WECF pushes for stronger Toys Safety Directive
Slightly optimitic outcome of WECF press conference on toys safety at European Parliament this January
25.01.2012 |WECF
Following a press conference and toys test on-site in the European Parliament organised by Women in Europe for a Common Future (WECF) end of January, WECF says there are indications that political will is increasing to enhance the European Toys Safety Directive.
Despite the new Toys Safety Directive, many toys in the EU still contain a high concentration of hazardous chemicals such as phthalates, brominated flame retardants and heavy metals. Children in Europe are at risk of having retarded brain development or developing cancers later in life due to low-dose childhood exposure to hazardous substances, if the legislations on toys, pesticides, cosmetics and chemicals are not improved.
WECF reports that there are indications that the Danish EU presidency is interested in reviewing the Toys Safety Directive, and that the European Commission is planning to revise the limits for lead in toys.
WECF calls for toxic-free toys in Europe and highlights eight problems with the current Toys Safety Directive.
However, there are indications that political will is increasing to enhance the directive but still we see many problems regarding chemicals in toys as unfortunately we have not heard any new measures taken by the industry.
Wolfgang Doring testing toys at the European Parliament
Many toys in the EU still contain hazardous substances and the Toys Safety Directive still needs to be improved. Join the discussion about the possibilities how to phase out chemicals of concern that can be harmful to children’s health. Children are still not safe and consumers still have not sufficient information.
Taking part in the press conference were Michèle Rivasi, Member of European Parliament and Member of ITRE Commission, Wolfgang Döring, Biologist, Label Spiel Gut and Anne Barre, President of WECF France
Elisabeth Ruffinengo, WECF: elisabeth.ruffinengo@wecf.eu, +33 450 49 97 38
Célia Fontaine, Les Verts / ALE: celia.fontaine@europarl.europa.eu, +33 687 28 59 89
- Learn more about WECF activities in the field of Chemicals and Health.
- Read more about Toys Safety here.
- Download practical WECF guide Safe Toys.
- Download WECF position paper and Problems with toys briefing.
- At our website www.projectnesting.org you can find more information about how to create a toxic free environment for your baby.
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