CSW59: 59th session of the Commission on the Status of Women will focus on Beijing plus 20
The CSW will undertake a review of progress made in the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, 20 years after its adoption
| WICF Campaign
Countries: | Worldwide |
Partners: | WEDO |
Duration: | 03/2015 - 03/2015 |
The main focus of the 59th session of the Commission on the Status of Women, which will be held in New York’s UN Headquarters from 9 to 20 March 2015, will be on the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (1995).
Including current challenges that affect its implementation and the achievement of gender equality as well as the empowerment of women, the CSW will undertake a review of progress made in the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, 20 years after its adoption at the Fourth World Conference on Women in 1995 in Beijing.
WECF submitted a statement in October 2014 and co-organises a parallel event on 13 March with the title “Measuring Progress in Gender & Environmental Justice – Lessons from 20 Years Beijing Platform for Action for the Post2015 Agenda”.
WECF will also co-organise a side event on 10 March with the title "Ensuring Climate Justice Towards a Just and Healthy Planet".
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Die "Educational Poster" der Women and Gender Constituency
Hier direkt downloaden!
63. Sitzung der Frauenrechtskommission in New York vom 11. bis 22. März
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Der Videomitschnitt des Abends ist jetzt auf Youtube zu finden!
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Am Dienstag, den 26. März um 19 Uhr im EineWeltHaus, Raum 211/12 Schwanthalerstr. 80 RG, 80336 München
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Economical and social empowerment of remote communities in Uganda
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1,5°C : c'est possible!
Les solutions genre et climat montrent la voie. Venez les découvrir pendant la COP24 à Katowice
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1.5°C IS POSSIBLE: gender just climate solutions are showing the way!
Press release: for immediate release
#Ruralwomen: join our Women2030 campaign!
Sascha, gefeliciteerd!
WECF International Directeur nieuw op nummer 33 in Duurzame Top 100 Dagblad Trouw
Congratulations Sascha!
Named thirty-third most influential sustainability fighter in the Netherlands
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Calling for periods free from plastic & hazardous chemicals
Letter to Frédérique Ries, MEP, European Parliament on behalf of the #BreakFreeFromPlastics movement
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Promotion of Healthy and Economical Agriculture and Livestock Farming
How to improve with simple means agricultural cultivation methods and local livestock farming and make them more profitable
WECF at HLPF 2018
"While HLPF is a great space for feminist solidarity, networking, awareness raising and knowledge sharing of best practices, you cannot really shake the feeling of: are we really doing enough to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals?"
Application open for Gender Just Climate Solutions Award 2018!
WECF and partners invite you to participate in the 4th annual Gender Just Climate Solutions Awards
FILM - Fighting Inequalities
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Armenia Policy Dialogue on Agenda2030 - Women2030 Program, Yerevan, 18 June 2018
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HLPF 2018: Transformation towards sustainable and resilient societies
WECF is participating in UN's central platform for the follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda for the Sustainable Developments Goals (SDGs)
Heb jij een goed idee waarmee Nederland nog meer aan de weg kan timmeren als wandel- en fietsvriendelijk land?
Laat het ons weten en win 500 euro!
Uganda: Promotion of Healthy and Economical Agriculture and Livestock Farming
With simple methods and means, agricultural cultivation methods and local livestock farming are improved and made more profitable. This project is co-financed with an existing project in Uganda: 'Better living conditions, less rural migration',.
Women and Gender Constituency Joint Statement On SB48
Real commitment to rights-based, gender-just solutions to climate change is imperative for the effective implementation of the Paris Agreement.
Women2030 in Tajikistan
WECF and Women2030 partners participate in policy dialogue on Gender and Women’s rights in Tajikistan, organised by the EU delegation in Dushanbe on 24-25 of April 2018.
Auf dem Weg zu einem Klima der Gerechtigkeit
Ein Beitrag von Johanna Hausmann, WECF, in Umwelt aktuell, 06.2018
Press release: #Women2030 partners at the European Development Days
The coalition and local partners of the programme #Women2030 will be present at the European Development Days in Brussels, on 5 and 6 June 2018, on their stand number 79, to facilitate dialogues with local partners from Africa, Latin America, Asia and Caucasus, and to showcase results after 2 years of implementation.
Small is Beautiful
WECF reageert op nieuwe Beleidsnota Minister Kaag "Investeren in perspectief. Goed voor Nederland, goed voor de wereld."
Bonn Climate Talks: Slow Progress but the Gender Action Plan is rolling!
WECF was in Bonn from April 30th to May 10th. Read below our comments.
Menstrual Hygiene Day 2018
Intersecting Menstrual Hygiene Management and the Sustainable Development Goals - an overview by WECF
Crowdfunder for ‘Environmenstrual’ Campaign from the Women's Environmental Network
WECF partner, the UK-based Women’s Environmental Network (WEN), have recently launched a ‘Crowdfunder’ for their new ‘Environmenstrual Campaign’. The goal of which is to spark a menstrual revolution and increase demand for healthy, eco-friendly menstrual products.
Report on National Workshop on SDGs in Georgia
On the Interlinkages of Environment & Health in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
WECF bij de Klimaatconferentie in Bonn, 30 april – 10 mei
WECF was sterk vertegenwoordigd in Bonn en liet actief haar gezicht zien om de rol van vrouwen in het bereiken van de Sustainable Development Goals te benadrukken.
'De reis van plastic en hoe het ons leven beïnvloedt'
Op 17 april gaven Manon Zwart, coördinerend adviseur duurzaamheid bij het RIVM en Chantal Van den Bossche, coördinator communicatie WECF, een gezamenlijke workshop over plastic tijdens de jaarlijkse Atlas Dag van de Leefomgeving.
Opinion: Poland infringing on yet another human right while the European community watches silently
UN human rights experts join feminist organisations in condemning Polish Legislation
Reinforcing capacity building on waste water treatment in An Oston
During a five days' workshop, the engineers Stefan Deegener and Tobias Ulbrich, have brought the expertise and experience to the villagers and decision makers of An Oston
Press Release: The Great Eight Action
Bonn, 4 May 2018, SB48, UNFCCC
COP24: women demand a gender-just transition
Follow WECF's activities around UN's climate change conference in Katowice, Poland, in December 2018
Klimagerechtigkeit braucht Geschlechtergerechtigkeit!
Ein Beitrag von Johanna Hausmann, WECF, in WirFrauen, Ausgabe 2018_1
Afrika-dag in Amsterdam: eco-activisme en WECF
Op zaterdag 14 april 2018 hield Women Engage for a Common Future haar eerste workshop tijdens de jaarlijkse Afrika-Dag in Amsterdam.
WECF at the Global Festival of Action for Sustainable Development
WECF beim Global Festival of Action for Sustainable Development
AfricaDay in Amsterdam: Raising Awareness on Eco-Activism
Saturday April 14th 2018, Women Engage for a Common Future held its first workshop at the annual AfrikaDag in Amsterdam. With this year’s theme being “New Activism”, members of the organization took it upon themselves to raise awareness on eco-activism
Ausschreibung: Videoproduktion für europäisches Nachhaltigkeitsprojekt
Aktivitäten Make Europe Sustainable for all
From Marrakesh to Marrakesh: The rise of gender equality in the global climate governance and climate action
WECF’s experts publish chapter in Routledge Handbook of Human Rights and Climate Governance
Eco-Activism: What it is and Why it is Relevant
In light of this year’s theme “New Activism”, Women and Environment Network WECF, Women Engage for a Common Future, will organize a workshop on eco-activism during Africaday in Amsterdam. What is eco-activism and what are its challenges?
13.04.2018 | Audrey Van Schoote
Through WECF you can apply for local project grants in The Netherlands, Germany and France.
Répondez à l'appel à projets (ODD) : Construire une Europe durable pour toutes et tous
Dans le cadre de ce projet, un appel à contributions est lancé, à destination des associations locales. Le montant alloué est de 1000 euros. Vous avez jusqu'au 6 mai 2018 minuit
Hazardous chemicals: replacing it is not the solution.
Corporations and industrials are permitted to switch out one EDC for another that possesses the same hazardous properties.
The Rural is Political: a brief summary of WECF's activities at CSW62
The 62nd Commission on the Status of Women
Worldwide representatives and officials gathered at the United Nations headquarters in New York City to discuss the matters of women and sustainability
De 62e Sessie van de 'Commission on the Status of Women'
Gedurende 11 dagen kwamen vrouwen, mannen, staats- en regeringsfunctionarissen, lidstaten en NGO-vertegenwoordigers van over de hele wereld - waaronder WECF - bijeen om manieren te bespreken "om het leven van vrouwen en meisjes overal te verbeteren".
CSW62: Women's Major Group side event on chemicals, gender equality and rural women
2030-Agenda für Nachhaltige Entwicklung: Kommunen als zentrale Akteure
Wunschzettel für nachhaltige und gerechte Welt: Die Nachhaltigen Entwicklungsziele (Sustainable Development Goals SDGs)
Petition: calling for international solidarity to support environmental defenders Victoria Tauli-Corpuz & Joan Carling
Feminists Condemn Philippines President Duterte’s Accusation of Activists and Indigenous People Leaders as Terrorists
WECF at CSW62: challenges and opportunities in achieving gender equality and the empowerment of rural women and girls
Follow the latest updates on our work at CSW62, download related publications and learn about our activities.
CSW62: side event on SDGs monitoring, with best practices from Women2030
Policy dialogue Meeting in Tirana, Sustainable Development, Health and Social justice in Albania
Linking the Ostrava Declaration of the European environment and health process to SDGs Agenda 2030
Website Launch Women2030.org on International Women's Day 2018
Press for Progress: #HerStoryofChange
WECF Nederland verwelkomt Kirsten Meijer als nieuwe directeur
Maak kennis en lees hier het mini-interview
Women2030 Coalitie lanceert website op Internationale Vrouwendag
De wereldwijde Women2030 coalitie lanceerde vandaag haar eigen website, op Internationale Vrouwendag.
Social and gender aspects of local development priorities linked to SDGs
Women 2030: Local NGOs exchanged experience on their work on health, environment, employment, education and gender in respect to the SDGs
On the road to HLPF 2018: regional forum in Geneva on the Sustainable Development Goals
15 partners from the Women's Major Group joined the regional Forum at the UN in Geneva
Aktivitäten im Rahmen der UNFCCC COP 23
Geschlechtergerechte Umsetzung der Agenda 2030 (Unterstützung des WOMEN2030 Programms, EU DEVCO)
"What has gender got to do with chemicals" documentary gets broadcasted on Nigerian International TV
On Monday 15th of January 2018, Nigerian International TV is showing the 30 minute documentary produced by the BRS (Basel-Stockhom-Rotterdam) Conventions , WECF and WEP and made by filmmaker Laure Poinsot entitled “What has Gender got to do with Chemicals”.
Gender, Chemicals and Waste high level event in Abuja, Nigeria
Women Environment Programme (WEP) Nigeria, and WECF organise high-level meeting in Abuja, Nigeria on Gender, Chemicals and Waste, on 10-12 of January 2018
WECF Nederland Nieuwsbrief december
WECF wenst je voor 2018 een gezonde, genderrechtvaardige en duurzame wereld !
#BeatPollution: WECF at UNEA3 in Nairobi
Reflections on the UN Environmental Assembly in Nairobi “Towards a Pollution free Planet
What Has Gender Got To Do with Chemicals?
WECF, WEP and Balifokus present new publication and documentary film at United Nations
Film premiere: what does chemicals have to do with gender? (UNEA3 resistance event)
Gender Dimensions of Hazardous Chemicals and Waste policies under the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions
WECF, WEP and BaliFokus with support of the BRS Conventions secretariat have launched the advanced copy of the study "Gender Dimensions of Hazardous Chemicals and Waste Policies under the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions'
Gender in Sustainable Development – Collection of Exercises for Training of Trainers
Practical training manual for trainers on gender-responsive exercises
Eerste Gender Action Plan (GAP) ooit aangenomen op COP23
Na alle toewijding en harde werk van de Women & Gender Constituency (WGC) om het Gender Action Plan (GAP) op de agenda van beleidsmakers op de COP23 te brengen, kunnen we nu eindelijk het goede nieuws brengen dat het eerste GAP ooit is aangenomen op de COP23.
The Only Way to Honour the Dead is to Fight Like Hell for the Living!
Gender Day Action at the Climate Negotiations (COP23): Women's Human Rights and Environmental Defenders (WHRDs) Resist
CTCN workshop on scalability with GJCS winners (COP23)
Meet the winners of the "Gender Just Climate Solutions" Award Ceremony
These inspiring projects won the Gender Just Climate Solutions Award Ceremony at the COP23 in Bonn
PRESS CONFERENCE: Gender Just Climate Solutions
Watch the press conference hosted today during UNFCCC's Gender Day at the climate negotiations in Bonn (COP23)
Eerbetuiging aan alle vrouwen die hun leven op het spel zetten voor vrouwen en natuurrechten
Women Human Rights and Environmental Defenders (WHRDs) Resist
Historischer Schritt bei den Klimaverhandlungen in Bonn: Gender-Aktionsplan verabschiedet
Gender-Aktionsplan soll Geschlechterungleichheiten bekämpfen und Frauenrechte zu stärken und so die Effizienz der Klimapolitik verbessern
Feminists Demand A Gender Just Transition at Climate Negotiations (COP23)
Bonn, Women & Gender Constituency's Key Demands
Award Ceremony: Gender Just Climate Solutions (COP23)
Gender Just Climate Solutions Award ceremonie op Klimaattop in Bonn
WECF en de Women and Gender Constituency reikt maandag 13 november prijs uit aan 3 vrouwenorganisaties
Icons of sustainability: climate change resistance as an art form
Bonn, Gender Just Climate Solutions opening ceremony, coordinated by WECF on behalf of the Women & Gender Constituency's
#MindTheGAP: Feminists calling for a robust Gender Action Plan (GAP) as an outcome of the climate negotiations (COP23)
Press Release: Women & Gender Constituency hosts an action during the climate negotiations in Bonn, 7 November, 2017.
Vernissage: Frauenmuseum Exhibition (COP23)
Findings of a literature study: Plastics, Gender and the Environment
Lifecycle of plastics and its impacts on women and men from production to (marine) litter
Frauenmuseum Exhibition: Gender Just Climate Solutions (COP23)
Womens' Call for Climate Justice (COY13)
Warum Frauen für eine gelungene Klimapolitik unerlässlich sind
Ein Gender Action Plan für mehr Geschlechtergerechtigkeit ist längst überfällig
Klimakonferenz in Bonn: Beim Klima zählt auch das Geschlecht
Informationen der Women und Gender Constituency und WECF zur COP23
#MindTheGap - Folgen Sie unserer Reise zu mehr Gender- und Klimagerechtigkeit auf der COP23
WECF-Präsenz auf der UN-Klimakonferenz in Bonn, 6. bis 17. November 2017.
UNEP’s election results are in: Sascha is now regional representative
We are incredibly glad to inform you that our Executive Director Sascha Gabizon has been elected to be UNEP's regional representative for civil society in Europe. Thank you, we couldn't have made it without your incredible support and votes!
Gemeinsam für die Gleichberechtigung der Geschlechter - Ansätze und Beispiele der Arbeit mit Jungen und Männern in der deutschen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit
WECFs Projekt „Geschlechtergerechte Energiekooperativen in Georgien“ als Beispiel einer „Best Practice“ im Rahmen der GIZ Publikation zu Ansätzen und Beispielen der Arbeit mit Jungen und Männern in der deutschen EZ dargestellt
Sustainable Development Goal # 5 Gender Assessment in Georgia
This research was conducted by the organization We Research within the auspices of the project ‘’Women 2030’’ funded by the European Union and implemented by WECF International
Moving Beyond Tokenism of Youth
Our Eco-Forum* youth delegates Mareike Peschau and Nikolina Stålhand report back on their experiences in Ostrava earlier this summer where they participated in WHO’s regional (UNECE) conference on Environment and Health.
UN Summit on Eradicating Poverty and Promoting Prosperity in a Changing World
8 days of advocacy and activism for a gender just future within the SDG process. WECF recently attended the UN summit on the Sustainable Development Goals (High Level Political Forum, HLPF) in New York and reports back on their experiences.
Engaging with Women for a Gender-Just and Sustainable Future!
WECF is op zoek naar een directeur voor haar kantoor in Utrecht die samen met ons wil werken aan een rechtvaardige, gezonde en duurzame toekomst
Make Europe Sustainable for All
"Europe in the World - Engaging in the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda"
SIGN: Statement on the Ministerial Declaration
Of the 2017 High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development Goals
Tribute To Honour Women’s Human Rights Defenders (#WHRDsResist) at #HLPF2017
Exhibition launched at High Level Political Forum (HLPF) on Sustainable Development Goals
HLPF: High Level Political Forum 2017, New York
HLPF: The Women’s Major Group invites you to join our Strategy Meeting (3:30 pm CET)
HLPF: The Women’s Major Group invites you to join our Strategy Meeting (3:30 pm CET)
You are warmly invited to join our HLPF strategy meeting, 9 July 2017, 3:30-7:30pm CET at Marriott Residence Inn on East 48th st, New York
WECF at High Level Political Forum on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
WECF is participating in UN's central platform for the follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda for Sustianable Developments (SDGs)
C20 Gipfel „The World We Want“ am 18. und 19. Juni 2017 in Hamburg
In Vorbereitung zum G20 Gipfel, der vom 7. bis 8. Juli ebenfalls in Hamburg stattfindet, haben Vertreter der internationalen Zivilgesellschaft auf dem „Civil 20“ oder C20 Gipfel vom 18. bis 19. Juni in der HafenCity Universität in Hamburg ihre Empfehlungen an die G20 diskutiert.
Sixth Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health
Side Event "Let's Ensure a Healthy Future" - WHO 6th Ministerial Conference
WECF’s statement on Trump’s declaration to withdraw from the Paris Agreement
“Women and men can act together to sustainably transform reality”
How POPs, hazardous chemicals and waste have different exposures and impacts on women's and men's health
WECF presents a film on the gender dimensions of POPs and hazardous chemicals in Nigeria
Wil jij ook graag meewerken aan het mee helpen realiseren van de Global Goals, de Duurzame Ontwikkelingsdoelen (de SDGs) ?
Wij zoeken een enthousiaste, leergierige en zelfstandig werkende stagiair(e) (m/v) ter versterking van ons internationale communicatie- en advocacyteam
WECF in Bonn for the UNFCCC negotiations
Going forward in shaping the rules for the implementation of the Paris Agreement, while taking the gender perspective into account
Petitie Duurzaam Regeerakkoord Ondertekend door WECF
Om de Agenda 2030 te realiseren is het van belang dat de SDG's voorop worden gesteld in het politieke beleid. Daarom hebben de organisaties Partos en de Groene Zaak het initiatief genomen voor een publieke oproep aan de om de SDG's op te nemen in het regeerakkoord. Meer dan 400 bedrijven en maatschappelijke organisaties hebben hieraan gehoor gegeven, waaronder WECF.
Hormonell wirksame Chemikalien in Alltagsprodukten
Ein Beitrag von Silvia Pleschka und Johanna Hausmann, WECF, in clio 84 05_2017
Feasibility study of gender-sensitive energy cooperatives in Georgia, Ukraine, Armenia and Moldova
New report by WECF offers report offers an overview of the feasibility of gender-sensitive energy cooperatives in Georgia, Ukraine, Armenia and Moldova.
