Solar Collectors
Akhaltsikhe (ELA, BMU)
Society development centre of Akhaltsikhe developped a self-made solar collector and it was installed in a school toilet, providing the pupils with hot water.
Akhaltsikhe developped 2 small mobile demonstration models for solar water heating that they use in their project villages. Akhaltsikhe is working with the polulation in Samtshe-Javakheti region, informing them about possibilities for use of solar energy, especially solar collectors.
SEMA (Ecological Agriculture Assosiation) have installed three solar collectors in their project farmer sites, providing the families with warm water.
RCDA Rural Communities Development Agency is running a demonstration centre, with a seminar area, where they installed a solar collector. They are organizing a lot of seminars
Greens (ELA, BMU)
The Greens Movement of Georgia are working with a monastery in Khoni region. The monastery is supplied with a solar water heating system (vacuum collector, available on local market).
Ecosan toilets built with Greens Movement (in West Georgia) are equipped with simple little solar water heaters for hand washing facilities.
Armenian Women for Health and Healthy Environment (AWHHE) from Yerevan have installed a solar collector for warm water supply at a kindergarten. The local population was informed about the possibilities of use of solar energy.
Ecological Movement BIOM (Bishkek) is building solar batch heaters together with the population in their project villages.
Mountain Club Jabagly Manas (Taraz, Kazakhstan) installed solar collectors for warm water / showers during summer time on a touristic site. They also use hydraulic pumps for water supply.
Ecoourism organisation UGAM, Lenger, installed solar collectors at their partner villages. A big solar collector was installed for demonstration at their demonstration center.
Habitat Kyrgyzstan installed together with WECF and Solar Partner Sued two big demonstration collectors at their project houses.
Paros (BMU)
PAROS from Ninotsminda run an information campaign on solar energy in 8 project villages.
Solar fruit driers
Caucasus Environment (BMU)
Foundation Caucasus Environment installed two solar fruit driers in their project village, during a seminar. The region was traditionally living on tea production, which collapsed after soviet union. Many women were living on tea production in former times, so they are now experimenting on drying tea leaves. Solar fruit driers are an opportunity to reinforce tea production as a source of income for local population, especially women.
SEMA (Ecological Agriculture Assosiation) have installed two solar driers in their project farmer sites. This offers a very good possibility or processing their ecological products.
RCDA Rural Communities Development Agency is running a demonstration centre, with a seminar area, where they installed a solar fruit drier. They are organizing a lot of seminars.
With the support of 4 students from University of Annecy (link) and Solar Partner Süd (link), RCDA developped 2 models of solar collectors, as a basis for the WECF seminar in May (link)
Greens Movement (BMU)
The Greens Movement of Georgia are working with a monastery in Khoni region. The monastery is supplied with gas from a biogas plant.
Charitable women (BMU)
Charitable Women (Saghmosavan) installed two solar fruit driers in their project village, during a seminar.
Other solar energy applications
started developping a solar water distillator, a solar milk pasteurizer, a solar oven and a solar greenhouse together with 4 students from the university of Annecy, France. RCDA built a solar greenhouse with strawbale building method.
Energy efficiency / insulation
CAMP Kyrgyzstan
House insulation was a main topic of the WECF energy training in Bishkek in November 08, in cooperation with CAMP Kyrgyzstan. (link), (link to report), and in September 09 of the house insulation training in Naryn, Kyrgyzstan, organized by CAMP (report Herbert Danner)
Ekoloji Tarazlig (EKOT) from Baku has developped and provided 80 training units about energy saving and renewable energy in households at their project school in Astara region.
The school building was analysed on energy losses and together with pupils and teachers little isolation measures on windows and doors were made. The electricity supply which was in desolate conditions, was also repaired.
The local authorities and the electricity supply company attended the seminar and contributed to the project with their working time. Representatives of the neighbour school also were present and started with insulation measures themselves at their school.
Unison from Bishkek are working close together with a remote village Kommuna. In this village, they made an energy audit of the school and the school was insulated based on the audit.
Eco Lore (BMU)
Eco Lore made little insulation measures in the school of their project village Stepanavan, working together with pupils and teachers, during a seminar.
SEMA installed a simple biogas plant at an the organic farm from their project. The biogas plant is running with the manure from 5 cows and provides the family with gas for cooking.
RCDA is running experiments on a biogas plant using the waste from a brewery near to their demonstration center.
Greens (ELA, BMU)
biogas plant in monastery (concrete model)
Klimabewusst fliegen
Decentralised Environmental Solutions
Energia Klub
Energy efficiency, renewable resources, climate protection, conventional energy resources and energy policy.
Habitat Kyrgyzstan Foundation
Making dreams of simple, decent, affordable housing come true.
Integrated Sustainable Energy and Ecological Development Association
Sortir du Nucléaire
French antinuclear coalition
Demonstration Center, Ecosan Idea Advancement, Ecotourism
Women’s Action for Development