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WECF and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Breast Cancer: Policy and Prevention

WECF training programmes and capacity building on gender and sustainability

International “Nesting” programme – A Healthy Environment for Healthy Children

Women's Major Group -Sustainable Development Goals and the Post 2015 Development Agenda

WECF representation in international and UN policy processes

Safe and Sustainable Sanitation for Women and Girls

EDC Free Coalition Public Consultation

Asbestos: a silent killer on a global scale – substitute it now!

WHO European Environment and Health Process (EEHP)

EVENT: WHO 6th Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health, Ostrava

EVENT: Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions Conference of the Parties, 2017

EVENT: Gender Just Climate Solutions Awards, COP22, Marrakesh

EVENT: WECF on the road to the COP22

Women and Gender Constituency at UNFCCC

Women's Global Call for Climate Justice

EVENT: WECF at the COP21

Don't Nuke the Climate - Paris 2015

Gender E3 Working Group in the European Parliament

Women and Gender Constituency at COP20 Lima, Peru

UNECEs 5th MOP to the Aarhus Convention, Maastricht 2014

Nuclear Power is not a solution to climate change – plug into renewables

WECF at the COP19 in Warsaw: Climate Finance and Gender Equality

International ‘Safe Toys’ Coalition – toxic free children products

Online discussion group INTERA

UN Conference on Sustainable Development 2012 - Rio +20

Toxic free beauty - safe cosmetics

The Golden Nuclear Fuelrod Award

ToNi-Finder - WECF's Map for Sustainable School Toilets and Nitrate Levels

Children's Environmental Health Award 2010

Children's Environmental Action Plan for Europe

REACH - Eliminating Toxic Chemicals in the EU

COP24: women demand a gender-just transition

Follow WECF's activities around UN's climate change conference in Katowice, Poland, in December 2018

Countries: Worldwide
Donors: AFD; CTCN; Raja Foundation; GIZ; Europeaid
Partners: Women & Gender Constituency
Issues: Climate & Energy; Gender & Rights
Duration: 05/2018 - 12/2018

Pushing for human rights elements to be mainstreamed through the Paris Rulebook (an action at the in-session meeting, SB48, in Bonn)

With a series of events, WECF raises awareness before, during and after this year’s UN conference on climate change (COP 24). We will together with our partners of the Women & Gender Constituency (WGC), a network with official observer status which can participate in the negotiations, through advocacy and campaigning demand the full realisation of women’s rights and gender equality within all UNFCCC processes. 

Our demand to decision-makers: 

Important dates



Tuesday 4 December

Bund workshop: community energy for ambitious NDCs

9:30-16:30 at Q hotel Plus Katowice

With experts from a wide variety of fields, we will discuss various aspects of citizen energy - from gender equality to communication, from co-benefits to good practice. The aim of thw workshop is to develop recommendations and demands on how citizen energy can be integrated into national climate plans.


Monday 10 December

Gender Just Climate Solutions Award Ceremony

13:00-15:00 at Capacity building RYSY in meeting room 24, Area E

Join us for the Women Gender Constituency (WGC) and the Climate Technology Centre & Network (CTCN) at the 2018 Gender Just Climate Solutions Awards Ceremony. This high level event will showcase and reward gender just climate actions that are implemented on all continents and can be scaled up to attain a significant impact. With the Gender Just Climate Solutions Awards, we aim at inspiring world leaders and key decision makers to implement more effective and transformative climate policies.


Tuesday 11 December

Partnerhip technology needs assessment & gender workshop, hosted by CTCN & UNEP DTU

08:00-09:30 at Monopol Hotel (Dworcowa 5, 44-100 Katowice, Poland)

This workshop is held within the framwork of the Gender Action Plan. During the workshop, developed in collaboration with the Women and Gender Constituency, participants will discuss experiences and identify key activities to strengthen gender considerations in TNAs, while highlighting opportunities for collaboration between governments including National Gender and Climate Change Focal Points, implementing entities, operating entities of the Financial Mechanism and non-state actor


Localisation of NDCs: lessons learned from non-state actors

11:00-13:30, venue to be confirmed


Gender Day market place

12:00-18:00 at the Climate Action Hub


Gender and climate financing: what progress, what ambitions?