Feasibility study of gender-sensitive energy cooperatives in Georgia, Ukraine, Armenia and Moldova
An overview of the feasibility of gender-sensitive energy cooperatives in Georgia, Ukraine, Armenia and Moldova. In each country, existing national climate and energy policies are examined and, if existing, feed-in tariffs for renewable energy are explained.
Lessons and best practices integrating gender into the implementation of the BRS Conventions
Agenda 2030 as a new driving force for gender equality
Anke Stock and Sascha Gabizon writing about the Sustainable Development Goals in "European Expression: Gender Equality and Mainstreaming"
NGO statement concerning the situation in Belarus
21st meeting of the Working Group of the Parties to the Aarhus Convention Geneva, 4-6 April 2017
Towards improved - sustainable - sanitation for rural women, men and children
National technical standards on ecosan toilets and constructed wetlands initiated by WECF for the Republic of Moldova
Keeping the 2030 Agenda Alive
The world already looks very different to the place it was when UN member states adopted the SDGs in September 2015. How can we ensure that the international community remains committed to the pledges it made?
Women2030 Media Training Toolkit
If you need to know more about how to communicate your campaign to others, this Media Training Toolkit will help you. It introduces basic ‘need to know’ information about telling your stories to new audiences using photography and social media, and gives advice on engaging with mainstream media.
City 40, film over moedige mensenrechtenactiviste Nadezjda Koetepova
Nadezjda Koetepova, WECF grondlegster, advocate en milieu-activiste, is vanaf vrijdag 24 maart te zien in documentaire City 40 tijdens Movies that Matter Film Festival in Den Haag
20.03.2017 | WECF Campaign
#women2030 Brochure
Making the 2030 Goals A Reality!
WECF at CSW61: Women's Economic Empowerment in the Changing World at Work
Follow the latest updates on our work at CSW61, download related publications and learn about our activities
WECF at CSW61: invitation to our side event "Empowering Energy"
SPEAKER ANNOUNCEMENT: come along and join our fruitful discussion on gender just energy cooperatives as source for economic empowerment.
WECF: “Waarom is milieu & gezondheid in Nederland geen verkiezingsthema?”
Nieuw rapport WHO toont aan dat milieuvervuiling verantwoordelijk is voor de dood van 1,7 miljoen kinderen per jaar
Integrating gender dimensions into the implementation of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions
Gender and Chemicals
The Gender Dimensions of Hazardous Substances and Waste
WECF and Indonesian partner Balifokus organised stakeholder forum on how to address POPs and how to protect women and men from banned hazardous chemicals
Women2030: Women’s leadership in the Agenda 2030
Central Asian Workshop, February 26 – 27, 2017, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
Hazardous substances and wastes in Indonesia: Gender Dimensions
BaliFokus, Indonesia, and Women Engage for a Common Future (WECF), Netherlands, organised a stakeholder meeting this week at the Ministry of Environment and Forestry office in Jakarta to address the gender dimensions of hazardous substances and waste management.
Women2030 partners re-elected as operational partners for Women's Major Group
Our Executive Director Sascha Gabizon has been re-elected as Organizing Partner for the Women's Major Group Europe/Central Asia region (UNECE)
Ein voller Erfolg – Veranstaltung zur kommunalen Geschlechtergerechtigkeit im Rahmen der Agenda 2030
Angeregte Diskussionen und lebhafter Austausch zu SDGs und Geschlechtergerechtigkeit am 13. Februar in der „orangebar“
Resultaat crowdfundingsactie 2016: De biogas toiletten werken!
17 toiletten zijn gebouwd, die als biogasinstallaties, menselijk afval tot energie verwerken – schoon, duurzaam en hernieuwbaar!
Highlights from the scoping study on POPs, hazardous chemicals & waste in Nigeria
How POPs, hazardous chemcals and waste have different exposures and impacts on women's and men's health
Stem namens jouw organisatie mee in de verkiezingen van de Women's Major Group!
WECF directeur Sascha Gabizon genomineerd als coördinator voor UNECE Europese Regio & Centraal-Azië
Vote in the Women’s Major Group elections!
Our Executive Director Sascha Gabizon is running for regional Organising Partner of European, Caucasus and Central Asian region (UNECE).
Women 2030 Regional Workshop in Eastern Europe
Participants from Macedonia, Albania, Bosnia Herzegovian, Moldova and Serbia introduced to gender-responsive implementation of the SDGs
Wie können Kommunen die SDGs geschlechtergerecht umsetzen?
Veranstaltungseinladung für den 13. Februar: Diskutieren und erarbeiten Sie mit uns in München Möglichkeiten zur geschlechtergerechten Umsetzung der nachhaltigen Entwicklungsziele durch Kommunen.
Menstrual hygiene management amongs marginalized physically challenged women and adolescent girls in 10 states of Nigeria
Publication by WECF partner Women Environment Programma (WEP Nigeria)
Regional African Training for Women #Agenda2030 advocates, trainers and media experts from civil society
Women Environmental Programme (WEP) convened 2-day training for expert women Civil Society Organizations (CSOs)
Regional Women2030 Workshop in Romania
Deutscher Schattenbericht zu CEDAW heute vorgestellt
WECF unterstützt die politischen Forderungen
Gender Just Climate Solutions Award uitgereikt tijdens ceremonie op Klimaattop in Marokko
"Als vrouwen oplossingen ontwerpen, slaan ze niemand over", stelde Amina Mohammed, Minister van Milieu van Nigeria tijdens de uitreikingsceremonie
COP22: Women & Gender Constituency's Educative Posters
Learn about what gender has to do with climate change and the Paris Agreement.
Civil society criticises “Business As Usual” as Commission publishes its plans for implementing the Sustainable Development Goals
Albania published its 3rd National Communication under the UNFCCC with a chapter on gender equality
Under the auspices and with the support of UNDP WECF’s gender expert Anke Stock developed guidelines assisting Albania to abide by UNFCCC’s reporting requirements regarding gender equality issues
WECF at COP 22: “Why do we need moustaches to be heard?”
On Thursday, November 10 2016 the Women and Gender Constituency hosted an interactive ACTION at COP22 to highlight institutionalised barriers to women’s participation in climate decision-making at all levels
WECF and WGC present the Gender Just Climate Solutions Award at COP22 in Marrakesh
“Highlighting the importance of gender equality, women’s rights and their contribution to climate solutions”.
WECF at COP22: Day One
Follow WECF's participation in the COP22 negotiations in Marrakech. Everyday there will be some report back on the highlights of the day
“Invest in Climate Justice - Not War!” Press Announcement Women & Gender Constituency
On Tuesday, November 8 2016 the Women and Gender Constituency of the UNFCCC will host an interactive ACTION at COP22 to highlight the impact of militarism on climate change and the importance of redirecting military spending to sustainable and equitable development.
WECF at COP 22: A Gender Sensitive NAMA
The Austrian Environment Agency and WECF International, in cooperation with Greens Movement Georgia and CREDO Bank, supported by the Georgian government, submitted proposal for NAMA Support Program to the NAMA Facility
Women raise their voices at Marrakesh climate conference
Preparing for their participation in the COP 22, Women2030 will be holding an African Regional Training for 30 Women and gender Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Marrakesh, Morocco, November 4-5, 2016
#MindTheGap - follow our advocacy journey for gender and climate justice at COP23
WECF presence at UN's climate change conference in Bonn, Germany, November 2017.
On the road to the COP22
WECF at the UN climate change conference in Marrakech, Morocco, November 2016
WECF's Water and Sanitation Expert Claudia Wendland at IWA Conference
The 13th IWA Specialized Conference on Small Water and Wastewater Systems & 5th IWA Specialized Conference on Resources-Oriented Sanitation took place in ATHENS, GREECE on 14-16 September 2016
UN elects their 9th male Secretary General - do women need to grow a moustache to have leadership position at the UN?
Statement by members of the Women’s Major Group on the appointment of the new Secretary General of the United Nations. The Women’s Major Group of the UN Agenda-2030 process (WMG), has received the announcement of the nomination of Mr Antonio Guterres as new Secretary General, with mixed feelings.
Georgian Energy Cooperatives joined forces and created umbrella cooperative for a more effective Gender Sensitive Energy Transition
WECF and partners organised workshop on Energy Cooperatives and Solar Technology in rural Georgia
11.10.2016 | Regina Drexel
From Sustainability Talk to Policy Walk Conference
Brief Report from EEB Board Meeting, Annual General Meeting and Annual Conference from 25 to 27 September 2016 in Bratislava, Vienna and Hainburg a.d. Donau
Gender Just Climate Solutions Award -WECF en WGC organiseren Gender Just Climate Award ceremonie tijdens Klimaattop Marokko
"De Gender Just Climate Solutions Award toont niet alleen het belang van gendergelijkheid, van vrouwenrechten maar vooral ook de bijdrage van vrouwen aan oplossingen tegen klimaatverandering".
WECF and WGC present at COP 22 in Marrakesh: Gender Just Climate Solutions Award - Women and Gender Constituency at Morocco Climate Summit
“Highlighting the importance of gender equality, women’s rights and their contribution to climate solutions”.
Putting Gender on the Agenda of BMUB’s Festival of the Future
A weekend in Berlin celebrating 30 years of BMUB and a sustainable future with creative environmental strategies.
SDG Watch: Next Steps for Sustainable European Future
SDG Watch Europe is a European, cross-sectoral, civil society alliance committed to supporting the implementation, monitoring and follow up of the 2030 Agenda by the EU and its member states.
Women & Gender Constituency submits recommendations for new Gender Climate Action Plan
WGC Recommendations set out to guide gender-responsive implementation of the Paris Agreement
WECF contributes to Asian Development Bank Country Gender Assessment of Tajikistan
Country Gender Assessment of Tajikistan re-examines the gender equality situation in this Central Asian country and identifies critical issues
High Level Political Forum VN machteloos als het niet obstakels overwint die in de weg staan van implementatie van de Global Goals, de Duurzame Ontwikkelingsdoelen
Women2030, een alliantie van vijf regionale vrouwennetwerken wereldwijd, waaronder WECF International, is ongerust omdat VN er niet in slaagt obstakels uit de weg te ruimen voor implementatie van Duurzame Ontwikkelingsdoelen, de Sustainable Development Goals
Women warn UN High Level Political Forum could become futile if it does not address systemic obstacles to SDGs
Women2030, a women’s alliance working as part of the Women’s Major Group, gathered at the UN HLPF, warns about it failing to address key obstacles concerning the Sustainable Development Goals
Implementing SDG 5, 6 and 7 in Rural Uganda
Examples for gender-sensitive and sustainable WASH and energy systems and its implementation
Launching the 2nd Call for Gender-Just Climate Solutions!
The Women and Gender Constituency, of which WECF is a founding member, is very pleased to invite you to participate in the ‘Gender Just Climate Solutions Awards’ initiative for the upcoming UN climate negotiations (COP22) in Marrakech!
Last day to vote for our gender sensitive NAMA in Georgia!
WECF´s Energy and NAMA project in Georgia is competing in an award contest organised by the French Ministry of the Environment '100 projects for the Climate'
Crowdfunding Project: Biogas Toilets for deprived families in Uganda
Via a crowdfunding campaign WECF collected more than 4.600 Euro to fight the sanitary grievances in rural Uganda. Thanks to over 50 donations WECF builds in cooperation with our local partner organization ARUWE 17 Biogas Toilets in Mulagi Sub-County.
EWA: "Empower Women - Benefit (for) All"
The EWA Project in Georgia - an overview
WECF International zoekt stagiair(e) Communicatie & Advocacy “Women & Chemicals”
Wij zoeken een enthousiaste, leergierige stagiair(e) (m/v) ter versterking van ons internationale Women & Chemicals communicatie- en advocacyteam.
What does the Brexit mean for us women?
An intervention by Gabriele Köhler, member of the Board of WECF Germany on the World Development & Economy in Brief website
WECF participated at WASH symposium in Uganda
From June 20th-23rd, a WASH symposium was held in Kampala, Uganda. WECF participated in cooperation with our local partner organization ARUWE and we presented our water, sanitation and energy projects in Uganda.
Workshop Integration von Gender in Forschung und Entwicklung von energierelevanten Themen am 7. Juli in Bremen
Thementisch zur Genderperspektive von WECF
Twentieth Working Group Meeting of the Parties to the Aarhus Convention
Geneva, 15 to 17 June 2016
Emerging Environmental Health Challenges in the UNECE region
WECF Side Event EfE Batumi
8th Environment for Europe (EfE) Ministerial Conference
Greener, Cleaner, Smarter!
Regional EECCA meeting in Batumi on our Women2030 project
WECF organised the regional meeting of the Women2030 project in Batumi, back to back with the 8th Ministerial Environment for Europe Conference Georgia
Time for EU to walk the talk on 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda
As part of SDG Watch Europe WECF calls for a consequent implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals by the European Union.
EWA: Recommendations to the Georgian Government
The Greens Movement of Georgia and a Coalition of Partner Organizations published Recommendations to the Georgian Government
Milestone gender and environment report from UNEP shows gender should be at heart of sustainable development
UNEP, together with report partners including WECF and Global Forest Coalition (GFC) launched a new and pivotal report, “GGEO – Global Gender Environment Outlook”
Milestone gender and environment report from UNEP shows gender should be at heart of sustainable development
UNEP, together with report partners including WECF and Global Forest Coalition (GFC) launched a new and pivotal report, “GGEO – Global Gender Environment Outlook”
Women2030 project start-up meeting in Nairobi following UNEA-2
The Women2030 global project, funded by the the European Commission’s International Cooperation arm (DEVCO), is holding a project start-up meeting from 27th – 30th May 2016 in Nairobi, immediately following the Second Meeting of United Nations Environment Assembly
International Women's Alliance 2030
De International Women’s Alliance 2030 is een coalitie van vijf mondiale en regionale vrouwennetwerken (WECF International, Women Environmental Programme , Global Forest Coalition, Gender and Water Alliance, and Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development).
Overbruggen van de kenniskloof – demo boerderij in Oeganda
In samenwerking met onze lokale partnerorganisatie ARUWE, bouwt WECF in Oeganda een demonstratie boerderij om zodoende het onderwijs van lokale boeren, de huidige duurzame technologieën en de levenskwaliteit van de mensen te verbeteren.
11.05.2016 | WECF Project
Promotion of green technologies in Uganda
In cooperation with our local partner organization ARUWE, WECF implements a project in Mulagi Sub-county (Uganda) to promote sustainable technologies for renewable energy
03.05.2016 | WECF Project
UN honours WECF's work in Georgia in latest publication
The United Nations acknowleges the gender sensitive impacts of our NAMA project in Georgia in their latest publication.
29.04.2016 | WECF
Sascha Gabizon, WECF: ‘Gender equality and women’s rights as a crucial pillar to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals’
On April 19-20th, COFACE organised the conference ‘Sustainable Development Goals and Gender Equality' in Amsterdam, with Sascha Gabizon as one of the speakers
29.04.2016 | WECF
WECF publishes analysis of CEDAW Reports on Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and South Africa
The WECF report analyses the existing legislative barriers to gender equality which obstruct women’s empowerment and gender parity. The research is based on the reports each country submitted to the Committee of the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW).
WECF publishes analysis of CEDAW Reports on Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and South Africa
The WECF report analyses the existing legislative barriers to gender equality which obstruct women’s empowerment and gender parity. The research is based on the reports each country submitted to the Committee of the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW).
Gender und Klimawandel
Workshop für Kommunale Klimapartnerschaften (Engagement Global)
WECF and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
With the acceptation of the SDG´s, governments committed to address a range of social, economic and environmental issues that impact women and girls, including economic inequality, agriculture, energy, biodiversity and climate change, and peace and security.
15.04.2016 | WECF Campaign
WECF zoekt vrijwilliger Fondsenwerving
Wij zoeken een enthousiaste en zelfstandig werkende vrijwilliger (m/v) die mee wil helpen om onze fondsenwerving richting (nieuwe) donateurs op te zetten en te ondersteunen. Fondsenwerving op ‘no pay, no cure” basis behoort tot de mogelijkheden
The objective of the new five-year project is the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) until 2030 with a focus on Gender Equality (SDG 5) and Mitigating Climate Change (SDG 13)
04.04.2016 | WECF Project
WECF board member speaks at UN Library Geneva Book Launch
WECF Governing Board member Gabriele Köhler speaks at UN Library Geneva Book Launch of the open access Oxfam journal “Gender and Development” devoted to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
European Commission signs strategic agreement with international women’s groups
DEVCO launched 5-year partnership with coalition of 5 global & regional women’s networks to implement Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Europese Commissie tekent strategische partnerschapsovereenkomst met WECF in een alliantie van vijf internationale vrouwennetwerken
DEVCO start 5 jaar durende partnerschap met een coalitie van 5 wereldwijde & regionale vrouwennetwerken voor het implementeren van de Global Goals
International Women's Day: Q&A Transcript
Yesterday we held a live Q&A on Reddit to celebrate the publication of our latest report ‘Women and Chemicals’
Vrouwen eisen: “Betere bescherming tegen gevaarlijke stoffen wereldwijd”
WECF publiceert ter gelegenheid van Internationale vrouwendag een nieuwe studie "Women and Chemicals " en roept op tot politieke actie voor betere bescherming van vrouwen en kinderen tegen schadelijke stoffen.
WECF to host a live Q&A on Reddit for International Women’s Day 2016
For this year’s International Women’s Day, we at WECF will be focusing on the theme 'gender and chemicals'.
