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WECF charity concert in Zaltbommel church for the people of Prislop big succes

930 euro was raised to give the children of Prislop a new roof. Donate now so that we can help more Prislop fathers repairing the leaking roofs of the houses in this Romanian settlement

08.03.2009 | Chantal van den Bossche

WECF organiseerde 7 maart een benefietconcert voor de reparatie van lekkende daken in het Roemeense gehucht Prislop, in de Sint Martinuskerk in Zaltbommel. De talentvolle, virtuoze jonge violist Razvan Stoica en pianiste Andrea Stoica musiceerden voor het benefiet concert.

Onze hartelijke dank gaat uit naar alle concert bezoekers die een bijdrage aan deze actie leverden, naar de organisatoren van het concert  en in het bijzondere bedanken wij de Roemeense musici Andrea and Valcan Stoica die door hun vrijwillige medewerking dit concert mogelijk maakten.
De opbrengsten van het concert waren geweldig, namelijk 930 euro. De gehele opbrengst zal voor de vervanging  van  lekkende daken van vier arme Roma families met kinderen in Prislop  besteed worden.  Door een geld-inzamelactie die tijdens de kersttijd in Duitsland plaatsvond, is het mogelijk om in totaal de daken van  10 families te vervangen. Daardoor zullen minstens 40 bewoners in Prislop een droog woon/slaap verblijf krijgen en wordt het aantal te repareren daken verminderd van ca. 40 naar 30 stuks.

De reparatie van de daken is gepland voor vroege zomer, in een tijd dat de Prislopers nog niet in de bossen trekken om bosaardbeien te verzamelen.
Meer informatie over het Prislop project
wecf@wecf,eu Contact:

Razvan Stoica uit Roemenie heeft zowel in Duitsland als Nederland de laatste tijd al enige bekendheid gekregen. Hij won in September 2008 een internationaal concours voor jonge violisten in Salzburg en kreeg als prijs van de Bank of Austria een Stradivarius viool in bruikleen. Hij werd op de piano begeleid door zijn zuster Andreea Soica, eveneens een zeer begaafd musicus.De beide mucisi gaven gratis hun medewerking aan dit concert, evenals alle organisatoren. Ook de Martinus kerk werd gratis ter beschikking gesteld. De gehele opbrengst van het concert is bestemd voor ondersteuning van arme Roma families in een Roemeens dorp. Aan allen die het concert bijwonen wordt een bijdrage gevraagd om dakbedekkingsmateriaal te kopen voor het vervangen van de lekkende daken in het Roma dorpje Prislop.

On March the 7th WECF organised a charity concert in the St. Martinus church in the Dutch town of Zaltbommel in collaboration with the talented, young Romanian virtuoso violinist Razvan Stoica. The benefit concert will take place from 2 pm till 4 pm in the St. Martin Catholic Church, at the Olie Straat in Zaltbommel.

Razvan Stoica of Romania has gained a name for himself both in Germany and the Netherlands recently. He won an international competition for young violinists in Salzburg, Austria, in September 2008 and was awarded with a price by the Bank of Austria;  a Stradivarius violin on loan. He is accompanied on piano by his sister Andreea Soica, also a very gifted musicus. Both musicians will cooperate free of charge, as well as the organisers. The entire proceeds of the concert are intended to support poor Roma families in Prislop. All who attend the concert will be asked to donate money with which WECF can buy  roofing materials to repair the leaking roofs in the Romanian village of Prislop.

For only 12 Euro you donate one roofing sheet, with one roof needing about 20 sheets, many small gifts can help poor families to sleep under a dry roof. Until you see it with your own eyes, it is difficult to believe that such poverty exists in the European Union . Prislop is a small Roma settlement in Romania of approximately 120 tiny houses, most of them no better than huts. The village is situated in Transsylvania, in the region of Sibiu, and is very isolated from any other settlement.

The people of Prislop do not even own the land, this belongs to the municipality of another village. It is a settlement of very poor living conditions.

This is our story
We go to school, but the difficult conditions at home mean that doing our homework is often impossible. In our tiny houses, we cook, eat and sleep together in one small room. Our roofs are leaking. Everywhere around us we put tins and jars to catch the leaking rainwater. We often have coughs and become ill in winter. We cannot dry our laundry, it has to be hung in the yard. We regularly have to skip school because we have no dry clothing.

Houses are in urgent need of repair
The tiny one or two room–houses in Prislop are made of wooden beams, covered with a layer of clay. The roofs of most houses are covered with tar paper. Very few are covered with roof tiles. Because the people have such a low income, many huts are in a very poor condition: leaking roofs and damp foundations, broken windows and holes in the wooden walls. Families in Prislop have no financial means to buy the materials needed for repair, owing to their hand-to-mouth existence. Their chief source of income is gathering berries and mushrooms and making brooms, which they used to sell in Sibiu. But now the modernising town does not allow street sellers anymore. Roma people are socially excluded and find it hard to get jobs. When they do manage to get work, the pay is very low and is used for urgent needs such as food and medicines.

What WECF has done to help so far
Thanks to gifts from Dutch private donors totalling 2200 Euro, WECF could start a project to repair 10 out of the 80 leaking roofs. For one small house at least 20 sheets of strong roof covering are needed. One sheet costs about 12 Euro and has a guaranteed lifetime of 25 years. This grassroots initiative was locally organised by a committed woman from the nearby city. The house owners do all the work themselves

Help Prislop to break the vicious cycle of poverty
WECF would like to expand this small-scale project to give all the villagers of Prislop a chance to improve their living conditions. Help us to provide roofs for 70 more houses. Giving these people the materials to build themselves a new roof means breaking the vicious circle of poverty. Children will be able to do their homework, they will be healthier, they can visit their school regularly, they will be able to go to a higher level school in town, and this will maximise their eventual chances of finding a job.

What you can do! Donate or ask friends or family to donate the cost of one or more roofing sheets.

All the donations go straight into the roofs. For 12 Euros we can buy one roofing sheet. For one roof we need at least 20 roofing sheets or 240 Euro. Bank account numbers for tax deductible donations: Please, mention: Donation Prislop roofing project

The Netherlands:

  • Women in Europe for a Common Future, WECF
  • Account Number: 435 42 99 14
  • IBAN: NL 84 ABNA 0435429914

Germany: Women in Europe for a Common Future, WECF e.V.

  • Account Number 13 1390 50
  • Bank code 701 500 00
  • IBAN: DE68 7015 0000 0013 1390 50 Banc: Stadtsparkasse München

    More information on the Prislop project
    wecf@wecf,eu Contact:

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