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City 40, film over moedige mensenrechtenactiviste Nadezjda Koetepova

Nadezjda Koetepova, WECF grondlegster, advocate en milieu-activiste, is vanaf vrijdag 24 maart te zien in documentaire City 40 tijdens Movies that Matter Film Festival in Den Haag

20.03.2017 | WECF Campaign

Op vrijdag 24 maart begint het Movies that Matter Festival in Den Haag. Niet zomaar een filmfestival: een week lang kun je genieten van bijzondere films en documentaires, debatten en talkshows over mensenrechten. Amnesty International heeft een eigen programma op dit festival: A Matter of ACT, met dit jaar negen indrukwekkende films over moedige mensenrechtenactivisten. Nadezjda is één van hen.

Stad nummer 40 was een geheime kernwapenstad in Rusland die officieel niet bestond: de stad was niet te vinden op landkaarten en de bewoners bestonden officieel niet. Duizenden mensen leefden achter hekken met bewakers, op zwaar vervuilde grond. Voor deze documentaire werden cameramensen en apparatuur de stad in gesmokkeld om in het geheim te filmen. Advocaat en activiste Nadezdha Kutepova zet zich voor hen in. Niet zonder gevolgen: vanwege intimidaties en bedreigingen zag zij zich genoodzaakt Rusland te ontvluchten.

 Nadezjda, lid van WECF's International Advisory Board en een van de grondlegster van het vrouwen- en milieunetwerk, kreeg in 2016 officieel politiek asiel in Frankrijk. Kutepova vluchtte met haar drie kinderen in juli 2015 naar Frankrijk nadat de Russische autoriteiten haar organisatie "Planeta Nadezhd" op de zwarte lijst hadden gezet.

Meer Nieuws

IPCC-Sonderbericht: Der Weltklimarat fordert eine dringende Kehrtwende bei der Landnutzung
Gender Action Plan muss für geschlechtergerechte nationale Klimapolitiken umgesetzt werden.

Bürgerenergie: Tropfen werden zum Strom
Event am 24.07.19 - Gestalte deine Energiewende mit!

29++ Klimawoche Landkreis München
Vom 22. Juli bis zum 26. Juli 2019 findet im Landkreis München die 29++ Klimawoche statt

4. Energie-Genossenschafts-Konferenz in der Türkei, Bodrum
WECF zeigt verschiedene Modelle von Energiegenossenschaften und Kooperationsmöglichkeiten mit Kommunen auf

Nieuw SDG10 rapport over groeiende ongelijkheid
“Hoewel Nederland bovengemiddeld scoort zijn er zorgen over groeiende en bestaande ongelijkheden, bijvoorbeeld in het onderwijs en op het gebied van vrouwenemancipatie”.

Austausch zu Bürgerenergie mit der Delegation aus Uganda und Äthiopien
Unsere Bürgerenergieprojekte in Uganda und Deutschland im Fokus

WECF auf dem Street Life Festival 2019 in München
Zwei Tage Nachhaltigkeit leben und neue Inspirationen sammeln

Unser gemeinsames Statement zu den EU-Wahlen mit SDG Watch Europe
"Die Gleichstellung der Geschlechter ist einer der Grundwerte der EU - und wir können uns kein weiteres Jahrzehnt ohne Fortschritte leisten - oder noch schlimmer, eines mit Rückschritten"

"De kracht van de coöperatie - Utrechtse successen en het belang van verbinding voor lokale energie
WECF benadrukt in haar nieuwe publicatie het belang van lokale initiatieven in de omslag naar duurzame energie: Uit de Utrechtse ervaringen kunnen lessen getrokken worden die relevant kunnen zijn voor andere steden en dorpen, maar ook voor lokale coöperaties in andere landen, zoals Georgië.

WECF brengt Ecofeministische Kieswijzer #ecofeministscorecard
Deze week, aanstaande donderdag 23 mei, vinden de Europese Verkiezingen plaats. Om je te helpen bij het bepalen van je keuze hebben we een ecofeministische kieswijzer voor je gemaakt, waarbij we naar een aantal specifieke onderwerpen hebben gekeken die wij als feministisch milieunetwerk belangrijk vinden.

PUBLICATIE: De kracht van de coöperatie
Utrechtse successen en het belang van verbinding voor lokale energie

Die "Educational Poster" der Women and Gender Constituency
Hier direkt downloaden!

Interview mit Katharina Habersbrunner bei RadioLora
im Rahmen der Bund Naturschutz Sendung „Aktiv auf allen Ebenen – Frauen im Umweltschutz“

Hintergrundgespräch Agenda2030 und UN-Gipfel - 02.04.19
Als Politikansatz für nachhaltige Entwicklung und eine gerechtere Welt stärkt die Agenda 2030 den Multilateralismus

Hintergrundgespräch zur Agenda2030 am 02.04.19
Als Politikansatz für nachhaltige Entwicklung und eine gerechtere Welt stärkt die Agenda 2030 den Multilateralismus

Veranstaltung „Jugendwerkstatt Wandelbar – Wir gestalten Zukunft“
Bewerbung noch bis zum 15.05.2019 möglich

EmpowerMed - Horizon2020
WECF startet mit europäischen Partnern das H2020 Projekt EmpowerMed „Empowering women to take action against energy poverty in the Mediterranean“

Auftakt unseres Energieeffizienz-Projekts in Moldawien, Rumänien und Georgien
Weiterqualifizierungen im Bereich Solarthermie und Gebäudeisolierung

Kongressdokumentation: SUSTAIN - 1. Münchner Nachhaltigkeitskongress
Der Videomitschnitt des Abends ist jetzt auf Youtube zu finden!

Management und Entwicklung des Energieeffizienz Netzwerks CLEEN (EECCA Region)
Micro-Grants an Netzwerkmitglieder

EINLADUNG - Hintergrundgespräch für Multiplikatoren, Medien und Nachhaltigkeitsakteure - 02.04.19
AGENDA 2030 als Politikkonzept für Multilateralismus

"Unleashing the power of community renewable energy"
Neue EU-Gesetzgebung bietet Unterstützung für mehr erneuerbare Bürgerenergie

Die Klima Allianz Deutschland
Vernetzung von Organisationen, um dem Klimawandel kraftvoll zu begegnen

Erhöhung der Energieeffizienz durch Solarenergie und Gebäudeisolierung
Kooperationsprojekt von URBIS FOUNDATION und WECF e.V.

Time is Honey - Nachhaltige Zeitkultur und die Grenzen der Natur - 03.02.2019
Vorträge von Prof. Harald Lesch, Prof. Karlheinz Geißler und Jonas Geißler

Die bessere Stadt
17 ExpertInnen erklären, was sich in ihrem Bereich noch ändern muss

SUSTAIN - Pioniere für eine Normalität der Nachhaltigkeit stärker unterstützen – Nachhaltigkeit zur Chefsache machen
Mehr als 400 Teilnehmende entwickeln bei SUSTAIN, dem 1. Münchner Nachhaltigkeitskongress, Vorschläge für eine nachhaltige Stadtgesellschaft

Geschlechtergerechte Lösungen für den Klimaschutz
„Gender Just Climate Solutions Award” – Publikation zeigt Nominierte und Gewinner

SUSTAIN - Der 1. Münchner Nachhaltigkeitskongress
Der 1. Münchner Nachhaltigkeitskongress findet nächsten Montag statt

"Gemeinsam Vorschläge machen"
Nachhaltigkeitskongress lädt zum Mitmachen ein

"Unser Fußabdruck ist immer noch viel zu hoch"
1. Münchner Nachhaltigkeitskongress will die lohnendsten Handlungsansätze für unsere Stadt finden

Dinsdag 22 januari bood een delegatie namens 31 organisaties Petitie Brede Welvaart 2019-2030 aan aan Tweede Kamercommissie Economische Zaken & Klimaat.
"Wij vragen in het bijzonder aandacht voor de rol van vrouwen. Hun potentieel om de strijd tegen klimaatverandering, milieuvervuiling en aantasting van de biodiversiteit tegen te gaan wordt nog onvoldoende benut"

SUSTAIN – 1. Münchner Nachhaltigkeitskongress
Worum geht es da überhaupt?

Klimaattop Katowice: hoog tijd om wakker te worden
Terwijl wij in het Noorden van de wereld klagen over te warme zomers, is klimaatverandering in andere delen van de wereld al een zaak van leven en dood.

Duurzaamheid is niet alleen voor rijke mensen
Maak Europa Duurzaam voor Iedereen maakte inspiratiesessies voor energiegesprekken met je buren mogelijk in Leiden

Meet the Winners of the Gender Just Climate Solutions Award at COP24
On the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, we awarded Gender Just Climate Solutions Winners at the climate negotiations in Katowice, Poland

Feminists say NO to the global rise of macho-fascism!
Time is up! To fight against this oppressive system, we at the Women and Gender Constituency (WGC) and our feminist allies are organising actions at the COP24 and inviting any feminists and people that stand in solidarity to say NO to the global rise of macho-fascism.

COP24 - Klimaverhandlungen in Katowice, Polen
03.12.2018 - 14.12.2018

Women & Gender Constituency Strategy Meeting (ahead of COP24)

Wann, wenn nicht jetzt!?
Das Maßnahmenprogramm Klimaschutz 2030 der deutschen Zivilgesellschaft

'Samen naar een Schoon Klimaat' in Den Haag
Afgelopen maandag organiseerde WECF een bijeenkomst in samenwerking met Building Change, in het kader van hun 'Adopteer een SDG' campagne, waarbij we tot goede aanbevelingen kwamen richting Tweede Kamerleden voor meer Nederlandse inzet voor een schoon klimaat.

Getting to the Future We Want
4-7 November, Brussels: European Environmental Bureau’s (EEB) Annual Conference

1,5°C : c'est possible!
Les solutions genre et climat montrent la voie. Venez les découvrir pendant la COP24 à Katowice
15.10.2018 | Anne Barre

Ein sofortiges Umlenken in der Klimapolitik ist nötig
Vorstellung des IPCC Sonderberichts zu 1.5 Grad

1.5°C IS POSSIBLE: gender just climate solutions are showing the way!
Press release: for immediate release

Klimaherbst Event – Energielösungen für Klima und Gerechtigkeit
Wie wir durch Erneuerbare Energien nicht nur unsere Umwelt schützen, sondern auch soziale Ungleichheiten bekämpfen können.

Duurzaamheid is niet alleen voor rijke mensen
Woon je in Leiden, praat dan mee tijdens het Ideecafé op 15 oktober - inspiratiesessie voor energiegesprekken met je buren

6. Stuttgarter Forum für Entwicklung am 19. Oktober 2018

Was ist von den Klimagesprächen zu erwarten, die letzte Woche in Bangkok stattfanden?
COP24: Zweites Verhandlungstreffen für die COP24, Bangkok, Thailand, 2018

Frauen trifft der Klimawandel am härtesten
Der Klimawandel betrifft Männer und Frauen nach dem Urteil von Experten nicht in gleichem Maße. Frauen sind von der Erderwärmung besonders betroffen. In der Klimapolitik spielten sie aber bisher kaum eine Rolle.

Négociations climat à Bangkok - Quel bilan en tirer?
Une session additionnelle de négociations s’est tenue à Bangkok du 4 au 9 Septembre pour préparer la COP24 : nous sommes très loin de ce dont notre planète a besoin !
10.09.2018 | Anne Barre

What to expect from the climate talks that resumed in Bangkok this week?
COP24: second intersession of the climate change negotiations 2018, Bangkok, Thailand

Application open for Gender Just Climate Solutions Award 2018!
WECF and partners invite you to participate in the 4th annual Gender Just Climate Solutions Awards

Welche Rolle spielt die Bürgerenergie in unserer 'Energiewende'?

Comparative study on energy cooperatives in Eastern Europe and the Western Balkans
Study made in collaboration with ZEZ (Zelena Energetska Zadruga)

Erfolgreicher Abschluss des NAKOPA-Projekts
Beratungs- und Qualifizierungsangebote zur Energieeffizienz in Kiew

Durchbruch in Brüssel für Bürgerenergie - Europa stärkt den Ökostrom-Eigenverbrauch
Mit einfacherem und günstigerem Eigenverbrauch zu 32% Erneuerbare Energien in Europa bis 2030

Women and Gender Constituency Joint Statement On SB48
Real commitment to rights-based, gender-just solutions to climate change is imperative for the effective implementation of the Paris Agreement.

Women2030 in Tajikistan
WECF and Women2030 partners participate in policy dialogue on Gender and Women’s rights in Tajikistan, organised by the EU delegation in Dushanbe on 24-25 of April 2018.

Auf dem Weg zu einem Klima der Gerechtigkeit
Ein Beitrag von Johanna Hausmann, WECF, in Umwelt aktuell, 06.2018

Press release: #Women2030 partners at the European Development Days
The coalition and local partners of the programme #Women2030 will be present at the European Development Days in Brussels, on 5 and 6 June 2018, on their stand number 79, to facilitate dialogues with local partners from Africa, Latin America, Asia and Caucasus, and to showcase results after 2 years of implementation.

Rural Georgians look to the sun to ease energy poverty
Video (6 min): by Deutsche Welle & Maria Lesser on our project in Georgia

Small is Beautiful
WECF reageert op nieuwe Beleidsnota Minister Kaag "Investeren in perspectief. Goed voor Nederland, goed voor de wereld."

Bonn Climate Talks: Slow Progress but the Gender Action Plan is rolling!
WECF was in Bonn from April 30th to May 10th. Read below our comments.

