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French fries high in acrylamide

A study points out that efforts should be continued to reduce intake of acrylamide in adolescents.

03.04.2013 |Food and Chemical Toxicology, 43(3)

A Canadian study indicates that deep fried French fries are the main source for acrylamide intake in adolescents’ diet.

Followed by potato chips and oven baked French fries as other main sources, deep fried French fries still account for 50% of the daily acrylamide intake. Comparing food frequency and acrylamide exposure revealed that despite occasional consumption of French fries, the overall exposure to acrylamide was still very high, due to food’s high content of acrylamide.

The study also showed that the level of acrylamide was close to genotoxic bench mark limits. Genotoxicity is the damaging of the cell information, which can lead to cancerous cells. This indicates that efforts need to be continued to raise awareness of acrylamide and reduce its daily intake in average diets, since acrylamide is suspected to contribute to the cause of cancer. The European Chemical Agency has already added acrylamide to the list of substances of very high concern, since March 2010.

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