Become a WECF Member
Become a WECF Member
Download the membership form as a word document.
Why join WECF?
- WECF builds capacity and supports members with local improvement projects and policy advocacy activities
- WECF informs its members about key developments in the areas of women’s rights, environment, health and sustainable development
- WECF supports with fundraising to involve its members in international policy making
- WECF provides members with access to an international policy meetings and network of experts
- WECF supports with fundraising to work with members on joint projects for women’s rights, health, environment and sustainable development
Who can join WECF?
Full members of the WECF network
Civil non-profit organisations (NGOs) with a legal status that endorse the mission and objectives of the WECF network can become a full member. When NGOs with a broader mission cannot or do not want to become a member themselves but have working groups and committees that have a specific focus on women’s rights, sustainable development and environment issues and endorse the mission and objectives of WECF, these working groups or committees can become full member of the network with a voting right.
Individuals such as scientists working at scientific institutions or professional experts working for NGOs that are not a member organisation of WECF, who endorse the WECF mission and objectives and want to contribute to the work of WECF, can also become full members, however there is a restriction to their voting rights in comparison with member organisations.
Associate members
Organisations that adhere to the mission and objectives but for some reason cannot or do not (yet) want to become a full member or cannot (yet) be accepted by the Steering Committee as a full member, can become an associate member. Associate members have the right to participate in WECF meetings and activities and to receive WECF information, but have no voting rights.
Honorary members
Honorary members are individual persons to whom the association wishes to confer this status for their moral support or actual work they contributed. They will have the same voting rights as other individual members.
Membership Application
Membership Contributions
WECF asks members to contribute to the administrative costs of co-ordinating the network activities (e.g. informing members about important events, new research and opportunities, organising conference calls, joint actions, etc.). Contributions can be financial or "in kind" contributions (i.e. donation of your time to help with work, translations, events, etc.)
All member organisations are asked to commit to the Code of Conduct of WECF, and to sign a Memorandum of Understanding in which it agrees to cooperate and share experience with other network member organisations.
Full Members
Organisations from the EU / OECD: | 100 Euros per year or "in kind" |
Organisations from the CEE / NIS: | 25 Euros per year or "in kind" |
Individual members
Donation according to one's means.
Associate Members
Organisations from the EU / OECD: | 25 Euros per year or "in kind" |
Organisations from the CEE / NIS: | 25 Euros per year or "in kind" |
How to become a member or associate member?
In order to become a member, an organisation or individual will have to sign and submit a completed membership application form, implying that they agree with the mission and goals of the WECF Network.
The Steering Committee will need to approve new members. In case the application form is submitted by email, the WECF office will send a confirmation letter back that has to be signed by a legal representation of the organisation or - in case of an individual member - by this person, and has to be returned to the WECF office in the Netherlands.
Ending the membership
If a member decides to cancel the membership, this can be done by notifying the Steering Committee through the WECF office.
The Committee (in consultation with the Board of WECF) will also be responsible for dismissing members, if their activities are deemed to be harmful to the objectives of WECF.
Membership rights and obligations
The General Assembly of the WECF network
The General Assembly of WECF will be held once in every two or three years, and depending on sufficient funding being available, members can be partly or fully reimbursed for travel and accommodation depending on the financial situation of their organisation. Members do not have to attend the General Assembly in person.
Each organisation (or working group or committee) that is a full member has one vote at the General Assembly. Individual full members can also vote but the total of their votes in any meeting cannot be more then 50 % of the votes cast by member organisations (including committees and working groups).
A member who cannot be present at the assembly, can mandate its vote to a proxy in writing who has to be representing another member. No delegate shall cast more than 5 votes.
Rules and regulations
The membership can propose changes or additions to rules and regulations in any and all matters in connection with the activities of the WECF network.
The elected International Advisory Board (IAB) will then determine new or changed rules subject to the legal authority of the Board. The rules and regulations may not contain provisions contrary to the bylaws of the WECF Foundation.
WECF Working Groups
The members of the network can form long term or ad hoc working groups within the network, to collaborate on specific issues or to prepare common visions and policy input.
The projects and activities undertaken by each working group must be in accordance with the mission and goals of WECF and with the policy and planned work of the WECF network, as agreed by the IAB. WECF aims to raise funds to support the work of the working groups. Members are also invited to help with fundraising for the activities of their working group.
WECF coordination and support
WECF is a non-profit, non-governmental-organisation, coordinated from the Netherlands, Germany and France and with offices in Switzerland and Georgia. WECF receives financial support from foundations and private and institutional donors.
- Join WECF and help to strengthen the position of women from environmental and health organisations in their local work and international policy making.
- Join WECF so that the network has a stronger voice at international policy meetings.
- Join WECF to facilitate funding for joint projects with members.
Download (Word): Membership Form - Membership Rules