14:00-15:30 at the French Pavillion

The aim will be to debate operational issues in order to fulfil gender and climate commitments, with prominent guests from the North and South, from institutions and civil society. Some of the main questions to be addressed will be: What solutions are being implemented by women to fight climate change and how are they supported? What is the status of gender integration in climate financing? What is the role of women in institutions and negotiations? How can financial mechanisms provide leverage in order to increase gender and climate co-benefits? How can grassroots organizations gain increased access to financing?


Wednesday 12 December

Mentoring workshop (only open to GJCS award winners), hosted by CTCN & WGC at 11:00-17:00

Part 1:


Thursday 13 December

Mentoring workshop (only open to GJCS award winners), hosted by CTCN & WGC

at 09:00-18:00

Part 2:


Related News

Meet the Winners of the Gender Just Climate Solutions Award at COP24
On the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, we awarded Gender Just Climate Solutions Winners at the climate negotiations in Katowice, Poland

Gender Just Climate Solutions Awards: showcasing gender-responsive and climate resilient initiatives

Feminists say NO to the global rise of macho-fascism!
Time is up! To fight against this oppressive system, we at the Women and Gender Constituency (WGC) and our feminist allies are organising actions at the COP24 and inviting any feminists and people that stand in solidarity to say NO to the global rise of macho-fascism.

WECF at the Climate Change Negotiations in Katowice, Poland

Women & Gender Constituency Strategy Meeting (ahead of COP24)

1,5°C : c'est possible!
Les solutions genre et climat montrent la voie. Venez les découvrir pendant la COP24 à Katowice
15.10.2018 | Anne Barre

1.5°C IS POSSIBLE: gender just climate solutions are showing the way!
Press release: for immediate release

What to expect from the climate talks that resumed in Bangkok this week?
COP24: second intersession of the climate change negotiations 2018, Bangkok, Thailand

Application open for Gender Just Climate Solutions Award 2018!
WECF and partners invite you to participate in the 4th annual Gender Just Climate Solutions Awards

Die Women & Gender Constituency lädt zum 4. Gender Just Climate Solutions Award ein
Bewerben Sie sich bis zum 10. September 2018

Comparative study on energy cooperatives in Eastern Europe and the Western Balkans
Study made in collaboration with ZEZ (Zelena Energetska Zadruga)

Women and Gender Constituency Joint Statement On SB48
Real commitment to rights-based, gender-just solutions to climate change is imperative for the effective implementation of the Paris Agreement.

Bonn Climate Talks: Slow Progress but the Gender Action Plan is rolling!
WECF was in Bonn from April 30th to May 10th. Read below our comments.

WECF bij de Klimaatconferentie in Bonn, 30 april – 10 mei
WECF was sterk vertegenwoordigd in Bonn en liet actief haar gezicht zien om de rol van vrouwen in het bereiken van de Sustainable Development Goals te benadrukken.

Opinion: Poland infringing on yet another human right while the European community watches silently
UN human rights experts join feminist organisations in condemning Polish Legislation

SB48 Side Event “Access to climate finance for non-state actors”
WECF to launch energy community study and to introduce gender-just energy cooperative model in Georgia

Press Release: The Great Eight Action
Bonn, 4 May 2018, SB48, UNFCCC

Climate Action: Where Do We Want To Go?
Read our Anne Barre's story as shared during the Talanoa Dialogue, 6 May 2018

The Great Eight: If You Leave One Out, The Rulebook Crumbles!
Bonn, 4 May 2018: Action at SB48, UNFCCC

How can observes contribute and support countries to complete the Paris Agreement Work Programme?
UNFCCC's interview with Sascha Gabizon during the in-session workshop of the Conference of Parties (COP)

