and WEDO co-organise workshop on Gender and Green Economy as part of the preparations for Rio+20, during the UNDPI conference in Bonn, on 4 September 2011.
19.10.2011 | Sascha Gabizon

The Drafting Expert Group Meeting on Water and Health in Paris
On 29 and 30 September 2011 the Drafting Expert Group met under the auspices of the joint Secretariat UNECE/WHO-EURO of the Protocol on Water and Health in Paris.
19.10.2011 | Anke Stock

Nobel Peace Prize 2011 for defenders of women’s rights
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Leymah Gbowee and Tawakkul Karman, three icons for women’s rights in Africa and the Arab world, were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize this month for their non-violent struggle for peace, democracy and gender equality
19.10.2011 | Source: Nobel Peace Price Committee

Brustkrebs ist keine Geschäftsidee - Gemeinsame Erklärung zum „Brustkrebsmonat“
Frauengesundheitsorganisationen fordern Stopp des Missbrauchs
18.10.2011 | Johanna Hausmann

From Brown to Green Economies
Discussion between the NGOs and the EU presidency, Andrzej Kraszewski, Minister of Environment of Poland, on key issues of the Environment for Europe process, Astana, Friday 23 September 2011
18.10.2011 | Sascha Gabizon

Major Groups: Farmers Statement
“Agriculture: The Centre Link of Sustainable Development Trinity”
14.10.2011 | WECF news

Kernenergie is niet Co2 vrij!
Klacht van o.a. WECF-oprichter Marie Kranendonk over reclame Atoomstroom gegrond verklaard
13.10.2011 | WECF Press Release

Kernenergie veilig? laat je niets wijsmaken
WECF voert al jaren campagne tegen kernenergie en geeft zeventien heldere argumenten van kernenergiedeskundie Herman Damveld waarom kernenergie geen goede optie is
13.10.2011 | Chantal van den Bossche

French MPs vote to ban BPA in food containers
France's lower parliamentary house, the Assemblée Nationale, has unanimously agreed to extend a ban on the chemical bisphenol A (BPA) from baby bottles to all food containers. The senate is likely to vote on the plan around the end of the year
13.10.2011 | ENDS Daily

Climate Change and Art in Munich
After an eventful September 2011 ClimateSights is not yet over.
12.10.2011 | Amra Bobar

KlimaSichten – künstlerische Auseinandersetzung zum Klimawandel
Nach einem veranstaltungsreichen September 2011 geht KlimaSichten weiter
12.10.2011 | Amra Bobar

Women statement at UNEP global consultation on Rio+20 in Bonn, 1-2 September 2011
Representatives of the women's Rio+20 steering committee from Africa and Europe took part in the UNEP major group and stakeholders global consultation on Rio+20 in Bonn, 1-2 September 2011.
12.10.2011 | Sascha Gabizon

Rio+20: French Women Contact Group for Gender and Sustainable Development
Presentation of the French Women Contact group contribution for Rio+20
11.10.2011 | Sascha Gabizon

Activities related to Water Safety Plans in 3 project communities in Azerbaijan
“Community approaches to a better environment for all and poverty reduction in out of reach communities of rural Azerbaijan“
11.10.2011 | Bistra Mihaylova

Women Major Group preparing submission on Rio+20 to UN
The women Rio+20 steering committee is calling for input for a global position of women on Rio+20 to be submitted to the UN before the deadline of 1 of November 2011.
11.10.2011 | Sascha Gabizon

Protocol on Water and Health (PWH): Extended lead Party meeting on the work Programme Small-scale water supply and sanitation, Berlin 20-21 June 2011
In preparation to the implementation of the PWH Programme on small-scale water supply and sanitation, a team of experts on small-scale water supply and sanitation was invited to an extended lead Party meeting 20-21 June 2011 in Berlin.
10.10.2011 | Margriet Samwel

“Switch to sun, live with comfort”
With EU support NGOs will provide Ukrainian rural districts with the tools and knowledge to heat water with solar energy

Umwelteinflüsse und Brustkrebs
WECF-Vortrag bei der Offenen Akademie in Gelsenkirchen
06.10.2011 | Dr. Silvia Pleschka

Sanitatie: nieuwe impulsen - Kansen Voor Nederland en Internationale Samenwerking!
BiDBook sanitatie gepresenteerd tijdens 'Five Years-Drive for Sanitation' symposium
03.10.2011 | WECF

KlimaSichten - Climate Change and Art in Munich
Video on WECF project's ClimateSights workshop and exhibition that were held in Munich, September 2011.
02.10.2011 | WECF

Exploring Alternatives for Pesticides in Georgia
WECF and SEMA trained Georgian farmer leaders and NGOs on alternative plant protection methods in September 2011
01.10.2011 | Anna Samwel

In memoriam Kenyan Nobel laureate Wangari Maathai
All those who are connected to the WECF network mourn the passing away on September 25th of prof. Wangari Maathai, founder of the Greenbelt Movement and winner as the first African woman of the Nobel Prize for Peace in 2004
27.09.2011 | Irene Dankelman

WECF director calls for urgent measures to halt water pollution from uranium mining tailings in Central Asia at Environment for Europe Conference in Astana.
WECF director Sascha Gabizon – co-chair of the European Eco-Forum – addressed ministers of environment of the 56 countries of the UNECE region in her plenary address at 7th Environment for Europe Ministerial Conference in Astana, Kazakhstan
25.09.2011 | Chantal van den Bossche

No measures agreed to address risk of irreversible pollution of transboundary aquifers in Central Asia
WECF director calls for urgent measures to halt water pollution from uranium mining tailings in Central Asia, and laments continued use of Asbestos, at Conference of Environment Ministers from 56 countries in Astana, which dealt with water management and the greening of the economies
24.09.2011 | WECF Press Release

Baltic Info Campaign on Hazardous Substances
Many products used in every day life, like toys, cosmetics, plastic products, etc. contain hazardous chemicals. In the Baltic States people are often not aware of this and sufficient regulation is not in place. The overall goal of the project is to initiate a stronger demand at the society in the three Baltic States for products free of hazardous substances via awareness raising activities.
22.09.2011 | WECF Project

Bulgaria: Water safety plans
Environmental education for teachers as multipliers for children and young people at the example of rural communities in Bulgaria

Ergebnisse des Projektes „Trinkwassersicherungskonzept zur Umweltbildung für Lehrkräfte als Multiplikatoren für Kinder und Jugendliche am Beispiel ländlicher Gemeinden in Bulgarien“
Förderung von Umweltschutz und Bewusstsein für Wasserqualität

Scientists and health professionals urge UN and WHO to tackle the challenge of non-communicable diseases by global action
United Nations High Level Expert Committee Meeting on the Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases at the global level, 19th-20th September: will action follow the Asturias declaration?
16.09.2011 | WECF Press Release

NGOs get organised for the 7th Environment for Europe Ministerial Conference in Astana
WECF is supporting the European Eco-Forum, which is an alliance of some 200 Environmental NGOs in the UNECE region, to effectively participate in the 7th Environment for Europe Ministerial Conference which is taking place in Astana, Kazakhstan, from 21 - 23 of September
13.09.2011 | Sascha Gabizon

Pesticides in Georgia – no knowledge, no regulation, no protection
Project: Reducing the use of hazardous chemicals in developing countries
12.09.2011 | Anna Samwel

Workshops on energy efficient technologies for house insulation in Georgia and Ukraine
Potential for house insulation with different techniques and materials adapted to local conditions was assessed during two expert workshops - as part of the project ‘Building local capacity for Development of Thermal solar and insulation technologies', financed by the European Commission
12.09.2011 | Regina Drexel & Anna Samwel

A New Law “On Energy Performance of Buildings” Has Been Adopted in Kyrgyzstan
The Law “On Energy Performance of Buildings” in Kyrgyzstan is the first law on energy efficiency on buildings adopted within the post-Soviet countries.
09.09.2011 | WECF

A coalition of environmental, health and women's groups has called for better environmental protection concerning biocides
The Environment Committee of the European Parliament today debated the second reading of the mitigation proposals of the Ministers
08.09.2011 | Alexandra Caterbow

The Heart of Green Economy Must Be Based on Social Equity
Interview with Sacha Gabizon, the executive director of WECF, on the United Nations Radio, 2 September 2011.
05.09.2011 | WECF

KlimaSichten. Künstlerische Auseinandersetzungen zum Klimawandel- eine Kooperation von WECF e.V.und PLATFORM3
Workshop + Präsentation + Filmprogramm + Podiumsdiskussion + mobiles Archiv
30.08.2011 | WECF Deutschland Pressemitteilung

WECF active at global and regional Rio+20 consultations in Bonn, September 2011
WECF is actively involved in a number of international and regional Rio+20 consultations which are taking place in Bonn, Germany between 1 and 6 of September 2011

LGZHI director features on Albanian National Public Television to talk about WECF's Civil Society project in the Balkans
On the 26th of July Mrs Elvis Qaja, Executive Director of the Albanian LGZHI was invited on national's tv breakfast show, TVSH - “Morning Program”
24.08.2011 | Bistra Mihaylova

14th SuSanA (Sustainable Sanitation Alliance) meeting in Stockholm
Introductory speech was held by Claudia Wendland, lead of the SuSanA working group 07 and WECF coordinator sanitation projects
24.08.2011 | Claudia Wendland

WECF schoonmaakmiddelenwijzer geeft raad
Minder is meer! Gezonde schoonmaakproducten voor een gezonder huis

Minder is meer! Gezonde schoonmaakproducten voor een gezonder huis
WECF schoonmaakmiddelenwijzer geeft raad
23.08.2011 | Persbericht WECF Nederland

Straw Bale building - a viable alternative for Georgia and the EECCA region!
Straw bale building and clay plastering have been successfully introduced in Georgia as efficient and ecological alternative for hazardous conventional building materials for rich and poor during a practical workshop and public info day 1-4 July 2011
21.08.2011 | Anna Samwel

Informationsaustausch Geht in die Nächste Runde
Bereits seit 2008 gibt es sehr intensive Kontakte zwischen dem Netzwerk UNSER LAND und internationalen Gruppen, speziell aus Polen, die sich über das bayerische Vorzeige-Model informieren wollen.
08.08.2011 | WECF

Press Release EU on new rules to strengthen toy safety
"There will be no more places for defective and dangerous toys in the EU market" according to European commission Vice President
20.07.2011 | EU press release

Workshop "Equitable Access to Water and Sanitation," 4-5 July 2011: Presentations, Press Release, draft Good Practice Guidance
Gender input was delivered by WECFs gender & rights coordinator Anke Stock, focal point to the UNECE/WHO-Europe Protocol on Water and Health
14.07.2011 | Anke Stock

Applying Quality Criteria to Exposure in Asbestos Epidemiology Increases the Estimated Risk
Health Council of the Netherlands was asked for advice by the Ministries of the Environment and of Social Affairs and Employment to provide scientific evidence on risks of environmental and occupational exposure to asbestos
14.07.2011 | Annals of Occupational Hygiene, June 2011. Alex Burdorf and Dick Heederik via IPEN

Policy conference in Kyiv, Ukraine discussed renewables and energy efficiency in private households
The conference "Current State and Prospects of Alternative Energy Usage in Private Households and Communities of Ukraine" was conducted in Ukrinform Information agency on May 30, 2011
13.07.2011 | Yuri Urbansky, National Ecological Center Ukraine

WECF Ratgeber Körperpflege
Der WECF Ratgeber Körperpflege hilft bei der richtigen Produktauswahl und gibt Tipps, welche Inhaltstoffe man vermeiden sollte

Künstlerische Auseinandersetzung zum Klimawandel
13.07.2011 | Sabine Bock

WECF co-signed: Letter regarding todays' ENVI debate on Rio+2
Civil Society Organizations offer comments and supports for the draft resolution for the ENVI committee in the European Parliament in the preparation for next years RIO+ summit
12.07.2011 | Sascha Gabizon

A Safe and Comfortable Home - Brochure on WECF project Home Comforts
Creating local capacity for improved rural living standards through affordable and sustainable energy and sanitation solutions

WECF and Eco Forum at the Fourth Meeting of the Parties to the Aarhus Convention
"The world needs a stronger Aarhus Convention" according to a coalition of NGO's who defend an effective and reliable mechanism for environmental human rights
04.07.2011 | Anke Stock

111 Tage Fukushima - Post an Frau Merkel 57
Zurück auf Los mit Zeitverlust
30.06.2011 | Pressemitteilung WECF/Projekt21plus

The World Needs a Strong Aarhus Convention
NGOs defend an effective and reliable mechanism for environmental human rights
29.06.2011 | Joint Press Release European Eco Forum

Was your country given a cancer culprit award?
The countries that obstructed the listing of asbestos were given a Cancer Culprit Award during the 5th Conference of the Parties on the Rotterdam Convention
29.06.2011 | Johanna Hausmann

The Gazette’s View: Human cost of asbestos is not worth the jobs
For the sake of hundreds of jobs, $90 million a year in sales and our prime minister’s refusal to be wrong about anything, Canada is now the world’s only developed nation to not formally acknowledge chrysotile asbestos as a carcinogen
29.06.2011 | Montreal Gazette

Two fruit dryers constructed and installed in the villages of Sabirabad and Saatli
“Community approaches to a better environment for all and poverty reduction in out of reach communities of rural Azerbaijan“
27.06.2011 | Anna Samwel

Aandeelhouders Delta moeten keuze maken: een schone of een kernenergie toekomst?
De aandeelhouders van energiebedrijf Delta treffen vandaag bij de ingang van de jaarlijkse aandeelhoudersvergadering een protestactie van milieuorganisaties en politieke partijen.
27.06.2011 | Persbericht Coalitie tegen Kernenergie

Talc-containing baby powder is a health risk
Severe health disturbances possible in the event of improper use
27.06.2011 | BfR- German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment

Women's Rio+20 Good Practice Award
During the Rio+20 Summit on Sustainable Development in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, women’s contribution to sustainable development was highlighted by the Women's Rio+20 Good Practice Award
25.06.2011 | WICF Project

WECF at the COP 5 in Geneva
WECF attended from 20-24 of June the 5th Meeting of the Parties on the Rotterdam Convention, the COP5. WECF attended the meeting on behalf of the Rotterdam Convention Alliance (ROCA), which represented civil society at the conferenc and was shocked by Canada’s behaviour
25.06.2011 | Chantal van den Bossche

WECF disappointed by Canadian governments move to oppose listing chrysotile asbestos at Rotterdam Convention this week
“Now we have to wait for another two years to be able to protect the lives of thousands of people around the world”
24.06.2011 | WECF Press Release

Energy related participatory methodologies are developed to mobilize target communities
New methodologies for participatory assessment of the Energy situation in villages were introduced during two workshops in Georgia (06. – 08. May) and Ukraine (31. of May – 02. of June)
23.06.2011 | Anna Samwel

Canada maakt gebruik van "schandelijke tactiek" door zich te verzetten tegen opnemen van asbest op de lijst van gevaarlijke stoffen
Door verzet tegen opname in Annex 3 van de Rotterdam Conventie wint Noord-Amerikaanse land de ‘kankerveroorzakers’ prijs
22.06.2011 | WECF nieuws

Canada uses "shameful tactics" to oppose listing of asbestos, wins cancer culprit award
When asked earlier this week whether Canada would support listing asbestos in annex III of the Rotterdam Convention, Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver said “the question is moot”.
22.06.2011 | Joint Press Release Civil Society COP 5

Women make a difference - even on a so-called men’s issue
Side Event “Dangers in the Dust”
22.06.2011 | Chantal van den Bossche

ROCA position paper in preparation of the Rotterdam Convention COP 5 (English and Russian)
NGO observers long to see the Rotterdam Convention become the effective legally binding agreement that it should be.

Sustainable Sanitation – the drive to 2015
WECF has contributed to developing the key messages, and is excited that sustainable has been added as the logical prefix to sanitation
21.06.2011 | Chantal van den Bossche

German WASH-network founded
German NGOs join forces to fight for WAter, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) for all people
20.06.2011 | Friedemann Klimek

Open Press briefing and Discussion: How the Complete Change to Renewable Energies Can Be Achieved
Joint press release of WECF and WLOE on renewable energy
10.06.2011 | WECF

Inauguration of the first constructed wetland in Bulgaria
April 29, the constructed wetland for the wastewater treatment of the Home for Children and Juveniles with Mental Retardation St. Panteleimon in Vidrare, Pravetz municipality, was inaugurated
08.06.2011 | Claudia Wendland & Bistra Mihaylova

Workshop "Train the trainer/facilitator" at Ysyk kul in Kyrgyzstan
WECF partner & Kyrgyz NGO ALGA organised a Train the trainer/facilitator workshop at Ysyk Kyl in May
08.06.2011 | Claudia Wendland

Seminar in Skopje "Journalists workshop for toy's safety"
Product and Chemical Safety in the Balkans –a civil society cooperation working on consumer and corporate responsibility
07.06.2011 | Bistra Mihaylova

WASH in Schools Movement - presentation by WECF Director
WASH in Schools Meeting in Europe, The Hague, 24-25 May 2011
06.06.2011 | Chantal van den Bossche

The Women from Planet Diversity - DVD available in five languages
45 minute documentary of Planet Diversity demonstration, festival and conference on food, agriculture and biodiversity
01.06.2011 | Anna Gyorgy, WLOE & Magdalena Black, WECF

Press Coverage on the first ever public conference on asbestos in Kyrgyzstan
Russian language articles on the first ever public conference on asbestos in Bishkek, compiled by WECF partner BIOM
01.06.2011 | BIOM

International high level conference organised by WECF and BIOM on chrysotile asbestos & health, held in Kyrgyzstan leads to resolution
Kyrgyzstan is in the top ten of chrysotile asbestos users, it is a main building material, and it produces asbestos cement products for domestic use and export
31.05.2011 | WECF news

Nestle violates UN resolutions by Launching its new BabyNes feeding system in Switzerland
Nestlé is embarking on a new violation of World Health Assembly marketing requirements for breastmilk substitutes after refusing earlier this month to stop the vast majority of violations in the latest global monitoring report, presented in Geneva.
25.05.2011 | Baby Milk Action Press Release

Cans bring BPA to dinner, FDA confirms The vast majority of tested U.S. canned goods were tainted
Federal chemists have confirmed what everyone had expected: that if a bisphenol-A-based resin is used to line most food cans, there’s a high likelihood the contents of those cans will contain at least traces of BPA.
25.05.2011 | science news

KlimaSichten. Künstlerische Auseinandersetzungen zum Klimawandel
KlimaSichten ist ein künstlerisches Experiment. Es ist ein Workshop, eine Denkfabrik, eine Plattform für künstlerische Forschung und Produktion, ein interdisziplinärer und interkultureller Dialog zum Klimawandel

“Making Gender Equality Happen in Development Cooperation” – Workshop ADB
Deutsches Institut fuer Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) – Bonn
23.05.2011 | Anke Stock

Asbestos in Kazakhstan - project results
Kazakhstan is one of the biggest producers and consumers of asbestos, but the public is hardly informed about the dangers surrounding them in daily life
20.05.2011 | Alexandra Caterbow

Ballonnen voor Minister Verhagen
WECF doet mee aan protestactie van milieu organisaties bij Nederlands parlement
17.05.2011 | Chantal van den Bossche

Schadelijke stoffen vermijden in babyverzorgingsproducten?
WECF Babyverzorgingswijzer helpt bij het bouwen van een gezond en veilig nest
17.05.2011 | WECF the Netherlands Press Release

Environmental organisations and political parties will protest against nuclear energy tuesday May 17 in front of the Dutch Parliament
Ballonnen voor Verhagen: Milieuorganisaties en politieke partijen protesteren dinsdagmiddag bij het Binnenhof tegen kernenergie - Vrijwilligers plaatsen 850 antikernenergieballonnen voor de ramen van de Tweede Kamer
16.05.2011 | Persbericht Coalitie Schoon Genoeg van Kernenergie

Wenn Asbest krank macht – und endlich jemand darüber spricht
Umwelt-, Gesundheits- und Frauennetzwerk WECF initiiert High-Level- Konferenz in Kigisistan zum Thema Asbest
11.05.2011 | WECF Press Release

CSD 19: Women Major Group Statement: Multistakeholder Dialogue
The Women Major Group calls for the 10 year framework on SCP to support initiatives in which women and youth have clear and decisive access points to all levels of programme development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation as well as funding mechanisms
11.05.2011 | Sascha Gabizon

Balkan Stakeholders visiting European Institutions in Brussels and Paris
The visit took place as part of the “ Product and Chemical Safety in the Balkans “ - "Civil society cooperation on EU acquis and on values for consumer and corporate responsibility"
11.05.2011 | Bistra Mihaylova

The Human Right to Water and Sanitation - Training Materials in both English and Moldovan
Access to clean water and access to sanitation are inseparably combined since both are needed for a life in dignity and the lack of one component leads to an aggravation of the other

IPEN co-chair and former WECF International Advisory Board Member Olga Speranskaya officially announced as one of the Champions of the Earth Award 2011!
Today is a good day for IPEN and EcoAccord, as IPEN Co-Chair, Olga Speranskaya was officially announced as one of the Champions of the Earth Award 2011!
11.05.2011 | IPEN news

«Женщины Европы за общее будущее» (WECF) и арт-проект «Пространство для современного искусства» (PLATFORM3) объявляют о проведении конкурса для художников
Эксперимент «Климатический взгляд» - это диалог между искусством, наукой и повседневной жизнью, платформа для художественного исследования и творчества, будет проходить в формате десятидневного тренинга в Мюнхене, Германия в сентябре 2011 года.
09.05.2011 | Sabine Bock

European Chemicals Agency sued for withholding names of toxics producers
The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) is being sued over its refusal to release the names of companies producing some of the most dangerous chemicals in the EU market
09.05.2011 | ChemSec & ClientEarth Press Release

Constructed Wetlands - Sustainable and Cost-Effective Wastewater Treatment in Rural and Peri-Urban Areas Bulgaria
A national conference presenting constructed wetlands as a sustainable and cost-effective wastewater treatment system was held on 29th of April 2011 in Grand Hotel Sofia
08.05.2011 | Claudia Wendland & Bistra Mihaylova

SIN List 2.0 targets endocrine disrupting chemicals for priority action in the EU
ChemSec stated in press release today launch of a concrete tool for action on highly problematic endocrine disrupting chemicals.
03.05.2011 | Johanna Hausmann

SIN List 2.0 targets Endocrine Disrupters for priority action in the EU
22 new endocrine disrupters identified by European NGOs

Wenn Chemikalien das Hormonsystem stören
Umweltorganisation fordert mit der SIN List 2.0 EU-weite Regulierung für endokrin wirksame Substanzen
02.05.2011 | WECF Press Release

CSD 19: Women's Intervention for the Opening Plenary
Submission for intervention for the opening plenary by the organising partners of the Women’s Major Group; VAM – Voices of African Mothers, and WECF Women in Europe for a Common Future
02.05.2011 | Sascha Gabizon

Killer pesticide endosulfan to be phased out globally
We are delighted with this decision as it means agricultural workers, Indigenous Peoples and communities across the globe will finally be protected from this poisonous pollutant,” says Dr Mariann Lloyd-Smith, CoChair of IPEN - International POPs Elimination Network
29.04.2011 | IPEN press release

Women must get their fair share of climate finance
At the end of April, a committee of countries chosen to work out the details of a U.N.-backed Green Climate Fund holds its first meeting in Mexico, to discuss how to get the fund up and running.
29.04.2011 | Nina Somera,

Water Channel
The Netherlands

WECF Wijzer Babyverzorging
Een handige folder met tips hoe schadelijke stoffen te vermijden in babyverzorgingsproducten

Hazardous waste on your living room floor
Carpet pads commonly sold to consumers in the USA and other developed countries contain dangerous chemicals that can cause nervous system damage, particularly in infants and toddlers.
26.04.2011 | Press Release IPEN supported by WECF

A call for rapid phase-out of Brominated and Chlorinated Flame retardants
WECF position paper on flame retardants

WECF zette agenda voor klankbordbijeenkomst REACH: Nieuwe chemie en de consument
Tweemaal per jaar komen overheid, industrie, bedrijfsleven en het maatschappelijk middenveld bij elkaar om te praten over de REACH chemicaliën wetgeving van de EU. Bedoeld om innovatie te stimuleren en gezondheid te verbeteren, stelt REACH allerlei voorwaarden aan het gebruik van (schadelijke) chemicaliën.
22.04.2011 | Chantal van den Bossche

A thousand economists tell G20 and Bill Gates: ‘Time for a Robin Hood Tax’
A thousand economists have called on G20 governments to agree on reducing speculative short term financial operations

Brochure WECF Nederland: Verbetering van het welzijn op het platteland met duurzame energie
Duurzame energie in rurale gebieden - praktische oplossingen

The Madrid dialogue on Rio+20 with the High Level Panel on Global Sustainability
WECF director Sascha Gabizon moderated the session on Rio+20 Policy Outcomes during the Madrid Dialogue organised by SustainLabour and other partners in Madrid on 12 of April 2011

WECF representative Marine Franck at Bangkok Climate pre-negotiations for UNFCCC COP17
WECF's Marine Frank is in Bangkok as interim focal point for session for the women and gender constituency, together with partners from WEDO, Gendercc, APWLD and others
07.04.2011 | Sabine Bock

WECF and Climate Justice Coalition partner Friends of the Earth support demand of more than 90 environmental and social organisations for limiting role of the World Bank in designing Green Climate Fund
NGO letter to the World Bank and the Transitional Committee

Asbestos in Kyrgyzstan
Increasing awareness on asbestos in Kyrgyzstan to strenghten and support Civil Society
07.04.2011 | WICF Project

Asbestos in Kirgisistan
Asbest – wachsendes Bewusstsein in Kirgistan zur Stärkung der Zivilgesellschaft

Fonds Social Européen

Milieukontakt International

Triodos Foundation

European Commission answers positively on submission made by WECF
Reply to comments on the draft European Union Implementation Report of the Arhus Convention

Start up week for Energy Project in the EEC Region
The project 'Building local capacity for development of thermal solar and insulation technologies' was launched February 15-19 in Georgia
31.03.2011 | Anna Samwel, Regina Drexel

Conference on Human Rights to Water and Sanitation in Moldova
Download a final report of the conference on Human Rights to water and sanitation that was held on World Water Day, 22 March 2011

Les porteurs d’eau Moldaves agissent pour la journée Mondiale de l’eau
Le 22 mars 2011, journée mondiale de l’eau, France Libertés a soutenu son partenaire Porteur d’Eau en Moldavie
28.03.2011 | France Libertés

22 March 2011: World Water Day
International Conference “ The implementation of the human right to water and sanitation in Moldova with a focus on the Protocol on Water and Health”
25.03.2011 | Natalia Dejean

European Hearing on Rio+20
WECF director spoke at the „Greener Europe – Greener world“ meeting in Brussels
25.03.2011 | Chantal van den Bossche

WECF Field Officer Central Asia Fedde Jorritsma cycles around the world to inspire people for sustainable living
The educational bike expedition 'Bike the Earth' is looking for cyclists, trainers, partners and donors!
25.03.2011 | Chantal van den Bossche and Fedde Jorritsma

WECF-Nominierungen gewinnen Nuclear-Free Future Award 2011
Die russischen Aktivistinnen Natalia Manzurova und Nedeshada Kutepova werden für ihren Einsatz gegen Atomwaffen und Atomenergie geehrt
25.03.2011 | WECF Press Release

Building local capacity for domestic solar heating, hot water and insulation for rural and remote areas in the EEC region
The action will contribute to improved health, reduced poverty and increased energy security in 22 rural communities in 7 EEC countries, through demonstrating domestic solar heating, hot water and insulation measures

Internationale High-Level-Expertenkonferenz zu Asbest in Kirgistan
Kirgistan, großer Nutzer von Weißasbest, diskutiert erstmals öffentlich auf einer High Level Konferenz in Bishkek über den Gebrauch von Asbest und Gefahren für die Gesundheit
25.03.2011 | Johanna Hausmann

22 Mars 2011: Journée Internationale de l’eau
Le 22 Mars 2011, à l’occasion de la Journée Internationale de l’eau, WECF en partenariat avec le CNSP (Centre National de santé publique) et WiSDOM a organisé une conférence internationale sur la thématique «L’implémentation du droit humain à l’eau et à l’assainissement en Moldavie avec un accent particulier sur le Protocole sur l’eau et la santé».
24.03.2011 | Natalia Dejean

Pesticides Alternatives Week, 20-30 March 2011
Week without pesticides becomes "Pesticides Alternatives Week"
23.03.2011 | Health and Environmental Network, HEAL

World Water Day: CWS Looks at Moldova
World Water Day: Conference examines Moldova water supply issues
23.03.2011 |, Leslie Crosson

It is just a matter of time until the next catastrophe
Mayak - Chernobyl - Lessons not Learned - poster presentation

"The Women of Chernobyl"
25 years ago, one of the four reactors at the Chernobyl nuclear power station exploded. The consequences were devastating for everyone who was directly and indirectly exposed to the radiation. Women were the first to suffer from the contamination.
22.03.2011 | The Fresh Outlook, Rosalia Sgueglia

Marie Kranendonk te gast in Rondom 10
WECF oprichtster Marie Kranendonk was zaterdag 19 maart te gast in het debatprogramma Rondom 10 om te vertellen over haar werk met slachtoffers van de kernrampen in Tsjernobyl en Mayak
21.03.2011 | Rondom 10, NCRV, Nederland 2

Women and Environmental Network - WECF - very concerned about the effects of radiation on the reproductive health of women and girls
Even low dose radiation has a great effect on reproductive health and reproduction
18.03.2011 | WECF Press Release

Vrouwen- en Milieunetwerk WECF erg bezorgd over effecten straling op reproductieve gezondheid vrouwen en meisjes
Zelfs lage doses straling hebben een groot effect op reproductieve gezondheid en voortplanting
18.03.2011 | WECF Press Release

Nuclear Energy is not an option – it’s too susceptible to climate change and natural disasters
"We have not only lost our past, but also our future" - Natalia Manzurova, one of the few remaining liquidators of Chernobyl
16.03.2011 | Chantal van den Bossche

WECF Field Officer Central Asia Fedde Jorritsma fietst over de wereld om mensen te inspireren voor een duurzame samenleving
De educatieve fiets-expeditie 'Bike the Earth' zoekt fietsers, trainers en partners
16.03.2011 | Chantal van den Bossche and Fedde Jorritsma

The Critical Question - first hand reports from the frontlines of the nuclear fuel chain
Available in English, French and German, "The Critical Question" offers first hand reports from individuals who have been effected by the nuclear power industry. In this booklet, insiders report on their direct experiences of uranium mining and enrichment, nuclear disasters and on the storage of radioactive substances.

WECF Director Germany spoke at anti-nuclear rally Monday March 14 in Munich
"Wir können uns schwer vorstellen wie es gerade in Japan ist. Fassungslos verfolgen wir die apokalyptischen Nachrichten und Bilder in den Medien. Es ist erneut deutlich geworden: die Kernenergie ist nicht beherrschbar – egal wie oft wir die Sicherheit überprüfen"
16.03.2011 | Chantal van den Bossche

Solidarität für Japan und Wut auf Atompolitik
Tausende Münchner solidarisieren sich mit Japan und gehen gegen Atomenergie auf die Straße
15.03.2011 | Press Release Green City

Europees Vrouwen- en Milieunetwerk WECF stelt: Kernenergie mag nooit een optie zijn!
Nucleaire gevolgen natuurramp Japan dramatisch - kernenergie te gevoelig voor klimaatverandering en natuurrampen
15.03.2011 | WECF Press Release

Atomkraft ist keine Option – diese Energieform bietet keinen ausreichenden Schutz vor Naturkatastrophen und dem Klimawandel
“Wir haben nicht nur unsere Vergangenheit, sondern auch unsere Zukunft verloren.” Natalia Manzurova, einer der wenigen noch lebenden Aufräumarbeiterinnen von Tschernobyl.
14.03.2011 | WECF Deutschland Pressemitteilung

Women’s and Environmental Network WECF: Nuclear Energy is not an option – it’s too susceptible to climate change and natural disasters
WECF Director Germany speaks at anti-nuclear rally today, March 14, at Karlsplatz Square, in Munich: “Our concern and solidarity go out to the people of Japan”.
14.03.2011 | WECF Press Release

Swedish government´s initiative for a toxic-free everyday environment is under way
New action plan Sweden kick-starts toxic-free everyday environment - children the priority
12.03.2011 | Swedish Government press release

WECF partners' interviews on the Product Safety
Watch interviews with WECF partners in the project "Product Safety in the Balkans".
12.03.2011 | WECF

Nigerian Ambassador hosts Rio+20 women ministers and leaders meeting on International Women's Day
WECF supports UNEP secretariat in organising an informal meeting of the Network of Women Ministers and Leaders for the Environment (NWMLE)
09.03.2011 | Sascha Gabizon

FILM: Natracare and WECF: Celebrating International Women's Day
In celebration of International Women’s Day Natracare will be continuing to focus on its global connection with women by supporting and promoting sanitation projects to improve young women’s health in Tajikistan
09.03.2011 |

Rio 2012 web site launched:
The Secretariat of the Rio 2012 Conference has launched an updated website, accessible at

International Women’s Day
On the 100th anniversary of international women's day WECF presents statement to the United Nations preparatory conference on Sustainable Development
08.03.2011 | WECF Press Release

Safe water and sanitation for all in Moldova
Mobilizing citizens and authorities from Moldova to respect and realize the right to access to safe water and sanitation for all

Toxic Chemicals Found in Nearly All Pregnant U.S. Women
The bodies of virtually all pregnant women across the United States carry multiple toxic chemicals
01.03.2011 | Environment News Service (ENS)

Compost – the black gold
In "Compost - the black gold" is explained how the safe re-use of organic waste and faecal matter can increase your yields and improve your soil

Interview with Christine von Weizsäcker, president of WECF’s Board of Trustees
Biologist, researcher, activist and negotiator, dedicated to women, the environment and the role of grandmothers
25.02.2011 | Chantal van den Bossche

WECF actively involved in at UNEP’s Global Forum and Governing Council, in Nairobi, Kenya
140 ministers of environment meet at the United Nations Environment Programme in preparation of Rio+20
25.02.2011 | Sascha Gabizon

Aarhus Convention - WECF Participated in Task Force on Public Participation in International Forums and Related Workshop in Geneva
WECF participated in 6th Task Force Meeting on Public Participation in International Forums
25.02.2011 | Anke Stock

Harnessing solar energy
“Thermal, solar and insulation technologies and policies in Georgia” was the focus of an international conference
25.02.2011 | Georgia Today

Nesting leaflet available in Estonian
WECF partner Baltic Environmental Forum Estonia publishes guide for young parents in Estonian

Women Ministers and leaders discuss Rio+20 at 26th UNEP Governing Council Meeting, Nairobi
Possible policy outcomes for Rio+20 Conference on Sustainable Development in 2012 in Brazil
24.02.2011 | Sascha Gabizon

'Green' Economy: inclusive and equitable
Women Rio+20 Steering Committee presents "Gender and Green Economy" position paper at the 26th UNEP Governing meeting on February 23 in Nairobi
24.02.2011 | Sascha Gabizon

Joint Statement EC and UNEP on priority areas on environment presented in Nairobi
The EC released a joint statement on cooperation on priority areas on environment at a press conference held on Wednesday, 23rd February 2011 in UNEP, Nairobi
23.02.2011 | IPEN Network

Towards Rio +20: The Role of Civil Society - Panel Presentation by Christine von Weizsäcker
Panel Presentation by Christine von Weizsäcker, President of WECF's Board of Trustees from the GMGSF 12 in Nairobi, Kenya
21.02.2011 | Christine von Weizsaecker

Chemicals/REACH: six dangerous substances to be phased out by the EU
Six substances of very high concern will be banned within the next three to five years unless an authorisation has been granted to individual companies for their use
21.02.2011 | Europa RAPID

WECF Toys Guide - How to choose toxic-free toys in several languages
Useful information on most of the hazardous substances found in toys and concrete tips on how consumers can play it safe when buying toys for children

WECF Toys Guide - How to choose toxic-free toys in several languages
Useful information on most of the hazardous substances found in toys and concrete tips on how consumers can play it safe when buying toys for children

Men's and Women's different impact on climate
Men consume between 70 and 80 percent more energy than women in Germany and Norway, 100 percent more in Sweden, and up to 350 percent more in Greece
17.02.2011 | IPS, Julio Godoy, Tierramerica

13th Working Group Meeting of the Parties to the Aarhus Convention
WECF's Anke Stock attended the 13th Working Group Meeting of the Parties to the Aarhus Convention. This meeting was crucial for the preparation of the upcoming 4th Meeting of the Parties to be held in Chisinau, Moldova, on 29 June to 1 July 2011.
16.02.2011 | Anke Stock

International Conference “Thermal solar and insulation technologies and policies in Georgia”
On February 15, International Conference “Thermal solar and insulation technologies and policies in Georgia” was organized in Sheraton Metekhi Palace
16.02.2011 | REC Caucasus

Duurzaam het nieuwe toverwoord op Huishoudbeurs en Negenmaandenbeurs
WECF’s "Een Veilig Nest" aanwezig op Urgenda Groen Paviljoen op de Huishoudbeurs - Kom langs op onze stand op het groene paviljoen tijdens een bezoek aan Huishoudbeurs of Negenmaandenbeurs
15.02.2011 | Chantal van den Bossche

Kyrgyzstan: Home Comforts - Creating local capacity for improved rural living standards via sustainable energy and sanitation
Reduce poverty via sustainable development, specifically through improved access to basic resources such as energy and safe sanitation
15.02.2011 | WECF Project

Product and Chemical Safety in the Balkans
"Civil society cooperation on EU acquis and on values for consumer and corporate responsibility"
15.02.2011 | WECF Project

WECF’s "Een Veilig Nest" aanwezig op Urgenda Groen Paviljoen op de Huishoudbeurs
Hoe veilig is je nest? Creëer een veilig en ‘babyproof’ binnenmilieu en win de inhoud van een duurzaam keukenkastje!
10.02.2011 | WECF Press Release

Kino gegen Atomkraft - WECF e. V. promoted Dokumentation zu den unbeachteten Risiken des Uranabbaus
YELLOW CAKE – Die Lüge von der sauberen Energie
09.02.2011 | WECF Press Release

WECF Ratgeber Reinigungsmittel - jetzt auf Deutsch!
Der WECF Ratgeber Reinigungsmittel hilft Eltern bei der richtigen Produktauswahl und gibt Tipps, was man wirklich braucht und wie sie ihr Kind vor ungewünschten Nebenwirkungen dieser Mittel schützen können.

WECF Ratgeber Babypflege
Nach den Ratgebern zum Thema Spielzeug und Reinigungsmittel hat WECF nun in der Reihe WECF Ratgeber einen Ratgeber zum Thema Babypflege auf Deutsch veröffentlicht.

Nanofestival NEMO marks the end of WECF campaign: Only WECF seemed worried about possible negative effects of nanoparticles
Nanofestival NEMO: Alleen WECF leek bezorgd over mogelijke schadelijke effecten van nanodeeltjes
05.02.2011 | Anne de Haan

Experiences with urine diverting dry toilets (UDDTs) for households, schools and kindergarten in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia (EECCA)
This paper summarizes the experiences of WECF and partners from implementingUDDTs for individual households and in schools.

WECF partner Katachel directly improves living conditions in Kunduz by constructing bath rooms
The construction of bath rooms has been a big step forward in improving the quality of life
01.02.2011 | WECF/Katachel

Women's Policy Position Paper CSD 19
Recommendations by the Women’s Major Group for policy actions in the area of Chemicals, Waste management, Mining, Transport and Sustainable Consumption and Production patterns

Premiere in Süddeutschland: Dokumentation zeigt die unbeachteten Risiken des Uranabbaus
YELLOW CAKE – Die Lüge von der sauberen Energie
01.02.2011 | WECF Press Release

FILM: WECF bouwt samen met Natracare schooltoiletten voor meisjes
Film toont belang van schoolsanitatie met name voor de toekomst van meisjes
31.01.2011 | Chantal Van den Bossche

Case study of the application of Water Safety Plans in a school in Romania
WECF's Margriet Samwel contributes to WHOCC news letter with article on Water Safety Plans
28.01.2011 | Margriet Samwel

More climate change through sustainable agriculture in Germany - Federal government should not obstruct better EU agricultural policy any longer
Mehr Klimaschutz durch nachhaltige Landwirtschaft in Deutschland - Bundesregierung darf eine bessere EU-Agrarpolitik nicht länger behindern
25.01.2011 | Joint Press Release Klima Allianz

Nano particles in children's room - Nanofestival in Amsterdam Science Centre NEMO marks the end of campaign
WECF sluit campagne af met babykamer en debat tijdens Nanofestival in NEMO
24.01.2011 | WECF Press Release

Health Environmental Association

Women’s perspectives marginalized at Rio+20 Intersessional Meeting
Women's Major Group disappointed that women's perspectives were largely missing in discussion at first day Rio +20 interssessional in New York
18.01.2011 | Sascha Gabizon and Gail Karlsson

Resource centre for Water, Sanitation and Renewable Energy opened in Western Georgia by RCDA
Regional resource centre for Water, Sanitation and Renewable Energy was festively opened in Khamiskuri, Khobi district on 26th November 2010 by RCDA and local and regional authorities with participation of WECF, Greens Movement and other WECF partners
18.01.2011 | Anna Samwel

WECF Image Film: Working for A Healthy Environment for All
This film shows the story of an organisation whose aim it is to create a healthy environment for all - for women, men and children.

Huge media coverage on toxic toys in France
TV, radio, web and press media rush on toxic toys issue as Christmas time arrives
23.12.2010 | Elisabeth Ruffinengo

Toxic Christmas gift: Council decides to keep hazardous biocides on market
Environment and health NGOs, PAN Europe, PAN Germany, HEAL, WECF, HCWH Europe, IEW and PAN UK, sharply criticize the EU environment ministers’ approach because their decision will allow continued wide circulation of highly toxic consumer products on the market.
21.12.2010 | Joint Press Release NGO's

Focus on vulnerable groups and small-scale water supply and sanitation at 2nd Meeting of the Parties of the Protocol on Water and Health, 23-25 November, Bucharest, Romania
The 1999 Protocol on Water and Health, under the transboundary water convention (UN-ECE), is the only legally binding instrument which ensures an integrated approach to assuring that all people have access to safe water and safe sanitation which is not detrimental to their health, and which they can afford.
15.12.2010 | Sascha Gabizon

Join Women on the Road to Rio+20
UN Conference on Sustainable Development 2012 - Rio + 20
14.12.2010 | WICF Campaign

WECF in Cancun: Final Women and Gender Intervention
Women’s rights are human rights. No agreement, decision or mechanism on climate change will be effective or successful without the full respect of women’s rights and the recognition of our valuable knowledge.
10.12.2010 | Sabine Bock

WECF in Cancun: Women and Gender Constituency - a Report
Drawing upon global commitments to gender equality and women’s rights and the Millennium Development Goals, the members of Women and Gender Constituency work to ensure human rights and the gender dimension are incorporated into UNFCCC negotiations, agreements, plans and actions.
10.12.2010 | Sabine Bock

Human Rights Day – 10 December 2010
The Human Right to Water and Sanitation Needs to Be Realised
10.12.2010 | Anke Stock

WECF-Flyer „Ökologisch Putzen“ und „Vermeidung und Behandlung von Schimmelpilz“
Jetzt auch auf Serbokroatisch-Deutsch erhältlich!