Case studies from the EWA project in Uganda
In Uganda, WECF works with local partner organisations to introduce gender sensitivity trainings and conservation agriculture. Two participants in the trainings share their views
WECF’s ‘CLEEN’-Project in the race for an EUSEW Award
CLEEN, an implementation and networking concept, with which CSOs and further important multipliers are trained and supported to expand their network in 4 project countries (Georgia, Armenia, Moldova, and Ukraine) in order to raise awareness and ensure citizen participation in energy efficiency and renewable energy
International Advocacy for Women's Interests
WECF represents women and civil society in a number of international policy processes and United Nations organisations
24.02.2016 | WECF Campaign
WECF’s NAMA Project Mentioned in French Report Naming Innovative Projects
The report stresses the importance of women for sustainable development
22.01.2016 | Carmen Chan
Duurzame ontwikkelingsdoelen en de post-2015 agenda
Waarom milieuduurzaamheid en gendergelijkheid zo belangrijk zijn voor het terugdringen van armoede en ongelijkheid
Waarom gendergelijkheid de Sustainable Development Goals kan maken of breken
WECF directeur Sascha Gabizon schreef een artikel voor een serie van het World Economic Forum over de nieuwe mondiale doelen voor duurzame ontwikkeling. Haar artikel richt zich op doel 5: het bereik van gendergelijkheid en het versterken van de positie van vrouwen en meisjes
15.01.2016 | World Economic Forum
WECF en de Duurzame Ontwikkelingsdoelen (SDGs)
Sascha Gabizon, Directeur WECF stelt: “Een groot succes van de SDGs is dat bij veel ‘ecologische’ doelen de genderdimensie erkend wordt,"
Empower Women - benefit All Uganda: Conservation Agriculture increases yield of the farmers
Master thesis of Afke Jager from Wageningen University shows that use of Conservation Agriculture (CA) leads to higher yield of 30% on average
Empower Women - benefit All (EWA) Uganda: Master thesis toont aan dat Conservation Agriculture oogst van boeren verhoogt
De Master thesis van Afke Jager van de Universiteit van Wageningen toont aan dat het gebruik van DL, Conservation Agriculture, de oogst met gemiddeld 30% verhoogt
Hoe een biogasinstallatie het leven van Jane verbeterde
WECF’s partner ARUWE helpt de gemarginaliseerde bevolking op het platteland vanOeganda
WECF’s algemeen directeur Sascha Gabizon schrijft in UNEP’s Our Planet over gender, chemicaliën en de SDGs
In een recent artikel in het blad van het United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) schreef Gabizon over de verbanden tussen gender, gezondheid en het milieu en de overgang die de wereld te wachten staat naar een meer duurzame samenleving
WECF and Women’s Major Group view for UNEP on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
In the recent issue of Perspectives, a publication of the UNEP, WECF's Sascha Gabizon and the Women’s Major Group shared their perspectives on the SDGs and the 2030 Agenda
WECF and Women’s Major Group view for UNEP on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
In the recent issue of Perspectives, a publication of the UNEP, WECF's Sascha Gabizon and the Women’s Major Group shared their perspectives on the SDGs and the 2030 Agenda
Water, Sanitation and Gender Equal Development
International conference organised by WECF and FOE Georgia in Tiblisi, Georgia, gave concrete examples gender equal local sustainable development projects
Historisch klimaatakkoord laat echte verandering zien, maar voor vrouwen zal dit veel te langzaam gaan
Reality Check doorde Women and Gender Constituency (WGC) van het Parijse Klimaatakkoord
In the media: WECF at the COP21
WECF had her voice heard in meeting rooms and to the public via interviews in Le Monde, Libération, Elle, Klimaretter and Bavarian TV news
In de media: WECF op de Klimaattop
WECF liet haar stem horen in vergaderzalen en door het publiek door middel van interviews in Opzij, Le Monde, Vogue, Libération, Elle, Klimaretter en Bavarian TV news
Vrouwen vragen om rechtvaardige actie van wereldleiders in Parijs
De belangrijkste eisen van vrouwen voor de klimaattop in Parijs
WECF pays tribute to leaving president Christine von Weizsäcker and welcomes new president Corinne Lepage
With an informal meeting in Paris, preceeding the COP21, WECF paid tribute to leaving president and welcomed her predecessor
"We're Women for Climate Justice"
WECF and Women and Gender Constituency at the COP21 joined ten thousand others in a human chain through the centre of Paris
Women demand just action from world leaders in Paris
Women’s Key Demands for COP21
Case Study: gender-sensitive climate mitigation action - NAMA
Recommendations, best practices and lessons learned from developing the first „Gender Sensitive“ NAMA - National Appropriate Mitigation Action, in Georgia
Take action for climate justice with the Women´s Global Call for Climate Justice Toolkit!
WomenClimateJustice.org has developed a new toolkit which allows you to take action in a comprehensive manner as part of the Women´s Global Call for Climate Justice
Winners of the Women’s Global Call for Climate Justice Poster Contests announced
Today the six winning designs of the poster contest organized by WEDO in cooperation with the Women’s Global Call will be revealed live in New York. The online launch of the designs is scheduled for tomorrow
Winnaars van de Women’s Global Call for Climate Justice poster wedstrijd aangekondigd
Vandaag zullen de winnende ontwerpen uit de poster wedstrijd georganiseerd door WEDO in samenwerking met de Women’s Global Call live onthuld worden in New York.
Klimaatovereenkomst is onrechtvaardig, ongelijk en ineffectief, zegt de Women and Gender Constituency
WGC in Bonn heeft een boze verklaring gepubliceerd over het ‘non-paper’ voor de ‘ineffectieve, onrechtvaardige en ongelijke’ klimaatovereenkomst COP21 in Parijs.
11.11.2015 | Chantal van den Bossche
Gerechtigheid nu! Doe mee met de Women’s Global Call for Climate Justice
Sluit je aan bij bezorgde vrouwen over de hele wereld en neem deel aan de actie's in Parijs tijdens de VN Klimaattop en/of bedenk je eigen actie
Women´s Global Call for Climate Justice Campagne
Terwijl de internationale klimaatonderhandelingen in Parijs steeds dichterbij komen vestigt WECF met de Women Climate Gender Coalition de aandacht op de rol van vrouwen als voorbereiding op deze belangrijke mijlpaal
"De opwarming van de aarde heeft meer gevolgen voor vrouwen dan voor mannen"
Anne Barre, voorzitter WECF Frankrijk, vertelt in interview met Radio France Internationale over gender, klimaatverandering en de aankomende klimaattop in Paris
WECF over waarom gender gelijkheid nodig is in klimaatovereenkomst
WECF neemt deel aan de Women and Gender Constituency vergadering tijdens de Bonn Climate Change Conference
04.11.2015 | Chantal van den Bossche
EU Council Adopts Gender Action Plan 2016-2020
EU plans to focus on four key areas for gender equality through their external relations
WECF on why gender equality is needed in climate agreement
WECF takes part in Women and Gender Constituency meeting during Bonn Climate Change Conference
Check out our project activities in Tajikistan!
This video documents WECF’s activities in Tajikistan on gender equality
Climate Agreement is non-just, non-equal and non-effective, says Women and Gender Constituency
WGC in Bonn issues angry statement on ‘Non-Paper’ for a ‘Non-Effective’ ‘Non-Just’ ‘Non-Equal’ Climate Agreement COP21 Paris
Gelijk=Anders lanceert Agenda voor de Toekomst
Maatschappelijke organisaties en netwerken, waaronder WECF, onderstrepen belang van gendergelijkheid voor duurzame ontwikkeling
WECF Director speaks at ESDN conference Luxemburg
Highlighting the close interrelations between Gender and Environment
WECF holds Workshop on “Women, Gender and the Environment” for US Students at the University of Utrecht, The Netherlands
Nieuws over de Women´s Global Call for Climate Justice
In oktober hebben Afrikaanse CSOs zich verzameld in Kaapstad, Zuid Afrika om de Afrikaanse prioriteiten voor COP21 op een rij te krijgen en opnieuw na te denken over effectieve lobby voor klimaatgerechtigheid in de aanloop naar Parijs en daarna
Presentation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals at the UN Summit in New York
3 day summit was held in New York at the UN headquarters to officially present the 2016-2030 Sustainable Development Goals to leaders of 150 countries, among which president Obama and the Pope
Wunschzettel für eine nachhaltige und gerechte Welt!
Umsetzung nachhaltiger Entwicklungsziele auf kommunalter Ebene
Women’s Global Call for Climate Justice
WECF on the road to COP21
23.09.2015 | WICF Campaign
Why gender equality will make or break the Sustainable Development Goals
Blog by WECF Director Sascha Gabizon for the World Economic Forum website
WECF partner Gertrude Kabusimbi Kenyangi wint de Wangari Maathai prijs
Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF) vereren Gertrude Kabusimbi Kenyangi
15.09.2015 | Chantal van den Bossche
WECF partner Gertrude Kabusimbi Kenyangi Wins Wangari Maathai Prize!
Collaborative Partnership on Forests honours Gertrude Kabusimbi Kenyangi
Why WASH in Schools and Menstrual Hygiene Management needs to be in the SDG sanitation indicators
Calling on all member states and stakeholders engaged in indicator process for Sustainable Development Goals of 2030 Agenda to add Menstrual Hygiene Management
“The SDGs are coming: What we measure is what we treasure!”
WECF at Stockholm Water Week: Why and how to include gender sensitive indicators into the Sustainable Development Goal 6?
Sustainable Development Agenda 2030 Presents a Bold Vision for Women and Girls Advocates Gear Up for Work to Come
The Women’s Major Group, made up of more than 600 women’s organizations and networks from around the world, recognizes the historic agenda for global sustainable development that 193 governments agreed to on Sunday
Duurzame Ontwikkelingsagenda 2030 presenteert gedurfde visie voor vrouwen en meisjes
WECF en de Women's Major Group maken zich klaar voor werk dat eraan komt
"Investment in sanitation including wastewater management is urgently needed to improve public health and protect natural resources"
WECF lead convenor of side event "Gender sensitive indicators in sanitation and wastewater planning and implementation" at Stockholm World Water Week
Beijing, Gender and Environment – Challenges for Ecological Sustainability, Development and Justice?
WECF's Anke Stock publishes an article in IDS Bulletin
WECF: “Technology Is Not Gender-Neutral”
WECF organizes workshop on designing gender-sensitive development projects
30.07.2015 | Carmen Chan
WECF-Fachdialog zu SDGs am 6. Juli in München
Wunschzettel für eine nachhaltige und gerechte Welt! - Umsetzung nachhaltiger Entwicklungsziele auf kommunaler Ebene
We want You!
We are looking for a dedicated intern for our programme “Empower Women – Benefit for All (EWA)”
Symposium on the SDGs and their financial sustainability
Transformative Post-2015-Agenda?
Ein Beitrag von Gabriele Köhler im Informationsbrief Weltwirtschaft & Entwicklung
19th Working Group Meeting of the Parties to the Aarhus Convention in Geneva from 17 to 19 June 2015
Women’s Major Group Launches 10 Red Flags During UN’s Post-2015 Negotiations on June 23-25
WMG identifies red flags for the Zero draft of the outcome document for the UN Summit to adopt the Post-2015 Development Agenda
WECF neemt deel aan Gelijk=Anders Festival
Op zaterdag 27 juni 2015 staat Pakhuis de Zwijger in het teken van vrouwenrechten en gendergelijkheid tussen vrouw, man en alles daartussen in
26.06.2015 | Chantal van den Bossche
Der SDG-Prozess und seine Umsetzungsmöglichkeiten auf kommunaler Ebene
WECF’s NAMA project presented during Climate Negotiations workshop on gender-responsive climate policy
The UNFCC workshop in Bonn on June 8 and 9 stressed the importance of mainstreaming gender in mitigation action and technology development and transfer
WECF Project Switch to Sun honoured with National Energy Globe Award for Armenia on World Environment Day
WECF Project Switch to the sun – live in comfort!“ has been chosen as best project of Armenia for the Energy Globe Award, today’s largest platform for sustainability. Over 170 countries handed in a total of over 1500 entries.
Meld je nu aan voor WECF-workshop over genderaspecten in ontwikkelingsprojecten
WECF en EWB organiseren gezamenlijk een workshop op 11 juni in Utrecht
Workshop WECF and EWB: Gender Aspects in Development Projects
Should women repair engines and could male engineers design successful cookstoves? Why distinguish ‘male’ and ‘female’ agricultural crops? And is gender equality a prerequisite for development? Join the workshop on 11th of June to find out more ..
WECF initiated letter to Chancellor Merkel as input for G7 meeting this week in Munich, Germany
Letter focusses on the need for Financing of Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in the Post-2015 Sustainable Development Agenda
Women’s Major Group Position Paper - compilation of policy recommendations
Compilation of the WMG policy recommendations on monitoring and Means of Implementation for the Post-2015 Sustainable Development Agenda
Example of Water Solidarity between France and Kyrgyzstan
Safe Drinking Water for An-Oston Village driven by a local women´s initiative
WECF presents film on how to protect children from Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals
Pregnant women know it is important to avoid alcohol, nicotine and certain foods. However, what is less well known is that many everyday products contain pollutants that can also be harmful to your baby. WECF's film gives practical advice on how to avoid exposure to EDCs.
Zwischenstopp Addis
Auf dem Weg zu neuen Nachhaltigkeitszielen
The Meeting was taking place on 17 April 2015 with civil society and multilateral partners on the preparation of the new EU Action Plan for Gender Equality and Women Empowerment in International Cooperation and Development
Water Solidarity France- Kyrgystan
Women as drivers of change
20.04.2015 | WECF Project
EWA success story: sustainable agriculture in Jar-Kishlok
Gaining agricultural knowledge and financial support facilitated by the EWA project allows for a rural mother’s new business to grow
Fachtagung zu den SDGs und ihrer Finanzierbarkeit in Berlin am 30. Juni und 1. Juli
Die Deutsche Gesellschaft für die Vereinten Nationen (DGVN), das Deutsche Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (die) und das Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) Germany organisieren eine Fachtagung mit dem Titel „Zwischenstopp Addis – Auf dem Weg zu neuen Nachhaltigkeitszielen“
"Measuring the Progress in Gender and Environmental Justice"
Event organized at the CSW 59 by WECF, WEDO and the WMG
WECF Director Sascha Gabizon in the Guardian
Gabizon expresses concern that UK’s wish to reduce the scope of the sustainable development agenda will threaten the commitments for women empowerment
ASTRA Stresses Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights during CSW 59
Network organization ASTRA expresses discontent with procedure of CSW 59 and with UN’s Political Declaration
EWA Afghanistan: Survey among Participants of the EWA Sewing course
Status, motivation and making decision
Elke dag is het de Internationale Dag van de Vrouw # IWD15
8 maart is het Internationale Vrouwendag - voor WECF is het elke dag Internationale Vrouwendag
Jeder Tag ist Weltfrauentag
Am 8. März ist Weltfrauentag - für WECF, Women in Europe for a Common Future, ist jeder Tag Weltfrauentag
Mit einer Stimme für Frauenrechte - Lobbyarbeit bei den UN am Beispiel des Prozesses für nachhaltige Entwicklung
Ein Artikel von Sascha Gabizon und Anke Stock in der Ausgabe 1/2015 des Deutschen Frauenrats
The Dangers of Cashier Receipts
Women working at cashiers are exposed to high levels of BPA used on thermal receipts, resulting in harmful health effects and adverse effects during pregnancy
WECF is looking for a Russian speaking volunteer
WECF is looking for a student, intern or volunteer to process and translate data and invoices produced by NGO partners from Georgia, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan and Tadjikistan
10.02.2015 | WECF
EWA: Baseline Report for Tajikistan available
The gender livelihood and socio-economic study for Tajikistan prepared by the Youth Ecological Centre, Tajikistan, and WECF is now published.
Call for Applications for the 2015 SEED Awards
Applications Now Open for Start-up Eco-enterprises to Win Top Award
CSW59: 59th session of the Commission on the Status of Women will focus on Beijing plus 20
The CSW will undertake a review of progress made in the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, 20 years after its adoption
CSW59: 59th session of the Commission on the Status of Women will focus on Beijing plus 20
The CSW will undertake a review of progress made in the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, 20 years after its adoption
29.01.2015 | WICF Campaign
"Women are exposed to hazardous chemicals not only differently than men, but they also have a higher susceptibility to them"
Report on the Women and Chemicals Side Event at OEWG2 of SAICM in Geneva, December 17
19.12.2014 | Alexandra Caterbow, WICF
WECF Georgia supports campaign to raise visibility of violence against women in Georgia
WECF’s Ida Bakhturidze is actively involved in the campaign
18.12.2014 | WECF
“COP 19 helped me to build a stronger bond with women who care about the planet”
Interview with Isis Alvarez of the Global Forest Coalition
Women at COP 20 Blast Failure for Real Action in Lima
“Time to Stop Calling and Start Doing. Leaders, You Have 12 Months to get it Right”
"Implementation of gender sensitive NAMAs in Georgia"
WECF's Sabine Bock interviewed for Climate Change TV at COP20 in Lima, Peru
15.12.2014 | WICF
WECF visible at Geneva NGO Forum and UNECE review of Beijing+20, Geneva, November 2014
The Beijing+20 NGO Forum and Review Meeting highlights key achievements and setbacks over the last two decades and discusses how to strengthen gender equality in the post-2015 development agenda
Women pushing it so hard in Lima!
An article about the Women and Gender Constituency in Lima
WECF supports letter of Human Rights and Climate Change Working Group to the Parties to the UNFCC
Letter calls for human rights to be integrated in new climate change regime
10.12.2014 | WECF
Programme Gender Day at COP 20/CMP10
Women and Gender Constituency invites media to two press events at COP20
Sabine Bock of WECF will be speaking at the press event
09.12.2014 | WICF
“I am hopeful now I see a potential for women’s movements back home”
Interview with Olga Djanaeva of ALGA
Nino Gamisonia: “Georgians are feeling the impact of climate change”
Interview with Nino Gamisonia of Rural Communities Development Agency
04.12.2014 | WICF
Global women civil society leaders speak out at COP20
They demand urgent commitments on gender equality & women’s Rights for new climate agreement
04.12.2014 | WICF
Interventions at COP20 by members of the Women and Gender Constituency
WGC wants a climate agreement that respects human rights and gender equality
03.12.2014 | WICF
Indian organization AIWC publishes report about their workshops on climate change
WECF has sponsored the workshops as follow up to IWE Leadership Programme
“We want to work on the environment so that we can leave a legacy for our children”
Interview with Kalyani Raj of All India Women’s Conference
IWE: New Publication on Gender Aspects in Water and Sanitation Issues in Kyrgyzstan (September 2014)
Women and Gender Constituency -COP20 agenda
Het Post2015 Proces
Op 4 december wordt een draft-versie van het Synthesis Report door Ban Ki-Moon openbaar gemaakt, tijdens een (gesloten) informele vergadering in de General Assembly in New York.
UNEP’s sub-regional Major Group and Stakeholder Meeting for the EECCA region brought together environmental organisations from 12 countries
The meeting took place in Batumi, Georgia
“If we commit ourselves we can reverse climate change”
Interview with Gertrude Kabusimbi Kenyangi of Support for Women in Agriculture and Environment
Women's Major Group wants to achieve gender equitable in Post2015 agreement
WECF contributes by increasing outreach activities on the need for strong gender instruments to implement the Post 2015 agenda
14.11.2014 | WICF Project
WECF presents gender perspectives at EESC on new climate agreement
Anke Stock spoke in the name of WECF and presented a gender perspective focussing on the integration of gender and human rights in the negotiating texts
“It is important to work at the community level as I am sceptical the high level people will change something”
Interview with Elina Doszhanova of the Social Ecological Fund
"Challenges in Energy Sector of Georgia and Sustainable Development
Final Conference on EU Energy Project held in Georgia
09.11.2014 | WICF
Pesticideresiduen en hormoonverstorende stoffen in voeding - wie garandeert de veiligheid?
In vele groenten en fruit aangeboden in de supermarkt worden te veel pesticidenresiduen en vooral te veel pesticiden met hormoonverstorende werking gevonden. WECF pleit bij land- en tuinbouw en politiek om (zwangere) vrouwen en kinderen hier niet langer aan bloot te stellen
06.11.2014 | Chantal van den Bossche
Tajik women are forced to be dependent on men due to lack of land access
A study on women and farming in Tajikistan
"Tajik women are forced to be dependent on men due to lack of land access"
A study on women and farming in Tajikistan
04.11.2014 | WICF
“We need to explain people the effects of climate change if we want change”
Interview with Carmen Capriles of Reacción Climática
Statement by Women in Europe for a Common Future (WECF) for CSW 59 (March 2015); 24 October 2014
Topic: Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (challenges affecting its implementation and the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of women)
Human Rights Council urge UNFCCC to include human rights in new climate agreement
Open letter sent to the State Parties of the UNFCCC
Gender Training Manual developed by WECF and ALGA in both English and Russian: How to integrate gender into sustainable development?
“Gender issues are crucially important as gender is not just about the equality of sexes, it is about our life, especially in villages. It is about sanitation, it is about hygiene, it is about health, it is about livelihood, it is about development.”