Opinion: Poland infringing on yet another human right while the European community watches silently
UN human rights experts join feminist organisations in condemning Polish Legislation

SB48 Side Event “Access to climate finance for non-state actors”
WECF to launch energy community study and to introduce gender-just energy cooperative model in Georgia

SB48 Side Event - "Zugang zu Klimafinanzierung für nicht-staatliche Akteure"
WECF präsentiert neue Studie zu Energiegenossenschaften und ein geschlechtergerechtes Energiegenossenschaftsmodell in Georgien

Priority Action to Increase Access to Climate Finance for Non-State Actors

Press Release: The Great Eight Action
Bonn, 4 May 2018, SB48, UNFCCC

Climate Action: Where Do We Want To Go?
Read our Anne Barre's story as shared during the Talanoa Dialogue, 6 May 2018

The Great Eight: If You Leave One Out, The Rulebook Crumbles!
Bonn, 4 May 2018: Action at SB48, UNFCCC

COP24: women demand a gender-just transition
Follow WECF's activities around UN's climate change conference in Katowice, Poland, in December 2018

How can observes contribute and support countries to complete the Paris Agreement Work Programme?
UNFCCC's interview with Sascha Gabizon during the in-session workshop of the Conference of Parties (COP)

Priority Actions to Increase Access to Climate Finance for Non-State Actors
SB48 side event: 7 May 2018 at 16:45 CEST in room 181, UNFCCC, Bonn

Klimagerechtigkeit braucht Geschlechtergerechtigkeit!
Ein Beitrag von Johanna Hausmann, WECF, in WirFrauen, Ausgabe 2018_1

From Marrakesh to Marrakesh: The rise of gender equality in the global climate governance and climate action
WECF’s experts publish chapter in Routledge Handbook of Human Rights and Climate Governance

Eco-Activism: What it is and Why it is Relevant
In light of this year’s theme “New Activism”, Women and Environment Network WECF, Women Engage for a Common Future, will organize a workshop on eco-activism during Africaday in Amsterdam. What is eco-activism and what are its challenges?
13.04.2018 | Audrey Van Schoote

Die Energiewende gelingt nur europäisch und mit den Bürgerinnen und Bürgern
Veröffentlichung des Energieatlas „Erneuerbare Energien in Europa“

Vergleichsstudie zu Energiegenossenschaften in Osteuropa und Westbalkan
WECF publiziert in Kooperation mit ZEZ (Zelena Energetska Zadruga) Kroation eine Vergleichsstudie zu Energiegenossenschaften in Osteuropa und Westbalkan.

Over 100 Civil Society Organisations and Activists Oppose Crackdown By Poland to Protest at COP24
Press release: 20 March 2018, Global

2030-Agenda für Nachhaltige Entwicklung: Kommunen als zentrale Akteure
Wunschzettel für nachhaltige und gerechte Welt: Die Nachhaltigen Entwicklungsziele (Sustainable Development Goals SDGs)

Climate Change and Freedom of Assembly: Some Human Rights Questions for COP24
Hannah Birkenkötter, 5 March 2018

Petition: calling for international solidarity to support environmental defenders Victoria Tauli-Corpuz & Joan Carling
Feminists Condemn Philippines President Duterte’s Accusation of Activists and Indigenous People Leaders as Terrorists

The CLEEN Project and Its Successes
The CLEEN Project, driven by WECF and 3 other local co-applicant organizations, strives to implement energy-efficient policies into local communities in 4 eastern European countries which are Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia and Armenia

Policy Dialogue on SDGs and Environmental Health, Moldova

Policy Dialogue on SDGs and Environmental Health, Georgia

Proudly presenting the CLEEN results!
The CLEEN project has come to an end, and it has reached many great results.

Energieeffizienz-Training in Kiew
Möglichkeiten und Maßnahmen für kommunale und private Gebäude werden im Rahmen des NAKOPA-Projektes vorgestellt. Das Training ist der erste Baustein verschiedener Qualifizierungsmodule.

Gender Just Climate Solutions
WGC publication to highlight the fight of women against climate change and present the winners and nominees of the Gender Just Climate Solutions Awards

WECF stellt beim „Dialogue on Sustainability“ die Agenda 2030 und den SDG-Prozess vor.
Agenda 2030 und SDG-Prozess.

Gender und Klimawandel – Wie gehen Klimagerechtigkeit und Gendergerechtigkeit zusammen?
WECF stellt geschlechtergerechte Klimalösungen im Frauenmuseum vor.

Possible cover up of leak at nuclear facility Mayak in Russia
Since October this year, very high levels of radioactive Ruthenium- 106 have been measured all over Russia and Europe.

The Only Way to Honour the Dead is to Fight Like Hell for the Living!
Gender Day Action at the Climate Negotiations (COP23): Women's Human Rights and Environmental Defenders (WHRDs) Resist

CTCN workshop on scalability with GJCS winners (COP23)

Gleichzeitig zum Auftakt der COP23 in Bonn: München stimmt für JA zu „Raus aus der Steinkohle“
Bürgerentscheid zum Steinkohleausstieg

Meet the winners of the "Gender Just Climate Solutions" Award Ceremony
These inspiring projects won the Gender Just Climate Solutions Award Ceremony at the COP23 in Bonn

PRESS CONFERENCE: Gender Just Climate Solutions
Watch the press conference hosted today during UNFCCC's Gender Day at the climate negotiations in Bonn (COP23)

Historischer Schritt bei den Klimaverhandlungen in Bonn: Gender-Aktionsplan verabschiedet
Gender-Aktionsplan soll Geschlechterungleichheiten bekämpfen und Frauenrechte zu stärken und so die Effizienz der Klimapolitik verbessern

#MindTheGap - WECF tijdens de COP23 in Bonn
Verslag van de WECF activiteiten van 6-17 november tijdens de COP23 in Bonn

Feminists Demand A Gender Just Transition at Climate Negotiations (COP23)
Bonn, Women & Gender Constituency's Key Demands

Award Ceremony: Gender Just Climate Solutions (COP23)
The Women and Gender Constituency of the UNFCCC invites you, Monday November 13, to an Award Ceremony celebrating creative transformative solutions for climate change.

Gender Just Climate Solutions Award ceremonie op Klimaattop in Bonn
WECF en de Women and Gender Constituency reikt maandag 13 november prijs uit aan 3 vrouwenorganisaties

Icons of sustainability: climate change resistance as an art form
Bonn, Gender Just Climate Solutions opening ceremony, coordinated by WECF on behalf of the Women & Gender Constituency's

#MindTheGAP: Feminists calling for a robust Gender Action Plan (GAP) as an outcome of the climate negotiations (COP23)
Press Release: Women & Gender Constituency hosts an action during the climate negotiations in Bonn, 7 November, 2017.

Vernissage: Frauenmuseum Exhibition (COP23)

Umsetzung der SDGs: Es muss eine Vernetzung auf allen Ebenen stattfinden
Ergebnisse des Workshops zur Veranstaltung „Zivilgesellschaftlicher Austausch zur Umsetzung der Agenda 2030 und der SDGs Akteure“, am 02.11.2017 in Berlin.

Frauenmuseum Exhibition: Gender Just Climate Solutions (COP23)

Womens' Call for Climate Justice (COY13)

Klimakonferenz in Bonn: Beim Klima zählt auch das Geschlecht
Informationen der Women und Gender Constituency und WECF zur COP23

#MindTheGap - Folgen Sie unserer Reise zu mehr Gender- und Klimagerechtigkeit auf der COP23
WECF-Präsenz auf der UN-Klimakonferenz in Bonn, 6. bis 17. November 2017.

München: Bürgerentscheid gegen Steinkohle
Nutzen Sie Ihre Stimme!

Uganda: Better Lives- Less Rural Migration
The aim of this project is to improve the living conditions of the rural, young population through a more sustainable agriculture, based on organic and conservation agriculture methods.

CLEEN project ends: joint activities continue!
Three years of activities have led to the creation of a network of experienced public organizations involved in local energy policies, with a focus on energy efficiency.

UNEP’s election results are in: Sascha is now regional representative
We are incredibly glad to inform you that our Executive Director Sascha Gabizon has been elected to be UNEP's regional representative for civil society in Europe. Thank you, we couldn't have made it without your incredible support and votes!

Hin zu einer Implementierung von nachhaltigen Entwicklungszielen (SDGs) in Uganda. Ein Bericht vom NGO-Workshop über grüne Technologien und Netzwerkarbeit.
ARUWE und WECF organisierten einen Workshop über grüne Technologien für 11 ugandische NGOs, vom 25.-29. September 2017 in Kiboga, Uganda. Das Ziel des fünf tägigen Workshops war es, die Kapazitäten der NGOs zu steigern und sich für die Unterstützung grüner Technologien hin zur Implementierung der nachhaltigen Entwicklungszeile einzusetzen sowie eigene Erfahrungen auszutauschen und das Netzwerken mit anderen NGOs zu ermöglichen.

Gemeinsam für ein nachhaltiges und gendergerechtes Europa! WECF startet im September 2017 neues Projekt zu Agenda2030 und SDGs
Im Jahr 2015 hat die Weltgemeinschaft die Agenda 2030 verabschiedet.

Petition and letter to Secretary General UN: NO to pro-nuclear energy lobbying at the UN
Global governments agreed on banning Nuclear Weapons, but at the United Nationsduring its Sustainable Development summit were panels falsely promoting nuclear energy as a sustainable energy source

Innovativ. Integrativ. Intelligent.
Ein Beitrag von Katharina Habersbrunner im Buch von Dr. Nicole Elert

Application open for Gender Just Climate Solutions Award - COP 23
WECF and partners invite you to participate in the 3rd annual 'Gender-Just Solutions' Awards

BMZ-Initiative „Grüne Bürgerenergie für und in Afrika“
Gründung von Bürgerenergiepartnerschaften – WECF stellt georgische Energiegenossenschaften vor

Initiative of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ): “Green people’s energy for Africa” – Establishing citizen’s energy partnerships – WECF presents Georgian energy cooperatives
Creating a decentralised and citizen-oriented energy supply for African rural areas

WECF Event in Brussels: “CLEEN Energy has changed our lives”
WECF organised Wednesday June 21 event to highlight Project CLEEN during EU Sustainable Energy Week “CLEEN energy has changed our lives”.

WECF Event in Brussel: “CLEEN Energy has changed our lives”
WECF organiseerde woensdag 21 juni tijdens EU Sustainable Energy Week bijeenkomst om best practices CLEEN project voor het voetlicht te brengen

WECF’s statement on Trump’s declaration to withdraw from the Paris Agreement
“Women and men can act together to sustainably transform reality”

WECF in Bonn for the UNFCCC negotiations
Going forward in shaping the rules for the implementation of the Paris Agreement, while taking the gender perspective into account

Petitie Duurzaam Regeerakkoord Ondertekend door WECF  
Om de Agenda 2030 te realiseren is het van belang dat de SDG's voorop worden gesteld in het politieke beleid. Daarom hebben de organisaties Partos en de Groene Zaak het initiatief genomen voor een publieke oproep aan de om de SDG's op te nemen in het regeerakkoord. Meer dan 400 bedrijven en maatschappelijke organisaties hebben hieraan gehoor gegeven, waaronder WECF. 

Feasibility study of gender-sensitive energy cooperatives in Georgia, Ukraine, Armenia and Moldova
New report by WECF offers report offers an overview of the feasibility of gender-sensitive energy cooperatives in Georgia, Ukraine, Armenia and Moldova.

Feasibility study of gender-sensitive energy cooperatives in Georgia, Ukraine, Armenia and Moldova
An overview of the feasibility of gender-sensitive energy cooperatives in Georgia, Ukraine, Armenia and Moldova. In each country, existing national climate and energy policies are examined and, if existing, feed-in tariffs for renewable energy are explained.

Bonn Climate Negotiations - United Nations Climate Change Conference (@UNFCCC)
WECF joined together physically and on Twitter for the Bonn Climate Negotiations in Bonn, Germany.

Weltwärts in Georgien - WECF freut sich über Zuwachs
Über das Freiwilligen-Programm wird die Mitarbeit an einem WECF-Projekt in Georgien ermöglicht

City 40, film over moedige mensenrechtenactiviste Nadezjda Koetepova
Nadezjda Koetepova, WECF grondlegster, advocate en milieu-activiste, is vanaf vrijdag 24 maart te zien in documentaire City 40 tijdens Movies that Matter Film Festival in Den Haag
20.03.2017 | WECF Campaign

WECF partner Nadezjda Koetepova geportretteerd in documentaire City 40
Nadezjda Koetepova, WECF grondlegster, advocate en milieu-activiste, is vanaf vrijdag 24 maart te zien in documentaire City 40 tijdens Movies that Matter Film Festival in Den Haag
20.03.2017 | WECF nieuws

WECF partner Nadezjda Koetepova geportretteerd in documentaire City 40
Nadezjda Koetepova, WECF grondlegster, advocate en milieu-activiste, is vanaf vrijdag 24 maart te zien in documentaire City 40 tijdens Movies that Matter Film Festival in Den Haag
20.03.2017 | WECF Campaign

WECF at CSW61: Women's Economic Empowerment in the Changing World at Work
Follow the latest updates on our work at CSW61, download related publications and learn about our activities

WECF at CSW61: invitation to our side event "Empowering Energy"
SPEAKER ANNOUNCEMENT: come along and join our fruitful discussion on gender just energy cooperatives as source for economic empowerment.

Who will stop the destruction of trees in Kamiansk (Dniprodzerzhynsk)?
Ukrainian partner Voice of Nature protects the environment in the Ukrainian city of Kamiansk

Resultaat crowdfundingsactie 2016: De biogas toiletten werken!
17 toiletten zijn gebouwd, die als biogasinstallaties, menselijk afval tot energie verwerken – schoon, duurzaam en hernieuwbaar!

Safe drinking Water & Energy in Uganda
Video with impressions of sustainable technologies implemented by ARUWE and WECF

Empower Kirgizische vrouwen in het gebruik van groene technologie – Ondersteun hun ecologische transitie!
Een groep actieve Kirgizische vrouwen bouwt een duurzaam en eco-vriendelijk resource centrum om met kleine acties grote veranderingen te bewerkstelligen

Potenziale Erneuerbarer Energien in Deutschland und Europa – Vortrag für Studenten der UWM
Präsentation von Katharina Habersbrunner für Student(innen) der Fakultät „Environmental Engineering“ der University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee am 10. Januar 2017 in München.

Empower Kyrgyz women in using green technologies – Support the ecological transition!
Active Kyrgyz women are building a sustainable and eco-friendly resource centre as little actions can make great things happening. Take part in these changes!

