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Women’s Major Group Position Paper - compilation of policy recommendations

Compilation of the WMG policy recommendations on monitoring and Means of Implementation for the Post-2015 Sustainable Development Agenda


Women comprise the majority of people living in poverty; are the majority of informal and agricultural workers and workers in vulnerable or precarious forms of employment; bear the burden of unpaid care work; are denied equal ownership of and access to economic resources, including land and finance; and are denied equality in decision-­‐making in most facets of political, economic and social life. 

Trade,  Debt  and  Tax  are  not  genderneutral. As the OECD points out, “women account for roughly half of the world’s population, but…comprise the majority of the poor and excluded.”1 Worldwide seven out of ten people.
living below the poverty line (US$1.25 per day) are women; the same is true for seven out of ten people dying from starvation.2 The feminization of poverty is a direct result of the current economic model which is predicated on power imbalances.
Means of implementation are therefore not gender neutral; they will reinforce or challenge the current economic and political structures that are at the root of gender inequality and violations of women’s human rights.  

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Compilation document Women’s  Major    Group  - Policy  statements -  
Means  of    Implementation    and    Monitoring for  the Post 2015    Sustainable    Development    Agenda