21.10.2014 | WICF
EWA Tajikistan: National Round Table “Women and Farming and Gender and Climate Change” held by Youth Ecological Centre in Dushanbe, Tajikistan, on 1 October 2014
Tajik EWA partner Youth Ecological Centre organised in cooperation with other local civil society organisations a National Round Table on the issues of “Women and Farming” and “Gender and Climate Change”
13.10.2014 | WICF
WECF Is Elected Member of Beyond 2015’s Executive Committee
Beyond 2015 pushes for a strong and legitimate post-2015 development agenda
EWA Oeganda: "Koken is geen werk"
Nieuws van WECF’s partner AT Uganda
EWA Uganda: "Cooking is not work?"
Gender mainstreaming for 22 community based organisations. A closer look at WECF’s partner AT Uganda
02.10.2014 | WICF
EWA Kirgizië: leiderschapstrainingen en de toegang tot drinkwater
Een verhaal over WECF’s partner CAAW
EWA Kyrgyzstan: leadership trainings and the access to drinking water
A story of WECF’s partner CAAW
Women at the People’s Climate March
WECF’s Director tells why she was marching
23.09.2014 | WECF
Women and Gender Constituency wants women’s voices included at UNFCCC
Women’s rights and gender justice should be core elements of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
22.09.2014 | WICF Campaign
Women and Gender Constituency wil dat stem van vrouwen gehoord wordt bij de UNFCCC
Vrouwenrechten en gender rechtvaardigheid zouden kernelementen moeten zijn van de UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
22.09.2014 | WICF Campaign
Naaicentrum biedt werkgelegenheid voor Tadzjiekse vrouwen
EWA Tadzjikistan: een verhaal van WECF's partner ASDP NAU
EWA Tajikistan: Sewing centre provides work opportunities for Tajik women
A story of WECF's partner ASDP NAU
22.09.2014 | WECF
Werken aan de link tussen Gender en Duurzaamheid in Zuid-Afrika
Een update van het EWA programma in Zuid-Afrika voor 2014
How Gender and Sustainable Gardening are linked in South-Africa
An update for 2014 on the EWA programme in South-Africa
18.09.2014 | WECF
How to integrate gender aspects into sustainable development trainings?
ALGA and WECF developed a gender manual, dealing with gender issues & sustainable development in both English and Russian
How to integrate gender aspects into trainings?
ALGA and WECF develop a gender manual
17.09.2014 | WECF
WECF at UNITAR/Yale Conference
“Human Rights, Environmental Sustainability, Post-2015 Development Agenda, and the Future Climate Regime”, 5 to 7 September 2014
Making WASH in Schools more Sustainable: Case stories from SuSanA partners
Mama86 and Ormax featured for their good examples for ecological sanitation and water safety plans
08.09.2014 | Claudia Wendland
The Gender & Sustainable Development Alliance
The “Gender & Sustainable Development Alliance” (G&SD) brings together the organisations WECF International, Gender Water Alliance and Global Forest Coalition and their combined membership networks of 940 member organisations and 2500 individual experts in 150 countries
01.09.2014 | WICF
NGOs call for debate on how to put science at the heart of EU politics
WECF signs, along with 25 other NGOs joint letter initiated by Greenpeace: Scientific advice to the European Commission’s President should be transparent and objective"
19.08.2014 | Joint NGO letter
What happened in 2013 in our Food Gardens?
Stories from South Africa
The Gender Dimension within the Aarhus Convention
WECF submitts position paper
Empower Women, Benefit for All – Central Asia Conference on 2 and 3 July in Bishkek
WMG's "8 Red Flags" Concerning SDGs Outcome Document
Assessment of outcome document on proposed Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Final proposal for "Sustainable Development Goals": WECF and Women's Major Group publish assessment of the outcome
21.07.2014 | Sascha Gabizon
WECF welcome the proposed Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which were agreed this weekend at the United Nations in New York
The adoption of the SDG document by the Open Working Document is a significant step forward but women's organisations say SDGs still lacking Real Ambition for Urgent Transformational Change
21.07.2014 | Sascha Gabizon
Organic Solutions and Gender Mainstreaming: Report on Training of Trainers and Findings in two Districts in Eastern Uganda
In this report method and content of the training are presented, and the findings on gender inequalities between men and women in Kween and Kapchorwa District
Report on Baseline Training Needs Assessment - Agriculture, Uganda
In this report the training and the finding of a needs assessment in the field of agriculture, carried out in Eastern Uganda, are presented
A guide for trainers on Organic Agriculture - Principles and Practices
The guide is developed for the EWA project and will support the trained trainers on Conservation and Organic Agriculture
Kyrgyz conference highlights need for a stronger joint voice from Central Asian civil society
Conference on gender equality and sustainable development in Bishkek
11.07.2014 | WECF
WECF aanwezig bij UNECE evenement in Maastricht voor partijen betrokken bij het Verdrag van Aarhus
Informatieverstrekking, mensenrechten en inspraak in relatie tot het milieu staan op de agenda
Upcoming UNECE Meeting of the Parties to the Aarhus Convention addresses Public Participation, Human Rights and the Environment
WECF advocates for focus on women and girls as marginalised groups
WECF attends 5th session of the Meeting of the Parties to the Aarhus Convention
WECF President Christine von Weizsaecker and WECF Gender Expert Anke Stock attended the four day session
30.06.2014 | WECF
WECF and WMG at 1st UN Environment Assembly
Gender Forum and Network of Women Ministers and Leaders Meeting
UN Women Deputy Executive Director Puri plants tree for environment and women
Tree-planting ceremony in Commemoration of World Environment Day and the Beijing Platform for Action+20
Gertrude Kenyangi, mentor of WECF's IWE program, speaks at UNEA
"We should concentrate on the grassroots, especially women"
24.06.2014 | WICF
WECF director speaks on Civil Society Priorities at UN Environment Assembly
WECF present with Delegation of Women and EWA project partners at 1st UN Environment Assembly in Nairobi
24.06.2014 | WECF
Gender Livelihood and Socio Economic Situation in Rural Kyrgyzstan
Baseline study in the framework of the Project Empower Women, Benefit for All
Recommendations by the Women's Major Group for the zero-draft SDGs
The Women’s Major Group welcomes the zero-draft for Sustainable Development Goals as presented by the co-chairs of the Open Working Group on June3rd, which sets a good basis for ambitious global goals.
18.06.2014 | WICF
WECF and partners organise Central Asian Conference 2-4 July in the framework of the SDGs/Post 2015 process
National and regional issues related to sustainable development and gender in the framework of the “Empower Women–Benefits to All” (EWA) project and its implementation and policy work within Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.
16.06.2014 | WICF
EDCs and related public health concerns: Dutch Parliamentarians, policy makers and NGOs present at Policy Science Round Table in The Hague
WECF and Wemos organised discussion in press centre Dutch Parliament
11.06.2014 | WECF
"Planning for sustainable, gender-equitable and climate-proof development"
EWA side event at the UNFCCC Climate Negotiations in Bonn, June 2014
06.06.2014 | WECF
Introduction to Post2015 by WECF (Organising Partner Women's Major Group on Sustainable Development)
In 2015, the United Nations will move from the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) to a new set of global goals for (sustainable) development, setting the framework agenda for the period till 2030
02.06.2014 | WICF
#MenstruationMatters: How ecosan can help improve health and school attendance of girls
WECF teams up with WASH united for Menstrual Hygiene Day
Why do we need a Menstrual Hygiene Day?
Talk about menstruation, not only on May 28, Menstruation Hygiene Day
28.05.2014 | WICF
WECF and partners propose chemicals targets for Sustainable Development Goals
UNEP 2012 global chemicals report estimates close to 1 million deaths from harmful chemicals and pesticides each year
WECF's Anke Stock: Gender mainstreaming is beneficial for the environment
Involving women in local projects triggers innovative solutions
WECF partner WEDO reflects on CSW58
Key thoughts on gender and the post-2015 development goals
EWA Kyrgyzstan: Empowering women to mobilise their communities for safe water and sanitation planning
With the support of local partner CAAW and Mehr-Shavkat, WECF conducted a 2-day training session for representatives of communities, schools, drinking water committees (CDWUUs) and NGOs on developing Water and Sanitation Safety Plans (WSSP) for small communities, in the Kyrgyz city of Osh
08.04.2014 | Margriet Samwel & Claudia Wendland
Armenia: Women for a healthy rural development
Armenian Women actors of change for chemical free rural development
CSW58 Side Event: 'Lessons from the Fukushima nuclear Accident'
Side Event during Commission on the Status of Women, co-hosted by WECF, sought to explore how best to protect the environment and health of women and girls from radiation exposure
28.03.2014 | United Nations Non-Governmental Liaison Service (UN-NGLS)
WECF at CSW 58 March 2014: Implementing the MDGs for Women and Girls
Agreed conclusions drafted in strong language thanks to intense lobby of NGOs and rights campaigners
26.03.2014 | Anke Stock, WECF
Going Dutch visits a WECF project in Armenia
Going Dutch travels around the world, visiting projects of Dutch NGO’s for each of the 8 Millennium Goals. This time, Going Dutch visited a WECF project in the village Sverdlov for Millennium goal number 3: equality of men and women.
WECFs and WEDOs side event in the framework of the EWA project team’s participation at the CSW 58, March 2014 in New York
23.03.2014 | WICF
CSW58: Wednesday, March 19th, Gender Equality & Climate Action
WECF and partners are pleased to invite friends to join us for a climate event as part of the EWA program
19.03.2014 | WICF
EWA: WECF partner Mehr Shavkat celebrates International Women's Day in Kyrgyzstan
WECF partner Mehr Shakat rewards women in their communities with performances, treats and contests
07.03.2014 | WECF
EWA: Internationale Vrouwendag in Kirgizie
WECF partner Mehr Shakat zet actieve vrouwen in lokale gemeenschappen in het zonnetje
07.03.2014 | WECF
CSW58: A Feminist Declaration for Post 2015
Gender, Economic, Social and Ecological Justice for Sustainable Development
WECF organiseert succesvol debat over hormoonverstorende stoffen (EDC’s) in Brussel
Lancering van het Life+ Project ChildProtect: Gezondheid van Kinderen hoort eerste prioriteit te zijn
02.03.2014 | Chantal van den Bossche
Publieke hoorzitting in Brussel "veilig water en sanitatie zijn een mensenrecht" groot succes!
Maandag 17 februari vond in het Europees Parlement de publieke hoorzitting voor het Europese Burgerinitiatief (European Citizens Initiative - ECI) "Veilig water en sanitaire voorzieningen zijn een mensenrecht!" plaats.
21.02.2014 | Margriet Samwel
ChildProtect-Life – Protecting Children's Health from Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals
The ‘ChildProtect-Life’ project coordinated by WECF aims to speed-up implementation of EU environmental regulations with regard to the substitution of EDCs, in line with the EU 2020 goal of minimising adverse effects of chemicals on public health.
18.02.2014 | WECF Project
Praktikumsstelle als Assistenz der Rechtsanwältin
Wir suchen in unserem Bereich Gleichberechtigung eine/n Praktikant/in
17.02.2014 | Anke Stock
Hilfetelefon für Frauen
WECF Deutschland möchte auf das im März 2013 eingerichtete bundesweite Hilfetelefon "Gewalt gegen Frauen" des Bundesministeriums für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend (BMFSFJ) aufmerksam machen.
12.02.2014 | Anke Stock
Workshop on Green Technologies: Empowering Women in Bharatpur-Rajasthan, India
Georgians, Kyrgyz and Ugandan NGOs learn from Indian NGOs
05.02.2014 | Claudia Wendland
PERSAANKONDIGING: Vier ministeries en meer dan vijftig organisaties in actie voor vrouwen in conflictgebieden
Vrijdag 13 december interactief event onder leiding van Kirsten van den Hul (Joke Smit prijs 2013)
09.12.2013 | NAP 1325
Neues aus Afghanistan
WECF Projektpartner Sybille Schnehage erzählt in dem Buch „Drachenkinder“ von ihren Erlebnissen in Afghanistan Das Buch, geschrieben von Hera Lind, erscheint am 9. Dezember 2013
03.12.2013 | WECF
Achieving Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in the Africa Common Position on Post 2015
Recommendations by African Women’s Rights Organizations
Women in Europe for a Common Future says “enough is enough”
Civil society groups walk out of Warsaw climate meeting and call on governments to “get serious and match political ambition to climate reality”
21.11.2013 | WICF
FLOW +: International Women's Empowerment
The coming 2 years are crucial for future development cooperation. In the intergovernmental process on “Sustainable Development Goals”, the UN “Open Working Group” is preparing a framework for universal goals to follow the Millennium Development Goals
20.11.2013 | WICF Project
Driving Home the Link Between Gender and Climate Change
"Despite the name, WECF's reach goes way beyond Europe, connecting more than 150 organisations and communities all over the world with the aim of influencing gender-sensitive environmental policies at the international level"
20.11.2013 | Inter Press Service
Women take action on Climate Change and Gender Equality
Press Conference Advisory COP 19, Warsaw
18.11.2013 | WICF
Include gender mainstreaming in EU - article by the Working Group Gender +E3
Generally the EU is good at including gender mainstreaming or demanding an equal number of seats for women in decision making groups when it comes to climate change. However, the ambition doesn´t seem to stretch further than developing policies and third countries, and is not reflected inside EU itself.
12.11.2013 | GenderCC in cooperaion with GenderE3
Report of the Leadership/Mentoring Training Day on 10 November 2013
The training day was a start to a continued row of activities: the attendance of the women at the UNFCCC COP19, the establishment of a women’s leaders network, the organisation of different national gender policy dialogues and of regional conferences on the SDG/post-2015 process
Women’s priorities for the Post 2015/SDG agenda
Women Major Group regional capacity building and participation in UN post2015 SDG meeting
11.11.2013 | WICF Project
WECF in Sochi: Sports for a healthy environment and equal rights
WECF International Director spoke at International Olympic Committee conference in Sochi, Russia, on sports, environment and equal rights
03.11.2013 | WICF
WECF in Sotsji : Sporten voor een gezond milieu en gelijke rechten
WECF directeur Sascha Gabizon sprak tot Internationaal Olympisch Comité in Sotsji, Rusland, over milieubeheer, volksgezondheid en gelijke rechten voor iedereen
03.11.2013 | WICF
Submission to CSW 58 session Statement by the Women’s Major Group
Moving from Rhetoric towards Real Inclusion of Gender Equality and Women’s Human Rights in the final push for the Millennium Development Goals, and the Sustainable Development & Post-2015 Development Agenda
28.10.2013 | WICF
Submission to CSW 58 session Statement by the Women’s Major Group
Moving from Rhetoric towards Real Inclusion of Gender Equality and Women’s Human Rights in the final push for the Millennium Development Goals, and the Sustainable Development & Post-2015 Development Agenda
28.10.2013 | WICF
Commission on the Status of Women 58- De inbreng van WECF en de Women's Major Group
In februari 2014 vindt de 58e Commission on the Status of Women in New York plaats. WECF zal hier als co-organisator van de Women's Major Group aanwezig zijn vanwege haar betrokkenheid bij de Sustainable Development Goals en de Post2015 agenda.
28.10.2013 | WICF
Post 2015 proces - WECF als mede-voorzitter van de Women’s Major Group
Reactie Women’s Major Group (WMG) op Rapport van de Secretaris Generaal van de VN
28.10.2013 | WICF
Lesson from MDGs: Post 2015 goals have to be set as universal & within a Human Rights Based framework states WECF Director at Eurongos2013
Eurongos Conference 2013: Next Steps - Sexual and Reproductive Rights and Health on the Post 2015 Agenda
25.10.2013 | WICF
WECF calls for women’s leadership in WASH
Budapest Water Summit: 8 to 11 October 2013
17.10.2013 | Anke Stock
MEPs and NGOs issue call for UN to recognise gender, economy and ecology perspectives
A group of MEPs and NGOs have issued a call for gender, economy and ecology perspectives to be included in the UN’s new sustainable development goals (SDGs).
16.10.2013 | Parliament Magazine
"Power from the sun" - article in OSCE Magazine
published in OSCE Magazine'Security Community', issue 3, 2013
14.10.2013 | Anke Stock
What is needed to improve living conditions through sustainable innovations?
Resolution of the National Conference “Innovations towards a Safe and Comfortable Home”
05.10.2013 | WECF
Alarmerende concentraties kwik in lichamen vrouwen en kinderen door ambachtelijke goudwinning
WECF co-organiseert side event over "Vrouwen en kwikvervuiling in de ambachtelijke goudwinningsgebieden" " op de Minamata Conventie Dipcom in Japan, donderdag 10 oktober
02.10.2013 | WICF
Empowering women and men with organic agriculture & gender trainings in Cape Town
WECFs 'Empower Women – Benefit for All' (EWA) programme is to contribute to economic and political empowerment of women from low-income rural and peri-urban regions in six countries, including South Africa
26.09.2013 | Annemarie Mohr
Onze Zuid-Afrikaanse partners organiseerden Gender & biologische landbouwtraining in Kaapstad
WECFs 'Empower Women – Benefit for All' (EWA) programma organiseerde in in samenwerking met Soil For Life and Urban Harvest een week van trainingen over gender en biologische landbouw in Kaapstad voor alle Zuid-Afrikaanse partners en de Oegandese partner ATU
26.09.2013 | Annemarie Mohr
Women Major Group Event at UN - great success
WMG event Thursday, September 19th - "Strengthening Gender Justice and Human Rights to Achieve Sustainable Development"
20.09.2013 | WECF
Het evenement van de Womens Major Group bij de VN – Groot succes!
donderdag 19 september – “Versterking van gender gerechtigheid en mensenrechten om duurzame ontwikkeling te bereiken."
20.09.2013 | WECF
Publication Women's Major Group: "Gender Equality, Women's Rights and Women's Priorities: Recommendations for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Post- 2015 Development Agenda"
Report on gender equality, women's rights and women's priorities
New Publication on NCDs: Environmental factors one of the main causes of preventable deaths
Civil Society Groups release, in cooperation with UNEP, first publication about non-communicable diseases and environmental determinants
27.08.2013 | Joint Press Release
Speelgoed blijft Spelbreker
EU beschermt kinderen onvoldoende tegen schadelijke stoffen
19.07.2013 | WECF Nederland
WECF joins Gender+E3, an informal working group in the European Parliament to discuss gender and environmental issues
Group will connect MEP’s to NGO’s in order to advance in matters concerning gender, ecology and sustainable development
11.07.2013 | WECF
WECF joins Gender+E3, an informal working group in the European Parliament to discuss gender and environmental issues
Group will connect MEP’s to NGO’s in order to advance in matters concerning gender, ecology and sustainable development
11.07.2013 | WECF
Are we on track to the Future we want?
WECF Director Sascha Gabizon participates in virtual conference to mark the one year anniversary of Rio+20
27.06.2013 | UN DESA video
At international meeting on sustainable future, women are referred to in unacceptable terms
The Women's Major Group, composed of 420 organizations from 80 countries, participated in the 4th Open Working Group Session on Sustainable Development from 17 to 19 June 2013
21.06.2013 | Women's Major Group
"Opportunities to Stimulate Local Economies through Sustainable Innovations for Home Comfort"
Gender-sensitive feasibility study for rural areas in Issyk Kul and Naryn
How to Stimulate Local Economies through Sustainable Innovations for Home Comfort?
