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WECF and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Breast Cancer: Policy and Prevention

WECF training programmes and capacity building on gender and sustainability

International “Nesting” programme – A Healthy Environment for Healthy Children

Women's Major Group -Sustainable Development Goals and the Post 2015 Development Agenda

WECF representation in international and UN policy processes

Safe and Sustainable Sanitation for Women and Girls

EDC Free Coalition Public Consultation

Asbestos: a silent killer on a global scale – substitute it now!

WHO European Environment and Health Process (EEHP)

EVENT: WHO 6th Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health, Ostrava

EVENT: Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions Conference of the Parties, 2017

EVENT: Gender Just Climate Solutions Awards, COP22, Marrakesh

EVENT: WECF on the road to the COP22

Women and Gender Constituency at UNFCCC

Women's Global Call for Climate Justice

EVENT: WECF at the COP21

Don't Nuke the Climate - Paris 2015

Gender E3 Working Group in the European Parliament

Women and Gender Constituency at COP20 Lima, Peru

UNECEs 5th MOP to the Aarhus Convention, Maastricht 2014

Nuclear Power is not a solution to climate change – plug into renewables

WECF at the COP19 in Warsaw: Climate Finance and Gender Equality

International ‘Safe Toys’ Coalition – toxic free children products

Online discussion group INTERA

UN Conference on Sustainable Development 2012 - Rio +20

Toxic free beauty - safe cosmetics

The Golden Nuclear Fuelrod Award

ToNi-Finder - WECF's Map for Sustainable School Toilets and Nitrate Levels

Children's Environmental Health Award 2010

Children's Environmental Action Plan for Europe

REACH - Eliminating Toxic Chemicals in the EU

WECF and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

With the acceptation of the SDG´s, governments committed to address a range of social, economic and environmental issues that impact women and girls, including economic inequality, agriculture, energy, biodiversity and climate change, and peace and security.

| WECF Campaign

Duration: 01/2016 - 01/2030

 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)  were formally adopted by Heads of State in September at the UN General Assembly.  A broad and ambitious plan to chart out global development across social, environmental and economic areas for the next 15 years, and if fully implemented could be transformative for women and girls everywhere.

WECF has been one of the active coordinators of the Women’s Major Group, a large contributor to this UN Sustainable Development process. The WMG is made up of more than 600 women’s organizations and networks from around the world. It recognizes the historic agenda for global sustainable development that 193 governments agreed to on September 25th 2015.

The Women’s Major Group contributes to the intergovernmental processes on Sustainable Development Goals and its link to the Post 2015 Development Agenda, the UN Environment Program (UNEP) and other outcomes of the RIO processes and has actively participated in negotiations on the SDGs for the last several years, pushing for gender equality to be a priority and for a greater emphasis on human rights.

"One key success of the SDGs is that many ‘environmental’ Goals recognise that they have a gender dimension," said Sascha Gabizon, Women in Europe for a Common Future. "Indeed, women's access to land, water, sanitation and energy are strongly defined in the targets of the 2030 Agenda," commented Priscilla Achakpa of Women Environmental Programme.

The Women’s Major Group has also called for unequivocal action to transform global political and financial systems that disadvantage developing countries and cause economic, environmental and climate crises that disproportionately affect women. Unlike with the Millennium Development Goals—which expired in 2015—civil society groups have been actively involved in negotiations around developing this new global agenda, which is universal and involves all countries.

Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)

The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the SDGs predecessors, were agreed in the year 2000 as a global action agenda to eliminate extreme poverty by 2015. The eight MDGs were mostly not achieved, progress was very uneven, and even though extreme poverty (as measured by an income below 1 dollar a day) was reduced overall, this was mostly due to progress in a few emerging economies, and not in least developed countries.

In most countries, inequalities have increased, even if gross national product (GNP) increased. The lack of a systematic and well-defined accountability architecture has been identified as a key reason for some major shortfalls in achieving the MDGs, including commitments under MDGs 3 (gender equality), 5 (maternal health), 7 (environmental sustainability) and 8 (the global partnership).

Another main lesson learned from the MDGs is that we need to understand the root causes underlying the current unsustainable and inequitable system in order to develop a new economic paradigm that allows for the survival of the planet, as well as a more equitable social order.