Gender Just Climate Solutions Award uitgereikt tijdens ceremonie op Klimaattop in Marokko
"Als vrouwen oplossingen ontwerpen, slaan ze niemand over", stelde Amina Mohammed, Minister van Milieu van Nigeria tijdens de uitreikingsceremonie

Gender just climate solutions award winners announced and publication launch
“When women design solutions, they don’t leave anyone behind” said Amina Mohammed, Minister of Environment, Nigeria, at the Gender Just Climate Solutions Award ceremony, last week

De klimaatconferentie van de Verenigde Naties is officieel voorbij - maar er valt nog veel te doen!
Tijdens de COP22 werd er een historisch besluit genomen om verder te gaan met de “gender commitments” in het Lima Work Programme door een Gender Action Plan te ontwikkelen voor de komende drie jaren. Toch beweren velen dat dit niet het “COP of action” was waar zij op hadden gehoopt ; vele andere belangrijke beslissingen worden verschoven naar COP23. WECF reflecteert op de resultaten van de klimaatconferentie van de VN (COP22)

COP22: Women & Gender Constituency's Educative Posters
Learn about what gender has to do with climate change and the Paris Agreement.

Marrakesch (Marokko) - Das war die COP22 – Es gibt viel zu tun!
Der gemeinsame Wille zum Klimaschutz wurde auch von wirtschaftlich schwächeren Staaten bekräftigt.

The success story of the Khmelnytskyi Youth Development Club
For the very first time in the history of Khmelnytsk, energy conservation not only became the main discussion point of local authorities and politicians, but also of its youth

WECF at COP 22: “Why do we need moustaches to be heard?”
On Thursday, November 10 2016 the Women and Gender Constituency hosted an interactive ACTION at COP22 to highlight institutionalised barriers to women’s participation in climate decision-making at all levels

WECF and WGC present the Gender Just Climate Solutions Award at COP22 in Marrakesh
“Highlighting the importance of gender equality, women’s rights and their contribution to climate solutions”.

WECF at COP22: Day One
Follow WECF's participation in the COP22 negotiations in Marrakech. Everyday there will be some report back on the highlights of the day

“Invest in Climate Justice - Not War!” Press Announcement Women & Gender Constituency
On Tuesday, November 8 2016 the Women and Gender Constituency of the UNFCCC will host an interactive ACTION at COP22 to highlight the impact of militarism on climate change and the importance of redirecting military spending to sustainable and equitable development.

WECF at COP 22: A Gender Sensitive NAMA
The Austrian Environment Agency and WECF International, in cooperation with Greens Movement Georgia and CREDO Bank, supported by the Georgian government, submitted proposal for NAMA Support Program to the NAMA Facility

"Alone you go faster, together you go further!"
Report from the CLEEN evaluation and coordination meeting, October 20-21

Women raise their voices at Marrakesh climate conference
Preparing for their participation in the COP 22, Women2030 will be holding an African Regional Training for 30 Women and gender Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Marrakesh, Morocco, November 4-5, 2016

#MindTheGap - follow our advocacy journey for gender and climate justice at COP23
WECF presence at UN's climate change conference in Bonn, Germany, November 2017.

On the road to the COP22
WECF at the UN climate change conference in Marrakech, Morocco, November 2016

CLEEN Network: Platform for cooperation between local grass roots organizations on energy efficiency
Regional Network Meeting of Green Initiatives seeking to green the world with green energy for a sustainable and clean environment

Introducing a new phenomenon in Armenia: Energy Cooperatives
WECF along with Belgian and European Energy Cooperatives explore possibilities of implementing sustainable energy in Armenia

Georgian Energy Cooperatives joined forces and created umbrella cooperative for a more effective Gender Sensitive Energy Transition
WECF and partners organised workshop on Energy Cooperatives and Solar Technology in rural Georgia
11.10.2016 | Regina Drexel

Gender Just Climate Solutions Award - Women and Gender Constituency at Morocco Climate Summit
“Highlighting the importance of gender equality, women’s rights and their contribution to climate solutions”.

Gender Just Climate Solutions Award -WECF en WGC organiseren Gender Just Climate Award ceremonie tijdens Klimaattop Marokko
"De Gender Just Climate Solutions Award toont niet alleen het belang van gendergelijkheid, van vrouwenrechten maar vooral ook de bijdrage van vrouwen aan oplossingen tegen klimaatverandering".

WECF and WGC present at COP 22 in Marrakesh: Gender Just Climate Solutions Award - Women and Gender Constituency at Morocco Climate Summit
“Highlighting the importance of gender equality, women’s rights and their contribution to climate solutions”.

CLEEN: Making local grass roots organisations stronger by working on energy efficiency
WECF and partners organise regional network meeting and workshop in Georgia and Armenia

CLEEN: Making local grass roots organisations stronger by working on energy efficiency
WECF and partners organise regional network meeting and workshop in Georgia and Armenia

Women & Gender Constituency submits recommendations for new Gender Climate Action Plan
WGC Recommendations set out to guide gender-responsive implementation of the Paris Agreement

Implementing SDG 5, 6 and 7 in Rural Uganda
Examples for gender-sensitive and sustainable WASH and energy systems and its implementation

Launching the 2nd Call for Gender-Just Climate Solutions!
The Women and Gender Constituency, of which WECF is a founding member, is very pleased to invite you to participate in the ‘Gender Just Climate Solutions Awards’ initiative for the upcoming UN climate negotiations (COP22) in Marrakech!

Last day to vote for our gender sensitive NAMA in Georgia!
WECF´s Energy and NAMA project in Georgia is competing in an award contest organised by the French Ministry of the Environment '100 projects for the Climate'

Crowdfunding Projekt: Biogas Toiletten für sozial benachteiligte Familien in Uganda
Mit Hilfe einer Crowdfunding-Kampagne sammelte WECF mehr als 4.600 Euro, um die sanitären Missstände im ländlichen Uganda zu bekämpfen. Dank über 50 Spenden kann WECF in Zusammenarbeit mit unserer lokalen Partnerorganisation ARUWE 17 Biogas-Toiletten im Mulagi Sub-County bauen.

Crowdfunding Project: Biogas Toilets for deprived families in Uganda
Via a crowdfunding campaign WECF collected more than 4.600 Euro to fight the sanitary grievances in rural Uganda. Thanks to over 50 donations WECF builds in cooperation with our local partner organization ARUWE 17 Biogas Toilets in Mulagi Sub-County.

EWA: "Empower Women - Benefit (for) All"
The EWA Project in Georgia - an overview

WECF participated at WASH symposium in Uganda
From June 20th-23rd, a WASH symposium was held in Kampala, Uganda. WECF participated in cooperation with our local partner organization ARUWE and we presented our water, sanitation and energy projects in Uganda.

We've made it - overwhelming success of our crowdfunding campaign!
In the last 4 weeks we run a crowdfunding campaign to collect 4.000€ to finance 15 Biogas Toilets for deprived families in Uganda. Thanks to your great support we can now build even more!

Emerging Environmental Health Challenges in the UNECE region
WECF Side Event EfE Batumi

CLEEN coordinating meeting in Batumi
Civil Society organisation from Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine and Armenia shared successes, restults, lessons learnt and ongoing issues

Time for EU to walk the talk on 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda
As part of SDG Watch Europe WECF calls for a consequent implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals by the European Union.

Bonn Climate Change Conference
WECF advocates for strong gender dimension in climate policies and actions
03.06.2016 | WICF

EWA: Recommendations to the Georgian Government
The Greens Movement of Georgia and a Coalition of Partner Organizations published Recommendations to the Georgian Government

Biogas Toilets for Uganda – WECF needs your support!
WECF is running a crowdfunding campaign in order to finance 15 biogas toilets for deprived families in Uganda - please get involved!
26.05.2016 | WECF

Konferenz "Erneuerbare Energie-Genossenschaften"
WECF stellt erfolgreiche Projekte auf Konferenz in der Türkei vor

Bonn Climate Change Conference – Wie kann eine gendergerechte Klimapolitik umgesetzt werden?
Am Mittwoch, den 18. Mai wird WECF, Mitglied der UN-Beobachtergruppe “Women and Gender Constituency”, die erste gendersensible NAMA für den Energiesektor im Rahmen eines UNFCCC Workshops zu „gender-responsive climate policy“ vorstellen.

De Bonn klimaat onderhandelingen: Persuitnodiging voor woensdag 18 mei
WECF toont tijdens UNFCCC workshop voorbeelden implementeren gender responsive oplossingen voor het klimaatprobleem

Press Invitation Gender Workshop Bonn Climate Change Conference
Wednesday May 18 WECF will present the first ever gender-sensitive NAMA for the energy sector developed in Georgia, during a UNFCCC workshop on gender-responsive climate policy.

Presentation of WECF's gender-sensitive NAMA at UNFCCC
After the Paris Agreement the Bonn Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC) intends to set a course of action for mitigating climate change. WECF will take the opportunity to present its Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) in Georgia in a seminar about gender-responsive climate policy

Bridging the knowledge gap - Demo farm in Uganda
In cooperation with our local partner organization ARUWE, WECF builds in Uganda a demonstration farm in order to improve the education of local farmers, present sustainable technologies and increase the people's lifequality
03.05.2016 | WECF Project

Brückenschlag des Wissens - Demonstrationsbauernhof in Uganda
Gemeinsam mit unserer Partnerorganisation ARUWE errichtet WECF in Uganda einen Demonstrationsbauernhof, um die Bildung der lokalen Landwirte zu verbessern, nachhaltige Technologien vorzustellen und somit die Lebensqualität der Bevölkerung zu erhöhen.

Promotion of green technologies in Uganda
In cooperation with our local partner organization ARUWE, WECF implements a project in Mulagi Sub-county (Uganda) to promote sustainable technologies for renewable energy
03.05.2016 | WECF Project

Förderung grüner Technologien in Uganda
In Zusammenarbeit mit unserer lokalen Partnerorganisation ARUWE setzt WECF ein Projekt im Mulagi Sub-county (Uganda) um, das nachhaltige Technologien für erneuerbare Energien fördert

UN honours WECF's work in Georgia in latest publication
The United Nations acknowleges the gender sensitive impacts of our NAMA project in Georgia in their latest publication.
29.04.2016 | WECF

WECF unterstützt "Klimaschutzplan 2050"
Zivilgesellschaft fordert Nachschärfung der nationalen Klimaziele

Highlights of CLEEN in 2015 – A review in pictures
After the launch of our CLEEN-Project in Georgia, Ukraine, Armenia and Moldavia in January 2015, our partner organizations have done a lot of activities to achieve their goals. Let us have a review about the present results

Priscilla Achakpa (WEP) selected as "Eco Hero" in Nigeria
The work of WECF's co-organizing partner in the Women's Major Group (WMG) was honoured by Nigerian Television and German Welle Radio/TV. Priscilla Achakpa, Executive Director of Women Environmental Programme, was appointed as an ambassador for the TV magazin "Eco@Africa"

4 Energiegenossenschaften in Georgien gegründet
Eintägiger Aufbau-Workshop in Miskatseli

Civil society Local Energy Efficiency Network (CLEEN)
The CLEEN project aims to build a partnership of civil society organizations in Armenia, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine
19.04.2016 | WECF Project

WECF trained Energy Cooperatives founded in rural Georgia
Four community based groups have started the formation of energy cooperatives as a way to finance Solar Water Heaters in rural areas of Georgia

Gender und Klimawandel
Workshop für Kommunale Klimapartnerschaften (Engagement Global)

WECF zoekt vrijwilliger Fondsenwerving
Wij zoeken een enthousiaste en zelfstandig werkende vrijwilliger (m/v) die mee wil helpen om onze fondsenwerving richting (nieuwe) donateurs op te zetten en te ondersteunen. Fondsenwerving op ‘no pay, no cure” basis behoort tot de mogelijkheden

The importance of solar energy for women
Four renewable energy cooperations will be build in Georgia, in which women will be the essential actors

France grants asylum to Russian environmental activist and WECF partner Nadezhda Kutepova
Kutepova fled her native country in July 2015 with three children, after being labelled 'foreign agent' by Russian authorities

Field visit to CLEEN partners in Kutaisi and Khoni
In order to ensure a good cooperation field visits are undertaken on a regular basis. During this visits partners are coming together, information are exchanged and project sites inspected.

3rd Workshop on Energy Cooperatives in Georgia
In Misaktieli, Mtskheta was a third workshop on energy cooperatives conducted. Until now four energy cooperatives are established in Georgia with support from WECF|Georgia, Katharina Habersbrunner from WECF Germany and local partner organizations.

CLEEN winners for 2016 announced!
15 sub-grantees have been selected to implement small projects in Armenia, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. The organizations have been picked out of 28 CSOs trained in 2015 within the CLEEN Mentoring Programme.

WECF and partners developed training module on Construction, Use, Monitoring and maintenance of Solar Water Heaters
Training modules on Construction, Use, Monitoring and Maintenance of Solar Water Heaters are made available by WECF

"Bartang – The Valley of Hopes" - documentary devoted to the life of remote mountain villages in Tajikistan
WECF Partner Little Earth is an ecological organisation with a creative approach to solving traditional problems of environmental protection

Succesful media outreach on sustainable energy issues in Ukraine
Subgrantees in the CLEEN project: From energy audits in kindergartens to round tables in youth development clubs

German partner organisation posts article on project WECF
The German organisation for sustainable travelling Atmosfair recently posted an article on WECF´s project for clean energy in Georgia

German partner organization atmosfair posts article on WECF's project in Georgia
The German organization for sustainable travelling Atmosfair recently posted an article on WECF´s project for clean energy in Georgia

Don´t Nuke the Climate Conference at COP21
During Gender Day at the COP21 in Paris last december WECF organised a side event on nucleair energy, together with partners WISE International and as part of the Women and Gender constituency

Workshops zur Gründung von Energiegenossenschaften in Georgien

Heating failures in schools of Dneprodzerzhinsk cause extensive closures and diseases among pupils
Annual school closures are a in the Ukrainian city a vicious tradition by having adverse educational impacts.The organization "Voice of Nature" disagrees with the official version and blames poor heating conditions for the mass diseases.