The EuropeAid funded WECF project “Home Comforts” has demonstrated solutions how to find affordable and sustainable ways towards improved living conditions in rural areas of Kyrgyzstan
12.06.2013 | WECF
Human rights, gender equality and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) in the context of international sustainable development
RESPONSE TO THE REPORT OF THE HIGH LEVEL PANEL (HLP) OF EMINENT PERSONS ON POST 2015 – 11 JUNE 2013 by Dutch civil society organizations working in the field of gender equality, human rights, sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) and sustainable development.
12.06.2013 | WECF/WICF
Reactie van Women's Major Group en WECF op nieuwe VN Post 2015 rapport
Het Verenigde Naties (VN) High Level Panel post 2015 rapport is niet ambitieus genoeg en zet niet de benodigde verandering in werking om een einde te maken aan armoede en om duurzame ontwikkeling te bewerkstelligen
Women Major Group response to the High Level Panel Post 2015 report: "by far not good enough!"
Global Sustainable Development Goals as proposed by Eminent Persons report to UN Secretary General, have some good aspects but are not ambitious enough and fail to bring the necessary change
31.05.2013 | Reflection on the High Level Panel post 2015 report by members of the Women’s Major Group
Het belang van gelijke rechten in Centraal-Azie
Als onderdeel van het EWA programma heeft WECF eind april in samenwerking met YEC een training gefaciliteerd in Dushanbe
31.05.2013 | WECF Nederland
Co-chair meeting - Open Working Group on Sustainable development goals, third session (24 May 2013)
"Women gathering water are subject to violence every day" - WECF Director speeches at the UN
25.05.2013 | WICF
A glossary on sustainable development
The Interdisciplinary Centre for Gender Studies (ICFG) published a glossary on sustainable development from a gender perspective
17.05.2013 | WECF
WECF organizes gender training in Tajikistan
As part of the EWA programme, WECF in cooperation with YEC conducted a gender training in Dushanbe at the end of April 2013
13.05.2013 | Anke Stock
WMG proposes recommendations to NWMLE
The Women Major Group (WMG) has sent a letter the Network of Women Ministers and Leaders for the Environment (NWMLE) with some of the WMG’s key recommendations for the SDGs and the post 2015 process for the NWMLE to incorporate.
06.05.2013 | WECF
Beleidsnota Ploumen: Wat de wereld verdient
WO=MEN over brede integratie vrouwenrechten
29.04.2013 | Chantal van den Bossche
Interventions during the Open Working Group meeting on Sustainable Development Goals
The WMG and other members of the OWG presented haunting interventions and passionate position papers at the second session of the OWG, 17.-19. April 2013, New York
23.04.2013 | WECF
Public Hearing: Time for Plan B: Positive Effects of Gender Sensitive & Environmental Policies
Rondetafelbijeenkomst op 18 februari bij Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken over Post-2015 agenda
Op initiatief van Rutgers/WPF, Share-Net en WECF en WO=MEN organiseerde het Ministerie van Buitenlandse zaken een ronde tafel bijeenkomst met experts op het gebied van mensenrechten, gender gelijkheid, seksuele en reproductieve gezondheid en rechten (SRGR) en gender & water
06.04.2013 | WECF
CHILDPROOFs position on EU air quality policy: Worried parents demand clean air for their children
2013: European Year of Air Quality
03.04.2013 | WECF
2013: Uitgeroepen tot het Jaar van Luchtkwaliteit door de EU
WECF onderschrijft het standpunt van de Vlaamse Gezinsbond over Luchtkwaliteit en gezondheid van kinderen
03.04.2013 | Marie Kranendonk
EWA South Africa - Community Gardens
"We are not just growing food but growing people. We are not only giving people a plate of food, but more valuable than this; we are empowering people to help themselves."
01.04.2013 | WICF Project
Women Major Group members present in Bonn and Bali
WECF and 300 other major group and civil society organisation representatives met for 3 days in Bonn at the CSO post 2015 conference and from there many went on to Bali, for the high level panel post 2015 members meeting
26.03.2013 | WICF
Partner WECF uit Moldavië winnaar VN “Water for Life –Best Practice Award”
Verenigde Naties heeft zojuist in Den Haag Award toegekend aan Oleg Rotari van Ormax voor het project ‘Veilig water en sanitatie voor iedereen in Moldavië’.
22.03.2013 | Chantal van den Bossche
WECF Director Sascha Gabizon participates in panel on Positive Effects of Gender Sensitive and Environmental Policies
GUE/NGL is organising a public hearing on the relation of gender and environmental policies at the European Parliament in Brussels, on April 10th 2013.
21.03.2013 | WECF
De status van vrouwen - WECF ondertekent statement naar aanleiding van de 57e Commission on the Status of Women, CSW57
Vrouwen maken een statement naar aanleiding van de 57e sessie van de Commission on the Status of Women
19.03.2013 | WECF
European Citizens’ Initiative – Water is a Human Right
1.2 million signatures, but we’re not there yet!
8 March International Women’s Day - Women at CSW57 Confronting Unsustainable Development
Feminists Confronting Unsustainable Development' during the 57th session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women, CSW57, talk about the experiences of women and the struggle and resistance strategies of their communities against unsustainable economic activities
08.03.2013 | WICF
CSW Side-Event: Violence - Ecologies - Livelihood
March 8: International Women's Day
On the 8th March WECF wants to highlight the fact that environmental degradation has specific impacts on women’s health and can even amount to violence against women and girls.
06.03.2013 | WICF
Post 2015 Development Goals: Consultation on Water
Rapporteur Sascha Gabizon, Executive Director WECF, identified five core issues during the consultation in Geneva
06.03.2013 | WECF
Women Major Group for integration of women’s rights and equality into SDGs & post2015
As part of the Women Major Group, Sascha Gabizon advocated for better improvements in equality at the UNEP GC 2013 in Nairobi
05.03.2013 | Sascha Gabizon
14th Global Major Groups and Stakeholders Forum (GMGSF-14) 2013
One Million Signatures for Water as a Human Right !
This week the first up and running European Citizens Initiative (ECI) ‘Water is a Human Right' made history as also being the first ECI in the history of the European Union to have collected over 1 million signatures.
12.02.2013 | Press release EPSU
World Cancer Day 2013
What if prevention was the cure?
04.02.2013 | WECF
WECF training programmes and capacity building
Want to become a strategic partner of WECF? Good to know that we offer in house hands-on trainings, knowledge-transfer, and capacity building projects within our projects, to achieve long-run sustainability
30.01.2013 | WICF Campaign
Stellungnahme von WECF zur Rio+20-Fortschreibung der Europäischen Kommission und zu den SDGs
WECF hat eine Konsultation vorgelegt die von 20 Mitgliedsorganisationen unterstützt wird. Sie entstand in Beihilfe der Autoren des Positionspapiers der Women‘s Major Group über die Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
21.01.2013 | WECF
Submission by WECF to European Commission on Rio+20 Follow-up and Sustainable Development Goals
WECF with input from the authors of the Women's Major Group position paper on Sustainable Development Goals, has prepared and submitted a consultation, endorsed by 20 member organisations
18.01.2013 | WECF
Europees Burgerinitiatief: Water en sanitaire voorzieningen zijn een mensenrecht!
Ieder mens het recht heeft op schoon drinkwater en sanitatie. Water is een publiek goed.
17.01.2013 | WECF Campaign
“Strengthening Gender Potential of EWA Project Partners in Kyrgyzstan”
A report on the EWA Gender Trainings on 11 and 12 December in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
09.01.2013 | Anke Stock & Claudia Wendland
WECF schafft Perspektiven in Afghanistan - Nähprojekt für junge Mädchen in Kooperation mit Katachel e.V.
WECF hat gemeinsam mit dem Verein Katachel e.V. ein Nähprojekt für junge Mädchen in Kunduz, Afghanistan eröffnet
07.01.2013 | WECF
Warme kleren in Kunduz: dankzij intensieve naaicursus zijn Afghaanse vrouwen en hun families voorbereid op barre winters
Werk WECF partner Katachel biedt nieuwe perspectieven voor Afghaanse vrouwen om kleding te naaien voor hun families en om te verkopen
07.01.2013 | Chantal van den Bossche
Aanbevelingen voor nieuwe agenda internationale samenwerking na de Millennium Development Goals (Post-2015)
Dinsdag 11 december nam WO=MEN samen met Rutgers/WPF, Share-Net en WECF de lead in een maatschappelijk middenveld consultatie over Post2015
03.01.2013 | WO=MEN
Post 2015 Civil Society Consultation: What is the future we want?
De netwerken WO=MEN Dutch Gender Platform, Share-Net en Rio+20 Women’s Major Group vertegenwoordigd door WECF slaan de handen ineen met als doel de dialoog aan te gaan met het ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken
11.12.2012 | Chantal van den Bossche
Middernacht in de Oase
WECF in Doha: “We zijn zeer teleurgesteld in de uitkomst van de VN Klimaat bijeenkomst door het gebrek aan Visie en Ambitie; Echter, de erkenning van Gendergelijkheid tijdens COP 18 vormt lichtpuntje in een donkere nacht”
10.12.2012 | WECF
Midnight at the Oasis - UNFCCC decision on Inclusion of Gender Equality
Women in Europe for a Common Future’s Long Vigil in Doha: “We’re Deeply Disappointed in UN Climate Meeting Outcome for a Lack of Vision and Ambition; However COP 18’s Recognition of Gender Equality is a Bright Spot on a Dark Night”
10.12.2012 | WECF
Women NGOs at COP18 lead public action demanding "fierce urgency and ambition" from governments
Women say "lack of commitment" is "not in my name
05.12.2012 | Women & Gender NGOs
Women in Warzones: Peace Lords for Change
Interactief event over powervrouwen in (post)conflictgebieden o.l.v. Petra Stienen en Frénk van der Linden
05.12.2012 | Persbericht NAP1325
Gender funding programmes MDG-3 and FLOW conferences in The Hague
The Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs invited to a 3 day conference the lead gurantee-organisations which benefit(ted) from its gender-equality funding programmes MDG-3 and FLOW.
30.11.2012 | WECF
Water Safety Plan Compendium published by WECF - Local Action for Safe Water
Separate chapters and modules of this WSP Compendium are down loadable, providing knowledge and guidance for developing Water Safety Plans for small water supplies
23.11.2012 | WECF
Gifvrije cadeau's voor Tweede Kamerleden
Bezorgde ouders deden succesvolle oproep aan politici! Kamervragen volgen
22.11.2012 | WECF
Kom in actie op Wereld Toilet Dag en ook daarna: Teken het Europees Burgerinitiatief!!
Wereldwijd sterven dagelijks 3000 kinderen omdat ze geen toegang tot veilig water, sanitaire voorzieningen en hygiene hebben. Zelfs in de Europese regio hebben we het dan over 11.500 kinderen die jaarlijks stereven omdat ze geen toegang hebben tot veilig water, sanitaire voorzieningen en fatsoenlijke hygiene.
18.11.2012 | WECF
Product and Chemical Safety in the Balkans
Midterm report: WECF’s Balkan partners, Women´s Movement for Integral Development (LGZHI Albania), Journalists for Human Rights (Macedonia), Resource Center Leskovac (Serbia), accomplished goals planned in the “Product and Chemical Safety in the Balkans” project.
14.11.2012 | WECF
Save the date: Maatschappelijk middenveld consultatie: Post-2015, what is the future we want?
Nederlandse inzet op Mensenrechten/Gender/SRGR en Duurzame Ontwikkeling
14.11.2012 | Chantal van den Bossche
Verstorend voedsel - WECF publiceert consumentengids PAN Europe in het Nederlands
Wat zit er in Europees groente en fruit? Wat krijgen Europese consumenten elke dag binnen? Wat zit er in onze sla, tomaten en druiven?...
14.11.2012 | Chantal van den Bossche
Vlaams Actieplan Pesticiden: betere informatie naar zwangere vrouwen noodzakelijk!
In 2009 heeft Europa de pesticidenrichtlijn aangenomen om tot duurzaam gebruik te komen. Deze wetgeving bepaalt dat iedere lidstaat een actieplan moet opstellen zodat schadelijke effecten voor menselijke gezondheid en milieu verminderen
14.11.2012 | Gezinsbond (partner WECF)
MamaGreen: Bezorgde ouders doen oproep aan politici! Kom naar Den Haag op 21 november!
“Politiek, zorg dat ik goed voor mijn kind kan zorgen. Geef me als ouder een veilige en gezonde keus.” Met deze vraag aan politici gaat op 21 november een groep bezorgde (groot)ouders op weg naar Den Haag om groen en gifvrij speelgoed aan te bieden aan Tweede Kamerleden van verschillende partijen en aan de creche van de Tweede Kamer.
13.11.2012 | Chantal van den Bossche
WECF attended the Joint Meeting on Public Participation in Environmental Decision-Making: Focus on Strategic Environmental Assessment
On 29 and 30 October the Task Force on Public Participation in Decision-Making of the Aarhus Convention held its third meeting in cooperation with the Bureau under the Protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) to the Espoo Convention
Humanitaire Dakbedekkingsproject in Prislop, Roemenië
Met dank aan giften van privédonoren uit verschillende landen hebben inmiddels 32 gezinnen in Prislop, Roemenië, platen gekregen om hun daken waterdicht te maken.
24.10.2012 | Chantal van den Bossche
Cooperation for protecting Central Asian climate and water source
Civil society networks from Central Asian countries agree on cooperation in the frameworks of the UNECE Transboundary Water Convention
16.10.2012 | WECF, BIOM, Social Ecofund Kazakhstan
WECF France: Endocrine disruptors: Threat to women’s health
WECF has launched a report in French called 'Menace sur la santé des femmes'
Kamer en kabinetsformateurs gewezen op ontbrekende schakel in aanpak stijgende zorgkosten
Steeds duidelijker verband tussen hormoonverstorende stoffen en gezondheidseffecten
05.10.2012 | WECF Pers
Verslag Flitscongres Parlementsverkiezingen: "Bij ons gaat het om de inhoud"
“Bij de verkiezingsdebatten op televisie lijkt het vooral om de competitie, de winst en de ‘oneliners’ te gaan.” Zo stelde gespreksleider Ilona Hofstra bij de start van het Flitscongres dat de Nederlandse Vrouwen Raad op 7 september 2012 in de Statenpassage van de Tweede Kamer organiseerde. “Bij ons gaat het om de inhoud.”
14.09.2012 | Nederlandse Vrouwen Raad
Safe and Sustainable Sanitation for Women & Menstrual Hygiene
In some areas of the world, menstruation is considered as an impure and shameful act. Therefore girls are trying to hide that they are menstruating. Unfortunately, due to lack of safe facilities or supply of feminine hygiene products many young girls are forced to drop schools during their period. Each month they are deprived of their basic right, namely right to education.
14.09.2012 | WECF Campaign
The 4th Finland Dry Toilet Conference 2012 “Drivers for Ecological Dry Toilets in Urban and Rural Areas”
The WECF network was present with 8 oral presentations on the 4th Finland Dry Toilet Conference 2012 in Tampere, Finland. In total, 160 participants from 38 countries shared their experiences related to dry toilets during two full days. The conference was the 4th Dry Toilet Conference organized by the Global Dry Toilet Association of Finland.
06.09.2012 | Claudia Wendland
Human Right to Water to be First EU Citizens Initiative?
An online petition is launched to make the Human Right to water a European Citizen's Initiative call
05.09.2012 | Alia Papageorgiou
Water and Sanitation are a Human Right! Online Signing is Open! Spread the News.
We need your help to reach out to all citizens in Europe. Our demands will only be taken into consideration if we achieve over one million valid signatures.
03.09.2012 | WECF
Water en Sanitatie zijn een Mensenrecht! Online Ondertekening is Geopend! Verspreid het Nieuws.
Wij hebben uw hulp nodig om alle burgers in Europa te bereiken. Onze eisen worden alleen maar in overweging genomen als wij meer dan een miljoen geldige handtekeningen verzamelen.
03.09.2012 | WECF
The Extractive Industries are Violating Basic Human Rights
The UN ‘Report of the Special Rapporteur on the human rights obligations related to environmentally sound management and disposal of hazardous substances and waste’ indicates that numerous human rights including right to adequate health and life are abused due to presence of extractive industries companies.
03.09.2012 | United Nations
“Empower Women – Benefit (for) All (EWA)” - WECF EWA programma
Het WECF EWA programma heeft als doel een bijdrage te leveren aan de economische en politieke empowerment van vrouwen in rurale en randstedelijke regio’s met lage inkomens in zes ontwikkelingslanden (Afghanistan, Georgië, Kirgizië, Zuid-Afrika, Tadzjikistan en Oeganda).
29.08.2012 | WECF
Bijzonder Boekje Helpt Moeders om Borst en Baan te Combineren
Weer aan het werk gaan is voor veel moeders een belangrijke reden om te stoppen met borstvoeding of er zelfs helemaal niet aan te beginnen. Borst en Baan is een bijzonder boekje van Kenniscentrum Borstvoeding, met daarin alles over de combinatie van borstvoeding en werk.
29.08.2012 | Kenniscentrum Borstvoeding
Welke partij staat dichtbij jouw wereld? Check Wereldkiezer.nl
Maak hier je eigen verkiezingsprogramma en kom er achter welke politieke partij dicht bij jouw wereld staat!
28.08.2012 | WECF nieuws
Nederlandse feministen solidair met Pussy riot
WO=MEN, het Nederlandse netwerk voor gelijkheid van mannen en vrouwen wereldwijd heeft zich van begin af aan solidair verklaart met de vervolgde Russische punkband Pussy Riot.
17.08.2012 | Persbericht WO=MEN, Dutch Gender Platform
New UN Independent Expert on Human Rights and Environment
WECF welcomes the appointment of John Knox as the new UN Independent Expert on Human Rights and Environment
24.07.2012 | WECF
The Role of the Sisters. The Challenges of Sustainable Development for Women
'How can we reverse the fact that women are the most vulnerable?'
20.07.2012 | Sustainlabour
Inspiring activities and results of the Women's Major Group and WECF at the Rio+20 summit
An overview of some of the positions and activities of the many, which were organised by members of the Women’s Major Group during the 2 weeks of the Rio+20 negotiations and events from 13 – 22 of June 2012, Brazil
16.07.2012 | WECF International Newsletter
Key gains and losses in the Rio+20 negotiations from the perspective of gender equality and women’s priorities
Coming to Rio, it was already clear that the outcome document would be weak. The draft document contained some very worrying language against human rights, women’s rights, indigenous people’s rights, and against the precautionary principle
06.07.2012 | WECF International
The role of the Sisters. The challenges of sustainable development for Women
"How can we reverse the fact that women are the most vulnerable? How can the environmental dimensions be included in the social protection floor?"
04.07.2012 | News from WECF partner Sustainlabour
Human right to water and sanitation – attacked from a transboundary perspective during the Rio+20 negotiations
Article by Sascha Gabizon, Executive Director, WECF Women in Europe for a Common Future. WECF was organising partner for the Major Group “Women” for the Rio+20 negotiations
28.06.2012 | Sascha Gabizon
Rio+20 Outcome Document Undermined by Human Rights Opponents
The global summit's final document falls short on corporate accountability and reproductive rights
28.06.2012 | Amnesty, Human Rights Watch and CIEL
RIO+20: From the Future We Want to the Future We Need
Women’s Major Group Final Statement on the Outcomes of Rio+20
25.06.2012 | Statement Women's Major Group
RIO+20: Van de toekomst die we willen naar de toekomst die we nodig hebben.