Although there are several weaknesses to the plan, acccording to WECF and the WMG, moving forward the next priority will be ensuring that the ambitious agenda is fully funded, countries develop effective plans and measurements of their progress, and governments are held accountable. 

Related News

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The 62nd Commission on the Status of Women
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WECF at CSW62: challenges and opportunities in achieving gender equality and the empowerment of rural women and girls
Follow the latest updates on our work at CSW62, download related publications and learn about our activities.

CSW62: side event on SDGs monitoring, with best practices from Women2030

Using community-based data monitoring to track gender equality realities on the ground
New York: Official Side Event to CSW62

Implementing Agenda 2030 in Georgia: Where Are We Now?
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22.02.2018 | Tbilisi, Georgia

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#BeatPollution: WECF at UNEA3 in Nairobi
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Film premiere: what does chemicals have to do with gender? (UNEA3 resistance event)

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#MindTheGAP: Feminists calling for a robust Gender Action Plan (GAP) as an outcome of the climate negotiations (COP23)
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UNEP’s election results are in: Sascha is now regional representative
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UN Summit on Eradicating Poverty and Promoting Prosperity in a Changing World
8 days of advocacy and activism for a gender just future within the SDG process. WECF recently attended the UN summit on the Sustainable Development Goals (High Level Political Forum, HLPF) in New York and reports back on their experiences.

SIGN: Statement on the Ministerial Declaration
Of the 2017 High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development Goals

Tribute To Honour Women’s Human Rights Defenders (#WHRDsResist) at #HLPF2017
Exhibition launched at High Level Political Forum (HLPF) on Sustainable Development Goals

HLPF: High Level Political Forum 2017, New York

HLPF: The Women’s Major Group invites you to join our Strategy Meeting (3:30 pm CET)

HLPF: The Women’s Major Group invites you to join our Strategy Meeting (3:30 pm CET)
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WECF and Women Major Group partners submit their proposals for UNEA-3
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CSW61 Side Event: Empowering Energy (2:30 pm)

Women2030 partners re-elected as operational partners for Women's Major Group
Our Executive Director Sascha Gabizon has been re-elected as Organizing Partner for the Women's Major Group Europe/Central Asia region (UNECE)

Vote in the Women’s Major Group elections!
Our Executive Director Sascha Gabizon is running for regional Organising Partner of European, Caucasus and Central Asian region (UNECE).

Civil society criticises “Business As Usual” as Commission publishes its plans for implementing the Sustainable Development Goals

#MindTheGap - follow our advocacy journey for gender and climate justice at COP23
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WECF contributes to Asian Development Bank Country Gender Assessment of Tajikistan
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Time for EU to walk the talk on 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda
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Sascha Gabizon, WECF: ‘Gender equality and women’s rights as a crucial pillar to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals’
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29.04.2016 | WECF

Priscilla Achakpa (WEP) selected as "Eco Hero" in Nigeria
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WECF and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
With the acceptation of the SDG´s, governments committed to address a range of social, economic and environmental issues that impact women and girls, including economic inequality, agriculture, energy, biodiversity and climate change, and peace and security.
15.04.2016 | WECF Campaign

Waarom gendergelijkheid de Sustainable Development Goals kan maken of breken
WECF directeur Sascha Gabizon schreef een artikel voor een serie van het World Economic Forum over de nieuwe mondiale doelen voor duurzame ontwikkeling. Haar artikel richt zich op doel 5: het bereik van gendergelijkheid en het versterken van de positie van vrouwen en meisjes
15.01.2016 | World Economic Forum

WECF and Women’s Major Group view for UNEP on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
In the recent issue of Perspectives, a publication of the UNEP, WECF's Sascha Gabizon and the Women’s Major Group shared their perspectives on the SDGs and the 2030 Agenda

WECF and Women’s Major Group view for UNEP on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
In the recent issue of Perspectives, a publication of the UNEP, WECF's Sascha Gabizon and the Women’s Major Group shared their perspectives on the SDGs and the 2030 Agenda

Strengthening environmental and sustainable development dialogue in Europe in the context of the 2030 SD Agenda

European Environmental Bureau (EEB) Annual General Meeting – WECF now on the board
20/21 October 2015 in Brussels

