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Youth Event during the Danube Days in Bulgaria

Earth Forever Foundation organises major Youth event on water and sanitation in Stara Zagora

11.07.2005 |Diana Iskreva

Sanitation was also a theme at the youth event!

Earth Forever Foundation (EFF), WECF's partner in Bulgaria, organised a major youth event in Stara Zagora on 29.06.05 on the theme of Sustainable Management of Water and Wastes. The event took place in the City Garden and it was attended by many citizens, children and youth.

Diana Iskreva, founding director of EEF, says "We decided to use this day as it is a significant water day in Europe and media and citizens are more open to such broadly celebrated events. Our youth event became a part of the official Danube program of the Ministry of Env and Waters and got support from them in the form of posters, T-shirts and caps. The information about our event is entirely available on the official Danube site of the Ministry."

The youth day fitted well with the school-calendar, as June 30 is also the end of the school year and the beginning of the summer vacation for our partners from the high school.

The program included various performances: a practical lesson on waste water treatment and water protection including all go in natural water bodies after all.

The programme also included traditional ways to use water as our grand parents had done it.

Young volunteers of EfE and Romain Rolland high school were disseminating 2 brochures specially developed for this event, young people 'dressed' like sandwages were going around provoking the citizens to give their input on 2 major issues - quality of drinking water and reasonable use of water in households. Youngest children were encouraged to participate by drawing with chalk on the asphalt.

The city brass band was playing all the time music from various Danube countries. The closing was done by a youth folk dancing group.

The media - newspapers and radio showed great interest though it was just the period of announcement of the results from the parliamentarian elections.

Contact: Diana Iskreva, Director,
NGO Earth Forever

Kiril i Methody, 77a, apt. 27
Stara Zagora 6000

Phone: +359 897 801179