Slotverklaring van de Women’s Major Group over de uitkomsten van Rio+20
24.06.2012 | Statement Women's Major Group
Rio+20: Women “Disappointed and Outraged”
Women’s Major Group Releases Final Statement on the Outcomes of Rio+20: "We believe that the governments of the world have failed women, future generations and our beautiful but fragile planet earth"
24.06.2012 | Women's Major Group Press Release
RIO+20: Von der Zukunft, die wir wollen zu der Zukunft, die wir brauchen
Abschließende Stellungnahme der Women’s Major Group zu den Ergebnissen der Rio+20 Konferenz
24.06.2012 | WECF Deutschland
Rio +20 Women: "Teleurgesteld en Verbolgen"
Women’s Major Group geeft slotverklaring ten aanzien van de uitkomst van Rio +20
24.06.2012 | WECF Pers
Presence of the Women's Major Group at Rio+20
Official interventions, press conferences and demonstrations organised by the Women's Major Group at the UN conference on sustainable development Rio+20
Sascha Gabizon, Executive Director of Women in Europe for a Common Future (WECF) speaks at the UN Women Leaders Forum
Sascha Gabizon, Executive Director of Women in Europe for a Common Future (WECF) speaks at the UN Women Leaders Forum ahead of the Rio+20 UN Conference on Sustainable Development in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
24.06.2012 | WECF news
Intervention by Hala Yousry from Egypt during the Opening Plenary at Rio+20
We women around the world continue our struggle for our rights, basic needs, health, decent jobs, social and environmental protection – which are the very basis of our lives and our future.
Women's Rio+20 Good Practice Award
Grassroots women from around the world received prestigious "Women's Rio+20 Good Practice Awards" from eight women Ministers in 21 June Ceremony and Reception at Rio Centro
22.06.2012 | WECF news
Grassroots women from around the world receive prestigious "Women's Rio+20 Good Practice Awards"
Grassroots women from around the world receive prestigious "Women's Rio+20 Good Practice Awards" from eight women Ministers in 21 June Ceremony and Reception at Rio Centro
22.06.2012 | WECF Press Release
Gro Harlem Brundtland censures Rio+20's gender equality outcomes
Absence of reproductive rights reference in UN Women's call to action 'a step backwards', says former Norway prime minister
22.06.2012 | The Guardian
Rio+20 Agreement a major disappointment
Reproductive rights for women were excluded from draft agreement after campaign led by Holly See (the Vatican).
21.06.2012 | American Progress
Rio+20 uitkomst betekent achteruitgang voor vrouwen en jongeren
De grootste VN-top lijkt te zijn mislukt. Vrouwen en jongeren blijken wederom de dupe te worden van conservatieve lobby
21.06.2012 | Persbericht WO=MEN, Dance4Life, Rutgerswpf, WECF
One million signatures for water as a Human Right has started!
On April 1st the first European Citizens Initiative (ECI) on water was registered at the European Commission (EC). This ECI is sponsored by the European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU) and it enjoys broad support from WECF and many other representatives from civil society at European level
21.06.2012 | EPSU Press Release supported by WECF
Rio+20 Conference, 20 - 22 June
Nieuws van de Nederlandse Vrouwenraad: "Vrouwenvertegenwoordiger in regeringsdelegatie naar VN duurzaamheidstop Rio+20"
WECF is verheugd dat Jolein Baidenmann uiteindelijk toch present is in Rio als Vrouwenvertegenwoordiger in de regeringsdelegatie voor de conferentie van de Verenigde Naties over duurzaamheid die van 20 tot 22 juni plaatsvindt in Rio de Janeiro
Women’s Major Group Members at Rio+20 Call for End to Nuclear Power and Support for Safe Energy
“Development Dialogue on Energy”
18.06.2012 | WECF news
Powerful stories by Powerful Women who decry lack of real progress since 1992
For 90 minutes on the morning of Friday June 15th, a strong and diverse group of nine women passionately engaged a crowd at the Rio Centro Conference Center with their first hand reports of each on women’s determined resistance to unsustainable projects and policies and their resilience in staying the course in their fight for Mother Earth.
17.06.2012 | Claire Greensfelder and Bridget Burns on behalf of the WMG
Report of the Joint Workshop on Public Participation (June 2012)
- Organised by the Task Force on Public Participation in Decision-making of the Aarhus Convention and the Meeting of the Parties to the Protocol on Water and Health in cooperation with the Ministry of Environment and Forests of Romania and Women in Europe for a Common Future -
16.06.2012 | Anke Stock and Ingrid Elbertse
Rio+20: Final Statement of the People's Summit
People's Summit Final Statement in Rio+20 for Social and Environmental Justice in Defense of Common Goods, agains the Commodification of Life
Rio+20 - WECF sponsors June 15th Forum on Phase-Out of Nuclear Energy by 2020
On the Opening Day of the Rio+20 Peoples’ Summit Women in Europe for a Common Future Presents Forum Calling for Global Phase Out of Nuclear Energy by 2020
15.06.2012 | WECF Press Release
Press Release UN Women at start Rio+20: A world in balance requires gender equality, says UN Women
Michelle Bachelet outlines policy actions needed at Rio+20 Conference to bring transformational change.
14.06.2012 | Press Release UN Women
Rio+20 Side Event: "Protecting Our First Environment"
Protecting women’s health and future generations from harmful environmental impacts was the topic of the event organised by WECF, IPEN and members of the Women’s Major Group today at Barra Arena at the Rio+20 conference.
14.06.2012 | WECF news from Rio+20
WECF und Frauengruppen weltweit fordern konkretes politisches Handeln
Weltgipfel Rio +20: Ökosystem am Rande der Belastbarkeit – Hauptleidtragende sind Frauen, Kinder und Arme
13.06.2012 | WECF Press Release
WECF says “no time to lose” as Rio+20 summit negotiations begin in Brazil
Climate change exacerbates droughts, floods, and existing vulnerabilities. The gap between the rich and the poor is growing, social unrest is on the increase, and governments are less and less able to address both economic and environmental crises.
13.06.2012 | WECF news
Women Mobilize at Rio+20: Demanding a Just and Sustainable Future
Sascha Gabizon (WECF) says, “Rio+20 could be our last chance to mobilize world leaders and civil society to assure a real paradigm shift away from greed and unsustainable growth towards societies based on human rights and gender equality”
13.06.2012 | Women's Major Group Rio+20
WECF lobbyt bij Tweede Kamer voor belang Gender in aanloop naar Rio
Donderdag 31 mei vond Algemeen Overleg plaats over Rio+20 in de Tweede Kamer
02.06.2012 | Chantal van den Bossche
Interventions and activities of WMG during informal formal sessions May June in NY
Interventions given on behalf of the WMG by, amongst others, WECF Director Sascha Gabizon, at the United Nations Rio+20 negotiations
02.06.2012 | Women's Major Group
Women and Rio+20 Online Dialogue: A Final Opportunity for Input
Last input calls Wednesday - Thursday, June 6/ 7, 2012 & Logistics Manual for Rio Visitors for practical tips
01.06.2012 | WEDO & WECF
Eurovision 2012: A "Wake-Up" Call on Human Rights in Azerbaijan
As the eyes of the world focus on Eurovision in Baku, WECF calls for international attention on poor living conditions and the human rights abuses in Azerbaijan
25.05.2012 | WECF Press Release
Interventions During the ‘Informal-Informal’ Negotiations in March – April, 2012
Read the statements by the women’s major group representatives put forward at the meeting of the Rio+ 20 Bureau with Major Groups
20.05.2012 | WECF
Rio+20 en Vrouwen - WECF als voorzitter van de Women’s Major Group
Sinds de grote conferentie in Rio in 1992 zijn vrouwen een belangrijke groep voor duurzame ontwikkeling met eigen prioriteiten. Vrouwenvertegenwoordigers van maatschappelijke organisaties nemen deel aan de onderhandelingen als de "Women's Major Group".
16.05.2012 | WECF Campagnes
Why the Fight Against Climate Change and Gender Equality should be Tackled Together?
The French Green MEP Nicole Kiil-Nielsen presented a report on the link between the fight against climate change and discrimination against women. The motion for a European Parliament resolution was introduced in a plenary session on April, 20 by the Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality.
10.05.2012 | WECF
Statements by The Women’s Major Group during the April negotiations for Rio+20
Statement by the women’s major group on the occasion of the meeting of the Rio+20 Bureau with Major Groups
05.05.2012 | WECF news
Apply NOW! Women Rio+20 Good Practice Award: Women’s contributions to Sustainable and Equitable Economies
Women-led organizations and groups working on sustainable development in developing countries are invited to nominate their initiatives to be recognized as one of five winning projects at the UN Rio+20 summit in Brazil this June 2012
02.05.2012 | WECF News
Steun vrouwen wereldwijd op weg naar Rio+20!
Mensenrechten staan op het spel! WECF, vertegenwoordigt meer dan zeventig vrouwengroepen wereldwijd die zijn verenigd in de UN Women's Major Group. Tijdens de voorbereidingen voor Rio+20 maakten verschillende landen bekend vrouwenrechten en gelijkheid in het conceptverdrag te willen schrappen.
01.05.2012 | Chantal van den Bossche
Dutch Discussion on Sustainable Development, Gender, and SRHR and the International Development Agenda
An Overview of a Recent Panel Discussion at the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs on 12 April 2012
24.04.2012 | Amanda Peterson
WECF and WEDO join hands in Call of Action letter to U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton
On behalf of the Rio+20 Women’s Major Group, WECF and WEDO appeal the U.S. Secretary of State to address U.S. negotiating positions currently jeopardizing a strong RIO+20 Summit outcome document
24.04.2012 | WECF news
Experts roundtable on Endocrine disrupters (EDCs): impacts and mechanisms of action from conception to maturity, Paris, April 10th
Consequences of exposures, in particular perinatal, to EDCs on women’s health and the health of children later in life: criteria for EDCs, a critical step towards an effective public health policy in Europe
24.04.2012 | Elisabeth Ruffinengo
Public Participation in Environmental Decision-Making – Focus: Water and Health
From 6 to 8 June 2012 WECF co-organises a meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, on the issue of public participation.
18.04.2012 | Anke Stock
Reaffirmation of Women's Rights Key to Rio+20 Success
IPS U.N. Bureau Chief Thalif Deen interviews SASCHA GABIZON, executive director of Women International for a Common Future
16.04.2012 | Inter-Press Service
Linking breast cancer and our environment
The politics of prevention, a WECF publication available in English, Dutch, German and French
Rio+20 Women Major Group befürchtet Weltabverkauf
Sascha Gabizon, internationale Direktorin und Geschäftsführerin von WECF, im Gespräch mit diestandard.at zum Weltabverkauf in Rio.
12.04.2012 | WECF
iPetition: Human Rights at Risk at the United Nations
WECF, jointly with civil society organizations and social movements, have initiated a petition campaign to the UNCSD Secretary General and Member States last month in New York.
12.04.2012 | Rasa Jaruseviciute
Open Letter from the High Commissioner for Human Rights to Member States Regarding Rio+20
After the informal negotiations on the Rio+20 zero draft, the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navanethem Pillay, has written an Open Letter, appealing to all Member States
11.04.2012 | Rasa Jaruseviciute
Rio+20 Preparatory Regional Conferences in Arab and French Speaking Countries
Preparatory Regional Conferences in Arab and French speaking countries before the UN Conference on Sustainable Development Rio+20
10.04.2012 | WECF
100 Days until Rio+20: Women’s Priorities for Sustainable Development
Women Major Group presents key priorities for sustainable development with regards to poverty eradication and social equity.
30.03.2012 | Rasa Jaruseviciute
Sascha Gabizon speaks on behalf of the Women's Major Group at UN press conference
Civil Society Coalitions React to Governments Progress at Rio+20 Negotiations - Press Conference
Women Perspective on the Green Economy: Side Event Rio+20, 27 March
Intervention by women during Rio+20 intersessional, presented by Doris Mpoumou.
27.03.2012 | WECF
Human rights council of the United Nations recognizes importance of environment and human rights by installing independent expert
Independent Expert will be appointed on Human Rights Related to Enjoyment of a Safe, Clean, Healthy and Sustainable Environment – March 2012
27.03.2012 | Anke Stock
The Road to Rio - Interview with WECF director Sascha Gabizon
Interview with WECF director Sascha Gabizon, co-chair of the Women's Major Group for the UN conference on Sustainable Development (UNSCD) 2012 process
26.03.2012 | The Road To Rio - NGLS newsletter for Civil Society
Gender Dimension in the Post 2015 Sustainable Development Agenda
Summary of Side Event on Gender and the post 2015 development agenda which was co-organised by WECF on the 21st of March
26.03.2012 | WECF
Special Raport on the Side Event: The Role of Technology in the "Green Economy"
Presented by the WECF, ETC Group, Consumers International, La Via Campesina, and Centro Ecológico
26.03.2012 | WECF
Wereld Water Dag 2012: Recht op toegang tot veilig drinkwater & sanitatie voor allen!
Meer aandacht en inspanningen nodig voor landelijke gebieden in ontwikkelingslanden
21.03.2012 | WECF Pers
EWA: Women Empowerment
The overall goal of the WECF EWA programme is to contribute to economic and political empowerment of women from low-income rural and peri-urban regions in six developing countries (Afghanistan, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, South Africa, Tajikistan, Uganda)
19.03.2012 | WICF Project
The Millennium Development Goal for Water and Sanitation Has Been Met!
In a recent report, UNICEF and The World Health Organisation (WHO) have announced that Millennium Development Goal 7c has already been achieved
19.03.2012 | Unicef
Women Travel Grants Rio+20 Sustainable Development Conference Brazil, June 2012
WECF is co-organiser of the Women's Major Group at the Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development which takes place from 13 - 23 of June in Rio de Janeiro
12.03.2012 | Sascha Gabizon
Waarom is Rio +20 belangrijk voor vrouwen?
Internationale vrouwendag 2012: WECF, voorzitter Women’s Major Group voor Rio +20 stelt: "groene economie" kan niet bestaan zonder gendergelijkheid
07.03.2012 | WECF Pers
International Women's Day 2012: Why is Rio+20 important for women?
WECF, organising Partner Women’s Major Group for Rio+20 states: the “Green Economy” needs Gender Equality
07.03.2012 | WECF Press Release
Rio+20 Zero Draft - Recommendations Women's Major Group
The key recommendations by the Women's Major Group as presented during the Annual Breakfast meeting of the network of women Ministers and Leaders for the Enviroment at the UNEP GC/GMF in Nairobi, Kenya
05.03.2012 | Sascha Gabizon
Sascha Gabizon Contributed to UNEP Year Book 2012
Sascha Gabizon, WECF executive director, has contributed to the UNEP Year Book 2012 by reviewing the chapter Closing and Decommissioning Nuclear Power Reactors
02.03.2012 | WECF
Women’s Vision for Sustainable Development at UNEP Governing Council/Global Ministerial Environment Forum, February 2012, Nairobi, Kenya
Sascha Gabizon, WECF executive director and co-chair Women’s Major Group, presented the Women Priorities for the Rio+20 Zero Draft at the meeting of the Network of Women and Leaders for the Environment
01.03.2012 | WECF
Gender Equality and Environmental Rights for All
WECF Publication: Gender as cross-cutting issue within WECF’s work
Human Rights: WECF Contributing to the Public Consultation of the Special Rapporteur on the Human Right to Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation
The Special Rapporteur, Catarina de Albuquerque, introduced the new issue “stigmatisation” which is not yet part of the human rights framework, 1 February 2012 in Geneva
02.02.2012 | Anke Stock
Intervention by the Women’s Major Group on the Zero Draft Meeting for Rio+20
Azra Sayeed from Pakistan presented the women's vision on the "zero draft" Rio+20 ministerial declaration at UN Headquarters in New York on the 26th of January 2012.
30.01.2012 | WECF
Breast Cancer Screening Cannot Be Justified, Says Researcher
Book argues harm outweighs small number of lives saved, and accuses mammography supporters of misconduct
23.01.2012 | The Guardian
French Study Confirms Correlation Between Increased Incidence Child Leukaemia and Vicinity to Nuclear Power Plants
‘Women and children at greater risk’ alarms Women’s Environment and Health Network WECF
13.01.2012 | WECF Press Release
Women’s Major Group: Rio+20 Position Statement - Summary
Summary of the Women’s Major Group Statements for UN Conference on Sustainable Development
WECF and Eco-Accord Report of the 7th ‘Environment for Europe’ Ministerial Conference, 2011, Astana
WECF and Eco-Accord presented the report of the Seventh ‘Environment for Europe’ Ministerial Conference, held on 22-23 September 2011 in Astana, Kazakhstan
10.01.2012 | WECF news
WECF congratulates the winner of the 2011 SEED Gender Equality Award, "Solid Waste Management and Community Mobilization Program" from NEPAL
The SEED Gender Equality Award was created this year for the first time on the initiative of SEED, UN Women and the Women Rio+20 Steering Committee.
09.01.2012 | WECF Press Release
Women in Conflict Zones: Dutch Action Plan 1325
Nearly 40 Dutch organizations including WECF launched a National Action Plan 1325 on Women, Peace, and Security on 19 December 2011.
05.01.2012 | WECF
WECF Newsletter 11-12/2011: Strong Position on Sustainable Development
Relevant information on the main WECF news and activities worldwide in November and December 2011.
03.01.2012 | WECF
Women’s Intervention towards Rio+20: 5 Priority Actions
Anita Nayar, on behalf of the Women’s Major Group, presented 5 priority actions towards Rio+20 on 15-16 of December 2011.
02.01.2012 | WECF
Final evaluation of WECF’s MFS1 Programme “Empowerment and Local Action” (ELA)
This report presents the findings of the final evaluation of WECF’s ELA programme, implemented from January 2008 to December 2010.
Lancering Nederlands Actieplan 1325 ‘Vrouwen, Vrede, Veiligheid'
Bijna 40 organisaties waaronder WECF ondertekenden maandag 19 december het Nationaal Actieplan Resolutie 1325 in aanwezigheid van minister Uri Rosenthal van Buitenlandse Zaken, verschillende kamerleden en activisten uit vele landen
14.12.2011 | Chantal van den Bossche
Side Event at United Nations on 15th December: UNWomen, WECF and Women's Major Group
WECF is co-organising a side event entitled 'From 'Brown' Economy to 'Equitable' Economy - Women's priorities for Rio+20".
12.12.2011 | WECF
Sanitation and Gender Are Core Issues of the Nexus Approach
WECF contributed to the conference “The Water Energy and Food Security Nexus – Solutions for the Green Economy” held 16 to 18 November 2011 in Bonn
06.12.2011 | Sascha Gabizon
From 'Brown' Economy to 'Care' Economy
Women's priorities for Rio+20, Side Event at the UNECE Rio+20 conference, Geneva, 2 December
17.11.2011 | WECF
Einladung zur Pressekonferenz
Anlässlich der Konferenz Bonn2011 – The Water, Energy and Food Security Nexus – Water resources in the Green Economy
Women's Major Group for Rio+20 Position Presented at Meeting Organized by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs
A meeting on gender and women priorities for Rio+20 at the Foreign Ministry in Paris, 7 November in Paris
14.11.2011 | WECF
Youth case studies on Environment and Health - deadline extended to December 15
UNEP Tunza youth network calls for "good practice" case studies by Youth
14.11.2011 | WECF
Gender Prioriteit voor Rio+20
Op 11-11-11, de dag van de Duurzaamheid organiseert het Nationaal Platform Rio+20 samen met WECF, WOMEN Inc, WO=MEN en anderen een bijeenkomst met als titel: "Gender Prioriteit voor Rio+20".
