Uganda: Better Lives- Less Rural Migration
The aim of this project is to improve the living conditions of the rural, young population through a more sustainable agriculture, based on organic and conservation agriculture methods.
Donors: Bavarian State Chancellory (Germany)
Partners: Appropriate Technologies Uganda (ATU)
Duration: 01/2017 - 12/2018
Civil society Local Energy Efficiency Network (CLEEN)
The CLEEN project aims to build a partnership of civil society organizations in Armenia, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine
Donors: European Union
Partners: Akhatsikhe (Georgia), Ecoclub (Ukraine), Gutta-Club (Moldova)
Duration: 01/2015 - 06/2018
Bridging the knowledge gap - Demo farm in Uganda
In cooperation with our local partner organization ARUWE, WECF builds in Uganda a demonstration farm in order to improve the education of local farmers, present sustainable technologies and increase the people's lifequality
Donors: Erbacher Stiftung
Partners: ARUWE
Duration: 06/2016 - 05/2017
Promotion of green technologies in Uganda
In cooperation with our local partner organization ARUWE, WECF implements a project in Mulagi Sub-county (Uganda) to promote sustainable technologies for renewable energy
Donors: Erbacher Stiftung
Partners: ARUWE
Duration: 05/2016 - 04/2017
Crowdfunding Project: Biogas Toilets for deprived families in Uganda
Via a crowdfunding campaign WECF collected more than 4.600 Euro to fight the sanitary grievances in rural Uganda. Thanks to over 50 donations WECF builds in cooperation with our local partner organization ARUWE 17 Biogas Toilets in Mulagi Sub-County.
Donors: Private donors via crowdfunding campaign (
Partners: Action for Rural Womens' Empowerment (ARUWE)
Duration: 07/2016 - 01/2017
Safe drinking water and sustainable energy for rural Uganda
Improving living conditions in rural Uganda through sustainable technologies for renewable energy, agriculture and water
Donors: Erbacher Stiftung
Partners: ARUWE
Duration: 06/2015 - 02/2016
Building local capacity for domestic solar heating, hot water and insulation for rural and remote areas in the EEC region
The action will contribute to improved health, reduced poverty and increased energy security in 22 rural communities in 7 EEC countries, through demonstrating domestic solar heating, hot water and insulation measures
Donors: Directorate–General (DG) EuropeAid Development and Cooperation of the European Commission
Partners: Europe: WECF, CDE (Center for Development and Environment), GERES (Groupe Energies Renouvelables, Environnement et Solidarités) Georgia: The Greens Movement of Georgia, Rural Communities Development Agency, Social Development Center Akhaltsikhe, SEMA Ukraine: Ecoclub Rivne, National Ecological Center of Ukraine, Vozrozhdenie Tatarbunary; Subgrantees: Armenia: АЙРУДzИ Aurudzi, Lore Eco Club, Sila Sveta (The Power of Light); Azerbaijan: Eco Renaissance; Moldova: Gutta Club, Ormax, Wisdom; Russia: Buryat Regional Association for Baikal, The Planet of Hopes
Duration: 01/2011 - 12/2015
EWA: Women Empowerment
The overall goal of the WECF EWA programme is to contribute to economic and political empowerment of women from low-income rural and peri-urban regions in six developing countries (Afghanistan, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, South Africa, Tajikistan, Uganda)
Donors: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands
Duration: 01/2012 - 12/2015
Civil society organizations cooperate with government and other stakeholders on a gender-sensitive NAMA for sustainable energy in rural areas
Preparations for a National Appropriate Mitigation Action (Nama) in Georgia
Donors: European Commission
Partners: Greens (lead), RCDA, SEMA, SDCA
Duration: 02/2014 - 05/2015
Engaging youth as multiplication agents in climate change and energy awarenes raising in rural communities
Donors: German Embassy in Georgia /Ministry of Foreign Affairs Germany
Partners: Rural Communities Development Agency (RCDA)
Duration: 10/2014 - 12/2014
Kyrgyzstan: Home Comforts - Creating local capacity for improved rural living standards via sustainable energy and sanitation
Reduce poverty via sustainable development, specifically through improved access to basic resources such as energy and safe sanitation
Donors: European Commission with the additional aid of Natracare and Sjef Jorritsma & Hanzehogeschool Groningen
Partners: KAWS, ALGA, Camp Alatoo
Duration: 01/2011 - 07/2013
Remote Communities in Azerbaijan
Community Approaches to a Better Environment for All and Poverty Reduction in Out of Reach Communities
Donors: European Commission
Partners: WECF The Netherlands, EKOT (Ekoloji Taraziig NGO), Azerbaijan and Sustainable Future NGO from Finland
Duration: 11/2009 - 11/2011