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Highlighting the close interrelations between Gender and Environment
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Why gender equality will make or break the Sustainable Development Goals
Blog by WECF Director Sascha Gabizon for the World Economic Forum website

Why WASH in Schools and Menstrual Hygiene Management needs to be in the SDG sanitation indicators
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Meld je nu aan voor WECF-workshop over genderaspecten in ontwikkelingsprojecten
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Women’s Major Group Position Paper - compilation of policy recommendations
Compilation of the WMG policy recommendations on monitoring and Means of Implementation for the Post-2015 Sustainable Development Agenda

Zwischenstopp Addis
Auf dem Weg zu neuen Nachhaltigkeitszielen

WECF Director Sascha Gabizon spoke at Side Event on Technology Facilitation for SDGs
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Women’s Major Group Position on UN Post-2015 Development Agenda Indicators
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WECF Director Sascha Gabizon in the Guardian
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WECF signs statement on UN Declaration and co-formulates recommendations
The CSW59’s Political Declaration is potentially a major step backward in the struggle for women’s rights

Gender Equality and Earth's Future
09.03.2015 | By Mary Robinson, Christiana Figueres and Amina J. Mohammed

Every day is International Women’s Day #IWD15
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Call for Applications for the 2015 SEED Awards
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“COP 19 helped me to build a stronger bond with women who care about the planet”
Interview with Isis Alvarez of the Global Forest Coalition

WECF visible at Geneva NGO Forum and UNECE review of Beijing+20, Geneva, November 2014
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Programme Gender Day at COP 20/CMP10

UNEP’s sub-regional Major Group and Stakeholder Meeting for the EECCA region brought together environmental organisations from 12 countries
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WECF Is Elected Member of Beyond 2015’s Executive Committee
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The Gender & Sustainable Development Alliance
The “Gender & Sustainable Development Alliance” (G&SD) brings together the organisations WECF International, Gender Water Alliance and Global Forest Coalition and their combined membership networks of 940 member organisations and 2500 individual experts in 150 countries
01.09.2014 | WICF

WMG's "8 Red Flags" Concerning SDGs Outcome Document
Assessment of outcome document on proposed Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Final proposal for "Sustainable Development Goals": WECF and Women's Major Group publish assessment of the outcome
21.07.2014 | Sascha Gabizon

WECF welcome the proposed Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which were agreed this weekend at the United Nations in New York
The adoption of the SDG document by the Open Working Document is a significant step forward but women's organisations say SDGs still lacking Real Ambition for Urgent Transformational Change
21.07.2014 | Sascha Gabizon

WECF and WMG at 1st UN Environment Assembly
Gender Forum and Network of Women Ministers and Leaders Meeting

WECF director speaks on Civil Society Priorities at UN Environment Assembly
WECF present with Delegation of Women and EWA project partners at 1st UN Environment Assembly in Nairobi
24.06.2014 | WECF

Civil Society Perspectives on the Post-2015 Agenda

Recommendations by the Women's Major Group for the zero-draft SDGs
The Women’s Major Group welcomes the zero-draft for Sustainable Development Goals as presented by the co-chairs of the Open Working Group on June3rd, which sets a good basis for ambitious global goals.
18.06.2014 | WICF

WECF partner WEDO reflects on CSW58
Key thoughts on gender and the post-2015 development goals

WECF at CSW 58 March 2014: Implementing the MDGs for Women and Girls
Agreed conclusions drafted in strong language thanks to intense lobby of NGOs and rights campaigners
26.03.2014 | Anke Stock, WECF

OWG-7 Side Event - Sustainable Development Goals "From WSSD 2002 to SDG's/Post 2015 SDG: sound chemicals management and environmental health"

Achieving Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in the Africa Common Position on Post 2015
Recommendations by African Women’s Rights Organizations

FLOW +: International Women's Empowerment
The coming 2 years are crucial for future development cooperation. In the intergovernmental process on “Sustainable Development Goals”, the UN “Open Working Group” is preparing a framework for universal goals to follow the Millennium Development Goals
20.11.2013 | WICF Project

Capacity building and strategy event on Sustainable Development Goals and the Post2015 development agenda

WECF in Sochi: Sports for a healthy environment and equal rights
WECF International Director spoke at International Olympic Committee conference in Sochi, Russia, on sports, environment and equal rights
03.11.2013 | WICF