11.11.2011 | WECF Press Release
Gender and Climate Justice Tribunals: Featuring Mexico and Peru
Women's tribunals on gender and climate justice were organized on 10 November, 2011, in collaboration with partners around the world in the lead up to COP 17 and Rio+20.
11.11.2011 | WECF
Pre-Bonn Gender Conference 2011: Power to Empower, Leverage 2011 And Beyond
Gender Concerns International organizes the “Women at the Flashpoint II: Pre-Bonn Gender Conference” on 17 November 2011 in The Hague, The Netherlands.
09.11.2011 | Gender Concerns International
Rio+20 - Women Worldwide Present Recommendations and Statements
More than 70 women's organizations from over 40 countries from around the world present their recommendations for Rio+20 - next year's United Nations conference on Sustainable Development
03.11.2011 | Sascha Gabizon
EU Ambassadors impressed by project “Switch to sun-live with comfort”
Report from EU news on Ukrainian project which aims at improving health, reducing poverty and increasing energy security
25.10.2011 | WECF
VAM, WECF and WEDO workshop Bonn on Gender and Green Economy, 4 September 2011
Voices of African Mothers, WECF and WEDO co-organise workshop on Gender and Green Economy as part of the preparations for Rio+20, during the UNDPI conference in Bonn, on 4 September 2011.
19.10.2011 | Sascha Gabizon
Nobel Peace Prize 2011 for defenders of women’s rights
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Leymah Gbowee and Tawakkul Karman, three icons for women’s rights in Africa and the Arab world, were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize this month for their non-violent struggle for peace, democracy and gender equality
19.10.2011 | Source: Nobel Peace Price Committee
Brustkrebs ist keine Geschäftsidee - Gemeinsame Erklärung zum „Brustkrebsmonat“
Frauengesundheitsorganisationen fordern Stopp des Missbrauchs
18.10.2011 | Johanna Hausmann
Major Groups: Farmers Statement
“Agriculture: The Centre Link of Sustainable Development Trinity”
14.10.2011 | WECF news
Kernenergie is niet Co2 vrij!
Klacht van o.a. WECF-oprichter Marie Kranendonk over reclame Atoomstroom gegrond verklaard
13.10.2011 | WECF Press Release
Women statement at UNEP global consultation on Rio+20 in Bonn, 1-2 September 2011
Representatives of the women's Rio+20 steering committee from Africa and Europe took part in the UNEP major group and stakeholders global consultation on Rio+20 in Bonn, 1-2 September 2011.
12.10.2011 | Sascha Gabizon
Rio+20: French Women Contact Group for Gender and Sustainable Development
Presentation of the French Women Contact group contribution for Rio+20
11.10.2011 | Sascha Gabizon
Women Major Group preparing submission on Rio+20 to UN
The women Rio+20 steering committee is calling for input for a global position of women on Rio+20 to be submitted to the UN before the deadline of 1 of November 2011.
11.10.2011 | Sascha Gabizon
In memoriam Kenyan Nobel laureate Wangari Maathai
All those who are connected to the WECF network mourn the passing away on September 25th of prof. Wangari Maathai, founder of the Greenbelt Movement and winner as the first African woman of the Nobel Prize for Peace in 2004
27.09.2011 | Irene Dankelman
WECF director calls for urgent measures to halt water pollution from uranium mining tailings in Central Asia at Environment for Europe Conference in Astana.
WECF director Sascha Gabizon – co-chair of the European Eco-Forum – addressed ministers of environment of the 56 countries of the UNECE region in her plenary address at 7th Environment for Europe Ministerial Conference in Astana, Kazakhstan
25.09.2011 | Chantal van den Bossche
No measures agreed to address risk of irreversible pollution of transboundary aquifers in Central Asia
WECF director calls for urgent measures to halt water pollution from uranium mining tailings in Central Asia, and laments continued use of Asbestos, at Conference of Environment Ministers from 56 countries in Astana, which dealt with water management and the greening of the economies
24.09.2011 | WECF Press Release
Scientists and health professionals urge UN and WHO to tackle the challenge of non-communicable diseases by global action
United Nations High Level Expert Committee Meeting on the Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases at the global level, 19th-20th September: will action follow the Asturias declaration?
16.09.2011 | WECF Press Release
NGOs get organised for the 7th Environment for Europe Ministerial Conference in Astana
WECF is supporting the European Eco-Forum, which is an alliance of some 200 Environmental NGOs in the UNECE region, to effectively participate in the 7th Environment for Europe Ministerial Conference which is taking place in Astana, Kazakhstan, from 21 - 23 of September
13.09.2011 | Sascha Gabizon
The Heart of Green Economy Must Be Based on Social Equity
Interview with Sacha Gabizon, the executive director of WECF, on the United Nations Radio, 2 September 2011.
05.09.2011 | WECF
WECF active at global and regional Rio+20 consultations in Bonn, September 2011
WECF is actively involved in a number of international and regional Rio+20 consultations which are taking place in Bonn, Germany between 1 and 6 of September 2011
LGZHI director features on Albanian National Public Television to talk about WECF's Civil Society project in the Balkans
On the 26th of July Mrs Elvis Qaja, Executive Director of the Albanian LGZHI was invited on national's tv breakfast show, TVSH - “Morning Program”
24.08.2011 | Bistra Mihaylova
Informationsaustausch Geht in die Nächste Runde
Bereits seit 2008 gibt es sehr intensive Kontakte zwischen dem Netzwerk UNSER LAND und internationalen Gruppen, speziell aus Polen, die sich über das bayerische Vorzeige-Model informieren wollen.
08.08.2011 | WECF
Workshop "Equitable Access to Water and Sanitation," 4-5 July 2011: Presentations, Press Release, draft Good Practice Guidance
Gender input was delivered by WECFs gender & rights coordinator Anke Stock, focal point to the UNECE/WHO-Europe Protocol on Water and Health
14.07.2011 | Anke Stock
Künstlerische Auseinandersetzung zum Klimawandel
13.07.2011 | Sabine Bock
WECF and Eco Forum at the Fourth Meeting of the Parties to the Aarhus Convention
"The world needs a stronger Aarhus Convention" according to a coalition of NGO's who defend an effective and reliable mechanism for environmental human rights
04.07.2011 | Anke Stock
The World Needs a Strong Aarhus Convention
NGOs defend an effective and reliable mechanism for environmental human rights
29.06.2011 | Joint Press Release European Eco Forum
Women's Rio+20 Good Practice Award
During the Rio+20 Summit on Sustainable Development in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, women’s contribution to sustainable development was highlighted by the Women's Rio+20 Good Practice Award
25.06.2011 | WICF Project
Canada uses "shameful tactics" to oppose listing of asbestos, wins cancer culprit award
When asked earlier this week whether Canada would support listing asbestos in annex III of the Rotterdam Convention, Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver said “the question is moot”.
22.06.2011 | Joint Press Release Civil Society COP 5
Sustainable Sanitation – the drive to 2015
WECF has contributed to developing the key messages, and is excited that sustainable has been added as the logical prefix to sanitation
21.06.2011 | Chantal van den Bossche
The Women from Planet Diversity - DVD available in five languages
45 minute documentary of Planet Diversity demonstration, festival and conference on food, agriculture and biodiversity
01.06.2011 | Anna Gyorgy, WLOE & Magdalena Black, WECF
“Making Gender Equality Happen in Development Cooperation” – Workshop ADB
Deutsches Institut fuer Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) – Bonn
23.05.2011 | Anke Stock
IPEN co-chair and former WECF International Advisory Board Member Olga Speranskaya officially announced as one of the Champions of the Earth Award 2011!
Today is a good day for IPEN and EcoAccord, as IPEN Co-Chair, Olga Speranskaya was officially announced as one of the Champions of the Earth Award 2011!
11.05.2011 | IPEN news
CSD 19: Women's Intervention for the Opening Plenary
Submission for intervention for the opening plenary by the organising partners of the Women’s Major Group; VAM – Voices of African Mothers, and WECF Women in Europe for a Common Future
02.05.2011 | Sascha Gabizon
Women must get their fair share of climate finance
At the end of April, a committee of countries chosen to work out the details of a U.N.-backed Green Climate Fund holds its first meeting in Mexico, to discuss how to get the fund up and running.
29.04.2011 | Nina Somera, Gendercc.net
Brochure WECF Nederland: Verbetering van het welzijn op het platteland met duurzame energie
Duurzame energie in rurale gebieden - praktische oplossingen
The Madrid dialogue on Rio+20 with the High Level Panel on Global Sustainability
WECF director Sascha Gabizon moderated the session on Rio+20 Policy Outcomes during the Madrid Dialogue organised by SustainLabour and other partners in Madrid on 12 of April 2011
European Commission answers positively on submission made by WECF
Reply to comments on the draft European Union Implementation Report of the Arhus Convention
European Hearing on Rio+20
WECF director spoke at the „Greener Europe – Greener world“ meeting in Brussels
25.03.2011 | Chantal van den Bossche
Building local capacity for domestic solar heating, hot water and insulation for rural and remote areas in the EEC region
The action will contribute to improved health, reduced poverty and increased energy security in 22 rural communities in 7 EEC countries, through demonstrating domestic solar heating, hot water and insulation measures
It is just a matter of time until the next catastrophe
Mayak - Chernobyl - Lessons not Learned - poster presentation
"The Women of Chernobyl"
25 years ago, one of the four reactors at the Chernobyl nuclear power station exploded. The consequences were devastating for everyone who was directly and indirectly exposed to the radiation. Women were the first to suffer from the contamination.
22.03.2011 | The Fresh Outlook, Rosalia Sgueglia
Women and Environmental Network - WECF - very concerned about the effects of radiation on the reproductive health of women and girls
Even low dose radiation has a great effect on reproductive health and reproduction
18.03.2011 | WECF Press Release
The Critical Question - first hand reports from the frontlines of the nuclear fuel chain
Available in English, French and German, "The Critical Question" offers first hand reports from individuals who have been effected by the nuclear power industry. In this booklet, insiders report on their direct experiences of uranium mining and enrichment, nuclear disasters and on the storage of radioactive substances.
WECF Director Germany spoke at anti-nuclear rally Monday March 14 in Munich
"Wir können uns schwer vorstellen wie es gerade in Japan ist. Fassungslos verfolgen wir die apokalyptischen Nachrichten und Bilder in den Medien. Es ist erneut deutlich geworden: die Kernenergie ist nicht beherrschbar – egal wie oft wir die Sicherheit überprüfen"
16.03.2011 | Chantal van den Bossche
Solidarität für Japan und Wut auf Atompolitik
Tausende Münchner solidarisieren sich mit Japan und gehen gegen Atomenergie auf die Straße
15.03.2011 | Press Release Green City
Europees Vrouwen- en Milieunetwerk WECF stelt: Kernenergie mag nooit een optie zijn!
Nucleaire gevolgen natuurramp Japan dramatisch - kernenergie te gevoelig voor klimaatverandering en natuurrampen
15.03.2011 | WECF Press Release
Rio 2012 web site launched: www.uncsd2012.org
The Secretariat of the Rio 2012 Conference has launched an updated website, accessible at www.uncsd2012.org
International Women’s Day
On the 100th anniversary of international women's day WECF presents statement to the United Nations preparatory conference on Sustainable Development
08.03.2011 | WECF Press Release
Safe water and sanitation for all in Moldova
Mobilizing citizens and authorities from Moldova to respect and realize the right to access to safe water and sanitation for all
Interview with Christine von Weizsäcker, president of WECF’s Board of Trustees
Biologist, researcher, activist and negotiator, dedicated to women, the environment and the role of grandmothers
25.02.2011 | Chantal van den Bossche
Women Ministers and leaders discuss Rio+20 at 26th UNEP Governing Council Meeting, Nairobi
Possible policy outcomes for Rio+20 Conference on Sustainable Development in 2012 in Brazil
24.02.2011 | Sascha Gabizon
'Green' Economy: inclusive and equitable
Women Rio+20 Steering Committee presents "Gender and Green Economy" position paper at the 26th UNEP Governing meeting on February 23 in Nairobi
24.02.2011 | Sascha Gabizon
Towards Rio +20: The Role of Civil Society - Panel Presentation by Christine von Weizsäcker
Panel Presentation by Christine von Weizsäcker, President of WECF's Board of Trustees from the GMGSF 12 in Nairobi, Kenya
21.02.2011 | Christine von Weizsaecker
13th Working Group Meeting of the Parties to the Aarhus Convention
WECF's Anke Stock attended the 13th Working Group Meeting of the Parties to the Aarhus Convention. This meeting was crucial for the preparation of the upcoming 4th Meeting of the Parties to be held in Chisinau, Moldova, on 29 June to 1 July 2011.
16.02.2011 | Anke Stock
Product and Chemical Safety in the Balkans
"Civil society cooperation on EU acquis and on values for consumer and corporate responsibility"
15.02.2011 | WECF Project
WECF’s "Een Veilig Nest" aanwezig op Urgenda Groen Paviljoen op de Huishoudbeurs
Hoe veilig is je nest? Creëer een veilig en ‘babyproof’ binnenmilieu en win de inhoud van een duurzaam keukenkastje!
10.02.2011 | WECF Press Release
Experiences with urine diverting dry toilets (UDDTs) for households, schools and kindergarten in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia (EECCA)
This paper summarizes the experiences of WECF and partners from implementingUDDTs for individual households and in schools.
WECF partner Katachel directly improves living conditions in Kunduz by constructing bath rooms
The construction of bath rooms has been a big step forward in improving the quality of life
01.02.2011 | WECF/Katachel
Women's Policy Position Paper CSD 19
Recommendations by the Women’s Major Group for policy actions in the area of Chemicals, Waste management, Mining, Transport and Sustainable Consumption and Production patterns
FILM: WECF bouwt samen met Natracare schooltoiletten voor meisjes
Film toont belang van schoolsanitatie met name voor de toekomst van meisjes
31.01.2011 | Chantal Van den Bossche
Women’s perspectives marginalized at Rio+20 Intersessional Meeting
Women's Major Group disappointed that women's perspectives were largely missing in discussion at first day Rio +20 interssessional in New York
18.01.2011 | Sascha Gabizon and Gail Karlsson
Join Women on the Road to Rio+20
UN Conference on Sustainable Development 2012 - Rio + 20
14.12.2010 | WICF Campaign
WECF in Cancun: Final Women and Gender Intervention
Women’s rights are human rights. No agreement, decision or mechanism on climate change will be effective or successful without the full respect of women’s rights and the recognition of our valuable knowledge.
10.12.2010 | Sabine Bock
WECF in Cancun: Women and Gender Constituency - a Report
Drawing upon global commitments to gender equality and women’s rights and the Millennium Development Goals, the members of Women and Gender Constituency work to ensure human rights and the gender dimension are incorporated into UNFCCC negotiations, agreements, plans and actions.
10.12.2010 | Sabine Bock
Human Rights Day – 10 December 2010
The Human Right to Water and Sanitation Needs to Be Realised
10.12.2010 | Anke Stock
WECF in Cancun: Intervention 7 December 2010, AWG-KP contact group on stocktaking
By Sabine Bock, WECF on behalf of the Women and Gender Constituency
07.12.2010 | Sabine Bock
WECF in Cancun: Joint Intervention Women and Gender Constituency
Rachel Harris from WEDO delivered joint intervention on November 30 in Cancun
01.12.2010 | Sabine Bock
Protocol on Water and Health and Public Participation
Workshop for the Effective Use of the Potential of Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and Authorities in the Countries of the Former Soviet Union and EU in the Field of Environment and Water
01.12.2010 | WECF Project
WECF in Cancun: Intervention written by Sabine Bock on 29 November 2010 at UNFCCC COP 16 Cancun
Intervention prepared by Sabine Bock, WECF Climate and Energy coordinator, for the Women and gender Constituency
30.11.2010 | Sabine Bock
WECF in Cancun: position statement on Women & Climate Change
CANCUN COP 16 UNFCCC - November 2010
30.11.2010 | Marine Franck
Gender and Climate Change: an Introduction
Textbook edited by Irene Dankelman, former chair WECF's International Advisory Board, with contributions from WECF
Way to Cancun: Global Forest Coalition Report - Getting to the Roots
Underlying Causes of Deforestation and Forest Degradation, and Drivers of Forest Restoration
29.11.2010 | WECF news
Georgian kindergarten toilet festively opened
On November 19th, 2010, international World Toilet Day, the first public Urine Diverting Dry Toilet* in Western Georgia was festively opened in the kindergarten of Khamiskuri, Khobi district by RCDA and the local authorities
22.11.2010 | Anna Samwel
Annual Dniester River Conference held in Tiraspol on 15 and 16 October 2010
Ecospectrum from Tiraspol (Transnistrien/PMR – Moldova) organised this year's Dniester River Conference at the University of Tiraspol in co-operation with WECF and its project partners in “Democratisation of Dniester River Basin Governance” financed by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Matra Programme
02.11.2010 | Anna Samwel & Anke Stock
Support the Coalition for Climate Justice
The Coalition for Climate Justice is an alliance of 4 sustainable development organisations – Women in Europe for a Common Future, Interface for Cycling Expertise, Global Forest Coalition and Friends of the Earth International – and their 264 partners in more than 65 developing countries
02.11.2010 | Chantal van den Bossche
Aarhus Convention: First Task Force Meeting on Public Participation
On 25 and 26 October 2010 the first meeting of the newly established Task Force on Public Participation in Decision-Making under the Aarhus Convention took place in Geneva
27.10.2010 | Anke Stock
Hoe veilig is je nest? Vrouwen- en milieuorganisatie WECF lanceert interactief spel met tips voor een veilig en schoon ‘babyproof’ binnenmilieu
WECF ontwikkelde interactief spel om op eenvoudige manier te laten zien hoe je kunt werken aan een veilig en milieuvriendelijk 'babyproof' huis
26.10.2010 | WECF Press Release
Coalition for Climate Justice submitted its 5-year programma proposal to Dutch Ministry Development Cooperation
The Coalition for Climate Justice, which is lead by WECF, has submitted its 5-year programme-proposal to the Netherlands Ministry for Development Cooperation (MFSII grant programme) on October 26th 2010
26.10.2010 | WECF news
A fundamental step towards allowing women and men reconcile family and professional life
European Parliament votes in favour of the maternity leave directive
21.10.2010 | COFACE
International Expert Conference recommends better control of hazardous substances in Russia
For the first time in Russia a public open debate was held this week to discuss the accession of the Rotterdam Convention by the Russian Federation and the issue of chrysotile asbestos
15.10.2010 | WECF Press Release
Launch of the European Family Conference - WECF speaks on support of Child Norm
“Social inclusion of families and EU Policies: Where do we stand?”