WECF’s ‘CLEEN’-Project in the race for an EUSEW Award
CLEEN, an implementation and networking concept, with which CSOs and further important multipliers are trained and supported to expand their network in 4 project countries (Georgia, Armenia, Moldova, and Ukraine) in order to raise awareness and ensure citizen participation in energy efficiency and renewable energy

WECF’s NAMA Project Mentioned in French Report Naming Innovative Projects
The report stresses the importance of women for sustainable development
22.01.2016 | Carmen Chan

Civiele Lokale Energie Efficiëntie Netwerk (CLEEN)
Het doel van WECF’s CLEEN-project is een partnerschap opbouwen van maatschappelijke middenveld-organisaties in Armenië, Georgië, Moldavië en Oekraïne

Hoe een biogasinstallatie het leven van Jane verbeterde
WECF’s partner ARUWE helpt de gemarginaliseerde bevolking op het platteland vanOeganda

Historisch klimaatakkoord laat echte verandering zien, maar voor vrouwen zal dit veel te langzaam gaan
Reality Check doorde Women and Gender Constituency (WGC) van het Parijse Klimaatakkoord

In the media: WECF at the COP21
WECF had her voice heard in meeting rooms and to the public via interviews in Le Monde, Libération, Elle, Klimaretter and Bavarian TV news

In de media: WECF op de Klimaattop
WECF liet haar stem horen in vergaderzalen en door het publiek door middel van interviews in Opzij, Le Monde, Vogue, Libération, Elle, Klimaretter en Bavarian TV news

Georgian Prime Minister praises WECF’s NAMA project
In his speech at the COP21, Georgian prime minister Irakli Gharibashvili mentioned the important work that WECF has done to mitigate climate change in his country

Vrouwen vragen om rechtvaardige actie van wereldleiders in Parijs
De belangrijkste eisen van vrouwen voor de klimaattop in Parijs

"We're Women for Climate Justice"
WECF and Women and Gender Constituency at the COP21 joined ten thousand others in a human chain through the centre of Paris

"Wij zijn vrouwen voor klimaatgerechtigheid"
WECF en de Women and Gender Constituency vergezelden tien duizenden anderen bij de COP21 in een menselijke ketting door het centrum van Parijs

Women demand just action from world leaders in Paris
Women’s Key Demands for COP21

"Towards fossil-free, safe & affordable energy"
Secure, affordable and fossil-free energy supply is one of the big challenges for everybody. This was the outcome of the international energy conference organised by WECF and Ukrainian CSO NECU

Case Study: gender-sensitive climate mitigation action - NAMA
Recommendations, best practices and lessons learned from developing the first „Gender Sensitive“ NAMA - National Appropriate Mitigation Action, in Georgia

Take action for climate justice with the Women´s Global Call for Climate Justice Toolkit! has developed a new toolkit which allows you to take action in a comprehensive manner as part of the Women´s Global Call for Climate Justice

Winners of the Women’s Global Call for Climate Justice Poster Contests announced
Today the six winning designs of the poster contest organized by WEDO in cooperation with the Women’s Global Call will be revealed live in New York. The online launch of the designs is scheduled for tomorrow

Gender Just Climate Awards Winners at COP 21 in Paris, a publication by WECF and WGC
Gender equality and women's human rights are fundamental to combating climate change

Gerechtigheid nu! Doe mee met de Women’s Global Call for Climate Justice
Sluit je aan bij bezorgde vrouwen over de hele wereld en neem deel aan de actie's in Parijs tijdens de VN Klimaattop en/of bedenk je eigen actie

"De opwarming van de aarde heeft meer gevolgen voor vrouwen dan voor mannen"
Anne Barre, voorzitter WECF Frankrijk, vertelt in interview met Radio France Internationale over gender, klimaatverandering en de aankomende klimaattop in Paris

Leserbrief an die SZ zu dem Artikel „Hoffnung Ade“ vom 17./18. Oktober 2015

Atomkraft ist kein Klimaretter
Petition zum Weltklimagipfel

Towards fossil-free, safe & affordable energy
WECF and NECU organize International Energy Conference and UNEP Stakeholder meeting, in cooperation with UNEP

Watch the interview with WECF’s Anne Barre on climate action
WECF’s Anne Barre was interviewed during the 2015 World Summit Climate & Territories
23.10.2015 | Carmen Chan

Climate Agreement is non-just, non-equal and non-effective, says Women and Gender Constituency
WGC in Bonn issues angry statement on ‘Non-Paper’ for a ‘Non-Effective’ ‘Non-Just’ ‘Non-Equal’ Climate Agreement COP21 Paris

Gelijk=Anders lanceert Agenda voor de Toekomst
Maatschappelijke organisaties en netwerken, waaronder WECF, onderstrepen belang van gendergelijkheid voor duurzame ontwikkeling

Nieuws over de Women´s Global Call for Climate Justice
In oktober hebben Afrikaanse CSOs zich verzameld in Kaapstad, Zuid Afrika om de Afrikaanse prioriteiten voor COP21 op een rij te krijgen en opnieuw na te denken over effectieve lobby voor klimaatgerechtigheid in de aanloop naar Parijs en daarna

WECF Partner, Environmental and Human Rights Activist on the run with three of her children
"Charity boss flees with young kids after Russia’s NGO crackdown" - Nadezhda Kutepova fears jail if she returns home

WECF partner Gertrude Kabusimbi Kenyangi Wins Wangari Maathai Prize!
Collaborative Partnership on Forests honours Gertrude Kabusimbi Kenyangi

Don’t Nuke the Climate
WECF co-launches international campaign to keep nuclear power out of climate negotiations in Paris in December 2015

Reverse the flows
EU G20 countries should stop funding fossil fuels and increase financial support for real climate solutions
03.09.2015 | CAN Europe

30 subgrantee organizations from Armenia, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine joined first CLEEN trainings in Georgia and Ukraine
Two NGO trainings took place in the frame of the CLEEN project, which aims as overall objective to build regional partnerships of civil society organizations (CSOs) in the 4 countries with a focus on energy efficiency

WECF-Fachdialog zu SDGs am 6. Juli in München
Wunschzettel für eine nachhaltige und gerechte Welt! - Umsetzung nachhaltiger Entwicklungsziele auf kommunaler Ebene

We want You!
We are looking for a dedicated intern for our programme “Empower Women – Benefit for All (EWA)”

Transformative Post-2015-Agenda?
Ein Beitrag von Gabriele Köhler im Informationsbrief Weltwirtschaft & Entwicklung

Der SDG-Prozess und seine Umsetzungsmöglichkeiten auf kommunaler Ebene

Zomer Rally voor Goede Doel naar Georgië: Miljoenen Europeanen nog zonder schoon drinkwater
Deze zomer vindt een bijzondere trip plaats: Een rally voor het goede doel van Amsterdam naar Tbilisi, Georgië. In twee weken rijdt damesteam ‘De Vagablondes’ 6.000 kilometer door 13 landen om geld op te halen voor het goede doel: een waterproject in een arm dorp in Armenië.


SB42 side event: Effective stakeholder engagement in NAMA development and implementation

WECF’s NAMA project presented during Climate Negotiations workshop on gender-responsive climate policy
The UNFCC workshop in Bonn on June 8 and 9 stressed the importance of mainstreaming gender in mitigation action and technology development and transfer

Safe drinking water and sustainable energy for rural Uganda
Improving living conditions in rural Uganda through sustainable technologies for renewable energy, agriculture and water

WECF Project Switch to Sun honoured with National Energy Globe Award for Armenia on World Environment Day
WECF Project Switch to the sun – live in comfort!“ has been chosen as best project of Armenia for the Energy Globe Award, today’s largest platform for sustainability. Over 170 countries handed in a total of over 1500 entries.

Gemeinsam für eine gerechte Welt
Am 25.04.2015 fand im Alten Rathaus die dritte Münchner entwicklungspolitischen Börse statt

”Equitable, Climate Proof and providing Sustainable Development – NAMA for the energy sector in Georgia”
WECF energy project in Carbon Market Watch newsletter
28.04.2015 | Anna Samwel, WATCH THIS! NGO Newsletter #11

Call for Participation of subgrantees in Mentoring Programme local energy project CLEEN
WECF Partners are looking for Sub-grantees in Moldova, Armenia, Georgia and Ukraine. Application open until May 15

WECF goes Weltwärts - WECF hat drei Plätze im Rahmen des Weltwärts-Programmes zu vergeben
Über das Freiwilligen-Programm wird die Mitarbeit an WECF-Projekten in Georgien und Kirgisistan ermöglicht

Successful CLEEN start-up meeting in Munich with partners from Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine
From March, 10 – 12th the CLEEN start-up meeting was held in Munich. CLEEN (Civil society Local Energy Efficiency Network) is a 3-year-EU-project with the geographical focus of Republic of Armenia, Georgia, Republic of Moldova and Ukraines in Armenia, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine

Proposal for Gender-Equitable, Climate Proof and Sustainable Development in Georgia
A National Appropriate Mitigation Activity (NAMA) for the energy sector in Georgia

WECF signs statement opposing regulatory cooperation in EU-US trade talks
“Regulatory cooperation” in the TTIP negotiations gives unprecedented influence to business lobby groups to stop any new regulation that would impact trade and investment

Neue Internetseite unseres Projektes „Switch to the Sun, Live in Comfort!“
Unterstützen sie unser Energieprojekt!

Video: Energy Efficiency, Solar Collectors and our Energy Projects in Ukraine
Our Ukrainian partners Yury Urbansky (NECU) and Oksana Maiboroda (Ecoclub) talking about energy efficiency, solar collectors and our energy project.

"Battling Energy Dictatorship, Achieving Energy Democracy"
WECF nimmt an Konferenz in Kiew teil

Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) - A Barrier to Climate Protection
A WECF Position Paper

"Implementation of gender sensitive NAMAs in Georgia"
WECF's Sabine Bock interviewed for Climate Change TV at COP20 in Lima, Peru
15.12.2014 | WICF

Side event WECF and WEDO: Towards a Gender-Responsive Mitigation Framework for Transformative Change in the Energy Sector

WECF supports letter of Human Rights and Climate Change Working Group to the Parties to the UNFCC
Letter calls for human rights to be integrated in new climate change regime
10.12.2014 | WECF

Press briefing of the Women and Gender Constituency at COP20
Press conference moderated by Sabine Bock of WECF can be watched online

WECF and RCDA organize Autumn School on Renewable Energy and Climate Change

Women and Gender Constituency at the COP20 Lima, Peru
WECF present from 1-12 December as part of of the WGC
04.12.2014 | WICF Campaign

“I am hopeful now I see a potential for women’s movements back home”
Interview with Olga Djanaeva of ALGA

Nino Gamisonia: “Georgians are feeling the impact of climate change”
Interview with Nino Gamisonia of Rural Communities Development Agency
04.12.2014 | WICF

Engaging youth as multiplication agents in climate change and energy awarenes raising in rural communities
04.12.2014 | WECF Project

Interventions at COP20 by members of the Women and Gender Constituency
WGC wants a climate agreement that respects human rights and gender equality
03.12.2014 | WICF

Indian organization AIWC publishes report about their workshops on climate change
WECF has sponsored the workshops as follow up to IWE Leadership Programme

“The food garden enables me to give something back to my family and my community”
Personal story of Nokuphumla Sipayise who benefits from the food garden

“If we commit ourselves we can reverse climate change”
Interview with Gertrude Kabusimbi Kenyangi of Support for Women in Agriculture and Environment

Autumn School on Renewable Energy and Climate Change
Call for participants

“It is important to work at the community level as I am sceptical the high level people will change something”
Interview with Elina Doszhanova of the Social Ecological Fund

Final Conference on EU Energy Project held in Georgia
Challenges in the Energy Sector of Georgia and Sustainable Development highlighted in the final conference of the project ‘Switch to Sun – Live in Comfort’

Open letter to the State Parties to the UNFCCC

“We need to explain people the effects of climate change if we want change”
Interview with Carmen Capriles of Reacción Climática

Women and Gender Constituency wants women’s voices included at UNFCCC
Women’s rights and gender justice should be core elements of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
22.09.2014 | WICF Campaign

Women and Gender Constituency wil dat stem van vrouwen gehoord wordt bij de UNFCCC
Vrouwenrechten en gender rechtvaardigheid zouden kernelementen moeten zijn van de UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
22.09.2014 | WICF Campaign

Weltweiter Klima-Aktionstag am 21.09.2014
Der WECF-Partner Klima-Allianz beteiligt sich als Bündnispartner an der Mobilisierung für den diesjährigen weltweiten Klima-Aktionstag am 21. September.

Civil society organizations cooperate with government and other stakeholders on a gender-sensitive NAMA for sustainable energy in rural areas
Preparations for a National Appropriate Mitigation Action (Nama) in Georgia
28.07.2014 | WECF Project

WECF presented results of Gender Forum to ministers
Women Major Group members took part in Gender Forum at UNEA
27.06.2014 | WECF

Gertrude Kenyangi, mentor of WECF's IWE program, speaks at UNEA
"We should concentrate on the grassroots, especially women"
24.06.2014 | WICF

As many as 212 Solar collectors are producing hot water in rural villages of Georgia
Switch to sun provides rural Georgians with a much more comfortable life
09.06.2014 | WECF

"Planning for sustainable, gender-equitable and climate-proof development"
EWA side event at the UNFCCC Climate Negotiations in Bonn, June 2014
06.06.2014 | WECF

UNFCC EWA side event

Kernfrage - Insider berichten über ihre Erfahrungen mit der Kernenergie - jetzt auch in tschechisch
Eine Publikation, die die realen und erschreckenden Konsequenzen der Atomenergienutzung aufzeigt Jetzt als aktualisierte Ausgabe in tschechischer Sprache erhältlich

"Women for a Sunny Energy Supply"
Published from "Solar Thermal Energy Council" in May 2014
06.05.2014 | WECF Press Coverage

Home Comforts in Kyrgyzstan – An Introduction by video
This film, created by WECF partner KAWS, welcomes its viewer into the homes of Kyrgyz people whose communities have been positively impacted in recent years by the introduction of several environmental technologies.