WECF-Flyer „Ökologisch Putzen“ und „Vermeidung und Behandlung von Schimmelpilz“
Jetzt auch auf Serbokroatisch-Deutsch erhältlich!

TV Report: Gefahr unterm Weihnachtsbaum
Gift im Spielzeug - Interview with Alexandra Caterbow from WECF
08.12.2010 | ZDF - German TV

WECF in Cancun: Intervention 7 December 2010, AWG-KP contact group on stocktaking
By Sabine Bock, WECF on behalf of the Women and Gender Constituency
07.12.2010 | Sabine Bock

Die Kernfrage - The Nuclear Question
Insider berichten von ihren Erfahrungen mit der Atomenergie – Eine Veranstaltung von WECF (Women in Europe for a Common Future) und des BayernForums der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung am 2. Dezember im Münchner Künstlerhaus
07.12.2010 | Presseinformation

Nutcracker committed to a "toxic free christmas"
Nutcracker engagiert sich für ein „giftfreies Weihnachten“ - Women in Europe for a Common Future (WECF) warnt mit einem Viralvideo vor giftigem Spielzeug -
06.12.2010 | WECF Germany Press Release

Report on Toxic Toys for prime time TV, the Netherlands
Gevaar in de Kinderkamer - reportage Uitgesproken VARA, 3 december 2010
03.12.2010 | Chantal van den Bossche

Seminar in Bulgaria dedicated to first constructed wetland in Bulgaria
Seminar for professionals and authorities during the construction of the first constructed wetland in Bulgaria – a sustainable waste water system
02.12.2010 | Bistra Mihaylova & Claudia Wendland

WECF supports action to stop further cuts in Dutch international aid budget
WECF neemt deel aan Genoeg = Genoeg, campagne tegen de bezuinigingen op ontwikkelingssamenwerking
02.12.2010 | WECF news

WECF in Cancun: WECF Intervention on Keeping Nuclear out of CDM, 1 December 2010
Intervention at UNFCCC COP 16 Cancun, By Sabine Bock, WECF
01.12.2010 | Sabine Bock

WECF in Cancun: Joint Intervention Women and Gender Constituency
Rachel Harris from WEDO delivered joint intervention on November 30 in Cancun
01.12.2010 | Sabine Bock

Protocol on Water and Health and Public Participation
Workshop for the Effective Use of the Potential of Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and Authorities in the Countries of the Former Soviet Union and EU in the Field of Environment and Water
01.12.2010 | WECF Project

Humanitarian Project in Prislop, Romania - Support is still needed!
Donations welcome for ' from Help to Self-Help'
30.11.2010 | Margriet Samwel

Way to Cancun: Mexico zet fietsen in op klimaattop
WECF coalitiepartner I-CE, Interface for Cycling Expertise, ondersteunt fietsevenement op 6 december

WECF in Cancun: Intervention written by Sabine Bock on 29 November 2010 at UNFCCC COP 16 Cancun
Intervention prepared by Sabine Bock, WECF Climate and Energy coordinator, for the Women and gender Constituency
30.11.2010 | Sabine Bock

WECF in Cancun: position statement on Women & Climate Change
CANCUN COP 16 UNFCCC - November 2010
30.11.2010 | Marine Franck

Gender and Climate Change: an Introduction
Textbook edited by Irene Dankelman, former chair WECF's International Advisory Board, with contributions from WECF

De keuringsdienst van de aarde
Als er ergens geen gif in zou mogen zitten, is het wel speelgoed. Toch is menig onschuldig ogende pop een regelrechte gifbom. Zelfs houten speelgoed is niet altijd veilig. Om Sinterklaas en de Kerstman veilig te kunnen bevoorraden, bellen we met Ingrid Elbertse van Een Veilig Nest en natuurlijk testen we.
30.11.2010 | Sonja van den Heuvel, De Betere Wereld

WECF one of the Health and Environment NGOs to comment on Bisphenol A ban
NGOs respond to recent reports that the European Commission will ban the use of organic compound bisphenol A (BPA) in plastic baby bottles from 2011.
29.11.2010 | WECF Press Release

Way to Cancun: Global Forest Coalition Report - Getting to the Roots
Underlying Causes of Deforestation and Forest Degradation, and Drivers of Forest Restoration
29.11.2010 | WECF news

Flemish Gezinsbond (Union of Families) organised conference dedicated to the Child Norm
WECF oprichtster Marie Kranendonk key note speaker tijdens studiedag gezinsbond Brussel
24.11.2010 | Chantal van den Bossche

Towards Cancun
Civil Society organisations engage policy makers in a dialogue on effective climate programmes and policies for Central Asia – results of climate forum CAEFOCC II, Almaty, 11-12 October 2010
23.11.2010 | Sabine Bock

Georgian kindergarten toilet festively opened
On November 19th, 2010, international World Toilet Day, the first public Urine Diverting Dry Toilet* in Western Georgia was festively opened in the kindergarten of Khamiskuri, Khobi district by RCDA and the local authorities
22.11.2010 | Anna Samwel

Toys symposium in Paris: a new start for SAFER TOYS - WECF invited main actors EU, consumer associations, NGO’s and toy industry for debate on security toys
Colloque Jouets WECF : un nouvel envol pour des jouets plus sains. Tout un panel d’acteurs réunis autour de la question de la sécurité des jouets
22.11.2010 | WECF France Press Release

Onduidelijkheid nanoproducten zaait onrust
Verslag WECF debat Nano in de babykamer
22.11.2010 | Anne de Haan, Karmijntekst

Meeting of the Parties to the UNECE / WHO-EURO Protocol on Water and Health
The second session will take place on 23-25 November 2010 in Bucharest
22.11.2010 | Margriet Samwel

WECF and Georgian partner RCDA celebrate World Toilet Day 2010 with opening of 30th school toilet, in a Georgian kindergarten
Georgian children in the village of Khamiskuri can finally go to hygienic toilets instead of using a dirty and dangerous pit latrine
19.11.2010 | WECF Press Release

Diskussionsveranstaltung: Die Kernfrage – Insider berichten über ihre Erfahrungen mit der Kernenergie
18.11.2010 | Johanna Hausmann

Toxic free tips for last minute Saint Nicolas shopping!
WECF vanavond in Uitgesproken VARA om half negen, Nederland 2: Laatste tips voor hulpsinterklazen in zoektocht naar gifvrij speelgoed
17.11.2010 | WECF the Netherlands Press Release

WECF Conference in Paris: Toys and hazardous chemicals - exploring solutions
REACH and the substitution of chemicals of concern: consumer protection, good practices and incentive measures
11.11.2010 | WECF news

WECF Pressemitteilung: Wenn Umwelt krank macht – Umweltbelastung und Brustkrebs
WECF und AKF nehmen mit der neuen Broschüre „Die verkannte Gefahr - Umweltbelastung und Brustkrebs“ den Zusammenhang von Umweltbelastungen und Brustkrebs unter die Lupe und fordert mehr politisches Engagement
09.11.2010 | Johanna Hausmann

International list of banned chemicals expanded
Chemicals restricted in 152 countries
08.11.2010 | IPEN Network

Die Verkannte Gefahr - Umwelteinflüsse und Brustkrebs
Heilen ist gut, Vermeiden ist besser! Brustkrebsbroschüre jetzt auch auf deutsch

WECF organiseert dinsdagmiddag 9 november Dialoogtafel ‘Nanodeeltjes in de babykamer’
Recent onderzoek NVWA laat zien dat nanosilica – E551 - mogelijk gevaar kan opleveren voor gezondheid, hoewel het onbeperkt gebruikt mag worden als anti-klontermiddel
07.11.2010 | WECF Nederland Press Release

Support of climate protection via sustainable energy by training and capacity building of local partner NGOs in Caucasus and Central Asia and networking between them
„Förderung des Klimaschutzes durch nachhaltige Energie mittels Training, Kapazitätsausbau und Vernetzung lokaler NRO-Partner im Kaukasus und in Zentralasien“

United Kingdom

Georgia: Create local capacity for sustainable development
New EU financed project started in Georgia

WECF conducted trainings on solar collector constructions in the framework of the GTZ/regional programme in Central Asia
In the framework of GTZ/ Regional Programme on Sustainable Use of Natural Resources in Central Asia 9-13 October a training have been successfully conducted in Dushanbe on solar collector construction in particular thermo-siphons
02.11.2010 | Fedde Jorritsma, Dushanbe

Annual Dniester River Conference held in Tiraspol on 15 and 16 October 2010
Ecospectrum from Tiraspol (Transnistrien/PMR – Moldova) organised this year's Dniester River Conference at the University of Tiraspol in co-operation with WECF and its project partners in “Democratisation of Dniester River Basin Governance” financed by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Matra Programme
02.11.2010 | Anna Samwel & Anke Stock

Support the Coalition for Climate Justice
The Coalition for Climate Justice is an alliance of 4 sustainable development organisations – Women in Europe for a Common Future, Interface for Cycling Expertise, Global Forest Coalition and Friends of the Earth International – and their 264 partners in more than 65 developing countries
02.11.2010 | Chantal van den Bossche

WECF dialoogtafel Nano in de babykamer: programma en uitnodiging
WECF organiseert Dialoogtafel “Nano in de babykamer” op 9 november a.s. in Jeugdtheaterhuis De Berenkuil in Utrecht
01.11.2010 | Chantal van den Bossche

WECF offers tailor made trainings on water, sanitation and energy - new publication
WECF offers tailor made trainings on water, sanitation and energy issues, including practical demonstrations and focus on sustainability via local participation and learning by doing

Wenn Spielzeug krank macht – WECF fordert statt Ankündigungspolitik Brüderles konkrete politische Taten zum Schutz der Kinder
Gesprächskreis Verbraucherpolitik der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung und WECF (Women in Europe for a Common Future) laden ein zum Gesprächskreis am 5. November in Berlin
28.10.2010 | Johanna Hausmann

Aarhus Convention: First Task Force Meeting on Public Participation
On 25 and 26 October 2010 the first meeting of the newly established Task Force on Public Participation in Decision-Making under the Aarhus Convention took place in Geneva
27.10.2010 | Anke Stock

Hoe veilig is je nest? Vrouwen- en milieuorganisatie WECF lanceert interactief spel met tips voor een veilig en schoon ‘babyproof’ binnenmilieu
WECF ontwikkelde interactief spel om op eenvoudige manier te laten zien hoe je kunt werken aan een veilig en milieuvriendelijk 'babyproof' huis
26.10.2010 | WECF Press Release

Coalition for Climate Justice submitted its 5-year programma proposal to Dutch Ministry Development Cooperation
The Coalition for Climate Justice, which is lead by WECF, has submitted its 5-year programme-proposal to the Netherlands Ministry for Development Cooperation (MFSII grant programme) on October 26th 2010
26.10.2010 | WECF news

Stockholm Convention : the way towards the official listing of endosulfan as a POP (Persistent Organic Pollutant)
NGOs representatives during POPRC 6th
25.10.2010 | Elisabeth Ruffinengo

A fundamental step towards allowing women and men reconcile family and professional life
European Parliament votes in favour of the maternity leave directive
21.10.2010 | COFACE

WECF President Christine von Weizsaecker interviewed for Japan Times
"Biodiversity parley finding goals elusive" - Grand accord means naught if nations balk
19.10.2010 | By ERIC JOHNSTON, The Japan Times

WECF co-organised International Expert Conference and recommends better control of hazardous substances in Russia
For the first time in Russia a public open debate was held this week to discuss the accession of the Rotterdam Convention by the Russian Federation and the issue of chrysotile asbestos
18.10.2010 | WECF news

Uranium Film festival to be held in May 2011 in Rio de Janeiro
Stop Nuclear Power building and stop uranium mining in Brazil
18.10.2010 | Uranio em Movi(e)mento

International Expert Conference recommends better control of hazardous substances in Russia
For the first time in Russia a public open debate was held this week to discuss the accession of the Rotterdam Convention by the Russian Federation and the issue of chrysotile asbestos
15.10.2010 | WECF Press Release

Launch of the European Family Conference - WECF speaks on support of Child Norm
“Social inclusion of families and EU Policies: Where do we stand?”

EEB report reveals reveals big retailers are breaching the EU’s flagship regulation on chemicals
WECF took part in European wide test under the guidance of the European Environmental Bureau to see whether big retailers are adequately protecting consumer safety

Big retailers caught breaching EU chemicals law
A report released today reveals big retailers are breaching the EU’s flagship regulation on chemicals, while many products such as school supplies, sport accessories and sex toys are shown to contain high concentrations of ‘substances of very high concern’.
13.10.2010 | Joint Press Release

Convention de Stockholm
la longue marche vers le classement de l'endosulfan comme POP (Polluant Organique Persistant)
11.10.2010 | WECF France

European food panel fails to protect EU citizen’s health from plastic component, BPA
EU failure to protect its citizens
11.10.2010 | HEAL Press Release

What's missing in the G20 agenda?
Redressing structural imbalances for equity, justice & sustainability
11.10.2010 | IBON International

Annual Report WECF 2009
WECF gathers forces as a network to meet the next set of challenges facing us in the coming years

Nuclear Power is not a Solution to Climate Change
WECF strictly opposes nuclear power. Nuclear industry is a threat to our health, our environment and human rights - at every step of production. WECF's member organizations underscribe our common conclusion; nuclear energy is not a solution for climate change.
10.10.2010 | WECF Campaign

Nesting the Netherlands started off with first workshop babycare from a series of ten to follow
Donderdagmiddag 7 oktober gaf het team van Een Veilig Nest de eerste van 10 pilot workshops babyverzorging
08.10.2010 | Ingrid Elbertse

"Genetically Modified Potato - Coming to a Field near You" Care of: The European Union, the British and German Governments
The Great GM Free Potato Celebration took place in Poland this weekend
08.10.2010 | ICPPC

Ukraine meeting WECF and partners
Open Space for Implementation project, WECF General Assembly, IAB meeting and MFS2 preparatory meeting with partners
07.10.2010 | Anna Samwel and Farida Shorukova

WECF at Asia and Pacific Region Ministerial Conference in Astana, 2010 - Recommendations and Opportunities for Green Growth
Lessons on environmental challenges on uranium and asbestos mining in Kazakhstan
07.10.2010 | WECF News

European food panel fails to protect EU citizen’s health from plastic component, BPA
The Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL), WWF, CHEM Trust and Breast Cancer UK are dismayed at today's conclusion from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) that no stronger protection for public health is needed from the controversial synthetic chemical bisphenol A (BPA)
07.10.2010 | HEAL

Conference on Product Policy and Indoor Air Qaulity
The EU conference on PPIAQ held on 23 and 24 September
04.10.2010 | European Union

Grüne Brücke nach Polen
Glonn will mit Dlugosiodlo Partnerschaft eingehen
30.09.2010 | Süddeutsche Zeitung, Anja Blum

Gender and Water Alliance

Friends of the Earth International

Household Cleaning and Care Products – new WECF guide
Protect children and the environment by avoiding hazardous chemicals

WHO’s working group on climate and sustainable development concerned with recent climate changes
World Health Organization published its 10th Europe Global Change and Health alert and introduced a new working group Climate change, green health services and sustainable development (CGS)

Grüne Brücken München-Warschau II
Bürgermeistertreffen zu ökologischer Landwirtschaft in Glonn bei München
28.09.2010 | WECF

Green bridges Munich - Warsaw II
Mayors meeting on ecofarming held in Glonn by Munich

Our children are safer - BPA banned in Austria
The Minister of Health in Austrian Government announced ban on BPA in children’s products

Women in Europe for a Common Future will be present in Kazakhstan during Conference in Astana
Women in Europe for a Common Future will run a side event on September 28th

"Veiligheid van nanodeeltjes nog niet gewaarborgd"
New edition Betere Wereld Magazine features article on WECF project 'Nano in baby's bed room'
24.09.2010 | De Betere Wereld, sept/okt 2010

Directie goede doelen goed betaald
WECF komt goed uit meting RTL nieuws
24.09.2010 | RTL 4 Nieuws

Nanomatériaux : informer le consommateur… mais pas trop
Dans un avis publié le 16 juin, le Conseil national de la consommation recommande de mieux informer le consommateur sur la présence de nanos dans les produits. Un avis peu ambitieux, qui passe à côté du problème selon l'association Vivagora.
23.09.2010 | Actu-Environnement

Exporting an Epidemic: A Global Asbestos Crisis
Asbestos is banned in the European Union, in the United States it is legal but the industry has to pay a lot for demages that have been made
23.09.2010 | Jim Morris

EQUIPS Initiative
Equity, Intervention and Prevention for Health


Consultation with the Civil Society on human rights obligations related to access to safe water and sanitation
WECF contribution in Geneva, September 13 and 14, 2010
22.09.2010 | Margriet Samwel

European Parliament fails to protect consumers and the environment from biocides
New European system concerning the authorisation and marketing of biocides for household and other uses has been set in European Parliament

Create local capacity for sustainable development
The project is a continuation and scaling up of Empowerment and Local Action program

FEDER (Fonds européen de développement régional)

Région Rhône-Alpes

Aufwind Neue Energien GmbH

Save Our Potatoes
The Great GM Free Potatoe Celebration will be held in Poland and the Netherlands in October
21.09.2010 | International Coalition to Protect the Polish Countryside

Solar collector training in Bishkek
The training organized by WECF and Kyrgyz State Technical University was realized from 25th to 27th August
21.09.2010 | Fedde Jorritsma

Akvo, partner of WECF, reached final four in Vodafone Mobile Clicks competition
WECF contributes with 8 projects to, an online internetplatforum which is designed to make it easier to match funds to small-scale sanitation projects.
21.09.2010 | Chantal van den Bossche

Het recht op schone moedermelk!
Voor de vierde maal reikt de SBO, de Samenwerkende Borstvoeding Organisaties, tijdens het congres "Borstvoeding blijft" van 5 oktober 2010, de borstvoedingsprijs uit. Met deze prijs wil de SBO nieuwe ideeën en initiatieven op het gebied van borstvoeding stimuleren en erkennen. WECF ondersteunt de prijs van harte en neemt daarom dit jaar zitting in de jury
21.09.2010 |

WECF International Advisory Board
WECF has a new International Advisory Board made up of key international people from the WECF network

Lead and phthalates found in toys
The limit for allowable phthalates was surpassed by 16 out of the 23 toys that failed the tests, three exceeded the limit for lead, and four were over the cap for both chemicals.
20.09.2010 | Seer Press, J.G Enriquez

Ms. Michelle Bachelet as Head of UN Women
Secretary-General's press encounter announced Ms. Michelle Bachelet as Head of UN Women on September 14th

Open letter to EU Commissioner for the Environment
WECF signed the open letter to EU Commissioner for the Environment related to calling for a general ban on the use of cyanide mining technologies in the European Union by 2011
20.09.2010 | Chantal van den Bossche

WECF Kampagne - Verleihung "Goldener Brennstab des Monats" im September 2010
Im Monat September geht der "Goldener Brennstab des Monats" an Frau Dr. Angela Merkel, Bundeskanzlerin und CDU-Parteivorsitzende
08.09.2010 | Johanna Hausmann

International High-level expert Conference on Chemical Safety and Rotterdam Convention: Policies and Practices in Russia
14-15 October 2010, Moscow, Russian Federation

Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment
"Chernobyl death toll: 985,000, mostly from cancer", concludes new book
07.09.2010 | Karl Grossman, Op-Ed News

EU climate chief calls for new carbon mechanisms
More money for poorest nations, pilot projects
07.09.2010 | Reuters

Dialoogtafel "nano in de babykamer" (dialogue and debate on Nano in the babyroom)
Dinsdag 9 november vindt de afsluitende dialoogtafel plaats van het WECF Nanopodium project
03.09.2010 | Chantal van den Bossche

World Water Week 2010
WECF presents ""Involving schools in developing Water Safety Plans for small-scale water supply systems; experiences from Romania"
31.08.2010 | Margriet Samwel

Progress and burdens in the Roma settlement of Prislop
With the support of private donors WECF and a local partner provide since 2004 humanitarian aid to the Roma settlement in Prislop, Romania.
30.08.2010 | Margriet Samwel

New Stockholm Convention Newsletter
New Stockholm Convention Newsletter provides parties and other information on ongoing activities of Stockholm Secretariat
30.08.2010 | Stockholm Convention Newsletter

WECF represents Eco Forum in Moscow
Statement for the WHO Health Ministers Regional Committee Meeting in Moscow (12-17 september) by Olga Speranskaya, Sascha Gabizon (WECF) and Genon Jensen (HEAL)
30.08.2010 | WECF

Good Practices in Water, Sanitation and Human Rights - WECF present at consultation
A consultation with Civil Society Organizations on this topic will take place on 13-14 September 2010
30.08.2010 | WECF news

Toxic pesticide banned in Jamaica
Endosulfan has been identified as a presisten organic pollutant
30.08.2010 | CSN Chemical Sensitivity Network

Girls Hit Puberty at Younger Ages
New research adds further evidence that girls are entering puberty at younger and younger ages, with implications for their physical and mental health.
30.08.2010 | SHIRLEY S. WANG

WECF supports work Dutch breast feeding organisations, by taking seat in jury Dutch National Breast Feeding Award 2010
Wie wint de SBO Borstvoedingsprijs in 2010? Tot 1 september nomineren!
27.08.2010 | Joint Press Release

EU may ban dichlorobenzene in air fresheners
European Commission has recommended a ban on domestic uses of air fresheners and toilet deoderisers containing the chemical 1,4 dichlorobenzene.
27.08.2010 | ENDS Europe

Robin Hood Tax Campaign
Robin Hood Tax Campaign published an overview of its work
26.08.2010 | Robin Hood Tax

Online discussion group INTERA
Set up of the online discussion group INTERA in russian and english about Integrated Development
26.08.2010 | WECF Campaign

Polish Eco Centre Hosts future Eco Queens
Participants of 'Miss Supra National' beauty competition visited Polish Eco Center in Stryszow. They support a worldwide ban of GMO food.
25.08.2010 | International Coalition to Protect the Polish Countryside

Open letter to President of Afghanistan
The Afghanistan Women’s 50% Campaign published the open letter to the President of Afghanistan last week.
25.08.2010 | The Afghanistan Women’s 50% Campaign

British women's breasts getting bigger
The average bra size has expanded from 34B to 36D
22.08.2010 | The Guardian

GenderCC Newsletter
New issue of the GenderCC-Newsletter is already available.
16.08.2010 | GenderCC

Phthalate producers consider options under REACH
DEHP is on the EU candidate list but there is an exemption for medical uses
16.08.2010 | CW Briefing

WECF Training on construction of solar collectors and fruit dryers in Nikolaev, Ukraine
From July 26-30, 23 participants from Ukraine and Moldova learned how to construct a solar collector for year-round use and a solar fruit dryer
13.08.2010 | Regina Drexel

Interview with WECF's Chantal van den Bossche for Dutch radio on "Nano in the babyroom"
Aandacht voor het WECF Nanopodium project "Nano in de babykamer" voor programma 'Aan de Slag' voor BNR Nieuws Radio
12.08.2010 | BNR Nieuws Radio

WECF's Farida Shorukova interviewed for German radio on situation Kyrgyzstan
Wasser ist Menschenrecht – Sauberes Trinkwasser für Kirgistan, ein Interview mit Farida Shorukova
12.08.2010 |

Russia - Forest fires and nuclear plants: how to avoid the worst scenario?
Forest fires are spreading in the Moscow region, getting closer to nuclear plants, including Mayak, a plant dedicated to the disposal of nuclear waste
11.08.2010 | WECF Press Release

Dangerous chemical in baby bottles
The chemical bisphenol A (BPA) can be found in baby bottles available on the market of United Kingdom.
10.08.2010 | The Independent

All is not well: climate negotiations in a new avatar
Climate change negotations have been warmed up again.
10.08.2010 | Sunita Narain

Community approaches to a better environment for all and poverty reduction in out of reach communities of rural Azerbaijan
Practical training how to construct solar collector, fruit dryer and solar distiller was carried out in project regions in Azerbaijan
10.08.2010 | Anna Samwel

First Water Committee in Caucasus established in village Sverdlov, Lore region, Armenia.
The committee was initiated by the Sverdlov municipality, WECF and Lore Eco Club with the expertise of their partner Kyrgyz Alliance for Water and Sanitation (KAWS) and the Community Drinking Water Users Union from Kyrgyzstan in early March
09.08.2010 | Anna Samwel

PVC: The Poison Plastic. The campaign for Safe, Healthy Consumer Product
CHEJ, Center for Health, Environment and Justice, New York, runs the campaign against toxic and poisonous PVC
09.08.2010 | PVC: The Poison Plastic

Children’s toys must not cause allergies
BfR calls for stricter regulations for nickel and fragrances in toys

Hundreds of thousands of marine lives in Gulf of Mexico are at stake
Sea life in Mexican Gulf is facing death by oil, its cancer-causing components with addition of toxic chemical dispersants. It can all cause fish, seabirds and dolphins' death
06.08.2010 | Sea life in Mexican Gulf is facing death by oil

UNICEF Dirty Water campaign
UNICEF has installed Dirty Water Vending Machines in Manhattan to support children with safe drinking water
06.08.2010 | UNICEF campaign

The Womensphere Prize in Environment & Sustainability
CEO of Womensphere offers The Womensphere Prize in several fields. Women in Europe for a Common Future was invited to nominate a candidate for The Womensphere Prize in Environment & Sustainability and Law & Public Policy.
06.08.2010 | CEO of Womensphere

New documentary on how chemicals influence our life
Swedish movie director, Stefan Jarl, had made a new documentary “SUBMISSION” which premier was in April, in Sweden. It was shown at the CSD18 in New York in May and also recently in Stockholm at the Mercury INC1. The movie treats about chemical industry and chemical society built by all of us after the Second World War
06.08.2010 | New documentary by Stefan Jarl

Bonn: Climate Negotiations more effective including women and gender awareness
Climate negotiations more effective if guided by long-term vision – this must include women and gender awareness
06.08.2010 | Joint Press Release

Nano particles in the baby room - WECF starts new campaign and website in the Netherlands
WECF start campagne en website voor jonge ouders om consumenten en retailers bewust te maken over het gebruik van nanotechnologie in alledaagse consumptieartikelen
05.08.2010 | WECF the Netherlands Press Release

"Strijd om subsidie op de charimarkt"
"Drie allianties – milieuclub IUCN, de medische alliantie Health Action International en de klimaatbeweging WECF – gaan wel door naar de volgende ronde"
05.08.2010 | artikel Trouw

WECF Goldener Brennstab des Monats August 2010
Im Monat August geht der Preis an Marie-Luise Dött, umweltpolitische Sprecherin der CDU/CSU Bundestagsfraktion sowie Dr. Michael Paul und Dr. Georg Nüßlein, CDU/CSU, zuständige Berichterstatter
03.08.2010 | Johanna Hausmann

Coalition for Climate Justice enter into second phase for funding from Netherlands Ministry of Development Cooperation
Coalition lead by WECF has passed first selection round
03.08.2010 | WECF Press Release

Safe Cosmetics Act of 2010 introduced in U.S. Congress
The Story of Stuff Project has introduced a new initiative on safe cosmetics. As all of us use them, it is important to have them safe. This projects is fighting for safe cosmetics for all by mobilizing people to support new Safe Cosmetics Act of 2010 introduced in U.S. Congress
02.08.2010 | The Story of Stuff

Risk of breast cancer
Recent research suggests that the risk of breast cancer is higher among women who try to keep their houses clean and fragrant. Usage of fresheners, mould removers and cleaning products is linked to appearance of breast cancer.
02.08.2010 | Silent Spring Institute in Newton, Massachusetts, USA

TVE and BBC World News made movie on asbestos.
The television documentary on asbestos produced by TVE and BBC World News went out on 24th and 25th of July. A radio documentary on the same topic narrated by Steve Bradshaw had its broadcast on BBC World Service too.
02.08.2010 | TVE and BBC World News

Коалиция за Климатическую Справедливость вошла во второй тур в получении субсидирования от Министерства по Развитию Сотрудничества Нидерландов.
Коалиция, возглавляемая WECF, прошла первый отборочный тур.
02.08.2010 | WECF Press Release

L'accès à l'eau et à l'assainissement reconnu droit fondamental par l'ONU
La décision de l’ONU d’adopter l’eau en tant que droit fondamental souligne l’importance des principaux domaines d’activité de WECF
01.08.2010 | WECF France

VN resolutie “Recht op Veilig Water en Sanitatie is Mensenrecht” onderstreept belang van kern werk WECF
Nieuw verworven mensenrecht is een belangrijkse stap voorwaarts voor armen en kwetsbaren, maar in het bijzonder vrouwen en kinderen, stelt Europees Vrouwen- en Milieu Netwerk WECF

Решение Генеральной Ассамблеи Объединенных Наций присудить воде право человека подчеркивает важность ключевых проектов WECF
Недавно приобретенное право человека является главным шагом навстречу бедным и уязвимым группам, в частности, женщинам и детям.

UN decision to adopt water as human right underlines importance of core areas of WECF’s work
Newly acquired human right is main step forward for the poor and vulnerable, in particular women and children
29.07.2010 | WECF Press Release

UN decision to adopt water as human right underlines importance of core areas of WECF’s work
Newly acquired human right is main step forward for the poor and vulnerable, in particular women and children
29.07.2010 | Margriet Samwel

6th European Conference of GMO-Free Regions Brussels and Ghent, 16.-18. September 2010
WECF calls for participation on the Conference of GMO-Free Regions in Brussels and Ghent, Belgium
28.07.2010 | Magdalena Black

Water Safety Plans for small-scale water supply system in Romania
WHOCC Newsletter publishes article by WECF's Margriet Samwel on Water Safety Plans for small-scale water supply systems in Romania
28.07.2010 | Margriet Samwel

Reducing the use of hazardous chemicals in developing countries
potential of implementing safer chemicals including non-chemical alternatives - tools for Georgia and the EECCA region
27.07.2010 | WECF Project

Water Information Center opened in Berezhany, Ukraine
Day of the Dniester and opening of Water Information Center "Studnya Future"
18.07.2010 | Magdalena Black

WECF publication Urine – the yellow gold
Safe re-use of human urine from ecosan toilets to increase your yields

Kellogg's Cereal Recall Highlights a New Concern: Chemicals Leaching from Food Packaging
Kellogg is recalling millions of boxes of children's cereal, but other packaging can leach potentially harmful chemicals too
12.07.2010 | The Daily Green, Dan Shapley

Aarhus Meetings in Geneva on 29 June until 2 July 2010
Task Force on Public Participation in International Forums met in Geneva to discuss about reporting requirements for Parties under the Aarhus Convention
08.07.2010 | Anke Stock

Citizen’s initiative on the phasing out of nuclear energy postcards to chancellor Merkel
Initiative zum Atomausstieg: Postkartenversand an Kanzlerin Merkel
08.07.2010 | WECF Event

Goldene Brennstab des Monats Juli 2010 an Rainer Brüderle München
Im Monat Juli geht der Preis an Rainer Brüderle, Bundeswirtschaftsminister
08.07.2010 | Johanna Hausmann

Nominations for International Environmental Governance process UNEP
Nomination forms for members of th Major Group and Stakeholder Advisory Group on UNEP's high level International Environmental Governance process (IEG)
08.07.2010 | Sascha Gabizon

WECF Co-organises Workshop on Information and Public Participation in Water and Health Related Issues
In Co-operation with the UNECE/WHO-EURO Secretariat of the Protocol on Water and Health, the Ministry of Environment and Forests of Romania, and Global Water Partnership/Romania WECF co-organised a workshop on 15/16 June, 2010
08.07.2010 | Anke Stock

Cancer Action NY Files Complaint Against US EPA Alleging Chemical Industry Control
Cancer Action NY Files Complaint Against US EPA Alleging Chemical Industry Control Renders the Agency Incapable of Utilizing Science to Protect the Environment and the Public Health
04.07.2010 | Cancer Action NY

President's Cancer Panel: Environmentally caused cancers are 'grossly underestimated' and 'needlessly devastate American lives".
"The true burden of environmentally induced cancers has been grossly underestimated," says the President's Cancer Panel in a strongly reported report
04.07.2010 | Environment and Health News

UN Women Born: Civil Society Celebrates Creation of Gender Equality Entity After Four Years of Advocacy
The Gender Equality Architecture Reform (GEAR) Campaign celebrates the United Nations General Assembly resolution, agreed to on 30 June and to be formally adopted by the General Assembly on Friday, 2 July, to establish "UN Women"-the new gender equality entity at the UN
01.07.2010 | Gender Equality Architecture Reform (GEAR)

Aide humanitaire d’urgence au Kirghizstan : nous avons besoin de vos dons !
Après deux révolutions en cinq ans, et les pires malaises ethniques depuis deux décennies, le Kirghizstan parvient juste à stabiliser la situation de conflit grâce à un référendum
01.07.2010 | WECF France

Feasibility study on CDM in households
The study covers household and community based projects in general; for practical examples in the Caucasus and Central Asia region, which is the target area of the work of WECF.

Kyrgyz partners WECF appeal for help and support for victims of violence
After yesterday’s referendum president Otunbayeva promises help before winter sets in - Urgent help needed to provide humanitarian aid and help the victims of rape
28.06.2010 | WECF Call for Support

WASH-Netzwerk gegründet
Mit vereinten Kräften kämpfen deutsche Hilfsorganisationen für Wasser-, Sanitärversorgung und Hygiene für alle Menschen
24.06.2010 | WECF Campaign

Joint action of NGOs and scientists to call for a reduction of BPA exposure, especially for children and pregnant women
WECF signed a letter to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) pointing out new scientific data and the need for a stricter regulation of BPA.
23.06.2010 | Alexandra Caterbow

WECF Publication "The Critical Question" available in French
Parution de La Question Centrale: Energie nucléaire témoignages d’expériences vécues en première ligne

Toxic shock: European Parliament to expand harmful products in the home?
On 22 June the European Parliament’s Environment Committee will vote on new EU provisions on the authorisation and marketing of hazardous products like wood preservatives and insecticide sprays. But leading environmental and health campaign groups fear that MEPs may lack courage to ban all highly hazardous products
21.06.2010 | Joint Press Release PAN Europe, WECF & PAN Germany

WECF Publication "Gender and Climate Change"
WECF fosters the participation of women and men from the EECCA region in its delegations attending international meetings on climate change as the whole region is underrepresented and supports participation of women in climate change negotiations as women’s views and visions are not yet sufficiently taken into account

Natracare Safe School Sanitation Project
Natracare supports safe sanitation for girls in Central Asia - Natracare, a UK-based manufacture of organic and natural solutions for personal health care has become a sponsor of WECF projects on improving sanitation in schools in the rural areas of Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia

Nano in the babyroom
Deploying awareness raising activities among consumers and retailers concerning nanotechnology

„Kindergesundheit geht vor! Passivrauch vermeiden!“
Neu! WECF-Flyer zur Vermeidung von Zigarettenrauchbelastung in Wohnräumen

"Women are more and in different ways affected by climate change"
Frauen sind vom Klimawandel heftiger betroffen als Männer WECF fordert, Frauen stärker in den Prozess der Klimastrategien mit einzubeziehen
15.06.2010 | Johanna Hausmann

The way to Cancun: WECF at UNFCCC Climate Change Talks in Bonn
In April, May, June and August Climate Change talks are taking place in Bonn, Germany in preparation for the next big climate summit meeting, to be held in Mexico in December 2010
15.06.2010 | WECF Event

Call for Women’s Participation in Rio+20
The United Nations General Assembly has decided to hold a follow-up to the 1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development held in Rio de Janeiro (which is commonly known as the 'Earth Summit). Brazil has again agreed to be the host. The follow-up will be the 'UN Conference on Sustainable Development 2012', and it is being called informally 'Rio+20'
15.06.2010 | Sascha Gabizon

Women call for equitable Green Economy agenda for Rio+20
WECF executive director Sascha Gabizon presented the women's major group position for an equitable Green Economy agenda for Rio+20 during the preparatory meeting on the 2012 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20), focussing on the needs to create decent and safe jobs also for women.
15.06.2010 | Sascha Gabizon

The official report of the Rio+20 preparatory meeting at the United Nations
The "Chair's Summary" is the official report of the Rio+20 preparatory meeting at the United Nations which took place from 17 - 19 of May 2010 in New York
15.06.2010 | Sascha Gabizon

Women's Statement Rio+20 Prepcom
Women statement on strengthening global governance for sustainable development, 18 May 2010
15.06.2010 | Sascha Gabizon

Still lack of ambition and knowledge gaps in climate change negotiations
People-centred research needed, says Gender CC in Press Release
11.06.2010 | Press Release Gender CC

CSD 18: Women's statement on chemicals and waste
Women's statement calls for stronger, legally binding chemical and waste instruments at global level
11.06.2010 | Sascha Gabizon

CSD 18: Report of the United Nations Commission for Sustainable Development reflects input by Women and NGO major groups
The UN CSD 18th session focussed on the problems and needs for global action in the areas of chemicals and waste management, mining, transport and consumption and production.
11.06.2010 | Sascha Gabizon

CSD 18: “Asbestos – who pays the bill? WECF Lunch Event at UN Commission for Sustainable Development
Testimonies and Dialogue on Policy Recommendations” In the framework of the 18th session of the UN Commission for Sustainable Development (CSD) in New York, May 6, 2010
11.06.2010 | WECF Report

Auf dem Weg nach Cancun
EcoMujer, WECF und WLOE mit "Frauenflügel" am 5. Juni 2010 in Bonn dabei
11.06.2010 | Magdalena Black

The way to Cancun: Climate Alliance organised colourful demonstration in centre of Bonn to mark UN Environment Day
During Bonn Climate conference in preparation of the next Climate Summit in Mexico in December, WECF took part in Climate Alliance demonstration in the centre of Bonn
11.06.2010 | Magdalena Black

"The Critical Question" and "Die Kernfrage" - new WECF publications on nuclear's impact on people's lives
Neue WECF-Publikation: Interviews mit Männern und Frauen, die über ihre persönlichen Erfahrungen mit der Kernenergie erzählen (deutscher Text unten, Bestellmöglichkeit rechts)

"Die Kernfrage" WECF-Publikation
Interviews mit Männern und Frauen, die über ihre persönlichen Erfahrungen mit der Kernenergie erzählen (deutscher Text unten, Bestellmöglichkeit rechts)

„Gesundheitsgefährdende Substanz in Kassenzetteln, Babyflaschen und Spielzeug“
Sicherheit-online reports on WECF's comment on the germans federal environmental office publication on Bisphenol A
10.06.2010 | Sicherheit Online

Ecology and Peace
Feodosia Regional Organisation

German Federal Environment Agency is warning for health risks out of Bisphenol A
Gesundheitsgefährdende Substanz in Kassenzetteln, Babyflaschen und Spielzeug – WECF fordert Verbot
09.06.2010 | Johanna Hausmann

WECF presents statement of the women major group at the ministerial roundtable dialogue on coordination between UN agencies
The women's statement received support from Switzerland, Ghana and the USA

Der Goldene Brennstab des Monats Juni 2010
Dr. Johannes Teyssen, E.on Vorstandsvorsitzender (CEO)
09.06.2010 | Johanna Hausmann

WECF co-organises NGO participation in Bucharest on the Water and Health Protocol
WECF co-organises workshop on June 15-16 2010 in Bucharest, in cooperation with the United Nation - UNECE, WHO-Regional Office for Europe, Ministry of Environment and Forests of Romania, and Global Water Partnership Romania
09.06.2010 | Margriet Samwel

The way to Cancun: WECF at UNFCCC Climate Change Talks in Bonn
Side-event, exhibition booth, climate action and an intervention at the AWG KP opening session by Sabine Bock of WECF on behalf of the Women and Gender Constituency
08.06.2010 | WECF report

The way to Cancun: WECF Feasibility study on CDM presented at UNFCCC side event
“Gender and Climate Change research: gaps, questions, and potentials” was the title of an event co-organised by WECF, Bridge, Gendercc, Life E.v. and the Gender and Disaster Network
08.06.2010 | Chantal van den Bossche

WECF recommendations to the Environment Ministers Council on June 11 2010
WECF asks European Environment Ministers to take action on Hazardous Substances (RoHS Directive) and a global uranium mining monitoring and clean-up instrument, in common letter of Dutch environmental NGOs to their minister
08.06.2010 | Sascha Gabizon

Publication “From Beijing to Brussels- an unfinished journey” available
WECF gave its contribution into creation of The European Women’s Lobby Beijing +15 report on the activities of the European Union
06.06.2010 | Sascha Gabizon

"Well of knowledge" Educational and Informational Water Center
Ukrainian-German-Polish project started in January 2010

Dutch Report: gigatonne CO2-reduction gap
Today (1.6.2010) the Dutch Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL) released a report carried out by Ecofys evaluating the pledges of the Copenhagen Accord
01.06.2010 | Dutch Environmental Assessment Agency

EcoMujer, WECF and WLOE e.V. call for women's action for climate justice on Saturday, June 5, 2010, in Bonn, Germany
EcoMujer, WECF und WLOE e.V. laden zu einer Frauenaktion am Samstag 5. Juni 2010 in Bonn ein
01.06.2010 | Magdalena Black

Un étudiant français en Licence Pro Maitrise des énergies renouvelables réalise un stage de 4 mois en Allemagne et au Kirghizstan
Grâce à un partenariat entre WECF France, l’IUT d’Annecy et le lycée Jean Monet, un étudiant français en Licence Pro Maitrise des énergies renouvelables réalise un stage de 4 mois en Allemagne et au Kirghizstan.
01.06.2010 | WECF France

CSD 18: WECF member speaks at high level UN conference on need for global uranium mining monitoring and clean-up
WECF member Kaisha Atakhanova speaks on the need for stronger control of uranium mining

Women’s Action for Development


Integrated Sustainable Energy and Ecological Development Association

Global Dry Toilet Association
Finland's and the world's waters protection.