Annual Report WECF 2009
WECF gathers forces as a network to meet the next set of challenges facing us in the coming years
Dialoogtafel "nano in de babykamer" (dialogue and debate on Nano in the babyroom)
Dinsdag 9 november vindt de afsluitende dialoogtafel plaats van het WECF Nanopodium project
03.09.2010 | Chantal van den Bossche
WECF supports work Dutch breast feeding organisations, by taking seat in jury Dutch National Breast Feeding Award 2010
Wie wint de SBO Borstvoedingsprijs in 2010? Tot 1 september nomineren!
27.08.2010 | Joint Press Release
Open letter to President of Afghanistan
The Afghanistan Women’s 50% Campaign published the open letter to the President of Afghanistan last week.
25.08.2010 | The Afghanistan Women’s 50% Campaign
The Womensphere Prize in Environment & Sustainability
CEO of Womensphere offers The Womensphere Prize in several fields. Women in Europe for a Common Future was invited to nominate a candidate for The Womensphere Prize in Environment & Sustainability and Law & Public Policy.
06.08.2010 | CEO of Womensphere
Bonn: Climate Negotiations more effective including women and gender awareness
Climate negotiations more effective if guided by long-term vision – this must include women and gender awareness
06.08.2010 | Joint Press Release
Coalition for Climate Justice enter into second phase for funding from Netherlands Ministry of Development Cooperation
Coalition lead by WECF has passed first selection round
03.08.2010 | WECF Press Release
Коалиция за Климатическую Справедливость вошла во второй тур в получении субсидирования от Министерства по Развитию Сотрудничества Нидерландов.
Коалиция, возглавляемая WECF, прошла первый отборочный тур.
02.08.2010 | WECF Press Release
L'accès à l'eau et à l'assainissement reconnu droit fondamental par l'ONU
La décision de l’ONU d’adopter l’eau en tant que droit fondamental souligne l’importance des principaux domaines d’activité de WECF
01.08.2010 | WECF France
VN resolutie “Recht op Veilig Water en Sanitatie is Mensenrecht” onderstreept belang van kern werk WECF
Nieuw verworven mensenrecht is een belangrijkse stap voorwaarts voor armen en kwetsbaren, maar in het bijzonder vrouwen en kinderen, stelt Europees Vrouwen- en Milieu Netwerk WECF
UN decision to adopt water as human right underlines importance of core areas of WECF’s work
Newly acquired human right is main step forward for the poor and vulnerable, in particular women and children
29.07.2010 | WECF Press Release
UN decision to adopt water as human right underlines importance of core areas of WECF’s work
Newly acquired human right is main step forward for the poor and vulnerable, in particular women and children
29.07.2010 | Margriet Samwel
Reducing the use of hazardous chemicals in developing countries
potential of implementing safer chemicals including non-chemical alternatives - tools for Georgia and the EECCA region
27.07.2010 | WECF Project
Aarhus Meetings in Geneva on 29 June until 2 July 2010
Task Force on Public Participation in International Forums met in Geneva to discuss about reporting requirements for Parties under the Aarhus Convention
08.07.2010 | Anke Stock
Nominations for International Environmental Governance process UNEP
Nomination forms for members of th Major Group and Stakeholder Advisory Group on UNEP's high level International Environmental Governance process (IEG)
08.07.2010 | Sascha Gabizon
WECF Co-organises Workshop on Information and Public Participation in Water and Health Related Issues
In Co-operation with the UNECE/WHO-EURO Secretariat of the Protocol on Water and Health, the Ministry of Environment and Forests of Romania, and Global Water Partnership/Romania WECF co-organised a workshop on 15/16 June, 2010
08.07.2010 | Anke Stock
UN Women Born: Civil Society Celebrates Creation of Gender Equality Entity After Four Years of Advocacy
The Gender Equality Architecture Reform (GEAR) Campaign celebrates the United Nations General Assembly resolution, agreed to on 30 June and to be formally adopted by the General Assembly on Friday, 2 July, to establish "UN Women"-the new gender equality entity at the UN
01.07.2010 | Gender Equality Architecture Reform (GEAR)
Aide humanitaire d’urgence au Kirghizstan : nous avons besoin de vos dons !
Après deux révolutions en cinq ans, et les pires malaises ethniques depuis deux décennies, le Kirghizstan parvient juste à stabiliser la situation de conflit grâce à un référendum
01.07.2010 | WECF France
Kyrgyz partners WECF appeal for help and support for victims of violence
After yesterday’s referendum president Otunbayeva promises help before winter sets in - Urgent help needed to provide humanitarian aid and help the victims of rape
28.06.2010 | WECF Call for Support
WECF Publication "Gender and Climate Change"
WECF fosters the participation of women and men from the EECCA region in its delegations attending international meetings on climate change as the whole region is underrepresented and supports participation of women in climate change negotiations as women’s views and visions are not yet sufficiently taken into account
Natracare Safe School Sanitation Project
Natracare supports safe sanitation for girls in Central Asia - Natracare, a UK-based manufacture of organic and natural solutions for personal health care has become a sponsor of WECF projects on improving sanitation in schools in the rural areas of Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia
Call for Women’s Participation in Rio+20
The United Nations General Assembly has decided to hold a follow-up to the 1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development held in Rio de Janeiro (which is commonly known as the 'Earth Summit). Brazil has again agreed to be the host. The follow-up will be the 'UN Conference on Sustainable Development 2012', and it is being called informally 'Rio+20'
15.06.2010 | Sascha Gabizon
Women call for equitable Green Economy agenda for Rio+20
WECF executive director Sascha Gabizon presented the women's major group position for an equitable Green Economy agenda for Rio+20 during the preparatory meeting on the 2012 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20), focussing on the needs to create decent and safe jobs also for women.
15.06.2010 | Sascha Gabizon
The official report of the Rio+20 preparatory meeting at the United Nations
The "Chair's Summary" is the official report of the Rio+20 preparatory meeting at the United Nations which took place from 17 - 19 of May 2010 in New York
15.06.2010 | Sascha Gabizon
Women's Statement Rio+20 Prepcom
Women statement on strengthening global governance for sustainable development, 18 May 2010
15.06.2010 | Sascha Gabizon
CSD 18: Women's statement on chemicals and waste
Women's statement calls for stronger, legally binding chemical and waste instruments at global level
11.06.2010 | Sascha Gabizon
Auf dem Weg nach Cancun
EcoMujer, WECF und WLOE mit "Frauenflügel" am 5. Juni 2010 in Bonn dabei
11.06.2010 | Magdalena Black
The way to Cancun: Climate Alliance organised colourful demonstration in centre of Bonn to mark UN Environment Day
During Bonn Climate conference in preparation of the next Climate Summit in Mexico in December, WECF took part in Climate Alliance demonstration in the centre of Bonn
11.06.2010 | Magdalena Black
WECF presents statement of the women major group at the ministerial roundtable dialogue on coordination between UN agencies
The women's statement received support from Switzerland, Ghana and the USA
The way to Cancun: WECF Feasibility study on CDM presented at UNFCCC side event
“Gender and Climate Change research: gaps, questions, and potentials” was the title of an event co-organised by WECF, Bridge, Gendercc, Life E.v. and the Gender and Disaster Network
08.06.2010 | Chantal van den Bossche
Publication “From Beijing to Brussels- an unfinished journey” available
WECF gave its contribution into creation of The European Women’s Lobby Beijing +15 report on the activities of the European Union
06.06.2010 | Sascha Gabizon
EcoMujer, WECF and WLOE e.V. call for women's action for climate justice on Saturday, June 5, 2010, in Bonn, Germany
EcoMujer, WECF und WLOE e.V. laden zu einer Frauenaktion am Samstag 5. Juni 2010 in Bonn ein
01.06.2010 | Magdalena Black
CSD 18: Almoustapha Alhacen reports on uranium mining in Niger
During the 18th Session of the UN Commission for Sustainable Development (CSD) in New York, during which mining and waste in its current 2-year cycle was addressed, WECF invited Almoustapha Alhacen, President of t AGHIRIN’ MAN (Niger) to present the situation on uranium mining in Niger
21.05.2010 | WECF Report
CSD 18: Women Major Group Statement
Women are very active in the Chemicals issue, since they understand the importance to their own health and to protect their children’s health and allow them to fully develop their capacities
19.05.2010 | Alexandra Caterbow
The Story of Stuff jetzt auf Deutsch in Buchform
WECF book recommendation: The Sory of Stuff now available as book in German
19.05.2010 | Babyclub.de
CSD 18: Women's closing statement on 14th May
Women major group final statement , CSD 18
14.05.2010 | Sascha Gabizon
Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment (VROM)
The Netherlands
German Federal Environment Agency (UBA)
Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU)
DG Environment
European Commission
Commission Sees No Need to Extend Scope of Article 2 of Directive 2003/35/EC of 26 May 2003 At the Moment
Report from the European Commission on the Application and Effectiveness of Directive 2003/35 Providing for Public Participation in Respect of the Drawing Up of Certain Plans and Programmes Relating to the Environment
29.04.2010 | Anke Stock
Commission Sees No Need to Extend Scope of Article 2 of Directive 2003/35/EC of 26 May 2003 At the Moment
Report from the European Commission on the Application and Effectiveness of Directive 2003/35 Providing for Public Participation in Respect of the Drawing Up of Certain Plans and Programmes Relating to the Environment
29.04.2010 | Anke Stock
Gender Equality
Putting Gender Equality Central; a project to promote a gender and human rights perspective in WECF's activities
Gestörte Weiblichkeit
Endokrine Disruptoren und das weibliche Fortpflanzungssystem - Ein Bericht über den Workshop „Women’s Reproductive Health and the Environment”
CSD 18: UN Commission for Sustainable Development 2010
WECF chairs women’s major group at the 18th session of the CSD in New York from 3 - 14 May 2010
14.04.2010 | WECF Event
Eliminating toxic chemicals globally
Working to ensure that by 2020 all consumer products are free of hazardous chemicals
WECF and Kyrgyz partner Unison postpone climate conference on Central Asia until further notice
All partners and staff in Kyrgyzstan of WECF unharmed
09.04.2010 | WECF Press Release
Women and Biodiversity meeting in Bonn, Germany
German "Women and Life on Earth" association announces new office and organises meeting on women and biodiversity, March 19 in Bonn
18.03.2010 | Magdalena Black
Parma 2010: Report of 5th Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health
Strengthening implementation of children’s environmental health programmes – 53 countries of the European, Caucasus and Central Asian region adopt ministerial declaration with clear targets and commitments
16.03.2010 | WECF report on Parma
Parma 2010: A small step forward on asbestos
Eastern European, Caucasus and Central Asia countries - producers and users of chrysotile asbestos – have committed to work on elimination of asbestos related diseases in cooperation with WHO and International Labour Organisation.
12.03.2010 | WECF Press Release
Parma 2010: A small step forward on asbestos
Eastern European, Caucasus and Central Asia countries - producers and users of chrysotile asbestos – have committed to work on elimination of asbestos related diseases in cooperation with WHO and International Labour Organisation.
12.03.2010 | WECF Press Release
Parma 2010: Competition rewards environmental projects that save children’s lives
Eight winning projects have received Children's Environment and Health Plan for Europe (CEHAPE) Awards at the Fifth Ministerial Conference of the WHO European Region on Environment and Health
Parma 2010: WECF responds to attack by Russian Asbestos Industry Association
The Russian Asbestos Industry attacks WECF for promoting substitution of chrysotile asbestos, in the last days leading up to the Parma Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health
05.03.2010 | WECF Press Release
Parma 2010: WECF responds to attack by Russian Asbestos Industry Association
The Russian Asbestos Industry attacks WECF for promoting substitution of chrysotile asbestos, in the last days leading up to the Parma Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health
05.03.2010 | WECF Press Release
Parma 2010: Воздух внутри помещений – скрывающаяся опасность в детских комнатах
WECF опубликовывает результаты Европейского исследования качества воздуха внутри детских комнат, которое будет представлено на Министерской Конференции по Окружающей Среде и Охране Здоровья в Парме.
05.03.2010 | WECF Press Release in Russian
Parma 2010: Воздух внутри помещений – скрывающаяся опасность в детских комнатах
WECF опубликовывает результаты Европейского исследования качества воздуха внутри детских комнат, которое будет представлено на Министерской Конференции по Окружающей Среде и Охране Здоровья в Парме.
05.03.2010 | WECF Press Release in Russian
How to change the world with women? WECF in Geneva at International Women's Day
Author and film maker Coline Serreau invited to the UNO in Geneva on International Women’s Day- March 8. 2010
04.03.2010 | WECF France Press Release
A l’occasion de la journée internationale de la femme, le 8 mars 2010 « Comment changer le monde avec les femmes ?
L’association With Women, en collaboration avec l’Office des Nations Unies de Genève et le PNUD, invite Coline Serreau à présenter son nouveau film dans la grande Salle des Assemblées du Palais des nations à Genève
02.03.2010 | WECF France Press Release
Toxic toys - International Toy Fair in Nuremberg
WECF presents international Coalition on Toy Safety at International Toys Fair
05.02.2010 | WECF Press Release
WECF a lancé avec la CLEF et de nombreuses ONG la Campagne « With Women »
Le 8 janvier WECF a lancé avec la CLEF et de nombreuses ONG la Campagne « With Women », soutenue par Corinne Lepage, Nicole Fontaine et Michèle André, ainsi que par l’UNESCO. Un lancement très réussi au Sénat, en présence de nombreuses associations de femmes
18.01.2010 | WECF France
WECF joins new campaign "With Women"
On January 8, WECF launched the Campaign "With Women", together with the french Coordination of the European Women's Lobby and the support of Corinne Lepage, Nicole Fontaine, Michèle André, and UNESCO. A successful launch meeting took place in the Senate in Paris, with the presence of many women's associations and NGO's.
18.01.2010 | WECF Press Release
The Women’s Caucus at UNFCCC presented Gender Champion of the Week Award
Key global leaders have been referring to the need to focus on women as agents of change and gender-sensitive approaches in all aspects of climate policies and programmes, but little commitment remains in the current drafted texts
16.12.2009 | WECF news
Making Sustainable Sanitation work for women and men - a new publication by WECF
integrating a gender perspective into sanitation initiatives
UNEP Government Council Meeting: Governments come and go, but women stay
Executive director of WECF, Sascha Gabizon, represented the Women’s major group at the Governing Council Meeting of the United Nations Environment Programme
02.03.2009 | WECF Event
Pre-final Russian version of HeRWAI (Health Rights of Women Assessment Instrument)
To be published in Russian by WECF and Aim for Human Rights in early 2009
Borstkanker en Milieu - Naar een Preventief Beleid (Dutch publication of WECF Brochure 'Linking Breast Cancer and the Environment')
WECF launched Dutch adaptation of report 'Linking Breastcancer and the Environment'
Financing Climate Change from a gender and rights perspective - a report of the WAVE High Level Ministerial Side Event
The WAVE event took place during the 10th special session of the UNEP Governing Council meeting in Monaco, February 2008
Water and Sanitation from a gender perspective
Water and Sanitation from a gender perspective at the World Water Forum-4, Mexico City 13-21 March 2006
Local communities of Kyrgyzstan - for environmental safety!
The Right to a Healthy Environment
How to use international legal mechanism for the protection of our environment and our health – a manual
Women as the Voice for the Right to a Healthy Environment
WECF took part in the UNECE "Environment for Europe" Conference from October 10 - 12, 2007 in Belgrade, Serbia and held its own network meeting
01.05.2007 | WECF Event
Breast Cancer: Policy and Prevention
Linking Breast cancer and our environment; is chemical exposure the missing link factor in the rise of the breast cancer epidemic?
01.01.2007 | WECF Campaign
Women and their Toxic World
A booklet by WECF on chemicals, women and everyday life.
09.10.2006 | Daniela Rosche & Sascha Gabizon
Chernobyl +20: "The victims should not have died for nothing"
Natalia Manzurova, liquidator having worked 4,5 years in Chernobyl, says we should not forget the catastrophe at WECF and LIFE press event (text in German)
25.04.2006 | Johanna Hausmann (in Kooperation mit Journalisten Akademie Hooffacker & Partner München)
Fighting Climate Change
Input from Women to Government: a study on climate change and gender.
23.03.2006 | Ulrike Röhr
Armenia - Socio-Economic and Gender Survey
A survey conducted by WECF and AWHHE as part of the TMF project "Tapping Resources".
Creating Sustainability
Report of the Workshop on the UN Commission on Sustainable Development cluster issues, and the UNECE CSD Regional Implementation Meeting taking place in Geneva (Switzerland), 14-16 December 2005.
09.03.2006 | Manana Juruli and Rusudan Simonidze
Improvement of environmental safety in rural Armenia.
AWHHE publication on health risks from Obsolete Pesticide Dumpsite in in a landslide area near a village
Results of the “Gender & Energy / Climate Change” survey
A joint survey by WECF and Life e.V.
21.02.2006 | Ulrike Röhr
Aarhus Convention
Information, public participation and access to justice - useful tools for WECF and its members
Data - Facts - Arguments
A number of factsheets in Russian covering mobility, gender, energy, food production, waste and eco awareness
23.11.2005 | Ulrike Röhr
Socio-economic and gender survey of Topoli, Sulitsa and the Stara Zagora Spa, Bulgaria
Developing a Model for Sustainable Water and Waste Management for Rural Areas in Bulgaria
Why Women and the Environment
A publication on the connections between gender and the environment by WEN UK.
Greece - REACH Youth Event
REACH youth event Athens
01.04.2005 | WECF Event
Beijing 10+
Ten years after the commitment of worls leaders to strengthening women's rights and involvement worldwide, WECF organized a conference on Women, Health and Environment at the NGO Forum
01.02.2005 | WECF Event
Statement on Women and Environment for Beijing+10
Genanet, WECF and other women's organisations prepare statement on
A healthy climate?
Gender justice and climate protection. What are we doing?
Why Women are Important for Sustainable Development
Results of the European Women's Conference for a Sustainable Future
The Review of the EU SDS
Genanet and WECF review the EU sustainable development strategy. Deutsch / English.
Factsheet on climate change, health and gender
A publication on the relationship between climate change, health and gender (english and russian).
Gender tools and gender checklist
Four gender tools and methods for assessment and application in different contexts. (English and Russian.)
Romania Gender Socio Economic Analysis Report
A report on a short survey of the socio-economic and gender situation in Garla Mare, Romania.
Cooperation for sustainable rural development in the Ukraine
Involving citizens and local authorities in rural Ukraine in improvement of drinking water, sanitation and agriculture.
Co-operation for Sustainable Rural Development in the Ukraine
The summary report on the first project period.
A powerful connection: gender & renewables
GENANET has brought out a new leaflet on the combined issue of gender and renewables.
Women`s request after the Kyoto Water Forum
European Women’s input into the 3. World Water Forum in Kyoto
Green Week Report 2. - 5. June 2003
Report of the activities and commitments made by the WECF network and partners
Statement to the Plenary of the World Summit for Sustainable Development
Statement to the Plenary of the World Summit for Sustainable Development by Muborak Sharipova, Tadjikistan.
Women for Water Initiative
Equal access to safe drinking water and healthy sanitation through participation and empowerment.
"Our Common Future"
WECF network conference in Budapest 2004: 100 European women's leaders build capacity on participation in policy making
01.03.2004 | WECF Event
World Summit on Sustainable Development
World Summit on Sustainable Development 2002 - pushing the gender issue
01.01.2002 | WECF Event