WECF Project Sheet: Switch to the Sun - Live in Comfort!
Read about the improvement of many women every day life in the ECC countries due to the solar collectors

Updated Publication: Construction of solar collectors for warm water. Practical guide
Updated version of the solar collector manual is now available in English and Russian

CSW58 Side Event: 'Lessons from the Fukushima nuclear Accident'
Side Event during Commission on the Status of Women, co-hosted by WECF, sought to explore how best to protect the environment and health of women and girls from radiation exposure
28.03.2014 | United Nations Non-Governmental Liaison Service (UN-NGLS)

Going Dutch visits a WECF project in Armenia
Going Dutch travels around the world, visiting projects of Dutch NGO’s for each of the 8 Millennium Goals. This time, Going Dutch visited a WECF project in the village Sverdlov for Millennium goal number 3: equality of men and women.

WECFs and WEDOs side event in the framework of the EWA project team’s participation at the CSW 58, March 2014 in New York
23.03.2014 | WICF

CSW58: Wednesday, March 19th, Gender Equality & Climate Action
WECF and partners are pleased to invite friends to join us for a climate event as part of the EWA program
19.03.2014 | WICF

Side Event: Global Health and Environment in the Post-2015 Agenda: Lessons from the Fukushima nuclear accident

Zum Weltfrauentag am 8. März
Ziele für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung /Sustainable Development Goals
06.03.2014 | WECF

Energietraining erfolgreich in München durchgeführt
Wissenstransfer und Erfahrungsaustausch für Partner aus Georgien, Ukraine und Kirgisien über Energieeffizienz und Photovoltaik in München.
12.02.2014 | Katharina Habersbrunner

Workshop on Green Technologies: Empowering Women in Bharatpur-Rajasthan, India
Georgians, Kyrgyz and Ugandan NGOs learn from Indian NGOs
05.02.2014 | Claudia Wendland

SOS! EU Climate Action lost at sea!
NGOs sound the alarm on climate inaction outside EU Commission, Wednesday 22 January
23.01.2014 | CAN international & members

SOS! EU Climate Action lost at sea! - Join people sounding the alarm on climate inaction in front of the Berlaymont in Brussels
21.01.2014 | WECF

Erfahrungsaustausch und Wissenstransfer für WECF-Partner über Solarthermie, Photovoltaik und Energieeffizienz
WECF hat im Rahmen des Energy-Projektes interessierte Fachleute aus Georgien und der Ukraine zum Thema Solarenergie und Wärmeisolierung geschult
05.12.2013 | Katharina Habersbrunner

Informations- und Diskussionsveranstaltung "Energiewende und Bürgerbeteiligung – Möglichkeiten in München und Kiew/Ukraine?"

"Energiewende und Bürgerbeteiligung – Möglichkeiten in München und Kiew/Ukraine?"
Einladung zur Informations- und Diskussionsveranstaltung "Energiewende und Bürgerbeteiligung – Möglichkeiten in München und Kiew/Ukraine?" mit Podiumsteilnehmern aus der Ukraine und aus Deutschland.
26.11.2013 | WECF Deutschland

WECF zegt: “Genoeg is genoeg!”
Maatschappelijke organisaties zijn massaal weggelopen van de Klimaattop in Warschau en roepen overheden op om "politieke ambitie te verbinden met de realiteit van het klimaat en nu eens echt tot actie over te gaan.”
22.11.2013 | WECF

Women in Europe for a Common Future says “enough is enough”
Civil society groups walk out of Warsaw climate meeting and call on governments to “get serious and match political ambition to climate reality”
21.11.2013 | WICF

Huge COP19 Walk Out from Warsaw Climate Summit. WECF says “enough is enough”
There was a huge COP19 walk-out on Friday November 21st in Warsaw. As growing frustration over lack of ambition and hindered participation came to a head, Civil Society groups, including WECF, said “Enough!”
21.11.2013 | WICF

Driving Home the Link Between Gender and Climate Change
"Despite the name, WECF's reach goes way beyond Europe, connecting more than 150 organisations and communities all over the world with the aim of influencing gender-sensitive environmental policies at the international level"
20.11.2013 | Inter Press Service

Linking Strong Climate Solutions with Gender Equality
Women Civil Society Leaders Report on Women’s Concrete Actions on Climate Change
19.11.2013 | WICF

Linking Strong Climate Solutions with Gender Equality
Women Civil Society Leaders Report on Women’s Concrete Actions on Climate Change
19.11.2013 | WICF

Women take action on Climate Change and Gender Equality
Press Conference Advisory COP 19, Warsaw
18.11.2013 | WICF

Include gender mainstreaming in EU - article by the Working Group Gender +E3
Generally the EU is good at including gender mainstreaming or demanding an equal number of seats for women in decision making groups when it comes to climate change. However, the ambition doesn´t seem to stretch further than developing policies and third countries, and is not reflected inside EU itself.
12.11.2013 | GenderCC in cooperaion with GenderE3

Report of the Leadership/Mentoring Training Day on 10 November 2013
The training day was a start to a continued row of activities: the attendance of the women at the UNFCCC COP19, the establishment of a women’s leaders network, the organisation of different national gender policy dialogues and of regional conferences on the SDG/post-2015 process

WECF at the COP19 in Warsaw: Women take action on Climate Change and Gender Equality
COP19 marks exciting opportunity for gender equality in the UNFCCC! Parties have several chances to identify priorities and needs and strengthen gender equality in climate policy and implementation.
11.11.2013 | WECF Event

Klimaschutz und Energiewende in Koalitionsverhandlungen priorisieren
Umwelt- und Entwicklungsverbände fordern Klimaschutzgesetz, höhere EU-Klimaziele und zukunftsweisende Investitionen
21.10.2013 | Katharina Habersbrunner

"Power from the sun" - article in OSCE Magazine
published in OSCE Magazine'Security Community', issue 3, 2013
14.10.2013 | Anke Stock

Going Dutch op bezoek bij een project van WECF ( in Armenië.
Door sanitair te verbeteren versterkt WECF de positie van vrouwen en draagt hiermee bij aan Millenniumdoel 3; mannen en vrouwen gelijkwaardig

What is needed to improve living conditions through sustainable innovations?
Resolution of the National Conference “Innovations towards a Safe and Comfortable Home”
05.10.2013 | WECF

Terra Preta Sanitation:the most human-made fertile soil from bio-waste, excreta and charcoal
New perspectives on sanitation at 1st International Terra Preta Sanitation Conference Organized by TUHH and WECF
06.09.2013 | Fedde Jorritsma

Zonnedrogers van blik en karton
Leerzame en praktische workshops door Fedde
23.07.2013 | Ante Sellis

One year later, participants of “Switch to Sun – Live in Comfort” evaluate impact solar heating and insulation measures
In a workshop conducted in Georgia, partner organizations from Georgia and Ukraine evaluated the results of the project “Switch to Sun – Live in Comfort” so far
10.07.2013 | WECF

Energy-efficiency, costs, health and precarity – (dis)entangling the threads

"Opportunities to Stimulate Local Economies through Sustainable Innovations for Home Comfort"
Gender-sensitive feasibility study for rural areas in Issyk Kul and Naryn

How to Stimulate Local Economies through Sustainable Innovations for Home Comfort?
The EuropeAid funded WECF project “Home Comforts” has demonstrated solutions how to find affordable and sustainable ways towards improved living conditions in rural areas of Kyrgyzstan
12.06.2013 | WECF

Wie erneuerbare Energien auch in der Ukraine funktionieren!
Ein runder Tisch zur Energiezukunft der Ukraine in Kiew, organisiert von WECF
17.05.2013 | WECF

Round Table discussion on the future of Ukraine’s energy supply in Kyiv
WECF, Ecoclub, and the National Ecological Centre of Ukraine discussed about the climate and energy strategies possible in Ukraine
08.05.2013 | WECF

Energiewende ist mehr als eine Preisdebatte
Die Klima-Allianz legt ein Positionspapier zur sozialen Dimension der Energiewende vor
06.03.2013 | WECF

WECF training programmes and capacity building
Want to become a strategic partner of WECF? Good to know that we offer in house hands-on trainings, knowledge-transfer, and capacity building projects within our projects, to achieve long-run sustainability
30.01.2013 | WICF Campaign

Middernacht in de Oase
WECF in Doha: “We zijn zeer teleurgesteld in de uitkomst van de VN Klimaat bijeenkomst door het gebrek aan Visie en Ambitie; Echter, de erkenning van Gendergelijkheid tijdens COP 18 vormt lichtpuntje in een donkere nacht”
10.12.2012 | WECF

Midnight at the Oasis - UNFCCC decision on Inclusion of Gender Equality
Women in Europe for a Common Future’s Long Vigil in Doha: “We’re Deeply Disappointed in UN Climate Meeting Outcome for a Lack of Vision and Ambition; However COP 18’s Recognition of Gender Equality is a Bright Spot on a Dark Night”
10.12.2012 | WECF

Women NGOs at COP18 lead public action demanding "fierce urgency and ambition" from governments
Women say "lack of commitment" is "not in my name
05.12.2012 | Women & Gender NGOs

New hope for the climate? – New UN climate change negotiation round starts today
Climate Change is happening and accelerating. Strong political will and joint efforts are needed to address this threat.
26.11.2012 | Sabine Bock, WECF

Call for SUB GRANTS - Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Moldova, Russian Federation
Successful project implementation of the EU Energy project "Building local capacity..."will be upscaled to further countries
25.10.2012 | WECF

Sustainable House Insulation training of windows and roofs in Ukraine
"Up to 50 % of heating expenditures can be saved by repairing windows" - training by WECF and GERES
09.10.2012 | WECF

Kann die deutsche Energiewende als Beispiel nachhaltiger Entwicklung im Einklang mit den Rio+20 Zielen dienen?
WECF berichtet über den Atomausstieg und die Energiewende Deutschlands auf Konferenzen in Georgien und Kasachstan.
05.10.2012 | WECF

Can the German Energy turn around serve as Example for 'The Future We Want'?
WECF reports about the nuclear phase out and German energy turn around in conferences in Georgia and Kazakhstan

Mathe-Nachhilfe für Wirtschaftsminister Rösler
Rechenkünste der Regierung gefährden Energiewende
21.09.2012 | klima-allianz deutschland

The nuclear option: a worrying choice and opposed to future energy
More than a year after the Fukushima disaster, nuclear industry remains a matter of debate. Despite the evidence, some countries, including France, always seem to see the nuclear "an industry of the future".
27.08.2012 | WECF and S.E.R.A. Press release

Twenty new trainers on solar collectors are now ready to train their own communities
Trainings given by WECF, the National Centre of Ukraine and Greens Movement Georgia made sure that 20 new certified specialists on construction, use and maintenance of solar collectors are now able to pass on their newly acquired information on independently to others
06.08.2012 | Anna Samwel, Regina Drexel

Rio+20 Conference, 20 - 22 June

Women’s Major Group Members at Rio+20 Call for End to Nuclear Power and Support for Safe Energy
“Development Dialogue on Energy”
18.06.2012 | WECF news

Rio+20 - WECF sponsors June 15th Forum on Phase-Out of Nuclear Energy by 2020
On the Opening Day of the Rio+20 Peoples’ Summit Women in Europe for a Common Future Presents Forum Calling for Global Phase Out of Nuclear Energy by 2020
15.06.2012 | WECF Press Release

Eurovision 2012: A "Wake-Up" Call on Human Rights in Azerbaijan
As the eyes of the world focus on Eurovision in Baku, WECF calls for international attention on poor living conditions and the human rights abuses in Azerbaijan
25.05.2012 | WECF Press Release

WECF continues work towards climate change negotiations at Bonn inter-session (May 14-18)
What are the main issues discussed in the inter-session preparing for the next COP in Doha (26th Nov.-7th Dec. 2012)?
25.05.2012 | Sarah Rodriguez

Do-it-yourself Solar House Heating system constructed in Misaktsieli, Georgia
Families in rural areas spend a great deal of their income on energy, primarily in the form of wood to heat their homes, which significantly contributes to deforestation and climate change.
24.05.2012 | Anna Samwel & Regina Drexel

Why the Fight Against Climate Change and Gender Equality should be Tackled Together?
The French Green MEP Nicole Kiil-Nielsen presented a report on the link between the fight against climate change and discrimination against women. The motion for a European Parliament resolution was introduced in a plenary session on April, 20 by the Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality.
10.05.2012 | WECF

See how WECF and partner Greens improve the lives of the people living in Manavi, Georgia
Watch this video and see how simple energy solutions can change the daily life of villagers in Eastern Europe
26.04.2012 | WECF

Nadezhda Kutepova – Questioning the “Normalization” Of Nuclear Power Energy in Russia
Ms. Kutepova’s speech on the impact of nuclear energy for local people, presented at the First International Convention of Environmental Laureates, March, 2012 in Freiburg
27.03.2012 | WECF

EWA: Women Empowerment
The overall goal of the WECF EWA programme is to contribute to economic and political empowerment of women from low-income rural and peri-urban regions in six developing countries (Afghanistan, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, South Africa, Tajikistan, Uganda)
19.03.2012 | WICF Project

Women Travel Grants Rio+20 Sustainable Development Conference Brazil, June 2012
WECF is co-organiser of the Women's Major Group at the Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development which takes place from 13 - 23 of June in Rio de Janeiro
12.03.2012 | Sascha Gabizon

More Solar Food Dryers in The Kyrgyz Villages Thanks to the Kind Support and Donations by Mr. Sjef Jorritsma and His Collegues at the Hanzehogeschool Groningen, The Netherlands
WECF and its local partner the Kyrgyz Alliance for Water and Sanitation (KAWS) are delighted to announce the receipt of a donation at the amount of 1200 EUR by Mr. Sjef Jorritsma and his colleagues.
13.02.2012 | WECF

Netherlands: Borssele-2 Postponed
Dutch utility Delta announces about postponing plans to build a second nuclear power plant in the Netherlands
06.02.2012 | Nuclear Monitor

French Study Confirms Correlation Between Increased Incidence Child Leukaemia and Vicinity to Nuclear Power Plants
‘Women and children at greater risk’ alarms Women’s Environment and Health Network WECF
13.01.2012 | WECF Press Release

Women’s Major Group: Rio+20 Position Statement - Summary
Summary of the Women’s Major Group Statements for UN Conference on Sustainable Development

The Project “Switch to Sun – Live in Comfort” Latest Accomplishments – Solar Collectors Have Now Been Installed in Ukraine
Solar collectors are now a reality and play an important role of the daily energy consumption of the residents of the Manevychi region, the district of Volyn in Ukraine.
11.01.2012 | WECF

The Governor of Issyk Kul Oblast Welcomed the “Home Comforts” Project
Towards affordable rural infrastructure and new business opportunities in the Issyk-Kul villages, Kyrgyzstan.
11.01.2012 | Claudia Wendland

WECF and Eco-Accord Report of the 7th ‘Environment for Europe’ Ministerial Conference, 2011, Astana
WECF and Eco-Accord presented the report of the Seventh ‘Environment for Europe’ Ministerial Conference, held on 22-23 September 2011 in Astana, Kazakhstan
10.01.2012 | WECF news

WECF Newsletter 11-12/2011: Strong Position on Sustainable Development
Relevant information on the main WECF news and activities worldwide in November and December 2011.
03.01.2012 | WECF

Women’s Intervention towards Rio+20: 5 Priority Actions
Anita Nayar, on behalf of the Women’s Major Group, presented 5 priority actions towards Rio+20 on 15-16 of December 2011.
02.01.2012 | WECF

Final evaluation of WECF’s MFS1 Programme “Empowerment and Local Action” (ELA)
This report presents the findings of the final evaluation of WECF’s ELA programme, implemented from January 2008 to December 2010.

