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WECF Deutschland

WECF France

WECF Nederland





“Only real public participation in environmental decision-making will lead to better policies, which are supported by everyone. Therefore WECF tries to involve all in the building of a better environment. The taking into account of everyone’s needs and views does not only serve our environment, but will also promote social justice and human rights.”
Anke Stock
Coordinator Gender & Rights

"If women and men from different countries work together in respect and mutual understanding, we can eliminate poverty and protect our planet and its resources for the next generations to come."
Gero Fedtke
Programme Coordinator ELA/MFS

"The cooperation between WECF and Eastern European environmental NGOs gives a good basis for improving the environment  and life conditions, in such way that the future generations of these countries can benefit."
Bistra Mihaylova-Grigorova
Policy Officer Bulgaria, Belarus and Azerbaijan

"Protecting the health and wellbeing of our children should always stand above economic interests."
Annemarie Mohr
WECF Financial Management

"Women and future generations must raise their voices to ensure that politicians fulfil their promises and implement their mandates transparently and responsibly."
Alex Caterbow
Coordinator Chemicals & Health

"So many things I feel strongly about come together in my work for WECF. WECF helps to make parents aware of the necessity fo a healthy environment for all, but especially for our children who are the most vulnerable"
Chantal Van den Bossche
Communications Manager

"We give women and men the global voice and the local tools they need to protect and improve their home environment".
Sabine Bock
Director Germany, Coordinator Safe Energy & Climate Change

"WECF promotes ideas of women for a grandchild-friendly environment."
Margriet Samwel
Coordinator Water

"We improve the direct living conditions of some hundred thousand people. Through our advocacy work we reach out to millions".
Sascha Gabizon

Executive Director