Countdown to Copenhagen: Don't nuke the climate
Anti-Nuke-Action during UNFCCC Climate Change Talks in Bonn, organized by Ecodefense, Gendercc, Life and WECF
08.06.2009 |WECF Press Release / Karin Adolph
Tuesday, 08 of June 09, 9 – 10 a.m., Maritim Hotel, Bonn:
Banner rally in front of the Maritim Hotel against any attempt to finance nuclear power through market mechanisms like CDM/JI and technology transfer
Bonn, 08.06.2009 – With a spectacular action Ecodefense, Gendercc, Life and WECF e.V. - Women in Europe for a Common Future will call attention to their claim to keep out nuclear power from the Clean Development Mechanism as a possible solution to climate protection.
With banners, saying"No Nuclear in CDM, JI and technology transfer" and "More Equity in Climate Protection" the activists from Russia, Georgia, Germany and the USA will be standing in front of the Maritim Hotel, where the UNFCCC talks take place, and ask the delegates for an intelligent and sustainable use of climate change without nuclear power.
The protesters want to express their concerns that in the coming months, the world's governments will decide whether nuclear energy is a possible alternative for the CDM, the technology transfer, its successors, or any other financial mechanisms, under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
The action is organized by Ecodefense, Gendercc, Life and WECF e.V. - Women in Europe for a Common Future - and is particularly interesting for photojournalists.
Contacts on-site:
Sabine Bock, WECF Germany, +4917622827465
Vladimir Sliviyak, Ecodefense Russia, (english and russian speaking), Russia,, +491624860071
Press contact:
Karin Adolph, Public Relations,
Tel 089 2323938-19
Mobil 0163 7396345,
WECF, St.-Jakobs-Platz 10, 80331 Munich, 089 2323938-0,
Press Release in German:
Dienstag, 09.06.09, 9.00 – 10.00 Uhr, Maritim Hotel, Bonn:
Anti-Atomkraft-Aktion bei den UNFCCC-Gesprächen zum Klimawandel in Bonn
Internationale Nichtregierungsorganisationen rufen mit einer spektakulären Aktion vor dem Maritim Hotel zum Handeln auf, um Kernkraft aus dem Clean Development Mechanism herauszuhalten..
Vollständige Presseankündigung auf Deutsch (pdf)