WECF in Sotsji : Sporten voor een gezond milieu en gelijke rechten
WECF directeur Sascha Gabizon sprak tot Internationaal Olympisch Comité in Sotsji, Rusland, over milieubeheer, volksgezondheid en gelijke rechten voor iedereen
03.11.2013 | WICF

Submission to CSW 58 session Statement by the Women’s Major Group
Moving from Rhetoric towards Real Inclusion of Gender Equality and Women’s Human Rights in the final push for the Millennium Development Goals, and the Sustainable Development & Post-2015 Development Agenda
28.10.2013 | WICF

Submission to CSW 58 session Statement by the Women’s Major Group
Moving from Rhetoric towards Real Inclusion of Gender Equality and Women’s Human Rights in the final push for the Millennium Development Goals, and the Sustainable Development & Post-2015 Development Agenda
28.10.2013 | WICF

Commission on the Status of Women 58- De inbreng van WECF en de Women's Major Group
In februari 2014 vindt de 58e Commission on the Status of Women in New York plaats. WECF zal hier als co-organisator van de Women's Major Group aanwezig zijn vanwege haar betrokkenheid bij de Sustainable Development Goals en de Post2015 agenda.
28.10.2013 | WICF

Post 2015 proces - WECF als mede-voorzitter van de Women’s Major Group
Reactie Women’s Major Group (WMG) op Rapport van de Secretaris Generaal van de VN
28.10.2013 | WICF

Lesson from MDGs: Post 2015 goals have to be set as universal & within a Human Rights Based framework states WECF Director at Eurongos2013
Eurongos Conference 2013: Next Steps - Sexual and Reproductive Rights and Health on the Post 2015 Agenda
25.10.2013 | WICF

MEPs and NGOs issue call for UN to recognise gender, economy and ecology perspectives
A group of MEPs and NGOs have issued a call for gender, economy and ecology perspectives to be included in the UN’s new sustainable development goals (SDGs).
16.10.2013 | Parliament Magazine

Women Major Group Event at UN - great success
WMG event Thursday, September 19th - "Strengthening Gender Justice and Human Rights to Achieve Sustainable Development"
20.09.2013 | WECF

Het evenement van de Womens Major Group bij de VN – Groot succes!
donderdag 19 september – “Versterking van gender gerechtigheid en mensenrechten om duurzame ontwikkeling te bereiken."
20.09.2013 | WECF

INVITE: Thursday, September 19th - Strengthening Gender Justice and Human Rights to Achieve Sustainable Development ”

Are we on track to the Future we want?
WECF Director Sascha Gabizon participates in virtual conference to mark the one year anniversary of Rio+20
27.06.2013 | UN DESA video

At international meeting on sustainable future, women are referred to in unacceptable terms
The Women's Major Group, composed of 420 organizations from 80 countries, participated in the 4th Open Working Group Session on Sustainable Development from 17 to 19 June 2013
21.06.2013 | Women's Major Group

Reactie van Women's Major Group en WECF op nieuwe VN Post 2015 rapport
Het Verenigde Naties (VN) High Level Panel post 2015 rapport is niet ambitieus genoeg en zet niet de benodigde verandering in werking om een einde te maken aan armoede en om duurzame ontwikkeling te bewerkstelligen

Women Major Group response to the High Level Panel Post 2015 report: "by far not good enough!"
Global Sustainable Development Goals as proposed by Eminent Persons report to UN Secretary General, have some good aspects but are not ambitious enough and fail to bring the necessary change
31.05.2013 | Reflection on the High Level Panel post 2015 report by members of the Women’s Major Group

Co-chair meeting - Open Working Group on Sustainable development goals, third session (24 May 2013)
"Women gathering water are subject to violence every day" - WECF Director speeches at the UN
25.05.2013 | WICF

Publication of WECF's partner Global Forest Coalition
Report on the impacts of bioeconomy and markets in environmental services on women

Rondetafelbijeenkomst op 18 februari bij Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken over Post-2015 agenda
Op initiatief van Rutgers/WPF, Share-Net en WECF en WO=MEN organiseerde het Ministerie van Buitenlandse zaken een ronde tafel bijeenkomst met experts op het gebied van mensenrechten, gender gelijkheid, seksuele en reproductieve gezondheid en rechten (SRGR) en gender & water
06.04.2013 | WECF