Groupe Energies Renouvelables, Environnement et Solidarités

Remote Communities in Azerbaijan
Community Approaches to a Better Environment for All and Poverty Reduction in Out of Reach Communities

CSD 18: Almoustapha Alhacen reports on uranium mining in Niger
During the 18th Session of the UN Commission for Sustainable Development (CSD) in New York, during which mining and waste in its current 2-year cycle was addressed, WECF invited Almoustapha Alhacen, President of t AGHIRIN’ MAN (Niger) to present the situation on uranium mining in Niger
21.05.2010 | WECF Report

CSD 18: WECF Side Event on Uranium Mining - Clear Perspectives on a Dirty Business
Testimonies from indigenous people from uranium mining communities raise serious questions about industry's accountability during 18th session of UN Commission for Sustainable Development in New York
21.05.2010 | WECF Report

USHS Ukrainian Scientific Hygienic Society
Protect environment and health, dissiminate professional knowledges and give trainings

Environmental Youth Club

EKOT Ekoloji Tarazlig
Environmental Sustainability

Environmental Protection and a Clean Natural Environment

CSD 18: Women Major Group Statement
Women are very active in the Chemicals issue, since they understand the importance to their own health and to protect their children’s health and allow them to fully develop their capacities
19.05.2010 | Alexandra Caterbow

The Story of Stuff jetzt auf Deutsch in Buchform
WECF book recommendation: The Sory of Stuff now available as book in German
19.05.2010 |

Почти Нобелевский лауреат - об угрозе химикатов в постсоветских странах
WECF partner Olga Speranskaya was interviewed for UN radio on obsolete pesticides and asbestos
18.05.2010 | United Nations Radio

CSD 18: WECF speakers demand a nuclear free climate agreement!
Friday 14th May, during the negotiations on the United Nations Nuclear Proliferation Treaty (NPT) taking place at the UN Headquarters in New York, Bremley Lyngdoh on behalf of WECF and the indigenous people affected by uranium mining spoke during the Side Event entitled Access to Civil Nuclear Energy
18.05.2010 | WECF Press Release

CSD 18: WECF speakers demand a nuclear free climate agreement
18.05.2010 | WECF Press Release

Projekt 21 plus

Mütter gegen Atomkraft

Za Zemiata
Works for sustainable life on our planet and combats exploitation of people and nature.

Women's Institute

Women and Life on Earth

University of Wageningen

University of Tiblisi

Green ecological toys

Nature conservation, environmental health and justice

Taiwan Watch Institute
Monitor environmental and ecological issues

Swedish Society for Nature Conservation
Conservation and sustainable development in Sweden and internationally

Sustainable Research and Action for Environmental Development

Sustainable Sanitation Alliance

Sortir du Nucléaire
French antinuclear coalition

Solidaritätsdienst-international e.V.

Slovenia Institute


Planet Finance
International aid organization with the mission to alleviate poverty through the development of microfinance.


NGO's Mutual Aid Association

National Toxics Network
A community based network working to ensure a toxic-free future for all

Mielie Food Garden

Living Farms
Ensures farming communities' access to and control over food and farming systems


Jeunes Volontaires pour l'Environnement
Social justice for all

Janhit Foundation
Promotion of human welfare through environmental protection


Hamburg University of Technology
Institute of Wastewater Management and Water Protection

Grüne Liga

A non-profit environmental justice service and developmental organization in South Africa.

Green City

Global Forest Coalition
A coalition of NGOs and Indigenous Peoples’ Organizations defending social justice.

Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives
A worldwide alliance of more than 650 grassroots groups, non-governmental organizations, and individuals.

German Toilet Organisation

Forum Umwelt und Entwicklung

Energia Klub
Energy efficiency, renewable resources, climate protection, conventional energy resources and energy policy.

Empire State Consumer Project
A Non-for-Profit organization, dedicated for reducing the use of pesticides and other chemicals toxic.

EcoWaste Coalition
A public interest network of community, church, school, environmental and health groups

Dolina Stobrawy
Local Action Group in Poland

The Clean Air Action Group

Center for Public Health and Healthy Environment Development

Klimabewusst fliegen


Acción Ecológica A.C.

Christiana Figueres Appointed New UNFCCC Executive Secretary
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has appointed Christiana Figueres as the new Executive Secretary of the United Nations Climate Change Secretariat based in Bonn, Germany
17.05.2010 | UNFCCC Press Release

CSD 18: Women's closing statement on 14th May
Women major group final statement , CSD 18
14.05.2010 | Sascha Gabizon

WECF training in Georgia for participants from Azerbaijan: ‘Introduction to alternative technologies for sustainable rural development’
Training: ‘Introduction to alternative technologies for sustainable rural development’ organized for Azeri participants at the Demonstration Center Misaktsieli, Georgia
10.05.2010 | Anna Samwel

WECF on Climate and Sustainable Consumption at the Ecumenical Church Days
Common exhibition stand of WECF - Women in Europe for a Common Future, Mütter gegen Atomkraft e.V. und projekt21plus
04.05.2010 | Johanna Hausmann

WECF on Climate and Sustainable Consumption at the Ecumenical Church Days
Common exhibition stand of WECF - Women in Europe for a Common Future, Mütter gegen Atomkraft e.V. und projekt21plus
04.05.2010 | Johanna Hausmann

Der Goldene Brennstab des Monats Mai 2010
Hermann Gröhe, CDU, Generalsekretär
04.05.2010 | Johanna Hausmann

Foundation Caucasus Environment

Stefan Batory Foundation

Haëlla Foundation
The Netherlands

Fred Foundation
The Netherlands

Foundation for German-Polish Cooperation (FWPN)
Germany, Poland

filia - die frauenstiftung.

Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU)

Royal Netherlands Embassy in Romania
The Netherlands/Romania

Province Overjissel
The Netherlands

Ministry of the Environment

Ministry of the Environment

Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment (VROM)
The Netherlands

Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MinBuza), European Cooperation
The Netherlands

Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MinBuza), Development Cooperation
The Netherlands

Ministry of Economic Affairs (EZ)
The Netherlands

German Federal Environment Agency (UBA)

Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU)

Federal Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management

European Commission

DG Environment
European Commission

Invitation to Seminar in The Hague on 'biofuels from a southern perspective'
Seminar: "Impact van bio-energie gebaseerd op hout op bossen, inheemse volkeren en het klimaat - Een zuidelijk perspectief"

Danish Ministry of the Environment

Commission Sees No Need to Extend Scope of Article 2 of Directive 2003/35/EC of 26 May 2003 At the Moment
Report from the European Commission on the Application and Effectiveness of Directive 2003/35 Providing for Public Participation in Respect of the Drawing Up of Certain Plans and Programmes Relating to the Environment
29.04.2010 | Anke Stock

Commission Sees No Need to Extend Scope of Article 2 of Directive 2003/35/EC of 26 May 2003 At the Moment
Report from the European Commission on the Application and Effectiveness of Directive 2003/35 Providing for Public Participation in Respect of the Drawing Up of Certain Plans and Programmes Relating to the Environment
29.04.2010 | Anke Stock

Children's Environmental Action Plan for Europe
Aiming to implement the European strategy for healthy citizens through a healthy environment
29.04.2010 | WECF Campaign

Local Climate Change Action - Germany
Moving climate protection closer to the people

EU - Fact Sheet Common Agricultural Policy
Information on organic farming, conventional agriculture and policies in the EU.

Eco-Efficiency and Sustainable Development
Women promoting the environmental pillar of the Lisbon Strategy and the EU SDS

WECF Award Ceremony at CSD 18 "Uranium Mining – Clear Perspectives on a Dirty Business”
Award Ceremony and testimonies by Indigenous Peoples from uranium mining communities
27.04.2010 | WECF Invitation

Tapping Our Ressources - Sustainable Development and Poverty Elimination
Safe Drinking Water, Safe Sanitation, Safe Food

Samen voor een Gezond Leefmilieu
‘Together for a healthy environment - advocacy for enhancing substances policy and reduce health risks’

Ukraine - Safe Sanitation, Health and Dignity
Implementation of dry urine diverting toilets and and waste water soil filters for schools and private households

WECF Germany: “Umweltgerechtigkeit von Geburt an" (Environmental justice right from the beginning)
A consultative program for deprived families and migrant families in the vicinity of Berlin and Munich

WECF Germany: “Umweltgerechtigkeit von Geburt an" (Environmental justice right from the beginning)
A consultative program for deprived families and migrant families in the vicinity of Berlin and Munich

Commission for Sustainable Development
WECF facilitates the participation of its members at UN conferences. WECF members present their experiences and recommendations to policy makers during the UN CSD every year

Roundtable Dialogue on wastewater solutions for Bulgaria and Romania - Report
New European Member States Romania and Bulgaria address the looming impossibility of achieving their obligations under the EC Urban Waste Water Directive and Water Framework Directive – roundtable in Sofia looks at solutions
24.04.2010 | Sascha Gabizon

Roundtable Dialogue on wastewater solutions for Bulgaria and Romania - Report
New European Member States Romania and Bulgaria address the looming impossibility of achieving their obligations under the EC Urban Waste Water Directive and Water Framework Directive – roundtable in Sofia looks at solutions
24.04.2010 | Sascha Gabizon

Chernobyl Day, April 26
Nuclear Energy can never be a solution for Climate Change!
23.04.2010 | WECF Press Release

Chernobyl Day, April 26
Nuclear Energy can never be a solution for Climate Change!
23.04.2010 | WECF Press Release

News from Armenia from WECF Partner AWHHE: Emergency situation around the burial site of obsolete and banned pesticides in Armenia
Emergency situation on burial of obsolete pesticides, which could pose enormous threats to human health and environment, will come to solution
20.04.2010 | AWHHE

News from Armenia from WECF Partner AWHHE: Emergency situation around the burial site of obsolete and banned pesticides in Armenia
Emergency situation on burial of obsolete pesticides, which could pose enormous threats to human health and environment, will come to solution
20.04.2010 | AWHHE

100% renewables 'feasible by 2050', EU told
EU could cut its emissions by more than 90% by 2050 by moving to produce all its energy from renewable sources, according to the European Renewable Energy Council (EREC), an industry group
20.04.2010 |

Media Tour: Green Energy against Climate Change in Leningrad Region
Green Energy against Climate Change
19.04.2010 | Climate Secretariat RSEU

WECF's map for sustainable school Toilets and establishing Nitrate levels in ground, surface and drinking water

Romania - Safe Sanitation, Health and Dignity
Implementation of dry urine diverting toilets and and waste water soil filters for schools and private households

Kyrgyzstan - Decentralised and Sustainable Wastewater Management
Consulting and supporting NGOs in Kyrgyzstan to develop ecolocial sanitation and wastewater management in rural areas
19.04.2010 | WECF Project

Internationales Projekt Nestbau - Eine gesunde Umgebung für gesunde Kinder
Eltern dabei helfen eine gesunde und sichere Umgebung für ihr Neugeborenes zu schaffen

Gender Equality
Putting Gender Equality Central; a project to promote a gender and human rights perspective in WECF's activities

Empowerment & Local Action (ELA) Uzbekistan
Building the capacity of poor local communities in rural areas in Uzbekistan

Empowerment & Local Action (ELA) Georgia
Building the capacity of poor local communities in rural areas in Georgia

Empowerment & Local Action (ELA) Kazakhstan
Building the capacity of poor local communities in rural areas in Kazakhstan

Empowerment & Local Action (ELA)
Building the capacity of poor local communities in rural areas

Democratization of the governance of the Dniester river basin
Local authorities, NGOs and citizen's communities work together in trans-boundary cooperation between Moldova, Transdniestria and Ukraine towards sustainable management of Dniester River Basin

Bulgaria - Safe Sanitation, Health and Dignity
Implementation of dry urine diverting toilets and and waste water soil filters for schools and private households

Bulgaria / Greece – WECF Project Healthy Schools
School children are given the opportunity to learn about their environment and possible ways to improve and protect it by developing their own ideas.
19.04.2010 | WECF Project

Belarus - Citizens involvement
Developing multi-stakeholder cooperation in the areas of water, waste and energy efficiency in Belarus
19.04.2010 | WECF Project

Gestörte Weiblichkeit
Endokrine Disruptoren und das weibliche Fortpflanzungssystem - Ein Bericht über den Workshop „Women’s Reproductive Health and the Environment”

Abestos and POPs in Kazakhstan
Civil society and sound hazardous waste management, asbestos and POPs, in Kazakhstan
15.04.2010 | WECF Project

Energy efficient stoves and policy gaps under CDM
Article by Sabine Bock, WECF Energy Coordinator and Robert Mueller from Atmosfair for PICA bulletin
14.04.2010 | Sabine Bock and Robert Mueller

Energy efficient stoves and policy gaps under CDM
Article by Sabine Bock, WECF Energy Coordinator and Robert Mueller from Atmosfair for PICA bulletin
14.04.2010 | Sabine Bock and Robert Mueller

CSD 18: UN Commission for Sustainable Development 2010
WECF chairs women’s major group at the 18th session of the CSD in New York from 3 - 14 May 2010
14.04.2010 | WECF Event

Safe Sanitation, Health and Dignity
Implementation of dry urine diverting toilets and and waste water soil filters for schools and private households

Empowerment & Local Action (ELA) Afghanistan
Building the capacity of poor local communities in rural areas in Afghanistan.

Empowerment & Local Action (ELA) Armenia
Building the capacity of poor local communities in rural areas in Armenia.

Empowerment & Local Action (ELA) Azerbaijan
Building the capacity of poor local communities in rural areas in Azerbaijan

Empowerment & Local Action (ELA) Kyrgyzstan
Building the capacity of poor local communities in rural areas in Kyrgyzstan

Empowerment & Local Action (ELA) Moldova
Building the capacity of poor local communities in rural areas in Moldova

Empowerment & Local Action (ELA) Tajikistan
Building the capacity of poor local communities in rural areas in Tajikistan

Empowerment & Local Action (ELA) Ukraine
Building the capacity of poor local communities in rural areas in the Ukraine

Eliminating toxic chemicals globally
Working to ensure that by 2020 all consumer products are free of hazardous chemicals

International Year of Sanitation
Safe and affordable sustainable sanitation at the top of the European political agenda during the International Year of Sanitation 2008

Poland: Between the Rivers Bug and Narew
WECF and SIE are developing local partnerships in order to manage and cultivate 15 rural Masovian communities along the river Bug sustainable.
13.04.2010 | WECF Project

Germany. 8000 anti-nuclear activists demonstrate in 53 cities
WECF supports demonstration in Munich (text in German)
12.04.2010 | Johanna Hausmann

Germany. 8000 anti-nuclear activists demonstrate in 53 cities
WECF supports demonstration in Munich (text in German)
12.04.2010 | Johanna Hausmann

The Copenhagen Accord - the way forward
Press Statement by the Women’s and Gender Constituency, Bonn, 10 April 2010
10.04.2010 | Chantal van den Bossche

The Copenhagen Accord - the way forward
Press Statement by the Women’s and Gender Constituency, Bonn, 10 April 2010
10.04.2010 | Chantal van den Bossche

WECF's Golden Fuel Rod of April 2010 goes to German chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel
In diesem Monat geht der Preis an Bundeskanzlerin Dr. Angela Merkel
10.04.2010 | Johanna Hausmann

WECF's Golden Fuel Rod of April 2010 goes to German chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel
In diesem Monat geht der Preis an Bundeskanzlerin Dr. Angela Merkel
10.04.2010 | Johanna Hausmann

WECF and Kyrgyz partner Unison postpone climate conference on Central Asia until further notice
All partners and staff in Kyrgyzstan of WECF unharmed
09.04.2010 | WECF Press Release

WECF and Kyrgyz partner Unison postpone climate conference on Central Asia until further notice
All partners and staff in Kyrgyzstan of WECF unharmed
09.04.2010 | WECF Press Release

Sustainable and cost-effective wastewater systems for rural and peri-urban communities up to 10,000 PE
New WECF guidance paper in English, Bulgarian and Romanian for decision makers, water operators and engineers

New WECF Publication: Construction of solar collectors for warm water
Practical guide in English and Russian

Durchsuchung bei Ökologischer Baikalwelle. Staatsanwaltschaft gängelt Umweltgruppe
Russische Behörden gehen gegen Aktivisten vor, die den Baikalsee vor giftigen Abfällen schützen wollen.
30.03.2010 | Bernhard Clasen

The Second Central Asian–European Forum on Climate Change” POSTPONED
Due to polical situation in Kyrgyzstan the conference has been postponed up untill further notice
30.03.2010 | Sabine Bock

Denmark: Ban on Bisphenol A in Food for Young Children
On the basis of a new assessment by the National Food Institute at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU Food), the Danish government has, together with the Danish People's Party, decided to invoke the principle of precaution and introduce a temporary national ban on bisphenol A in materials in contact with food for children aged 0 – 3 years
30.03.2010 | Flexnews

Обыск в офисе Байкальской Экологической Волны
Российские власти выступают против активистов по защите озера Байкал от токсичных отходов. Без ордера на арест был обыскан их офис и конфискованы компьютеры.
30.03.2010 | Бернард Клазен

Democratization of the Dniester River Basin
16 Demonstration community projects are implemented in this Matra project

Nizhyn pupils no longer run to the toilet on the street!
A new indoor toilet was opened on the eve of World Water Day in Nizhyn 19 March 2010. 42 pupils and teachers queued up for the longest line in the word - to the toilet!
26.03.2010 | Mama '86, Ukraine

Video: CEHAPE Awards at the Fifth Ministerial Conference of the WHO European Region on Environment and Health
Eight winning projects have received Children's Environment and Health Plan for Europe (CEHAPE) Awards at the Fifth Ministerial Conference of the WHO European Region on Environment and Health

Ivanovka School #2 in Kyrgyzstan Celebrated the Opening of Their New Eco-San Toilet Facilities
Nearly fifty people attended the dedication ceremony of the facilities made possible with the generous funding and tireless efforts of Women in Europe for a Common Future (WECF), ALGA, CEF UNISON and the Governments of the Netherlands and Germany.
25.03.2010 | WECF & UNISON

Belarus MATRA Project: Policy Recommendations
Lessons Learned During 3-Years Project in Belarus
24.03.2010 | Anke Stock

WECF Publication: The Challenges of Solid Waste Management in Rural Romania
Findings of a survey in four Romanian villages on the management of solid waste such as plastics, animal and hazardous waste.

Closing conference Sharing lessons learned in Belarus WECF project
Closing conference Sharing lessons learned in the project “Developing Multi-stakeholder Co-operation in the Areas of Water, Waste and Energy Efficiency in Belarus“
24.03.2010 | Bistra Mihaylova

WECF Georgian Partner Greens organises rally on World Water Day
“Greens Movement of Georgia” and “Water Global Partnership – Georgia” jointly held rally on March 20-21 to clear the Alazani riverside of rubbish
23.03.2010 | WECF Partner Press Release

WECF Georgian Partner Greens organises rally on World Water Day
“Greens Movement of Georgia” and “Water Global Partnership – Georgia” jointly held rally on March 20-21 to clear the Alazani riverside of rubbish
23.03.2010 | WECF Partner Press Release

WECF in Parma: Interview in The Lancet with WECF Executive Diretor Sascha Gabizon
European ministers signed a declaration on environmental health last
21.03.2010 | The Lancet, Volume 375, Issue 9719

Indian delegate obstruction on measures concerning Endosulfan
15-19th March 2010: Sixth Meeting of the Chemical Review Committee of the Rotterdam Convention
20.03.2010 | WECF Press Release

Indian delegate obstruction on measures concerning Endosulfan
15-19th March 2010: Sixth Meeting of the Chemical Review Committee of the Rotterdam Convention
20.03.2010 | WECF Press Release

Der Goldene Brennstab
Mit dem Goldenen Brennstab des Monats prämiert die Umwelt- und Frauenorganisation WECF (Women in Europe for Common Future) jeden Monat eine Person öffentlichen Interesses für einen herausragenden Ausspruch zum Thema Kernenergie.
20.03.2010 | WECF Campaign

Der Goldene Brennstab des Monats März 2010
WECF Germany awards each month a person of public interest who has made an ignorant remark on nuclear energy. Nuclear power is again in Germany, since the elections, an issue of the public debate.
20.03.2010 | Johanna Hausmann

Der Goldene Brennstab des Monats März 2010
WECF Germany awards each month a person of public interest who has made an ignorant remark on nuclear energy. Nuclear power is again in Germany, since the elections, an issue of the public debate.
20.03.2010 | Johanna Hausmann

The Golden Nuclear Fuelrod Award for worst comments
WECF Germany awards each month a person of public interest who has made an ignorant remark on nuclear energy. Nuclear power is again in Germany, since the elections, an issue of the public debate.
20.03.2010 | WECF Campaign

Women and Biodiversity meeting in Bonn, Germany
German "Women and Life on Earth" association announces new office and organises meeting on women and biodiversity, March 19 in Bonn
18.03.2010 | Magdalena Black

Parma 2010: The right to safe water and sanitation in schools
WECF Side Event at Fifth Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health, Parma 2010
17.03.2010 | WECF press release

Parma 2010: The right to safe water and sanitation in schools
WECF Side Event at Fifth Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health, Parma 2010
17.03.2010 | WECF press release

Pollution: Amsterdam to be sued over Trafigura fiasco
The city of Amsterdam is to be prosecuted over the dumping of toxic waste by a ship in Ivory Coast in 2006
17.03.2010 | IPEN

Round Table Dialogue with European Commission March 18, Grand Hotel Sofia
How to reach sustainable and cost-effective sanitation and waste water treatment in Bulgarian and Romanian rural areas?
16.03.2010 | Claudia Wendland

Parma 2010: Report of 5th Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health
Strengthening implementation of children’s environmental health programmes – 53 countries of the European, Caucasus and Central Asian region adopt ministerial declaration with clear targets and commitments
16.03.2010 | WECF report on Parma

Bremen Overseas Research and Development Association

Countries pledge to eradicate asbestos diseases
Ends daily reports on WECF's work at Ministerial Conference in Parma
15.03.2010 | Ends daily

Women: Agents of Change
Women in Europe for a Common Future gave its input in creating Women: Agents of Change publication

Parma 2010: A small step forward on asbestos
Eastern European, Caucasus and Central Asia countries - producers and users of chrysotile asbestos – have committed to work on elimination of asbestos related diseases in cooperation with WHO and International Labour Organisation.
12.03.2010 | WECF Press Release

Parma 2010: A small step forward on asbestos
Eastern European, Caucasus and Central Asia countries - producers and users of chrysotile asbestos – have committed to work on elimination of asbestos related diseases in cooperation with WHO and International Labour Organisation.
12.03.2010 | WECF Press Release

Parma 2010: Un prix pour les Projets environnementaux qui sauvent des enfants
5ème Conférence Ministérielle Santé-Environnement en Europe, Parme
11.03.2010 | WECF France Press Release

Parma 2010: Competition rewards environmental projects that save children’s lives
Eight winning projects have received Children's Environment and Health Plan for Europe (CEHAPE) Awards at the Fifth Ministerial Conference of the WHO European Region on Environment and Health

Nusa Dua Declaration and Governing Council decisions adopted by the eleventh special session of GC/GMEF
Over 100 Ministers of Environment agree on declaration to strengthen international environmental governance, biodiversity management and global access to information, participation and justice on environmental measures
09.03.2010 | UNEP civil society

Why are women being left out of climate decision-making?
U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon announced an important new climate change financing group last week, but out of the 19 people named, no women were included.
08.03.2010 | The U.N. Men's Club

Call for a Child Norm
Call for a 'child norm': a standard to improve the quality of life for children starting from their needs and not those of adults
06.03.2010 | COFACE and Gezinsbond

Parma 2010: WECF responds to attack by Russian Asbestos Industry Association
The Russian Asbestos Industry attacks WECF for promoting substitution of chrysotile asbestos, in the last days leading up to the Parma Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health
05.03.2010 | WECF Press Release

Parma 2010: WECF responds to attack by Russian Asbestos Industry Association
The Russian Asbestos Industry attacks WECF for promoting substitution of chrysotile asbestos, in the last days leading up to the Parma Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health
05.03.2010 | WECF Press Release

Parma 2010: “Binnenlucht: verborgen gevaar in baby’s slaapkamer”
Europees vrouwen- en milieunetwerk WECF publiceert resultaten van studie naar binnenlucht kwaliteit in kinderkamers in vier Europese landen volgende week op Ministeriële Conferentie “ Milieu en Gezondheid” in Parma , Italië
05.03.2010 | WECF the Netherlands Press Release

Binnenlucht: verborgen gevaar in baby’s slaapkamer
Europees vrouwen- en milieunetwerk WECF publiceert resultaten van studie naar binnenlucht kwaliteit in kinderkamers in vier Europese landen volgende week op Ministeriële Conferentie “ Milieu en Gezondheid” in Parma , Italië
05.03.2010 | WECF the Netherlands Press Release

Parma 2010: Воздух внутри помещений – скрывающаяся опасность в детских комнатах
WECF опубликовывает результаты Европейского исследования качества воздуха внутри детских комнат, которое будет представлено на Министерской Конференции по Окружающей Среде и Охране Здоровья в Парме.
05.03.2010 | WECF Press Release in Russian

Parma 2010: Воздух внутри помещений – скрывающаяся опасность в детских комнатах
WECF опубликовывает результаты Европейского исследования качества воздуха внутри детских комнат, которое будет представлено на Министерской Конференции по Окружающей Среде и Охране Здоровья в Парме.
05.03.2010 | WECF Press Release in Russian

Parma 2010: Indoor air - a hidden danger in children's bedroom
Babies and young children exposed to high doses of formaldehyde and volatile organic compounds (VOC) in indoor environments: WECF publishes results of European study on indoor air quality in children's rooms, to be presented at next week’s Ministerial Conference "Environment and Health" in Parma
04.03.2010 | WECF Press Release

Parma 2010: Indoor air - a hidden danger in children's bedroom
Babies and young children exposed to high doses of formaldehyde and volatile organic compounds (VOC) in indoor environments: WECF publishes results of European study on indoor air quality in children's rooms, to be presented at next week’s Ministerial Conference "Environment and Health" in Parma
04.03.2010 | WECF Press Release

How to change the world with women? WECF in Geneva at International Women's Day
Author and film maker Coline Serreau invited to the UNO in Geneva on International Women’s Day- March 8. 2010
04.03.2010 | WECF France Press Release

How to change the world with women? WECF in Geneva at International Women's Day
Author and film maker Coline Serreau invited to the UNO in Geneva on International Women’s Day- March 8. 2010
04.03.2010 | WECF France Press Release

Case study on Lessons from Water Safety Plans (WSP)
Case study on Lessons from Water Safety Plans (WSP) for small-scale water supply systems as developed by schools in Romania

A l’occasion de la journée internationale de la femme, le 8 mars 2010 « Comment changer le monde avec les femmes ?
L’association With Women, en collaboration avec l’Office des Nations Unies de Genève et le PNUD, invite Coline Serreau à présenter son nouveau film dans la grande Salle des Assemblées du Palais des nations à Genève
02.03.2010 | WECF France Press Release

Herbert Danner
Consultant Sustainable Energy (Munich)

Anne Gomel
Responsable Formations WECF France /Health and Environment Training Officer

Wildcard Research and Communications

BEF Estonia
Baltic Environmental Forum: provide environmental protection and management

Civic Environmental Foundation

FoE Georgia
The Greens Movement of Georgia

Safe and Affordable Sanitation Access for Everyone

Demonstration Center, Ecosan Idea Advancement, Ecotourism

Habitat Kyrgyzstan Foundation
Making dreams of simple, decent, affordable housing come true.

WECF participated on workshop under the protocol on water and health
In Geneva, on 16-17 February, WECF participated on the workshop on reporting under the protocol on water and health (PWH), organised by the PWH secreatariat of the WHO regional office for Europe and the UNECE
22.02.2010 | Margriet Samwel

Women's Caucus presented its message to Ministers of Environment present in Bali
Today the Women's Caucus presented its message to the Ministers of Environment present at this years UNEP Governing Council and Global Ministers for the Environment Forum in Bali, Indonesia, February 23-26 2010
22.02.2010 | WECF Press Release

Women's Caucus presented its message to Ministers of Environment present in Bali
Today the Women's Caucus presented its message to the Ministers of Environment present at this years UNEP Governing Council and Global Ministers for the Environment Forum in Bali, Indonesia, February 23-26 2010
22.02.2010 | WECF Press Release

WECF and nine partners present at start up meeting Project Nesting the Netherlands
"Parents themselves are responsibles for the choices they make for their children and should be more active for better legistlation concerning hazardous chemicals in baby products"

"Het is onbegrijpelijk dat er zo weinig mensen interesse hebben in duurzame baby producten"
WECF organiseerde start up bijeenkomst voor het driejarig SMOM project " Een Veilig Nest" in Utrecht voor negen partners

Yvo de Boer steps down as UN climate chief to work for accountants KPMG
UN official who oversaw four years of climate talks claims disappointing Copenhagen outcome was unrelated to decision
18.02.2010 | The Guardian, UK

Release of the Hashimoto Action Plan II
Letter by the Chair of UNSGAB, HRH Prince Willem-Alexander, the Prince of Orange
16.02.2010 | UNSGAB

Der Goldene Brennstab des Monats Februar 2010
WECF Germany awards each month a person of public interest who has made an ignorant remark on nuclear energy . Nuclear power is again in Germany, since the elections, an issue of the public debate.
10.02.2010 | Johanna Hausmann

Der Goldene Brennstab des Monats Februar 2010
WECF Germany awards each month a person of public interest who has made an ignorant remark on nuclear energy . Nuclear power is again in Germany, since the elections, an issue of the public debate.
10.02.2010 | Johanna Hausmann

Parma: WECF coordinator for environmental NGOs at 5th Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health, Parma, 10-12 March 2010
The preparations for the next WHO Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health are fully underway. Here is a letter to the NGO's concerned.
10.02.2010 | Olivia Radu

Japan: Colored plastic bags contain high levels of lead
A number of tinted plastic bags used in Japanese supermarkets contain high levels of lead, with some of them recording 250 times the safety standard set by the European Union, a study by Kyoto researchers has found
10.02.2010 | Philippines News Agency

Was je baby nooit met gevaarlijke stoffen!
10.02.2010 | Telegraaf, bijlage Veiligheid

SanWat Sektorerhebung
SanWat Sector Survey of German NGO's: WECF Sanitation and Water Group supports the initiative by the German Forum Environment and Development (WG water).
09.02.2010 | Claudia Wendland

WECF and partner Ecoproject organise closing conference
Closing conference will present results from the MATRA project: “ Developing Multi-stakeholder Co-operation in the Areas of Water, Waste and Energy Efficiency in Belarus“
08.02.2010 | Bistra Mihaylova

Toxic toys - International Toy Fair in Nuremberg
WECF presents international Coalition on Toy Safety at International Toys Fair
05.02.2010 | WECF Press Release

Toxic toys - International Toy Fair in Nuremberg
WECF presents international Coalition on Toy Safety at International Toys Fair
05.02.2010 | WECF Press Release

Gift im Spielzeug
Internationale Koalition zur Spielzeugsicherheit gründet sich auf Initiative von WECF
04.02.2010 | Johanna Hausmann

Gift im Spielzeug
Internationale Koalition zur Spielzeugsicherheit gründet sich auf Initiative von WECF
04.02.2010 | Johanna Hausmann

Solar collector training in Lenger, Kazakhstan
From 10 to 14 november 2009, WECF, together with its Kazakh partner UGAM, organized a training on solar collectors in Lenger, Kazakhstan. Around 30 participants received not only theoretical but also practical knowledge on solar water heating systems.
04.02.2010 | Regina Drexel

WECF publication presents 4 renewable energy and energy efficiency solutions for low income rural areas
The new WECF brochure presents how WECF experts and partners developed and adapted technolgies for solar water heaters, local insulation materials, biogas and solar food driers.

Eco Beauty: de winterboost voor je huid
Article on WECF's work on cosmetics
04.02.2010 | Eco Chic Magazine

WECF Strategic Approach 2010-2015
Working for a Healthy Environment for All

IMF working on plans for "green fund"
The International Monetary Fund is working on proposals for a multibillion dollar "green fund" to help countries tap funds to deal with the effects of climate change, the head of the institution said on Saturday
02.02.2010 | Reuters

Union for defence of the Aral Sea and Amudarya (Udasa)
Women for sustainable development

Unser Land
Weil wir wissen, wo's herkommt

Terra 1530
Local Action - Global Impact

SAFOi Sughd

Rural Sustainable Development Agricultural Foundation

Public Association "Medical Alliance"

Nagy Családok Országos Egyesülete

Ecological and Cultural NGO

International Educational NGO

Institutul de Cercetari Pentru Culturile de Cimp "Selectia"

Euro Teleorman

Environmental Protection and Health Network




Earth Forever Foundation
Promote community sustainable development through proper environmental management, efficient economic practice

Charitable Women
Center of Support to Socially Needy Families

CAMP (Central Asian Mountain Partnership) Alatoo
Promote sustainable development in the mountain regions of Kyrgyzstan

Digital Development

Association Eco World 2007

Asociatia Obsteasca CUTEZATORUL

Tauziehen um die solare Zukunft
Gegen die Pläne der Bundesregierung für eine vorzeitige „Anpassung“ der Solarstromvergütung mobilisierte die Münchner Umweltschutzorganisation Green City zusammen mit weiteren Umweltschutzverbänden die Münchner Bürgerinnen und Bürger. Auf dem Münchener Marienplatz warnten die Demonstranten vor den Folgen einer Kürzung im zweistelligen Bereich, die den deutschen Mittelstand hart trifft, einen massiven Rückschritt für den Ausbau der Erneuerbaren Energien in Deutschland bedeutet und in erster Linie den großen Energieversorgern und Befürwortern der atomaren- und fossilen Energieversorgung in die Hände spielt.
28.01.2010 | Johanna Hausmann

Tauziehen um die solare Zukunft
Gegen die Pläne der Bundesregierung für eine vorzeitige „Anpassung“ der Solarstromvergütung mobilisierte die Münchner Umweltschutzorganisation Green City zusammen mit weiteren Umweltschutzverbänden die Münchner Bürgerinnen und Bürger. Auf dem Münchener Marienplatz warnten die Demonstranten vor den Folgen einer Kürzung im zweistelligen Bereich, die den deutschen Mittelstand hart trifft, einen massiven Rückschritt für den Ausbau der Erneuerbaren Energien in Deutschland bedeutet und in erster Linie den großen Energieversorgern und Befürwortern der atomaren- und fossilen Energieversorgung in die Hände spielt.
28.01.2010 | Johanna Hausmann

Association between Residential Proximity to PERC Dry Cleaning Establishments and Kidney Cancer in New York City
abstract published on Hindawi
28.01.2010 |

China: Trying to Ban Plastic Bags
Effectiveness of plastic bag ban policy is questionable - researcher
27.01.2010 | Interfax

Sustainable development and increase in social and economic position of rural population in Sugd province

Agentura GAIA
Cultivate new attitudes toward the environment and among people themselves

New videos on sustainable ecosanitation projects in Central Asia
two new videos from WECF partners MCMJ and CAAW in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan show ecosan as viable option
26.01.2010 | WECF news

WECF beaten by Foundation Niketan in toilet photo competition
WECF took part in a ' toilet competition' organised by Mambapoint TV in the Netherlands to raise more awareness for the lack of proper and sustainable sanitation in Europe and in developing countries
25.01.2010 | Chantal van den Bossche

WECF beaten by Foundation Niketan in toilet photo competition
WECF took part in a "toilet competition" organised by Mambapoint TV in the Netherlands to raise more awareness for the lack of proper and sustainable sanitation in Europe and in developing countries
25.01.2010 | Chantal van den Bossche

Tauziehen um die solare Zukunft
Report on Green City action, in cooperation with WECF Germany, on Munich's Marienplatz
25.01.2010 |

Biodiversity loss to cost Europe €1.1 trillion per year in 2050 unless an ambitious EU target is adopted now
Today the European Commission published a communication listing four different target options for biodiversity beyond 2010, differing mainly in ambition. In the International Year of Biodiversity, WWF urges the EU to lead with a strong target and clear, measurable objectives, in order to preserve biological diversity in Europe and on our planet earth.
19.01.2010 | World Wildlife Fund

WECF a lancé avec la CLEF et de nombreuses ONG la Campagne « With Women »
Le 8 janvier WECF a lancé avec la CLEF et de nombreuses ONG la Campagne « With Women », soutenue par Corinne Lepage, Nicole Fontaine et Michèle André, ainsi que par l’UNESCO. Un lancement très réussi au Sénat, en présence de nombreuses associations de femmes
18.01.2010 | WECF France

WECF joins new campaign "With Women"
On January 8, WECF launched the Campaign "With Women", together with the french Coordination of EWL and the support of Corinne Lepage, Nicole Fontaine, Michèle André, and UNESCO
18.01.2010 | WECF Press Release

WECF joins new campaign "With Women"
On January 8, WECF launched the Campaign "With Women", together with the french Coordination of the European Women's Lobby and the support of Corinne Lepage, Nicole Fontaine, Michèle André, and UNESCO. A successful launch meeting took place in the Senate in Paris, with the presence of many women's associations and NGO's.
18.01.2010 | WECF Press Release

FDA says it's unable to regulate BPA. As 'indirect food additive,' substance is exempt from scrutiny
U.S. Food and Drug Administration officials say they are powerless to regulate BPA, although they have declared the chemical to be a safety concern for fetuses, babies and young children.
17.01.2010 | Journal Sentinel

First Indoor UDD Toilet Georgia opened in school for socially vulnerable children by WECF partner RCDA
The first indoor Urine Diverting Dry School in Georgia was opened on 18 December 2009 by WECF partner Rural Community Development Agency (RCDA) in the frame of the ELA project
16.01.2010 | Anna Samwel

Report on the results of drafting the ministerial declaration of the 5th Environment and Health conference, to be held in Parma, Italy 10-12 March 2010
More than 100 representatives of member states, IGOs, NGOs and other organisations came to the final round of negotiations of the draft ministerial declaration in Bonn, on January 13 and 14. 2010
15.01.2010 | Sascha Gabizon

Invloed Weekmakers op Spel Jongetjes 2
Een artikel van Demi Theodori, WECF, op NRC
15.01.2010 | Demi Theodori

Cancer-linked pesticides used in schools - New survey
Children may be exposed to at least four potentially cancer causing pesticides that are being used in UK schools, according to the findings of a new survey released today by the Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) and Pesticides Action Network (PAN)
14.01.2010 | HEAL & Pesticides Action Network

Elisabeth Ruffinengo
Health and Environment Advocacy Manager/Responsable plaidoyer WECF France

Veronique Grassinger
Graphic Design, Corporate Identity & Publication (Munich)

Anna Samwel
Manager WECF Caucasus

Fedde Jorritsma
Consultant Sustainable Sanitation and Energy (formerly field officer Central Asia)

Dr. Claudia Wendland
Coordinator Sanitation (Hamburg)

Stefan Deegener
Consultant Sustainable Sanitation (Hamburg)

Chantal Van den Bossche
Coordinator Public Relations & Press WECF International & the Netherlands (Utrecht)

Anne Barre
Fondatrice et Présidente d'honneur WECF France

Johanna Hausmann
Coordinator Public Relations & Press Germany (Munich)

Dr. Anke Stock
Senior Coordinator Gender & Rights (Munich)

Sabine Hanisch
Finance & Administrative Officer WECF Germany (Munich)

Bistra Mihaylova
Policy Officer Balkan, Belarus and Azerbaijan (Munich)

Florence Rosset
Directrice/ Director WECF France

Annemarie Mohr
Director WECF Germany

Margreet Munneke
Accounting Officer, WECF International (Utrecht)

Margriet Samwel-Mantingh
Senior Adviser Water and Food Safety (Utrecht)

Sascha Gabizon
Executive Director WECF International

Report on the EHAP Consultative Forum
On December 3rd 2009, the European Commission organised the annual Consultative Forum on the Environment and Health Action Plan. WECF participated with Sascha Gabizon, Demi Theodori and Anne Corinne Zimmer.
02.01.2010 | Sascha Gabizon

Safe Toys Coalition
The "Safe Toys Coalition" aims to protect children's health by striving for a world free of toxic and unsafe toys
01.01.2010 | WECF Campaign

Live from Copenhagen: Women discouraged by COP outcome - but committed to hope and action for 2010
The women’s organizations comprising the Women and Gender Constituency under the UNFCCC– including WECF, GenderCC, WEDO, LIFE e.V. and others– are dismayed by the lack of progress
22.12.2009 | WECF news

Ministers worried about hazardous chemicals cocktails, but postpone action
Environment, health, women’s and consumer organizations welcome ministers' recognition but warn that urgent measures are needed
22.12.2009 | Joint NGO Press Release

Ministers worried about hazardous chemicals cocktails, but postpone action
Environment, health, women’s and consumer organizations welcome ministers' recognition but warn that urgent measures are needed
22.12.2009 | Joint NGO Press Release

Live from Copenhagen: Four hours of testimonies from people affected by nuclear energy
Nuclear energy goes against human rights and is unsustainable
18.12.2009 | WECF Press Release

Live from Copenhagen: Four hours of testimonies from people affected by nuclear energy
Nuclear energy goes against human rights and is unsustainable
18.12.2009 | WECF Press Release

Live from Copenhagen: Earthkeeping instead of Housekeeping
Climate Petition from Dutch Women's Council (NVR): Women as Agents of Change
16.12.2009 | NVR Klimaatpetitie

First global agreement on gender and climate in sight at COP15
With just two days remaining before the end of COP-15, the world waits for a clear signal on the importance of human impacts of climate change via landmark agreement on gender equality and women's leadership.
16.12.2009 | Press Release WEDO

EU, We Need You!
The EU has held off on its -30% target and long-term financing in order to draw greater commitment from others. Now the EU must move just to save the Copenhagen summit
16.12.2009 | ECO, Climate Action Network

The Women’s Caucus at UNFCCC presented Gender Champion of the Week Award
Key global leaders have been referring to the need to focus on women as agents of change and gender-sensitive approaches in all aspects of climate policies and programmes, but little commitment remains in the current drafted texts
16.12.2009 | WECF news

The Women’s Caucus at UNFCCC presented Gender Champion of the Week Award
Key global leaders have been referring to the need to focus on women as agents of change and gender-sensitive approaches in all aspects of climate policies and programmes, but little commitment remains in the current drafted texts
16.12.2009 | WECF news

En direct de Copenhague : Succès de l’Appel des ONG internationales au Sommet des Nations Unies sur le Climat
Plus de 50000 personnes du monde entier demandent un "Accord sur le climat sans nucléaire"
15.12.2009 | WECF France

