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WECF and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Breast Cancer: Policy and Prevention

WECF training programmes and capacity building on gender and sustainability

International “Nesting” programme – A Healthy Environment for Healthy Children

Women's Major Group -Sustainable Development Goals and the Post 2015 Development Agenda

WECF representation in international and UN policy processes

Safe and Sustainable Sanitation for Women and Girls

EDC Free Coalition Public Consultation

Asbestos: a silent killer on a global scale – substitute it now!

WHO European Environment and Health Process (EEHP)

EVENT: WHO 6th Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health, Ostrava

EVENT: Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions Conference of the Parties, 2017

EVENT: Gender Just Climate Solutions Awards, COP22, Marrakesh

EVENT: WECF on the road to the COP22

Women and Gender Constituency at UNFCCC

Women's Global Call for Climate Justice

EVENT: WECF at the COP21

Don't Nuke the Climate - Paris 2015

Gender E3 Working Group in the European Parliament

Women and Gender Constituency at COP20 Lima, Peru

UNECEs 5th MOP to the Aarhus Convention, Maastricht 2014

Nuclear Power is not a solution to climate change – plug into renewables

WECF at the COP19 in Warsaw: Climate Finance and Gender Equality

International ‘Safe Toys’ Coalition – toxic free children products

Online discussion group INTERA

UN Conference on Sustainable Development 2012 - Rio +20

Toxic free beauty - safe cosmetics

The Golden Nuclear Fuelrod Award

ToNi-Finder - WECF's Map for Sustainable School Toilets and Nitrate Levels

Children's Environmental Health Award 2010

Children's Environmental Action Plan for Europe

REACH - Eliminating Toxic Chemicals in the EU

Towards an EDC Free Europe!

A coalition of public interest groups representing more than 31 organisations across Europe have come together through a concern about endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and efforts to raise public awareness and urge quicker governmental action.

| WECF Campaign

Countries: European Union
Donors: For WECF: EEHI, Life+, Ministry of I&M the Netherlands
Partners: HEAL, Wemos, Gezinsbond, PAN, BUND a.o.
Issues: Chemicals & Health
Duration: 12/2014 - 01/2020

Hormone disrupting chemicals, often known as endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), are chemicals that can interfere with natural hormones, the chemical messengers of our bodies.

Our everyday exposure to these chemicals – in our homes, workplaces and communities must stop in order to protect the health of current and future generations.

A coalition of public interest groups representing more than 31 organisations across Europe have come together through a concern about endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and efforts to raise public awareness and urge quicker governmental action. Campaign partners include trade unions, consumers, public health and healthcare professionals, advocates for cancer prevention, environmentalists and women’s groups.

Why are we concerned?

We are all exposed to hormone disrupting chemicals in our daily lives (also called endocrine disrupting chemicals – EDCs).  But despite growing evidence that exposure to them is contributing to a range of health problems, governments have been slow in regulating and eliminating this exposure.  This Call for Action arises from the urgent need to reduce people’s exposure to EDCs and states what the EU and national governments should do. Read more

What we want

The outdated EU EDC Strategy is currently being reviewed. We need a comprehensive new strategy that effectively prevents further ill-health associated with EDCs and that lays out actions for eliminating exposure.

WECF the Netherlands, WECF France and WECF Germany are among the founders of the EDC Free Platform

Related News

10 years ago today: our push for safe toys in the European Parliament

Our eight demands for an EU EDC strategy
EU has the obligation to protect its people and the environment from all harm caused by endocrine disrupting chemicals

Hazardous chemicals: replacing it is not the solution.
Corporations and industrials are permitted to switch out one EDC for another that possesses the same hazardous properties.

Medieninformation zur Entscheidung des EU Parlaments zu Hormongiften
Gemeinsames Statement deutscher NGOs zur heutigen Abstimmung zu Umwelthormonen im Pestizidausschuss der EU

Environmental toxins' influence on male fertility

WECF verwelkomt het veto van het European Parlement voor gebrekkige en onwettige EDC criteria.
Het Europese Parlement heeft de gebrekkige criteria die waren voorgesteld door de Europese Commissie voor de definiëring van hormoonverstorende stoffen (EDCs) afgewezen. De stemming vond plaats op 4 oktober.

Halbgarer Kommissionsentwurf zur Identifizierung hormonschädlicher Chemikalien scheitert im EU-Parlament
WECF und andere Umweltverbände fordern von neuer Bundesregierung Maßnahmen, um die Belastung durch EDCs schnellstmöglich zu reduzieren

WECF welcomes European Parliament veto to flawed and unlawful EDC criteria
European Parliament rejected the flawed criteria proposed by the European Commission on the definition of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs)

European Parliament Environment Committee blocks proposed EDC criteria in vote
The proposed criteria for new EDC regulation were blocked by the EU Parliament Committee

EU stemming over criteria hormoonverstorende stoffen: gezondheid en milieu in gevaar
WECF, Wemos, HEAL en Gezinsbond roepen Europarlementariërs op om criteria te verwerpen

NGOs acknowledge vote on first ever EDC criteria - call on European Parliament to reject flawed criteria for the sake of human health and environment protection
Today, representatives of European member states from the EU pesticides committee adopted the criteria that are supposed to be used to identify endocrine disrupting chemicals (or EDCs) in the future

Hormongifte gefährden Umwelt und Gesundheit
Bundesregierung muss sich stärker gegen ihre Verwendung einsetzen. Gemeinsames NGO Statement zur fünften Verhandlungsrunde über die Vorschläge der EU Kommission zur Identifizierung hormonschädlicher Substanzen (EDCs). NGO fordern von deutscher Regierung eine rasche Nachbesserung der Kriterien und eine zügige Entscheidung für mehr Gesundheit- und Umweltschutz.