Priority Actions to Increase Access to Climate Finance for Non-State Actors
SB48 side event: 7 May 2018 at 16:45 CEST in room 181, UNFCCC, Bonn

Mind the GAP – The Gender Action Plan as a milestone for Climate Justice
WECF Youth Alumna Miriam Mueller writes about the Gender Action Plan (UNFCCC)

From Marrakesh to Marrakesh: The rise of gender equality in the global climate governance and climate action
WECF’s experts publish chapter in Routledge Handbook of Human Rights and Climate Governance

Over 100 Civil Society Organisations and Activists Oppose Crackdown By Poland to Protest at COP24
Press release: 20 March 2018, Global

Climate Change and Freedom of Assembly: Some Human Rights Questions for COP24
Hannah Birkenkötter, 5 March 2018


APA – Ad Hoc Working Group on the Paris Agreement (APA) was established by the same decision to prepare for the entry into force of the Paris Agreement. Read more here: 

COP – The Conference of Parties (COP) is the supreme decision-making body of the Convention. All States that are Parties to the Convention are represented at the COP, at which they review the implementation of the Convention and any other legal instruments that the COP adopts and take decisions necessary to promote the effective implementation of the Convention, including institutional and administrative arrangements. COP23 is the 23nd time the COP is convening. It is held in Bonn, it is hosted by the Fiji Presidency. Read more here:

Gender Action Plan (GAP) - Decision 3/CP.23 established a gender action plan and also decided that the topic for the 2018 workshop would be based on activity E.1 of that action plan. The gender action plan invites Parties and observers oganizations to provide submissions on the topics set out in activity E.1. (Available hereDecision 21/CP.22 extends the Lima work plan on gender (LWPG) to COP 25 in 2019. In 2017, a gender action plan was developed by the SBI. The technical paper on achieving gender balance under UNFCCC is available here

Intervention – is the opportunity where the civil society gets to intervene and add their recommendations during negotiations. Interventions are delivered by constituencies, meaning they are a collaborate effort written by loads of different civil society organisations (CSOs). WECF co-facilitates the Women & Gender Constituency which specifically looks at intersectionality, women's human rights, gender equality and climate change. Interventions are not always guaranteed to be heard; but CSOs can still influence their decision-makers by sending their recommendations to the UNFCCC secretariat who puts it on their website. It is up to negotiators/decision-makers to read the interventions, so it is not always guaranteed that the recommendations are taken into account.  

Paris Agreement – The Paris Agreement is an agreement within the framework of the UNFCCC dealing with greenhouse gases emissions mitigation, adaptation and finance, and will be entered into force year 2020. Read more here: 

SBSTA – The SBSTA is one of two permanent subsidiary bodies to the Convention established by the COP/CMP. It supports the work of the COP and the CMP through the provision of timely information and advice on scientific and technological matters as they relate to the Convention or its Kyoto Protocol. Key areas of work for the SBSTA are the impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change; emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries; promoting the development and transfer of environmentally-sound technologies; and conducting technical work to improve the guidelines for preparing and reviewing greenhouse gas emission inventories from Annex I Parties. The SBSTA carries out methodological work under the Convention and the Kyoto Protocol, and promotes collaboration in the field of research and systematic observation of the climate system. Read more here:
SBI – The SBI is one of two permanent subsidiary bodies to the Convention established by the COP/CMP. It supports the work of the COP and the CMP through the assessment and review of the effective implementation of the Convention and its Kyoto Protocol. The SBI also advises the COP on budgetary and administrative matters. In 2013, the SBI had the challenging task of managing the shift in focus towards the MRV issues with the launch of the international assessment and review (IAR) and international consultations and analysis (ICA) in 2014, and work on nationally appropriate mitigation actions (NAMAs). Loss and damage and adaptation finance is another area where progress was made under the SBI by reaching an agreement on a loss and damage mechanism and pledging funds in the range of US$ 100 million to the adaptation fund.  Read more here:

UNFCCC – United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC); for a better overlook of the processes around the convention please see here