Live from Copenhagen: Successful call of International NGOs at UN Climate Meeting
Over 50,000 People from Around the World demand a “Nuclear Free Climate Agreement”
15.12.2009 | WECF Press Release

Live from Copenhagen: Successful call of International NGOs at UN Climate Meeting
Over 50,000 People from Around the World demand a “Nuclear Free Climate Agreement”
15.12.2009 | WECF Press Release

Time a resource curse got lifted
Article on Equity Watch on Environmental Justice
15.12.2009 | Sunita Narain, Equity Watch

Constructed Wetland in Bulgaria
Constructed Wetland Implementation for On-site Treatment of Domestic Wastewater of a Children´s Home combined with Capacity Building for Professionals

Pflanzenkläranlagen in Bulgarien
Konstruktion von Pflanzenkläranlagen zur örtlichen Aufbereitung häuslicher Abwässer eines Kinderheimes im Verbund mit Vermittlung von Fachkenntnissen

Live from Copenhagen: Action for Nuclear Free Climate Postponed
Today at the Bella Center: Joint NGO Action for Nuclear Free Climate
15.12.2009 | WECF Press Release

Live from Copenhagen: Invitation for WECF side event on CDM
“How to access the CDM for household and community projects and a fair geographical distribution?”
14.12.2009 | WECF Press Release

Live from Copenhagen: 200 NGOs in Action in Asia & Africa for Sustainable Energy
Joint Side Event by WECF & Inforse at the Bella Center in Copenhagen
14.12.2009 | WECF News

Live from Copenhagen: 200 NGOs in Action in Asia & Africa for Sustainable Energy
Joint Side Event by WECF & Inforse at the Bella Center in Copenhagen
14.12.2009 | WECF News

WECF and 3 partners of Coalition for Climate Justice submit funding request to Netherlands Ministry of Development Cooperation
Climate Change: addressing the challenge
12.12.2009 | WECF Press Release

Copenhagen: 968 detained at climate rally urging bold pact
thousands of protesters marched through the chilly Danish capital and nearly 1,000 were detained Saturday in a mass rally to demand an ambitious global climate pact, just as talks hit a snag over rich nations' demands on China and other emerging economies
12.12.2009 | Associated Press

Live from Copenhagen: Nuclear Energy is not a solution to Climate Change - WECF side event
"Nuclear is not a solution but a barrier for climate safe development"
12.12.2009 | WECF Press Release

Live from Copenhagen: Antinuclear action at the litte mermaid
Nuclear power masks real solutions to climate crisis
11.12.2009 | Joint Press Release

Human Rights Day
HUMAN RIGHTS DAY: Treaty of Lisbon – Environmental Protection and the Right to Water
10.12.2009 | Anke Stock

Antinuclear action in the Copenhagen Conference area
" Don’t nuke the climate!" : Two days before the Copenhagen Climate Conference, the French Network for Nuclear Phaseout displays civil society's refusal of nuclear power in the Bella Center area
05.12.2009 | Sortir du nucléaire Press Release

Countdown to Copenhagen: WECF publishes book on Nuclear Energy "The Critical Question"
In both English and German, The Critical Question offers first hand reports from the frontlines of the nuclear fuel chain
04.12.2009 | WECF Press Release

Eurobarometer: Climate change the second most serious problem faced by the world today
Europeans remain concerned about climate change and they believe fighting it can boost economic growth in the EU.
03.12.2009 | IP Brussels, Eurobarometer

Live from Copenhagen: WECF at the Climate Summit
With five side events, an exhibition a book-launch and 55 delegation partners, WECF emphasised the need for a strong and equitable outcome of the Climate negotiations
03.12.2009 | WECF Press Release

Live from Copenhagen : WECF at the Climate Summit
With five side events, an exhibition a book-launch and 55 delegation partners, WECF emphasised the need for a strong and equitable outcome of the Climate negotiations
03.12.2009 | WECF Press Release

Lancement de la Coalition pour des Jouets sûrs
La formation sur les jouets organisée par WECF en Allemagne pour ses partenaires internationaux marque le début de la Coalition pour des Jouets sûrs
02.12.2009 | Sonja Haider

Giving birth to the Safe Toys Coalition
International toys training organised by WECF in Bavaria marks the start of Safe Toys Coalition
02.12.2009 | Sonja Haider

Toys guide goes China
WECF toys guide now available in Chinese
02.12.2009 | Sonja Haider

WECF's position on biofuels
WECF critical towards use of biofuels

WECF the Netherlands: Help de sint zijn werk naar eer en geweten doen!
Help Saint Nicholas to do his job honestly and with conscience
01.12.2009 | WECF Press Release

First Indoor Urine Diverting Dry School Toilet inaugurated in Romania
This project demonstrates how, without a connection to public facilities, safe, comfortable and hygienic school sanitation can be realised
30.11.2009 | Margriet Samwel

TV France 5: "Jouets : des toxiques sous le sapin"
Enquête sur les produits utilisés pour les jeux de nos enfants.
26.11.2009 | France 5, C'est Notre Affair

Lood, cadmium, chroom en tin in speelgoed
Speelgoed is in Europa het meest gereguleerde product in de winkels zeggen productenen. Nee, zeggen Europese vrouwenorganisaties
26.11.2009 | Mondiaal Nieuws, Belgium

Toxic toy warning for Xmas shoppers
Article on WECF France's Toxic Toys Campaign
24.11.2009 | The Connexion, France in English

Projet Nesting WECF – Comment bien choisir des jouets?
Just before christmas WECF France has launched a new edition of the WECF Toys Guide
24.11.2009 | WECF France Press Release

Knowledge Exchange on Sustainable Sanitation in western Georgia
41 participants from 9 EECCA Countries , the Netherlands, and Germany gathered in Khoni in Western Georgia
20.11.2009 | Gero Fedtke

19th of November 2009: World Toilet Day
School Sanitation in the focus of the brown bag lunch organised by GTZ for the world toilet day 2009
18.11.2009 | Claudia Wendland

Countdown to Copenhagen: Join the international campaign "Don’ t nuke the climate!"
Participate in the "Don’t nuke the climate!" day, slated to take place on the same date as the World Climate Day, on Saturday, 12 December 2009
17.11.2009 | Karin Adolph

65.000 Reasons for Better Chemicals
Publication of the Danish Environmental Protection Agency provides with eight practical advice pieces on how to create a healthy environment for our children
15.11.2009 | Danish Environmental Protection Agency

Un Plan cancer sans prévention primaire (A plan for cancer but without primary prevention )
France's Second Cancer Plan (2009-2013) – WECF’s position
12.11.2009 | Press Release WECF France

New European Pollutant and Transfer Register Launched
This week the European Commission and the European Environment Agency launched a new European Pollutant and Transfer Register (E-PRTR)
12.11.2009 | Anke Stock

"Vrouwen spelen een belangrijke en bepalende rol in de landbouw"
Article by WECF in Dutch Agrarian newspaper at the start of the World Food Summit in Rome
12.11.2009 | Sabine Brueckmann and Chantal van den Bossche, Agrarisch Dagblad

Climate Week in Georgia
From October 24-31 it was Climate Week in Georgia – The first large scale and coordinated Climate Campaign in this Caucasian country organised by WECF partner the Greens Movement of Georgia
01.11.2009 | Anna Samwel

Copenhagen Climate Summit 2009
WECF was present at the UN Climate Change Conference 2009
01.11.2009 | WECF Event

Dniester River Conference 2009
The International Conference "Transboundary Dniester River Basin Management and the EU Water Framework Directive" took place from 30th September to 1st October 2009 in Odessa, Ukraine
30.10.2009 | Anna Samwel

How to reduce toxins and 'green' your baby's nursery
Article on Project Nesting in UK's leading environmental magazine The Ecologist
30.10.2009 | Laura Sevier, The Ecologist

To the 20th Birthday of the Convention on the Rights of the Child
In a changing world, WECF fosters the right to a healthy environment for all and especially for children
26.10.2009 | Olga Artamonova

"Die Kernfrage" - brauchen wir die Atomenergie?
Article on Die Kernfrage in German magazine Grand Tourism
26.10.2009 | Grand Tourism Worldwide

ECO Forum/WECF and HEAL report
EEHC and Ministerial Declaration drafting group meetings October 13-15, 2009 Parma, Italy, in preparation of the 5th Ministerial Conference on Health and Environment to take place in Italy,9 – 12 March 2010
26.10.2009 | Sascha Gabizon (WECF) and Genon Jensen (HEAL)

L'UNHCR en stage: Les Nations unies au Salève
26.10.2009 | Dauphiné Liberé

Climate Action Network asks EU countries to commit to 40% reducting of CO2 levels by 2020
Letters to European Ministers of Environment and Finance and Heads of State
26.10.2009 | Climate Action Network

WECF launches new tool: To-Ni Finder
WECF provides information about nitrate contamination with new tool
26.10.2009 | Doris Moeller

Countdown to Copenhagen: The Golden Fuel Rod of the Week
Der Goldene Brennstab der Woche – WECF Germany awards each week a person of public interest who has made an ignorant remark on nuclear energy
22.10.2009 | Press Release WECF Germany

Video Report on Annemasse NGO WECF France
l’UNHCR – Haut Commissariat aux Réfugiés des Nations Unies a organisé dans la cité frontalière de Genève un stage de formation pour ses officiers. Retrouvez ici le reportage réalisé

„Wrack ab!“ – 100 good reasons against nuclear energy (Publication in German)
WECF hilft beim Abwracken von Atomkraftwerken – machen Sie auch mit!

"Een veilig en gezond nest voor baby's" (A safe and healthy nest for baby's - article in Dutch)
Dutch Door-to-door Magazine pays attention to Project Nesting
12.10.2009 | De Betere Wereld

Aarhus Convention news: Protocol on Pollutants Release and Transfer Registers
PRTR adopted at Meeting of the Parties to the Aarhus Convention in Kiev, October 2009
12.10.2009 | Anke Stock

Ecological sanitation and hygienic considerations for women (publication in English and Russian)
WECF factsheet on ecosan for women available now in both English and Russian

Solar collector manuals developed by RCDA and WECF
"How to construct a solar collector" and "Solar energy applications in Rural Areas"
09.10.2009 | Regina Drexel

" Te droog, te nat" (Too dry, too wet - water problems in Romania, article in Dutch)
De waterproblemen op het Roemeense platteland zijn groot. Droogte,overstromingen,slecht drinkwater,onacceptabele sanitaire voorzieningen
09.10.2009 | Water Special, P+ Magazine

Children's Environmental Health: WECF calls for good project examples
Good Practice Award will be awarded during Ministerial Conference in Italy in March 2010
04.10.2009 | Olivia Radu

Improving school sanitation in a sustainable way - WECF publishes article in Science Direct
Article by Margriet Samwel and Sascha Gabizon, WECF
02.10.2009 | Margriet Samwel and Sascha Gabizon

"Atomat stellt Atomenergie in Frage"
Article on WECF's book "Die Kernfrage" on Klimaretter website
01.10.2009 |

WECF's Map for Sustainable School Toilets and establishing Nitrate Levels in Ground, Surface and Drinking Water
01.10.2009 | WECF Campaign

TV Report Radio Netherlands World Service "Trading in duckies"
TV report by Radio Netherlands World Service on WECF Toxic Toys event in residential area of Utrecht

"Een Veilig Nest" geeft workshops en informatie tijdens babybeurs Tiel
Three days of workshops and information at baby fair in the Netherlands at the Baby Beurs in the town of Tiel
29.09.2009 | WECF the Netherlands Press Release

French Report on construction of solar collectors in Georgia (Formation WECF: Construction de panneaux solaires, Georgie, mai 2009)
Les hivers rigoureux sont très courants dans la quasi-totalité de la Région EECCA, mais l’ensoleillement y est aussi très important, même en hiver, et l’énergie solaire reste donc utilisable.
22.09.2009 | Regina Drexel and Elisabeth Ruffinengo

WECF France a lancé une nouvelle version du site Nesting
Conférence de Presse - Mardi 22 septembre à 10H00 au Zango Bar 15 rue du Cygne – Paris, 1er arrondissement, Métro Etienne Marcel, Bus 38, 29, 47 WECF France
22.09.2009 | WECF France Press Release

Preparation for Copenhagen – climate protection and renewable energy as a chance for economy, politics and civil society in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia through technology and knowledge transfer
Wegbereitung für Kopenhagen – Klimaschutz und Erneuerbare Energien als Chance für Wirtschaft, Politik und Zivilgesellschaft in Osteuropa, Kaukasus und Zentralasien durch Technologie und Wissenstransfer

Die Kernfrage - WECF und Campact auf Atom-Endlagersuche in München
Aktion in der Münchener Innenstadt
18.09.2009 | WECF Press Release

WECF Activity Report 2008 - "Working for a Healthy Environment for All"

Atomtransport rollt durch Münchner Innenstadt! (Nuclear transport rolls through inner city Munich!)
Am Mittwoch, den 16. September rollt der „Castor-Transport“ auf seiner bundesweiten Atomtour durch 12 deutsche Städte durch die Münchner Innenstadt.
11.09.2009 | WECF Press Release

Trading in toxic duckies in Leidsche Rijn!
Woensdag 9 september, de Dag van de Duurzaamheid, fietst WECF met een bakfiets vol badeendjes door een Utrechtse jonge gezinnen woonwijk
08.09.2009 | WECF Press Release

WECF present at 3rd Dry Toilet Conference in Tampere, Finland
WECF well presented with 9 representatives and 6 partners
02.09.2009 | Claudia Wendland and Fedde Jorritsma

Children's Environmental Health Award 2010: "Protecting children's health in a changing environment"
Working towards the Fifth Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health in Parma, Italy, 10-12 March 2010
01.09.2009 | WECF Event

Brussels Blog van het Financieel Dagblad over WECF's 'Test je nest!' campagne
31.08.2009 | Han Dirk Hekking, FD

'WECF et la formation'
WECF France sur la photo dans Le Messager
30.08.2009 | Le Messager

WECF publication on Sustainable and Safe School Sanitation in English and Russian
How to provide hygienic, affordable and indoor sanitation in areas without a functioning waste water system

Curious about the indoor air quality of your babyroom? Test your nest!
WECF started a testing-campaign in 5 European countries
24.08.2009 | WECF

WECF featured on Blip TV during Stockholm Water Week
Interview with Dr. Claudia Wendland on sanitation in Europe
24.08.2009 | blip TV

Canada's ugly secret
CBC documentary about Canada's export of asbestos to India
24.08.2009 | CBC

Article in Dutch on WECF campaign on indoor air quality "Test Your Nest"
Test je Nest! Onderzoek naar luchtkwaliteit babykamer
24.08.2009 |

Stockholm World Water Prize for the first time ever to sanitation sector
Stockholm Water Prize awarded to Indian activist Dr. Bindeshwar Pathak
24.08.2009 | WECF Press Release

Stockholm World Water Prize for the first time ever to sanitation sector
Stockholm Water Prize awarded to Indian activist Dr. Bindeshwar Pathak
24.08.2009 | WECF Press Release

"Baby room directive"
Babykamerrichtlijn - artikel op het Brussels Log
21.08.2009 | Brussels Log, Financieel Dagblad

Aarhus Convention: UPDATE on Task Force on Public Participation
announcement extraordinary meeting April 2010
17.08.2009 | Anke Stock

Article on Toys Guide in Swiss Magazine
Mit was spielen unsere Kinder eigentlich?
16.08.2009 | Annabelle Magazine, Switzerland

Frequent use of household cleaning sprays important risk factor for adult asthma
Studie from 2007 in German and English
15.08.2009 | Annette Mende und American Thoracic Society

Humanitarian Roofing project in Prislop, Romania
Thanks to gifts from private donors in many countries 15 families received sheets for making their roofs water proof
14.08.2009 | Margriet Samwel

International Danube Day, 2009 – WECF awards prize for best Water Safety Plan
An activity within the Safe Sanitation Health and Dignity project in Romania co-financed by the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Bucharest and Fondation Ensemble France
13.08.2009 | Olivia Radu, WECF project officer Romania

"Planet of Hope"
Delegation of European Commission to Russia will monitor situation human rights activist Nadezhda Kutepova and her NGO "Planet of Hope".
12.08.2009 | WECF Press Release

Delegation of European Commission to Russia will monitor situation human rights activist Nadezhda Kutepova and her NGO "Planet of Hope"
Nadezhda Kutepova, head of the Ozersk NGO "Planet of Hope" has just returned from Moscow, where she had a meeting with the representatives of the EC Delegation in Russia (Text in Russian and English)
12.08.2009 | WECF Press Release

German-Polish exchange to promote sustainable rural development; WECF and Bavarian partner visit Polish region of Mazovia (Text auf Deutsch)
Deutsch-polnischer Austausch zur Förderung nachhaltiger, ländlicher Entwicklung
07.08.2009 | Karin Adolph

Article on Toys Guide on Dutch fathers' website "Milieuvriendelijke speelwijzer geeft advies"
03.08.2009 |

Countdown to Copenhagen: "Linking local and global level" - a presentation by Sabine Bock in Ladakh, India
CDM recommendations and other possibly sustainable energy up-scaling tools
24.07.2009 | Sabine Bock - WECF paper

Domestic biogas technology as a solution to tackle energy poverty and lack of sanitation
A thesis by Eric Buysman from Wageningen University in cooperation with WECF
23.07.2009 | Claudia Wendland

Industry has to report on pollutants
PRTR Protocol will enter into force on 8 October 2009
21.07.2009 | Anke Stock

Report of the Meetings of the Task Force on Public Participation in International Forums and of the Expert Group on Public Participation, 6, 7 and 8 July 2009 in Geneva
WECF participated heading the NGO coalition on behalf of the European Eco-Forum during the Fourth meeting of the Task Force
15.07.2009 | Anke Stock

Nanotechnology and the environment: A mismatch between claims and reality
WECF signs press release on nanotechnology issued by IPEN, the global network for a toxic free future
15.07.2009 | IPEN press release signed by WECF

Developing water safety plans involving schools - a WECF manual
Romanian, Russian and English version ready for download

WECF France lance aujourd’hui une version entièrement rénovée de son site internet Nesting
At the same time Nesting launches a European study to test indoor air quality in children's rooms
10.07.2009 | WECF Press Release

Advanced Course on Sustainable Sanitation in the Three ELA Regions Successfully Conducted
Women in Europe for a Common Future conducted three trainings on advanced sustainable sanitation in Georgia, Moldova and Kyrgyzstan in the frame of the ELA program.
07.07.2009 | Fedde Jorritsma & Anna Samwel

Bfr: Children should enjoy special protection as consumers and should not be viewed as small adults
Seventh BfR Consumer Protection Forum views children as consumers
07.07.2009 | Bfr Press Release

WECF present at International Soroptimists Conference in Amsterdam 9-11 July 2009
Soroptimists Go For Water: WECF partners and staff give presentation on Ecological Sanitation in Eastern Central Europe
07.07.2009 | Chantal van den Bossche

Nach dem Störfall im deutschen Kernkraftwerk Krümmel Atomkraft keine Option für Deutschland
We risk the future of our country after accident in the German nuclear power plant of Kummel
06.07.2009 | WECF Press Release, Karin Adolph

WECF-Training: Construction of solar collectors, Georgia, 10-13 May 09
Cold winters are very common in almost the whole EECCA region, but sun radiation is high and often there is a lot of sun in winter time as well, that can be used by solar collectors. For that reason, WECF and its partners are working on a more advanced but still affordable self-made solar collector
06.07.2009 | Regina Drexel

WECF TV Spot: A Healthy Environment for Healthy Children
Nesting TV spots available in Dutch, English, French and Greek

Russian Scientist Helps Eliminate Toxic Legacy in Former Soviet Union
An article about Olga Speranskaya
01.07.2009 | Julia Ritchey - VOA News

WECF France : une première formation d’animateurs d’ateliers réussie à Annemasse vendredi 26 et samedi 27 juin dans le cadre du Projet Nesting
17 participants gathered in Annemasse at June 26 and 27 for Nesting Ateliers
30.06.2009 | WECF Press Release

Inauguration of the Cité des Solidarités in Annemasse
Celebrating the First Year of WECF France
30.06.2009 | Le Courrier et Dauphiné

WECF on Environment Management Blog
Link to WECF's Safe Sanitation film
30.06.2009 | Environment Management Blog

Action! End Canada's Asbestion Export
Sign the urgent Appeal to the Canadian prime Minister
30.06.2009 | Kathleen Ruff

Gender, Water and Sanitation
Three articles on this subject by IRC, co-organiser of the special session at WWF5 in Istanbul
30.06.2009 | IRC

Countdown to Copenhagen: Prime Minister Reinfeldt, where will you take us?
Swedish Presidency Ad was published today in the European Voice
25.06.2009 | WECF / Climnet

Delegation visits a pilot in Smilovichy
Members of Dutch Embassy visit a community among the project “ Developing multi-stakeholder cooperation in the areas of water, waste and energy efficiency in Belarus“ .
25.06.2009 | Bistra Mihaylova

The sanitation shortfall of Europe’s small communities
Article on WECF's work by Bill McCann for Water 21 magazine
23.06.2009 | Water 21, Magazine of the International Water Association

Drafting of Ministerial Declaration on Health and Environment for upcoming Ministerial conference in Parma, Italy, 10-12 March 2010
Report by WECF and HEAL on the drafting group meeting in preparation for the Ministerial Meeting in Parma, 10-12 March, 2010
22.06.2009 | Sascha Gabizon, WECF & Genon Jensen, HEAL

"Denmark urges EU shake-up on 'chemical cocktails'"
Need for cumulative risk assessment (CRA) on European scale confirmed by report of expert workshop commissioned by Danish ministry.
20.06.2009 | Chemicals workinggroup

Courtcase Planet of Hopes
Russian human rights organisation has won court case against government’s tax department
19.06.2009 | WECF Press Release

Russian human rights organisation has won court case against government’s tax department
WECF network member Planet of Hopes acquitted of accusations
19.06.2009 | WECF Press Release

WECF at Conference on Asbestos and POPS in Kazakhstan
Picture and report on the Rotterdam Convention website
19.06.2009 | Rotterdam Convention

'Deze milieuvriendelijke Speelgoedwijzer geeft tips voor het kopen van veilig speelgoed!'
Een artikel over de WECF speelgoedwijzer op
19.06.2009 | Kids Daily

Open Society Institute to Give $100 Million to Aid Europeans in Need
The Open Society Institute will give $100 million to help communities in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union hardest hit by the global economic downturn
18.06.2009 | Open Society Institute & Soros Foundation Networks Press Release

Noreena Hertz, Minister Cramer at WECF Anniversary
WECF celebrated 15 year anniversary with conference "Innovation for sustainability - the crisis as opportunity"
11.06.2009 | Chantal van den Bossche

Noreena Hertz, die niederländische Umweltministerin und führende lokale und globale Persönlichkeiten für Nachhaltigkeit beim WECF Jahrestag
WECF begeht in Den Haag den 15. Jahrestag mit einer Konferenz zum Thema
11.06.2009 | Johanna Hausmann

'Women and their toxic world' now available in Slovene
WECF's partner Kemijsko varen has translated the booklet
10.06.2009 | Pauke van den Heuvel

Countdown to Copenhagen: Don't nuke the climate
Anti-Nuke-Action during UNFCCC Climate Change Talks in Bonn, organized by Ecodefense, Gendercc, Life and WECF
08.06.2009 | WECF Press Release / Karin Adolph

Armenia: Water and Food threatened
Proposed plant hazardous to Lake Sevan and Ararat Valley
05.06.2009 |

"Brochure is bangmakerij”
Een reactie van de Organisatie van nederlandse Speelgoedleveranciers op de WECF speelgoedgids in het Reformatorisch Dagblad
05.06.2009 | Gisette van Dalen-Heemskerk - Reformatorisch Dagblad

"Veel speelgoed bevat foute stoffen”
Een artikel over de WECF speelgoedgids in het Reformatorisch Dagblad
05.06.2009 | Economie Redactie - Reformatorisch Dagblad

Badeendje kan zomaar gifkikker zijn
Een interview met WECF in het Reformatorisch Dagblad
05.06.2009 | Classina van den Heuvel - Reformatorisch Dagblad

ICCM2: NGOs call for urgent action on toxic chemicals at UN Conference
Chemical industry refuses to provide financial support, Political will to carry out agreement uncertain
05.06.2009 | IPEN Press Release

Support the bill to ban Canada's asbestos exports
Canada is one of the world’s largest exporters of asbestos, mostly to poor countries
02.06.2009 | RightOnCanada

Countdown to Copenhagen: Bonn Climate Change Talks Invitation
Announcement of the WECF Side Event at 9 june 2009
01.06.2009 | WECF Press Release

Countdown to Copenhagen: WECF at Bonn Climate Change Talks
A WECF and Gender CC side-event at 9 june on Gender, Migration and Climate Change
01.06.2009 | WECF Announcement

Skin Deep: A Simple Smooch or a Toxic Smack?
Article in The New York Times
29.05.2009 | Abby Ellin

International Chemical Policy – on the right track?
Report (English and German) from ICCM2 International Conference on Chemical Management
19.05.2009 | Sonja Haider

One year anniversary for WECF France
Retrospect of the first year of existence of WECF France
19.05.2009 | Anne Barre

ICCM2: UN Offical Challenges Chemical Industry
Cleanup of old inventory, recommendations for phasing out substances, money sought
18.05.2009 | Cheryl Hogue, Chemical and Engineering News

WECF publishes Dutch version of Toxic Free Toys Guide
Vrouwen- en milieuorganisatie WECF publiceert in samenwerking met Bewuste Ouders milieuvriendelijke Speelgoedwijzer met tips voor het kopen van veilig speelgoed!
15.05.2009 | WECF Press Release

Salon ACCESS 2009 Anne Masse, Conference
WECF France invited a German partner tot present a project on local, equal and fair trade: "Unser Land"
14.05.2009 | WECF Press Release

The Spring of Fair Trade in Annemasse, France
Organised by WECF France and ATB, this years Spring of Fair Trade takes place from 9 to 24 May
13.05.2009 | WECF

'Playing with Chemicals'
Article in the first issue of SIN Reporter
13.05.2009 | SIN Reporter 1

"Do you know what's in that teddy bear?"
interview with WECF's Alexandra Caterbow during SAICM conference in Geneva
12.05.2009 |

Toxic chemicals in your living room
Delegate Decisions Threaten the Integrity of the Stockholm Convention
12.05.2009 | IPEN Press Release

WECF at the international trade fair WASSER BERLIN
Together with Forum Umwelt und Entwicklung, Grünen Liga and GTO, WECF informed about alternative concepts for Sanitation
12.05.2009 | Claudia Wendland and Doris Möller

The right to sanitation
WECF report about the Consultation Meeting on Sanitation
12.05.2009 | Anke Stock

Kick-off meeting Constructed Wetlands in Bulgaria
The start of WECF's project for improvement of the sanitation conditions of St. Panteleimon Home for Children and Juveniles with Mental Retardation
12.05.2009 | Claudia Wendland

Un évènement historique pour WECF en Kazakhstan
Le Kazakhstan, second producteur mondial, et gros consommateur d’amiante chrysotile, a ouvert ses portes pour la première fois à un débat public sur les dangers de l’amiante pour la santé, lors d’une Conférence Internationale.
04.05.2009 | WECF France communiqué de presse

Kazakhstan open to debate on asbestos
Article in Bangladesh's The New Nation, Internet Edition
04.05.2009 | The New Nation, Bangladesh

Sanitation: A continuous challenge for the European Region
Chapter of the European Document for the European Regional Process of the 5th World Water Forum

Le Printemps du Commerce Equitable à Annemasse
Quinze jours pour fêter le Commerce Equitable à travers un Brunch Equitable, un dépôt-vente de produits équitables chez les commerçants de proximité et un jeu-concours.
01.05.2009 | C-Durable

WECF at the 5th European Conference of GMO-free regions in Lucerne
Genetic Engineering: neither safe, nor democratic
28.04.2009 | WECF Press Release

WECF symposium on substitution of hazardous chemicals
27.04.2009 |

First ever conference on chrysotile asbestos and health in Kazakhstan
Participants of high level international expert conference organized by WECF, agree on a resolution
24.04.2009 | WECF Report

PHAST transforms into PHAEST
During three days of trainings and workshops for WECF-ELA partners in South-Kyrgyzstan
24.04.2009 | Fedde Jorritsma

Flying Toilets - a cartoon on Women, Europe and the world: even in the ladies
A cartoon by Edith Made it
23.04.2009 |

IPEN Toxics-Free Future Film
A 6 minute online film/animation produced to raise awareness about POPs, the Stockholm Convention & IPEN
23.04.2009 | Bjorn Beeler

Water pipes: Each puff carries a risk
Carbon monoxide in water pipe smoke is harmful for pregnant women and cardiovascular patients
23.04.2009 | BfR Press Release

Olga Speranskaya of Eco Accord winner of Goldman Prize
Olga Speranskaya, director of the Chemical Safety Program at the Eco-Accord Center, a WECF member has become one of six prize winners of Goldman Prize.
21.04.2009 | Johanna Hausmann

WECF-publication: Introducing Sustainable Sanitation in Kyrgyzstan
Case Study: An analysis of success factors and barriers

'Le rôle de l’environnement dans le cancer du sein', tel est le titre de la brochure présentée par WECF France
WECF France presented the brochure at the Congress 'Un autre regard sur le Cancer', held in Aix en Provence on 17 and 18 April
20.04.2009 | WECF Press Release

20-21 April 2009: WECF and partners organised a high level conference on Asbestos and POPs in Kazakhstan
For the first time, policy makers and civil society representative will look at necessary steps for better protection of public health from exposure to asbestos in Kazakhstan
17.04.2009 | Sascha Gabizon

Countdown to Copenhagen: WECF at Bonn Climate Change Talks
WECF joined first of three planned negotiating Climate Change Talks before COP 15 in Copenhagen in December.
10.04.2009 | Karin Adolph

Committee of experts for Nesting Project WECF France
The first meeting at 8 apil 2009 was a succes
08.04.2009 | WECF Press Release

European Union rejects the use of nano particles
WECF sees start of a new critical view of the use of new technologies like nano
07.04.2009 | WECF Press Release (French, German)

Lettre ouverte à Madame Roselyne Bachelot, Ministre de la Santé, au sujet du BPA
WECF, HEAL and EEB react to the statement of Mrs Roselyne Bachelot on 31 March 2009 before the French deputies on the French Bisphenol A (BPA).
03.04.2009 | WECF Press Release

Countdown to Copenhagen: WECF organises debate during Bonn Climate Change Talks
Towards sustainable CDM projects: WECF debate on how household and community level projects under CDM can provide a much needed contribution to improving livelihoods in poor communities
02.04.2009 | Nicole van Gemert

Delegation visits Constructed Wetlands in Bavaria
WECF took Bulgarian officials to a constructed wetland in operation
02.04.2009 | Bistra Mihaylova

The Bishkek Resolution on Sanitation and Ecological Safety
Participants International Conference on Sanitation and Ecological Safety in Kyrgyzstan, held in Bishkek in November 2008, appeal to governments of the Central Asian states to develop innovative technologies in sustainable sanitation and water safety
28.03.2009 | Gero Fedtke

Une eurodéputée danoise vote avec son bébé
Danish MEP voting in Parliament, with her baby
27.03.2009 | Par Rue89

Symposium WECF: Substitution is good for business, for people and for the environment
WECF co-organised on April 1 symposium on substitution (replacement) of hazardous chemicals with Dutch ministry of environment and employers union VNO NCW
27.03.2009 | Nicole van Gemert

WECF at the Rotterdam Convention meeting in Rome
Conflict: a solitary endosulfan producing state – India – tries to block progress
24.03.2009 | WECF Press Release

Nesting workshop on French TV
Apprendre a reconnaitre les pollutions domestiques
20.03.2009 | Reportage TF1

Interview with WECF Director Sascha Gabizon on Belgian business channel
Interview by Karel van Mileghem for Kanaal Z and Knack/Le Vif website
19.03.2009 | Kanaal Z/Knack/Le Vif, Belgium

Dijkgraaf Marga Kool sprak op Wereld Water Forum over nieuwe sanitatie
Ze hield een presentatie op uitnodiging van Women in Europe for a Common Future.
19.03.2009 | Nieuwsbank

Meer vrouwen aan de top van de Europese Unie!
Steun de Campagne 50/50
18.03.2009 | EWL 50/50

Privates Geld für EU-geprüfte Vorhaben
Projektbörse in Brüssel
18.03.2009 | Wiebke Leenhoff, Deutschlandfunk

WECF in Istanbul: Hoe gaan we verder in de 21e eeuw?
WECF Panel discussie tijdens European Regional Session
18.03.2009 | WECF Persbericht

WECF in Istanbul: The Way Forward in the 21st Century
WECF Panel Debate on Sanitation during European Regional Session
18.03.2009 | WECF Press Release

Special Gender Session at World Water Forum 5 in Istanbul
Health, Dignity and Economic progress: the way forward to gender equity
17.03.2009 | WECF Press Release

5th World Water Forum, Istanbul 2009
WECF activities and stand at the 5th World Water Forum
16.03.2009 | WECF Event

Help om schadelijke chemicaliën uit de markt te krijgen!
14.03.2009 | WECF Press Release

Des substances chimiques nocives dans les produits que vous achetez? Votre droit de savoir!
14.03.2009 | WECF Press Release

Harmful Chemicals in Products you buy? Your Right to know!
5-MINUTE TASK FOR YOUR HEALTH (German version underneath)
13.03.2009 | WECF Press Release

Duizenden gevallen van borstkanker kunnen worden voorkomen
WECF artikel in VAMP, Magazine voor Vrouwelijke Artsen Met Power
13.03.2009 | Janna Koppe en Marie Kranendonk

Achievements ELA in 2008
Summary of the Annual Report
12.03.2009 | Gero Fedtke

Energy Saving and Renewable Energies
One of the four key thematic areas of the ELA program
12.03.2009 | Gero Fedtke

Sustainable Agriculture
One of the four key thematic areas of the ELA program
12.03.2009 | Gero Fedtke

One of the four key thematic areas of the ELA program
12.03.2009 | Gero Fedtke

Drinking Water Supply
One of the four key thematic areas of the ELA program
12.03.2009 | Gero Fedtke

WECF present at World Water Forum 5 in Istanbul
WECF visibly present at WWF5 in Istanbul from 16-22 March, 2009
11.03.2009 | Chantal van den Bossche

WECF charity concert in Zaltbommel church for the people of Prislop big succes
930 euro was raised to give the children of Prislop a new roof. Donate now so that we can help more Prislop fathers repairing the leaking roofs of the houses in this Romanian settlement
08.03.2009 | Chantal van den Bossche

International Women's Day: WECF action in Munich for a healthy environment
Sie glauben, die Politik tut genug für eine gesunde Welt? Irrtum! Frauen fordern eine gesunde Umwelt für alle!
06.03.2009 | Johanna Hausmann

Makers Are Pushing Back on Toxic-Toy Law
An article written by Joseph Pereira for The Wall Street Journal
05.03.2009 | The Wall Street Journal

Video: Blip TV - an interview with Doris Moeller from WECF
Mark Charmer from Akvo interviews Doris Moeller during an Akvo meeting in The Hague

ELA partner Central Asian Alliance for Water successfully presents its 2009 ELA project to Regional Government
On 25 February, CAAW and Mehr- Sahvkat presented their 2009 ELA project: “Increasing the living standards of rural population by introducing new technologies of eco- sanitation concept to agriculture.”
03.03.2009 | Gero Fedtke

Digestion of Blackwater and Kitchen Refuse - Dissertation by Claudia Wendland, WECF Sanitation Coordinator
Dissertation at the Institute of Wastewater Management and Water Protection by Claudia Wendland, WECF Sanitation Coordinator

Making Sustainable Sanitation work for women and men - a new publication by WECF
integrating a gender perspective into sanitation initiatives

Video: L'Antenne francaise de Women in Europe for a Common Future
French film about the founding of the French office in Annemasse, April 2008

Nairobi UNEP GC: Governments come and go – but women stay: governments listen to the women’s major group at UNEP
Executive director of WECF, Sascha Gabizon, represented the Women’s major group at the Governing Council Meeting of the United Nations Environment Programme.
02.03.2009 | Sascha Gabizon

UNEP Government Council Meeting: Governments come and go, but women stay
Executive director of WECF, Sascha Gabizon, represented the Women’s major group at the Governing Council Meeting of the United Nations Environment Programme
02.03.2009 | WECF Event

Strengere aanpak containers met schadelijke gassen
Minister Cramer roept in Brussel op tot mondiale aanpak gebruik van gassen
02.03.2009 | Persbericht Ministerie van VROM

WECF takes action at european and french level to support the ban of Bisphenol A in baby bottles
ECF s’engage aux niveaux européen et français en faveur d’une interdiction du Bisphénol A dans les biberons
27.02.2009 | WECF Press Release

Sie denken, Sie leben in einer gesunden Welt? Irrtum! WECF action for International Women's Day
Invitation for the German press to attend WECF's International Women's Day action, March 6, at Munich's Marienplatz
27.02.2009 | WECF Germany Press Release

В Оше обсудят результаты деятельности ЦААВ
Article on WECF's and CAAW's work on sanitation in Kyrgyzstan (article in Russian)
25.02.2009 | АКИpress - Фергана - Бишкек,Kyrgyzstan

Report from the workshop on setting targets and reporting, Geneva 10-11 February
Report from the workshop by Anna Tsvetkova, coordinator of EcoForum issue group and member of WECF's International Advisory Board
23.02.2009 | Anna Tsvetkova

States agree to mercury treaty talks
More than 140 countries agreed to launch negotiations establishing a treaty on mercury
20.02.2009 | Press Releases AFP and AP

Huge Environmental Victory!
World governments support breakthrough agreement on mercury
20.02.2009 | Press Release European Environmental Bureau (EEB)

Nairobi UNEP GC
Nuclear power blocks our road to a new green deal and climate protection!D CALL FOR ACTION TO KEEP NUCLEAR OUT OF THE CLEAN DEVELOPMENT MECHANISM
17.02.2009 | WECF Press Release

Nairobi UNEP GC: Nuclear power blocks our road to a new green deal and climate protection!
17.02.2009 | WECF Press Release

WECF Germany launches interactive game with safety tour through baby's room
Nestbauwebsite: WECF laedt mit interaktivem Spiel zur Sicherheitstour durch’s Kinderzimmer ein; hilft werdenden Eltern ihrem Kind ein gesundes Umfeld zu schaffen
17.02.2009 | Johanna Hausmann

Do you want to have a leading role in promoting women's rights around the world?
Mama Cash is looking for a new Director of Development and Communications
16.02.2009 | Mama Cash

WECF Munchen: Neuer Kurs und Vortrag Sparen für Umwelt und Geldbeutel
Trudel Meier-Staude (WECF = Women in Europe for a Common Future) beleuchtet die derzeitige globale Situation auf dem Rohstoffmarkt
11.02.2009 | Wochenanzeiger Munchner Zentrum

WECF's Water Expert features in German Ministry's Women's Calendar
Margriet Samwel talks about her work on water and sanitation in the German Environment Ministry's Women's Calender for 2009. Frauenansichten 2009 - Ein Lesekalender zu Umwelt und Gesundheit.
11.02.2009 | Frauenansichten 2009

"Giftladungen im Kinderzimmer" - Interview mit Alexandra Caterbow, WECF
Eine Million Spielzeuge wurden in Nürnberg ausgestellt. Viele davon sind aber gefährlich. Und daran werden auch neue Regeln der Europäischen Union nichts ändern, warnen Verbraucherschützer
10.02.2009 | Miriam Noll, Tageszeitung TAZ Berlin

WECF presents first edition of its Toys Guide at Nuerenberg International Toys Fair saturday February 7, 2009
WECF veröffentlicht Ratgeber für den Einkauf von schadstofffreiem Spielzeug
07.02.2009 | WECF Germany Press Release

Les ateliers Nesting de WECF France – une première réussie à Annemasse !
WECF France organized 2 workshops for parents on indoor air pollution and children’s health, in the frame of the project “Nesting - Protect your child by creating a safe indoor environment ”.
05.02.2009 | WECF France Press Release

On the way to Parma 2010: report from thematic meetings on healthy environments, Luxembourg
The meeting of the European Environment and Health Committee (EEHC) and Thematic meeting on Healthy Environments took place in Luxembourg on 27-29 January 2009
04.02.2009 | Iulia Trombitcaia

Annonce de la construction d’un second EPR, WECF dénonce un risque pour la santé, et une aberration écologique et économique.
Announcement of the construction of a second EPR, WECF denounces health risk and ecological and economic catastrophe
03.02.2009 | WECF France Press Release

Nesting Spain officially launched: website helping parents to create a safe and healthy environment now available in 7 languages
Lo que desea tu bebé – un comienzo sano desde el principio
02.02.2009 | Isabella Ripa, WECF Spain

Canada lists Cosmetics Chemicals
Personal-care chemicals go on toxic list
02.02.2009 | Globe and Mail

European Environment and Health Action Plan – Consultative Forum Luxembourg
The European Commission organised the one consultative meeting on the European Environment and Health Action Plan

Europe's Sanitation Problem, WECF report on seminar during Stockholm World Water Week

Women’s and Environmental network WECF thanks Czech artist for getting worldwide attention for Bulgarian sanitation problems
Bulgarian representative in Brussels outraged by squatting toilet in Czech art work
16.01.2009 | WECF Press Release

Women’s and Environmental network WECF thanks Czech artist for getting worldwide attention for Bulgarian sanitation problems
Bulgarian representative in Brussels outraged by squatting toilet in Czech art work
16.01.2009 | WECF Press Release

Nuclear energy has no potential to halt climate change
Letter to the editor of the German newspaper Suddeutsche Zeitung/ Leserbrief an Süddeutschen Zeitung
15.01.2009 | Karin Adolph

Organic waste turned to Black Gold!
WECF trained four Romanian Communities and three partner NGO’s on Composting
14.01.2009 | Olivia Radu and Anna Samwel

New EU Toy's Directive doesn't sufficiently protect children's health, according to German Federal Institute
Neue EU-Spielzeugrichtlinie schützt die Gesundheit von Kindern nicht ausreichend
14.01.2009 | Bund, BFR

Article on WECF symposium on Development Disorders in European Parliament
14.01.2009 | Pesticides Action Network (PAN) newsletter, winter 08/09

Safe Sanitation Health and Dignity Romania
first schools and villages are starting to benefit from project by WECF and Fondation Ensemble with co-funding by ORT and Dutch Ministry Foreign Affairs
13.01.2009 | Olivia Radu

Article de WECF dans le bulletin d’information de la RESACOOP (réseau Rhône-Alpes d’appui à la coopération)
13.01.2009 | Bulletin Rhones-Alpes RESACOOP