WECF and UNDP Serbia organising a beacon conference on Integrating Chemicals Safety in Belgrade, 11.April 2013
A high level conference "Chemical and product safety in the Western Balkans – a priority area for the post 2015 agenda”
04.04.2013 | WECF

Women Major Group members present in Bonn and Bali
WECF and 300 other major group and civil society organisation representatives met for 3 days in Bonn at the CSO post 2015 conference and from there many went on to Bali, for the high level panel post 2015 members meeting
26.03.2013 | WICF

De status van vrouwen - WECF ondertekent statement naar aanleiding van de 57e Commission on the Status of Women, CSW57
Vrouwen maken een statement naar aanleiding van de 57e sessie van de Commission on the Status of Women
19.03.2013 | WECF

WECF as part of WMG included in a list of twitter handles for perspectives on women and sustainability
Honouring the WMG as an important twitter news outlet on women for sustainability also includes WECF as one of the current Operating Partners
11.03.2013 | WECF

8 March International Women’s Day - Women at CSW57 Confronting Unsustainable Development
Feminists Confronting Unsustainable Development' during the 57th session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women, CSW57, talk about the experiences of women and the struggle and resistance strategies of their communities against unsustainable economic activities
08.03.2013 | WICF

March 8: International Women's Day
On the 8th March WECF wants to highlight the fact that environmental degradation has specific impacts on women’s health and can even amount to violence against women and girls.
06.03.2013 | WICF

Post 2015 Development Goals: Consultation on Water
Rapporteur Sascha Gabizon, Executive Director WECF, identified five core issues during the consultation in Geneva
06.03.2013 | WECF

Women Major Group for integration of women’s rights and equality into SDGs & post2015
As part of the Women Major Group, Sascha Gabizon advocated for better improvements in equality at the UNEP GC 2013 in Nairobi
05.03.2013 | Sascha Gabizon

WECF and Women Major Group at UNEP governing council meeting, February 2013
WECF leads the Women's Major Group at UNEP and coordinated the interventions by the WMG members at the UNEP Governing Council.
26.02.2013 | WECF

Side Event on Sustainable Development Goals

14th Global Major Groups and Stakeholders Forum (GMGSF-14) 2013

Stellungnahme von WECF zur Rio+20-Fortschreibung der Europäischen Kommission und zu den SDGs
WECF hat eine Konsultation vorgelegt die von 20 Mitgliedsorganisationen unterstützt wird. Sie entstand in Beihilfe der Autoren des Positionspapiers der Women‘s Major Group über die Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
21.01.2013 | WECF

Submission by WECF to European Commission on Rio+20 Follow-up and Sustainable Development Goals
WECF with input from the authors of the Women's Major Group position paper on Sustainable Development Goals, has prepared and submitted a consultation, endorsed by 20 member organisations
18.01.2013 | WECF

Aanbevelingen voor nieuwe agenda internationale samenwerking na de Millennium Development Goals (Post-2015)
Dinsdag 11 december nam WO=MEN samen met Rutgers/WPF, Share-Net en WECF de lead in een maatschappelijk middenveld consultatie over Post2015
03.01.2013 | WO=MEN

Post 2015 Civil Society Consultation: What is the future we want?
De netwerken WO=MEN Dutch Gender Platform, Share-Net en Rio+20 Women’s Major Group vertegenwoordigd door WECF slaan de handen ineen met als doel de dialoog aan te gaan met het ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken
11.12.2012 | Chantal van den Bossche

Women's Major Group: Sustainable Development Goals and the Post 2015 Development Agenda
The Women's Major Group is one of the civil society groups which has its own representation in the United Nations processes Sustainable Development and Environment
04.12.2012 | WICF Campaign

WECF at the consultation on post Rio+20 in New York
WECF director Sascha Gabizon participated in the consultation on post Rio+20 organised by UNEP and UNDESA, together with GEC and SF, 20. - 21. October in New York.
28.10.2012 | Sascha Gabizon

GIZ Report
Activities, commitments and results achieved at Rio+20 by members of the Women’s Major Group and WECF in the run up to Rio and during Rio+20 from 13 – 22 of June 2012