Side Event at United Nations on 15th December: UNWomen, WECF and Women's Major Group
WECF is co-organising a side event entitled 'From 'Brown' Economy to 'Equitable' Economy - Women's priorities for Rio+20".
12.12.2011 | WECF

Durban conference delivers breakthrough in international community’s response to climate change
Gateway to the United Nations system's work on Climate Change
11.12.2011 | UN statement on Durban

WECF climate change project receives international award
WECF’s project received the 2011 ACT Climate Award in the ACT Global Disaster Risk Reduction Workshop in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
05.12.2011 | WECF

Nuclear Energy - not Co2 free, an article by energy expert Herman Damveld
In the negotiations about reduction of climate change in Durban one of the issues is if nuclear energy can be considered to be one of the solutions to reduce CO 2 emissions, this is not the case according to Herman Damveld.
05.12.2011 | Herman Damveld

Decentralised Environmental Solutions

The Turning Wheel - An Educational Cycle Expedition About Simple Technologies for Sustainable Living
A former WECF project officer Central Asia, Fedde Jorritsma, is cycling around the world for one year to use his expertise on water, sanitation and energy.
04.12.2011 | WECF

NGO Decentralised Environmental Solutions (DES) - A New WECF Partner in South Africa
On 15 July 2011 NGO Decentralised Environment Solutions (DES) was founded in South Africa.
29.11.2011 | WECF

Sharing Lessons Learned
Closing conference “Sharing Lessons Learned”, 25 – 26 November 2011, Baku, Azerbaijan
23.11.2011 | WECF

Training on construction, maintenance and use of solar collectors in Chardakhi, Georgia
30 participants from eight villages in Georgia were trained from 17-20 october, 2011
18.11.2011 | Miriam Reindl, Annemarie Mohr, Anna Samwel

From 'Brown' Economy to 'Care' Economy
Women's priorities for Rio+20, Side Event at the UNECE Rio+20 conference, Geneva, 2 December
17.11.2011 | WECF

Women's Major Group for Rio+20 Position Presented at Meeting Organized by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs
A meeting on gender and women priorities for Rio+20 at the Foreign Ministry in Paris, 7 November in Paris
14.11.2011 | WECF

Youth case studies on Environment and Health - deadline extended to December 15
UNEP Tunza youth network calls for "good practice" case studies by Youth
14.11.2011 | WECF

Gender and Climate Justice Tribunals: Featuring Mexico and Peru
Women's tribunals on gender and climate justice were organized on 10 November, 2011, in collaboration with partners around the world in the lead up to COP 17 and Rio+20.
11.11.2011 | WECF

U.S. to study cancer risks near nuclear sites
The National Academy of Sciences has begun a study of cancer risks faced by people living near nuclear facilities — a study it admits is worrisome.
03.11.2011 | USA Today

Rio+20 - Women Worldwide Present Recommendations and Statements
More than 70 women's organizations from over 40 countries from around the world present their recommendations for Rio+20 - next year's United Nations conference on Sustainable Development
03.11.2011 | Sascha Gabizon

EU Ambassadors impressed by project “Switch to sun-live with comfort”
Report from EU news on Ukrainian project which aims at improving health, reducing poverty and increasing energy security
25.10.2011 | WECF

Solar collector construction training in Issyk Kul region, Kyrgyzstan
From 25-29 September, 27 participants from nine communities from Issyk Kul region learned how to construct a solar collector.
23.10.2011 | Regina Drexel

Recent training on construction, use and maintenance of solar collectors in Odessa, Ukraine
Three regions were chosen for training, organized from October 4 to 7 at the State Ecological University in Odessa, together with our local partner Vidrodzhennia (Tatarbunary) and by technical support of the German expert Markus Brandhofer from the Solar Partner Sued GmbH
19.10.2011 | Olga Plekhanova

Kernenergie is niet Co2 vrij!
Klacht van o.a. WECF-oprichter Marie Kranendonk over reclame Atoomstroom gegrond verklaard
13.10.2011 | WECF Press Release

Kernenergie veilig? laat je niets wijsmaken
WECF voert al jaren campagne tegen kernenergie en geeft zeventien heldere argumenten van kernenergiedeskundie Herman Damveld waarom kernenergie geen goede optie is
13.10.2011 | Chantal van den Bossche

Climate Change and Art in Munich
After an eventful September 2011 ClimateSights is not yet over.
12.10.2011 | Amra Bobar

KlimaSichten – künstlerische Auseinandersetzung zum Klimawandel
Nach einem veranstaltungsreichen September 2011 geht KlimaSichten weiter
12.10.2011 | Amra Bobar

“Switch to sun, live with comfort”
With EU support NGOs will provide Ukrainian rural districts with the tools and knowledge to heat water with solar energy

KlimaSichten - Climate Change and Art in Munich
Video on WECF project's ClimateSights workshop and exhibition that were held in Munich, September 2011.
02.10.2011 | WECF

Workshops on energy efficient technologies for house insulation in Georgia and Ukraine
Potential for house insulation with different techniques and materials adapted to local conditions was assessed during two expert workshops - as part of the project ‘Building local capacity for Development of Thermal solar and insulation technologies', financed by the European Commission
12.09.2011 | Regina Drexel & Anna Samwel

A New Law “On Energy Performance of Buildings” Has Been Adopted in Kyrgyzstan
The Law “On Energy Performance of Buildings” in Kyrgyzstan is the first law on energy efficiency on buildings adopted within the post-Soviet countries.
09.09.2011 | WECF

KlimaSichten. Künstlerische Auseinandersetzungen zum Klimawandel- eine Kooperation von WECF e.V.und PLATFORM3
Workshop + Präsentation + Filmprogramm + Podiumsdiskussion + mobiles Archiv
30.08.2011 | WECF Deutschland Pressemitteilung

Policy conference in Kyiv, Ukraine discussed renewables and energy efficiency in private households
The conference "Current State and Prospects of Alternative Energy Usage in Private Households and Communities of Ukraine" was conducted in Ukrinform Information agency on May 30, 2011
13.07.2011 | Yuri Urbansky, National Ecological Center Ukraine

A Safe and Comfortable Home - Brochure on WECF project Home Comforts
Creating local capacity for improved rural living standards through affordable and sustainable energy and sanitation solutions

111 Tage Fukushima - Post an Frau Merkel 57
Zurück auf Los mit Zeitverlust
30.06.2011 | Pressemitteilung WECF/Projekt21plus

Two fruit dryers constructed and installed in the villages of Sabirabad and Saatli
“Community approaches to a better environment for all and poverty reduction in out of reach communities of rural Azerbaijan“
27.06.2011 | Anna Samwel

Aandeelhouders Delta moeten keuze maken: een schone of een kernenergie toekomst?
De aandeelhouders van energiebedrijf Delta treffen vandaag bij de ingang van de jaarlijkse aandeelhoudersvergadering een protestactie van milieuorganisaties en politieke partijen.
27.06.2011 | Persbericht Coalitie tegen Kernenergie

Workshop "Train the trainer/facilitator" at Ysyk kul in Kyrgyzstan
WECF partner & Kyrgyz NGO ALGA organised a Train the trainer/facilitator workshop at Ysyk Kyl in May
08.06.2011 | Claudia Wendland

KlimaSichten. Künstlerische Auseinandersetzungen zum Klimawandel
KlimaSichten ist ein künstlerisches Experiment. Es ist ein Workshop, eine Denkfabrik, eine Plattform für künstlerische Forschung und Produktion, ein interdisziplinärer und interkultureller Dialog zum Klimawandel

Ballonnen voor Minister Verhagen
WECF doet mee aan protestactie van milieu organisaties bij Nederlands parlement
17.05.2011 | Chantal van den Bossche

Environmental organisations and political parties will protest against nuclear energy tuesday May 17 in front of the Dutch Parliament
Ballonnen voor Verhagen: Milieuorganisaties en politieke partijen protesteren dinsdagmiddag bij het Binnenhof tegen kernenergie - Vrijwilligers plaatsen 850 antikernenergieballonnen voor de ramen van de Tweede Kamer
16.05.2011 | Persbericht Coalitie Schoon Genoeg van Kernenergie

«Женщины Европы за общее будущее» (WECF) и арт-проект «Пространство для современного искусства» (PLATFORM3) объявляют о проведении конкурса для художников
Эксперимент «Климатический взгляд» - это диалог между искусством, наукой и повседневной жизнью, платформа для художественного исследования и творчества, будет проходить в формате десятидневного тренинга в Мюнхене, Германия в сентябре 2011 года.
09.05.2011 | Sabine Bock

Women must get their fair share of climate finance
At the end of April, a committee of countries chosen to work out the details of a U.N.-backed Green Climate Fund holds its first meeting in Mexico, to discuss how to get the fund up and running.
29.04.2011 | Nina Somera,

Brochure WECF Nederland: Verbetering van het welzijn op het platteland met duurzame energie
Duurzame energie in rurale gebieden - praktische oplossingen

WECF representative Marine Franck at Bangkok Climate pre-negotiations for UNFCCC COP17
WECF's Marine Frank is in Bangkok as interim focal point for session for the women and gender constituency, together with partners from WEDO, Gendercc, APWLD and others
07.04.2011 | Sabine Bock

WECF and Climate Justice Coalition partner Friends of the Earth support demand of more than 90 environmental and social organisations for limiting role of the World Bank in designing Green Climate Fund
NGO letter to the World Bank and the Transitional Committee

Start up week for Energy Project in the EEC Region
The project 'Building local capacity for development of thermal solar and insulation technologies' was launched February 15-19 in Georgia
31.03.2011 | Anna Samwel, Regina Drexel

Building local capacity for domestic solar heating, hot water and insulation for rural and remote areas in the EEC region
The action will contribute to improved health, reduced poverty and increased energy security in 22 rural communities in 7 EEC countries, through demonstrating domestic solar heating, hot water and insulation measures

It is just a matter of time until the next catastrophe
Mayak - Chernobyl - Lessons not Learned - poster presentation

"The Women of Chernobyl"
25 years ago, one of the four reactors at the Chernobyl nuclear power station exploded. The consequences were devastating for everyone who was directly and indirectly exposed to the radiation. Women were the first to suffer from the contamination.
22.03.2011 | The Fresh Outlook, Rosalia Sgueglia

Women and Environmental Network - WECF - very concerned about the effects of radiation on the reproductive health of women and girls
Even low dose radiation has a great effect on reproductive health and reproduction
18.03.2011 | WECF Press Release

Nuclear Energy is not an option – it’s too susceptible to climate change and natural disasters
"We have not only lost our past, but also our future" - Natalia Manzurova, one of the few remaining liquidators of Chernobyl
16.03.2011 | Chantal van den Bossche

WECF Field Officer Central Asia Fedde Jorritsma fietst over de wereld om mensen te inspireren voor een duurzame samenleving
De educatieve fiets-expeditie 'Bike the Earth' zoekt fietsers, trainers en partners
16.03.2011 | Chantal van den Bossche and Fedde Jorritsma

The Critical Question - first hand reports from the frontlines of the nuclear fuel chain
Available in English, French and German, "The Critical Question" offers first hand reports from individuals who have been effected by the nuclear power industry. In this booklet, insiders report on their direct experiences of uranium mining and enrichment, nuclear disasters and on the storage of radioactive substances.