Armenian partner: Uranium exploration plans provoke fears
“One day we’ll go to sleep and we won’t wake up.” Report from the website of WECF's Armenian partner Ecolur
27.12.2008 | ECOLUR I Arpi Harutiunian

EMAS method takes off in WECF Empowerment & Local Action projects in Central Asia
EMAS empoweres people in rural areas by low-cost and sustainable technologies on household level
22.12.2008 | Fedde Jorritsma

*Canada**, Chrysotile and Cancer: Health Canada’s Asbestos International Expert Panel Report*
A report written by Lesley Thomas Stayner, PhD for the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, December 2008, Volume 50, number 12
22.12.2008 | Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine

WECF co-organises Expert Group Meeting on Gender, Water and Sanitation
WECF, as part of the UN task force on gender and water, co-organised 2 day expert group meeting on December 1 and 2, at UN headquarters in New York - Defining better indicators for global and national progress on MDG 7
20.12.2008 | Sascha Gabizon

Towards the fifth ministerial conference “environment and health” (Parma 2010)
Paris meeting discusses the ministerial declaration. On 3-4 December 2008, France hosted a meeting of the European Environment and Health Committee (EEHC) and the second meeting on the draft ministerial declaration for the Fifth Ministerial Conference “Environment and Health”.
19.12.2008 | Sascha Gabizon

WECF workshop in Kygryzstan: Sustainable sanitation - our standard
How can sustainable sanitation be reached in Kyrgyzstan? The workshop was conducted in the framework of the WECF ELA program, funded by the Dutch ministry of foreign affairs.
19.12.2008 | Gero Fedtke

NGOs’ chemical blacklist shunned by toymakers
As negotiations continue on revisions to the EU toy safety Directive, European consumer groups are trying to educate parents about the potential risks of chemicals in toys.
14.12.2008 | ENDS report December

Conference on Safe Water and Ecological Sanitation: Perspectives for Georgia
On World toilet day, 19 November, WECF partner organization Georgian Ecological and Biological Monitoring Organization (GEBMA) organized a high level conference on Sanitation and Water
14.12.2008 | Anna Samwel

Live from Poznan: Gender cc statement by WECF IAB member during closing session Poznan
Svitlana Slesarenok speaks on behalf of the Women's Caucus on Gender and Climate Change
14.12.2008 | WECF Press Release

"Spoilsports! Let's get rid of toxic toys!" WECF campaign for toxic-free toys
Proposed revision of the European toys legislation continues to allow carcinogens and hormone disrupting substances in toys, WECF organises international press actions
11.12.2008 | WECF

Live from Poznan: Nuclear Power is a Mickey Mouse solution to Climate Change
300 NGO's say no to nuclear energy as a solution to Climate Change during meeting in Poznan
11.12.2008 | Joint Press Release

La Commission Européenne entendra-t-elle la demande des parents pour des jouets sans substances toxiques ?
La manifestation « Stop aux mauvais joueurs ! » organisée par WECF mercredi 10 décembre à Paris-Beaubourg et Annemasse a suscité l’intérêt de nombreux parents
11.12.2008 | WECF Press Release

"Stop aux mauvais joueurs! Finissons-en avec les jouets empoisonnés!
WECF lance une CAMPAGNE pour la Révision de la Directive Européenne sur la Sécurité des Jouets : à partir du 1er décembre 2008
10.12.2008 | WECF Press Release

Live from Poznan: Invitation to WECF side event on renewable energies, December 11
10.12.2008 | Nicole van Gemert

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) turns 60
Human Rights Day - 10 December 2008 - WECF states: "A Healthy Environment for All is a basic human right"
10.12.2008 | Anke Stock

Live from Poznan: WECF and Inforse side event on Poverty Reduction in Asia & EECCA
Sustainable energy and climate change policies: a zero carbon scenario in the EU
09.12.2008 | Nicole van Gemert

Live from Poznan: Dutch do not stick to promise on taking financial lead at UNFCC
Dutch NGO's very disappointed after Dutch Finance Minister's refusal to come to Poznan
08.12.2008 | Press Release Joint Coalition NGO's

Gender, Civil Society and Women Entrepreneurship
Report from EBRD Workshop: Gender, Civil Society and Women Entrepreneurship – 4 December 2008, London
05.12.2008 | Anke Stock

WECF Live from Poznan at UN Climate Change Conference
United Nations Climate Change Conference COP 14 and CMP 4 Poznan, 1-12 December 2008
03.12.2008 | WECF

The first year of SSHD project in Ukraine is successfully finished
Impression of the results of the first year of the 3-year Project Safe Sanitation, Health and Dignity, sponsored by Foundation Ensemble and the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and coordinated by WECF,
03.12.2008 | Olga Plekhanova

WECF training on renewable energy issues in Georgia and Kyrgyzstan
WECF trained 26 partners from the Caucasus and Central Asia on Energy
03.12.2008 | Regina Drexel and Anna Samwel

Live from Poznan: WECF participating in event on Gender Justice and Climate Change Policy
On Monday December 1st 2008 WECF as part of Gender CC (Women for Climate Justice) organized a side event regarding gender aspects in climate change
02.12.2008 | Nicole van Gemert

Live from Poznan: Sign Here Against Nuclear!
Keep nuclear power out of Clean Development Mechanism. NGOs Call for removal of the Option to “Include Nuclear Activities” in the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) because nuclear power contradicts CDM
01.12.2008 | WECF

WECF, has signed a Collaboration Agreement with Foundation CONAMA in Spain
Foundation CONAMA is the organiser of the National Environment Congress that runs every two years in Madrid and started on December 1st
01.12.2008 | WECF Press Release

L’impact des substances chimiques sur la santé, en particulier sur le fœtus et le jeune enfant, enfin inscrit à l’ordre du jour politique
The impact of chemicals on health, especially in fetuses and young children, finally on French political agenda
01.12.2008 | WECF France Press Release

Pre-final Russian version of HeRWAI (Health Rights of Women Assessment Instrument)
To be published in Russian by WECF and Aim for Human Rights in early 2009

Safe sanitation: a challenge we can meet together
Policy paper on sustainable sanitation

Spelbrekers! Geen gif in het speelgoed van onze kinderen!
WECF teleurgesteld: 16 december keurde het Europese Parlement de nieuwe speelgoedrichtlijn goed
27.11.2008 | WECF Press Release

Giftig speelgoed in je schoen
Interview with Marie Kranendonk for Radio 1 in the Netherlands

French minister calls safety of cosmetics for pregnant women into question
French health authorities are considering a logo for cosmetic products that are not recommended for use by pregnant women and young children
26.11.2008 |

WECF Composting Workshop, Misaktsieli, Georgia
24.11.2008 | Toos van Oers

Toy safety test reveal troubling shortcomings
Just in time for the Christmas shopping season, German consumer magazine ÖKO-TEST has tested childrens toys for their December issue – finding alarming quality defects.
24.11.2008 | The local, Germany's news in English

"Nog te vaak giftige stoffen in speelgoed" - "Still too many toxic toys"
Belgian newspaper writes about German Ökotest in Dutch
24.11.2008 | Het Laatste Nieuws

Safe and Sustainable: New Sanitation System in Kyrgyzstan, global network of independent journalists, pays attention to WECF conference in Bishkek
21.11.2008 | Julia Levitt,

A new directive to improve the safety of toys
21.11.2008 | European Parliament Press Release

International Renewable Energy Agency to be founded in January 2009

WECF Executive Director online expert on United Nations website
On November 21st, Sascha Gabizon, executive director of WECF, featured on the UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) homepage as an invited expert for an online discussion.
21.11.2008 | Chantal van den Bossche

Report on Safe Sanitation, Health and Dignity - Bulgaria Project
Report on the project "Safe Sanitation, Health and Dignity - Bulgaria" which is being carried out in three provinces in Bulgaria – Stara Zagora (10 villages ), Pleven (2 villages) and Sofia, Pravets municipality (2 villages). The project is sponsored by Foundation Ensemble and coordinated by WECF.
21.11.2008 | Bistra Mihaylova

2,5 Milliarden Menschen ohne sanitäre Grundversorgung
interview with Claudia Wendland from WECF on World Toilet Day
19.11.2008 | Associated Press

Welttoilettentag: Aktion für Toiletten der Zukunft
Article on action at World Toilet Day in Berlin (in German)
19.11.2008 | Entwicklungspolitik online

World Toilet Day in Berlin; fifty toilets on Washington Square
WECF as member of "Forum Umwelt und Entwicklung" raised awareness for indignant sanitary situation for millions of Europeans on World Toilet Day
19.11.2008 | WECF Press Release

WECF France: It's about time that EU commits itself to common healthy, environmentally friendly agricultural policy
Avenir de la Politique Agricole Commune : Il est temps que l’UE s’engage dans la voie d’une agriculture saine et respectueuse de l’environnement
18.11.2008 | WECF Press Release

Spielverderber! Schluss mit Gift im Spielzeug!
WECF setzt sich auf dem Münchner Marienplatz für giftfreies Spielzeug ein! (Text in German)
14.11.2008 | Johanna Hausmann

NGO Strategy Meeting on the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples 27 to 28 October 2008, Washington/USA
14.11.2008 | Anke Stock

Gefährliches Spielzeug
Articles on WECF toxic toys action on Munich Marienplatz square
13.11.2008 | Süddeutsche Zeitung

Central Asian republic of Kyrgyzstan geared towards improving basic hygiene and sanitation
For the first time in Central Asia, the International Conference “Ecological Safety in the International Year of Sanitation” had ministers, parliamentarians, village teachers, and university professors speak about the down to earth issue of safe management of human faeces and urine.
13.11.2008 | WECF Press Release

Energy field visit: Possibilities for energy saving measures for five pilot projects in Belarus
Project “Developing multi-stakeholder cooperation in the areas of water, waste and energy efficiency in Belarus“
11.11.2008 | Tatiana Deriviago

Radio interview with WECF president on EU proposal Pesticides
Marie Kranendonk, WECF president, was interviewed for radioshow on Radio One, the Netherlands on WECF's position towards new European pesticides legislation
09.11.2008 | Atlas - Omroep Llink, Radio Een

Sustainable Sanitation in Kyrgyzstan - High Level Sanitation Conference
4 Kyrgyz members of the WECF network, together with the Kyrgyz National WASH Coalition, will organise a High level Sanitation Conference in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, on November 11 and 12. The Event 'Sustainable Sanitation in Kyrgyzstan' will focus on opportunities and challenges of waste water management in the region.
06.11.2008 | WECF Press Release

report from Madrid working group meeting on Guidelines on Water Supply and Sanitation in Extreme Weather Events
First Meeting of the drafting group on Guidelines on Water Supply and Sanitation in Extreme Weather Events
06.11.2008 | WECF partner AWHHE

Video: Better toilets, better crops and better lives - Ecological Sanitation in Karakalpakstan, Uzbekistan
DVD by WECF partner Mehriban

October Breast Cancer Month: Beauticians magazine publishes article on WECF Brochure
Article in Estheticienne on 'Linking Breast Cancer and the Environment' (text in Dutch)
05.11.2008 | Estheticienne, November Issue

WECF actively participated in chemicals debates in international chemical policy process
Strategic Approach to International Chemical Management (SAICM); a 2008 report
04.11.2008 | Nicole van Gemert

WECF, membre du collectif Annemasse Solidarité Internationale
JIM : le journal de la mairie d’Annemasse avec un photo de Stepanovka
04.11.2008 | JIM, journal d'Annemasse

"Ces jouets qui jouent avec la santé"
Article in French magazine Echo Nature on WECF's actions against European Toy Safety Directive
04.11.2008 | Echo Nature, La France

New waterless, hygienic and comfortable school toilets built in rural Moldova
New waterless, hygienic and comfortable school toilets are built for schools, town hall and households in rural Moldova
04.11.2008 | Margriet Samwel

Water Safety Plans for Romanian and Moldavian schools
WECF trained 10 schools in five Romanian and Moldavian villages last month on water safety plans
04.11.2008 | Margriet Samwel

Five minutes for the Black Sea: flash mob awareness action by Ukrainian partner WECF
31 October was International Day of the Black Sea; Vozrozhdeniye organised a flash mob on the motorway to Odessa
03.11.2008 | Vozrozhdeniye

What Happened at POPRC4: reviewing chemicals proposed for listing of the Stockholm Convention
The Stockholm Convention POPs Review Committee (POPRC) met for the fourth time from 12 – 17 October in Geneva to make important decisions on candidates for addition to the Convention.
03.11.2008 | Ipennetwork

Madrid Health and Environment conference
Report of the 2nd High-Level preparatory meeting towards the 5th Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health
03.11.2008 | Sascha Gabizon

Breast is best, concludes a new scientific review
Despite the health risks posed by contaminants, breastfeeding nearly always remains the optimal choice for infant feeding.
31.10.2008 | Health & Environment Alliance (HEAL)

Veiligere middelenwet helpt gezondheid boer
Boeren verzetten zich tegen strenger pesticidenbeleid. Marie Kranendonk vraagt zich af of ze hun kop in het zand steken wat betreft gezondheidsrisico’s.
30.10.2008 | Marie Kranendonk, Agrarisch Dagblad

Baby bottles: New EFSA statement on bisphenol-A
Environmental- and health organisations criticise EFSA's stand on bisphenol-A
30.10.2008 | HEAL newsletter

First REACH hazardous chemicals list is a drop in the ocean
The first-ever list of 15 hazardous chemicals released this week by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) is a welcome start, but it's a drop in the ocean when compared to the hundreds of well-known dangerous substances present in products used every day
29.10.2008 | Joint Press Release coalition of NGO's

Pesticiden schadelijk voor kinderen
Article on Pesticides Vote EU in Dutch green glossy magazine, Green2
29.10.2008 | Green2

Pesticides not only destroy insects' nervous system; children's as well
European Parliament will vote for new pesticides regulations. Stricter regulations will be especially important for agricultural sector
29.10.2008 | WECF Press Release

Conflict at Rotterdam Convention meeting in Rome
A handful of asbestos and endosulfan producing states denying the right to information for other countries
28.10.2008 | Coalition of NGO's

International Advisory Board meeting at WECF offices
The International Advisory Board of WECF met from 22nd - 24th of September 2008 at WECF’s offices in Munich
21.10.2008 | Bistra Mihaylova

Master Composting training in Belarus
Project “Developing multi-stakeholder cooperation in the areas of water, waste and energy efficiency in Belarus“ – MATRA program of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs
21.10.2008 | Bistra Mihaylova

Welt Wasser Woche in Stockholm: WECF bringt Europas Sanitationsproblem auf die Agenda
20.10.2008 | Forum Umwelt und Entwicklung

Des commerçants qui s’entraident - Partenariat : le commerce de proximité rejoint l’équitable
Shopkeepers help each other - Partnership: the nearby shopkeepers join the fair trade
20.10.2008 | Le Dauphiné Libéré

Canada, the first country to classify bisphenol A as risky
Health Canada adds bisphenol A to list of toxic substances
18.10.2008 | By Martin Mittelstaedt, Environment Reporter

WECF France will co-organise the “Fair Trade Weeks” in Annemasse in Mai 2009 together with ATB, a local association.
Nathalia Dejean of WECF France will present the action in November to different shops
18.10.2008 | Anne Barre

Environmental factors increase breast cancer risk! WECF launches Dutch Brochure
WECF, Platform Gezondheid en Milieu, Vrouw en Milieu and Ecobaby have launched Dutch brochure on Breast Cancer and the Evironment
17.10.2008 | WECF Press Release

Borstkanker en Milieu - Naar een Preventief Beleid (Dutch publication of WECF Brochure 'Linking Breast Cancer and the Environment')
WECF launched Dutch adaptation of report 'Linking Breastcancer and the Environment'

Major threat to Lake Sevan Armenia - WECF sent letter of concern
Strategic stock of fresh water for Armenian population is threatened by mining industry
15.10.2008 | Chantal van den Bossche

WECF trainings on renewable energy and energy efficiency in Caucasus and Central Asia
WECF will organize two training weeks on energy in November in Georgia (10-14 november) and Kyrgyzstan (17-21 november)
15.10.2008 | Regina Drexel

Rotterdam Convention process brought to stand still?
More than 500 non-governmental organizations come with joint declaration for the protection against harmful chemicals by the Rotterdam Convention
15.10.2008 | Johanna Hausmann

WECF position paper: European Toy Safety Directive - Will children really be safe from hazardous chemicals in toys
Position Paper in English, French and German

Global Handwashing Day - Wereldhandenwasdag
Handen wassen redt levens
15.10.2008 | Anders Bekeken, Stichting Milieunet

Cosmétiques bébés sous surveillance
French commission for Sustainable Development asks young mothers to no longer accept free baby gift boxes, an article published by French newspaper Le Monde
14.10.2008 | Le Monde

WECF manual in Russian and English "Safe and profitable toilets - a solution for health and wealth"

PROTOCOL WECF Workshop Compost making in EECCA Region
At the WECF Agriculture meeting on 22nd January 2008 composting and recycling of nutrients were identified as key technologies for organic and sustainable farming and an integral part of ecological sanitation
10.10.2008 | Toos van Oers

Sustainable wastewater management in the European Union
Identifying existing regulations and guidelines - by student of the Hague University of Apllied Sciences in cooperation with WECF

When particles are so small that they seep right through skin
Scientists are finding that particles that are barely there – tiny objects known as nanoparticles that have found a home in electronics, food containers, sunscreens, and a variety of applications – can breach our most personal protective barrier: The skin.
10.10.2008 | Safe Chemicals, October 2008

Baby bottles: 6 environmental research studies reveal critical health risks from plastic
'Plastic world' findings on bisphenol A, phthalates and flame retardants urge regulatory action
10.10.2008 | Safe Chemicals, October 2008

Report on WECF lunch event at European Parliament on developmental harm of children
Europe's children’s brains and reproductive organs are at risk from hazardous chemicals if European Parliament does not improve proposed legislation on pesticides, toys, cosmetics and chemicals
09.10.2008 | Chantal van den Bossche

Asbestos: a silent killer on a global scale (A WECF publication in English, Russian, Kazakh and Ukrainian)
A publication by WECF and partners Eco Accord, Mama 86 and Green Women

The Dniester Conference 2008
A report from the International Conference "Transboundary Dniester River Basin Management and the EU Water Framework Directive" held in Chisinau, Moldova, on October 2-3, 2008
03.10.2008 | Anna Samwel

Invitation to WECF Lunch event at European Parliament: A safe environment for our children
WECF organizes Expert Dialogue on new scientific insights in children’s developmental disorders caused by low dose exposures to common chemicals.
03.10.2008 | Chantal van den Bossche

The Sixth Session of the Intergovernmental Forum on Chemical Safety IFCS was held 15-19 September 2008 in Dakar, Senegal.
WECF participated in the meeting, together with representatives of 71 governments, 12 intergovernmental organizations (IGO) and 39 NGOs.
02.10.2008 | Sonja Haider

Massive health benefits from stronger climate policies, shows new study
Health savings of up to 25 billion euros could be achieved every year in Europe if the European Union immediately opted for stronger climate policies, says a new study published by health and environment NGOs.
02.10.2008 | Press Release CAN, HEAL, WWF

Financing Climate Change from a gender and rights perspective - a report of the WAVE High Level Ministerial Side Event
The WAVE event took place during the 10th special session of the UNEP Governing Council meeting in Monaco, February 2008

WECF shared practical experiences with students at IHE
In the framework of the Summerschool at UNESCO IHE, Alp Ergünsel and Claudia Wendland from WECF gave lectures to international MSc.
25.09.2008 | Claudia Wendland

Will French taxpayer again have to pay for nuclear plants in neighbouring country?
WECF is worried that nuclear industry is making promises which will not be kept
24.09.2008 | WECF Press Release

"Contaminés dès les biberons" - article on WECF's work on chemicals in L'Express Magazine
Contamination from within the bottle and from other baby toys
18.09.2008 | L'Express, Vincent Olivier

Return Sasyk to the Sea?
Activists who demanded re-naturalization of Sasyk bay encountered resistance from authorities
18.09.2008 | Anna Samwel

German Federal Environment Agency warns against the dangers of bisphenol A (BPA) - a plastic used in baby bottles
New study confirms that children's health could be threatened by this chemical substance
18.09.2008 | Umwelt Bundesamt

Environment Groups Giving a Face to Climate Change - Interview with WECF's Sabine Bock
interview with Sabine Bock, Climate Change Coordinator WECF
18.09.2008 | Deutsche Welle

267 Chemikalien am Pranger
Article on SIN list and WECF's work in Berliner Tageszeitung
17.09.2008 | Heike Holdinghausen

New German brochure for young parents
Healthy start into life – German Federal Environment Department publishes brochure for young parents
17.09.2008 | Johanna Hausmann

Consumers need information about most hazardous chemicals in products
NGOs present REACH "SIN" (Substitute It Now) list of most hazardous chemicals which consumers should be able to avoid under European chemicals regulation REACH
16.09.2008 | WECF Press Release

Working with Women in Europe, for a Common Future
Article on Akvo Blog on its cooperation with WECF
16.09.2008 | Chantal van den Bossche

WECF support 'End Water Poverty'
coalition of NGO's have pledged their support for bold action to meet the sanitation and water MDG targets.
12.09.2008 | Claudia Wendland and Sascha Gabizon

First urine diverting toilets out of the oven in Georgia
First ceramic Urine Diverting toilets in the EECCA region are ready
12.09.2008 | Margriet Samwel

WECF network participates in several actions against coal-fired power plants in Germany
"Save the climate - stop coal!"
11.09.2008 | Sabine Bock

Annual Report 2007: A year of continuing growth and development for WECF
2007, a year of continuing growth and development for WECF

WECF issues annual report and publishes new flyer
2007, a year of continuing growth and development for WECF
11.09.2008 | Chantal van den Bossche

More toxics in children than in rats used for experiments (article in German)
Although pthhalates are banned, concentration of toxics in children higher than ever
05.09.2008 | Tageszeitung, Berlin

Interview with Nurzat Abdylozurova, director of Kyrgyz WECF partner UNISON
"Think about other parts of the world"
05.09.2008 | Wir Klimaretter

Proposal EU toy directive leaves children exposed to toxics
WECF organised an expert meeting yesterday at the European Parliament, as parliamentarians are preparing to vote on a revision of a 20 year old Toys Safety Directive.
04.09.2008 | Chantal van den Bossche

La proposition de la Commission européenne pour la nouvelle directive Jouets ne prévient pas l’exposition des enfants à des composants cancérigènes
WECF, Femmes en Europe pour un Avenir Commun, organisait ce débat d’experts hier alors que les parlementaires se préparent à adopter la révision d’une directive âgée de 20 ans : celle sur la sécurité des jouets.
04.09.2008 | WECF Press Release

Calls for lake to be restored to Black Sea
interview with WECF's field officer Anna Samwel
28.08.2008 | Edie News, Ireland, Kate Martin

Russian, Bulgarian, Romanian, Bosnian-Herzegovian, Albanian and Macedonian versions of the summary of WHO "Guidelines for the Safe use of Wastewater, Excreta and Greywater, Volume 4"
WECF bring official translation of the summary of the international guidelines of the World Health Organsation

WECF at Stockholm World Water Week
Interview with WECF's Chantal van den Bossche on Europe's sanitation problems
23.08.2008 | Business News Radio, BNR, The Netherlands

WECF attracts worldwide media attention with plea for Safe Sanitation for all Europeans
Numerous websites, magazines and newspapers all over the world paid attention to WECF's message at the Stockholm World Water Week
22.08.2008 | Chantal van den Bossche

Even in Europe, 20 million people without toilets
Interview with Sascha Gabizon (WECF) and Diana Iskreva (Earth Forever Foundation Bulgaria) during Stockholm World Water Week
22.08.2008 | Agence France Press

WECF attracts funding via new online mini-grant portal
WECF contributes with 6 projects to, an online internetplatforum which is designed to make it easier to match funds to small-scale sanitation projects
22.08.2008 | WECF Press Release

Nanotechnology – The invisible threat
WECF position paper on new technical 'revolution'; nanotechnology can be an invisible threat to humans and the environment, therefore WECF demands more risk research and risk assessment

Safe and affordable toilets for all Europeans
WECF at Stockholm World Water Week: Europe needs a rural action sanitation plan
21.08.2008 | WECF Press Release

Lack of WCs Means 40 Million Europeans Have No Place To Go
Article on Stockholm World Water Week featuring WECF
21.08.2008 | Courtney Tenz, Deutsche Welle

Stockholm World Water Week: WECF puts Europe's sanitation problems on the agenda
WECF seminar at the World Water Week looks at urgent measures to provide safe sanitation for 20 million European citizens living in inacceptable bad hygienic circumstances
19.08.2008 | Chantal van den Bossche

Chemical Safety – One of the Priority Problems in Armenia
Press Release by Armenian Women for Health and a Healthy Environment (AWHHE)
18.08.2008 | Chantal van den Bossche

Georgia: Russian army mistakes civilian toilets for military equipment
WECF deeply concerned about fate of its Georgian partners (Dutch press release)
15.08.2008 | WECF Press Release

Give Sasyk back to the sea!
Campaigners called for a Ukrainian lake to be reunited with the Black Sea by an action calling on the decommissioning of the dam
14.08.2008 | Chantal van den Bossche

Europe‘s Sanitation Problem - Discussion Paper on sustainable, affordable and safe sanitation in the EU
Sustainable, Affordable and Safe Sanitation for citizens in the European Union – impossible?

Demonstration gegen Kohlekraftwerk in Jänschwalde (Text in German)
Am 13. September organisiert die Klima-Allianz gemeinsam mit WECF einen Bus von München zu einer deutschlandweiten Demonstration nach Jänschwalde (for English summary see below)
30.07.2008 | Trudel Meyer-Staude

Тренинг по возобновляемой энергии и климату
WECF организовала тренинг для 40 партнеров из стран Центральной Азии, Кавказа и Европы по теме “Возобновляемая энергия - политика и практика“ с 1 по 6 июня 2008 года.
29.07.2008 | Сабина Бок

WECF International Training on Sustainable Energy
The report on the international training week "Sustainable energy in Germany – projects and legislation" (June 1-6, 2008) is now available in English, Russian and German
28.07.2008 | Regina Drexel

Ecosan for Sulitsa - video documentary on safe sustainable sanitation in Bulgaria
On how modern low cost sanitary approaches provide a solution to sanitation problems in rural areas in Eastern Europe

Three year MATRA project Bulgaria successfully completed
“Developing a model for sustainable water and waste management in rural areas in Bulgaria” has successfully achieved its goals; tools have been developed to accommodate sustainable water and waste management in rural areas in Bulgaria.
24.07.2008 | Bistra Mihajlova

Training on Health Rights of Women Assessment Instrument (HeRWAI)
On 14th and 15th of June 2008 WECF organised a training with the aim to introduce HeRWAI, the Health Rights of Women Assessment Instrument developed by Aim for human rights, an international NGO based in the Netherlands.
18.07.2008 | Anke Stock and Jennifer Ricketts

First private “ecosan” toilet built in Belarus
In the village Smilovichy, near the Belarusian capital Minsk, over 20 representatives of local people, NGOs, mass media and business came to see the opening of the first private ecosan toilet in Belarus
18.07.2008 | Yulia Yablonskaia,

New publication – European Sanitation Policies and Practices in the International Year of Sanitation 2008
Finding solutions for more than 20 million citizens of the European Union
18.07.2008 | Sascha Gabizon

Report – European Sanitation Policies and Practises in the International Year of Sanitation 2008
Finding solutions for more than 20 million citizens who lack safe and affordable sanitation, Brussels, 29 January 2008

Director WECF Germany presents nesting project (videospeech)
Videospeech of Sonja Haider on WECF's nesting project at symposium Utopia, the German website for sustainable living
18.07.2008 | Chantal van den Bossche

Non au choix du nucléaire! Oui à des énergies saines et non polluantes
WECF France reacts on the escape of uranium at nuclear site of Tricastin (Drôme) and at the French president's announcement of building second EPR
14.07.2008 | WECF Press Release

French Nuclear Facility to Shut Down After Uranium Leak
French authorities ordered Friday the temporary closure of
12.07.2008 | Agence France Presse

G8-summit – nuclear energy promotion planned in almost all countries G8
Seven of the G8-countries - except Germany - intend on starting initiatives promoting nuclear energy against climate change (Presse Mitteilung - Text in German)
10.07.2008 | WECF Press Release

Nuclear Waste Crisis
The lies surrounding safe waste dumping
09.07.2008 | ZDF, Heute

First Reach substance hit-list emerges
The European chemicals agency has published a first draft list of substances that could eventually be subject to tough authorisation requirements prohibiting marketing and use unless firms can show there is a compelling reason to allow them.
04.07.2008 | ENDS Europe DAILY

EU toys directive – new proposal does not include all dangerous substances
Various toxic substances continue to be permitted – WECF demands a general ban on dangerous chemicals in toys (Text in German)
30.06.2008 | WECF Press Release

Cheap and safe sanitation solutions for Chinese earthquake victims
Chinese urine diverting slab designer and contact person for the supply of slabs for WECF school sanitation projects helps victims in earth quake area with cheap and safe sanitation solutions
23.06.2008 | Chantal van den Bossche

Concerned with current discussion regarding safer chemicals policy REACH
WECF and other public interest organisations recommend on candidate list which is being prepared including all substances fulfilling the criteria laid out for the so-called Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC)
20.06.2008 | Nicole van Gemert

Sustainable Energy and Climate Training
WECF organised training for 40 of its members from Central Asia, Caucasus and Europe on "Sustainable Energy - policies and practice, from June 1-6, 2008.
19.06.2008 | Sabine Bock

Aarhus convention – the international law on civil participation celebrates tenth birthday
WECF participated with 9 partners from Armenia, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine and Russia in the Third Meeting of the Parties (MOP-3)
18.06.2008 | Anke Stock and Karin Adolph

Annemasse attracts one NGO and dreams of international destiny
WECF portrayed in Geneva newspaper
17.06.2008 | Tribune de Geneve, Switzerland

Towards a sustainable rural countryside
Dutch National's Women's Council publishes article on WECF's project. "Working towards sustainable agriculture is a long term process" (text in Dutch)
15.06.2008 | DO Koerier Magazine

Working Paper 'The Right to Sanitation'
WECF promotes safe water and sanitation for all

Water and Sanitation from a gender perspective
Water and Sanitation from a gender perspective at the World Water Forum-4, Mexico City 13-21 March 2006

Chemicals may increase breast cancer risk
Natural and synthetic estrogens are well-known risk factor for developing breast cancer. Manmade chemicals with oestrogen effect may also raise risk for breast cancer. That is shown by new report “Breast cancer and exposure to hormonally active chemicals: An appraisal of the scientific evidence”.
13.06.2008 | CASCADE newsletter

Argentina bans phtalates in children's products
Manufacture, import and export are banned
13.06.2008 | Health & Environment Alliance (HEAL)

Nuclear Energy and Climate Change
Role of nuclear discussed at Bonn UNFCCC Climate Change Talks (Subsidiary Bodies 28), where delegates from all countries are working in technical working groups to prepare for the Climate negotiations later this year in Poznan, Poland (press releases in German and French)
11.06.2008 | WECF Press Release

Access to Safe Sanitation in the EU – a right for all
WECF launches film in English and Dutch

Cooking course in Garla Mare gives poor Roma girls another outlook on life
WECF in cooperation with local NGO FVC in Garla Mare started successful cooking and hygiene course for young Roma Women, WECF field officer Anna Samwel reports
11.06.2008 | Anna Samwel

WECF contribution in WHO newsletter
Newsletter of World Health Organisation publishes WECF article on school sanitation
10.06.2008 | WHOCC Newsletter

Belarussian stakeholders MATRA project visited Ukraine
Between 20 – 27 April 2008 Belarusian participants and stakeholders involved in MATRA project “Developing multi stakeholder cooperation in the areas of water, waste and energy efficiency in Belarus“ visited Ukrainian project
10.06.2008 | Bistra Mihaylova

Study prepared for WECF: Biogas production in climates with long cold winters
WECF committed the Wageningen University of Research, the Netherlands (WUR) to do a study on the visibility and affordability of biogas production in climates with cold winters.

Sustainable energy in Germany – energy and climate training in Munich
WECF organises advanced training on the subject renewable energy, energy efficiency, international and German climate and energy politics
03.06.2008 | WECF Press Release

Discussing nuclear energy without taboos
WECF expresses concern in letter to European Energy Commissioner Mr. Piebalgs
01.06.2008 | Sabine Bock

Global Energy Conference at the European Parliament
Energy Globe Foundation and the Committees of the European Parliament (ITRE) hosted conference„Awareness Raising and best practice as key tools for implementing energy efficiency“, Brussels, May 27th, 2008
01.06.2008 | Margriet Samwel

New Chair CSD positive on women's networks during Convention on Biodiversity, Bonn
WECF glad with addition of Dutch Minister of Agriculture, Gerda Verburg, at Meeting Network of Women Ministers during Convention on Biodiversity (tekst in het Nederlands)
01.06.2008 | Chantal van den Bossche

Women for a Clean Future organized symposium in Roma village Garla Mare, Romania
Women for a Clean Future (FVC), a Romanian community based organisation, held a symposium in the district in Garla Mare, Romania; ‘Healthy People in a Healthy Environment’. WECF were invited as speakers.
01.06.2008 | Anna Samwel

Workshop on Water and Health
WECF and network members participated on the “Workshop on water and health”, held on 14 - 16 May, 2008 in Bucharest, Romania.
31.05.2008 | Margriet Samwel

Chernobyl: negative effects on children's health
After the Chernobyl nuclear accident on April 26, all children in the contaminated territory participated in yearly medical examination
30.05.2008 | Environmental Health 2008

Poor sanitation is a major contributing factor to high levels of child mortality occurring in developing countries
WECF present at international Workshop „Water and Sanitation in International development and disaster relief“, organised by the University of Edinburgh and UNESCO, 28-30 May in Edinburgh, Scotland
30.05.2008 | Margriet Samwel

WECF France Director Anne Barre interviewed on French TV
France 3 dedicated news item to opening new 'solidarity complex' in Annemasse
28.05.2008 | Chantal van den Bossche

WECF awarded twice at the International Energy Globe Awards in Euro parliament, Brussels
Safe Water Project in Romania and Energy Project from network partner UNISON were awarded at the International Energy Globe Event (the World Awards for Sustainability) which recognizes projects that 'make careful and economical use of resources and employ alternative energy sources'.
27.05.2008 | Chantal van den Bossche

New European Chemicals Agency must act on hazardous chemicals
A coalition of European environmental, health,women’s and consumer groups, including WECF, is calling for the new European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) to giveabsolute priority to the protection of public health and the environment.
26.05.2008 | Chantal van den Bossche

WECF France and Mama 86 present themselves at international solidarity event
WECF France and Ukrainian NGO Mama 86 presented their activities to the Rhone-Alpes region's vice-president in charge of International Solidarity and Cooperation
26.05.2008 | Chantal van den Bossche

The challenge to implement affordable and sustainable sanitation in the new EU countries Romania and Bulgaria
WECF present at Sanitation Challenge in Wageningen, 19-21 May
23.05.2008 | Chantal van den Bossche

Carbon nanotubes that look like asbestos, behave like asbestos
Pilot study in Nature Nanotechnology
23.05.2008 | Volkskrant, Ben de Raaij

WECF France first NGO to move into 'solidarity' complex
La Cité des Solidarités d'Internationales in Annemasse welcomes its first inhabitant
23.05.2008 | WECF France

Next Round of Crucial UN Climate Change Negotiations Set to Kick Off in
The next round of UN-sponsored global climate
21.05.2008 | UNFCC

Greenpeace: consoles not green enough
Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft do not put much effort into removing toxic chemicals out of their products
20.05.2008 | Greenpeace

The Task Force on Public Participation in international Forums
Article by WECF's Anke Stock for Participate, magazine of the European Environmental Bureau
20.05.2008 | Participate, Magazine European Environmental Bureau

Women, Diversity and Agriculture at Planet Diversity
WECF and Women and Life on Earth stressed the extreme importance of women’s points of views when it comes to biodiversity during plenary session Planet Diversity, Bonn
16.05.2008 | Chantal van den Bossche

Without diversity everything is grey!
WECF joins Planet Diversity, the world congress on the future of food and agriculture
14.05.2008 | Karin Adolph

WECF partner Central Asian Alliance for Water (CAAW) present at CSD, New York
WECF networkpartner presents succesful ecosanitation programs during side event panel discussion (press release in Dutch)
13.05.2008 | Chantal van den Bossche

Board Europa Donna Germany has stepped back
Major breakthrough in the interest of women with breast cancer. German board stepped back because of discontent with financial dependence on pharmaceutical industry by mother organisation Europa Donna Europe
12.05.2008 | Chantal van den Bossche

Dutch NGO's keep sharp eye on nanotechnology developments
WECF, Milieudefensie and Stichting Natuur en Milieu have decided to work together on the subject nanotechnology (tekst in het Nederlands)
12.05.2008 | Chantal van den Bossche

Petition for GMO-free village
WECF signed Greenpeace letter for a GMO free Borger Odoorn (tekst in het Nederlands)
09.05.2008 | Chantal van den Bossche

WECF alerts EU Ministers of Health and EU Commissioners on pesticides
Letter emphasises the need to eliminate the most hazardous pesticides from the EU food chain in order to protect our most vulnerable groups from reproductive and developmental harm.
02.05.2008 | Chantal van den Bossche

WECF director speaks at UNEP business and environment conference, Singapore
Chances for business – NGO partnerships
02.05.2008 | Chantal van den Bossche

Dutch Environment Minister attends WECF presentation in Georgia
WECF Field Officer Anna Samwel presented on Labour Day ecosan toilet projects to Dutch Environment Minister Jacqueline Cramer
02.05.2008 | Chantal van den Bossche

Roma People in Garla Mare
An insight in every day life of a poor Roma community in a WECF project village in Romania - A report by WECF field officer Anna Samwel
02.05.2008 | Anna Samwel

Problems of water supply in rural mountain regions Armenia
A report on WECF's impression of the water project and home made toilets in the villages Urud and Sverdlov, Armenia
28.04.2008 | Margriet Samwel

Biodiverse German apple exhibition
Landcare Ebersberg and WECF focus on biodiversity with apple exhibition
28.04.2008 | Chantal van den Bossche

Towards a sustainable rural Overijssel
Naar een Duurzaam Platteland

Bulgarian project “ Safe Sanitation, Health and Dignity“ officially started
A field trip along start up meetings was organized in Bulgaria for the project “Sustainable Sanitation, Health and Dignity“, a project financially supported by Fondation Ensemble and ORT, a worldwide educational organisation
21.04.2008 | Bistra Mihaylova

Water Safety Plans in Pictures
Give children and local communities the knowledge to improve their own health and well-being

German aid worker wins Afghan hearts
WECF network organisation Katachel highlighted in article on Radio Netherlands World Service (tekst in het Nederlands)
16.04.2008 | Hans de Vreij, Defence and Security Specialist, Radio Netherlands Worldservice

Prevention is the cure!
WECF's message on primary prevention of breast cancer well received at Breast Cancer Conference in Berlin (press releases in English and German)
16.04.2008 | Chantal van den Bossche

Experts require radical change of agricultural policy
Poor harvests, towering food prices and revolts: to make sure there will be enough food worldwide 4000 scientists and politicans have asked to reform agricultural policy completely, warning that we need reforming markets against hunger
15.04.2008 | Der Spiegel / NRC Handelsblad

WECF ELA partners fight for a healthy environment for all.
Around 30 years ago the area around WECF project area Tatarbunary, Ukraine, was a health resort due to the curative qualities of the nearby bay Sasyk. This is now unbelievable for the children of today.
14.04.2008 | Anna Samwel

WECF welcomes Dutch research on chemicals in babyproducts
The Technical University of Delft has published research on chemicals in babyproducts (tekst in het Nederlands)
13.04.2008 | Chantal van den Bossche

Matra Project Belarus
WECF baseline surveys to improve capacity building in the areas of water, waste and energy efficiency in Belarus”.
12.04.2008 | Tatiana Deriviago

WECF strongly disapproves project of law on GMO adopted in France
Women in Europe has expressed strong disapproval of the project of law on genetically modified organisms which has been adopted by a majority in the French National Assembly earlier this week.
11.04.2008 | WECF Press Release

European Parliament passed important resolution on combatting cancer
Cancer Task Force will be established in European Parliament which will look into environmental causes which may be linked to breastcancer
11.04.2008 | ENDS Europe

WECF symposium 'Towards a sustainable, vital and rural province of Overijssel'
WECF organises together with Oons Ambacht and Christian Democrat MP Annie Schreijer-Pierik a symposium on April 11th to reflect the efforts made on this project (Tekst in het Nederlands)
10.04.2008 | Chantal van den Bossche

Organic Rebellion
A short Star Wars like animation by on organic rebellion
08.04.2008 | Chantal van den Bossche

WECF and internetportal Utopia join hands
German internetportal Utopia and WECF join hands in promoting sustainable consumption (text in German)
06.04.2008 | Johanna Hausmann

WECF Dniester River Basin Management project
First workshops and training sessions in Moldova and Ukraine
04.04.2008 | Chantal van den Bossche

WECF France officially launched
Constitutive Meeting in Paris
31.03.2008 | WECF Press Release

No toxic substances in our childrens clothes!
WECF concerned about discovery of toxic substances like phtalates in children's pyjamas, despite reassuring statement of Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (VWA) (tekst in het Nederlands)
28.03.2008 | Chantal van den Bossche

Energy Saving and Renewable Energy Sources training in Belarus
51 representatives of local authorities, business, educational institutes, NGO's, mass media and citizens' organisations actively took part in WECF training in Minsk from 8 till 9 February 2008.
25.03.2008 | Tatiana Deriviago

WECF Caucasian and Central Asian ecosan trainings
43 participants from ELA partner organizations from Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia and Central-Asia took part in WECF ecosan training
21.03.2008 | Olga Plekhanova/Fedde Jorritsma

Meeting of the Task Force on Indicators and Reporting to the Protocol on Water and Health
The First meeting of the Task Force on Indicators and Reporting to the Protocol on water and Health took place on 13–14 March 2008 in Geneva, Switzerland.
14.03.2008 | Anna Tsvetskova

"Geen veilig sanitair voor 20 miljoen Europeanen"
article on WECF's sanitation projects in DO Koerier, magazine of the Commission for Sustainable Development of the Dutch Women's Council (NVR)
13.03.2008 | DO Koerier, March 2008

World Water Day 2008: EU should promote decentralised, sustainable wastewater systems
WECF joined press conference in German Federal Press Office in Berlin (text in German)
13.03.2008 | Johanna Hausmann

Improving the economic situation of women in the economic reform process in Bosnia-Herzegovina
WECF advocates women's rights on health and the environment in Bosnia Herzegovina
12.03.2008 | Sabine Bock

Environmental, women’s, labour and health groups around the world call for action to save the Rotterdam Convention
U.N. Environmental Convention is being endangered by political and industry interference
12.03.2008 | WECF Press Release

Europe reaffirms its environment-health efforts
European governments will reaffirm their commitment to reducing negative environmental impacts on public health during three days of high-level discussions in Milan
10.03.2008 | ENDS Europe Daily

Guidelines for the safe use of wastewater, excreta and greywater
In 2006 the World Health Organization published its new Guidelines for the safe use of wastewater, excreta and greywater. Together the Guidelines offer a safety framework, and minimum requirements for the safe use of wastewater, excreta and greywater in agriculture and aquaculture. Anyone interested in safe wastewater management will benefit from getting acquainted with the guidelines.
06.03.2008 | Sanna-Mari Kuisma

Make Biodiversity visible and tasteable
Welcome to our "Streuobstwiese"

Ninth meeting of working group Aarhus Convention
Meeting of the working group of the Aarhus Convention took place in Geneva
03.03.2008 | Anke Stock

"Richt je babykamer veilig in"
item on website Dutch TV broadcaster Llink about Nesting website
01.03.2008 | Dutch TV broadcaster Llink

10 Ministers present at WECF and UNEP’s event in Monaco
Environmental Ministers discussed gender criteria for climate change financial mechanisms at WECF event at UNEP Governing Council in Monaco
27.02.2008 | WECF

Water scarcity and Climate Change
WECF present at European Parliamentarians' brainstorm on water scarcity
26.02.2008 | Chantal van den Bossche

Green and Gender sensitive Jobs in a climate-challenged world
WECF welcomes Green Jobs report at UNEP Governing Council Meeting in Monaco
25.02.2008 | Chantal van den Bossche

Developmental Origins of Environmentally Induced Disease and Dysfunction
International Conference on Foetal Programming and Developmental Toxicity
22.02.2008 | Faroes statement

Safe Products for Children
Expert Panel in Munich (Text in German)
20.02.2008 | Johanna Hausmann

No Climate Justice without Gender Justice
Women in Europe for a Common Future (WECF) ask for clear Gender Perspective on Climate Change at the UNEP 10th Special Session in Monaco
19.02.2008 | Chantal van den Bossche

Development of the SAICM process
Report of 3rd EU-JUSSCANNZ meeting in Paris 12 Feb 08
18.02.2008 | Sonja Haider

"Jullie zaaien voor mijn toekomst"
"Planting the seeds for our future"; WECF work featured in Nieuwe Oogst Magazine (text in Dutch)
15.02.2008 | Nieuwe Oogst Magazine

Hoe gifvrij ben jij?
Detoxen is hot ...
13.02.2008 | Santé Magazine, The Netherlands

Europe's biggest agricultural region Andalusia drastically reduces use of pesticide
Greenpeace campaign has been succesful
13.02.2008 | Chantal van den Bossche

Start des UN-Sanitärjahrs in EU
20 Millionen EU-Bürger verfügen über keine vernünftigen Toiletten
07.02.2008 | Nürnberger Zeitung

Verbod chemische stoffen in speelgoed
De Europese Commissie heeft onlangs een voorstel ingediend ter herziening van de Europese Speelgoedrichtlijn ...
01.02.2008 | De Telegraaf, The Netherlands

Die sanitären Verhältnisse stinken zum Himmel
In der Europäischen Union sind 20 Millionen Bürger ohne Toilette, vor allem im ländlichen Osteuropa
01.02.2008 | Basler Zeitung

Women for Environment

Youth Ecological Center
Ecological and water sanitary for the communities in south Tajikistan

New world-outlook is a new quality of life

Verein zur Hilfe umweltbedingt Erkrankter

Viktorija 99

Ural's Women Network (Kashli)

Sustainable development of agriculture in Kyrgyzstan through organic farming

Civic Environmental Foundation


Improve the socio-economic status of the Georgian population, protect the environment.

