Major threat to Lake Sevan Armenia - WECF sent letter of concern
Strategic stock of fresh water for Armenian population is threatened by mining industry
15.10.2008 |Chantal van den Bossche
Women in Europe for a Common Future together with its Armenian partners Ecolur and AWHHE, has send a letter to all Armenian embassies, the Armenian government and president, European foreign Ministries and MEP's concerned, in which we express our concerns about a major threat to Lake Sevan in Armenia.
Lake Sevan is a strategic stock of fresh water for Armenia and the whole Caucasus region. The basin of Sevan Lake is also a unique ecosystem of a dozens of plants and animals that are included in the Red Data Book. Apart from that Lake Sevan is the only recreational zone in Armenia. We are very concerned about the possible ecological and human catastrophe in the region as the International Drinking Water Reservoir Lake SEVAN is threatened by Geopromining LTD activities