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WHO Europe underlines importance of global EDC resolution

Environmental origins of increase in endocrine diseases demand more attention

14.04.2014 |

According to the WHO, the environmental origin of the increase in endocrine diseases and disorders is addressed inadequately worldwide. With their recent publication, Identification of risks from exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals at the country level, the organisation wants to encourage international activities to protect individuals from potential harm associated with exposure to endocrine disruptors (EDC’s).

The report assesses current programmes regarding EDC’s in Denmark, France, Japan, South Korea and the US. On the basis of this evaluation, the WHO calls for the development of national policy, and the expansion of information networks for the exchange of information between countries, scientists and stakeholders. Also programmes that analyze the combined effects of poor nutrition, poor living conditions and exposure to EDC’s are considered necessary according to the WHO.  Additionally the organisation would like to see EDC’s included among the policy issues that SAICM (Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management) deals with.

The publication intends to supply examples of measures for countries that have failed to take action on the subject of EDC’s. 

- WHO Europe: Identification of risks from exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals at the country level (2014)