Savstarpejas Palidizibas Sabiedriba (Mutual Aid Association)

Healthy Environment for Healthy Life

Ozone Citizen Association

Mountain Club "Jabagly – Manas"
Improve the health of people living around EPNTs in Kazakhstan

Katachel e.V.
Union for Humanitarian Aid in Afghanistan

Geo San

IDS Initiatives de Développement Stratégique

Femei Pentru un Viitor Curat (FVC)

Environmental Ambassadors

Ecological Education, Biodiversity Conservation and Environment Protection, Water Ressources Policy

Help and advice authorities and population to manage the river in sustainable way

Eco-sense / Eko-svest

Center for Environment and Sustainable Development


Central Asian Alliance for Water

Black Sea Women's Club
Protection of water resources and sustainable development in the black sea region

Local communities of Kyrgyzstan - for environmental safety!

S D C A Society Development Centre of Akhaltsikhe
The Sun is Our Friend

Access to Safe Sanitation –
a Right for all EU citizens

High-Level Policy Dialogue on EU Sanitation Policies and Practices in Brussels - New EU Documentary
29.01.2008 | Chantal van den Bossche

Commission proposes strict limits on chemicals in toys
Statement of Sascha Gabizon
28.01.2008 |

No toxic substances in children's toys
WECF demands a ban on all hazardous substances in toys as European Commission presents draft proposal for new toys directive
25.01.2008 | Chantal van den Bossche

New nuclear power plants?
Six reasons why building new nuclear power plants will not provide a solution for climate change and shortage of energy (text in German)
23.01.2008 | Johanna Hausmann

Twenty million Europeans lack safe sanitation
The United Nations have declared 2008 as the International Year of Sanitation to bring sanitation on top of the agenda of policy makers worldwide.
21.01.2008 | Chantal van den Bossche

Politics and Prevention
Linking breast cancer and our environment. Tens of thousands of cases of breast cancer could be prevented in the EU if environmental and occupational factors were recognised as contributary factors in the rising breast cancer epidemic. A report by WECF.
18.01.2008 | Chantal van den Bossche

The Problems of the Prislopians
Prislop is a small Roma village in the heart of Romania. The three hundred inhabitants are living in poor circumstances...
14.01.2008 | Saar Sleegers

Nuclear Power increases child leukaemia risk
Children living within three miles of nuclear power stations are more than twice as likely to get leukaemia as those who live further away, scientists say
10.01.2008 | The Telegraph UK, Nic Fleming

Training conference “Solid Waste” in December 2007 in Minsk/Belarus
Project “Developing multi-stakeholder co-operation in the areas of water, waste and energy in Belarus”
09.01.2008 | Anke Stock

Asbestos a silent killer on a global scale - WECFs work on asbestos and the Rotterdam Convention
Asbestos is banned in most industrialized countries: yet it is the biggest occupational killer worldwide: the International Labor Organization estimates asbestos causes 100,000 deaths globally every year through occupational exposure alone. Still asbestos is being produced by many countries, including Canada and Kazakhstan.
01.01.2008 | WECF Campaign

European Eco-Forum’s Aarhus Strategy Meeting
On 17 and 18 December 2007 the European Eco-Forum’s Strategy Meeting on the Aarhus Convention took place in Vienna
19.12.2007 | Anke Stock

The Right to a Healthy Environment
How to use international legal mechanism for the protection of our environment and our health – a manual

WECF present at 5th Global Forum on Sustainable Development
How to address the complex problems of our increasingly globalized and unpredictable world?
19.12.2007 | Chantal van den Bossche

German research confirms: radiation of nuclear power plants increases number of children with cancer
WECF and German Environmental Institute speak out in Bali against nuclear energy as a solution for climate change
14.12.2007 | Chantal van den Bossche

Don't Nuke the Climate!
WECF organizes anti-nuclear protest at Climate Conference in Bali
13.12.2007 | WECF Event

Don't Nuke the Planet!
WECF organizes anti-nuclear protest at Climate Conference in Bali (text in English and German)
13.12.2007 | Sabine Bock

Frauenansichten 2008/ Women's Views 2008 (text in German)
Ein Lesekalender zu Umwelt und Gesundheit. Erfahrungen, Einschätzungen, Praxistipps; a calendar in bookform about women, the environment and our health;
12.12.2007 | Johanna Hausmann

International Year of Sanitation
WECF high level meeting to open International Year of Sanitation in Brussels on January, 29th 2008
10.12.2007 | Chantal van den Bossche

WECF and Umweltinstitut München speak about nuclear energy at Climate Conference in Bali
Both organisations joined hands to speak at the UNFCCC – COP 13 / MOP 3 Side Event on Tuesday, December 11, 2007 from 6:00 - 8:00 PM
10.12.2007 | Sabine Bock

WECF and Umweltinstitut München provide background on nuclear energy
Critical information is presented at an exhibit space at the UNFCCC in Bali, December 3 - 14.
10.12.2007 | Sabine Bock

What is the Story of Stuff?
The Story of Stuff is a 20-minute, fast-paced, fact-filled look at the downside of our production and consumption patterns
10.12.2007 | Chantal van den Bossche

Global warming can not be tackled with hazardous technologies
WECF member states at UN climate conference in Bali: "Nuclear energy will neither save us nor the climate".
07.12.2007 | Sabine Bock

Nuclear is not a solution, it is too great a risk
WECF and Umweltinstitut München (Germany) publish flyers in which it states not to consider nuclear power an instrument to answer the challenge of climate change

WECF at Bali UN Climate Change Conference
Posters of Mayak exhibition show that nuclear energy is not a solution to climate change

Shoppers guide for toxic-free products
Pocket size guide informs about consumers' rights under REACH

gendercc -- women for climate justice - WECF is part of it
For the first time in UNFCCC history, a world wide coalition of women will present joint positions on the most pressing issues negotiated in Bali.
06.12.2007 | Sabine Bock

WECF and Umweltinstitut München, Germany: Keep nuclear energy out!
Both organisations demand nuclear free final statement Climate Conference
06.12.2007 | Sabine Bock

WECF launches shoppers guide for toxic-free products
Pocket size guide informs about consumer’s rights under REACH
06.12.2007 | Daniela Rosche

What your baby wants – a healthy start from the very beginning! helps European parents-to-be create a healthy surrounding for their child in six languages
05.12.2007 | Chantal van den Bossche

Urgent Need to Address the Sanitation Crisis Worldwide
The Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA) welcomes the launch of the International Year of Sanitation 2008 through the UN
05.12.2007 | Chantal van den Bossche

Cancer and Environmental Chemicals
New policy adopted by California Medical Association
05.12.2007 | Chantal van den Bossche

Aarhus Convention: reporting cycle for 3rd meeting of the parties
Call for Action
05.12.2007 | Anke Stock

WECF at Bali UN Climate Change Conference
Nuclear is not a solution to climate change
30.11.2007 | Sascha Gabizon

Aarhus Convention: Third Meeting of the Task Force on Public Participation in International Forums
The Almaty Guidelines and their future after MOP 3
30.11.2007 | Anke Stock

End of project conference in Varna, Bulgaria
Closing conference of the project “Developing a model for sustainable water and waste management in rural areas in Bulgaria“, November 15-16, 2007, Varna, Bulgaria.
29.11.2007 | Bistra Mihaylova

WAVE Report 2007 Available
Women as the voice for the right to a healthy environment
23.11.2007 | Jasmine Osorio

Training conference “Water and Sanitation” in October 2007 in Belarus
On October 26 - 27, 2007 WECF together with its local partner Ecoproject Partnership from Belarus conducted a training on water and sanitation
22.11.2007 | Anke Stock

Armenian Women for Health and Healthy Environment produce cartoon
cartoon aims to draw attention to Global Day of Action against Waste and Incineration
22.11.2007 | Chantal van den Bossche

Newest development on REACH
22.11.2007 | Sascha Gabizon

EU "must redouble environment and health efforts"
Europe must work hard to meet objectives set for 2010 on reducing the health impacts of environmental pollution, according a draft resolution.
19.11.2007 | Chantal van den Bossche

Environmental and Occupational Causes of Cancer 2005-2007
New update on CHE report on multi-factorial causes of cancer
19.11.2007 | Chantal van den Bossche

WECF presents Green Chemistry at TU Delft
WECF spoke to an auditorium full of technical students and representatives of the chemical industry on Thursday 8 November, at the Technical University of Delft, Netherlands.
19.11.2007 | Chantal van den Bossche

Dutch minister-president Balkenende addresses the issue of the right to water in his speech at the Delft University, on November 1st, 2007 .
Dutch Prime Minister states that the Netherlands should recognise the right to water as soon as possible
15.11.2007 | Chantal van den Bossche

WAVE Belgrade Declaration- adopted
120 participants from 30 countries call for the Right to a Healthy Environment
13.11.2007 | Jasmine Osorio

Gesunde Umwelt – gesunder Start ins Leben!
WECF erarbeitet in Bonn und Berlin mit Hebammen, GynäkologInnen und ExpertInnen Möglichkeiten, Kinder besser vor Unfällen und Schadstoffen zu schützen (text in German)
13.11.2007 | Johanna Hausmann

WECF International Advisory Council
WECF has a new Advisory Council made up of key international people from the WECF network.
13.11.2007 | Chantal van den Bossche

Ecological Sanitation and Associated Hygenic Risks
An overview of existing policy making guidelines and research.

WECF on TV in France and Germany
ARTE shows documentary on WECF project in Roma settlement, Romania
07.11.2007 | Chantal van den Bossche

Safe Sanitation and Water supply for 30,000 low-income people in the EECCA region
WECF MFS-programme “Empowerment and Local Action” starts in 10 countries
07.11.2007 | Chantal van den Bossche

Towards a sustainable rural Overijssel
Two day training for female enterpreneurs, Netherlands (text in Dutch)
06.11.2007 | Chantal van den Bossche

International Conference on Chemical Safety in Yerevan, Armenia
WECF’s member organisation AWHHE, Armenian Women for Health and a Healthy Environment, organised end of October an international conference on Chemical Safety. The conference was well attended by national government representatives, international agencies based in Yerevan and national and international experts and NGO’s .
01.11.2007 | Chantal van den Bossche

The right to a healthy environment
WECF speaks at final plenary session of UNECE "Environment for Europe" Conference in Belgrade, Serbia.
01.11.2007 | Chantal van den Bossche

European Environment Ministers against Nuclear
Nuclear power is not compatible with Sustainable Development
30.10.2007 | Sascha Gabizon

Sustainable Rural Development in Ukraine
Demonstrating solutions for water supply, sanitation and agriculture

Real men are polluters, say the Swedes
Foreign ministry of Sweden report finds a small group of males responsible for disproportionate amount of emissions.
29.10.2007 | Chantal van den Bossche

WECF shows how to re-use urine in agriculture on German TV
WECF Expertin über Düngen mit Urin, Videobericht über die Anwendung von Ökotoiletten (text in German)
26.10.2007 | Johanna Hausmann

Navigating REACH
Chemical Reaction publishes a comprehensive guide to REACH.
18.10.2007 | Sonja Haider

WAVE Lunch - Environment for Europe conference, Belgrade
Women Environmental Ministers join UNEP Executive Director and Grassroots Women Leaders in Support of a Women’s Agenda for the Right to a Healthy Environment.
11.10.2007 | Clarie Greensfelder

Women's Environment organisation organise a conference for the right to a healthy environment
Women in Europe for a Common Future (WECF) aktiv bei der UNECE Konferenz „Umwelt für Europa“ im Rahmen der Europäischen Umweltministerkonferenz in Belgrad (text in German)
09.10.2007 | Johanna Hausmann

50 years after the nuclear accident in Mayak, Russia - lessons have not been learned
Mayak 1957, Tschernobyl 1986 – und wenig dazugelernt, WECF fordert die Abkehr von der Atomenergie (text in German)
02.10.2007 | Johanna Hausmann

Fifty years after Mayak
Mayak 1957 - Tchernobyl 1986 - We haven't learned much from the past (tekst in het Nederlands)
27.09.2007 | WECF Press Release

Notification from EEA - Belgrade
A text in Russian from the European Environment Agency.
25.09.2007 | Sascha Gabizon

WECF helps to promote ecological sanitation in UK
20.09.2007 | Solomiya Babyak

Almaty Guidelines on PPIF
Request for comments.
10.09.2007 | Anke Stock

WAVE conference
Women as the Voice for the Right to a Healthy Environment
31.08.2007 | Chantal van den Bossche

Urine Diverting Toilets in Climates with Cold Winters
Technical considerations and the reuse of nutrients with a focus on legal and hygienic aspects.

Urine Diverting Toilets in Climates with Cold Winters
Technical considerations and the reuse of nutrients with a focus on legal and hygienic aspects.
28.08.2007 | Margriet Samwel

The Faroes Statement: Human Health Effects of Developmental
Exposure to Chemicals in Our Environment
17.08.2007 | Sascha Gabizon

The Cost of Poverty (Armenia)
WECF Partner Video on Energy Poverty and Indoor Air Pollution in Armenia, as seen by the Ministers of Health and Environment of the WHO Europe Region
16.08.2007 | Jasmine Osorio

Our children have a right to a healthy environment – right from the start
Review of children’s health and environment events Vienna, June 12-15, 2007
15.08.2007 | Jasmine Osorio

Organic agriculture can feed the world according to FAO
15.08.2007 | Sascha Gabizon

Too high lead levels
Massive recall of plastic toys
13.08.2007 | Sascha Gabizon

A first EU policy document on adaptation to the impacts on climate change
02.08.2007 | Solomiya Babyak

WECF and partner developed data sheets of three ecosan school projects
A contribution to the GTZ project: developing a data base of interesting ecosan case studies from around the world.
18.07.2007 | Margriet Samwel

WECF realized electricity project in Prislop
More households are connected to the electricity network
16.07.2007 | Margriet Samwel

Awards highlight eco-tech measures that can save children’s lives
3 WECF Partners and 1 WECF Member were among the top 15 winners to showcase their projects at the Vienna Health and Environment Inter-ministerial Conference
16.07.2007 | WECF Press Release

WECF Strategy Meeting
Some photo impressions of the meeting - take a look!
11.07.2007 | WECF

Film about WECF project in Prislop/Romania
Welcome to the European Communitiy / Willkommen in der europäischen Union

Public Participation
11.07.2007 | Anke Stock

Eine kindgerechte Welt
Sonja Haider von WECF berichtet in der Mai Ausgabe von AGENDA (Zeitung für kulturelle Vielfalt und Nachhaltigkeit) über eine schadstoff- und unfallvermeidende Raumgestaltung von Kinderzimmern
10.07.2007 | Johanna Hausmann

Aarhus Convention and the European Union
Regulation (EC) No. 1367/2006 on the application of the provisions of the Aarhus Convention to European Community institutions and bodies - applicable since 28 June 2007
10.07.2007 | Anke Stock

UN/ECE: Aarhus Convention
Workshop on Involving the Public in International Forums Dealing with Matters Relating to the Environment – Geneva June 20-21, 2007
10.07.2007 | Anke Stock

European Environmental Policy
Meeting between NGO and Minister on the Environment, 19th of June (text in Dutch)
26.06.2007 | Sascha Gabizon

Call for Action
26.06.2007 | Anke Stock

Children have a right to a healthy environment
WHO should set up a competition for the best children's environmental health programme. (Text in German)
20.06.2007 | Johanna Hausmann

CEHAPE Process - Children's healthy environment
WECF Partners from Armenia, Romania and Georgia won "Best-practice-Award" in Vienna (text in German)
15.06.2007 | Johanna Hausmann

International Symposium in Garla Mare
For teachers of primary schools in Mehedinti county
15.06.2007 | Annemarie Mohr

Armenia: Toxic Dump Threatens Health
“…landslides have moved it 10 meters away [from its original location] and the result is that toxic chemicals leak into soil…”
12.06.2007 | Sascha Gabizon

Common chemicals pose danger for fetuses, scientists warm
Exposure to toxic materials in the womb can cause health problems later in life, an international panel declares.
07.06.2007 | Sascha Gabizon

Aarhus Convention
Reporting cycle for the 3rd Meeting of the Parties – Public Consulation between May and August 2007.
07.06.2007 | Anke Stock

Start-up Meeting in Minsk
WECF’s project team, consisting of Kitty Bentvelsen, Solomiya Babyak, Sabine Bock and Anke Stock, visited Minsk from May 21-28, 2007.
03.06.2007 | Anke Stock

Now Used In Nearly 500 Everyday Products
31.05.2007 | Sascha Gabizon

Fetuses, babies said at high risk from pollutants
Fetuses and babies are more vulnerable than previously thought to chemical pollutants that can cause disease or disability, even in tiny doses that do not harm adults, about 200 scientists said.
31.05.2007 | Sascha Gabizon

Too early to celebrate REACH
Flaws and weaknesses, say environmental and health NGOs.
25.05.2007 | Sonja Haider

Stopping Children’s Chemical Contamination
WECF/HEAL workshop in Bratislava
21.05.2007 | Jasmine Osorio

Biofuel - a sustainable choice is possible!
Common statement of WECF and Unser Land to biofuels for the CSD 15 in New York from the April 30 - May 11, 2007.
21.05.2007 | Sabine Bock

UN/ECE: Aarhus Convention
Workshop on Involving the Public in International Forums Dealing with Matters Relating to the Environment – Geneva 20 and 21 June 2007
16.05.2007 | Anke Stock

High Level Multi-stakeholder Dialogue
Question from the Dutch Minister to Women as a Major Group
16.05.2007 | Sabine Bock

Toxic breathing indoors - WECFs policy recommendations to indoor pollution for the CSD 15
Indoor pollution is the reason for 21.000 deaths in the European region a year -
14.05.2007 | Sabine Bock

WECF safe energy working group meeting, May 4, New York
Eight women from six different countries talked about status quo and future common activities
14.05.2007 | Sabine Bock

Lessons are not learnt
The deadly face of nuclear energy
14.05.2007 | Sabine Bock

WECF CSD 15 side event May 2, 2007 - "From Best Practice to Policy”
Effective policies for countries in transition to address indoor and outdoor air pollution, health effects from nuclear industry and promotion of energy efficiency and Renewables.
14.05.2007 | Sabine Bock

Recht auf Schutz vor Gentechnik - auch für Ihren Mais!
Newsletter on GMOS (text in German)
11.05.2007 | Sabine Brückmann

EcoSan Seminar in Bulgaria
Alternative for Wise Management of Human Waste and Waste Water
09.05.2007 | Bistra Mihaylova

World Cafe Chemicals
Results of an interesting dialogue between industry and consumers.
09.05.2007 | Sonja Haider

Aarhus Convention
Results of the Working Group Meeting, May 2007
07.05.2007 | Anke Stock

Women as the Voice for the Right to a Healthy Environment
WECF took part in the UNECE "Environment for Europe" Conference from October 10 - 12, 2007 in Belgrade, Serbia and held its own network meeting
01.05.2007 | WECF Event

GMOs on the march
The 'Golden Potato': a new source of beta-carotene
25.04.2007 | Ger Roebeling

Integrating Health into Lisbon has reached Commission ears!
Results of the Consultative Forum on the Midterm Review of the Environment and Health Action plan
24.04.2007 | Jasmine Osorio

WECF Report: Environmental Health and the Lisbon Agenda
WECF makes report and summary from the High Level Roundtable in Brussels available online.
24.04.2007 | Jasmine Osorio

MATRA Project Belarus
First planning meeting on March 15-16, 2007 in Munich
02.04.2007 | Anke Stock

Stakeholder dialogue session organised by DG Sanco, Brussels, March 22
DG Sanco presented three risk assessment committees
29.03.2007 | Sonja Haider

Workshop in Almaty "Towards a Toxic Free Future", Feb. 11-13. 2007
Impact of toxic chemicals on the Environment and Public health in Central Asia: Ways to address problems
29.03.2007 | Sonja Haider

New Dutch flyer Sustainable Rural Development
WECF project introduces Unser Land in Dutch Provence Overijssel
27.03.2007 | Irma Thijssen

New Brochure "A Healthy Baby" - by PGM, WECF and Ecobaby
Important information for future parents: environmental pollution, chemicals, pregnancy and breastmilk
27.03.2007 | Irma Thijssen

New Green Public Procurement website launched
The European Commission would like to inform you about its recently launched new website on Green Public Procurement.
26.03.2007 | Sascha Gabizon

GTZ Ecosanitation Newsletter
Find out was is currently happening in the ecosan world.
26.03.2007 | Sascha Gabizon

EcoSanRes: Liberal Democrats adopt motion on water and development
Good news for eco san. UK liberal democrat ( third largest party in UK parliament) adopt motion on water and development and also calls for adoption of eco friendly solutions.
26.03.2007 | Sascha Gabizon

Open Letter on GMOs
An open letter to German minister Miller on stopping GMO tests. (Text in German)
17.03.2007 | Sabine Brückmann

Keep GMOs out of organic food!
European Parliament to vote on new EU law.
17.03.2007 | Sascha Gabizon

Towards a Toxic Free Future - final report
Final Report of the 3rd project year of the Dutch WECF project; WECF and the partners organized more than 70 workshops for 2600 women
09.03.2007 | Irma Thijssen

Upcoming events: Training on onsite ecological waste water and sanitation
WECF organises seminars in Romania (29-30 March) and Bulgaria (12-13 April)
08.03.2007 | Margriet Samwel

Eco-Forum NGO preparation Belgrade Ministerial Conference Environment for Europe October 2007
WECF members involved in the preparations, in particular the side-event and ministerial round table on Biodiversity
08.03.2007 | Sascha Gabizon

WECF factsheet on the EU Lisbon Strategy
Accompanying information for the WECF Eco-Efficiency High level Round Table in Brussels

WECF factsheet on the EU Sustainable Development Strategy
Accompanying information for the WECF Eco-Efficiency High level Round Table in Brussels

WECF factsheet on Eco-Efficiency
Accompanying information for the WECF Eco-Efficiency High level Round Table in Brussels

WECF briefing on the Environmental Burden of Disease
Accompanying information for the WECF Eco-Efficiency High level Round Table in Brussels

WECF discussion paper on "A Healthy Population at the Heart of the EU Economic Strategy"
Accompanying information for the WECF Eco-Efficiency High level Round Table in Brussels

Results of the NGO preparation for the Vienna Health and Environment Inter - Minsterial Conference 13-15 June 2007
WECF and HEAL organise NGO input: side-event, NGO award ceremony and plenary session
08.03.2007 | Sascha Gabizon

WECF Work Programme 2007
Planned Activities of the WECF Network for the Year 2007

WECF Work Programme 2007
Planned Activities of the WECF Network for the Year 2007
06.03.2007 | Sascha Gabizon

Summary of CEHAPE Taskforce meeting, Brussels 1st of March 2007
WECF sees progress on Children's Environmental Health Programme
06.03.2007 | Sonja Haider

Meeting of the Parties (MOP-1) - Water and Health Protocoll
Including reports and summaries of the meeting.
06.03.2007 | Anna Tsvietkova

Energy and sustainable development at the preparatory CSD 15 meeting
Women's final statement on air pollution/atmosphere and climate change
01.03.2007 | Sascha Gabizon

The EU environmental NGO Statement on CSD 15
WECF provides input on countries in transition on energy poverty, nuclear risk and climate change
01.03.2007 | Sabine Bock

Report of project Eco Efficiency and High-Level Roundtable
WECF project on Environmental Burden of Disease and the Lisbon Agenda
01.03.2007 | Irma Thijssen

NGO Preparatory meeting
The Intergovernmental Mid Term Review in Vienna
27.02.2007 | Sascha Gabizon

Aarhus Convention
Campaign on Public Participation – NGOs Input
23.02.2007 | Anke Stock

New ecosan project started in Kyrgyzstan
Thirty participants met in Bishkek for a training on ecological sanitation and project planning from December 5 – 10, 2006
22.02.2007 | Gero Fedtke

"The Deadly Chemicals in Cotton"
Publication by EJF and PAN UK in 2007
22.02.2007 | Sascha Gabizon

Other people's waste
An industry has developed in Germany for the incineration of hazardous wastes, but the public reaction is all but positive. Text in German.
22.02.2007 | Sonja Haider

Fetal Exposure to Common Chemicals Can Activate Obesity
Exposure to environmental chemicals found in everyday plastics and pesticides while in the womb may make a person more prone to obesity later in life, new research indicates.
20.02.2007 | Sascha Gabizon

WECF continues lobby on Lisbon and Environmental Health
WECF sends letter to EU Heads of State and Ministers of Environment, Health and Competitiveness
19.02.2007 | Jasmine Osorio

UNEP 8th Civil Society Forum
Towards a UNEO and Civil Society Statement on Chemicals, Water, Globalization...
19.02.2007 | Sascha Gabizon

Malaria can be curbed without DDT use
“The NEMA directors approved the use of DDT but with conditionalities which Uganda’s present environmental standards can hardly meet.”
19.02.2007 | John Ken Lukyamuzi

UNEP - Equal participation in decision-making
Government survey
19.02.2007 | Sascha Gabizon

Belgrade Environmental Ministers Conference
The draf Agenda is available now.
18.02.2007 | Sascha Gabizon

UNEP - decisions and timetables
UNEP 24th session of the Governing Council and Global Ministerial Environment Forum
16.02.2007 | Sascha Gabizon

Biodiversity NGOs send letter to Belgrade Ministerial
They are asking the chair to keep the Biodiversity panel as part of the official ministerial conference, not a 'parallel' event.
16.02.2007 | Sascha Gabizon

Breast cancer epidemic in Europe
Chemical contaminants are not mentioned
16.02.2007 | Daniela Rosche

What action do women want on climate change?
15.02.2007 | Helen Lynn

MEPs vote for European recycling society...
...and to cut our waste!
15.02.2007 | Sascha Gabizon

REACH - Fortschritt oder Mogelpackung?
telepopolis lässt die Entstehung der Richtlinie Revue passieren und nimmt noch einmal zu den Forderungen von WECF Stellung
15.02.2007 | Johanna Hausmann

Allergy to hair dye
Its incidence is rising, as more and younger people dye their hair
09.02.2007 | Helen Lynn

Babies high exposure to Perfluroinated Chemicals
The sources are from non sticking frying pans and similar products
09.02.2007 | Sascha Gabizon

Toxic grapes in european supermarket
A 12-kilogramme child eating just ten of these heavily contaminated grapes can already suffer damage to health
09.02.2007 | Sascha Gabizon

Opportunities for wastewater treatment in rural areas in Eastern Europe
Developing a model for water and waste management in rural areas in Bulgaria

HEAL launches mercury report at European Parliament
WECF members hair tested on mercury
15.01.2007 | Sascha Gabizon

Breast Cancer: Policy and Prevention
Linking Breast cancer and our environment; is chemical exposure the missing link factor in the rise of the breast cancer epidemic?
01.01.2007 | WECF Campaign

WECF sends Policy Recommendations to EU on Environmental health and Lisbon strategy
Low dose effects of pollutants on the development of (unborn) children
18.12.2006 | Marie Kranendonk

Germany paves way for ratification of the Aarhus Convention
Three acts on the Aarhus Convention entered into force on 15 and 16 December 2006
18.12.2006 | Anke Stock

Stay Healthy, Stop Mercury! campaign
Halting the child brain drain
18.12.2006 | Monica Guarinoni, HEAL

REACH: barely alive and in critical condition
European Parliament rubberstamps second reading REACH deal
13.12.2006 | Daniela Rosche

NGO Participation Wanted
Full Report of the Second Task Force Meeting on Public Particiaption in International Forums, Geneva, 9 and 10 November 2006
13.12.2006 | Anke Stock

Kyrgyzstan and Ukraine are blocking the ban on chrysotil asbestos
Despite severe health effects.
07.12.2006 | Sonja Haider

WECF in Newsletter Fondation Ensemble
WECF on Ecological Sanitation as a new approach in Romania and Ukraine
07.12.2006 | Anne Barre

Greenpeace Ranking!
Electronic Companies Race for Top Spot in Greenpeace Guide to Greener Electronics
06.12.2006 | Iza Kruszewska, Greenpeace

Implementing a new chemicals safety framework
EU and JUSSCANNZ countries discuss chemical safety at regional SAICM meeting
05.12.2006 | Daniela Rosche

REACH emasculated in closed- door deal
European Parliament and Council agree on second reading compromise for chemicals legislation
01.12.2006 | Daniela Rosche

Pollutants' links with diseases "underestimated"
European press prints conclusions of WECF conference in Brussels
01.12.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

WECF Press release: DG Environment denies having exaggerated environmental health risks in the past
In response to an article in ENDS Europe Daily
30.11.2006 | Irma Thijssen

Clean, clever and competitive from a citizen’s perspective
WECF International High-Level Roundtable on Environmental Health aspects of the Lisbon Agenda and the SDS, Nov 27, Brussels
29.11.2006 | Irma Thijssen

Chemicals, cancer and pollution
500 scientists, medical professionals and NGOs participate Paris Appeal II congress on chemicals, cancer and environmental pollution
28.11.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Please support Online Campaign on pesticide Paraquat
Tens of thousands of people are poisoned by the Syngenta herbicide Paraquat every year
27.11.2006 | Sofia Parente PAN

New Research in Spain
A large study in Spain of the impacts of prenatal exposure to organochlorine.
27.11.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

UN Climate Change Conference 2006, Nairobi
"Pulling together for out planet"
27.11.2006 | Sabine Bock

Danger: chemical hazards
Article by Harvard professor on health dangers from chemicals - speaker at WECF conference
27.11.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Conclusion of the WECF partnership project “Sustainable development for All”
Inauguration of an ecological toilet for the town hall in Garla Mare, Romania.
27.11.2006 | Margriet Samwel

WECF press release
European women sound alarm over health threats from everyday chemicals; discussion with all stakeholders at High-Level Roundtable 27 November, Brussels
24.11.2006 | Irma Thijssen

No early compromise at any cost!
NGOs urge Members of European Parliament to avoid a weak REACH compromise
23.11.2006 | Daniela Rosche

European Water Partnership
WECF at European Water Partnership planning meeting Brussels on October 25
22.11.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

New Eco-San School toilet opened in Armenia
On October 20, 2006, the first Dry-Urine Diverting school toilet in Armenia was put to use in the village of Hayanist.
22.11.2006 | Gero Fedtke

German TV shows WECF project in Romania: Poverty in Roma village
ZDF zeigte am 19 Nov. 2006 einen Beitrag zum WECF Projekt in Rumanien
21.11.2006 | Johanna Hausmann

WECF presents new factsheets
Factsheets on the EU Lisbon Agenda, the EU Sustainable Development Strategy, and Eco-Efficiency, and a Briefing on the Environmental Burden of Disease
21.11.2006 | Irma Thijssen

PBDEs and PCBs in Computers, Cars, and Homes
Note that both pentaBDE and octaBDE have been nominated for inclusion in the Stockholm Convention.
16.11.2006 | Sonja Haider

World Bank Fund targets Armenia's poor.
Heating for schools, potable water in homes and rehabilitated irrigation systems for 100 villages
16.11.2006 | Gero Fedtke

Seventy-one percent of EU citizens are worried about pesticide residues in food
A great concern for new EU-citizens in Central and Eastern Europe
16.11.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Public Participation in International Forums
Second Meeting of Task Force on Public Participation in International Forums (Geneva, 9/10 November 2006)
15.11.2006 | Anke Stock

Munich Climate Cafe
Innovative methods for innovative ideas to stop climate change.
15.11.2006 | Hanno Langfelder

Opening ceremony
The opening ceremony of ecosan school toilet in Armenia on October 20 2006
12.11.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

WECF Presentation
Developing a model for sustainable water and waste management in rural areas in Bulgaria
11.11.2006 | Bistra Mihaylova

Industrial chemicals cause brain damage in children worldwide
Prof. Grandjean from Harvard University, Boston USA, one of the key-note speakers of the WECF High-Level roundtable on November 27, presents alarming research in The Lancet
11.11.2006 | Irma Thijssen

Women's and Health Organizations write letter to Dutch politicians
WECF, and 6 other networks ask to put environmental health higher on the political agenda (Dutch text)
10.11.2006 | Irma Thijssen

Infrastructure, hygenic education and schooling for people in Romania
WECF continues with the successful health and hygiene project in Prislop, supported by Hewlett Packard.
09.11.2006 | Margriet Samwel

Afghanistan: project report November 2006
Second school opened and 50 wells built. Breakthrough in ecological sanitation achieved.
06.11.2006 | Gero Fedtke

Prominente engagieren sich für den Schutz vor gefährlichen
Greenpeace untersuchte das Blut von vier Prominenten aus
06.11.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Chemicals management may be getting tougher
The effects of Canada’s assessment of chemicals and the new European chemicals law are likely to reverberate through the international market.
02.11.2006 | Helen Lynn

World Cafe zum Klimawandel
Wie schaffen wir verantworltliches Handeln im Klimaschutz?
02.11.2006 | Hanno Langfelder

Press release of WECF member - planet of hopes
"Mayak" used 2,000 pregnant women in dangerous clean up of nuclear disaster
02.11.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

The true economic facts of REACH
NGOs write report on true economic facts and figures of REACH
01.11.2006 | Daniela Rosche

Make Lidl pesticide free!
European NGOs ask Lidl to reduce pesticide residues in all European stores
01.11.2006 | Daniela Rosche

No more breastcancer!
REACH can help eliminating chemicals linked to breastcancer
01.11.2006 | Daniela Rosche

Failure to Manage Global Warming Would Cripple World Economy
Stern Report on Climate Change
31.10.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Romania Harvests Trouble With Its GM Crops
31.10.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Aktion "Atomausstieg selber machen!" in Deutschland
Es wächst und wächst! (Text in German)
30.10.2006 | Sonja Haider

Stand Up Against Poverty
World record attempt Stand Up Against Poverty 15 & 16 oktober
30.10.2006 | Ger Roebeling

Final Report out.
Fifth Session of the Intergovernmental Forum on Chemical Safety Budapest (Forum V)
30.10.2006 | Sonja Haider

Germ fighter works as endocrine disrupter
Triclosan, popular in soaps and lotions, perturbs the thyroid system of frogs and humans
30.10.2006 | Helen Lynn

The Fourth CEHAPE task force meeting
The Fourth meeting of CEHAPE Task Force took place in Limassol, Cyprus, on 16 - 17 October 2006.
30.10.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

WECF training on advocacy and lobbying
Successfull WECF's training on advocacy and lobbying for women's organizations on Oct 19
30.10.2006 | Irma Thijssen

WECF workshops reach over 1000 women
25 Workshops on Toxic Free Future organized by WECF, 4VO (rural women's organizations) and Tiye (black and migrant women's organizations)
30.10.2006 | Irma Thijssen

We are getting there!
San Francisco bans toxic chemicals in toys and gets sued by companies for doing so
27.10.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

EU-15 can reach its Kyoto Protocol target
New EEA report Greenhouse gas emission projections in Europe
27.10.2006 | Sonja Haider

European Energy
New policies for sustainable energy consumption
27.10.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Step forward!
EU Industry Commissioner Verheugen in favour of substitution of hazardous chemicals
26.10.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

BUND warnt vor Waschmaschine mit Nanopartikeln
Samsung und Media Markt sollen "Silver Nano Health System®" vom Markt nehmen
24.10.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Puberty at kindergarten age
A Search for the Environmental Causes
24.10.2006 | Helen Lynn

European Policy Update 22
17.10.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Windsor study
Questions about work history and breast cancer risk
17.10.2006 | Helen Lynn

European parliament weakens air quality
350.000 Europeans die each year from air pollution such as fine particles from car exhausts (text in Dutch)
17.10.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Not another Chernobyl
WECF participated in a protest action against Nuclear Power Plant in Belene
17.10.2006 | Bistra Mihaylova

The alternative pesticide residues report
A report by the Pesticides Action Network UK.
17.10.2006 | Margriet Samwel

Pesticide residues data in food now available
The Netherlands finally provides access to food testing data (text in Dutch)
16.10.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Nanotech in Your Moisturizer?
List with 250 cosmetics products containing nanotech
16.10.2006 | Helen Lynn

EU Parliament votes for safe chemicals
Environment Committee backs the substitution of hazardous chemicals in REACH
11.10.2006 | Daniela Rosche

Women and their Toxic World
A booklet by WECF on chemicals, women and everyday life.
09.10.2006 | Daniela Rosche & Sascha Gabizon

UPDATE: "Women and their Toxic World" launched at European Parliament
Report from the WECF event on 4 October
09.10.2006 | Daniela Rosche & Sascha Gabizon

Success on biofuels in the EP Industry committee
MEPs demand EU ban on palm oil biofuels
09.10.2006 | Margriet Samwel

WECF and MAMA-86 present results 3 year MATRA project Ukraine
More than 100 participants at multi-stakeholder seminar on public participation in water sector improvement
09.10.2006 | Anna Tsvetkova & Sascha Gabizon

Lidl Germany lists out table grapes because of too high pesticide residues
09.10.2006 | Margriet Samwel

Another Chernobyl....
If the banks finance the nuclear reactor in Belene, Bulgaria there is the risk of a further Chernobyl. Text in German.
09.10.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

WECF and WfW at the Stockholm World Water Week, August 2006
Exchanging experiences on water and sanitation, from local to international
05.10.2006 | Sabine Bock

Another brand-new ecosan school toilet in Ukraine
The second ecosan school toilet has been constructed and opened for use in Ukraine (village of Bobryk, Chernigiv oblast) in the framework of the project “Cooperation for Sustainable Rural Development”
05.10.2006 | Solomiya Babyak

EU: REACH Decision Draws Closer
Decision time edging closer for EU-chemicals law
05.10.2006 | Daniela Rosche

WECF director speaks at Paris Appeal Cancer Congress, 9. November 2006, Paris
Health risks of hazardous chemicals for women and children
05.10.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

International Training Programme “Ecological Alternatives in Sanitation"
Report on content and opportunities from learning about ecological sanitation in Sweden.
04.10.2006 | Monica Diaz

WECF at the International Dry Toilet Conference
WECF ecological sanitation projects presented at the 2. International Dry Toilet Conference in Tampere, Finland
03.10.2006 | Margriet Samwel

Das Parfum
Film release prompts questions on health safety of modern perfumes. Text in German.
02.10.2006 | Johanna Hausmann

EU Environment Commissioner Dimas on Cote d'Ivoire Toxic Dumping
"In simple words it is prohibited to export hazardous chemicals and wastes to non-EU countries…"
02.10.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Breast cancer cases rise 80 % since 1970s
It is the disease women fear more than any other, and its incidence is soaring. Breast cancer cases have hit a new record, official figures show, and the increase shows no sign of slowing.
02.10.2006 | Helen Lynn