WECF Director Germany spoke at anti-nuclear rally Monday March 14 in Munich
"Wir können uns schwer vorstellen wie es gerade in Japan ist. Fassungslos verfolgen wir die apokalyptischen Nachrichten und Bilder in den Medien. Es ist erneut deutlich geworden: die Kernenergie ist nicht beherrschbar – egal wie oft wir die Sicherheit überprüfen"
16.03.2011 | Chantal van den Bossche

Solidarität für Japan und Wut auf Atompolitik
Tausende Münchner solidarisieren sich mit Japan und gehen gegen Atomenergie auf die Straße
15.03.2011 | Press Release Green City

Europees Vrouwen- en Milieunetwerk WECF stelt: Kernenergie mag nooit een optie zijn!
Nucleaire gevolgen natuurramp Japan dramatisch - kernenergie te gevoelig voor klimaatverandering en natuurrampen
15.03.2011 | WECF Press Release

Women’s and Environmental Network WECF: Nuclear Energy is not an option – it’s too susceptible to climate change and natural disasters
WECF Director Germany speaks at anti-nuclear rally today, March 14, at Karlsplatz Square, in Munich: “Our concern and solidarity go out to the people of Japan”.
14.03.2011 | WECF Press Release

WECF actively involved in at UNEP’s Global Forum and Governing Council, in Nairobi, Kenya
140 ministers of environment meet at the United Nations Environment Programme in preparation of Rio+20
25.02.2011 | Sascha Gabizon

Harnessing solar energy
“Thermal, solar and insulation technologies and policies in Georgia” was the focus of an international conference
25.02.2011 | Georgia Today

Towards Rio +20: The Role of Civil Society - Panel Presentation by Christine von Weizsäcker
Panel Presentation by Christine von Weizsäcker, President of WECF's Board of Trustees from the GMGSF 12 in Nairobi, Kenya
21.02.2011 | Christine von Weizsaecker

Men's and Women's different impact on climate
Men consume between 70 and 80 percent more energy than women in Germany and Norway, 100 percent more in Sweden, and up to 350 percent more in Greece
17.02.2011 | IPS, Julio Godoy, Tierramerica

International Conference “Thermal solar and insulation technologies and policies in Georgia”
On February 15, International Conference “Thermal solar and insulation technologies and policies in Georgia” was organized in Sheraton Metekhi Palace
16.02.2011 | REC Caucasus

Kyrgyzstan: Home Comforts - Creating local capacity for improved rural living standards via sustainable energy and sanitation
Reduce poverty via sustainable development, specifically through improved access to basic resources such as energy and safe sanitation
15.02.2011 | WECF Project

Kino gegen Atomkraft - WECF e. V. promoted Dokumentation zu den unbeachteten Risiken des Uranabbaus
YELLOW CAKE – Die Lüge von der sauberen Energie
09.02.2011 | WECF Press Release

Premiere in Süddeutschland: Dokumentation zeigt die unbeachteten Risiken des Uranabbaus
YELLOW CAKE – Die Lüge von der sauberen Energie
01.02.2011 | WECF Press Release

More climate change through sustainable agriculture in Germany - Federal government should not obstruct better EU agricultural policy any longer
Mehr Klimaschutz durch nachhaltige Landwirtschaft in Deutschland - Bundesregierung darf eine bessere EU-Agrarpolitik nicht länger behindern
25.01.2011 | Joint Press Release Klima Allianz

Resource centre for Water, Sanitation and Renewable Energy opened in Western Georgia by RCDA
Regional resource centre for Water, Sanitation and Renewable Energy was festively opened in Khamiskuri, Khobi district on 26th November 2010 by RCDA and local and regional authorities with participation of WECF, Greens Movement and other WECF partners
18.01.2011 | Anna Samwel

WECF in Cancun: Final Women and Gender Intervention
Women’s rights are human rights. No agreement, decision or mechanism on climate change will be effective or successful without the full respect of women’s rights and the recognition of our valuable knowledge.
10.12.2010 | Sabine Bock

WECF in Cancun: Women and Gender Constituency - a Report
Drawing upon global commitments to gender equality and women’s rights and the Millennium Development Goals, the members of Women and Gender Constituency work to ensure human rights and the gender dimension are incorporated into UNFCCC negotiations, agreements, plans and actions.
10.12.2010 | Sabine Bock

WECF in Cancun: Intervention 7 December 2010, AWG-KP contact group on stocktaking
By Sabine Bock, WECF on behalf of the Women and Gender Constituency
07.12.2010 | Sabine Bock

Die Kernfrage - The Nuclear Question
Insider berichten von ihren Erfahrungen mit der Atomenergie – Eine Veranstaltung von WECF (Women in Europe for a Common Future) und des BayernForums der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung am 2. Dezember im Münchner Künstlerhaus
07.12.2010 | Presseinformation

WECF in Cancun: WECF Intervention on Keeping Nuclear out of CDM, 1 December 2010
Intervention at UNFCCC COP 16 Cancun, By Sabine Bock, WECF
01.12.2010 | Sabine Bock

WECF in Cancun: Joint Intervention Women and Gender Constituency
Rachel Harris from WEDO delivered joint intervention on November 30 in Cancun
01.12.2010 | Sabine Bock

Way to Cancun: Mexico zet fietsen in op klimaattop
WECF coalitiepartner I-CE, Interface for Cycling Expertise, ondersteunt fietsevenement op 6 december

WECF in Cancun: Intervention written by Sabine Bock on 29 November 2010 at UNFCCC COP 16 Cancun
Intervention prepared by Sabine Bock, WECF Climate and Energy coordinator, for the Women and gender Constituency
30.11.2010 | Sabine Bock

WECF in Cancun: position statement on Women & Climate Change
CANCUN COP 16 UNFCCC - November 2010
30.11.2010 | Marine Franck

Gender and Climate Change: an Introduction
Textbook edited by Irene Dankelman, former chair WECF's International Advisory Board, with contributions from WECF

Way to Cancun: Global Forest Coalition Report - Getting to the Roots
Underlying Causes of Deforestation and Forest Degradation, and Drivers of Forest Restoration
29.11.2010 | WECF news

Flemish Gezinsbond (Union of Families) organised conference dedicated to the Child Norm
WECF oprichtster Marie Kranendonk key note speaker tijdens studiedag gezinsbond Brussel
24.11.2010 | Chantal van den Bossche

Towards Cancun
Civil Society organisations engage policy makers in a dialogue on effective climate programmes and policies for Central Asia – results of climate forum CAEFOCC II, Almaty, 11-12 October 2010
23.11.2010 | Sabine Bock

Diskussionsveranstaltung: Die Kernfrage – Insider berichten über ihre Erfahrungen mit der Kernenergie
18.11.2010 | Johanna Hausmann

Support of climate protection via sustainable energy by training and capacity building of local partner NGOs in Caucasus and Central Asia and networking between them
„Förderung des Klimaschutzes durch nachhaltige Energie mittels Training, Kapazitätsausbau und Vernetzung lokaler NRO-Partner im Kaukasus und in Zentralasien“

Georgia: Create local capacity for sustainable development
New EU financed project started in Georgia

WECF conducted trainings on solar collector constructions in the framework of the GTZ/regional programme in Central Asia
In the framework of GTZ/ Regional Programme on Sustainable Use of Natural Resources in Central Asia 9-13 October a training have been successfully conducted in Dushanbe on solar collector construction in particular thermo-siphons
02.11.2010 | Fedde Jorritsma, Dushanbe

Support the Coalition for Climate Justice
The Coalition for Climate Justice is an alliance of 4 sustainable development organisations – Women in Europe for a Common Future, Interface for Cycling Expertise, Global Forest Coalition and Friends of the Earth International – and their 264 partners in more than 65 developing countries
02.11.2010 | Chantal van den Bossche

Coalition for Climate Justice submitted its 5-year programma proposal to Dutch Ministry Development Cooperation
The Coalition for Climate Justice, which is lead by WECF, has submitted its 5-year programme-proposal to the Netherlands Ministry for Development Cooperation (MFSII grant programme) on October 26th 2010
26.10.2010 | WECF news

Annual Report WECF 2009
WECF gathers forces as a network to meet the next set of challenges facing us in the coming years

WHO’s working group on climate and sustainable development concerned with recent climate changes
World Health Organization published its 10th Europe Global Change and Health alert and introduced a new working group Climate change, green health services and sustainable development (CGS)

Green bridges Munich - Warsaw II
Mayors meeting on ecofarming held in Glonn by Munich

Create local capacity for sustainable development
The project is a continuation and scaling up of Empowerment and Local Action program

FEDER (Fonds européen de développement régional)

EU climate chief calls for new carbon mechanisms
More money for poorest nations, pilot projects
07.09.2010 | Reuters

GenderCC Newsletter
New issue of the GenderCC-Newsletter is already available.
16.08.2010 | GenderCC

Russia - Forest fires and nuclear plants: how to avoid the worst scenario?
Forest fires are spreading in the Moscow region, getting closer to nuclear plants, including Mayak, a plant dedicated to the disposal of nuclear waste
11.08.2010 | WECF Press Release

All is not well: climate negotiations in a new avatar
Climate change negotations have been warmed up again.
10.08.2010 | Sunita Narain

Community approaches to a better environment for all and poverty reduction in out of reach communities of rural Azerbaijan
Practical training how to construct solar collector, fruit dryer and solar distiller was carried out in project regions in Azerbaijan
10.08.2010 | Anna Samwel

Bonn: Climate Negotiations more effective including women and gender awareness
Climate negotiations more effective if guided by long-term vision – this must include women and gender awareness
06.08.2010 | Joint Press Release

Coalition for Climate Justice enter into second phase for funding from Netherlands Ministry of Development Cooperation
Coalition lead by WECF has passed first selection round
03.08.2010 | WECF Press Release

Коалиция за Климатическую Справедливость вошла во второй тур в получении субсидирования от Министерства по Развитию Сотрудничества Нидерландов.
Коалиция, возглавляемая WECF, прошла первый отборочный тур.
02.08.2010 | WECF Press Release

Citizen’s initiative on the phasing out of nuclear energy postcards to chancellor Merkel
Initiative zum Atomausstieg: Postkartenversand an Kanzlerin Merkel
08.07.2010 | WECF Event

Goldene Brennstab des Monats Juli 2010 an Rainer Brüderle München
Im Monat Juli geht der Preis an Rainer Brüderle, Bundeswirtschaftsminister
08.07.2010 | Johanna Hausmann

Feasibility study on CDM in households
The study covers household and community based projects in general; for practical examples in the Caucasus and Central Asia region, which is the target area of the work of WECF.

WECF Publication "The Critical Question" available in French
Parution de La Question Centrale: Energie nucléaire témoignages d’expériences vécues en première ligne

WECF Publication "Gender and Climate Change"
WECF fosters the participation of women and men from the EECCA region in its delegations attending international meetings on climate change as the whole region is underrepresented and supports participation of women in climate change negotiations as women’s views and visions are not yet sufficiently taken into account

"Women are more and in different ways affected by climate change"
Frauen sind vom Klimawandel heftiger betroffen als Männer WECF fordert, Frauen stärker in den Prozess der Klimastrategien mit einzubeziehen
15.06.2010 | Johanna Hausmann

Still lack of ambition and knowledge gaps in climate change negotiations
People-centred research needed, says Gender CC in Press Release
11.06.2010 | Press Release Gender CC

CSD 18: Report of the United Nations Commission for Sustainable Development reflects input by Women and NGO major groups
The UN CSD 18th session focussed on the problems and needs for global action in the areas of chemicals and waste management, mining, transport and consumption and production.
11.06.2010 | Sascha Gabizon

Auf dem Weg nach Cancun
EcoMujer, WECF und WLOE mit "Frauenflügel" am 5. Juni 2010 in Bonn dabei
11.06.2010 | Magdalena Black

The way to Cancun: Climate Alliance organised colourful demonstration in centre of Bonn to mark UN Environment Day
During Bonn Climate conference in preparation of the next Climate Summit in Mexico in December, WECF took part in Climate Alliance demonstration in the centre of Bonn
11.06.2010 | Magdalena Black

"The Critical Question" and "Die Kernfrage" - new WECF publications on nuclear's impact on people's lives
Neue WECF-Publikation: Interviews mit Männern und Frauen, die über ihre persönlichen Erfahrungen mit der Kernenergie erzählen (deutscher Text unten, Bestellmöglichkeit rechts)

"Die Kernfrage" WECF-Publikation
Interviews mit Männern und Frauen, die über ihre persönlichen Erfahrungen mit der Kernenergie erzählen (deutscher Text unten, Bestellmöglichkeit rechts)

WECF presents statement of the women major group at the ministerial roundtable dialogue on coordination between UN agencies
The women's statement received support from Switzerland, Ghana and the USA

Der Goldene Brennstab des Monats Juni 2010
Dr. Johannes Teyssen, E.on Vorstandsvorsitzender (CEO)
09.06.2010 | Johanna Hausmann

The way to Cancun: WECF at UNFCCC Climate Change Talks in Bonn
Side-event, exhibition booth, climate action and an intervention at the AWG KP opening session by Sabine Bock of WECF on behalf of the Women and Gender Constituency
08.06.2010 | WECF report

The way to Cancun: WECF Feasibility study on CDM presented at UNFCCC side event
“Gender and Climate Change research: gaps, questions, and potentials” was the title of an event co-organised by WECF, Bridge, Gendercc, Life E.v. and the Gender and Disaster Network
08.06.2010 | Chantal van den Bossche

Dutch Report: gigatonne CO2-reduction gap
Today (1.6.2010) the Dutch Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL) released a report carried out by Ecofys evaluating the pledges of the Copenhagen Accord
01.06.2010 | Dutch Environmental Assessment Agency

EcoMujer, WECF and WLOE e.V. call for women's action for climate justice on Saturday, June 5, 2010, in Bonn, Germany
EcoMujer, WECF und WLOE e.V. laden zu einer Frauenaktion am Samstag 5. Juni 2010 in Bonn ein
01.06.2010 | Magdalena Black

Un étudiant français en Licence Pro Maitrise des énergies renouvelables réalise un stage de 4 mois en Allemagne et au Kirghizstan
Grâce à un partenariat entre WECF France, l’IUT d’Annecy et le lycée Jean Monet, un étudiant français en Licence Pro Maitrise des énergies renouvelables réalise un stage de 4 mois en Allemagne et au Kirghizstan.
01.06.2010 | WECF France

CSD 18: WECF member speaks at high level UN conference on need for global uranium mining monitoring and clean-up
WECF member Kaisha Atakhanova speaks on the need for stronger control of uranium mining

Women’s Action for Development

Integrated Sustainable Energy and Ecological Development Association

CSD 18: Almoustapha Alhacen reports on uranium mining in Niger
During the 18th Session of the UN Commission for Sustainable Development (CSD) in New York, during which mining and waste in its current 2-year cycle was addressed, WECF invited Almoustapha Alhacen, President of t AGHIRIN’ MAN (Niger) to present the situation on uranium mining in Niger
21.05.2010 | WECF Report

CSD 18: WECF Side Event on Uranium Mining - Clear Perspectives on a Dirty Business
Testimonies from indigenous people from uranium mining communities raise serious questions about industry's accountability during 18th session of UN Commission for Sustainable Development in New York
21.05.2010 | WECF Report

CSD 18: WECF speakers demand a nuclear free climate agreement!
Friday 14th May, during the negotiations on the United Nations Nuclear Proliferation Treaty (NPT) taking place at the UN Headquarters in New York, Bremley Lyngdoh on behalf of WECF and the indigenous people affected by uranium mining spoke during the Side Event entitled Access to Civil Nuclear Energy
18.05.2010 | WECF Press Release

CSD 18: WECF speakers demand a nuclear free climate agreement
18.05.2010 | WECF Press Release

Projekt 21 plus

Mütter gegen Atomkraft

Sortir du Nucléaire
French antinuclear coalition

Green City

Energia Klub
Energy efficiency, renewable resources, climate protection, conventional energy resources and energy policy.

