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UK government wants to expand nuclear industry

Critics say it's too expensive, too slow to stop climate change, and a terrorist threat

21.12.2005 |Sascha Gabizon

On the morning that Tony Blair announced a new energy review for the UK, which he hopes will usher in a new era of nuclear power - nef's policy director, Andrew Simms squared up to Sir Bernard Ingham on Radio 4's Today Programme to present a compelling case against the nuclear option. "Promoted as the answer to climate change and energy security, it is neither. As a response to global warming, it is too slow, too expensive and too limited. And, in an age of terrorist threats and creeping proliferation, think Iran, it is more of a risk than a solution."

For the full story go to the BBC webpage.

And, a little earlier in the month, nef revealed the true costs of nuclear energy in the Financial Times:"If Britain's energy policy was like the Grand National, nuclear power would fall at virtually every fence. But somehow, irrationally, race stewards from the sector and the Department of Trade and Industry seem to have dragged its prospects to within sight of government backing to build new generating capacity."

For more information got to First News.