Sewerage explodes!
Nairit Cjsc sewerage system bursts.
02.10.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Please contribute to EU consultation on POPs
External Consultation on the Community Implementation Plan of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)
02.10.2006 | Daniela Rosche

Up-date on project “Sustainable Rural Development in Ukraine”
Two more ecosan (dry-urine diverting) toilets have been constructed in Vorokhta for private households
02.10.2006 | Solomiya Babyak

WECF training advocay and lobby (the Netherlands)
WECF will organise a training on advocacy and lobby for women and womens organisations, in Utrecht, the Nethelands
02.10.2006 | Irma Thijssen

Bundesverband der Verbraucherzentrale fordert Rückruf von Kinderwagen
Was bei Autos mit Sicherheitsproblemen gang und gäbe ist, muss auch für Kinderwagen, die gesundheitsschädliche Chemikalien enthalten gelten, fordert der vzbv.
26.09.2006 | Sonja Haider

"Sustainable Development in Ukraine"
MAMA-86 Ukraine organized open dialogue between Government, Industry and Civil Society
26.09.2006 | Anna Golubovska MAMA-86

Dünger aus Toiletten
Das Magazin Kultur&Technik des Deutschen Museums berichtet über WECF Projekt in Rumänien
21.09.2006 | Johanna Hausmann

Will lipstick be safe?
Report: FDA to be poor watchdog of products using new technology
20.09.2006 | Helen Lynn

Chemicals in our home!
Can chemicals in our home cause deformities? Growing numbers of boys are being born with malformed genitals. Are chemicals in our homes to blame? And what can be done about this distressing condition?
18.09.2006 | Sonja Haider

French farmers on hunger strike to protect water
Farmers in Brittany are staging hunger strikes against EU subsidies which they say encourage intensive, water-polluting agriculture, with protests now set to spread across France.
17.09.2006 | Margriet Samwel

Shocking Decision!
Commission tells EU countries: stop subsidising renewable power
17.09.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Instrument for Pre accession Assistance "IPA"
New financial instrument EC for pre-accession countries South-Eastern Europe for rural development, human resource development, regional and cross-border cooperation and transition assistance.
13.09.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Climate change
Commission takes awareness-raising campaign into schools
13.09.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Cote d'Ivoire: Cabinet Resigns After Toxic Waste Scandal
Toxic waste originate from a Dutch Company Trafigura Beheer b.v.
13.09.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

EU should ban mercury export
US study shows 300.000 - 600.000 babies born each year have damage
13.09.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

CANEJ Project now finished in Central Asia
The project “Creation of network for ecological journalists of Central Asia” (Central Asian Network for Ecological Journalists - CANEJ) is now finished in Central Asia.
13.09.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

WECF participates in Dutch Platform on Millennium Goals
WECF Director Ger Roebeling will actively participate in VN goals and present WECF at Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, October 9th.
12.09.2006 | Irma Thijssen

EP needs to strengthen key passages during second reading REACH
WECF and European Women's Lobby call on members of Environment and Women's Rights Committee to uphold comittment to substitute hazardous chemicals through REACH
06.09.2006 | Daniela Rosche

Survey on nuclear power plants
Majority of German's no longer want any new nuclear power plants
31.08.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Keeping water clean
First sector-initiated coalition forms to fight corruption
31.08.2006 | Margriet Samwel

Video - The future for our children
16.08.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Life, Genanet, WECF and MAMA86 prepare for CSD 15
Publications about the side event during the CSD15 in New York
16.08.2006 | Ulrike Röhr

WECF finds Atrazine in Sipot water
Still too high levels of pesticides in drinking Water Romanian project village
14.08.2006 | Margriet Samwel

Pesticide safety, labelling policy slammed
9,000 EPA Scientists Call for an End to Compromising Safety
14.08.2006 | Helen Lynn

Wastewater management training
The training offers an advanced course for professionals in wastewater management, treatment and reuse from the Mediterranean Countries.
01.08.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Criticial UK report on pesticide drift
A highly critical UK report on pesticide exposure of residents in crops spraying areas
01.08.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

GMO is stopped in Poland!
The Polish Parliament has put a ban on the use of GMOs in animal fodder
01.08.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Toxic non-sticky chemicals in farmed fish in Germany
(Text in German)
01.08.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Cucumbers contain high levels of pesticides!
React now! (Text in German)
31.07.2006 | Margriet Samwel

Germany is on its way to ratify Aarhus Convention
Cabinet agrees upon bills (Text in German)
27.07.2006 | Anke Stock

Approval of text on EU’s Aarhus regulation
More environmental transparency, but no effective access to justice.
27.07.2006 | Anke Stock

Second Conference of the Parties - results
Analysis on the results of the Second Conference of the Parties to the Stockholm Convention (COP-2) on Persistent Organic Pollutants
27.07.2006 | Elena Manvelian

Investments in Water Quality Sector Exceed EUR 14 billion
Romania investing 14 billion Euro's in it's urban water and sanitation systems, but the rural population (45,3 % of the total) will not benefit from the investment
27.07.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Environmental Quality Standards for the EU
EU Commission has adopted today the proposal for a Directive on Environmental Quality Standards and a related Communication on Integrated prevention and control of chemical pollution of surface water
27.07.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Plasticizers go from breast milk to baby
Research finds that even tiny infants are getting a dose of phthalates.
17.07.2006 | Helen Lynn

Summary Report of the European Environment and Health Committee
21st Meeting of the EEHC 15 –16 may 2006, Oslo
17.07.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Joint press release by WWF and the EEB
Citizens to foot the bill for the river polluters, say environmental NGOs
17.07.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Gender, Militarism and Climate Change
An article by WRM on the links between gender, the military-industrial complex and climate change.
17.07.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Aarhus Convention
Report of the Working Group of the Parties to the Aarhus Convention published
17.07.2006 | Anke Stock

Incinerators are impending the transition to sustainability
Waste Incinerators create dangerous substances like dioxins and furans and destroy
17.07.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

EU Thematic strategy on sustainable use of pesticides launched
The EU Commission finally presented its draft strategy to pave the way for the sustainable use of pesticides
13.07.2006 | Daniela Rosche

WECF organizes High-Level Roundtable, November 27th, Brussels
International Event on Environmental Health aspects of the Lisbon Agenda and the Sustainable Development Strategy: "Clean, clever and competitive from a citizen's perspective"
12.07.2006 | Irma Thijssen

WECF and Kata Khill Project Report 2005
Improvement of access to safe water and sanitation in rural areas of Northern Afghanistan, and providing the preconditions for learning.
12.07.2006 | Gero Fedtke

WECF and Eco-Forum worry about low level agenda
Preparation for the 52 country Environment Ministers Conference in Belgrade 2007
12.07.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

The Seed Awards
Call for Submissions for the 2nd Round of Seed Awards (2006/2007)
12.07.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

WECF and AWHHE Project Report 2005
Improvement of access to safe water and sanitation in rural areas of Armenia, and development of income generating organic farming activities.
12.07.2006 | Gero Fedtke

Bulgarian National Park in Danger
Join the campaign to prevent the national park becoming a commerical enterprise.
12.07.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Sun cream might be damaging brain cells
US environmental agency EPA laboratory tests show potential dangers for brain cells from titanium dioxide contained in sun tan lotion. (Text in German)
12.07.2006 | Gero Fedtke

Dutch NGOs concerned about REACH position EU member states
NGOs want hazardous chemicals in consumer products to be substituted
06.07.2006 | Daniela Rosche

A strong REACH for safe products!
WECF action in Amsterdam
05.07.2006 | Daniela Rosche

JOB- Int'l Consultant on Engendering Poverty Reduction Strategy, UNIFEM
05.07.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Large accident at Bulgarian Nuclear Reactor, director fired
The World Information Service on Energy informs in their newsletter
04.07.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Progress of the Water and Health Protocol
MAMA-86, member of WECf, reports on Geneva meeting
04.07.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

WECF Activity Report 2005
Women in Europe - Dreams and Drives - Projects and Advocacy

WECF Activity Report 2005
Women in Europe - Dreams and Drives - Projects and Advocacy

Stop the WTO talks and bury the Doha round!
More than 70 European NGOs demand a new approach to the multilateral trading system (Text in English and Dutch)
28.06.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Breastmilk is contaminated
it is time for a new EU substances policy
28.06.2006 | Daniela Rosche

Incorporating Gender into your NGO
Manual and checklist for NGOs
28.06.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

MEPs vote on stronger EU groundwater law
The European parliament has largely backed its environment committee to reject a dilution of a planned new groundwater directive agreed by EU environment ministers
28.06.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

EU Council ignores the European Parliament on substituting dangerous chemicals
Press statement: NGOs are very concerned about second reading REACH
27.06.2006 | Daniela Rosche

European Women's Lobby Petition
Advancing equality between women and men through the better provision of care services in European Union (Text in English and French)
26.06.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Associated Country Women of the World
Proposed resolutions to the Triennial Worldconference 2007 in Finland
26.06.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Successful organic farming project in Romania
WECF farming expert Raddatz tells about roses, cows, milk cooperatives and training of young farmers (Text in German)
26.06.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Toxic Chemicals and Children's Health in North America
New report out by the Commission for Environmental Cooperation on the impact of industrial chemical on children's health.
20.06.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Plastics chemical alters female brains
Research renews debate over the toxicity of bisphenol A, a plastics chemical found in humans.
20.06.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

About the violation of human rights due to toxins, dangerous products and waste
Statement by the Special Rapporteur on adverse effects of the illicit movement and dumping of toxic and dangerous products and wastes on the enjoyment of human rights, Okechukwu Ibeanu.
07.06.2006 | Anke Stock

Afghanistan project, 2nd school almost finished
Dry urine diverting toilets installed by 30 families
06.06.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Water as a human right
An example from the South Africa Case Study
06.06.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Save 200 million euro tax payers money each year
The European Parliament should be located in Brussels. Sign the online petition! More than 470,000 have already done so.
06.06.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

WECF member in Georgia takes action to save forest
please add your voice, write to the Georgian president, see open letter
06.06.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Record highs for pesticides in fruit and vegetables in new EU data
Greenpeace calls for immediate measures by German government and states
06.06.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

EEB puts requests to Environment Council meeting
European Environment Bureau requests to the European Environment Council meeting on June 26
02.06.2006 | Isabel Ripa

Formaldehyde causes cancer
The German Federal Office for Risk Assessment states that the carcinogenic effect of formaldehyde is proven beyond doubt.
01.06.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Modules Dutch training 'Toekomst zonder gif'
During the Dutch training 'Toekomst zonder gif' in April, fact sheets were handed out. Now you can download the information from the website. (Text in Dutch)
29.05.2006 | Isolde van Overbeek

Tbilisi Declaration to UN Commission for Sustainable Development
Result of the WECF supported conference with Greens Movement Georgia
26.05.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

WECF Expert Workshop in Brussels
"The Environmental Burden of Disease" focused on the relationship between increasing health problems and environmental pollution
25.05.2006 | Irma Thijssen

95% of strawberries contaminated
PAN Europe reports that up to 95 % of the strawberries from conventional agriculture contain pesticide residues. (Text in German)
23.05.2006 | Margriet Samwel

Dry Urine Diverting toilet building for summer camp base
6000 youngster will benefit each year; support by Fondation Ensemble
22.05.2006 | Anne Barre

New Toilets for School Children in Ukraine Village Stefanovska
MAMA-86 Odessa working with schools children and local authorities on hygiene and sanitation
22.05.2006 | Anne Barre

WECF partner UNSER LAND gets environmental prize
Press Release - UNSER LAND receives B.A.U.M. Environmental Award
17.05.2006 | Sabine Brückmann

New EU Health Portal launched
The Commission has launched a new Health-EU Portal to answer to the needs of an estimated third of the EU population searching for information on different health issues.
17.05.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Just 1 percent of drinking water in Russia is clean
Research has shown that few Russian towns and cities provide clean drinking water.
16.05.2006 | Gero Fedtke

WECF takes initiative for letter to MEPs and Ministers of Environment
Dutch NGO statement on second reading of REACH at European Parliament (Text in Dutch)
16.05.2006 | WECF Press Release

POPs update!
UN Stockholm convention on persistent organic pollutants (POPs) gathered in Geneva. Few countries have submitted national implementation plans, yet
15.05.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Ukraine - Co-operation for Sustainable Rural Development
Involving citizens and local authorities in rural Ukraine in improvement of drinking water, sanitation and agriculture
12.05.2006 | Anne Barre

Women's Major Group
MAMA-86 president, Anna Golubovska, speaks to ministers on Sustainable Energy and Women at CSD-14 high level segment session, Thursday 11 May.
11.05.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Dutch WECF-training Toxic free future for 4VO and Tiye women
After their training in April, 9 women will give presentations themselves. (Dutch text)
09.05.2006 | Isolde van Overbeek

No Chernobyl in Bulgaria!
Join the Email-Card-Action to prevent a Bulgarian version of Chernobyl now!
08.05.2006 | Sabine Bock

Financial support for women and gender equality
A guideline on funding sources for gender and equality and women-focused projects.
08.05.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Women’s Major Group Statement
Making energy services affordable for women: Women's statements at the UN Commission for Sustainable Development, 14th session on energy
08.05.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Better not to use non-sticking, teflon coated pots and pans
Proof of carcinogenic substances released when pans are used at high temperatures.
03.05.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Towards a Toxic Free Future in Greece.
This years youth conference discusses ways forward for a toxic free future.
03.05.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Long term health effects from exposure to nuclear radiation
New health report published in Ukraine (text in Dutch)
02.05.2006 | Marie Kranendonk en Isolde van Overbeek

Interview WDR Fernsehen mit WECF Expertinn zu Düngen mit Urine
Austrahlung am 4 Mai um 18.20 in WDR Sendung „Wohnen und Garten“ (text in German)
02.05.2006 | Margriet Samwel

Substitute hazardous chemicals WECF tells Bayer
Bayer needs to reinvest part of its 2005 profits to research into safer alternatives for Bisphenol-A.
28.04.2006 | Daniela Rosche

Dutch minister for Development cooperation promises study into sustainable energy
The Dutch SP party has asked the Dutch minister of Development cooperation to look into sustainable energy and the importance for development of low income countries (text in Dutch).
28.04.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

European Environment Bureau Press Release
European Parliament Rejects Weakening of Groundwater Protection
26.04.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Chernobyl +20: "The victims should not have died for nothing"
Natalia Manzurova, liquidator having worked 4,5 years in Chernobyl, says we should not forget the catastrophe at WECF and LIFE press event (text in German)
25.04.2006 | Johanna Hausmann (in Kooperation mit Journalisten Akademie Hooffacker & Partner München)

Tschernobyl + 20: „Ich fühle mich oft minderwertig“
Süddeutsche Zeitung im Interview mit Natalia Manzurova
23.04.2006 | Johanna Hausmann

WECF publishes 2 new posters "Towards a Toxic Free Future"
Hazardous substances in toiletries and cosmetics and in households
20.04.2006 | Irma Thijssen

"To a Toxic Free Future" - Schadelijke stoffen
Schadelijke stoffen in verzorgingsproducten en in en om het huis
20.04.2006 | Irma Thijssen

6th Meeting of the Working Group of the Parties to the Aarhus Convention, Geneva, 5-7 April 2006
WECF participates in the meeting
18.04.2006 | Anke Stock

B.A.U.M environmental prize
On 11./12. Mai 2006 the B.A.U.M environmental prize will presented in Munich. WECF partner Unser Land has been nominated as well. (Text in German)
14.04.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

60 mayors and 150 school teachers visiting Garla Mare
WECF projects in Garla Mare, Romania are visited by representatives from other communities. (Text in English and Dutch)
13.04.2006 | Irma Thijssen

Press conference and interviews - Chernobyl + 20
Chernobyl 20 years later - Life after the catastrophe. "We were there when our country needed us."
10.04.2006 | Johanna Hausmann

WECF Position Paper on Women and Rural Development
“Women and Sustainable Rural Development” of the international workshop of the Networks WECF und UNSER LAND.
07.04.2006 | WECF Press Release

WECF Position Paper on Energy
„Energy from biomass in the sense of sustainable rural development“ of the international Workshop of the Networks WECF und UNSER LAND.
07.04.2006 | WECF Press Release

WECF press release - Afghanistan
Dutch funding for rebuilding Afghanistan: WECF and Katachel realise new school, drinking water wells, sustainable agriculture and health care
06.04.2006 | Irma Thijssen

Jobs mit Mehrwert
Das Magazin für selbstständige Frauen "existenzielle" berichtet über WECF
29.03.2006 | Johanna Hausmann

WECF members in Afghanistan and Uzbekistan providing water and sanitation in conflict and disaster areas are the “fire-fighters”.
Press conference at 4th World Water Forum, Mexico City
27.03.2006 | WECF Press Release

Dezentralized ecological wastewater solutions are healthy and affordable for poor communities
MAMA-86 Ukraine and Women in Europe present conference results to press in Mexico City
27.03.2006 | WECF Press Release

Don’t legalise eco-dumping, say NGOs
Waste traffic for incineration unacceptable
26.03.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

WECF Briefings - 2006
Briefings on the new EU organic agriculture rules by the EU, rural development, biodiversity, Life plus and the leader approach.
23.03.2006 | Isabel Ripa Julia

Fighting Climate Change
Input from Women to Government concerning the Post-Kyoto-Regime.
23.03.2006 | Ulrike Röhr

Fighting Climate Change
Input from Women to Government: a study on climate change and gender.
23.03.2006 | Ulrike Röhr

New WECF publication: Protecting Europe's Nature
The future of the Nature 2000 Network
22.03.2006 | Isabel Ripa Julia

European Community ratifies PRTR
Protocol on Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers on the way to complete ratification.
22.03.2006 | Anke Stock

NGO use EU funds to support terrorism?
WECF reacts to letter of German Liberal MEP in the Financial Times, in which she attacks NGOs receiving EU funds
22.03.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Results of the “Gender & Energy / Climate Change” survey
A joint survey by WECF and Life e.V.
21.03.2006 | Ulrike Röhr

WECF offers interesting presentations for Women's Networks
Presentation about 'Health and Cosmetics' for Women's Networks and Women's Organisations
21.03.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Lisbon and Sustainable Development Strategies at Environment Council
WECF International Director writes letter to the EU Member state Environment Ministers
19.03.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Human rights: safe drinking water and sanitary facilities
WECF presents safe, cheap and simple water and sanitary supply systems during the 4. World Water Forum in Mexico City. (Text in German)
16.03.2006 | Johanna Hausmann

Benefits of Ecological Sanitation
Two posters on eco-sanitation by WECF. Explaining the advantages of eco-sanitation.

Attention - Obsolete Pesticides!
The problem of obsolete pesticides management in the Ukraine

Armenia - Socio-Economic and Gender Survey
A survey conducted by WECF and AWHHE as part of the TMF project "Tapping Resources".

Case study "Sustainable Development for All"
WECF published the case study: Sustainable Development for All: Reducing effects of polluted drinking water and inadequate sanitation on children´s health in rural Romania.

Women in Europe to Present Water Projects on the 4th World Water Forum in Mexico
Women in Europe for a Common Future (WECF) along with its network organizations will take part in the 4th World Water Forum (WWF-4) in Mexico on March 16-22, 2006.
15.03.2006 | WECF Press Release

Ecological sanitation: From pit latrine to ecological toilet
Find out about acceptance of and experiences with eco-sanitation toilets.

Dry Urine Diverting Toilets - Principles, Operation and Construction
Find out about the construction and operation of eco-sanitation toilets.

Two new WECF publications on dry eco-toilets
How to build a household ecosan toilet and Gender Differentiated results of the ecosan user survey
10.03.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

International Women's Day
Press release to all WAVE participants with warm greetings from all at UNEP. Who’s Who of Female Environmentalists Launched by UNEP
09.03.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Georgian WECF members report from Geneva on the European preparatory meeting for CSD-14
UN Commission on Sustainable Development 14th session on Energy, Climate Change and Air Pollution
09.03.2006 | Manana Juruli and Rusudan Simonidze

Creating Sustainability
Report of the Workshop on the UN Commission on Sustainable Development cluster issues, and the UNECE CSD Regional Implementation Meeting taking place in Geneva (Switzerland), 14-16 December 2005.
09.03.2006 | Manana Juruli and Rusudan Simonidze

WECF members organise a CSD-14 preparatory Meeting, 13-15 April, 2006 in Tbilisi, Georgia
The Georgian Minster for Finance chairs this years Commission on Sustainable Development-14
09.03.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Women for Water pesents 2 new flyers
WfWfW has published two new publications on the Women for water Partnership, one in english and one in spanish. The flyers are made by WECF
09.03.2006 | Irma Thijssen

Women in Europe will present water projects at World Water Forum Mexico
WECF and 15 members from Ukraine, Armenia, Bulgaria, Uzbekistan, Russia, Kazakstan, Afghanistan, Romania, Mexico, Germany and the Netherlands take part in WWF-4
09.03.2006 | Irma Thijssen

Tests of Women's Hair Finds High Mercury Levels
Researchers at the University of North Carolina asked volunteers to buy testing kits to measure the mercury in their hair. Findings released last month indicate mercury contamination may be more wides
06.03.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Pesticide threat to babies linked to enzyme levels
Researchers find them much more at risk than adults
06.03.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Council of Europe: „Slavutych Appeal“ adopted
Five Basic Principles on nuclear safety matters.
06.03.2006 | Anke Stock

Improvement of environmental safety in rural Armenia.
AWHHE publication on health risks from Obsolete Pesticide Dumpsite in in a landslide area near a village

New European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register in force
Today the regulation No. 166/2006 concerning the establishment of a European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register enters into force.
27.02.2006 | Anke Stock

WECF Briefings - 2006 - Organic Agriculture Rules
Information on the new EU organic agriculture rules by the EU.

WECF Briefings - 2006 - Life +
Information on the EU Life III Programme.

WECF Briefings - 2006 - Biodiversity
Information on the biodiversity and conservation initiative.

WECF Briefings - 2006 - LEADER Approach
Information on the leader approach: Links between the rural economy and development actions.

WECF Briefings - 2006 - Rural Development
Information on Rural Development Policy in the enlarged EU.

Workshop on solid waste management in Garla Mare.
Presentations and a report on the solid waste management workshop in Garla Mare, Romania.
23.02.2006 | Margriet Samwel

Harmless in beans, but toxic in peas
Genetically modified peas are risky and not only for insect pests. (Text in German)
22.02.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Protecting Europe's Nature
The future of the Nature 2000 Network
22.02.2006 | Isabel Ripa Julia

Results of the “Gender & Energy / Climate Change” survey
A joint survey by WECF and Life e.V.
21.02.2006 | Ulrike Röhr

UN to investigate gender-biased laws
Pressure to Scrap Gender-Biased Laws. A Billion Lives in the Balance.
21.02.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Boom in organic products in Germany
Various articles related to organic products and labelling in Germany "In Bio ist der Wurm drin" (Text in German and English)
20.02.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Latest REACH benefit study confirms huge financial savings
A benefit study released by the European Commission yesterday estimates 9,2 billion Euro over the next 25 years in financial savings due to regulating chemicals under REACH.
16.02.2006 | WECF Press Release

LIFE and WECF contribute to CSD-14
LIFE and WECF give key contribution to Women's Discussion paper on Energy Commission for Sustainable Development, 14th Session, document can now be downloaded.
14.02.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Protocol on Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers first time in action
Luxembourg became first country to ratify PRTR Protocol
14.02.2006 | Anke Stock

No alternatives to nuclear power? - Completely untrue, says WECF partner in Ukraine, MAMA-86
Environmental NGOs are indignant at the statement of PM Yekhanurov on lack of alternatives to development of nuclear power in Ukraine
14.02.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Successfull WECF and AWHHE conference in Yerevan, January 26 – 27, 2006
Saving water sources, Organic Farming and Wastewater management were the themes at this two-day seminar
13.02.2006 | Gero Fedtke

After 5 years European Chemicals Policy REACH is still disappointing
WECF press release (Text in Dutch)
13.02.2006 | Daniela Rosche

63 % EU citizens concerned about pesticides in food
Latest Eurobarometer survey shows what risks Europeans associate with food
13.02.2006 | Daniela Rosche

WECF Greek partner orgnises chemicals and health conference with 1700 youth
7th Youth Conference “Sustainable and Toxic Free Future” organised by Clean up Greece
13.02.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Teflon chemical found in infants
Another piece of evidence and the need for the precautionary principleto be applied when it comes to PFOAs!
13.02.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Great news from Nizhyn, Ukraine!
WECF’s partner receives “Women of the Year 2005” award
09.02.2006 | Solomiya Babyak

Governments fail to agree effective global chemicals management
Governments failed to reach an agreement on a much needed global chemicals management system at the International Conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM) in Dubai on Tuesday night.
09.02.2006 | Daniela Rosche

WECF publishes Dutch Toolkit ‘Naar een toekomst zonder gif’
Practical guide on chemicals in everydag products, practical advices and ideas for actions
09.02.2006 | WECF Persbericht

Chemicals need to be safe
WECF's message to delegates at Chemicals Summit in Dubai, 4-6 February 2006
03.02.2006 | Daniela Rosche

Sex, Lies and Herbicides: the truth about atrazine
The corporate influence on independent science
02.02.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Presentations from the workshop in 18. - 23. January 2006
The powerpoint presentations during the sustainable rural development and sustainable agriculture workshops.

EEB and PAN Europe press release
Ministers must stop Commission’s u-turn on high concern pesticides
02.02.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Toxic changing pads!
Tests have shown that a large number of toxic chemicals, including phthalates, are found in baby's changing pads.
02.02.2006 | Sonja Haider

Why it makes a difference: Gender and Climate Change at COP11/MOP1
Results from the conference in Montreal
31.01.2006 | Ulrike Roehr/Minu Hemmati

More than 100 participants at Bulgarian Waste-Water Conference
WECF’s Bulgarian partners organize three day training event on “Modern Environmental Infrastructure Suitable for Rural Areas“
31.01.2006 | Bistra Mihaylova

Human Rigths Film Festival
WECF and Rapsode film "No Drinking Water" will take part in the film festival in Montreal
27.01.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Report Finds Half of Breast Cancer Causes May Be Environmental
U.S. Women’s Lifetime Risk for Breast Cancer Has Nearly Tripled since 1964
26.01.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

EPA to Accept Pesticide Tests on Humans
Children from poor families can be purposely exposed to pesticides for industry studies; new rule in the USA after pesticide industry pressure
26.01.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

WECF contributes to preparation of the World Water Forum, Mexico
Good practices on ecological sanitation - from WECF partners in Romania and Ukraine - published in European Report
24.01.2006 | Monica Diaz, WECF

Poverty is the worst problem
An interview about Armenia with WECF project leader Gero Fedtke (Text in German)
24.01.2006 | Sabine Brückmann

Press reports on the BRUCKER LAND and WECF workshop
Articles on the workshops for sustainable agriculture and energy from crops (Text in German)
24.01.2006 | Sabine Brückmann

Household chemicals could double child leukaemia risk
Children frequently exposed to household insecticides used on plants, lawns and in head lice shampoos may run a high risk of developing childhood leukaemia.
24.01.2006 | Sonja Haider

UK debating nuclear and green energy
Environmentalists are preparing for a battle with the nuclear industry to persuade the British public that green, not atomic, power is the path to the future.
23.01.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Press coverage for WECF's workshop with Ukrainian and Armenian partners
Twenty farmers and women's organisation representatives visit organic farms in Bavaria (Text in German)
23.01.2006 | Sabine Brückmann

Environmental toxins in children's clothing
Press release by The Swedish Society for Nature Conservation and the Norwegian Society for the Conservation of Nature
20.01.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Networking for Europe
WECF, UNSER LAND and partners from Eastern Europe meet in Fürstenfeldbrück to network on sustainable agriculture, water, energy and rural development (text in German)
20.01.2006 | Sabine Brückmann

European Parliament votes to improve access to environmental information
Access to justice at EU level will however only remain with industry.
20.01.2006 | Daniela Rosche

EU waste burning controls enter full force
An EU drive towards cleaner waste incineration passed a key milestone on 28 December with the full entry into force of environmental controls passed in 2000.
18.01.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Frauenansichten 2006 - Womens views 2006
Ein Lesekalender zur biologischen Vielfalt - A calendar on biodiversity
18.01.2006 | Sonja Haider

UNSER LAND honoured!
"Bavarian-Constitution-Medal in Silver" for the head of the Network UNSER LAND, coordinator of WECF working group on Sustainable Agriculture
17.01.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Gender and climate change
5 documents on gender and climate change issues and the COP 1 December 2005
17.01.2006 | Ulrike Röhr

Mama Cash Campaign
Sign the petition: currently only 0.04% of EU funds for women's activities
17.01.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

EEA report on environment and health exposures
The European Environment Agency reports on health depending on environmental pollution, nutrition, poverty and education
17.01.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Portugese environment NGO critizes recycling plan:
Barroso and European Commission in reality call for incineration
13.01.2006 | Sascha Gabizon

Georgian Agricultural Women's Association

Women in Sustainable Development in Moldova

Water polluted by flame retardent
Levels of flame retardent chemicals in aquatic ecosystems is shockingly high (Text in German)
10.01.2006 | Margriet Samwel

New WECF publication for Women!
Ecological sanitation and hygienic considerations for women
10.01.2006 | Margriet Samwel

4th World Water Forum Mexico 2006
The water and sanitation sector meets every three years at the World Water Forum
01.01.2006 | WECF Event

WECF writes letter to Dutch Ministers
Lot of vegetables and fruit still contain residues; women are concerned about health of children and unborn baby's
23.12.2005 | Irma Thijssen

UNFCCC, WECF and Genanet
A cooperation for strengthening women's participation in the UNFCCC process.
21.12.2005 | Ulrike Röhr

Water network - Romanians visit the Netherlands
Visit of 24 Romanian politicians and water managers to the provinces of Overijssel and Gelderland, its water boards and drinking water company Vitens
21.12.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

UK government wants to expand nuclear industry
Critics say it's too expensive, too slow to stop climate change, and a terrorist threat
21.12.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Pesticide action publication
Pesticide taxes- national examples and key ingredients
21.12.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Roll of Shame
In Romania 10,600,000 people lack adequat sanitation! Similar conditions in Russia and Turkey.
21.12.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Aarhus Convention
Information, public participation and access to justice - useful tools for WECF and its members.
21.12.2005 | Anke Stock

Sophie Prize 2006 Nomination
WECF has nominated MAMA-86 for the Sophie Prize 2006
21.12.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Toxic chemicals from non-sticking frying pans!
Dupont and teflon need to pay 16 million USD for withholding health information
21.12.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Climate results overshadowed by a Financial Perspective that fails to deliver for the environment
EEB press release
21.12.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Toxic Teddybears
PBDEs in all plush toys tested
21.12.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

In Spain, France, Greece and Serbia consumers want healthy food
In countries where it is difficult to find ecological food products, consumers are willing to pay more?
20.12.2005 | Margriet Samwel

WECF members meets Rosatom, broad press coverage on nuclear situation in Russia
Nuclear Policy - Rosatom head meets WECF members in nulcear contaminated province of Chelyabinsk
20.12.2005 | Nadejda Kutepova

Praise for WECF
Presentation in French by Martine D'Ardenne, ex-senator Belgium, for WECF on REACH, presented on 18 November at the Children's Health Forum in Mons. (Text also in English)
20.12.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Toxic chemicals in babies
Study finds hundreds of toxic chemicals in umbilical cords of newborns
20.12.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Bisphenol A in Lebensmittel-Verpackungen verbieten
Hirnentwicklung durch BPA gestört / Marktführer ist BAYER-Konzern
20.12.2005 | Sonja Haider

Report on the meeting of the European Environment and Health Committee (EEHC)
The meeting took place from 12 –13 December 2005 in Helsinki.
15.12.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Foul-smelling whiff from air fresheners!
Did you know that by using an air freshener in your living room you are probably breathing in more toxic substances than you would in the middle of traffic in Rue de la Loi 1 ?
15.12.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Neuro-toxic Chemicals and Health Effects of Chernobyl
latest science presented at the meeting of the European Environment and Health Committee in Helsinki, 12 -13 December 2005
14.12.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Aarhus Convention
Information, public participation and access to justice - useful tools for WECF and its members

EU Member states fail to address the chemical threat
European ministers further weaken proposed EU chemicals law REACH.
13.12.2005 | Daniela Rosche

Ecosan a New Approach
The WECF ecosan flyer is available to download.

Ecosan a New Approach
The WECF ecosan flyer is available to download in Russian, Bulgarian and English.
12.12.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

National Co-ordination Team established in Kazakhstan
Information on the preparatory process on ratification of the PRTR Protocol in Kazakhstan (Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers)
12.12.2005 | Lydia Astanina, Green Women Kazakstan

Step forward for a toxic free future!
Large companies in the US have started a campaign for phasing out PVC.
12.12.2005 | Marie Kranendonk

Success of WECF and AWHHE side-event
50 participants at WECF and AWHHE side-event during Ministerial Conference. Agreements on cooperation on ecological waste-water treatment and socially just water-tariffs
07.12.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Biofuel, saviour or disaster?
Environmental disaster if current high petrol consumption needs to be replaced
05.12.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

NGO statement on CAP reform
NGOs send statement on CAP to MEPs
05.12.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Letter to Netherlands Ministers of Health and Agriculture on Pesticide Residues
NGOs write letter to Ministers about report warning pesticide residues in vegetables and fruit (text in Dutch)
05.12.2005 | Irma Thijssen

Baby milk scare shows urgent need for a strong REACH
Comment by Greenpeace and the European Public Health Alliance Environment Network (text in english and in dutch)
01.12.2005 | Sascha Gabizon / Irma Thijssen

WECF organises seminar in Armenia
Seminar on Organic Farming, Wastewater Treatment and Annual TMF project meeting in Yerevan, Armenia
28.11.2005 | Gero Fedtke

WECF member Step Forward receives TIME magazine Award "Hero 2005"
From radiation poisoning to prisoners’ rights, Nikolai and Tatyana Shchur take on russia’s toughest issues
28.11.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Water and septic tanks
A report on the design and performance of onsite wastewater soil absorption systems

EU publications
Decentralised waste water treatment via soil filters

EU publication - Decentralised waste water treatment via soil filters
Guideline by the European Commission for low-cost waste water treatement for municipalities of 500-5000 inhabitants
23.11.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Persistent Organic Pollutants in fly-ash from waste incinerators; information website
Letter asking EU Commissioners not to approve proposed limits for POPs in waste
23.11.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

WECF's Russian Language Gender and Environment Fact Sheets
A number of factsheets in Russian covering mobility, gender, energy, food production, waste and eco awareness
23.11.2005 | Ulrike Röhr

Data - Facts - Arguments
A number of factsheets in Russian covering mobility, gender, energy, food production, waste and eco awareness
23.11.2005 | Ulrike Röhr

EU report find high levels of pesticide residues in vegetables and cereals
Peppers, grapes, cucumbers and eggplant are a health risks
23.11.2005 | Margriet Samwel

WECF action is featured in main German press: "Der Spiegel" and "Süddeutsche Zeitung"
WECF Presseaktion in Zeitungen und Fernsehen (Text in German)
23.11.2005 | Sonja Haider

Danger! Toxic emissions!
Toxic emissions from fire in hazardous waste incinerator in Chropyne (Czech Rep.)
23.11.2005 | Mirek Suta

EU parliament vote on REACH
European Parliament REACH vote: Huge knowledge gaps on chemicals will remain
18.11.2005 | Daniela Rosche

Second European Climate Change Programme
WECF and Life e. V. participate in interest group conference.
17.11.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Unprecedented global event!
Tens of thousands of world citizens unite online to debate urban sustainability issues.
17.11.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

A toxic obsolete pesticide burial site about to slide into a village
Article by WECF member AWHHE for magazine "Pesticides News"
17.11.2005 | Gero Fedtke

Harzards of burial site in Armenia
WECF member Armenian Women for a Healthy Environment publish article from the Pesticides News.
17.11.2005 | Gero Fedtke

... and secure our Toxic Free Future!
16.11.2005 | Daniela Rosche

More cancer because of Chemicals
Pediatricians request a strong EU chemicals regulation (REACH) - text in German
15.11.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

REACH voting card!
Vote for a STRONG REACH to protect our health and the environment!
15.11.2005 | Daniela Rosche

No Drinking Water!
Further screenings of the WECF film on drinking water
15.11.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

WECF and AWHHE host side event at Ministerial Conference
WECF and it's Armenian member AWHHE host side-event at the Ministerial Conference on Financing Water and Sanitation in the EECCA region, 18 November 2005, Yerevan, Armenia
15.11.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Gender News November
The news from the gender and sustainable development working group
15.11.2005 | Ulrike Röhr

EU chemicals regulation in bad shape - send an email to your MEP now!
Last days before the EU Parliament Vote - Chemical Reaction is asking for EU citizens to act
10.11.2005 | Daniela Rosche

WECF Brief an SPD - Herrn Müntefering und Gabriel
Kein Veränderungen des Gentechnikgesetzes im Rahmen der Koalitionsvereinbarung !
10.11.2005 | Sabine Brückmann

European Parliament’s REACH compromise
A bad deal for women, children and the environment.
10.11.2005 | Daniela Rosche

Gender Greenstreaming
Gender justice in the work of nature conservation and environmental organisations
09.11.2005 | Dr Christine Katz

Developing public participation in local decision-making processes
Training Conference on sanitation, waste-water, storm-water and solid-waste in the villages of Stara Zagora Spa and Sulitsa (Bulgaria)
09.11.2005 | Bistra Mihaylova and Margriet Samwel

Germany calls for Reach deal to be postponed
Germany has asked the British EU presidency to postpone its plan to seek a ministerial political agreement on the Reach chemical policy at the end of this month.
08.11.2005 | Daniela Rosche

MitGift im Alltag - Ein starkes REACH für sichere Chemikalien
WECF press action for a strong REACH and safe chemicals on the Marienplatz in Munich. Text in German.
07.11.2005 | Sonja Haider

School built by WECF and Katachel in Afghanistan has been festively opened
In its 8 classrooms, 250 boys and 350 girls are taught by 8 teachers in three shifts
07.11.2005 | Gero Fedtke

European Water Solidarity Week
WECF speaks at Water Week in Strasbourg - Lack of funding for water and sanitation in rural areas in Eastern Europe
07.11.2005 | Anna Tsviekova, MAMA-86

Polluted drinking water and lack of sewage in Vorothka village, Ukraine
Ever tried carrying buckets of water up into a 6 floor appartment building?
07.11.2005 | Solomiya Babyak

The cost of climate change on human health
Interview with Dr. Paul Epstein, Harvard Medical School on Climate Change and Hurricanes
03.11.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

More environmental refugees worldwide - from 20 million to 50 million
Number of Environmental Refugees will increase strongly over next 5 years, says UN report (text in Dutch)
03.11.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Socio-economic and gender survey of Topoli, Sulitsa and the Stara Zagora Spa, Bulgaria
Developing a Model for Sustainable Water and Waste Management for Rural Areas in Bulgaria

Environment, conflict and co-operation
A new website combines these issues to form an interconnected information plattform
27.10.2005 | Ulrike Röhr

Environmental Pollution kills 5 million children a year, says WHO
Lead causes neurological damage to 18 millions of others
26.10.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Schwarzenegger signs USA's first law on chemicals in cosmetics
New California Law Requires Disclosure of Toxic Ingredients
26.10.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Solid waste strategies and tools for Garla Mare
WECF publishes 3 solid waste management guides for the village of Garla Mare, Romania
26.10.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Solid waste report for Garla Mare
WECF publishes solid waste management report for the village of Garla Mare, Romania.
26.10.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Hormone Disrupting Chemicals
Are they responsible for causing abnormalities in human sexuality and reproductive capacity?
26.10.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Environment for Europe Conference
WECF participated in the first preparatory meeting of the Environment for Europe Conference, Belgrade 2007
26.10.2005 | Victoria Elias, Eco-Accord

Climate change and Environmental Pollution are killing millions, says World Bank study
A report from the World Bank highlights the death toll due to environment
24.10.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Report finds toxic chemicals in popular baby products
The Environment California Research and Policy Center released a report titled, "The Right Start: The Need to Eliminate Toxic Chemicals from Baby Products"
24.10.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Pollutants 'damage sperm quality'
Sperm cells can be affected by environmental factors
24.10.2005 | Helen Lynn

International Water Forum "AQUA Ukraine — 2005"
MAMA-86 and the Ukrainian Water Association report on the WASH seminar.
24.10.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Natural disasters and gender
A university report states that women are more affected by natural disasters
24.10.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

EU Environmental Policy Handbook
Better use and implementation of EU environmental legislation

EEB publishes EU Environmental Policy Handbook
Better use and implementation of EU environmental legislation
24.10.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Greek Children demand a toxic free future!
WECF member Clean-Up Greece organises REACH action in Athens and publishes Greek REACH leaflet
24.10.2005 | Daniela Rosche

Gentech-Soja in Rumänien völlig außer Kontrolle
Ex-Manager von Agromulti Monsanto packt aus
19.10.2005 | Sabine Brückmann

New publication!
Chemical Safety and Children's Health
17.10.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Lore Eco Club
Water and Sanitation, Renewable Energy

Journalists for Children and Women Rights and Environment

Greens Movement of Georgia
Friends of the Earth Georgia

Georgian Environmental & Biological Monitoring Association

Reaction to WECF letter
European Voice publishes WECF letter on "Parliamentarian of the Year" and REACH
11.10.2005 | Daniela Rosche

Georgian Association of Toxicologists


ECAT Environmental Center for Administration and Technology

Rural Women's NGO

Nederland moet koploper blijven
Zes Nederlandse vrouwen- en milieuorganisaties sturen een brief aan premier Balkenende
10.10.2005 | Daniela Rosche

Europarliamentarians resist industry pressure in crucial vote for REACH
Members of the Parliaments Environment and Public Health Committee yesterday voted for key amendments that strengthen the current draft legislation REACH
05.10.2005 | Daniela Rosche

Gender, Energy and Climate Change
The news by the WECF working group for energy and gender
05.10.2005 | Ulrike Röhr

No deal, yet!
No deal yet on global chemicals framework, US bogges-down SAICM negotiations

Don't worry, I am 11 % tested!
Avon, L'Oreal and Procter & Gamble Challenged Over Lack of Cosmetics Safety
04.10.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

MEP's: don't render REACH redundant !!
Women's Community calls on Members of the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Committee (ENVI)
30.09.2005 | Daniela Rosche

WECF writes letter to European Voice
WECF sends a letter to the editor of the European Voice on the nomination of Hartmut Nassauer
29.09.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

MEPs: Keep health and environmental protection at the heart of EU Chemicals Policy (REACH)
Members of the European Parliament's Environment and Public Health Committee (ENVI) need to ensure and effective REACH
29.09.2005 | Daniela Rosche

Wieder ein bürokratischer und unwirksamer Brüsseler Gesetzeskoloss?
Europäischer Umweltausschuss entscheidet über Europäische Chemikalienverordnung REACH (Text in German)
29.09.2005 | Sonja Haider

UNSER LAND Erntedank auf dem Marienplatz
Regionale Lebensmittel – ein Beitrag zum Umweltschutz (Text in German)
28.09.2005 | Sabine Brückmann

Women, Forests and Plantations
The WRM has just published a new book (available in Spanish, English and French) titled: "Women, Forests and Plantations. The Gender Dimension".
28.09.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Breast Cancer Action
WEN and UK Trade Unions say, don't be blindfolded, chemicals are linked to Breast Cancer
28.09.2005 | Helen Lynn

High levels of mercury in coastal areas
Women in coastal communities have twice as much mercury in their blood
28.09.2005 | Helen Lynn

Eurobarometer - new publication on radioactive waste
The study shows very clearly differences between women and men in their atttitudes toward nuclear energy
28.09.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Working Group on the Primary Prevention of Breast Cancer
Women expose the silence that kills
28.09.2005 | Helen Lynn

Asthma and housework: a few home truths
Two studies presented at the 15th ERS Congress in Copenhagen
28.09.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Media kit for organisations
Media kit for environment and health organisations can be ordered from EEN
27.09.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Pesticide spraying is a health risk
Crop spraying is a health risk, say scientists
26.09.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Non-governmental Women’s Organization

Chemicals and Cancer!
UMass Lowell Report Links Environmental and Occupational Exposures to Cancers
26.09.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

GMO Free Poland
Polish Marshals (Representatives of Parliament) want GMO Free Poland
26.09.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Women for REACH
EU Parliamentarians water down draft EU chemicals reform
26.09.2005 | Daniela Rosche

They force us to forget about the Chernobyl Disaster!
WHO report bagatalizes effects of Chernobyl, says NGO "MAMA-86", Ukraine
20.09.2005 | Anna Golubovska-Onisimova

Women for REACH - towards a Toxic Free Future!
WECF launches REACH website for women
18.09.2005 | Daniela Rosche

New project started in Romania and Ukraine
GEOSAN and WECF launch 1-year project in Garla Mare with support of Fondation Ensemble
17.09.2005 | Margriet Samwel

UN World Summit Agreements on Gender Equality
but stand-still on human rights, poverty and peace
17.09.2005 | Cayetana Carrion, WEDO

New ecosan household in Vorokhta in the Ukraine
Dry urine-diverting toilet for household; testing new sanitation model in a rural village
17.09.2005 | Margriet Samwel

Nitrate pollution of drinking water from Septic Tanks
California's 12 million Septic Tanks are costly to maintain
17.09.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

WECF helps Roma children
WECF helps 11 Roma children in Garla Mare to obtain identity papers
16.09.2005 | Anna Samwel

Ecological Sanitation – successful results from testing urine as fertilizer
Human urine from a school's urine-diverting toilets proves to be an excellent fertilizer for a maize field
14.09.2005 | Magriet Samwel

Stockholm Water Week brings ecosan practitioners together
CSE interviews WECF about its ecological sanitation projects
14.09.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Women for Water partnership statement to the World Summit in New York
Millenium Development Goal 3 should go beyond providing schooling for girls only
09.09.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Latest Gender News!
WECF Gender News from the Sustainable Development Working Group
06.09.2005 | Ulrike Röhr

Dutch NGOs present Sustainability Manifesto
Only by respecting the rights of the poor, and by reducing one's 'ecological footprint' can the Milennium Development Goals be met (text in Dutch)
01.09.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Deutsche Gifte ins Ausland
Neue Daten belegen: Deutsche Pestizidexporte teilweise hochgiftig
01.09.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

WECF partner LIFE / genanet launches new webpage!
The page activities center on gendermainstreaming in the UN climate change policy
17.08.2005 | Ulrike Röhr

Mindless toilets
Stockholm Water Week Prize Winner Ms. Sunita Narain gives her view on conventional toilets
17.08.2005 | Margriet Samwel

Ecotourism in Garla Mare
A report on small-scale ecotourism on the borders of the Danube. Opportunities and chances for the villagers in Romanian Garla Mare.
16.08.2005 | Margriet Samwel

Ecotourism in Garla Mare
A report on small-scale ecotourism on the borders of the Danube. Opportunities and chances for the villagers in Romanian Garla Mare.
16.08.2005 | Margriet Samwel

Why Women and the Environment
The press release on the publication "Why Women and the Environment".
10.08.2005 | Helen Lynn WEN

Why Women and the Environment
A publication on the connections between gender and the environment by WEN UK.