Klimabewusst fliegen

Christiana Figueres Appointed New UNFCCC Executive Secretary
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has appointed Christiana Figueres as the new Executive Secretary of the United Nations Climate Change Secretariat based in Bonn, Germany
17.05.2010 | UNFCCC Press Release

WECF training in Georgia for participants from Azerbaijan: ‘Introduction to alternative technologies for sustainable rural development’
Training: ‘Introduction to alternative technologies for sustainable rural development’ organized for Azeri participants at the Demonstration Center Misaktsieli, Georgia
10.05.2010 | Anna Samwel

WECF on Climate and Sustainable Consumption at the Ecumenical Church Days
Common exhibition stand of WECF - Women in Europe for a Common Future, Mütter gegen Atomkraft e.V. und projekt21plus
04.05.2010 | Johanna Hausmann

Der Goldene Brennstab des Monats Mai 2010
Hermann Gröhe, CDU, Generalsekretär
04.05.2010 | Johanna Hausmann

Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment (VROM)
The Netherlands

Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MinBuza), European Cooperation
The Netherlands

Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MinBuza), Development Cooperation
The Netherlands

German Federal Environment Agency (UBA)

Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU)

DG Environment
European Commission

Local Climate Change Action - Germany
Moving climate protection closer to the people

WECF Award Ceremony at CSD 18 "Uranium Mining – Clear Perspectives on a Dirty Business”
Award Ceremony and testimonies by Indigenous Peoples from uranium mining communities
27.04.2010 | WECF Invitation

Chernobyl Day, April 26
Nuclear Energy can never be a solution for Climate Change!
23.04.2010 | WECF Press Release

Chernobyl Day, April 26
Nuclear Energy can never be a solution for Climate Change!
23.04.2010 | WECF Press Release

100% renewables 'feasible by 2050', EU told
EU could cut its emissions by more than 90% by 2050 by moving to produce all its energy from renewable sources, according to the European Renewable Energy Council (EREC), an industry group
20.04.2010 |

Empowerment & Local Action (ELA)
Building the capacity of poor local communities in rural areas

Belarus - Citizens involvement
Developing multi-stakeholder cooperation in the areas of water, waste and energy efficiency in Belarus
19.04.2010 | WECF Project

Energy efficient stoves and policy gaps under CDM
Article by Sabine Bock, WECF Energy Coordinator and Robert Mueller from Atmosfair for PICA bulletin
14.04.2010 | Sabine Bock and Robert Mueller

Energy efficient stoves and policy gaps under CDM
Article by Sabine Bock, WECF Energy Coordinator and Robert Mueller from Atmosfair for PICA bulletin
14.04.2010 | Sabine Bock and Robert Mueller

Germany. 8000 anti-nuclear activists demonstrate in 53 cities
WECF supports demonstration in Munich (text in German)
12.04.2010 | Johanna Hausmann

The Copenhagen Accord - the way forward
Press Statement by the Women’s and Gender Constituency, Bonn, 10 April 2010
10.04.2010 | Chantal van den Bossche

The Copenhagen Accord - the way forward
Press Statement by the Women’s and Gender Constituency, Bonn, 10 April 2010
10.04.2010 | Chantal van den Bossche

WECF's Golden Fuel Rod of April 2010 goes to German chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel
In diesem Monat geht der Preis an Bundeskanzlerin Dr. Angela Merkel
10.04.2010 | Johanna Hausmann

WECF's Golden Fuel Rod of April 2010 goes to German chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel
In diesem Monat geht der Preis an Bundeskanzlerin Dr. Angela Merkel
10.04.2010 | Johanna Hausmann

WECF and Kyrgyz partner Unison postpone climate conference on Central Asia until further notice
All partners and staff in Kyrgyzstan of WECF unharmed
09.04.2010 | WECF Press Release

WECF and Kyrgyz partner Unison postpone climate conference on Central Asia until further notice
All partners and staff in Kyrgyzstan of WECF unharmed
09.04.2010 | WECF Press Release

The Second Central Asian–European Forum on Climate Change” POSTPONED
Due to polical situation in Kyrgyzstan the conference has been postponed up untill further notice
30.03.2010 | Sabine Bock

Closing conference Sharing lessons learned in Belarus WECF project
Closing conference Sharing lessons learned in the project “Developing Multi-stakeholder Co-operation in the Areas of Water, Waste and Energy Efficiency in Belarus“
24.03.2010 | Bistra Mihaylova

Der Goldene Brennstab
Mit dem Goldenen Brennstab des Monats prämiert die Umwelt- und Frauenorganisation WECF (Women in Europe for Common Future) jeden Monat eine Person öffentlichen Interesses für einen herausragenden Ausspruch zum Thema Kernenergie.
20.03.2010 | WECF Campaign

Der Goldene Brennstab des Monats März 2010
WECF Germany awards each month a person of public interest who has made an ignorant remark on nuclear energy. Nuclear power is again in Germany, since the elections, an issue of the public debate.
20.03.2010 | Johanna Hausmann

Der Goldene Brennstab des Monats März 2010
WECF Germany awards each month a person of public interest who has made an ignorant remark on nuclear energy. Nuclear power is again in Germany, since the elections, an issue of the public debate.
20.03.2010 | Johanna Hausmann

The Golden Nuclear Fuelrod Award for worst comments
WECF Germany awards each month a person of public interest who has made an ignorant remark on nuclear energy. Nuclear power is again in Germany, since the elections, an issue of the public debate.
20.03.2010 | WECF Campaign

Why are women being left out of climate decision-making?
U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon announced an important new climate change financing group last week, but out of the 19 people named, no women were included.
08.03.2010 | The U.N. Men's Club

Parma 2010: “Binnenlucht: verborgen gevaar in baby’s slaapkamer”
Europees vrouwen- en milieunetwerk WECF publiceert resultaten van studie naar binnenlucht kwaliteit in kinderkamers in vier Europese landen volgende week op Ministeriële Conferentie “ Milieu en Gezondheid” in Parma , Italië
05.03.2010 | WECF the Netherlands Press Release

Demonstration Center, Ecosan Idea Advancement, Ecotourism

WECF publication presents 4 renewable energy and energy efficiency solutions for low income rural areas
The new WECF brochure presents how WECF experts and partners developed and adapted technolgies for solar water heaters, local insulation materials, biogas and solar food driers.

IMF working on plans for "green fund"
The International Monetary Fund is working on proposals for a multibillion dollar "green fund" to help countries tap funds to deal with the effects of climate change, the head of the institution said on Saturday
02.02.2010 | Reuters

CAMP (Central Asian Mountain Partnership) Alatoo
Promote sustainable development in the mountain regions of Kyrgyzstan

Tauziehen um die solare Zukunft
Gegen die Pläne der Bundesregierung für eine vorzeitige „Anpassung“ der Solarstromvergütung mobilisierte die Münchner Umweltschutzorganisation Green City zusammen mit weiteren Umweltschutzverbänden die Münchner Bürgerinnen und Bürger. Auf dem Münchener Marienplatz warnten die Demonstranten vor den Folgen einer Kürzung im zweistelligen Bereich, die den deutschen Mittelstand hart trifft, einen massiven Rückschritt für den Ausbau der Erneuerbaren Energien in Deutschland bedeutet und in erster Linie den großen Energieversorgern und Befürwortern der atomaren- und fossilen Energieversorgung in die Hände spielt.
28.01.2010 | Johanna Hausmann

China: Trying to Ban Plastic Bags
Effectiveness of plastic bag ban policy is questionable - researcher
27.01.2010 | Interfax

En direct de Copenhague : Succès de l’Appel des ONG internationales au Sommet des Nations Unies sur le Climat
Plus de 50000 personnes du monde entier demandent un "Accord sur le climat sans nucléaire"
15.12.2009 | WECF France

Live from Copenhagen: 200 NGOs in Action in Asia & Africa for Sustainable Energy
Joint Side Event by WECF & Inforse at the Bella Center in Copenhagen
14.12.2009 | WECF News

WECF's position on biofuels
WECF critical towards use of biofuels

Climate Week in Georgia
From October 24-31 it was Climate Week in Georgia – The first large scale and coordinated Climate Campaign in this Caucasian country organised by WECF partner the Greens Movement of Georgia
01.11.2009 | Anna Samwel

Copenhagen Climate Summit 2009
WECF was present at the UN Climate Change Conference 2009
01.11.2009 | WECF Event

„Wrack ab!“ – 100 good reasons against nuclear energy (Publication in German)
WECF hilft beim Abwracken von Atomkraftwerken – machen Sie auch mit!

French Report on construction of solar collectors in Georgia (Formation WECF: Construction de panneaux solaires, Georgie, mai 2009)
Les hivers rigoureux sont très courants dans la quasi-totalité de la Région EECCA, mais l’ensoleillement y est aussi très important, même en hiver, et l’énergie solaire reste donc utilisable.
22.09.2009 | Regina Drexel and Elisabeth Ruffinengo

Preparation for Copenhagen – climate protection and renewable energy as a chance for economy, politics and civil society in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia through technology and knowledge transfer
Wegbereitung für Kopenhagen – Klimaschutz und Erneuerbare Energien als Chance für Wirtschaft, Politik und Zivilgesellschaft in Osteuropa, Kaukasus und Zentralasien durch Technologie und Wissenstransfer

WECF charity concert in Zaltbommel church for the people of Prislop big succes
930 euro was raised to give the children of Prislop a new roof. Donate now so that we can help more Prislop fathers repairing the leaking roofs of the houses in this Romanian settlement
08.03.2009 | Chantal van den Bossche

Annonce de la construction d’un second EPR, WECF dénonce un risque pour la santé, et une aberration écologique et économique.
Announcement of the construction of a second EPR, WECF denounces health risk and ecological and economic catastrophe
03.02.2009 | WECF France Press Release

Financing Climate Change from a gender and rights perspective - a report of the WAVE High Level Ministerial Side Event
The WAVE event took place during the 10th special session of the UNEP Governing Council meeting in Monaco, February 2008

Non au choix du nucléaire! Oui à des énergies saines et non polluantes
WECF France reacts on the escape of uranium at nuclear site of Tricastin (Drôme) and at the French president's announcement of building second EPR
14.07.2008 | WECF Press Release

Study prepared for WECF: Biogas production in climates with long cold winters
WECF committed the Wageningen University of Research, the Netherlands (WUR) to do a study on the visibility and affordability of biogas production in climates with cold winters.

New world-outlook is a new quality of life

Healthy Environment for Healthy Life

Local communities of Kyrgyzstan - for environmental safety!

The Right to a Healthy Environment
How to use international legal mechanism for the protection of our environment and our health – a manual

Don't Nuke the Climate!
WECF organizes anti-nuclear protest at Climate Conference in Bali
13.12.2007 | WECF Event

Nuclear is not a solution, it is too great a risk
WECF and Umweltinstitut München (Germany) publish flyers in which it states not to consider nuclear power an instrument to answer the challenge of climate change

WECF at Bali UN Climate Change Conference
Posters of Mayak exhibition show that nuclear energy is not a solution to climate change

The Cost of Poverty (Armenia)
WECF Partner Video on Energy Poverty and Indoor Air Pollution in Armenia, as seen by the Ministers of Health and Environment of the WHO Europe Region
16.08.2007 | Jasmine Osorio

WECF factsheet on the EU Sustainable Development Strategy
Accompanying information for the WECF Eco-Efficiency High level Round Table in Brussels

WECF factsheet on Eco-Efficiency
Accompanying information for the WECF Eco-Efficiency High level Round Table in Brussels

Chernobyl +20: "The victims should not have died for nothing"
Natalia Manzurova, liquidator having worked 4,5 years in Chernobyl, says we should not forget the catastrophe at WECF and LIFE press event (text in German)
25.04.2006 | Johanna Hausmann (in Kooperation mit Journalisten Akademie Hooffacker & Partner München)

Fighting Climate Change
Input from Women to Government: a study on climate change and gender.
23.03.2006 | Ulrike Röhr

Creating Sustainability
Report of the Workshop on the UN Commission on Sustainable Development cluster issues, and the UNECE CSD Regional Implementation Meeting taking place in Geneva (Switzerland), 14-16 December 2005.
09.03.2006 | Manana Juruli and Rusudan Simonidze

Improvement of environmental safety in rural Armenia.
AWHHE publication on health risks from Obsolete Pesticide Dumpsite in in a landslide area near a village

Results of the “Gender & Energy / Climate Change” survey
A joint survey by WECF and Life e.V.
21.02.2006 | Ulrike Röhr

Women in Sustainable Development in Moldova

Data - Facts - Arguments
A number of factsheets in Russian covering mobility, gender, energy, food production, waste and eco awareness
23.11.2005 | Ulrike Röhr

Lore Eco Club
Water and Sanitation, Renewable Energy

Beijing 10+
Ten years after the commitment of worls leaders to strengthening women's rights and involvement worldwide, WECF organized a conference on Women, Health and Environment at the NGO Forum
01.02.2005 | WECF Event

A healthy climate?
Gender justice and climate protection. What are we doing?

The Review of the EU SDS
Genanet and WECF review the EU sustainable development strategy. Deutsch / English.

Factsheet on climate change, health and gender
A publication on the relationship between climate change, health and gender (english and russian).

Cooperation for sustainable rural development in the Ukraine
Involving citizens and local authorities in rural Ukraine in improvement of drinking water, sanitation and agriculture.

A powerful connection: gender & renewables
GENANET has brought out a new leaflet on the combined issue of gender and renewables.

Statement from the Energy and Climate Working Group
The proposed statement of the energy and climate change working group during the European Women`s Conference on a sustainble future.

Creating a sustainable perspective for the Urals
A partnership conference on sustainability in the Ural region in Russia.

Green Week Report 2. - 5. June 2003
Report of the activities and commitments made by the WECF network and partners


World Summit on Sustainable Development
World Summit on Sustainable Development 2002 - pushing the gender issue
01.01.2002 | WECF Event