WECF Conference in Paris: Toys and hazardous chemicals - exploring solutions
REACH and the substitution of chemicals of concern: consumer protection, good practices and incentive measures
11.11.2010 |WECF news
the general public. Despite the commitment of the European toy industry for safer toys, the massive 2007 recalls of toys as well as their top-ranking among RAPEX
notified products invite to explore ways of improving toys safety.
Among the speakers :
- Corinne Lepage, MEP, former Minister
- Dr. Annie Sasco, Cancer epidemiologist, INSERM
- Jakub Kosisnki, DG Health and Consumer Protection, European Commission
- Wolfgang Döring, Biologist, SpielGut label
- Marie-Jeanne Husset, Director “ 60 millions de consommateurs “
The conference will take place Thursday 18th November 2010, 9 am – 5 pm
Pavillon de l´eau, 77 avenue de Versailles, 75016 Paris, accès Métro 10 : Javel, Mirabeau ou Eglise d’Auteuil
Invitation WECF France please contact:
Elisabeth Ruffinengo:
BP 100, 74103 Annemasse Cedex,
Tel: +33-4-50490738, www.wecf.eu
WECF invites you to share your views with various stakeholders : scientists, manufacturers, test laboratories, certification bodies, public authorities, consumer protection associations, NGOs. Please inform of your participation at the latest at 30th October. Participation forms can be send to Julie Barataud jbarataud@y-e-p.com before October 30th
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