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Developing water safety plans involving schools - a WECF manual

Romanian, Russian and English version ready for download


WECF put together three manuals, in Russian, English and Romanian, for teachers and pupils to introduce Water Safety Plans. This manual " Developing Water Safety Plans involving schools",   has been revised to be more attractive for teachers and pupils. The manual is a guide for teachers  on implementing Water Safety Plans for small-scale water supply systems with the involvement of pupils.The manual is part of a toolkit box which includes material like test strips, to test the water quality, and posters.

The WSP manual is based on the WHO instrument to assess the risks for small scale water supply systems and contains information concerning water safety plans, background information, educational information and suggestions for teachers. With this manual teachers and pupils can develop water safety plans for small scale water supply systems together.

Apart from Russian, English and Romanian revised versions, WECF also published an Azerbaijanian version.