Georgia: Create local capacity for sustainable development
New EU financed project started in Georgia
Donors: EU
Partners: Greens Movement is the lead applicant, and all Georgian WECF partners - Caucasus Environment, Center for Social Development Akhalsikhe, GEBMA, PAROS, RCDA, SEMA and WECF
Duration: 11/2010 - 07/2011
Empowerment & Local Action (ELA)
Building the capacity of poor local communities in rural areas
Donors: Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MinBuza), The Netherlands; Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU), Germany
Partners: Agency Support Development Process Nau, AWHHE, BIOM, Central Asian Alliance for Water & Public Fund Mehr-Shavkat, Georgian Environmental and Biological Monitoring Association, Foundation Caucasus Environment, Ecos NGO, ECOTOX, Habitat for Humanity, Katachel e.V., Mehriban, Paros, Public Association Mountain Club Jabagly-Manas, RDCA, Regional Public Ecological Organization “Vozrojdenye” (“Revival”) of Tatarbunary, Rural Women’s NGO “Alga”, SEMA, Social Union Agerkech, Society Development Centre of Akhaltsikhe, The Greens Movement of Georgia/FoE, “ULGU”, UNISON, WISDOM, WPO “SAFO”
Duration: 01/2008 - 12/2010
Preparation for Copenhagen – climate protection and renewable energy as a chance for economy, politics and civil society in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia through technology and knowledge transfer
Wegbereitung für Kopenhagen – Klimaschutz und Erneuerbare Energien als Chance für Wirtschaft, Politik und Zivilgesellschaft in Osteuropa, Kaukasus und Zentralasien durch Technologie und Wissenstransfer
Donors: German Federal Ministry for the Environment (International Climate Initiative), Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Partners: Women and Environment NGO partners in the region: Eastern Europe:
Russia: Network Russian Socio-Ecological Union (over 200 NGO members)), Friends of the Baltic (coordinator for Eastern Europe) Ukraine: National Ecological Centre Ukraine Belarus: Ecoproject South Caucasus: Georgia: The Green Movement of Georgia, Akhaltsikhe (coordinator for Caucasus), RCDA – Rural Centre Development Agency, SEMA, PAROS, Caucasus Environment Azerbaijan: EKOT Armenia: Armenian Women for Health and a Healthy Environment (AWHHE) Central Asia: Kyrgyzstan: Civic Environmental Foundation "UNISON" (co-coordinator for Central Asia) Ecological Movement "BIOM", Public Foundation "Camp Alatoo", Foundation „Habitat for Humanity“, Public Association "Ulgu", ALGA/Rural Women, Agerkech Tajikistan: For the Earth, ASPD NAU, Safo, Youth Ecological Centre Uzbekistan: Mehriban, Youth Ecological Network Uzbekistan, Adek Kazakhstan: Jabagly Manas, UGAM, Young Guards of Nature, Eco Museum Karaganda, EcoCenter (co-coordinator Central Asia) Cooperation partners/experts: SPARE (Norway); Solar Partner Sued; Atmosfair (Germany), Act Alliance (international)
Duration: 10/2009 - 11/2010
Create local capacity for sustainable development
The project is a continuation and scaling up of Empowerment and Local Action program
Donors: European Commission
Partners: Greens Movement of Georgia/FoE Georgia
Duration: 09/2010 - 09/2010
Belarus - Citizens involvement
Developing multi-stakeholder cooperation in the areas of water, waste and energy efficiency in Belarus
Donors: Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MinBuza), European Cooperation, MATRA programme, The Netherlands
Partners: Ecoproject
Duration: 12/2006 - 03/2010
Support of climate protection via sustainable energy by training and capacity building of local partner NGOs in Caucasus and Central Asia and networking between them
„Förderung des Klimaschutzes durch nachhaltige Energie mittels Training, Kapazitätsausbau und Vernetzung lokaler NRO-Partner im Kaukasus und in Zentralasien“
Donors: German Federal Ministry of Environment, Nature Protection and Nuclear Safety / gtz
Partners: Armenian Women for Health and a Healthy Environment (AWHHE), The Green Movement of Georgia, Social Development Center Akhaltsikhe, RCDA – Rural Centre Development Agency, SEMA, Kaukasus Environment, EKOT, Ecological Movement "BIOM", Public Foundation "Camp Alatoo", Foundation „Habitat for Humanity“ Kyrgyzstan, Public Association "Ulgu", Civic Environmental Foundation "UNISON", Mountain Club Jabagly Manas, Eco Museum Karaganda, Little Earth, ASPD NAU, SAFO, Mehriban
Duration: 10/2008 - 03/2009
Local Climate Change Action - Germany
Moving climate protection closer to the people
Donors: European Commission, DG Environment; Ministry of Housing Spatial Planning and the Environment (VROM), The Netherlands
Partners: Green City
Duration: 08/2006 - 11/2006
WECF has received/receives project and programme support from:
DG Environment
European Commission