Why Women and the Environment
A new publication on the connections between gender and the environment by WEN UK.
08.08.2005 | Helen Lynn

Dozens of Chemicals Found in Most Americans
The concentration is especially high in children, a national study says.
25.07.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Energy News August 2005
The energy news; Results of the WECF network poll on energy and climate change
25.07.2005 | Ulrike Röhr

Boost from US for draft EU Chemicals Legislation (REACH)
REACH-type legislation was introduced in the US Congress last week
18.07.2005 | Daniela Rosche

WECF and AWHHE Project Report July 2005
Prospects for Organic Agriculture in three Armenian villages. A way out of poverty for rural populations?
18.07.2005 | Gero Fedtke

GMO Free Europe
The July newsletter for a GMO Free Europe
18.07.2005 | Sabine Brückmann

Severe Air Pollution in Stara Zagora, Bulgaria
The air is thick with hot greyish vapor of sulphur dioxide, WECF partner Earth Forever Foundation rings the alarm bell
18.07.2005 | Diana Iskreva

European Environment and Health Committee
Draft Report on the 19th meeting of the EEHC, Copenhagen

European Environment and Health Committee
Report on the 19th meeting of the EEHC, Copenhagen - air pollution and effecst on children

Chemicals link to breast cancer
A chemical found in cleaning materials, textiles and plastics pose a breast cancer threat
18.07.2005 | Sonja Haider

Living Well
Exposure to toxins producing billions in healthcare costs
18.07.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Frauen werden giftig - Für eine starke Chemikalienpolitik!
A joint pressrelease for a strong REACH and EU chemicals policy. (Text in German)
12.07.2005 | Sonja Haider

Less Toxins in Airplanes
A new method reduces pesticide spraying in planes (text in German)
12.07.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Heavy metal mercury found in fish
Warning pregnant women and young children against eating several types of fish, including swordfish, shark, king mackerel and tuna
12.07.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

MEPs confirm wide-ranging phthalate toy ban
Industry should stop using PVC althogether. Safe alternatives are available. Text in English and Dutch
12.07.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Mediterranean region will suffer from climate change
A new report indicates that the riks of forest fires in the Mediterranean region will increase strongly, negatively affecting tourism
11.07.2005 | Ulrike Röhr

Youth Event during the Danube Days in Bulgaria
Earth Forever Foundation organises major Youth event on water and sanitation in Stara Zagora
11.07.2005 | Diana Iskreva

Joint open letter to EU Environment Minister
European NGOs including WECF have written an open letter to the EU Environment Minister about the ban on Deca­B.D
11.07.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

WECF Gender News July; This month's news on gender issues
Widespread gender inequalities in Eastern Europe and a call for a stronger involvement of civil society in the UN Reform
11.07.2005 | Ulrike Röhr

Armenia - Pesticides Guidelines and Project Report
Two publications by the University of Wageningen on pesticides use in Armenia

Armenia - Pesticides Guidelines and Project Report for WECF and AWHHE
Two publications by the University of Wageningen on pesticides use in Armenia
04.07.2005 | Margriet Samwel

WECF Steering Committee Meeting
WECF's international steering committee met on 30th of May 2005 in Brussels for planning and evaluation of WECF network activities
04.07.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Learning about REACH, Lobbying for REACH
25 Women representing WECF member organisations from 8 European Countries go to Brussels and meet their MEPs
01.07.2005 | Dorine van der Keur

Pesticides in Kazakhstan
Pesticides are stored in unprotected, shabby premises, often with leaking roofs, dumped on a heap
28.06.2005 | Green Women

EU Groundwater Protection Directive - too weak!
According to the EEB the Directive has been watered down.
28.06.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Millenium + 5 Summit
WECF and other NGOs propose language amendments to the Outcome document
28.06.2005 | Isabel Ripa Juliá

Stop "unbanning" Deca-BDE
Environmental NGOs write letter to EU Environment Minister
27.06.2005 | Daniela Rosche

WECF and Netherlands Women's Organisation ask Secretary of State for Environment
to defend a strong chemicals directive at the upcoming environmental ministers council on June 24 2005
16.06.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

UN To Investigate Uzbek Violence
A UN human rights mission arrived in Kyrgyzstan to travel south and speak with survivors of last month's violence in the eastern Uzbek city of Andijon.
16.06.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Row over phtalates in PVC toys
European parliament is close to provoking a confrontation with EU governments on phtaltes in toys
16.06.2005 | Sonja Haider

Sweden calls for world ban on PFOS chemicals
found in flame-retardants and glues
16.06.2005 | Sonja Haider

Millenium Development + 5 Summit
Women's major group statement Millenium Development +5 Summit WECF endorses and contributes to the women's statement
16.06.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Better regulation!
NGO are asked to take part in EU internet consultation on "better regulation". Please take time to respond!
16.06.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

One year after Budapest - the European Environment and Health Committee met
New WHO study shows Children are more susceptible to Air Pollution
16.06.2005 | Annemarie Mohr

The Globe is Warming! Investors warned over cost of greenhouse gas
With only 4% of the world's population, the US is responsible for 25% of all carbon dioxide
16.06.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Health Care Without Harm News Release
New Harvard Study: Sick Infants in Hospital Intensive Care Units Exposed to High Levels of Toxic Phthalate
13.06.2005 | Sonja Haider

Women and pesticides
Exposing pregnant women to pesticides could cause inherited reproductive disorder
13.06.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Environmental taxes in Georgia
Support Georgian Greens action against cancellation of taxes on environmental pollution. Send a letter to the president.
13.06.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

WECF goes to Brussels
WECF meets with the new European Environment Commissioner Mr. Stravos Dimas
13.06.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Gender News in June
With further documents on the Millenium Development Goals as well as conference declartions.
13.06.2005 | Ulrike Röhr

Cancer and hair dyes
Study links hair dyes to cancer
10.06.2005 | Sonja Haider

Action needed! Stop the EU Commission from lifting GMO ban.
Help stop the European Commission from lifting the national bans on genetically modified (GM) food and crops under WTO pressure
10.06.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

European citizens sign against Nuclear Energy
"One million Europeans demand the phasing out of nuclear energy"
10.06.2005 | Ulrike Röhr

Tumors in rats after eating GMO mais
A study done by gen-tech company Monsato was leaked to the British press (article in Dutch)
10.06.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Call for Worldwide Abestos Ban!
40 countries have already banned Asbestos, but still hundred thousands of people die every year
10.06.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

EEB publications on Greening EU Common Agriculture Policy
Opportunities for greening the CAP by Arjan Berkhuysen and Christine Falter

CSD 13 Final Decisions
CSD-13 sets sanitation higher on the agenda, focusses on gender differences and identifies need for subsidies for the poor
07.06.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Baby Nappies Report
Serious error in agency's diaper report; re-useable and disposable score equally
06.06.2005 | Helen Lynn, WEN

The Aarhus Convention further strengthened in Almaty
Environmental rights treaty is enlarged with GMOS and new guidelines on public participation
06.06.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

WECF workshop with medical scientists
Lack of action on persistent chemicals and link between dioxins, PCBs and increase in ADHD, astma and cancer among children.
06.06.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

The 8th International HVH and Pesticides Forum
A short summary on the results of the forum in Sofia, Bulgaria.
01.06.2005 | Margriet Samwel

Training over chemische stoffen en gezondheid.
Training voor zwarte vrouwen, migranten- en vluchtelingenvrouwen over chemische stoffen en gezondheid.

Training over chemische stoffen en gezondheid.
Training voor zwarte vrouwen, migranten- en vluchtelingenvrouwen over chemische stoffen en gezondheid.
01.06.2005 | Isolde van Overbeek

Almaty Action Statement for Environmental Democracy
75 Environment and Civil Society Organisations present their views to Ministers

Money and women
A new webportal on gender responsive budget initatives.
30.05.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Almaty Conference concludes with new rights for Civil Society
Access to decision making on deliberate release of GMOs included in Aarhus Convention
30.05.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Poster "Our Common Future" WECF network Conference, Budapest 2004
European Women's Leaders views on the Future of Europe

Alternative Sanitation Systems
WECF presents ecosan to 30 Romanian mayors from the province of Teleorman
18.05.2005 | Margriet Samwel

Analysis of pesticide levels in drinking water.
Still too high concentrations of the herbizide Atrazine in the drinking water springs in Garla Mare, Romania.
17.05.2005 | Margriet Samwel

Energy and Climate Change Working Group
The May News from the Working Group.
17.05.2005 | Ulrike Röhr

GMO Free Europe Newsletter
Friends of the Earth has updated its GMO Free Europe Newsletter. Find out more.
17.05.2005 | Sabine Brückmann

Day of the Regions
Regional-Movement set up a German Federal Association
12.05.2005 | Sabine Brückmann

Chemicals keep falling on our head
PFOS is better known for being used to make non-stick pans, grease proof pizza boxes and (ironically) rain-proof coats.
11.05.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

DuPont, Teflon and a multi-billion dollar charge
Multibillion dollar charges for company DuPont on PFOA, a key ingredient in Teflon used for non-sticky frying pans.
11.05.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

New WECF project in the Roma village of Prislop in Romania
Improving sanitation and hygiene through anti-parasite treatment and hand-wash basins.
11.05.2005 | Margriet Samwel

Support Programme for the Roma Village Prislop
Supporting the Roma community in their basic needs: health, sanitation, infrastructure and schooling

Start up of the Afghanistan Project
The foundation for the school in Akakhel (Kunduz province) has been laid
10.05.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Petitie aan Nederlands parlement
Oproep om petitie aan Nederlands parlement te steunen voor meer financiele mogelijkheden voor maatschappelijke initiatieven gericht op duurzame ontwikkeling en milieu.
10.05.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

List of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) increased.
Four new chemicals, among them the flame retardant penta-BDE, have been added to the POP list.
10.05.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Toxic Toys
Gender-bending chemicals found in toys.
09.05.2005 | Sonja Haider

Romania - Rural Development for All
Ecological sanitation and waste-(water) management in rural areas of Romania

Environmental Policy counts in the EU
Almost nine in ten EU citizens say environmental policy is "just as important as economic policies".
06.05.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

More evidence on Bisphenol A
A chemical used to make food wrapping and line tin cans could be the cause of surging prostate cancer rates in men.
06.05.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

EU decides on POPs in Groundwater Directive
POPs not added to new EU Groundwater protection directive, but more investigation on the effects have been added
06.05.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Vision of Women's Environmental Leaders.
Our Common Future.
05.05.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Abschlussbericht Lambertmühle
Eine Publikation für den Abbau von Pharmaka in Böden und Urin

Ecosan– a step towards sustainable rural development in Eastern Europe
Paper to the 3. International Conference on Ecological Sanitation

WECF speaks at Bayer shareholder meeting on REACH and the role of Bayer
Three questions asked on why Bayer opposes REACH
03.05.2005 | Daniela Rosche

Persistant Organic Pollutants
Implementing the Stockholm POPs Convention - NGOs push for fulfilment of Anti-Pollution promises
02.05.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Ecological Sanitation very prominent at the CSD-13
Ministers of Sweden and Uganda and the WASH campaign support Ecosan
29.04.2005 | Anna Tsvekova

UN CSD-13 confirms subsidies for poor to access safe water
Women and NGOs ask for a ‘rights based approach’ for access to basic services
29.04.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

A call for strengthening REACH
WECF, Trade Unions and NGOs joint press release (Text in Dutch)
28.04.2005 | Daniela Rosche

New study on pesticides
PAN study released - Peoples Exposure to Pesticides
28.04.2005 | Margriet Samwel

WECF press release - Large Women's Organisation for REACH (text in Dutch)
Vrouwen vragen Europarlementariërs waterdichte wetgeving over chemische
28.04.2005 | Daniela Rosche

EU Sustainable Development Strategy - stakeholder forum
WECF and LIFE organise 2 workshops and score well
28.04.2005 | Isabel Ripa

20 years after Chernobyl - in Belarus 50.000 children will contract cancer
Preparations for Chernobyl+20 are starting, new websites available
27.04.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

REACH - Joint press release (German)
Environmental NGOs in Germany look at benefits of REACH for Small and Medium Enterprises
25.04.2005 | Sonja Haider

Parliamentarians: Make women's health, children's health and the environment the priority!
Large European Women's organisations support the EU Commission's draft REACH regulation and demand important changes to the draft.
22.04.2005 | Daniela Rosche

Gender News April 2005
The report by the Gender in Sustainable Development Working Group for April.
22.04.2005 | Ulrike Röhr

Ecological sanitation - From unsustainable to sustainable sewage systems
Information posters are now available in Russian and Ukrainian

Ecological sanitation - From unsustainable to sustainable sewage systems
Information posters are now available in Russian and Ukrainian
18.04.2005 | Margriet Samwel

Ozersk - Russia's oldest nuclear plant "Mayak" under investigation
Ozersk is also the hometown of one of WECF members, Planet of Hope
15.04.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Potential Ban of Flame Retardants in the US?
A possible ban for a trio of long-lived industrial chemicals used in TVs, computer and furniture.
15.04.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Research study links more than 200 diseases to pollution
Read the article and download the database on the pollutants and diseases
15.04.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

WECF Annual Report
Looking back on WECF in 2003 and 2004

WECF Annual Report 2004
all our projects, conferences, publications and press releases
12.04.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Eco-sanitation Flyer
WECF has published a new flyer on ecological sanitation, hygiene and gender aspects and the benefits of urine-diverting toilets over sceptic tanks.
07.04.2005 | Margriet Samwel

Ecosanitation Flyer - get informed!
WECF has produced a new flyer on ecological sanitation, hygiene and gender aspects and the benefits of urine-diverting toilets over sceptic tanks.
07.04.2005 | Margriet Samwel

USA prepare for ban of Bisphenol-A
USA politician demands ban of Bisphenol-A in Babybottles (Article in German and English)
07.04.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

France and Chernobyl
French authorities lied about Chernobyl effect, and did not take any measures to protect children, a new report proves
07.04.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Planet Earth stands on the edge of disaster
A report by 1,300 leading scientists from 95 countries found out (text in English and Dutch)
06.04.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

The example of a constructed wetland in Germany, visit report of "Lamberstmuehle"
Decentralisied waste-water treatment for a building with 8 to 1000 people
06.04.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Lambert Mill Visit
Decentralisied waste-water treatment for a building with 8 to 1000 people. The example of constructed wetlands in Germany.
06.04.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

German Cities - coughing up carcenogenic dust
Dangerous diesel particle dust has been the major issue in Germany during the last week.
05.04.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Verzorgingsproducten met een luchtje
Download the Dutch Flyer on Toxic Chemicals in Cosmetics (in Dutch).
04.04.2005 | Isolde van Overbeek

Is make-up making us sick? Women absorb 2kg of chemicals through cosmetics p/year
Article in the Telegraph about chemicals in cosmetics, includes interview with WEN
04.04.2005 | Sonja Haider

Women for a Toxic Free Future - new WECF publication (in German)
Everything you need to know about chemicals in your daily life
04.04.2005 | Sonja Haider

Greece - REACH Youth Event
REACH youth event Athens
01.04.2005 | WECF Event

Water, Waste and Sanitation as a catalyst for citizen’s participation
WECF starts 2,5 year cooperation with NGOs and municipalities in Bulgaria
31.03.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Lozing hexachloorbenzeenhoudend slib in de Rijn (text in Dutch only)
Minister Peijs geeft toestemming tot het lozen van grote hoeveelheden slib, verontreinigd met een kankerverwekkende en hormoonverstorende stoff
31.03.2005 | Isolde van Overbeek

Armenia Tapping Resources
Poverty elimination, organic farming and improvement of water supply and sanitation in rural areas of Armenia

Frauen für eine giftfreie Zukunft
Was Sie schon immer über Chemikalien in Ihrem Alltag wissen wollten.

Energy News in March
Information from the Energy and Gender Working Group.
11.03.2005 | Ulrike Röhr

Gender News
Information from the Gender and Sustainable Development Working Group.
11.03.2005 | Ulrike Röhr

Global partnership “WOMEN FOR WATER” combats poverty through women's participation in water management
10.03.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Women and Chemicals Action on 8 March in Berlin
Minister of Environment Trittin meets WECF and 12 organisations
09.03.2005 | Sonja Haider

Frauen werden Giftig - Eine Aktion am Weltfrauentag für eine giftfreie Zukunft
Frauen Aktion gegen die zunehmende Belastung durch gefährliche Chemikalien (text in German)
08.03.2005 | Sonja Haider

Pressekonferenz „Frauen werden giftig“- 8 März Aktion
WECF director addresses the press on REACH (Text in German)
08.03.2005 | Sonja Haider

8 Maart Persbericht Vrouwen voor Water conferentie
(text in Dutch only)
08.03.2005 | Margreet Munneke

WECF side event at Beijing+10 on Women and Environment
and USA withdraws its anti-sexual and reproductive rights ammendment
07.03.2005 | Muborak Sharipova

Women for Water Conference attracts 120 participants from Africa, Asia, Latin-America, Eastern-Europe and NIS
Netherlands Minister of Development Cooperation receives concluding messages
07.03.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Networking organisation for sustainable agriculture and rural development
01.03.2005 | Sabine Brückmann

WECF supports EU parliament on SCALE
call for restriction on 5 key chemicals; phthalates, endosulfan, chlorinated solvents....
25.02.2005 | Helen Lynn

WECF's contribution to the network of science shops and call on EU Commission
2nd International Conference on Living Knowledge in Sevilla
24.02.2005 | Margriet Samwel

Implementing the Budapest Commitments on Childrens Environmental Health
And Upcoming elections of 2 youth representatives for the EEHC
24.02.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

New publications on Sustainable Rural Development
WECF briefing on the EU Natura-2000 programme and SARD
24.02.2005 | Isabel Ripa Julia

TMF start-up meeting
Partners from Armenia, Uzbekistan and Afghanistan join for the begin of the four year TMF project
20.02.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

AWHHE round-table “For a Toxic Free Future” in Yerevan
obsolete pesticide dumps and dangerous use of pesticides in Armenia
19.02.2005 | Annemarie Mohr

Workshop in Warsaw
WECF organises 2nd Polish Women and REACH workshop 25 - 26 February 2005

WECF documentaries shown
in Fortzelza at the World Social Forum and at the Paris Human Rights Film Festival
15.02.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Baby and cancer risk
New research links the size of babies with the risk of cancer.
15.02.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

EU Health and Environment Action Plan - SCALE
Report of the NGO workshop 1 december 2004, Netherlands
12.02.2005 | Marie Kranendonk

MAMA-86 & WECF - Matra Project in the Ukraine
Socio-economic and gender survey of Vorohkta, Bobryk and Gozhuli.

MAMA-86 & WECF - Matra Project in the Ukraine
Socio-economic and gender survey of Vorohkta, Bobryk and Gozhuli.
04.02.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Association of Bishenol-A with prostate cancer
Plastic component boosts prostate cancer cells.
04.02.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Carcenogenic Dutch military rockets sold to Romania
Ministry of Defense starts new independent study
04.02.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

Health and chemicals
WECF and TIYE organise training for immigrant and refugee women in the Netherlands

Pesticides in food
Estimate of children's health risk - a study of the Dutch Health Committee (in Dutch)
03.02.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

GMO Free Regions
Report from the European Conference, Berlin 22 -23 January 2005
03.02.2005 | Sabine Brückmann

CSD-13 Water and Sanitation
EU views based on the interestgroup meeting of 13 Dec 2004

Beijing 10+
Ten years after the commitment of worls leaders to strengthening women's rights and involvement worldwide, WECF organized a conference on Women, Health and Environment at the NGO Forum
01.02.2005 | WECF Event

EU views on CSD-13 Water and Sanitation
in preparation of the meeting 11-22 April at the UN in New York
01.02.2005 | Sascha Gabizon

WECF organises water conference
as part of the Women for Water partnership, on 4-5 March 2005 in the Netherlands.
25.01.2005 | Solomiya Babyak

Cleaning products 'wheezing link'
Exposure to cleaning products while in the womb could be linked to persistent wheezing in young children.
25.12.2004 | Sonja Haider

EU Environment and Health Action Plan
Conference conclusions and poster on breastfeeding to download
25.12.2004 | Sascha Gabizon

From 2004 to 2005
WECF wishes you a happy and healthy new year
22.12.2004 | Sascha Gabizon

WECF's 8 points to strengthen REACH
WECF and Dutch NGOs sent a letter on REACH to Dutch Prime-Minister and parliament
22.12.2004 | Sascha Gabizon

Statement on Women and Environment for Beijing+10
Genanet, WECF and other women's organisations prepare statement on

Statement on Women and Environment for Beijing+10
Genanet, WECF and other women's organisations prepare statement on
21.12.2004 | Sascha Gabizon

Preparing for Beijing+10
NGOs and governments meet in Geneva
21.12.2004 | Muborak Sharipova

EU Parliament Women's Committee Newsletter
EU policies from a gender perspective
21.12.2004 | Sascha Gabizon

People stand up for fair elections in Ukraine
The ‘Orange Revolution’ strengthens democracy and free press
21.12.2004 | Annemarie Mohr

94,7 percent of organic food do not have pesticide residues
Results from organically grown fruits and vegetables testing
17.12.2004 | Margriet Samwel

Mainstreaming Gender into Climate Change policies
Statement presented at the Climate Convention Conference of Parties in Buenos Aires, December 2004.
17.12.2004 | Ulrike Röhr

All salads tested in Germany contain pesticide residues
except the organic salads, which had no pesticides, says Greenpeace Germany Pesticide Report
15.12.2004 | Magriet Samwel

Publications of the WECF Polish Workshop
Download; 'detergents and health' in Polish and in English
14.12.2004 | Sonja Haider

Polish Women for a Toxic Free Future
WECF's 6th of December workshop in Warshaw
10.12.2004 | Sonja Haider

Gender News - November
WECF Gender in Sustainable Development Working Group
30.11.2004 | Sonja Haider

Joint Lobby Action - EU chemicals directive REACH
German environment NGOs and WECF send letters to German Ministers of Economy and Environment
30.11.2004 | Sascha Gabizon

Albanian Hotspot - Lindane pesticide plant
Soil samples consist of 70 percent Lindane and only 30 percent soil

Sweden takes toxics out of neonatal intensive care units
"No one, especially not premature babies, should be fed with phthalates"
25.11.2004 | Sascha Gabizon

Ukraine visit
Visit to Ukraine's rural areas - an article in a local German newspaper (German)
23.11.2004 | Sascha Gabizon

Pesticides in your food - poster to download
93% of oranges contain pesticide residues, DDT is found in most Feta Cheese
19.11.2004 | Sonja Haider

A healthy climate?
Gender justice and climate protection
17.11.2004 | Ulrike Röhr

A healthy climate?
Gender justice and climate protection. What are we doing?

Ecological Situation in Central Asia
Environmental News Agency "Greenwomen"
15.11.2004 | Annemarie Mohr

Netherlands EU Presidency
What Women expect of the Dutch EU presidency (in Dutch)
11.11.2004 | WECF Press Release

WECF and partners projects as examples
in the UNEP publication, "Women and the Environment"
11.11.2004 | Sascha Gabizon

13th session of the Commission for Sustainable Development, New York
CSD-13 Women's Caucus Statement on Water and Sanitation
11.11.2004 | Sascha Gabizon

Tbilisi - Resolution of NGO Conference
EECCA Environmental Strategy Conference of Environment Ministers
10.11.2004 | Sascha Gabizon

NGO and EU SCALE meeting
WECF actively participates in NGO and EU SCALE meeting, 1 -3 December
10.11.2004 | Sascha Gabizon

Toxic Chemicals in our Daily Lives
WECF workshop in Poland 6. Dec 2004
10.11.2004 | Sonja Haider

Meeting with pesticide-waste time-bomb in Ukraine
Old broken bags and corroded reservoirs
09.11.2004 | Margriet Samwel

Ecosan in the Ukraine - latest news
First separate double vault compost toilets are ceremoniously opened
08.11.2004 | Margriet Samwel

Implementing CEHAPE
Case Studies of Actions to improve Children's Health and Environment,
03.11.2004 | Sascha Gabizon

Why Women are Important for Sustainable Development
Results of the European Women's Conference for a Sustainable Future

Formaldehyde carcinogenic
High levels of formaldehyde in evaporations from Ajax and other cleaning products found in France
02.11.2004 | Sonja Haider

Ecosan in the Ukraine
Festive opening of ecosanitation toilets of school in Gozhuly, Ukraine
27.10.2004 | Annemarie Mohr

WAVE - Women As the Voice for the Environment
UNEP's Global Women's Assembly, Nairobi, 11-13 October 2004
26.10.2004 | Sascha Gabizon

Chemicals, environment and health.
Various documents in Hungarian and Russian to download..

Nobel Peace Prize 2004
Kenyan Woman, Wangari Maathai, first environmentalist to win Peace Prize
21.10.2004 | WECF Press Release

Clean Med Europe
A report by the WECF Health Working Group on the 1. Health Care Congress in Vienna, October 04
21.10.2004 | Elena Manvelian

A long trip from Ukraine to Munich because of Water
Ukraine delegation visits Germany through the MATRA water project
21.10.2004 | Margriet Samwel

Fact Sheet on the Disposal of Plastics
Dangerous Health Effects of Home Burning of Plastics and Waste

The Review of the EU SDS
Genanet and WECF review the EU sustainable development strategy. Deutsch / English.

WECF and partners projects as examples
in the UNEP publication, "Women and the Environment"

Global Women`s Assembly on Environment, Nairobi
WECF director and members speak at UNEP’s Global Women’s Assembly on Environment
12.10.2004 | Marie Kranendonk

No Drinking Water
Three documentaries on women and water now available on CD-rom/DVD. Find out more...

Eine Postkarte an Bundeskanzler Schröder
Eine Karte als Aufruf für starke EU Chemikaliengesetzte.

Eliminating the dirty dozen
A WECF and IPEN report on the elimination of Persistant Organic Pollutants (POPs).

Ecological Sanitation and Associated Hygienic Risk
An overview of existing policymaking guidelines and research

Reducing the effects of polluted water on children`s health in rural Romania.

Ban of toxic softeners in PVC toys extended
Great news from the European Council and Parliament
28.09.2004 | Sascha Gabizon

Watch out! Scoubidou-cords contain up to 45% of hazardous chemicals.
High concentrations of cadmium and pthtalates (plasticicers) have been found in these trendy PVC toys (text in German)
28.09.2004 | Margriet Samwel

Bejing +10
The September report from the Working Group Gender in Sustainable Development
27.09.2004 | Heike Spohr

Nederlandse studenten bezoeken WECF project in Garla Mare, Roemenie
"Garla Mare is op geen enkele kaart aangegeven"

The factsheet on health, climate change and gender.
Read about the relationship between health and gender issues and climate change.
15.09.2004 | Heike Spohr

Factsheet on climate change, health and gender
A publication on the relationship between climate change, health and gender (english and russian).

The Aqua 2004 Report is out.
A pilot project on safe drinking water, ecological sanitation and associated hygenic risks and reducing effects of polluted drinkingwater on children´s health in rural Romania.
15.09.2004 | Margriet Samwel

Aqua 2004 Report
A pilot project on safe drinking water, ecological sanitation and associated hygenic risks and reducing effects of polluted drinkingwater on children´s health in rural Romania.

The 14. Stockholm Symposium and World Water Week
Reporting on ecological sanitation as discussed during the Stockholm Symposium.
15.09.2004 | Margriet Samwel

The 14. Stockholm Water Symposium and World Week
Report regarding the issue “ECOLOGICAL SANITATION”

Gender tools and gender checklist
Four gender tools and methods for assessment and application in different contexts. (English and Russian.)

WECF and MNGM send letter to Dutch MPs
A call from the Netherlands for a better and healthier chemical policy.
13.09.2004 | Sonja Haider

News from the gender working group
Towards Beijing+10 and UNEP's Global Women's Assembly
13.09.2004 | Heike Spöhr

Bulgaria - Water, Waste and Sanitation in Rural Areas
Developing a model for sustainable water and waste management for rural areas
13.09.2004 | WECF Project

WECF in Kunduz
WECF en NGO Katachel uit Afghanistan werken aan verbetering sanitaire voorziening in de Kunduz-regio.
13.09.2004 | WECF Project

Afghanistan - Tapping Resources
WECF and Katachel Afghanistan working on improved sanitation for the Kunduz region

Eco-Sanitation, water pollution, poverty and waste burning
Final Evaluation Report of the MATRA project in Romania carried out by WECF and Medium&Sanitas
13.09.2004 | Sascha Gabizon

EU Funding Opportunities in Brief
Overview of funding from EU on themes of environment, energy, gender and new EU member states.
06.08.2004 | Annemarie Mohr

WECF Gender in Sustainable Development Working Group
Gender News July 2004
28.07.2004 | Heike Spohr

Environment News Service reports on WECF and Medium & Sanitas project
on eco-sanitation and drinking water protection in rural Romania
27.07.2004 | Margriet Samwel

WECF director gives key-note speech during Ministerial Conference in Budapest
Indoor plastic burning and chemicals in household products are a great threat to children`s health.
23.07.2004 | Annemarie Mohr

WECF calls on new European Members of Parliament
Support a strong chemicals legislation (REACH) to protect our health
16.07.2004 | Sylvia Altamira

WECF gives 3000 signatures to Secretary of State for Environment Mr. van Geel
Dutch Women want Toxic-Free Bodies (bericht in het Nederlands)
12.07.2004 | Marie Kranendonk

WECF Report from Budapest – June 2004
More than 100 women from 25 countries of the WECF network came to Budapest to take part in the Health and Environment Conferences. Much happened...
08.07.2004 | Sonja Haider

Hungarian Women's Chemicals and Health Day
WECF organises training and media action with Hungarian Women's Organisations on the dangers of chemicals in daily-life products such as cosmetics and children's toys
05.07.2004 | Sylvia Altamira

Don`t pollute our babies bodies!
Women in Europe for a Common Future Members Stand in Silent Appeal to WHO Conference Delegates
30.06.2004 | WECF Press Release

Nationaal Forum Gezondheid en Milieu
Bij Nederlands ministerie van VWS ontbreekt capaciteit. Ministers voor Gezondheid besluiten tot milieumaatregelen
25.06.2004 | WECF Press Release

Nationaal Forum Gezondheid en Milieu
Milieu oorzaak eenderde van de kindersterfte Organisaties vragen bindende maatregelen van regering
22.06.2004 | WECF Press Release

Persbericht: Consument Onvoldoende Beschermd
Pressrelease in Dutch

Soap and Shampoo Report 2002
Criteria for Good Environmental Choice

Ukraine - Ecological Sanitation Solutions
Dry urine-diverting toilets for schools and households

Working Towards a Toxic Free Future
The handbook for Taking Action Today.

Protecting Future Generations
Toxic Chemicals - Effects on Human Reproductive Health and Child Development.

The WECF Flyer
Here you can read and download the new WECF Flyer.

Romania Gender Socio Economic Analysis Report
A report on a short survey of the socio-economic and gender situation in Garla Mare, Romania.

International Declaration on diseases from chemical pollution
Leading Scientists from Europe and the US presented latest research on the link between cancer and environmental pollution during the conference.
31.05.2004 | Annemarie Mohr

The Chemicals & Health Toolkit
Here you are able to download the english Version of the Toolkit "Working Towards a Toxic Free Future".

Chemikalien im Alltag
Politik, Industrie und Verbraucherinnen können gemeinsam das Risiko durch gesundheitsschädliche Chemikalien in Alltagsprodukten für Frauen, Männer und Kinder verringern.

Naar een Toekomst zonder gif
Van 2003-2006 organiseerde WECF presentaties en workshops ism Tiye en 4VO in het kader van het project "Naar een Toekomst Zonder Gif"
29.05.2004 | WECF Projecten

NGO Brussels Statement 2003
On the Pan-European agenda for the forthcoming conference in Budapest on Environment and Health.

Fourth Minsterial Conference on Environment and Health, Budapest 2004
Here you will find a number of documents concerning the conference.

The Future of Our Children
4th Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health, Budapest 23. - 25. June 2004, WECF is organising workshops and events.
29.05.2004 | Sascha Gabizon

WECF's Network Conference "Our Common Future" in Budapest
"Our Common Future" will bring together 70 leading women environmentalists from the Pan-European region
27.05.2004 | Marie Kranendonk

WECF invitation and draft agenda for Budapest 2004
The letter of invitation and the draft agenda for “Our Common Future - European Women’s Conference for a Sustainable Future” are ready.
27.05.2004 | Marie Kranendonk

Cooperation for sustainable rural development in the Ukraine
Involving citizens and local authorities in rural Ukraine in improvement of drinking water, sanitation and agriculture.

Co-operation for Sustainable Rural Development in the Ukraine
The summary report on the first project period.

Budapest Health and Environment Ministerial Conference 2004
NGO strategy meeting, Bussels 15-16 December 2003
25.05.2004 | Sascha Gabizon

WECF achievements in 2003
A short report on the 2003 highlights of Women in Europe for a Common Future.

A powerful connection: gender & renewables
GENANET has brought out a new leaflet on the combined issue of gender and renewables.

Safe Drinking Water in Romania - January 2004
The January 2004 Report on the Romania Safe Drinking Water Project

Paris Appeal: WECF calls for signing this declaration
Declaration on the link between cancer and environmental pollution presented during conference "Cancer, Environment and Society"
23.05.2004 | Sascha Gabizon

Experience in Roma district
An insight into the safe drinking water project in Garla Mare, Romania.

Statement from the Energy and Climate Working Group
The proposed statement of the energy and climate change working group during the European Women`s Conference on a sustainble future.

Women`s request after the Kyoto Water Forum
European Women’s input into the 3. World Water Forum in Kyoto

Creating a sustainable perspective for the Urals
A partnership conference on sustainability in the Ural region in Russia.

Green Week Report 2. - 5. June 2003
Report of the activities and commitments made by the WECF network and partners

Statement to the Plenary of the World Summit for Sustainable Development
Statement to the Plenary of the World Summit for Sustainable Development by Muborak Sharipova, Tadjikistan.

Women for Water Initiative
Equal access to safe drinking water and healthy sanitation through participation and empowerment.

150 million people in Eastern Europe and NIS without safe water and sanitation
EU and UN strategies are not addressing the local problems, eco-sanitation and decentralized waste water treatment should be promoted
06.05.2004 | Annemarie Mohr

NVR-Commissie Duurzame Ontwikkeling
The NVR has always served as a platform for the emancipation of women society, taking initiative and stimulati

Global Mothers- Initiative of Women for the Environment and Peace
Women in Action – Promoting Peace - Protecting the Environment

Independent Social Support ISS

Women for Green Way for Generations
Women's organization on Health, Environment and Sustainable Development

Ural's Women Network (Argayash)

Step Forward Snezynsk

Planet of Hopes
Support Women's Social and Ecological's Rights

Network of East-West Women, NEWW
Democracy without women is no democracy

Nabat Muslyomovo

Medium & Sanitas

Irish Doctors Environmental Association IDEA
Promote the Right to Health and Peaceful Co-Existence Worldwide

Ecological News Agency

Global Action Plan
Empower people to live and work increasingly sustainably

Ecoproject Sustainability Initiative
Improve energy and environmental situation as well as health of the population in Belarus

Ecobaby, Stichting
Prevention, cure and compensation of adverse environmental for the optimal development of unborns and newborns


Clean World Public Union for Civil Rights

Clean up Greece
Create awareness for environmenatl issues in the Greek population by various programs

Chelyabinsk City Public Movement of Women

Armenian Women for Health and a Healthy Environment

Chelyabinsk Region Charity Fund for Helping Nuclear Victims

WECF's views on SCALE, the EU health & environment policy
Protection of women`s health means protecting future generations
15.04.2004 | Marie Kranendonk

Women demand end to pollution of humans
Call for Action: Towards a Toxic Free Future. Women and children should not be the testing ground for industry
15.04.2004 | Sascha Gabizon

EWA Kyrgyzstan: Strengthening Gender Potential of EWA Project Partners
"Empower Women - Benefit (for) All (EWA)"
01.04.2004 | WICF Project

REACH - Eliminating Toxic Chemicals in the EU
Working to ensure that by 2020 all consumer products are free of hazardous chemicals
01.04.2004 | WECF Campaign


Drinking water quality in Garla Mare (Romania)
A research by Anna Samwel for WECF

Aral Sea
Mothers and babies health threatened. 30 years of cotton monocultures: DDT and Lindane. Pesticides found in breastmilk and cordblood
15.03.2004 | Annemarie Mohr

New website: gender and sustainability
Environment and sustainability policy is not gender neutral. Therefore LIFE e.V. Germany has started a new gender and sustainable development website.
11.03.2004 | Sascha Gabizon

Health and Environment Ministerial Conference - Budapest 2004
Background Document - draft Ministerial CEHAPE - Ministerial Document - Children's Environment and Health Action Plan for Europe
02.03.2004 | Sascha Gabizon

"Our Common Future"
WECF network conference in Budapest 2004: 100 European women's leaders build capacity on participation in policy making
01.03.2004 | WECF Event

Our Toxic Free Future
Working towards a Toxic Free Future - getting ready for action

Ukraine - Safe Drinking Water
Improving the drinking water conditions through public awareness and participation.

Armenia - Healthy Food for Pregnant Women
Improving the health of newborn babies and pregnant women in Armenia; Growing organic Amaranth for the maternity clinic of Yerevan
09.02.2004 | WECF Project

Romania - Safe Drinking Water
Developing a participatory democracy, creating a network of local environmental NGOs and implementing effective and reproducible small-scale projects for safe drinking water solutions.

Access to Drinking Water - Problems and Solutions in the Ukraine
Presentation by Svetlana Slesarenok, Director of MAMA-86 Odessa, at the Plenary of the European Social Forum in Ivry, Paris, on 14 November 2003.
14.11.2003 | Sascha Gabizon

3rd World Water Forum, Kyoto 2003
WECF present at the conference of the water and sanitation sector
01.01.2003 | WECF Event

Draft Statement for the Working Group on Biodiversity and Gene Technology
Conference "European Women for a Sustainable Future"

World Summit on Sustainable Development
World Summit on Sustainable Development 2002 - pushing the gender issue
01.01.2002 | WECF Event