Further delay on flawed EDC criteria maintains unnecessary risks on human health and the environment
The criteria to identify hormone disrupting chemicals (or EDCs), for which a decision was expected today, continue to cause disagreements among EU member states.

Open Letter To the G20 Health Ministers Signed
As a HEAL (Health and Environment Alliance) member, WECF has signed the open letter to the G20 Health Ministers, ahead of their first ever meeting coming Friday, 19th May in Berlin.

Call to implement Better Regulation principles in EU action on Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals
NGOs call for horizontal criteria to identify endocrine disruptors in all types of applications, not just pesticides and biocides and urge EU Commission to redesign its currently proposed EDC criteria

WECF takes position on European Commission’s EDC criteria
WECF released its position of the European Commission proposal to identify Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) criteria

Crossing the European Parliament Red Lines
European Commission TTIP proposal endangers public health, environment and democracy

Measures against endocrine disrupting chemicals. The example of Denmark, Sweden and France
In June 2016, Wemos, PAN Europe en WECF published the report ‘Measures against endocrine disrupting chemicals. The example of Denmark, Sweden and France’.

Endocrine disrupting chemicals may lead to billions of euros in health care costs in Europe
A new research of the Utrecht University presents the socio-economic costs of EDC-associated diseases.

International Women's Day 2016: WECF releases “Women and Chemicals” publication
With its new publication, WECF presents a deeper look at the nexus between gender roles and women’s exposure to hazardous chemicals worldwide and calls for more political action for better health protection

Europese Commissie lijkt veroordeling Europees Hof in de wind te slaan: Volksgezondheid lijkt geen prioriteit!
In december 2015 oordeelde het Europees Hof van Justitie dat de Europese Commissie de wetgeving heeft overtreden. De Commissie heeft echter nagelaten wetenschappelijke criteria voor hormoonverstorende eigenschappen van biociden vast te leggen, of tenminste de deadline hiervoor niet gerespecteerd.

Towards an EDC Free Europe!
A coalition of public interest groups representing more than 31 organisations across Europe have come together through a concern about endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and efforts to raise public awareness and urge quicker governmental action.
09.01.2016 | WECF Campaign

Uitbannen hormoonverstorende stoffen komt dichterbij
Europese Commissie veroordeeld door Europese Hof: EU moet criteria opstellen

EU Court condemns EDC criteria delay European Commission
Commission will not change its plans in relation to endocrine disrupting chemicals

Glyphosate – Need for a robust and credible scientific assessment of carcinogenicity
WECF signs a letter concerning glyphosate exposion to EU health commisioner Vytenis Andriukaitis

WECF shared official submission to European Commission consultation on hormone disrupting chemicals (EDCs)
WECF and its EDC-Free campaign partners have publicly shared their official submissions to the EU Commission’s consultation on the criteria to identify hormone disrupting chemicals (known as EDCs).
19.01.2015 | WECF

Laatste kans om NEE te zeggen tegen hormoonverstorende stoffen!
WECF, Wemos en PAN Europe slaan de handen ineen om publiek te attenderen op publieke consultatie tegen hormoonverstorende stoffen
13.01.2015 | WECF, Wemos en PAN Europe

Europe-wide cancer group calls for action on hormone disruptors
Written by Christel Schaldemose on 9 January 2015 in Opinion, Parliament Magazine. Christel Schaldemose is calling on the EU to take urgent action in the fight against cancer by identifying and eliminating endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs)
09.01.2015 | Christel Schaldemose, Parliament Magazine

Last Chance to tell European Commission: Say No to Hormone Disrupting Chemicals!
Access to EU Online Consultation in 7 languages made available by coalition of NGOs called EDC Free
06.01.2015 | EDC Free Coalition

Willst Du hormonell wirksame Chemikalien?
Ein Beitrag auf über die Kampagne „Stoppt hormonell wirksame Chemikalien“

Willst Du hormonell wirksame Chemikalien?
Ein Bericht auf über die Kampagne „Stoppt hormonell wirksame Chemikalien“

Sagen Sie Nein zu hormonverändernden Chemikalien!
NGOs bieten einfachen Weg für Bürger, um an der EU Anhörung zu EDCs teilzunehmen

NGOs offer easy way for citizens to tell EU to stop exposures to hormone disrupting chemicals
The EDC-Free Europe coalition has launched an easy to use online platform to ‘Say NO to hormone disrupting chemicals’.
03.12.2014 | EDC free coalition

Open letter to EC President Juncker: Protecting public health from hormone disrupting chemicals
19 organisations working in the EDC Free Europe campaign wrote to the president of the European Commission to urge him to take action against EDCs
20.11.2014 | WECF

NGO trainings by WECF on how to work at EU and international level
As part of the Baltinfohaz LIFE project targeted support was given to Baltic NGOs to enable them to take part in international negotiations

NGOs from across Europe, which are part of the coalition, have collaborated to explain what the options provided in the consultation mean, from their point and view, and have prepared standard answers that could be submitted by ordinary people. This has been done because “the European Commission has made the public consultation very technical, and seems uninterested in the public opinion on hormone disrupting chemicals,” the NGOs say.

“This is not some obscure technical issue – this is where public health protection starts,” says Genon K Jensen of the EDC-Free Europe secretariat. “If the European Commission picks the wrong criteria, they will miss the chance to govern both in the public interest, and in the best interest of industry,” she adds. Ms Jensen noted that catching and phasing out all chemicals with hormone disrupting properties will stimulate innovation and competitiveness in the European chemical industry, agricultural sector and beyond.
Further Information: